POV Holder: | Paulie | POV Competition | Aug 6th |
POV Used | NO! | POV Ceremony | Aug 8th |
HOH | Victor | Next HOH | Aug 11th |
Original Nomi1nations: | Michelle AND Zakiyah | ||
After POV Nominations: | Michelle AND Zakiyah | ||
Have Nots | Bridgette, James, Corey |
Watch the next week of the feeds for FREE – 1 week Trial!
1:03pm Zakiyah and PAulie Kitchen
Zakiyah – I don’t have a good feeling.. About today.. people are mad at me.. Natalie is clearly mad at me
Paulie – so what that’s because she didn’t get her way.. Sorry you’re not following her around like like a puppy dog like James, of course she’s mad at you .. Of course Bridgette is going to be mad at you she’s a feminist..
Paulie says the only reason why Bridgette is supporting Natalie’s argument is because she’s a girl, “Which to me that’s just as bad as a white person saying they support a white person argument because hey are white”
Paulie- I’ve never been raised that way i don’t f***g like that sh1t .. if you want to be closed minded that’s your prerogative
Paulie – I’m all about the empowerment of women and equal rights with all that stuff but for me to say I Support a man because they are a man support a white person because they are white or support a black person because they are black
Paulie – I’ll never in a million years do that if you’re points match up I agree with you
Paulie – if he wants to do that that’s f***g fine he’ll find himself on the f*** block next to his girl.. Zakiyah -Natalie took her skirt away from me
Paulie – she’s fake she’s a fake person..
PAulie tells her it’s normal to be nervous before a eviction if you are on the block. Ask Paul he’s been up twice. Paulie says James follows Natalie around like a little puppy dog.
Paulie tells her there is no way James is goign to turn on them.
1:15pm Paulie, Victor, Nicole, James and Corey
Paulie joking around that his game is blown up now
Paulie – If you think my game is blown up you’re outta your mind
Paule recounts last night fight with Michelle (Read this post is full of greatness)
1:23pm Victor and Corey laying together in the Tokyo room. Victor shares a dream he had last night where he had a laptop in the HOH room and was able to google things. he was a pro soccer player for Spain in this dream. They start talking about going to meet and greets making a thousand dollars for a couples hours. Corey says Nicole does meet and greats for free no way he’s doing that. Victor agrees.
1:32pm Bathroom Zakiyah and Nicole
Zakiyah – I tried to warn Paulie I think I’m going .. right now I’m not feeling too confident about it
Nicole – it depends on who James nulls votes
Zakiyah – ya.. his lady was really upset.. he might take out someone else’s lady
Nicole – I don’t think he’ll do that
I want to be confident but.. too much damage was done yesterday.. and last night
Zakiyah – what should I have done
Nicole says she would have done the same thing Zakiyah did told her best friend in the house
Zakiyah – maybe she’s made because I slept with him last night
Zakiyah – Natalie took her skirt
Ncioel – Oh really
Zakiyah thinks Natalie is twisting James’ arm, “Paulie is convinced he won’t do that”
Zakiyah says Natalie is getting Petty
Zakiyah says it sucks for her with Paulie exploding last night.
Nicole – if people are trying to keep Michelle it means they are coming after Paulie and me and Corey
Zakiyah says that Natalie told her Nicole and Corey talk bad about her, “I heard it all.. when I was in here getting waxed”
Nicole – oh my gosh.. i’m dunso.. she is just something else
1:53pm Zakiyah and Nicole in the Bathroom
Nicole is pissed that Natalie is saying she talked bad about Zakiyah, Nicole claims she never did that. Nicoel wants to call Natalie out to celar up what Nicole said, “I want her to tell me to my face”
Zakiyah asks her to please do it tomorrow when Zakiyah is off the block, “My game is already f****ed”
(Zakiyah was going to wear Natalie’s skirt today)
1:58pm Paulie, Nicole and Zakiyah
Nicole – I don’t get it everyone has to vent sometimes..
(Nicole hung up that Natalie spilled her shit talkign about Zakiyah)
Nicole – I want to know exactly what i said
Paulie says Natalie tried to take it upon herself to bring all this up “If i’m f***g married to somebody you stay the f*** out of my business you know what I mean.. we handle our sh1t a certain way and you handle your sh1t a certain way i’m not going to f***g come to you and be like you should f***g handle it this way”
Paulie – to try and take I upon yourself to brings things to light that we’ve already spoken about that’s what I’m, pissed about.
Paulie starts bringing up stuff Natalie has said in the past impersonating her “James cuddles me and tries to kiss me”
Paulie says his job is to be friendly and flirty with a crowd of people, “I’m the exact same way as Cody”
Paulie starts up ranting about Natalie.. “Fake fake as fake as everything on her body”
Nicole – my feelings are hurt I did not say anything mean
2:14pm Paulie, Corey and Victor
Paulie says the girls were trying to convince James to null their votes so that Michelle stays.
Corey – I don’t think he will do tat
Paulie agrees.
2:31pm Kitchen Nicole, Victor and Corey
Nicole – I’m not a mean person at all..
Nicole whimpering about Natalie saying she’s said mean things to Zakiyah
Corey is goign to say something
Nicole wants Corey to keep quiet until after the Eviction because Z thinks she’s on the fence.
Nicole – there was a lot of bad things told back and forth .. but this isn’t high school.. you don’t tell them. (Nicole is guilty of this herself in a big way he’s having trouble coping with the sudden lost of power her side is experiencing now)
Nicole – its ridiculous
Nicole – why are people trying to make other people look like bad people
Nicole says everything she says about people is strategic.. “Someone has to go home every week.. My feelings are just hurt I feel like I don’t do men thing.. am I a mean person ”
Victor – no
Nicole- I didn’t have to deal with this on season 16..
Victor – catty
Nicole – very catty
Nicole – I just want my mom
Victor – I can beat your mom
Nicole starts to tear up. Victor comforts her
Nicole – Paulie is not a bad person
Victor – he flipped out yesterday
Nicole – you voting out Zakiyah
Victor – I can’t vote
Nicole – Is Michelle going
Victor – I don’t know.. after this whole fiasco I don’t know what is goign on .. at the end of the day its the Big Brother house and people go crazy in here
Victor – I can’t imagine all the bad things people have said behind my back.. never cared . (HAHAHAH vic is really start to shine playing this all off very cool)
2:43pm Bathroom Nicole and Zakiyah
Nicole says it’s up to James where the vote goes. Corey says Michelle is leaving but Victor isn’t sure. james has to decide if he wants to play with them or with paul and Vic. Ncioel adds that
Zakiyah called into the diary room
Zakiyah – might be my last DR
2:44pm London Room James and Natalie
Nat – Are you OK I feel like you’re not ok
James- I’m good i’m good ..
Nat – they were all out there.. They kept making comments.. Zakiyah, Nicole, Paulie..
Nat says Nicole was whispering in the kitchen and she knows Nicole was talking about her.
James – don’t worry about it they don’t see this coming
Natalie – they use to talk about me behind my back and I never did anything against them.. PAulie has been calling me fake and a pageant girl forever.. He’s been talking behind my back the whole time.. Same with Nicole and corey they make fun of me all the time. . Who am I the bad person in this..
Natalie – I never talked bad about them behind their backs I’ve always been nice and genuine to people and they call me fake.. It’s funny they all talk shit about victor and they are all acting like he’s their best friend
James – he knows.. He really knows though
Natalie – he’s the only one that talked to me today.. Like I’m a bad person Zakiyah was treated badly. And she stayed with him so…
James says if they make any more comments about Natalie he’s calling them out.
Natalie – no.. i’m not confrontational
Jame – I’m not going to sit here while they make you feel uncomfortable in the house.. If i hear something passive aggressive I’ll call them out really guys is that necessary (she could have used this last night?)
Natalie – I’m going to let Victor know all the information i know
James – I guarantee Victor already knows
James says last season wasn’t so cliquey as this season, “So many fun people.. They wanted to play game and dress up.. We had a set schedule every week BB bowling tuesday.. Podcast Monday”
Natalie – I don’t care I wanted to make a big move because Paulie was going to win ..
They talk about how the two other showmances cuddle under the covers. Natalie and James aren’t into that on a tv show
2:55 James gives her a kiss on the forehead..
James – if anything that brought them closer (Z and Paulie)
Nat – I tried
James- doesn’t matter she’s going to the jury
Nat – if she has the round trip ticket
James – oh well it’s a chance you gotta take
Nat – thanks for supporting me
James- don’t thanks me it’s got to me done
3:10pm James saying he regrets Voting day out but it would have meant Bridgette going.
Natalie points out that Bridgette can win comps.
3:30pm feeds on jeff
[polldaddy poll=9491180]
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Bridgette seems to be the only one with balls to defend Nat. The other Asian girl James is too afraid of her master.
My God, your name…
That would have walked right out that door waiting for Natalie in jury. Probably accidentally washed with bleach and left out in the sun.
The fact that you’re saying a girl is braver than a guy shows that you shouldn’t be using gender roles by calling James a girl. Being a man or woman has nothing to do with it. James is a coward, but it doesn’t make him “less of a man.” There is no measuring whether someone is a certain amount of a man.
You must be a…. *GASP*… FEMINIST!!!! Oh the horror! lol
And even worse, I’m a guy, so I must be a huge traitor!
LOL god forbid!
James is keeping his cool. If you don’t remember him going chest to chest with clay last year? He knows what’s up. I think it’s taking a lot for him not to blow his shit on these people. So go ahead and give me the thumbs down…
its a lock as nat promised she will make out with james if big meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech stays
paulie and michelle are both very combative and are enjoying the current chaos and i want to see them both stay next week for good tv
i would prefer to see nicole or corey go in the double as i find them kinda boring to watch
when michelle stays i want her to glare at paulie, then michelle says “im bred for this b!tch”
then do a rap if michelle wins hoh her speech after putting paulie on the block…
paulie was runnin the house, but now he is quiet as a mouse
paulie thought he was michael corleone, but instead he got boned!
he tried to be like paul, and say friendship to yall
hes blown up his own game, nobody but himself to blame
I can’t take napaulieon seriously every time I look at him I see Moose Mason.
Napaulieon- hahahahaha!
would love for Paulie to be the victim of tonight’s double eviction. this guy’s arrogance, ignorance and vulgar attitude has taken new heights to his stupidity. he is walking around the house like an entitled spoiled child who expects everyone to agree with everything that comes out his mouth. his game has been seriously exposed now, and hopefully now the house can concentrate in getting him out immediately.
I was thinking the same sort of. Since he shaved his beard he looks like a chubbie wubbie. He’s on his way to playing a chubbie belligerent husband in a sitcom.
Whoo Hooo! Gonna be great TV tonite!
For those of you in the NY metro area……….Football is on channel 2
BUT Big Brother is being broadcast on channel 10 or WLNY at 9pm.
I really hope James didn’t screw everyone over. Natalie is too good for him. I really hope that either her or Bridgette win the next HOH. If Paulie wins I will cry.
I am so sick and tired of Zakiya’s pettiness and stupidity! That skirt was just a loan and Natalie don’t give a frog’s ass what she does with Paulie! Too many regrets she will have if she dares watch herself once she’s out. DaVonne is going to say I TOLD YOUR DUMB BEHIND ABOUT SHOWMANCES AND YOUR MOTHER DID TOO, with her weak behind
Natalie was catty and petty. She told Z she could wear the skirt. Then Nat went behind Z’s back and started talking about her and laughing about Z being evicted in her skirt. This made Nat appear to be real fake to me as I am truly a fan of hers
Same. A lot of what she did yesterday was purely personal. She has a little vindictive streak.
I’m glad a few more people realized what Natalie did yesterday wasn’t some act of kindness. She used someone’s emotions against them (Z’s unrequited feelings towards Paulie). I can only imagine had Z done the same to any other of the women on there, everybody would be outraged. It’s one thing to say hey, I truly think you should know this because Paulie doesn’t care for you,but it was a game move. They wanted Z to go ballistic and cause blowback with Paulie so he wouldn’t have to be convinced to evict her.
Nat specifically said she previously let her wear her skirt, but she didn’t mean she could wear it on eviction night. Nat was trying to be nice and encouraging that her outfit looked cute, but
Nat did say, “She didn’t even ask me if she could wear it,” and of course Nat doesn’t want her walking out with it. Nat is not petty, she’s sticking up for herself.
I dont blame nat for taking her skirt back. 1. Z told Paulie everything Nat told her. 2. Knowing Z is getting evicted, why should Nat let her skirt be taken with her? Something tellin meZ has roundtrip anyways.
WTF she never told her she could wear her skirt on eviction night for fuck’s sake. She’s vindictive because she doesn’t want Z to walk out of the house with her skirt????
That was like last week when she told her Z she could borrow it, not tonight as Z is walking out the door. Plus even at that time Nat told her it was new and she hadn’t even worn it yet so I don’t think asking for it back was out of line at all.
I just don’t understand how James keeps topping the favorite poll???!!! I think the voting for three is what’s doing it but I replaced my James pick with Michelle. James has no freakin balls.
Bye Zakiyah. Whatcha going to do Nicole? You’re not intimidating. I am soooo excited for tonight! I hope Paulie follows his fakemance in the double. He is an idiot. I think he thinks he’s on Jersey Shore.
Don’t say that. You’ll hurt her feeeeeellllliiinngggsss. *Rolling my eyes
I could go on and on…and on…about Paulie and his painful weaknesses, but the last thing I want is his eviction anytime soon. I want there to be battles, fights, awkwardness, betrayals, double crosses….the game to be played by all, selfishly, for themselves to win.
If Z goes, followed by Paulie, then it’s the same dynamic with a new “house” majority….the same boring sh*t that thankfully just ended. Let Nicole win HOH, where Paulie’s safe but she’ll take out some low hanging fruit in order to secure safety. Draw out the drama.
Not intersted in Paulie drama have enough with Paul. The game is not going to spoil if Paulie is gone the dynamics are going to change. I noticed that people are picking Paulie for care package 3 for drama. Drama is giving the care package to Bridgette or Michelle it will turn this game around.
I am Voting for Bridgette for Care package 3 she will need it if James does not flip and Paulie gets hoh.
Natalie took Z’s skirt back? – I hope it is because you are going home Z.
Please, for the love of God, James nullify some combination of Paulie, Nicole, or Corey and vote out Zakiyah. I hate this flip relies entirely on James.
I have a bad feeling about James, Derrick, Cody, Nicole, and Paulie in some pre-show shenanigans.
natalie now comes before any vet agreement for james
the 3 girls have inspired james not to play with the fear of being targeted if you make a move…when you add paulies behavior towards those 3 girls and him knowing usa probably wouldnt be liking paulies behavior, it would be a major surprise if he changed his thinking
michelle is staying
I love how Natalie has really turned up the manipulation of James. She held on to that info about Paul flirting with her, then released just when she needed it, exaggerating everything and switching between “I don’t need anybody” to “i’m just a little girl” as necessary to keep James pumped or feeling protective. And to seal the deal she planted on him that long awaited kiss on the lips. She’s got him by the balls.
She really is awesome! She has that Jersey girl in her, just like Paulie tried to warn James about, but she’s just too powerful to be stopped. I love it!
She will use James up, then dump him after she’s done. She’s amazing!
Warn him? Geesh. Nat’s friend on Twitter said he met her ONCE! He doesn’t know her. He may know slanderous stories about a guy that took her virginity because Jersey Boys I guess are so crass they joke about that kind of stuff.
There’s nothing to warn James about. James is a grown man.
Z needs to go- she’ll be anxiously waiting to snuggle in the jury house with 5′ 7″ Na-Paulieon – and here I thought James & Paul were the only ones with short and syndrome. Never cared.
James better not blow this….
If Paulie thinks Bridgette being offended as a feminist when he started referencing Nat’s cans is just like a white person siding with a white person because they’re white, then I’d love to see his SAT scores…..
Right? That argument doesn’t even make sense. And you don’t have to be a “feminist” to think what paulie said to Nat was offensive. It’s offensive because it was rude, crude and personal. And honestly none of his business what her boobs are. He’s so obsessed with them, maybe everyone should be asking why?
Paulie has “lied” about having a tiny dick for 50+ days.
That fake liar fake fake.
Right? Zero logic. And so what if they’re fake? You’d have to be blind not to see it. I thought Mr. Scorpio tongue would had some better quips locked and loaded than that lame comeback.
And yet he expects everyone to support Paulie because he is Paulie. He says everyone was chill in Cody’s season and when it was time for them to go, they went. He should have stated that on night 1 and maybe there wouldn’t be so much confusion. “Listen I am Paulie, you all know who I am. Let’s all have some fun and chill and when I tell you it is you time to go, thank me for letting you play and enjoy me greatness” “oh and don’t get on my bad side because I have a Scorpio tongue that can cut you to the core and scar you for years” ‘now I will choose a woman to be my summer slut”
He pretty much does say that, in so many words. He’s drunk on power.
I’m flabbergasted when Nicole describes her first season as drama free – that’s because you were all being manipulated by Derrick, and you are letting it happen again by his protégé.
And while we are at it, someone should tell Paulie that if he is “all about empowerment of women and equal rights”, he is also a feminist.
Being a Feminist is believing that that women have the same social, political, legal, and economic rights as of men. What I the heck wrong with that?? Is it any worse than Paulie forming that all guys allegiance?
Im starting to really like Michelle lol.
(Hoping) Final 3- Bridgette, Natalie and Michelle <3
I can’t believe that I am now a fan of Bridgette’s. A few weeks ago, she drove me nuts. Amazing how this game can change. I used to like Nicole…not for her gameplay necessarily, but because I thought she was a nice person.
Now I think she’s a crappy game player, a terrible judge of men and a mean girl. She needs to go.
I never liked Paulie…he reminds me of a nastier, grosser version of his brother.
At least Cody didn’t grab his balls and piss in the hot tub. What a sow.
I always liked James too….but if he shits the bed this week with that care package, I’m done with him too.
I miss when this show used to be exciting and unpredictable. Tonight better not be the same old, “I went with the house” crap.
Thanks Simon & Dawg….you guys make this show bearable.
You’re welcome 🙂
I don’t know why Paulie thinks he can talk about other people being closed minded when he literally stereotyped all jersey girls yesterday haha.
When Nicole points her head upward, she looks just like an electrical outlet
Hope Zakiyah gets the boot tonight, Paulie may not be able to adapt in the DE episode tonight
ZING!!! That was too funny, now I have to clean up all this Gatoraide!!
Now every time I plug my vacuum in, I’ll think of Nicole – you’re hilarious!
BEST Nicole nose description ever!!!!!!!!!!!!
Natalie took her own skirt back.
Yes and she was just going to get it from her in jury but knowing Zakiyah she might throw it in the trash out of spite like she did Bridgette’s cookies. That’s what petty little mean girls do.
Lol I would take it back too. Z would most likely shred it once she’s in the jury house.
Zakiya ignores all of the red flags because she’s blinded by a nomance. I know ratchet Paulie will be relieved once she’s evicted but his shield will kindly forgive him in jury and will be back to her old butt sucking ways. Oh girl smh
So now we’re going to end up with the two black ladies to be first in Jury? Duck, here comes the racist trolls.
OH SHIIIIIIIT you are right I didn’t even think about that. Well it is not because everyone is afraid of a “strong black woman” because in Max-Z case she is a “weak little girl” but yes you can guarantee the trolls will be out race baiting
Thumbs up if you think James borrows some balls and sticks it to
Paulie. Thumbs down if he chickens out.
Hopefully he can borrow Bridgette’s balls for the evening and make the viewing audience’s night!
HAHAHA! I can see James out in a bar where someone starts some crap with him. He says to the guy sitting next to him “Pardon me sir can I borrow your balls for a few, some sh*t is about to go down and I am short a pair”
If you look at how James behaves and things he has said, i would think he will do the lame thing and Michelle will get evicted. I hope he has the balls to stand by Nat against Paulie but i have not seen that gusto in him
It would make sense to keep Meech, She would go after Paulie like a pit bull and James would have her loyalty
Someone pull the plug on PP..They might be the most hated alliance in recent BB history
Meet and greet’s? Really? Who would want to meet these losers? Better yet, who would pay? I’d rather do a meet and greet with George Zimmerman and Casey Anthony than these douchebags.
some people in this generation have an idea that everyone will adore them because they had 5 minute of fame on a d class t v show ! keep dreaming losers , nobody will pay to see you . they might pay to move along with your huge ego and sense of entitlement .
LOL! Knuckle me???? That was a good one.
Whoa…I wouldn’t go that far but definitely wouldn’t pay to see them. There is a casino cruise here in FL that occasionally has Reality TV Stars(?) on them so I guess they do get paid to appear on some small time venues. Personally I make it a point NOT to go on any of those occasions no matter how much I like to gamble.
Will America’s package be given before the second eviction tonight? Just trying to figure out if brig will be save during double eviction.
The package is usually given on Fridays. So, it will be after the DE
No it’s given tomorrow. Will be good for next week.
pulie should go to jury in not win the game he talk down on women
it make big brother look bad cause of him it good to lie in the game
I get that but when it come to a person body that’s out of line I hope he goes home to jury tonight
I really do im not voting for him on none of these America packages at all not Nicole or corey too
please bridget win hoh after zachery goes home next one you want need it
I think Paulie has his undies in an uproar because the prettiest girl in the house (Nat) didn’t like him the way Z is madly obsessed with him.
Paulie is so arrogant and full of himself. I think he will be genuinely shocked when Zakiyah walks out the door. Can’t wait to see the look on his face. Mutiny is afoot in the bb house! Captain Caveman is no longer in control of his minions. Just hope he follows Z out the door in the de tonight. If he wins the other side will lose someone but at least his Hoh would be short lived. Can’t take a week of him as Hoh with everybody groveling and kissing his butt again. Whatever happens at least we finally have some excitement in the house.
Boasting about his treatment of women Paulie said…
Paulie- I’ve never been raised that way i don’t f***g like that sh1t .
Wow….Paulie is going to get some reality check when he watches his season …. The things this loser has said about Z alone are enough to make anyone cringe and she is supposed to be someone he….wait a min….never cared …. seems to come to mind…. a lot…..yikes… The way he talked to Z when she tried to tell him how she was feeling the other nite was disgusting. I hope his parents are very proud..
Paulie will watch this and NOT get a reality check. My guess is that his actions toward women are what he learned watching his father figure treat women which makes his actions his “norm”. Totally screwed up.
Growing up, I was never taught how to treat a woman, I learned by watching the way my aunts were treated by my uncles. They were all treated like godesses and had long happy marriages. Had I learned from a physically and verbally abusive step-father, I’d probably be like Paulie. Nobody is perfect, but he’s a perfect ass. Oops, sorry, just heard from the asses and they took offense.
If Max-Z gets evicted, I hope that Paulie joins her on her trip to the jury house. So, Asian Hillbilly, borrow Natalies or Michele’s balls and make it happen.
Z, I really want to root for you, girl, but what in the ever-loving f-ck are you thinking? I really think that she does have some serious self esteem issues. In all of this bs, has Paulie apologized and explained why he hasn’t taken her down/use the veto or feel regret about not using it? And she still goes back to him?!?! How about the bedroom stuff? Does he ever service her or is it one-sided? I’ve only read about her being on him. This douche is all about himself and I wish she’d realize that. From the game to the bedroom, he’s a dick.
They have sex, her body backed into his five times.
So tired of Paulie’s rants. I mean the way he treated Tiffany was bad. But when he verbally abuse Natalie like that, I seriously wanted to grab a baseball bat and break his legs. And tell him to go win a comp now. Hehe
No, Friday.
I admire Z because she has real strong instincts and intuition. However, all logics goes out the door when it comes to Paulie. She needs to sit in that Jury House and let Mama Day talk some plain old common sense into her
So Paulie says this self righteous speech and tries to trash Bridget for supporting Nat “only cause she’s a girl” he would never do that yet he only wants to support the guys! His goal in life was to get all the girls out and have only guys. Keep talking Paulie… Tell Da hello for us.
I am sure all of these people have watched BB. Some say they are huge fans, and yet still a few have actually been in the BB house. So how on God’s earth do they seem to forget this is televised and talked about on podcasts and social media! James could not possibly look weaker! Everyone he knows is seeing it! Z these people tried to worn you about the fake situation! Yet you go right back and bed down with this douche! HE DIDNT USE THE VETO!!! Wake up!! You have got to be f—ed up as a soup sandwich!! Your friends and family are watching!! Nicole, you have big bother confused with the Dating Game. You are chasing after a dude who I think most of America would agree is dull and a tad slow! Not to mention I think he is still deciding what TEAM he actually wants to play for. You just look lost as last years Easter egg! Your friends and family are watching!! Paul and Trick, I mean Vic, you two don’t know where you shit last! Waiting for your man crush to inform you!! Your friends and family are watching! Paulie you will need the 500k for hookers! The way you have portrayed yourself and treated the girls in this house, the ladies of the night will just about be all you can rustle up! Do you have mother? Your friends and family are watching! To all the house guests I have ranted about and reminded about their friends and family, they are ashamed, disgusted, embarrassed, and saddened by your behavior on this show!!
Didn’t use a condom either. Post said a lot of “hip movement under the covers last night” I am sorry but no VETO no Cameltoe. Point, blank and on her period.
All depends, he may not have been worried about getting STDs as the house guests are supposed to be disease free I think. Plus we’re not sure if there was vagina involved in the love fest.
Wow. All I can say.
All this shut about giving Nat a hard time about voting for a women makes no sense Paulie, you have a all boys alliance. Your just being a little bi*** because you are not getting your way.
When I look back at how much my feelings about players have changed from week to week, and day to day, I realize I would be a terrible BB player. I’m pure emotion with no reason.
For instance, I hated Bridgette when she hopped into Frank’s lap and became his puppy dog, because I wanted her to be the strong independent woman I fantasize about being. She let me down. I hated her. But, now that she’s anti-Paulie, I forgive everything. Even if she’s still doing everything for Frank, with just a side of “Oh, yeah, um… girl power too!”.
And what about Michelle? She’s proven herself to be mean, petty, vindictive, and irrational. She has every quality I hate in my fellow women. But, now that she’s turned her mean, petty, vindictive, and irrational self against my most hated house guest, I’m a complete fan.
I guess what it comes down to is that after a lifetime of finding myself cowering before strong and cocky men, it feels good to see a surrogate stand up to one. Basically, I crave the cathartic female victory.
I’d like to say it’s not Freudian penis envy. But if it’s not, how do I explain all of those artificial penises I’ve purchased over the years?
Are you gay clay?
I hate to be the bearer of bad news stud, but the post from Vulva Quake came from a Verizon assigned cell phone registered to a Justin Corbin in St. George, Utah.
So you ask if I’m gay??
Well, I’ve never asked a dude acting like a chick on the Internet out for pizza and beer.
Hey! You want to get together for pizza and beer over at Slice Calafiore?
Ha ha, like your name 🙂
Zak can go she is reliant on Pissy Pool Paulie too much. Meech got put on the block and grabbed fate in her hands, she did exactly what Day should have done…blow shit up if your know your going home. BB 101…draw attention to where there was no attention.
I am disappointed in Zak too her boyfriend won pov and he didn’t take her off, she turns around and sleeps with him lol. Pissy Pool Paulie better had used a condom cause she lost a chance at $500 thousand for him.
Happy to be back watching!
Ah the old triple P nice! Yea that is what I was so hoping Da did. It is not like you have anything to lose. To just sit there knowing they are blowing smoke up your ass and not do anything is stupid. Not a fan of the way Michelle treat the other girls but this was spot on the way to roll. I think she got the job done but even if she doesn’t stay tonight no one can say she didn’t give it her best shot. Da told Julie yea I knew it was my time earlier in the week. Paul didn’t really want her out she could have blown Paulie and Nicole and that tall guy up.
Convo in Jury House (once Paulie is evicted):
Z: Paulie!!!!!!!!!! I have great news!!! I’m pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Paulie needs to remember he is in the Big Brother House and big brother sees AND records everything. Shut your mouth BOY you have dug yourself a hell of deep hole that you will have trouble getting out of once you re back in the REAL WORLD. Oh and BTW, being a feminist is NOT the same as being a racist !!!!
I hope Z stays and James sides with Paulie because then the house will be divided. If Michelle stays then the house will be controlled by one group and be predictable.
Bridget Michelle and Natalie are all mean girls. Natalie went after all the guys until she found one she could twist around her finger and ride to the end with. While still coming on to the other guys. Really Natalie now you’ll makeout with James if he’ll vote your way. Yeah you’re so innocent.
I so dislike Paulie but I don’t like most of the HGs.
You’re wrong. Zakiyah stays and it’s James, Paulie, Nicole, and Corey on one side. Paul and Victor may be able to salvage the link with Paulie by dropping the girls. So that leaves Natalie and Bridgette on the outs. Paulie steam rolls again.
Michelle stays and you have Michelle, Natalie, James, Bridgette. Paul and Victor may lean towards them if Paulie goes up in the double eviction. Nicole and Corey will be on the outs and looking to hook up with someone. This scenario will require new shifts to settle the pecking order and at that point everyone is cutting each other anyway. Zakiyah going leads to more instability and more fun for me.
Despite my earlier comment on michele being a bully and mean to others . I also said Paul , A were also jus as bad and a few others , dipite all that big meech stepped up and blew the house up. Her parents should be proud of that .Hopfully after the show she watches herself and realizes and becomes a better person . Let’s pray for that
Bridgette impresses me forgiving Michelle. I am glad these 2 teamed up with Nat.
Michelle has admitted she was in the wrong and was being childish which took some guts to admit. She was jealous of Frank and Bridgette and understandably in my opinion as Michelle said her favorite player was Frank and that was taken away by Bridgette. If you put yourself in Michelles shoes in that unique scenario of your favorite player alltime picking you first in the team and having a good game bond with you, then all of a sudden rejecting your loyalty and constantly throwing your name out to be targeted, it would be hard to take.
Anyway, as San Antonio Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich always says…players need to get over themselves…and it looks like these 2 girls have certainly done that…and showing maturity and common sense that they can help each other…if Vic can work with Paulie after Paulie backdoored him, then Bridgette can certainly forgive Meech and I am happy to see it happen.
I actually agree with Paulie with this one, Natalie can’t call Paulie out when she has done exactly the same thing flirting with all the guys, it’s all an act on her part for the cameras. Do you really think Nat cares about James? He was her last choice out of all of the guys, outside this house someone like her wouldn’t even look at him, probably would even make fun of him. These feminists can’t have their cake and eat it. Bridgette was flirting with Frank, when he and she have relationships outside, as well as that she also said a lot of foul things at the beginning of the game as well, let’s not forget this! Y’all just mad because Paulie is playing a good game like all the other house guests should be. You should agree with someone because they have a good point, not because of their race, gender, sexual orientation etc. Be consistent and stop being hypocrites.
Let’s get some perspective. Natalie did not have to do this and was fine about it. She dug it up. Why? Game Strategy–to stir up Sh*t. Intentionally! If you can’t see that then you’re not playing the game.
Doesn’t matter how much 5% or 95% she cares about James as a potential date, it’s not the dating game or Bachelor. Girls don’t care what guys look like deep down. They care if he has character, trustworthiness, and confidence. She sees that in James.
Don’t be shallow. Is James only allowed an ugly girl? Come on! That is so rude!
Same reason Bridgette butt in–Game Strategy. Motive: To stir up sh*t on Paulie’s game.
If Paulie were playing the game right he wouldn’t have fallen for the bait.
Paulie is blind and arguing because he can’t believe anyone might not like him and that he may honestly have something to be called out for.
Exactly that’s precisely my point. Paul is playing the game as so is Natalie, so she can’t call him out without not expecting him to call her out as well – consistency. I’m just saying that it seems to be all one sided that Paulie’s being a d*ck in the game when 1) Everybody else has 2) He’s playing the game and 3) Paul, Bridgette, Michelle and Natalie have all said nasty sexist crap as well. My point is that no one is innocent, but on top of that he’s playing a ruthless but fair game for the fact that he wants to take 500,000 home which I respect.
The point is posters are taking what she did more seriously than she herself even intends. Her motive is to blow him up. She did.
It’s not about double standards. If it were, she might have thought twice, it was “what can I say to get his goat” not to mention trying to open Z’s eyes. Z is an insult to women.
Amanda BB15 = Paulie BB18
I agree that my girl was terrible, but having said that, this Paulie is worse.
When you are constantly telling people what to do, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to learn that have turned against you.
Im so over Zakiyah at this point. She is literally stuck on stupid. Yes, it’s a reality show and it’s scripted, but Paulie is showing his true colors. Vic didn’t even act like that. He came to her like a man. Paulie may be putting his feet, ankles and knees in his mouth, when he said if James don’t vote his way, he will be on the block with Natalie. King Ding-a-Ling is really full of himself. Im hoping he gets a dose of his own medicine.
corey said he lost respect for bridget cause she was laid in bed next to frank
no corey be real you lost respect for her cause she was against pulie if bridget
goes home tonight I think cbs big brother should be cancle to let this happen
it will make women not like in their eyes so bidget has to say in a men should go home next
after zachery
“Paulie says the only reason why Bridgette is supporting Natalie’s argument is because she’s a girl, “Which to me that’s just as bad as a white person saying they support a white person argument because hey are white”
Paulie, you’re the f*cking worst. He is incapable of addressing one issue, calmly, without throwing a hundred other metaphors and social instances into it that have no real bearing on the conversation at hand. He’s like a salad spinner brought to life. Just words spinning around before he spits them out. I can’t. He’s such a douchecanoe.
Super over this “she’s a feminist” sh*t he keeps saying. If you think being a feminist means you’re anti-man, maybe you need to look in the mirror and do some soul searching Paulie, cause I’m pretty sure you’re just a terrible human being. Stop making excuses for the reasons people are pissed at you, you d*ckhole, you are the reason. Just you.
10 thumbs up!
For those who voted Nicole for super safety, remember how well she did last time when she rendered the game after being evicted. She is following the same trajectory now
Oh my gosh. If Ratcole gets it I will die
it sucks. 1.7% of me feels bad that Zakiyah has to leave as collateral damage for Paulie to get knocked off his high horse. The other 98.3% feels that she deserves everything she gets for hitching her wagon to his decrepit donkey. I have not watched sunday’s or yesterday’s episode but I will tune in to see what goes on tonight in hopes that James does the right thing! I’m just trying to figure out what pheromones Paulie gives off that it’s actually taking this much of a freaking discussion for people to realize they have to start playing for themselves.
Decrepit donkey, lol.
Honestly, I almost want to feel bad for her too but I can’t. The girl has had every damn sign in the world about what a terrible human Paulie is and STILL grinds on him last night, after his epic showcase of the depths of his douchery. As much as it sucks for her, it’s becoming clear that she needs to be evicted and able to watch this all back at home to understand she was played played played…if she even believes it then. Who knows. At this point she’ll be leaving and not even understand that she should be pointing the finger at Paulie over it and not Natalie. Woof.
z has stockholm syndrome
I can not stand to see Paulie’s face or hear his f bombed speeches anymore. I know it’s a game and a game I’ve always loved to watch but I’ve never felt such a personal dislike for a player before.
Nicole looks like a toenail.
LMFAO, I just snorted.
Nicole is just a little whiny weasel!! I don’t know which is worse , her or stupid boy toy who doesn’t really like her anyway.
I don’t see how James could justify keeping Z as going with the house. It’s pretty clear the majority of the house and the HOH want Meech to stay.
Flipping the house won’t even hurt James’ game that much.
Now if he can just put on his big boy pants and pull the trigger. He should nullify Cory and Paulie and draw a line in the sand. If he does that want to bet Nicole would vote out z and it would be unanimous because she would be afraid to be a target in the DE.
did you watch last season ? he is a complete idiot from the word go . he has no clue how to play this game to win . he will sit there and watch all his people get evicted one by one , do or say nothing . well he will say each time after the evict , oh man I should have ….. then the next week.. repeat the last two sentences . this is an awful season because of these returning house guests and casting from the short bus riders !
Will they air the DE tonight or Sunday?
2 people evicted on the show.
Does anyone have a link for tonights stream?
Dawg will post with the summary
Thanks 🙂
As much as I can not stand the fruitloop dingus, I hope Nicole survives the double…
And Bridgette…
Nicole officially loses her mind when Bridgette gets the next care package!
Cant wait to see that happen!
Agree. Want Corey out so she’ll be miserable, totally useless and whiny all week for the love of her life being gone, the house flipped and jealous over Bridget getting the package. She really annoyed me when feigning to comfort Z after Nat’s talk, all she really wanted to know was what Nat said about herself and Corey. I only pray that Bridget stays to get it, otherwise highly probable that Nicole does and Corey is still there.
I can´t wait to see Paulie´s face at Z´s eviction! It´ll be ironic that his showmance could be the beginning of his downfall … even though he was warned against showmances .. and he still did it.. VERY bad play dude.
OMG for Natalie for spearheading this flip and handling Paulies comments with as much grace as possible. I´m impressed.
Paulie is such a hypocrite, last night he wimped out and told Bridgette, when she defended Natalie, he would have done the same thing for a friend of his, even if his friend was wrong.
Now while he is talking with Zakiyah, he just said that it was dumb for Bridgette to defend Natalie, He said it would be like him supporting or defending a white man even if he was wrong just because he was white.
I just hope James has the balls to nullify Paulie and Corey’s vote tonight, and they send Zakiyah to jury. Zakiyah is a fool who will believe anything Paulie says, if Paulie was on the block and Zakiyah won the POV, Paulie would tell her you are going to use the POV on me.
Even if Zakiyah told him they have the votes, to keep him safe, Paulie would still demand that Zakiyah use the POV to take him off the block, but it is ok for him to leave her on the block, she is such a fool. I can’t wait for her to see how he has talked about her, how he wanted her on the block with Michelle, how he has said on more than one occasion, “NEVER CARED” when he referencing Zakiyah.
Next subject, sexually confused Corey told Paulie Yeterday that he is free to mess with Nicole, he also said “NEVER CARED”. Wait until Nicole watches the show on her DVR after she gets home, Nicole is so in the dark, Corey does not want her, and when Nicole said Corey is the type of guy Taylor Swift would be interested in, and how she does not deserve Corey, he’s out of her league. Who the hell says that about themself ?
Last topic, when Corey sits there and just agrees with everything Paulie says, he looks like such an idiot ! He and Paulie said they can cut someone, chew them up, spit them out and make them feel like s fool, that I’d like to see, both Corey and Paulie are wimps.
Please let Bridgette, Michelle, Natalie, Paul, Victor and James, work together for the Double Eviction, get Paulie out, then they can all start battling to get rid of Nicole.
If Paulie is gone. I bet Corey would drop Nicole in less than 10 seconds if Paulie is gone, Corey will finally try to hook up with Victor LOL…. For e would not stay with Nicole, she would once again feel like a fool, she always needs a showmance when she plays big brother. Corey will not stay with Nicole if Paulie is gone, and if Paul and Victor are working together, Corey will want to be with Victor and Paul.
It seems as though he can’t win anything anyways So Corey is useless!! And dumb!!
Paulie in this house is giving us insights as to what a Trump Whithoyse would be like.
Real solid reasoning. You sound just like Paulie.
Yah I’m sure that is the same. Keep politics to yourself this is about big brother.
James is losing his nerve. He is moving to keeping Z and bowing down to Paulie. It comes down to James tonight….I don’t have a good feeling.
As of now Zakiyah is going to jury unless she has the round trip. James has wavered since late last night I think think this is a lock
Fingers crossed!
WOW James !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now MAKE IT HAPPEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish Nat would have reminded Paulie she was from Venezuela and not a Jersey girl . then ask what is wrong with being a jersey girl ? wait to hear his pathetic demeaning answer , then say YOU KNOW WHO IS THE QUEEN OF THE JERSEY GIRLS , YO MAMA AND ALL THOSE NASTY THINGS YOU SAY COME FROM BEING RAISED BY A SO CALLED JERSEY GIRL , NO KISS YO DADDY ON THE MOUTH PUNK A$$ B%$H , turn , hair flip , finger !
When are people going to admit…despite the emotions and her mean girl mess…Michelle is the bomb and there to play. Michelle, Nat, Bridgette, and Paul for the win!!!!
im loving big meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech – i think her speech is going to be some really good tv, the whole episode should be 2 hours because there has been so much happening
i like the crew of meech, nat, bridgette, james, paul, vic and hope the remaining care packages go to them
very good work from the 3 girls to drive a wedge and break james and paul and vic away from the execs alliance
i expect things to get even more heated…i like that alot of people are prepared to play without fear, as a tv show and for our entertainment its amazing
There is hope for this season; I am genuinely excited about tonight’s episode.
big brother is going to be off the fucking hook tonight….crazy cause this time last week I was hell bent on not watching this season again. Things change lol.
Double eviction, icing on the cake if someone has the round trip ticket, James voids Paulie and Corey vote.
Fantasy land big brother would show everything tonight Zak changing her pad, James picking tampons out the trash, Paulie pissing in the pool, and victors pig tails again lol.
Does anyone have a link for the live feeds?
this one dawg has posted before
Live Stream of Tonight’s Episode: http://www.vipleague.se/usa-tv-shows/293454/1/big-brother-canada-tv-show-live-stream-online.html
Simon you used to post another link from a different website – I cannot use this one – get error messages, virus warnings to scan my PC on this one
Paulina is getting ripped a new one by the jersey girls on Twitter he will be in for a rude wakening when he gets out, he keeps calling Natalie fake cause she’s the only one that had the balls to stand up to him & told the truth & that’s the reason why he’s so defensive, I hope if they stick with the plan to blind side him & send Z out the door (praying she doesn’t have the round trip ticket & knowing our luck she probably will) that he’s so rattled he can’t think straight during HOH, it’s time for his power trip to end.
I hope they’re all invited to sit in the audience the night of Paulie’s eviction.
Can you imagine Paulie and Z’s house…….he pees in the pool and she changes her maxi-pad in front of company.
I’d call CDC (Center for Disease Control).
I wish James wasn’t playing his own game, and was instead playing for my benefit. His decisions would be so much easier if his only consideration was how his actions affect my emotions.
HAHAH exactly! 🙂
I can’t f***ng believe how much Paulie has changed f****ng personalities in the BB house. I kid! From day one he’s been a cocky jerk. I feel Paul and Victor have a final two..the plan to get Z out worked…Paul wanted her out frim the beginning, she’s going to jury Paul could win the game because he’s battled from the bottom to where he is now….he wanted Frank gone…Dae etc…he’s been getting what he wants mostly. I think he was a idiot for telling everyone about the secret room, but, yeah, he’s playing a good game. Bridgette and Natalie final two..their plan all along was to get under one of the guys for protection for as long as possible . ..they didn’t like Z because she’s stuck up Paulies ass, they tried to help her but she can’t see past Paulies teeny weenie…so she has to go…they knew he wouldn’t use the veto on her because he’s too confident in the game and his ego. I hope they send him out the door next. Tonight I’m hoping James grew a pair and uses his advantage the right way. I’m thinking he will have to name the houseguests he’s x’ing votes in the living room right after the votes. Thanks Simon and Dawg for all the hard work you put into this website! Much appreciated ?
That should have said much appreciated!
If James was a man he would support his woman. Because women are powerless and helpless beings made of pure light and goodness.
@simon. What day of the week do you refresh the polls? Am disappointed to see Nicole and Paulie fairly high in the rankings for the care package and wonder when we’ll see the impact of last night on voting.
once a week. new polls will go up tonight
Thanks Simon and also for all that you and Dawg do. Just sent over a donation and finally remembered to use your Amazon link yesterday.
Everybody seem to agree that Paulie blew his game. Kudos to Nat who was the one who had more balls than anyone to confront him. But is anybody sick of Nicole keep saying my feeling are hurt? Wtf .. A major bomb in the house with this fight and she keeps saying I feel bad I wasn’t mean, I’m hurt.. I’m sick of Nicole.. And Paulie .. And please James act as a man and finally do something!!! Hope the house is cleaned after DE and Paulie/Nicole/Corey leave
After Paulie, I dislike Nicole the most. She’s whiny, petty, jealous and totally self involved. The only reason she doesn’t want Zakiyah to go is she won’t have anyone to brush out that rats nest every night. I would love to see Corey tell her that because couples are going to be targets, we need to put some space between us, so we stay safe…I’ll just sleep with Paulie/Vic/Paul until things cool down, ok? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Remember Paulie calling out Tiffany about playing her sisters game…
He just said “I’m the same as Cody”
You are so right!
Remember when Paulie went off so bad at Tiffany that the live feeds went to fish?
Really would like to know now what all he said to her?
Paulie’s face is incapable of not looking douchey.
At all times Paulie’s face looks like he has constipation, a condition in which there is difficulty in emptying the bowels, usually associated with hardened feces.
I’ve been a James fan for a long time. He needs to x out Paulie and Corey’s vote and tell Paulie you left me know choice since you treat women like shit and you blew up my game. It’s on Bitchy Paulie!
If he doesn’t I hope he gets the shaft in the double evic.
My cable is out. Won’t be able to watch BB tonight. Will catch it on Xfinity when cable gets repaired tomorrow. SIMON….please post a picture of Paulie’s face when Julie reveals the vote! Thanks!!!
twitter Vancouver trending topics: BB is trending in Vancouver
Paulie: 66.8k tweets – 3rd on list.
Bridgett: 12k – 4th on list.
LilikoiBoy on reddit.com/r/bigbrother drew 3 very cute cartoons of Bridgette!
Oh my gosh, I thought AD was crazy! Paulie seemed to be playing the game the hardest besides Frank, but he straight up most $500k last night. HATE him! HATE Z. His real character was seen by ‘Merica last 24 hours and he’s surpassed Evil D-hay by a land slide.
Last night I started counting his D-bombs while he was ranting in the Have Not Room to James and Cory. I stopped counting at 100 & he was still wound up. Little Nat unhinged him and the Jury will NEVER give him $500k, if he even makes it that far. What a bully.
James & Paul? No balls. None whatsoever. Also, ‘Merica wants your AFP title back, and we’re going to need your Man Card while you’re at it!
So if Nicole cries because people say she’s mean, then she is whiney.
If Natalie is sad because she THINKS (even though it’s not true) that Nicole says shit about her behind her back she is still amazing, she is wonderdul….. (and Nicole was crying also because Z told her that Natalie said that Nicole said shit about Z, WHAT A LIE).
WOW I love how rationale are you guys. Great!
Bridgette for care package #3 (safety for 1 week) and Michelle for care package #4 (co-HOH). Pleeaaaaase! It’ll keep flipping the house! The last care package will be a tough one to assign.
Natalie is playing the victim
once again
Paulie seems to me like the typical juice head. He thinks he God’s greatest gift to women and then rages when he doesn’t get his way.
Z went in promising to do great sh!t but came out of it just being another silly girl. Giving Paulie one thousand chances to prove his loyalty even though he failed 998 of them. Girl, get a grip… Doing all that for a piece of sausage? Just stop by a butcher shop… you don’t need the whole pig. Moreover, he’s not that into you… at all. Try saving a bit of your dignity. If watered everyday, it can grow back strong!
One good thing for Paulie fans he is on to shady af Paul. Good! Paul you can’t go back and forth playing both sides ratting on your alliance. You aren’t playing with dopes fool. Your time is coming fool.
Did Paulie really pee in the pool?
Check it out on youtube: Paulie Pees In Pool Big Brother 18
As much as I like how she blew paulie’s game up . I would rather see michelle go I just can’t stand her. I can’t wait to see if James has the balls to go against paulie.
football pushing big brother to 1:37 am……..glad y’all are here to post the results (will still watch later but don’t want to wait to know what’s up!)
Dawg will post the streaming link so you should be able to watch online. I seriously doubt anyone throwing the comp tonight. although I think it’ll be one of those true/false, or first to answer ones so it goes quick. The second HoH could be epic.
I hope Paulie gets evicted without a shirt.
I trust that your comment is not meant to be a complement to Paulie! He’s a douche, and walking out without a shirt will be icing on the cake.
Ha! No it’s not a compliment. Like you I think it would be historically douchey.
Your remark made my day!!
I love watching people who lose power cry and play the victim. It’s hilariously hypocritical. Nicole this year , Vanessa for a bit last year, Amanda a few seasons ago. They all have the same response: I’m not a mean person! Why are people doing this to me ???
ZAKIYAH…. you have been evicted from the Big Brother House
For the Love of God,James…please step up to the plate and nullify Corey and Paulie’s votes; and vote out Zakiyah! If she doesn’t have the Round Trip Ticket, you know Day is gonna rip Zakiyah a new one about hiding behind a showmance! I’m hoping for Michelle or Natalie to win HOH and get Paulie’s ass out of the house; and hope he doesn’t have the ticket. Then for the second HOH, I want Bridgette, Michelle, James, or Natalie to win and put up Corey and Nicole, aka Ratcole. You know she’s going to be like, “Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy doooooooooooooooooooo theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey haaaaaaaaaaaate meeeeeeeeeeee soooooooooooooooo muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII doooooooooo tooooooooooooooo theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem?”
Shave them off in jury please!
There is a part of me, the part that loved Cody in the game, that really wishes Paulie wasn’t such a a**hole and would when this. But the more I see how vile he is, the more I am hoping he is out tonight or next week. The whole house is now against him, minus Corey, but it will happen, have faith.
I really wanted this to be a good season. But right now I can not see one person I really want to win. There are people I would be okay with winning, but just okay. However I will be violently ill if Michelle or Paul win this season.
Sunday is gonna have to be a flashback episode. No way to air all that went down this week in the DE episode. Should be some fun watching!
I am so happy, Orlando’s CBS not showing BB until 2:00am but I remembered that before we got satellite our old antenna could also pick up the Tampa stations. Since Tampa is a different football market they aren’t airing the game. So I got up in the attic hooked up the old antenna and viola I can now watch BB without waiting…..that is how bad I want to watch this episode!
Julie Chen: “Zakiya, how does it feel to be the biggest doormat in BB Showmance History?”
Zakiya: “I dont KNOOOOWWWW, Julie. Like, some type a’way? I just want to have little Jersey Juice Head Babies!!!!!!”
What would happen if Z were to get the ticket back into the house.
nothing, they are going after paulie next, so she might go up with him. but as she is not a huge threat she might get a pass.
Does Paulie look like a deranged joker’s son in the cast pic’s? His smile is a bit creepy like the Joker. Now all he need is some white white white makeup on and there you go.
Does Paulie’s smile look a bit creepy like a deranged Joker’s son on the cast pic?
i am very confused that a lot of you are bashing Paulie for the way he talks to women and yet turn around and insult/bash Z even worse. doesn’t make much sense