Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Quinn
Nominees: Kimo, Rubina and Angela
POV Players: >?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony:?
Havenots: Kimo, Makensy
4pm – 5:03pm Big Brother blocked the live feeds for the nomination ceremony. As head of household Quinn nominated Kimo, Rubina and Angela for eviction.
Kitchen – Rubina and Tkor
Tkor – Yeah, it’s crazy how much of a new normal it’s become to just be here. And so I really do forget in that I am not at home, that these people would literally strangers to me less than two months ago. And we’ve been living together and it’s crazy how, like, more intimate that I’ve gotten with everyone. How much more I know about
people how used to. I’ve gotten with people being around me. You know what I mean? Rubina – no I forget all the time. I’ve forgotten at times when I really should remember. Where’s Kimo? Tkor – I think he is just a little hurt right now. Rubina – Yeah. Tkor – I don’t know. I don’t know if he wants us alone time. I don’t know. I know he’s so hurt right now. Rubina – Yeah. Tkor – But he really had Quinn’s back as well. It’s crazy when some people just come out with the justification of. It wasn’t a good justification cuz you never came with Kimo with that proposition because let me tell you, if you came to him with that proposition. He would have jumped with you. Rubina – Yeah. Tkor – so you know there’s a lot to feel hurt. So that’s crazy. Rubina – Yeah. Tkor – but as long as his target goes out. That’s a very clear. I mean he said it to the whole house and even after he pulled more people aside to make it very clear. Rubina – Yeah. Tkor – So I’m pretty sure that’s what he wants because Quinn is not malice person. Rubina – I don’t think he is. Tkor – I’m going to remain positive though. That’s what we need, right? What’s meant to be will be. Kimo joins them. Tkor – Angela is not having a good time in this house. Rubina – I love you guys. I love everyone but.. Kimo – I love you too.
Tkor – I know she (Angela) did it to herself but it is still hard to watch. Rubina – I know. Why are you? Tkor – No, I’m not laughing. Rubina -Yes, you are. Tkor – No she said she had to go watch her dreams and then go be sad. Rubina – my problem is that like how are you surprised? Because I’m not even surprised. Tkor – No. I don’t know. I mean, I can understand how to call out. But I mean, the call out wasn’t even that bad in my opinion. No, it wasn’t. He (Quinn) was just saying the truth. Rubina – Yeah, those are just repeated back facts.
5:15 – 5:35pm HOH room – The other house guests are hanging out and chatting about random things.

5:45pm HOH room – Angela heads up to the HOH room to ask to speak to Quinn alone. All the other house guests leave the HOH room. Angela talks to Quinn about his nomination speech. Quinn – And that’s why I felt comfortable making a joke out of it. Saying that it’s like defamation and stuff like that was to keep the meeting light because I did put up to keep like, Kimo is going to be super super pissed at me. You’re probably super pissed at me. The default. The default setting is like, I am constantly you know, roundabout. We’re getting into it. But like putting those 2 up as well. So I wanted to keep it light and stuff like that. OK. I’m not mad at you. Okay, that’s good. I am happy to hear that. We were okay. Angela – Yeah, no, we are. Quinn – We are. We are. We are like on a
personal level. I do love and adore you, and I did not take any like
the nurses like that to me is like funny to look back on and stuff like that. And so it’s not an issue at all for me. I promise. Like, you don’t have to apologize for anything like. It’s okay. It really isn’t an issue. It’s just something funny to me. And so I’m sorry if I didn’t make that clear during the meeting. Angela – It just like you were really upset and passionate about it when you were saying it. Quinn – I thought that the voice inflection. I did that intentionally to like show that I was kidding when I said this is defamation. Angela – I just am not worried about me. I was just more worried about you. I don’t want you to feel.. Quinn – no, I don’t dislike you at all and I never could. I promise Angela you don’t have to worry. I want you to come up here and hang out even when people are up here. Please don’t feel shy about going into the HOH Room. You were very generous with your space whenever you were HOH and I want that same thing to be reciprocated. So don’t feel weird about coming in here and hanging out. Angela leaves and Quinn silently screams into his hand.

5:50pm Upper Level Backyard – Angela
Angela – I am freaking going to win that veto tomorrow… he’ll see!! Okay, I saw who was up there. Okay.
6pm HOH – Quinn talking to the cameras
Quinn – This week I need Angela to go home because she’s taking what’s mine and that a seat in the final 2. I will not let her do this. Leah, is going to stab me the back at some point I know it. She’s already done it and just denies it and then I don’t believe her, but then I keep trusting her but like I said I’m weak. Makensy is wonderful. Like I said, I like her a lot. It’s a little risky with the Chelsie, Cam of it all but if I form something like a final 4. Big Brother blocks the feeds.
6:39pm Kitchen – The house guests are sitting in the kitchen looking at the memory wall photos commenting on how would be most likely to.. for a variety of questions. Most likely to go to jail. Most likely to skip jury. Most likely to hold your friends hair back after a night of drinking? Most likely to be invited as a guest on the Jimmy Kimmel show? Most likely to go on Shark Tank? Most likely to be the DD?
6:55pm Kitchen
Angela heads outside to sit in the hammock. In the kitchen. Quinn – I was just checking that my speech was perceived as light hearted. I was just double checking that my speech came off as light hearted. Makensy – No, it really. It was all factual. Nothing. It was kind towards the people. Quinn – And I thought that the voice inflection would kind of sell that this is like, obviously I’m not upset because I said the most upsetting thing was being called unfunny.
7pm Backyard – Cam and Leah are trying to figure out how to work the BBQ.
Bumper Pool Room – Cam, Kimo and Quinn
Quinn – yeah the HOH’s have not been ones that would need condoms. Kimo – Cam would you think if you won HOH that you would find them in there? Cam – no. Quinn – Angela? Cam – stop! Quinn – All right I won’t Quinn-stigate any more.
7:20pm 7:33pm Backyard – Chelsie and Joseph
Joseph – I would love to get to the end and win and not have won anything. I think that would be crazy. Like what’s his name? Doctor Will never won a competition and got one of the greatest players of all time. So it could be won so many so many different ways. That’s what I’m saying. Chelsie – Yeah, you’re right. Joseph – I think that would be bada$$. Chelsie – Yeah, that would be in a way. Joseph – Yeah, that would show that like social strategic is what it’s about and the competitions are just a very small part. Not that I’m not gonna try and I don’t think Tucker realized that and I kind of and I cuz I was trying to tell him sometimes I was like I told him bro you’re not going to be able to win everything.
Joseph – Even last night, I knew it was definitely a possibility that
he was gonna go home. Chelsie – Yeah. Joseph – cuz I’m like it’s too appetizing with him up there. It’s like you know? Chelsie – yeah, it would just be the dumbest Big Brother move in history, not getting him out cuz he would have won HOH and I know exactly who he would have put up.
Chelsie – I knew his tactics was intimidation. For me was not being intimidated by him and getting him out of this game and I was like I’d rather take the risk of getting somebody out like him then try to hang on to his coattail because he’s intimidating me which he tried so many times to do in a very malicious way and I was not having and that’s why he had it out for Brooklyn. Brooklyn got in a little screaming match with him. He didn’t like that, anybody that bucked up against him. So that was just my perspective on him and I saw, and I heard so many things he was saying that was so contradicting itself and I was like contradicting his own self. That’s why I was so confused.
8:25pm Backyard – Leah and Chelsie are grilling. The other house guests are hanging out and chatting about random things.
Joseph – Our tiny hands really helped in that comp. We got out here and I was like finally useful. I’ve been ashamed of them for years!
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Angela!! I hope you win the VETO and become HOH next week to get revenge on the person who made you cry. The game is too predictable right now—make it fun! XOXO Angela
Your message is a JACKA$$!(not you for writing it just the comment itself is ridiculous) To get revenge on the person who made her cry will just need a mirror because it is her own undoing. Can you seriously promote bullying and calling horrible names trying to shame/insult the MOTHERS of fellow cast mates, telling people to shove the words into their A$$, imitating walks, muttering under her breath “idiots and snakes” when she is the one that is an idiot and snake, targeting the people who tried to protect her, scaring the fellow BBHOUSE26GUESTS. Angela has PROUDLY bragged going on school grounds to bully a family member (an 8th grader child!) because that family member teased her daughter. Angela is a horrible human being spoiled brat and these comments take my breath away thinking this rat human being is a “FUN” person. Are you watching the live feeds? I think not. Angela repeatedly saying “I am not mad”, like she deserves a fukin gold medal for not bullying.
Get her out!
Get her out!
Get her out!!!!!!!
Angela doesn’t deserve BBfriends.
Angela doesn’t deserve Alliances.
Angela doesn’t deserve jury.
Angela doesn’t deserve the second seat.
Angela doesn’t deserve to win.
Angela does deserve to get thrown out of the BBHOUSE now. Period!
Hasn’t everyone in the house made Angela “cry” at this point?
I wonder if Zingbot will make her cry
Then can’t you just eliminate everyone?
They are all getting what they DESERVE…LMAO…couldn’t wait to get rid of Tucker only to put Quinn back in charge First up …Angela. Then Rubina, Then Kimo, followed by Tkor your all idiots he does not fear Cam or Joseph, let’s face it Cam got lucky at a crap shoot game a 5 year old could have won…end of his resume…Joseph does nothing but stand off watching Leah. T,kor thinks she is still in an alliance with Quinn, Kimo, Chelsea, and Cam (WAKE UP CALL…NO YOUR NOT…THAT BOAT SAILED WHEN YOU EVICTED BROOKLYN). Angela saying I don’t care about myself (WHAT) You spent the better part of 10 minutes of bad tv BEGGING TO STAY LAST NIGHT…OHH PLEASE ITS MY DREAM ITS MY DREAM..SHUT UP….It’s everyone’s dream to win 750,000 dollars Can’t wait to see her go.And despite what her employer and family says …she has been an embarrassment to her age group..Quinn is in love with Leah and will carry her as far as Joseph can’t and along the way he will make his so called friends regret their decision to get rid of Tucker…
I’m really wondering if Tucker actually threw the AI Arena comp because he didn’t want to have to stay in the jury house. And if that’s the case, he missed out on an opportunity to spend more time with Rubina being on a paid vacation with NO CAMERAS! Wait until Rubina sees the video of her and Tucker having s*x! I also wonder how Rubina will feel about Tucker when she finds out he was the AI Instigator! I think:
1)Tucker threatened to throw the AI comp so Angela could win.
2) Tucker worked the puzzle backwards and I don’t think his dyslexia was the reason for that error.
3) Tucker didn’t want to stay in the jury house. (I guess he never considered he could spend more time with Rubina there).
4) Tucker was a daily user of marijuana and he prolly couldn’t wait to partake again. (Even tho it’s legal to buy and consume marijuana in California, I don’t think the BB shoppers would pick that up for him!
Tucker was a sore loser. I wanted to control both Cedric’s and Thor’s Veto Ceremony. What he should have argued when trying to convince T’Kor to put Leah up as replacement nom, is you’re putting up another alliance member, thus losing a team voting number. But Angela would have prolly voted to evict him just like Makensy did.
I thought the same, either cigarettes or weed
There’s been a lot of cigarette smokers in the BB house. Only rule I know of about that was you had to bring your own supply, and you had to smoke outside.
Evel Dick used to smoke like a fiend, and he’s not the only one (The Couch in BB23 and Sam in BB20), although there’s been fewer and fewer over the years.
Apparently vapes aren’t allowed because they’re electronic.
Who doesn’t Quinn want to work with?
Again, he’s going to try to over-align himself. Never learn.
At least we know he’s cognizant… but has just enough Godot contagion in him that… he’ll just think about what he “should” do.
So he knows Leah will shank him but she’s so gosh durned purty. dope.
So he knows Joseph will snake him but… not that either? dope.
So he recognizes ANGELA is the f2 Karen obvious choice. Doesn’t realize so is Leah. dope.
So he knows Cam and Chelsie might just ditch him when the time is right. dope.
So he thinks he can still ride with the Visionaries….. DOPE.
He is SO piss poor at understanding the motivations of others.
you don’t win this game without allies. he made big swings and misses with angela, kimo, and t’kor ealy on. t’kor not putting him on the block last week makes him understandably still think that relationship is viable but kimo and angela are effectively dead to him due to how badly they burned him. everyone else is a better option than those two and he needs to build something with someone so i don’t think his attempt to put those options out there is a bad idea, there just isn’t anything there that anyone’s all that receptive to, and he’s probably going to need big comp wins to make it more than a couple more weeks.
he is trying to keep the visionaries while also build a 6-7 person alliance in his camtalk.
That isn’t tenable, this season especially.
That’s why I think it’s doing too much.
visionaries is super dumb and he needs to give up on it. like you pretend it’s still a thing, sure, but i hope he’s just pretending (doubt he is though)
He’s pitching a six to T’kor now of the Mist fits plus Cam and Chelsie.
Do Cam and Chelsie know about it…. nope.
Just like last night when he pitched a 5 person alliance to Cam and Chelsie… that had 7 members by morning without saying anything to Cam and Chelsie about the new additions.
He’s not just over-aligning himself… he’s now got 2 more people attached to alliances with EVERYONE in the house but Angela without talking to them first AGAIN.
yeah, this is what i mean by him taking big swings. it’s actually not all that uncommon to pitch alliances without actually talking to everyone first, but quinn’s making big assumptions about everyone being on board that generally people who propose such alliances have a much better read on their relationships than quinn does.
I agree the 7 person alliance is way too big at this point in the game. He’d be better served to stick with the 5 that voted Tucker out, and work on getting rid of T’Kimo (at least one of them first and foremost), and then the other one, Angela, Joseph and Rubina.
He might change it up and get rid of Chelsie after he gets rid of 2 or 3 of them, if the opportunity presents itself, because she is his biggest competition at this point. Probably her and Makensy are, at least that’s how I see it.
Cam could come on strong at some point, but he hasn’t done it yet, and he hasn’t shown any propensity towards strategic game play at all, other than doing what he’s told, as he did when voting out Tucker.
I guess I will watch yesterday’s show… This show is making me sad.
Didn’t T’Kor sort of have to put Angela up after Angela said she was coming for Tucker, to at least assure that Angela didn’t have a vote?
T’kor wanted to break up the 6 avenue. She didn’t want to keep working with Angela. The trio discussed it. Her reasoning had nothing to do with keeping Tucker safe because the Friendzzzz also discussed it the night before and Tucker agreed that Angela could be the renom… but then he wanted them to wait to decide until after he confronted Angela.
T’kor… I think at least secretly, didn’t mind if there was an oops and Tucker left.
What she failed to consider is following Tucker’s orders in keeping Quinn in the dark about the voting situation would lead to Quinn feeling betrayed by the Visionaries.
Dear T’kor,
why would Quinn put up Rubina and Kimo?
Last time he had an HOH you flipped on him to save Rubina without a heads up.
Feel like practicing those gymnastics now?
Quinn thinks they’d vote out Rubina over Kimo or Angela over Kimo.
Leah knows he dislikes her. Final 2 with Angela.
Chelsie wants a Kimo-less T’kor and Rubina.
Mak? Likes Rubina more than Kimo… though would want Angela out first most likely.
Cam? For some reason I don’t know… never much of a Kimo fan. Even before the Pentagon reveal. Even when they were forming Collective. Wasn’t a fan.
Joseph… hmmm. Knows Rubina doesn’t trust him. Likes T’kor and thinks he’s her best friend…. how… why… whuuuu? He thinks she loves him? sideye wh…durp????? Might take out Kimo to collect T’kor. Will want to collect Angela as a fall back Karen.
ME: Angela in jury. WHO does she Vote for to win? Don’t have a clue? Don’t know if you want to do Jury house with her?
I will honestly say her reaction to the nom speech actually felt genuine. I don’t lay that claim on Angela often. Thinking Quinn maybe did too much. Quinn? never… oh wait… yah probably did too much.
I agree. Get Angela out before the jury house.
Best conversation of the day was Chelsea schooling Joseph on why Tucker wasn’t the greatest player of all time and why he shouldn’t have believed all the lies Tucker told him. My question to my fellow comment writers is why if more than one POC is involved in an alliance make it a Cookout+ situation?
He made the season watchable. But that being said. Nothing great about Chelsie as a player either. No one after allstars 2 that has played is anywhere near among the best players of all time
Perfect example of my overplay concerns.
Last night during one on ones
Quinn to Chels/Cam: Let’s form an alliance with the three of us, T’kor and Mak. We can be a core 4 with T’kor.
by morning it’s got Leah and Joseph in it and Cam Chals were not told until after the invitations were extended.
Cam and Chelsie don’t want to work with Joseph.
Quinn to T’kor: let’s form an alliance with the two of us and Cam and Chelsie. we can bring in Kimo and Rubina.
Have Cam and Chelsie been made aware of this Kimo and Rubina invitation? No.
Cam and Chelsie don’t want to work with Kimo.
At some point SOMEBODY (3 guesses who) is going to be saying ‘boy… don’t you speak for me and attach my name to people I didn’t agree to work with.’
This is what happens when one of the worst HOH reigns in BB history just ended.
At least Tucker left pre-jury (he was adamant about not wanting to have to stay in the jury house) and with $20,000! I think the only thing that would make him happier is if Rubina was available.
Even pre jury he will be more successful than anyone in that house. His personality will open a ton of opportunities no doubt.