As the season winds down the OBB Kraken hour hosts turn it up. This is the special Culture edition of the weekly Kraken hour. We go over reader questions. Talk about the polls and assign the highly influential Kraken ratings to the houseguests. We also find out what seasons of Big Brother weren’t deemed Kraken by Simon. Spoiler alert there’s none.

A Kraken thank you for commenting on my question, regarding Demetres not playing in POV @ triple eviction.
Am curious cause i believe Demetres a comp beast would of blown Kevin and the rest away that comp. Demetres would leave noms the same and Kevin would of been evicted.
Would like to see Ika and Kevin F2.
Keep on Kraken Simon and Nick
will there be kraken hours for BBUS19?
If there is it would only be audio. The editing process is too time consuming for BBUS. Unlike BBCAn I actually watch like 12 hours of feeds for BBUS.