Nomination Results! “Your speech was hilarious. Very well said.”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Chelsie
Nominees: Angela and Kimo
POV Players: ?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony:?
Havenots: No havenots this week.

4:35pm – 7:03pm Big Brother blocked the feeds for the nomination ceremony. As HOH, Chelsie nominated Angela and Kimo for eviction.

7:03pm – 7:52pm The house guests are in the HOH room chatting about survivor / fear factor, etc and hanging out. Chelsie – No havenots! That’s pretty cool. Leah – don’t remind them. The conversations turn to talking about how they can “finesse” things for free when they get out by using their new found followers as influence.

7:53pm Big Brother brought the house guests take out food from Fatburger. Angela – Fatburger’s good!

In the HOH room – Makensy to Chelsie – Your speech was hilarious. Very well said. Chelsie – Thank you.

8:33pm The house guests move to the living room to play the guessing game Going on a picnic…

9:40pm – 10:12pm The house guests finish their game. They head to the bathroom and start getting ready for bed.

10:16pm Kitchen – Tkor and Rubina.
Rubina – there was a lot I wanted to say but I kept getting talked over. Tkor – I know. Rubina – I told you. Its really frustrating me. I can’t say anything. Its really frustrating, its been 8 weeks of that. Tkor – I know. I know Cam wanted to hear you though. Rubina – I know. Tkor – and Cam, just cause I feel like I know I really admire your lifestyles and felt perspectives, you know, point of views. Rubina – You should have a 3 week conversation about it. Are you going to tell them about what you do? What you tell. Would you tell it? Tkor – You think I should? Rubina – I think so. Tkor – Yeah. Rubina – I think so It would help understand. And you keep that secret. And also compassion is your strength. Tkor – True. Rubina – I really struggling here. I feel like I can’t ever… I feel like I can’t be the person I am outside or people don’t allow me to be. There isn’t space. I don’t know why I really was.. Even when I was about to say something I still got talked over. Its just hard. Not that I have something more important. Tkor – I would love a conversation just between me, you Cam and Chelsie. Rubina – me too. Tkor – I think that would be great. I was thinking about that too. How can we make that happen? Tkor – oh and Kimo too. Rubina – I wanted to talk to Chelsie tonight.

10:35pm HOH room – Chelsie talking to the cameras
Chelsie – That’s my prediction. I predict that Cam or Kimo will win veto. If Kimo or Angela win this video, my renom y’all, I have no idea. What I’ve learned about being in this game is I don’t know what in the hairline doing. I am taking this thing day by day, quite literally almost hour by hour. And as I take things day by day, hour by hour, things are starting to shift. So there.
Oh this is a whole other matter. This is just like a petty. Let me vent moment cuz I don’t have my therapist here. So y’all are going to have to hear me bent Angela was talking about I don’t get why people see me as a threat Chelsea can you help me help me understand what people see me as a threat. I’m sorry help you understand what help you understand what you act a certain way you’re going to be perceived as a threat or as annoying or as a problematic so don’t be looking at me. I’m just a 51 year old lady boy. No, you have blown up on eight people asking me why you’re a threat is like asking me why water is wet! What kind of question? you know what I’m saying? Any who that’s my feelings. Next week I think it’s a physical comp. I really wish Cam pulls out this HOH next week.

10:50pm Unicorn Bedroom – Quinn and Leah.
Leah – I can’t believe it. I don’t even want to boost. I’m like, how is possible when she did that whole speech? I was like, I thought I was fucked. Quinn – Oh my god. This veto is about to be crazy because I thought that, like, maybe someone put something in her head about me, and I slept all day so I didn’t get to talk to anybody. It’s okay. But I wasn’t. It was insane. Leah – so is it Angela going this week? Quinn – I think we should make Chelsea make an argument. We can entertain the conversation. Like you know articulate points or whatever but we ultimately put the ball in her court and make her chose. So then next week, if anyone is angry we can say we followed the HOH.

11pm Bathroom – Cam, Tkor, Rubina and Kimo
They talk about going to bed soon. Tkor says that she is pretty tired and will go to bed no later than 12am (lol yeah right, we’ll see about that) but that she needs to move around. Cam – move around? Tkor – I need to move around to get tired but I don’t really move around.

11:30pm Unicorn Bedroom – Makensy, Quinn and Leah
Makensy is studying the days/events of the season with Quinn.
Makensy – Obviously like if she (Angela) stays and I win, I am putting her up. Quinn – yeah. Makensy – Oh I hope this veto is fun. I’m excited.

12am Rubina and Tkor feed the fish..
Rubina – I think at this point Cam might know me better than she (Chelsie) does.

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16 thoughts to “Nomination Results! “Your speech was hilarious. Very well said.””

  1. While the feeds were down, I made a summary of all the Pre-Juror HGs:

    1. Matt, Matt, Matt — good guy but terrible player. Telling the HOH you’ll come after them the following week for putting him up and isolating yourself from the house for Makensy gave you zero upside.

    2. Lisa – played like Venus from “Survivor 46”. Only talked with people when it was about the game. Didn’t care to connect with people personally despite Leah’s warnings. And way too much glitter!

    3. Kenney – a downer for wanting to go home every other day, but one of the most consistent comp players in the house. Had he won HOH, he would have been as dangerous as Tucker.

    4. Cedric – the most tragic pre-juror player. Put his faith in Quinn’s hands and everything that could have gone wrong went wrong.

    5. Brooklyn (pre-season pick #1) – loved her and most HG liked her, but not able to pull comp wins when needed. Had she developed the same social connections Chelsie did, she might have survived Tucker’s wrath and Cam would be gone.

    6. Tucker – a league in his own. This Jim Carrey/Robert De Niro hybrid played big, unafraid, and became a menace to everyone’s game. Unsuccessfully attempting to hack the A.I. Comp puzzle sealed his fate in the house.

    7. Joseph (pre-season pick #2) – this season’s residential asshole. Uninterested in winning comps and easily let his ego do the talking — but I laughed when he gave Angela a piece of his mind. Could have been in jury had he spoken with more tact.

  2. After the evidiction of Joseph, this is one boring cast, except for Cam. Let me go through current cast. Chelsie- her constant yelling when she is is in the diary room. The woman can’t talk in a normal voice. And why does she call Julie Auntie Julie, how stupid. Leah has to be the most boring houseguest in the history of Big Brother. MJ constantly brown nose whoever HOH is. T-Kor doesn’t know how to play the game and is reason why Tucker, her allied is not in the game. I have a hard time understanding her speech. Quinn thinks he is the smartest player in Big Brother history. Loved the way he cried during the Wall competition. He is another one that constantly yells in diary room. Rubina is a true floater. Finally Angela is really has mental issues. The one thing that most of the contestants is how they always say Julie is beautiful, except for Joseph when he came in the diary room during eviction and told Julie “who are you”. That was funny. I also love when Joseph say he loved being away from contestants for 24 hours. Finally, most of these contestants are the worst contestants in history of Big Brother, except for Tucker and Joseph. I did forget about Kimo. He is a good singer.

  3. No have nots again. No have nots any time the rotation or comp placing would find T’kor a have not it seems. Half the season is no have nots. ONLY common denominator left is T’kor.
    Not much game talk today really.
    Not much today today really.

    What’s Grod cooking up now?
    The strategic analyst part of my brain says this season has very low hanging fruit.
    Don’t @ me with your favorite… let’s just all be real and admit this season is a strategic drought season. Whatever winner wins will have more snafus than a winner should have,
    I’m still getting bbcan level prodomanipulation vibes. Not a compliment. Not. a. compliment. The most recent season came down to perceived loyalty through control vs. actual loyalty with a side moral dilema of gender vs race as determining factor. If it’s the beta test for this season… are we seeing that? IN some ways… but.

    Joseph confirmed in post interviews that it was indeed Tucker that offended Chelsie. He did not reveal WHAT was said.

    The AC was out in most of the big brother house today. That’s why they were all in the HOH.

    Well, tbh, both Angela and Kimo whined too much about just let me make jury. Juries here, But then again, With so much outage today, who knows what Grod has told Chelsie is to be the true plan this week. We’ll have to wait until Sunday’s episode. The d/r this season doesn’t match in house behavior… so how can we tell what is going on officially?

  4. Chelsie is preaching her sermon on relationships. I’m wishing the feeds would go back down. She should really take her own advice. Now excuse me while I insert a screwdriver into my ear canal.

  5. More Paras Cam.
    So Chelsie is NOT in a showmance but she’s offended her NOT a showmance partner and her bible study partner hang out and are touchy. Not that they are a showmance… but that they don’t respect Chelsie’s non-showmance relationship with Cam.

    Bunny boiling control freak passive aggressive nutjob.
    But remember: she doesn’t want to showmance and doesn’t want her game to be about showmancing.

    Sideye. THEN SHUT UP about showmancing.

    Oh good, she’s making more predictions. Eyeroll. Is she madame Cleo? No.
    Has she been right more than she’s been wrong? No.
    So…. she’s just making noises while converting oxygen to carbon dioxide. OOOOkay.

    Please. Her camtalk bullshit is the thing I dislike most about her.

    Chelsie: People are too comfortable.
    Also Chelsie: Offers EVERYONE but ANGELA some form of safety this week.
    I don’t like when an HOH has HOHITIS on the houseguests.
    I CERTAINLY don’t like it when the HOH saves all their HOHITIS to talk at me through the feeds.

  6. Chelsie is a good participant, but the show always gets boring when she takes power. I hope there will be some unpredictable eliminations. I think that’s the charm of Big Brother.

  7. Joseph said in one of his post interviews ( take his and all other interviews with a grain of salt) that Chelsey, would win this season. Although he said he would respect her win because she is playing a smart game ( agreed) he went on to say Chelsey is sometimes petty, judgmental, and sometimes drinks ” haterade.” Perhaps this is why her cam talks about her ” non crush , we will wait until the game is over, crush on Cam so contradicts her Bible talks which proceed the cam talks. Not sure we just mute them, as well as Leah’s meandering word vomit talks . Honestly is Leah any worse than Kyland?PS we see you Quinn and Leah plotting like you are really going to manipulate Chelsey…not hardly. Say what you will, Chelsey is pretty well insulated now and I predict she will survive the upcoming double eviction because of her shields. We just want Angela to go! Is there still a push for Tucker as AFP or has it lost steam.. sigh we miss Tucker and the excitement he brought with his ego, wild antics and fearlessness to shake up this game.

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