“On Day 8 she [Kaitlyn] told me I was her Soulmate” – Fes

POV: FES Next POV: July 28th
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony July 30th
HOH: Sam Next HOH: July 26th
Noms: Kaitlyn and Haleigh Rockstar Have Nots Scottie, Rachel, Bayeligh, Kaycee

Big Brother Spoilers I’m sticking by Kaitlyn getting evicted.. I haven’t heard a pro Kailtyn conversation all morning and the major person wanting to get ROCKS out was Rachel and that’s not the case anymore.

10:35am (Just assume Kaitlyn is 100% baby talk today)
BRett – good morning.. two peas in a pod this morning.. look at us.. we’re connected./

Second guy..

Does anyone think he looks like a golden retriever in the monring.. c’m it’s tim to walk up.. we have celebrating to do it’s a big birthday today..
Kaitlyn – good morning america…

10:38am Rachel and Angela
Rachel about Kaitlyn – She’s been f*ing with them real f*ing bad like with him BAD.. (FEs)
Rachel- using like emotional things..
Angel – I know these things
Rachel says Kaitlyn went to Haleigh to tell her that Angela is going around saying that Haleigh isn’t voting For Kaitlyn

10:42am Bay and ROCK
Bay telling her she thinks she’s safe.. “Don’t question my vote”
Rock goes on about girl power and how BAY needs to get to the end to complete the mission.

10:50am Rachel and ROCSKTAR
Rachel – You’re good
Rockstar thank you
Rachel – I talked to Angela
Rockstar – thank you thank you
Rachel – I trust you
RS – truly
Rachel – I definitely trust you

11:06am getting the hair dyed..

Where’s fes?

11:21am for some reason they think this is the first season that Big Brother is aired in Canada..
ROCK – I love Canada..
Kaycee – I’ve always wanted to go to Canada
Sam – Shout out Alberta.. on the pipe line.. (lol of course)
They list off some major cities.. Vancouver.. Ontario, Toronto, Quebec, Niagara falls

Rockstar claims that prostitution is regulated in Canada (no it’s not)
Sam – GROSS.. I mean to each their own.. (LOL of course)
Sam – I’m surprised that’s a legal thing
they chit chat about drug legalization.
Sam says everywhere she lives has a real big drug problem..

11:27am Fes and Tyler
T – I think everyone will vote the same way from what i’ve heard
F – lets get one story straight .. if this story is the same on your end than this is freaky a$$ sh1t
F – On day 8 this girl told me I was her soulmate.. Kaitlyn is awesome but she’s not my type.. The fact that she’s saying this.. what the f* did I do to make her think that..
Fes – then I see her with you talking under the covers.. I was like WHAT.. I gotta talk to this dude cause I’m pretty sure she’s telling this dude the same thing
F- Those were her words soulmate..
F – I won the veto she was trying to get me to use it on her she was like
Fes explains that HAleigh was like I’ll understand if you don’t use it on me.
Fes – Kaitlyn, No kailtyn was saying all sorts of stuff.. You know it’s different for me.. you know how I feel
Tyler – she’s saying the same shit to me
Fes – that’s f*ed up..
Tyler says Kailtyn told him that it was Fes coming onto her
Fes – Tyler she’s not my type…

Fes – I dnt’ have feelsing for her
Tyler – I don’t either
Fes – On day 8 she said I am her soulmate..

Fes- I told her I don’t want to be the one to get in between you and your boyfriend.. that was my nice way of saying it
FES – She told me don’t be scared.. (ZOMG.. )
Tyler – that’s f*ed up ..

They both talk about how she would take off her mic and put the pillow in front of her face when she told them all this sh1t
Feeds cut…

11:33am Fes and JC
Fes says everyone is voting Kailtyn out.. He talked to Rachel last night for 2 hours and told her all the messed up sh1t kailtyn’s been doing.

12:01pm Haleigh tells her about Swaggy forming the week 1 allaince and it falling apart.

12:06pm Sam and Fes
Sam – I just don’t want to break a tie

12:13pm Rachel and Kaycee
Rachel “Kailtyn oh my god there’s so much.. the manipulation she’s been doing to them.. I mean emotionally.. ”
Rachel mentions how Katelyn was lying to Fes saying she threw the competition so they both would be safe. Rachel says she never threw the competition she was sitting right next to her.
Rachel – she told him day 8 I’ve never felt this way before you are my Soulmate.. to him on day 8
kaycee – really
Kaycee – yo .. she needs to relax and go..

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103 thoughts to ““On Day 8 she [Kaitlyn] told me I was her Soulmate” – Fes”

  1. The feeds are hopping today, as we expected. After 5 full flips of the vote (that I counted) I’ve heard pretty much all of the HGs say Kaitlyn is going.

    It looks like it will be unanimous. How will Kaitlyn react to that? LOL

    I have this feeling she will have a fire in her belly to accomplish the task, get back in, and light that house up. Hide the lighter, Sam. Kaitlyn could torch the place.

    *humming to the Talking Heads*

    1. I’m sure her spirits already told her she’s leaving and coming back and winning HOH and winning the whole game! Sight!

    2. No Granny, get her the lighter and quickly! Burn it down, Kaitlyn! Bahahaha, can’t wait!!! Best season in YEARS!! (also thanks for the ear worm) 😉

    3. Here’s your ticket pack your bag
      Time for jumpin’ overboard
      The transportation is here
      Close enough but not too far,
      Maybe you know where you are
      Fightin’ fire with fire

        1. Granny I’m glad you get to see the eviction before your trip..(The song Burnin down the house is in my head. Don’t you leave on your cruise soon? Have fun and be safe…you’ll have lots of catching up to do when you get back.:)

    4. I have the opposite feeling, she will be so devastated with such a large vote against her that she won’t want to come back. She’ll get into one of her major breakdowns and be unable to concentrate on anything but rejection, especially Tyler and Fess.

      1. I had thought about that as well.. What if she gets voted out they all act surprised and they tell her a power was used.. LOL She’s willing to believe anything.

    5. Hey Granny, Thanks for Counting! lol.. I had 2 flips to deal with in one day it was enough.

      Another Eviction that reminds me of today .. kinda.. was when Nick UHAUS (or whatever his name was) from BB15. There was a flip like moments before the feeds were cut for the show.

      I’m fully expecting Kaitlyn to come back and this entire weekend to be AWESOME!

      1. Yeah, I’m almost as dizzy as Rachel….no telling how many other flips there were that we didn’t catch! Big Brother let them sleep until 10:15, so I think even production got lightheaded. Did you notice how often HGs were being called into the diary room? I think they had non-stop interviews trying to keep up. This season is crazy good!

        I don’t leave until Sunday morning, so I’ll be glued to feeds until then!

        1. Enjoy the cruise Ganny mine is end of August hope count is right and finally is after I come back. As to burning down house Sam will use the heat to weld a veto medal ? for protection lol.

  2. So IF Kaitlyn is evicted and IF it’s unanimous, she HAS to win her way back…and HAS to win HOH.

    Team Chaos…

  3. In the words of Ozzy Osbourne…..Kaitlyn will be going off the rails of a crazy train (come tonights eviction)

    I would have rather seen RockWall get evicted, Kaitlyn might be nuts but she adds some spice to the game

    It’s taken since BB14 but we FINALLY have a good season again !

    1. For Me BB17 was the last one I can say was fun to watch. This one is all the way round a great fun season.. Suck kinda cause I haven’t had a kraken in a long time 🙁

      1. NOOOO – Don’t Jinx it!!!! Just switch to a different beverage for the time being… a nice dark ale maybe.

          1. Please stay away from the Kraken, for I fear the return of Paul if you do. If you need a good replacement Bumbu is delicious, but hard to come by.

              1. Yeah, I’ve had it here in Alberta, a friend had it, but every store I go to is sold out and then I went to BC and the BC Liquor Store carries it, but was sold out.

  4. This is messed up. A week ago I was feeling bad for Kaitlyn and thinking that Tyler’s a d-bag but now I’m doing a 180. Tyler is awesome for even keeping a straight face. Kaitlyn is confessing her love to two different guys while having a boyfriend for 5 years. Her whole obsession with Tyler’s dad is also creeping me out.

    Kaitlyn was never this way with me in high school.

    BTW I’m a hardcore Tyler fan now!!!!!!

  5. There’s an old saying about ‘chickens’ and ‘roosting’. Kaitlyn has several people in the house who don’t care for her, but her biggest enemy is her own mouth…… she’d be staying had she donned a muzzle yesterday.

    That being said, there’s no way in hell the show will allow her to leave tonight…… the TV is just too good. Her re-entry after a unanimous vote should be pretty entertaining.

    1. While her mouth is doing her no favors. It’s her actions that have torpedoed her game. You can’t flip on your alliance week one then backdoor the alliance leader the next week and then expect to stay.

      1. I hear ya d…, and I agree with you. But the fact of the matter is, up until yesterday, she WAS going to do exactly THAT! The votes were lined up for her to stay (not gonna say she lined them up, because she didn’t), and then her paranoia and mouth got in the way, people started re-thinking things, and everything flipped……..again. The sad thing is IF she walks out of that “house” and stays out, she will blame everyone but herself for her demise. For someone who is supposed to be clairvoyant, she sure is a dimwit.

      2. Yuppers! Last time I saw someone shoot their alliance in the foot like that was during BBCAN5 Sindy with an S had just won the HOH and nomianted Emily an Dillion. Jackie won the veto used iton Emily. As a replacement Sindy is talked into by IKA to put up a crucial member of her alliance. Neda. I think Sindy was evicted the following week By Dillion the person she saved..

  6. Any guesses on what the “chance” is? I didn’t think they showed the evicted houseguests their GMs if there is a battle back.

    1. Solo puzzle comp by evicted house guest prob in power app room NO Battleback as all previous house guests are at home n on social media doing live interviews n live chats…

      1. This is my understanding as well. For sure nobody evicted already is coming back. I’m betting the puzzle to be really easy.. like how many boys are the Big BRother house .

    2. Julie talked about it on ET. she goes upstairs to app room has to complete a challenge if she fails out the front door, if she wins she stays in the house.

  7. Simon & Dawg —- I just wanted to say thanks. I appreciate all of the time and effort you guys put forth, filling in the blanks, to keep us BB fans up to date. I love the comments and the opportunity to add my 2 cents (even if no one reads them)!

    I donated to the cause and would encourage others to follow suit.

    1. Ohh And I forgot to add.. I read your comments as well. When it’s busy I don’t get to them but times like right now that’s comment reading time for me.

  8. BBTime 12:19 – 12:40 Sam flips out over the broken toilet seat……then recovers. And I am so impressed with how Brett, Haleigh, and Angela just listened. They didn’t add to it…just let her vent. What’s funny is that Sam makes a prophetic statement about how people can carelessly destroy something then get voted out and not even have to deal with the mess that’s left. She leaves the bathroom then comes back after discovering it was Kaitlyn who “accidentally” broke the toilet seat. The stress has definitely gotten to Sam. She may implode.

    Kait’s eviction is set in stone…I mean porcelain.

    1. So it looks like either Crazy Kat or Box o Rocks will be in jury…..that is, if Crazy wins the eviction comp. Yikes!

      I agree that Sam is losing it. Downhill slide. Maybe she’ll recover somewhat after the pressure of HOH is gone. But I’ve lost a lot of faith in her.

      Can’t wait for tonite’s show!

      1. No.. there is 2 evictions to jury .
        They can still be both out before jury .. espically if one of them dont come back. And even if so .. they can be the next two out .
        Prob not.. i feel like they both gotta end up there. But there is a “chance” theyre not.

    2. WTH. How could she “accidentally” break a toilet seat? Maybe she was jumping on it trying to summon her vision…….. What happened to yoga and nameste?

    3. Thanks Granny! I missed that. sam is totally pissed right now. If she has to break a tie.. MAN it might beat “own it” for BB20 live show fun.

      1. Sam told 5 different people last night that it better not be a tie. I was laughing so hard because with each one, Sam was more and more intense. She’s tried so hard to stay out of the drama, and now she’s smack in the middle of it. Could this get any better? Love it!!!!

  9. In regards to HandjobGate…I read this somewhere and thought I’d share it with my OBB friends….

    “Obviously Brett’s aura slipped down to his penis and Kaitlyn is just trying to help him move it back to its proper location. What is the world coming to when you can’t even give a friend a penile aura adjustment without people gossiping?”

    I don’t know the person’s name, otherwise I would attribute it to him/her…but my stomach hurt from laughing so hard. :p

      1. Did u notice in the veto comp…the question was “were you chopped more or spanked more?” Kaitlyn answered “bonked.” HA

  10. I really hope whoever is evicted is successful with the buyback challenge. Kaitlyn in the house next week would be amazing especially if she won HoH. They’d have to shoot her with a tranq at some point.

  11. If Swaggy wins a battle back (if there is one)……..I would rather Kaitlyn be left in the house to deal with his wrath. I think Rocksalt is boring and even though I don’t care for Kaitlyn, she is fun to watch! And I really wanted to see her reaction to the split vote and the possibility that her “soul mate” sent her packing!

    1. There is no battle back! we as the viewers would know so and Julie wouldn’t have given any of those evicted, information about the votes if they had a chance to come back.

  12. I can’t believe I am about to say this but I actually feel a little bad for Kaitlyn. She thinks she is staying so it’s going to suck when she finds out that no one voted for her. I, personally, would rather Rockstar go.

    I am starting to not like Fes……He is saying all this stuff to Kaitlyn’s face and even saying in the DR that she is his best friend but yet he is going to vote her out. He promised her that he would use the VETO on her, he even shook her hand with she asked if he would save her. I know he is still heated about the whole Swaggy thing BUT it’s not like she backdoor HIM. Yeah, it hurt his game but he was still in the game. IMO, what he is doing to her is worst than her sending Swaggy packing.

    1. I feel Sorry for Kailtyn to the point where she’s acted poorly and even though it’s been fun for us to watch.. she probably isn’t in the right mind to be on this show.

      For me I love the madness Kailtyn brings so I’m there with you wanting her to stay over ROCKS. Lucky for us there’s a power 🙂

    2. Kelly I get what your saying. My impression is that nobody can be honest with Kaitlyn. She pushes her agenda and is rude when anyone responds. Even in her speech to Sam she was condescending. She has totally brought it on herself. She rolled the dice and gambled. Now it’s coming back to bite her. She is truly delusional.

      1. Oh I definitely think she brought this on herself and she drives me crazy with all the tears and crazy and the fact that she can’t take responsible for what she does or admit when she is wrong. I agree, she is delusional….and it’s odd to me that even after all that there is still a small part of me that feels bad…….

    3. I think he’s just trying to separate personal from game..he’s just not very good at it. I think outside the house he will be friends with her.

  13. It would be funny if everyone gave her a pity vote “just in care she comes back and she won’t come after me because I tried to save her” then Rockstar gets evicted instead lol

  14. OMFG, what the hell is wrong with Kaitlyn? Telling both Fessy and Tyler she has feelings for them and knowing she’s in a five year relationship with her boyfriend (rumor has it that her boyfriend had enough of her antics)! And saying that crap about Tyler’s deceased father want them both to stay in the house together and be Final Two?! Tyler and Fessy…you’re in danger, fellas and all I have to say is, “Nurse, she’s out of her room again!”

    1. I was re-watching some live clips of youtube. Why does nobody mention the fact that Bayleigh is always laying in bed with Brett and even told Rockstar that she wants to be with Brett, not Fessie, yet she keeps on cuddling Fessie too? Don’t like either of them now. Play the game, don’t use your body to do it. That goes for the men too!

  15. WOW! Thanks for the updates Simon. Tonight should be good.

    I wonder if they’ll show Kaitlyn’s twisted method of gaining votes (batting her eyes and doing baby talk for the guys (insert eye-roll, puking face here). I guess that’s what she thinks is an empowered woman.

    Fes and Tyler comparing notes is hilarious. It only takes 8 days to become a soulmate? Ha ha ha. I hope they say something to her about it during the live show to rattle her cage before her CHANCE to come back into the game.

  16. Mental illness is no joke! Maybe big brother needs to put a disclaimer if Krazy Kaitlyn comes back into the house.

  17. O….M….G…., that bimbo, Haleigh, is at it again. I cannot believe she crawled up under Brett’s arm while he was sleeping!!

    I really hope Sam is jotting this down for future reference as Haleigh obviously learned nothing from the nomination speech.

  18. I think Kaitlyn’s a goner. I wonder if Swaggy or her boyfriend Joe will be in the audience.

  19. I’m all about evicting Kaitlyn. She REALLY needs to go. However, if she does come back it’s going to be all about her hurt feelings, noone loves her… basically being the victim…she does it well. She will try to manipulate and make her “supporters” feel guilty. No doubt some of the HGs will fall for it. She is truly a pain in the ass, but she is manipulative and not stupid. I just hope she goes and stays gone. But…if she does come back there will be high drama in the house. Can’t wait to see what happens!!

    1. If she comes back, there will definitely be drama but I think everyone is over her. Even if she manages to stay around, if no one trusts Kaitlyn enough to work with her, she will be powerless. I suppose if she won HOH she would have a temporary reprieve but wouldn’t the other hamsters just try and use her to do their dirty work then be done with her?? ????

  20. I really hope the vote would be unanimous to vote out Kaitlyn but I think Tyler is going to throw her a vote, just in case she comes back in the game.

  21. I’m surprsied BB Twitter hasn’t come up with any outrage this week.. I’m writing up the weekly summary and that part is left blank for the first time this year!

    What is going on!!!!

  22. Ok so we all know Kaitlyn is a joke. I can’t stand Fester, the only reason he wants Hayleigh is because she’s playing hard to get. He just wants to get her and get in her pants. He used the veto on her and told her now she can’t flirt with anyone else because basically she’s now his property and she owes him. And Hayleigh is disgusting too, she used every guy she could when they were HOH to not get put on the block which is exactly what Sam was talking about. Plus she said she wants to be an “Instagram model” when she gets Kim Ks ass, Kylie’s lips, and someone other Kardashian’s boobs. These people suck!

    1. I’m afraid that Fuzzball isn’t aware that everyone can see everything he says and does. Usually when a dude acts that desperate, they’re able to hide it from all of America lol. It is sad to watch

  23. Combine a 25 year old self proclaimed life coach and a self proclaimed clairvoyant and you get a fraud

  24. Team Tyler here. He had me when Sam was a robot and he was so caring towards her when she was sad, and he said he almost cried. He has integrity and set loony toon straight when she was telling people he swore on his dads grave which is disgusting, who would do that? Oh yeah, Swaggy does that.

  25. imagine the gong show if a number of people in the house go into the diary room thinking ‘oh it’s going to be unanimous anyway, so why don’t i secretly give her a pity vote in case she comes back?’ thinking they are being sly.

  26. I wish there was a “laughing like hell” button on here. Some of these comments are killing me! Haha!

  27. so, according to JC this is the first season of big brother that Canada can see… yeah. because it took this long to figure out how to wrap tinfoil around the caribou’s antlers and wire it up to the igloo…. oi.

  28. I don’t see Katlynn not coming back even if she gets evicted. She creates the drama. Big Brother will give her a easy task and she will be back in raging at everyone who wronged her(in this case the whole house)she seriously needs a reality check. Tyler and Fed vote for she’s having a meltdown as soon as she’s back in Guenteed 2 guys just aren’t that into you and either is your own boyfriend after your antics!

  29. 100% Kaitlyn is going to be back in the house. BB has TV gold in the bank…and they couldn’t have asked for a better situation.
    Kaitlyn will NEVER just give up! Her shenanigans have been so fake.. (except she really is in love or lust with Fes)
    Otherwise she’s as fake as anything. And a liar and manipulaor. So self absorbed it boggles the mind.
    She will be hell bent for leather on revenge. BIG TIME!
    We’re in for the Kaitlyn show 24/7
    I’m here for it..but with loathing wrapped around it. It is kind of watching a train wreck. I don’t want the wreck but am compelled to watch it happen. Is it human nature or spiteful of me?

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