Nomination plans – “I think Bobby/Brittnee is the way to go .. That be sexy” – Kev

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12:26am Sarah, Willow and Bruno
Sarah tells them she talked to Kevin in the Storage room. Sarah mentions that the last time she talked to Ashleigh she thinks that Bobby would use the veto on her. Sarah says as far as Zach/Ashleigh are concerned Bruno/Bobby are still loyal.
Bruno – really eh
Sarah – she can’t lie
Bruno i’m telling you now this is the four 100%
Sarah – f*** yes
Bruno – 100%
Sarah – F** yes
Bruno – I f***d up
Sarah – I F*** up
Brittnee and Bobby join them.. They are all generally disappointed with themselves that they couldn’t win the HOH.

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12:25am HOH Another week of this

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12:43am HOH The Diapers
Zach – can you believe we’ve won 3 HOH’s in a row.. mind ya I cut off one of our own
Zach says if Bobby/Bruno win next week they don’t come after them same goes for Sarah and brittnee. Zach still wants to rig the other side of the house to fight themselves so they are set up for next week.
Zach – Godfrey is isolated in this game.. and he’s coming after us Bobby and Bruno are not coming after us
Ashleigh – Bobby and Bruno is something we do next week
Zach agrees
Zach – if we go after BObby and Bruno this week whoever survives will come after us
Zach – if we take out God those four (Bobby/Bruno/Sarah/Brittnee) will never work together
AShleigh – no way they’ll ever work together

Ashleigh this week we shouldn’t go near Bobby or Bruno
Kevin – I hear ya
Kevin – So we backdoor Godfrey this week
Ashleigh asks him if his original plan is to put up Brittnee and Sarah and BD Godfrey
Kevin says yes
They agree there’s a good chance Bobby/Bruno forming an army after this week is good.
Ashleigh – they are so loyal they are dumb
Zach – Bobby is dumb
Ashleigh says Willow is with them she keeps forgetting they have her vote.
Zach – how do you think she’s acting with Sarah
They wonder if they put up Bobby/Bruno and take out Bruno it would leave Sarah/Brittnee who will most likely go after Godfrey.
Kevin says he knows people will get suspicious of the couples “We’re 4 of 9”
Pilar – God is more dangerous than Bobby

Ashleigh – I genuinely think they (Bobby/Bruno) will got after Brittnee and Sarah
Zach – bruno knows what he’s doing
Kevin – we get Bruno out this week the divide between Sarah, Brittnee and Godfrey is still there.
Kevin says Zach has a better read on Bobby and Bruno
they wonder maybe they should put up Brittnee and Bobby. Zach worries it’ll piss Bobby off.
Zach – part of me wants to get Bobby out before Bruno
Kevin – that’s ideal we’ll have endurance.
Zach – Anyone close to Sarah is going to take a strike at us Sarah’s smart. .. we gotta be careful hitting the Bobby and Bruno hitting the Bobby Bruno will put 5 against us

Kevin is certain that the Girls will not work Bobby. Kevin reminds them if he takes a swing this week the house is pissed at him and pilar not Zach and Ashleigh.
Seems they are worried of Bobby because he’s a competition threat but Bruno is the game threat.
Zach suggests they put Bobby and Brittnee up they win the Veto use it on Bobby and Backdoor godfrey.
Kevin – I think Bobby/Brittnee is the way to go .. That be sexy
They agree Bobby have the secret veto messes up the game. Zach clears up the rules of the secret veto saying it has to be use during the veto ceremony it cannot be used during the vote.
Sounds like Kevin wants Brittnee/Bobby nominated with the a Backdoor to either Godfrey or Bruno.
Ashleigh – Bruno has mind control over Bobby because his mind is goop

Working through scenarios.. mind numbing..
Ashleigh suggests when they tell Bobby he’s the pawn they do it without Bruno around.
Zach goes back to saying he thinks getting rid of Godfrey might be the best to keep them safe this week.
Ashleigh – I think that’s pretty much a thing B and Sarah against Bobby.
Zach thinks they’ll get some critical information when they put Bobby put see how he handles it
Zach – if he (Bobby) is sh1tting his pants this week than he doesn’t have the veto

Willow jumps in. (The video with willow will take some times to upload)

They asks willow if Brittnee, Sarah, Bobby and Bruno are working together. Willow doesn’t think so she’s around Sarah a lot but she’s also really “stupid” about seeing that sort of thing.

(So looks like Bobby, Bruno, Godfrey or Sarah are all potential targets.. lol)


1:46am everyone but the HOH sleeping
Kevin – Piggies cruising for chicks

2:00am HOH PIli and Kevin
Pili says she trusts Ash but after she heard about the chops hop she was a little disappointed in Ashliegh.

2:14am Willow and Sarah
Sarah crying about not winning the HOH and “Scot hates being alone”

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44 thoughts to “Nomination plans – “I think Bobby/Brittnee is the way to go .. That be sexy” – Kev”

  1. I’m team Willow/Britnee/Sarah all the way. As much as I really want Bobby to be evicted, I am Sindy’s biggest fan. I want Bruno/Bobby to win PoV so that Bobby can survive, actually start trying in competitions, and gun for Zach/Kevin- just so they regret evicting Sindy. They screwed up big time playing it safe halfway through the game.

      1. His arguments (?) are so circular and indicative of his lack of read on the HG’s. I wish he was entertaining while presenting them.

  2. Kevin what are you doing? Is this alliance making you dumber? You have so much potential!

    Why the hell do they think that Bobby/Bruno would go after Sarah/Brittnee? No, just no…

    I feel like to much damage has been done already for me to get my dream alliance of Bruno/Kevin/Sarah/Godfrey

    I haven’t seen the episode yet, so is this how next week goes? After Kevin’s HOH is done, then someone else becomes HOH and nominates 3 people? And 2 go home? So essentially 3 people leave next week?

    1. I agree, Kevin is screwing up this HOH. And I think we can all agree after seeing him make pili suck mayo off his fingers that Kevin DOES NOT know the meaning of sexy.

  3. Attention Daipers: Stop thinking you’re smarter than the other side. If you are considering taking a shot, they probably are too. Also, tell me one good reason why anyone wouldn’t go for a clear 4 alliance? Mind numbing conversations going on in the HOH room right now.

    That said, i hope you guys mess up and keep Bobby Bruno only to be taken out by them next week

  4. Honestly Bobby and Britnee being the noms doesn’t sound too bad. Hopefully they would stay that way and Bobby will be the first casualty of this week.

      1. It’s one of the birds that visits once in a while. Usually around the hot tub area.
        It would be GREAT if, during a VETO comp, it would swoop in and grab the VETO by the chain (?) and fly off with it. I’d be laughing hysterically.

  5. It appears that after JP left, Zach’s logic and strategy had also left the house.
    If anything this conversation should start raising red flags in Kevin’s mind as to why Zach is so adamant about not targeting Bruno/Bobby.

    1. I don’t think there’s any room for ‘logic’ in Zach’s pea-sized brain. Remember, he thought no one would have the stones to vote out JP.

  6. if kevin plays HIS game and goes after bobby/Bruno, I will regain the respect that has been waning for him. if kevin plays Zach’s game for him and goes after godfrey, my respect will stay where it is.
    not saying this because of a dislike for Zach. or bobby or Bruno. I understand the value of working with an alliance. that doesn’t mean that a player should take actions that harm their own game in order to enhance another member of the alliance’s imo. their action should be the closest to beneficial to all of the alliance, but mostly to the hoh himself. bobby and Bruno are Zach and Ashleigh’s backup, kevin would have to be a fool not to realize it. godfrey is after Zach. bobby is/was after kevin for weeks. smartest for kevin to get rid of bobby. it keeps Zach and ash tied to him. it gets rid of the guy blantantly targeting him. keeping bobby and Bruno intact leaves kevin less secure.
    if he steers the ship himself, cool. if he lets someone else be captian for the week, not cool.

  7. “However, they did have more of an advantage talking to her and talking to her on a more personal level.” Are you shitting me right now Brittany? This comp was designed for Sarah and some of the rest of these guys, who spoke to Sindy all times of the day and spoke on these specific subjects and she still didn’t pull it out. When they say its their own fault and then try to justify it, its comes off as sad and unrootable. BB actually tried to give it to them, they even let Sindy CHOOSE who would win between the last two making it nearly impossible for a Diaper to win but they did it so they truly deserve a little less flack for that. The house and production were working against them and they beat the odds and they’re honestly not that terrible we just need more drama in the house, these Diapers lack personality and the balls to go all out. This episode was torture, I only watched the first 10 minutes and the last and then they had the nerve to cut us off after the first question after an episode full of of nothing. I’m still annoyed as you can tell.

    1. You missed the 20 minute road trip! I live in Nova Scotia looked like the trip across Canada stopped at Ottawa. Guess production forgot what part of the country the1st two winners came from. ROFL

  8. I hope Sarah and Bruno goes on the block!!! Or even better Sarah and willow and backdoor Bruno! Bobby is no threat!!! #ijustwantacalgaryplayertowin lol ????????????

    1. Sorry to interject with a little sarcasm, but so far, crying has gotten her the support of some hardcore fans (I really don’t get it), a bottle of wine while have-not and some gone-out-of-their-way help by production for the HOH comp (still not enough though).
      Not bad, eh? 😉

  9. Sounds like it is almost definitely going to be Bobby and Britt up. It’s difficult to call the Diapers meeting even remotely strategic. It’s really funny they still think the rest of the house is ignoring how close they are.

    Well Britt I guess you’re going to be the Spencer of this season. She’s going to be p**sed when Kevin puts her up.

    I hope Godfrey, Sarah, and Britt can survive this week and one of them or Bruno win the round 2 HOH.

    Ideally the three HG leaving this week would be Bobby, Kevin, and Zach.

    1. I would sanction either Ashleigh or Pili leaving as well. I would like to see how Kevin plays if he lost any of his closest allies.

  10. Willow seems really annoying sticking her face in front of Sarah’s in an attempt to comfort her, obv she’s uncomfortable as anyone would be when their friend is crying but just let her cry it out jeez.

  11. I wish Kevin would drop Zach! Listening to Zach and going after Godfrey, who is basically alone is a bad move! Godfrey should be a fall back option, but not the main target! Bruno is the biggest threat in the game outside of Kevin, not taking a shot at him now may cost Kevin the money!

  12. Its boring when the power remains the same week after week i don’t know what bb can do about its become a big problem in bbus and now in this season of bbcan.

  13. Hmmm. Bobby and Brit up is sexy? Hunh? WHAT?
    Oh! I get it! Kevin is confused by the term “pawn star”. I forgot he’s still in diapers.

    1. He’s speaking to the level his alliance thinks on. Kevin wants a chop member gone to weaken Zach’s alternatives.
      If the other side can see how Zach deflected Kevin as a target, then surely Kevin see’s how Zach is deflecting the Chop members as targets.

      1. What would really be “sexy” is if Kevin BD’d Zach in “retribution”. He’d definitely get both JP and CCCCindy’s vote .

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