OBB Big Brother 20 Ranking is up!

It that time people! The (OBB)  Big Brother 20 Ranking system is up and running. All ranking before Friday will be clumped together as pre feeds first impressions.

To get a look at how the first impressions ranks are shaping up

Onlinebigbrother Ranking Grid

Faysal is number 1! (so far)


Easiest way to Rank the houseguests

Quick Ranking

Most nothing has changed from how it worked during Celebrity Big Brother and Big Brother 19. We won’t be greying out house guests evicted. They are still eligible to be ranked. (something that proved essentially with last years sheep)

In case you are new to this..

Here is how the ranking system works

  1. Each day you assign a rank from 1-5 stars to each of the houseguests
  2. 5 stars is the highest ranking, 1 is the lowest.
  3. All players are assigned a value of 1 to start. It’s the baseline
  4. You can change your ranking throughout the day. Your last ranking for the day will be what the system records
  5. Rolling Daily average is available on the Daily Graphs pages.
  6. At the end of each day the day’s averages are recorded and viewable on the Full Ranking Pages
  7. System uses IP to track how many times you have voted. If you have multiple IP addresses you can vote multiple times. Just clearing your cookies won’t allow you to vote twice from the same IP. Mulitple computers behind a NAT

How do I access the Ranking?

For those of you that like Statistics here are some expanded reports.

 Big Brother 19 ranking

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