OBB Kraken Hour Episode 3

In this episode of the OBB Kraken Hour Simon tries to not say Umm every second word. Spoiler alert he says Umm every second word. Nick finds a twitter account that’s translating the french between Dre and William. We ponder if Kevin really is gay or just playing the game. List off the couples in the house in an attempt to outline the alliance structure. We try assign the Kraken ratings to the house guests. There’s a plea to the producers to tell us how long feeds will be down next time they shut them down for hours and hours. This episode was a fun one no technical problems this time hope you enjoy it we had a lot of fun making it.

Q and A

Send us your questions and we’ll answer them on the the show.


Let us know if we’re messing up, suggestions are always appreciated.

Opinions on BBCAN5

Record your own opinions and we’ll feature them. Send them to me via email [email protected]

10 thoughts to “OBB Kraken Hour Episode 3”

  1. umm, more Kraken sipping then there was umm’s and ahh’s
    great show and do more
    your web is the best for updates if your not a livefeeder.
    BB would be so good if houseguests could be shakers not shaking

  2. No offense, but I’m so disappointed that Simon doesn’t have an English accent! I’ve been reading his posts (for years) as if he was British, lol. The Kraken hour was very entertaining though.

  3. Big thumbs up Simon and Nick…. Quite enjoying the Kracken Hour : )
    Completely agree with the suggestion for production to leave some type of time line notice when the feeds will be down. I usually get 1-5 mins of watching before they go down and it frustrates me to the point where I don’t bother to check back now. OBB is where it’s at! : )

  4. Suggestions: A quick explanation on your Kraken rankings perhaps in the next video please? I missed your earlier episodes and was a little bit lost at first, lol.

    Questions: Do you prefer house guests who play a strong strategic game or do you prefer ones with a higher entertainment value for the feeds? Who is your all time fave BB player?

    How do you guys decide who watches the feeds/when/who recaps on the site?

    Off topic…Simon, what happened to your elbows? They look scraped up.

    1. Great suggestion! We’ll explain the Kraken ratings before the segment begins.
      THanks for all the questions I’ll answer them on the next episode.
      I’ll answer the off topic question now. I fell down the stairs. It was brutal. I wasn’t drunk on Kraken just tired.. lol. 🙂

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