Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household Winner – Holly
Have note are: Jessica, Nicole and Sam
Nominations are: Sam & Nick
Power of Veto Players are –
Power of Veto holder –
Power of Veto Ceremony –
Powers in the game
Christie – Panic
At any of the next four Power of Veto Ceremonies, Christie can turn the Golden Power of Veto into the Diamond Power of Veto and allow the current veto holder pull someone off the nomination block, but instead of the Head of Household naming the replacement nominee, the veto holder names the replacement.
Field Trip
America votes for 3 houseguests to go on a field trip that will put one houseguest’s game on the line
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5pm Bedroom – Nick and Sam.
Sam – Alright Jess is out to get you? Big whoop! Is she going to go win something and then throw you up? Who cares? You have us in the game, we’ve got your back. Look at the couples, you really think you’re above Christie and Tommy?! You think you’re there? We can help you get there. Maybe Nick mentioned your name but those people he mentioned it to were saying it right back at him. It goes both ways and in a million years he would never go after you. If you did not put us up right now there would be so much trust right now. He was like alright let me ask you this … would you very put me up? I said yeah Michie I could swear on my kids .. I was like whatever screw it because I don’t care I would take it back and do it anyway. I said I would swear on my kids I would never put you up. And I would swear that Nick would never come after you either. We would be here for the long haul, Nick and Bella were super excited to work with you, like we are in it. Let switch it up. You’re accomplishing nothing by getting us out. And if your majority friends trust you so much they should see that you’re looking out for your game. They were like ah these are good points. Nick – I am going to pitch that you would rather me in jury than Jess. And if we’re in the game we’re bigger targets so they can always take us out. Sam – I gave them a bible pitch, I was like remember when Jesus ..the majority wanted Jesus out.. they wanted to crucify him .. so what did they do they took him to pontius pilate and he washed his hands and said you can have this man .. and pontius pilate walked away thinking he had a clear conscious as the majority. Holly this is you the majority is saying for what?! And you’re being pontius pilate I’m just going to give the majority what they want. What is that accomplishing for you? We never betrayed you in our alliance. My loyalty is what I have in this game and I never betrayed anyone. I felt really good with that one. Sam leaves the room. Nick to the cameras – Never give up in big brother! Targets always change in big brother. All we have to do is chill. I know Michie wants to keep me. The good thing is that Christie said that she got her friend back so she might pitch to keep me. I will do what I have to. Its essentially Gr8ful minus Bella and Me and then all the floaters. Why take me out?! Yeah I tried to keep Bella?! But what was I supposed to do!? They can’t fault me for that. Now I lost someone I love. I would never go after Jackson.
5:11pm Big Brother blocks the feeds for the Nomination Ceremony.
6:01pm The live feeds return. Nick – its a game. Don’t be upset.
Holly Nominated: Nick and Sam
Boat room. Nick and Kat.
Kat – You still have the veto. Nick – yeah, I shot my shot and got f**ked. That power really f**ked me last week. Kat – but she didn’t use it. Nick – yeah but just the threat of it. Its okay, I’m really not mad. I created the best alliance in the game and then got myself out of it. I was just looking too far in the game. I should have just let it play out. Even though I was saying stuff to other people, I still had their back. I could have put them up but I didn’t. I would have had my chance week 3 if I wanted. If I don’t win (the veto) they are probably going to tell you to vote me out. Do what’s best for your game. I know you know about the vote my week too. Kat – no I didn’t. Nick – people are saying that you knew about the vote flip. Kat – who said that? Nick – I’m not saying names. I already got myself in enough trouble saying names. Kat – I did not know about that because why would I vote. Nick – because they said they wanted you to pretend that you didn’t know. Kat – I definitely did not know. Nick – well Kat, I don’t care either way. Kat – I didn’t! Nick – Its okay, I believe you. Kat – why would they say that? Nick – to talk sh*t, I don’t know.
6:11pm – 6:30pm Boat room. Nick and Sam.
Sam – I really want you to win the veto. I would throw it to you. Nick – why? Sam – because I feel like if you were to come down they would put up Jess and she would go. It pissed me off how Jess is acting because she is acting like she worked herself into the crowd like they accepted you.. because they want your vote. You didn’t do anything because your game sucks. Nick – if I did win and got myself off .. you definitely have a better chance at staying. Sam – if it was down to me and you.. I would probably throw you the veto. Nick – if they (production) want me to stay I feel like they’re going to give me the shuttle comp or something athletic so that I can beast it. Yo! If you get house guest choice you have to pick Jess. Sam – why? Nick – because you want someone that you can beat. Nick – why would you pick anyone else? Sam – I was going to pick Cliff so that I could beat him … and if he won he would have to be loyal to me to pay me back. Nick – the best case scenario is if we pick Nicole, Cliff and Jess. In any other season there are two sides. We have one side and then 6 floaters. They head out of the room to go eat with the other house guests.
Bedroom. Jack and Sis.
Jack – has Sam made a decision if he knows if he wants to go before jury or what? (To go home to his family or go to jury) Like because he literally just flipped out on Jess and was like … not on Jess but outwardly talking sh*t about Jess. So he’s just signed his ticket and is ready to go. Sis – oh f**k, I don’t know. He did talk to Holly and say can you please just keep me and Nick so that we can go to jury together. Jack – so he doesn’t care if he goes to jury or not. Sis – I don’t know. Do you know who he is going to choose if he gets house guest choice? Jack – he would choose you. Sis – why I wouldn’t take him off. I don’t think anyone would take him off. Jack – if he picked me as house guest choice, I would take him off. Sis – you’re f**king lying. Jack – no I would. Sis – Liar, why!? Jack – because if he would trust me to do it.. I would. Sis – why? Jack – because I’m a person. Sis – I’m a person too and I wouldn’t take him off. Jack – that is my motto in this game.. Sis – but Kat offered to be a pawn if one of them come off. If you took him off that would be fine because he wouldn’t come after me. Jack – I don’t know, maybe I’d throw it. Sis – Nick has to go though. Jack – the way the game is they both have to go.
6:37pm – 7pm Boat room. Nick, Jack and Sam.
Nick – I would pick Jess if I got house guest choice. I wouldn’t pick Cliff because he will just go with the house. If lost to Jess in a shuttle .. I mean it wouldn’t matter anyway if I didn’t win. Tommy joins them. Sam – I am always super nice to Jess but she pisses me off by the things she says to me. I take it with a grain of salt. I don’t hate Jess as a person. I just get irritated by the things she says. Someone is telling Jess that if I won HOH I would definitely put her up.. I would definitely put her up but the reason why I would put her up is because I would never put a guy up on the block. It would always be a girl and she would be first to go. I love women. Tommy – how do you know this? Sam – because she was cool with me and now she is weird. Jack – I’m thinking its (veto comp) going to be spelling. Nick – I hope not!
7:06pm – 7:15pm HOH room. Holly and Jackson.
Holly – I don’t know if you were in here earlier when I said my other idea.. its freaking brilliant and the best part is that Kat came to the same plan herself and didn’t even realize that it was already in my mind. If one of them takes themselves off with the veto I am going to put up Kat as the pawn. Jackson – perfect. Holly – because no one would vote her out and it reassures the house that her and I are not working together. I think its great! Jackson – it is. Holly – then she could continue to fly under the radar and people would not expect that .. I think they would buy it because of you and her fighting .. I think she has my back unless she is a serial killer pathological liar. I think she has my back and I have hers. I know she does. She drives me crazy too. Jackson – people that are good at winning random stuff we have to be on good terms with.
7:27pm Bedroom. Christie and Nick. Christie – I think that a lot of it has to do with you two together are scary… as a duo …probably scarier than you and Bella together. Nick – really?! Christie – and probably because you were the only one to vote to keep Bella. Nick – oh that’s a bulls*t excuse because ..say every other reason but don’t say me not voting out Bella because no man would vote out their girl. Christie – she (Holly) didn’t even say that she had a target. Nick – I think I am just going to pick a weak player. I don’t think I can trust anyone to .. If I save myself am I going forward. Christie – of course. Nick – I knew if I didn’t win this HOH I was going to go up. If I don’t win (the veto) its going to be really hard to get votes. Tommhy, Sam and Jack join them. Nick and Christie rehash the events leading up to Bella and Nick becoming the targets. Nick – I respect Holly’s move.. it just sucks because now my word doesn’t mean sh*t. Christie – if you stay in this house then it will again. We can start fresh.
8:10pm – 8:25pm HOH room. Sis and Holly. Sis – so you don’t think you’ll be together when you get out of here? Holly – I don’t know. Like when we get out of here I want to go on a road trip across the country or book a ticket to Thailand. And meet people and go on trips and explore and fulfill myself that way … and like he wants to go to Vegas. Sis – yeah. Holly – I don’t know what else he wants to do. Which is fine he is 24 and still finding himself. Holly – I have to pry my hand out of Michie’s hand when we’re sleeping. Sis – oh I love that. My ex was like that and I miss him. I think about him a lot and I wonder what he is thinking. He is probably thinking I am never going to talk to this b***H again. I screwed up .. well I ended it with him. Holly – I am so curious what my ex is thinking. Jackson and Jack join them.
8:55pm Bedroom. Nicole and Jess.
Jess – Maybe I am a lot less empathetic because I have already been on the block. Its not my turn, its their turn. I’ve already gone through it. And actually went through it in the beginning to where I didn’t get the chance to create those relationships with people because I was on the block. Nicole – MMMmhhmmm.. I went up after veto and I didn’t get a chance to perhaps fight for myself and take myself off. Jess – you were first hand affected by that relationship. Nicole – scapegoat. Sis joins them. Sis – I don’t know where you guys stand but I don’t.. Jess – want it (veto) to be used. Sis – so like if Nick or Sam were to be like hey Sis I want to choose you .. I would be like Okay but I probably won’t use it. Because I don’t want to put Holly having to put someone else up. Jess – neither would I. Sis – like that doesn’t make sense .. why don’t we just keep it the same. Jess – that’s an awkward situation .. just in case you’re picking me I’m not using it. Sis – like why would we use it and risk someone else going up? Jess – I don’t think either of them would choose me so..
9:40pm The house guests are lounging around and getting ready to go to bed early. In the bathroom. Jack and Christie are studying the days/events of the season thus far.
10pm Holly calls everyone to the living room. Holly – this week there will be 3 havenots. However I will not be choosing them. Havenots this week will be determined by their performance during the Pose-in-Ivy Competition. This means the first 3 to fall meaning Jessica, Nicole and Sam are havenots for the week. Sam starts fake crying. Jackson – prepare for the fiber intake. Sam – I already have butt problems. Jackson – it loosens things up. Sam – yeah but its the wear and tear down there. Nick – oh because you guys were sh*tting out blood. Jackson – I literally shat blood. Imagine you have a faucet and then you pour cement down it.
10:10pm Camp Comeback havenot room. Sam and Nicole.
Sam – I am thinking if I get House Guest choice I am thinking of picking Cliff. Nicole – People are already discussing it. Its scary. Sam – what do you mean? Nicole – Like if house guest choice is picked you can’t feel obligated to take them down because you would be obligated to Holly and it should be an easy week. Sam – well if they ask you.. just say no then. Sam – he (Nick) would probably do Jess because Jess can’t win. He would have more of a chance of beating Jess and we just beat her. Nicole – like I would feel better playing in it and not doing well so you guys could win it. Jess brought it up to Sis and Sis was like I wouldn’t use it. Sam – Let say Cliff wins veto ..if I am feeling comfortable I am wondering if we could execute.. me and Cliff would have a huge blow out fight to the point that I would think he is going to save me.. and then he would use it on Nick. And that way I would be like WTF?! And then Jess would go up next to me and Jess would get voted out.
10:50pm kitchen. Cliff and Holly. Cliff – if you need to .. if he picked me.. I could go a little bit lower speed. If for some reason I ended up winning it.. I promised that I would do it. Holly – just do whatever is best for you.
11:18pm Bathroom. Nicole and Jess. Jess – this is going to be an interesting week. Nicole – I think it will be good for you guys. Nicole – build bridges. If Nick goes, we’re going to need him (Sam), because he doesn’t have anybody. Build bridges, I am telling you. You both need each other and you’re both not seeing it. Jess – I want to trust him like I trust you, like I trust Kat, like I trust other people. I need to be able to trust. I feel like that is so cowardly… for him to throw me, you and Kat under the bus. Just throw one of them and have one of them go this week. Like that hurts me.
12am Kat shows off her new hairdo..
12:45 am Holly putting on the finishing touches to her makeup today
12:46 am Sis, Kat, and Christie
Complaining that it’s too hot in the house
Sis – I’m really upset right now I walked in there (DR) telling them to F*ing turn the heat down
Kat goes on about Nicole being the person that told Nick Kat knew about the flip when Cliff/Nicole was on the block. They wonder why should would do that. Kat thinkgs that Nicole is looking for a place to land she’s scared.
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I blame Cliff for this wreck. I was so excited when he nominated the Jack’s. But in less than a day, Cliff went from Mastermind to Masturbator, with Christie giving him a helping ‘hand’.
Blame Nick. Nicole warned him 2 weeks ago, but his ego couldn’t believe anybody was on to his game, or that anybody would want to target him. He had the opportunity with Noms and veto. His big move was Nicole. who warned him. and he still failed. and all of his noms are still in the house.
Nick’s ego tanked our fun. Cliff just wallowed in the tank.
So much blame to go around. They could have put monkeys in the house these season it would be same outcome. And the monkeys don’t have 21 season to look back on.
I also blame Cliff and can’t wait to see him get his comeuppance. That was perhaps the biggest F up in BB history. He’s an idiot on his way to the chopping block.
Cliff deserves a lot of blame i agree. But its not the biggest f up in bb history. Marcellas was on the block, won veto, and decided not to save himself because he loved everyone so much. Then went home. Howie wins hoh then the leader of the other alliance convinced him to put up 2 people from his own alliance. His side lost the game. How about Kalia who wins hoh gets scared out of back dooring big jeff puts up lawon from her own alliance then lost an alliance mate. How about cody califiore? He wins final 3 hoh and takes derrick who ran the whole season to final 2 instead of victoria the lamp shade. Paul takes nicole to final 2 instead of do nothing james??? Cliff had a chance to save the season and shouldve put up christie after she decided not to use the power or tommy then jack wouldve gone home. Wouldve been a much better season but he is safe this week so its not the biggest f up in bb history.
The funny thing is you can see the production influences over the years and how much worse they have gotten.
Don’t forget about Hayleigh’s last year when rockstar went out on her HOH.
That was priceless and beautiful!!!! :p
there are much bigger f ups (my go to is always lawon), but this was a pretty bad one. bare minimum he needed to force christie to use her power. when she didn’t use it, she should have gone up.
Cliff is definitely up there for the biggest f**k up but the biggest f**k up in bb history to me was in bb6 when Howie won HOH and put James on the block.
Yup Cliff even said it himself that was their one chance to turn the tide of the season. He a complete flop.
He’s not responsible for the house being filled with unlikables and poor production choices.
The worst part is that the only 2 out of the nonsh$tters are mad at him are Nick and Sam. I think that had a lot to do with his decision. He didn’t have any backup from what should have been his side of the house. They should have been in his ear all week and most of them wanted Bella gone.
What was he supposed to do? Cliff knew Kat and Jess would not be on his side in the future and he’d be the first up as soon as possible. He’d be a target. He knew Nick and Bella his potential alliance would also be a target. So he is trusting Christie and in good faith let her keep her power and is following his same strategy of letting the six self destruct and he can slip through the cracks. So far his decision is working. They didn’t put him up this week and next week it’ll likely be Sam.
Yessir….and right now…I would wager that we’ll see the 6 ripping at each other b4 Cliff is in jeopardy. His decision may well pay off and who knows…by the end of the season may not even be talked about as a flop.
Tough to blame Cliff when he wanted Jack or Jaws out but the Power that Christy had killed that plan as he knew he did not have the votes to keep Bella if she played it. Yes she did not play it but it did buy Cliff 2 weeks of being safe and I still think Christy is going to take a shot at Jaws first before Cliff……
cliff was safe the next two weeks with bella, nick, and sam still in the house. even with crazy luck on vetoes two of those three would go home before cliff. christie’s deal offered cliff absolutely nothing. once jackson came down cliff’s renom should have been someone arguably more popular than jack (tommy) or christie for her arrogance not using the power. he had the opportunity to put two people who voted him out on the block or at least take away a power from one of them and instead he gave them a ton of power for nothing.
I’m just not sure though. I think Nick and Bella were really most afraid of Cliff than the Jacks or anyone else. Yes, during Cliff’s HOH…they kissed his butt just like everyone else…but he would have been one of the next they sent out.
Nah, Cliff would have easily gone home before Nick and Bella as soon as one of the remaining five won. Nick and Bella weren’t trustworthy for Cliff.
Sounds like you’d fit in with Cliff’s Angels.
Crusty will have someone else do her dirty work, namely Kat, Jessica, or Nicole…… watch
She will…she egged Kat on about Michie etc. I think anyone who keeps her around, is making a big mistake. I’m not fan at all…but she’s playing brilliantly. We can see what she’s doing on the outside..but in tha house, they seem to be eating it up.
They did use two of the whack powers on him after his noms, and he didn’t win the veto, so his plans were slightly altered.
No excuse when Crusty didn’t use her power… put her up period.
Then Cliff is up right away in retribution. He doesn’t want to be on the block anymore. Or get ousted from the game. He knew Nick, Bella, Nicole etc. would’ve been too weak to support him.
I agree he’s weak
Limp, weak, impotent, Lame are words to describe Cliff’s HOH
I really, REALLY, hate when people chicken out and claim well, I gave my word. I want to play an honest game.
If you sign up for Big Brother to play an honest game, then you are an idiot. The game is about manipulation, deceit, and winning $500,000. You will not be considered a horrible, dishonest human being who lack integrity because you lied to someone in the Big Brother house. Viewers will be disgusted and judgmental with behavior that isn’t game related, showmances, racism, bullying, and such but if Cliff had put up one of the 6 and went back on his word, people wouldn’t think he was a liar or lack integrity in the real world.
Simply put, most viewers understand the difference between the game and the real world.
I agree and I don’t agree….because what u said is right…but at the same time…I feel like if people didn’t have concrete, honest “words”….then it would be a free for all…and nothing would mean anything to people
The difference is you have to be willing to break your word when keeping it puts you in a much worse position. Plus you keep your word to people you are working with, not people who just voted you out of the house, put him up as a pawn and banished him all in the last week or two.
And his bravado is so galling. Giving shout outs to his “Cliffamaniacs”! What he doesn’t realize is that there are Cliffamaniacs because he drove us crazy by his horrific game moves and we are tearing our hair out now that his truly dumbass moves ruined the summer.
Flaccid even…one might say haha
Soft, unimpressive
shitty …
lmao…lackluster and apathetic
Box office flop
Cliff sucks, he pussed out period. He couldn’t get the job done. He ruined the season single-handedly. F Cliff May he rot in BB hell. Hahaha, I’m so dramatic I’m on the verge of being Christie lol
THE TV only folks must love cliff.
how shitty is the cast when someone like Cliff makes it to third place on the rating after the WORST HOH of the season.
Does anyone think that there’ll be another bounce back?
I know Sam is loud and can be over the top , but I’m liking him more and pulling for him to stay and hopefully win HOH. I’m ready for some of the Shitty shooters to start shaking in their boots.
Dude! he’s all we got right now 8 vs 1
Sam, just go home and be with your boys! Time with the family is priceless don’t waste another minute with these losers…get out before you are locked in jury house with some of the most despicable ppl. Love Nicole but she is powerless now everyone should have listened to her when she wanted to save Kemi! The ship is sunk save yourself while you can still get out!
So, I wonder when Nick is going to be informed that the three alliance of Jackson, Jack and Bella that turned into the six alliance of Jackson, Jack, Bella, Christie, Nick, Holly (in order that they were recruited) that became the eight of Jackson, jack, Bella, Christie, Nick, Holly , Tommy and Sis could not have been created by Nick… because he was the fifth recruited? Oh. wait. was it his idea to bring in Tommy and Sis?
See even his retell becomes more grandiose. Last week he started it with Jack. Now he created it.
Why is he telling this to Kat? He’s telling her he created an alliance that she wasn’t in, so she was therefore a target, and he’s on the block.
I still remember the first couple of days of feeds. He was already conspiring to get rid of Jackson. With Sam… who thought he was working in a group of 9 at the time. Sam and Nick wanted a five man group to run the house.
This is something i think about when they talk of loyalty to the 8/9. How many Stage 5 alliances were there before the Flamin Five? Weren’t there 3 stage 5 alliances? Nick was in at least two of them. The elite among the elite. Sam was in one of them as well.
The flamin five itself. what was it’s goal at first? To save Kemi so that she would take a shot at the 8.
Nick and Sam have cylced through main targets from jackson then Jack then Holly, then Tommy. All before the Nine was created.
This loyalty boohoo is starting to peeve me.
btw for Sam… the story he related where he’s Jesus and Holly is Pontius Pilate… not really the story to go with to an HOH.
realistically the analogy went above Kat’s head. And Jackson thought Pontius Pilate was hell… so… Sam. Know your audience.
At least he didn’t go to Tommy and Christie with it. Tommy would be saying we can make it into a play…dibs on playing the cross… nail me. Crusty would be running from room to room saying he called her Judas, or that she’s the Jesus and he’s the Pontius. ugh. I got the mental picture. shudder.
I hate to be like this but we have Cliff to thank for this mess. He had every opportunity to take out one of the six but instead chose the weakest way out and for what? To stay an extra 2 weeks. Not trying to be judgmental but Cliff thinks a little too highly of himself. This Cliffomaniac jargon he is trying to push shows he doesn’t get it. He had the opportunity to cross Christie but instead he had to “stick to his word”. You gotta be kidding. This is Big Brother!!! You word means nothing! I miss the days of Dr. Will and Dan. It seems we are stuck with these type of characters now. I personally want to see Cliff go out in the next two weeks. Maybe then he will see what sticking to his word got him. Sam is our only hope.
Totally agree. If they had managed to get Kat to vote out Jack it would have been 7-5 and even with Holly being HOH and 2 of them going on the block it would have been 5-4 when it came to the vote. At least they would have been able to control who went home.
He can go home before jury he doesn’t deserve it anymore than meatbag Jess.
reading through these comments today I can’t believe how all of us are more or less on the same page with this all. I haven’t seen the fandom this behind/against something since …. bb19, bb6, bb11
I would love to see Cliff get “clipped” this week.
It’s because this is the worst cast ever….even BBOTT.
This cast SUCKS!! 3 couples that couldn’t wait to “hit the showers” , another pseudo couple in Christie and Tommy, Jess is so worthless it’s bordering on pathetic, Nicole can’t get traction going because she runs her mouth to the wrong people, Cliff is a waste of space. David was the only one worth a damn and he got picked off in episode 1… UGH!!! Kat is starting to grow on me but I think that’s more because the rest of the remaining cast is so gawd awful!!
Somebody inform me when this sounds reasonable:
The Jackasses are pissed with Jessica because she ate without permission.
I’ll wait.
If the show is going to ask America to vote on game changing twists, they should show a more accurate representations of Jack and Jackson….they are terrible people.
they can’t show a more accurate view without running a disclaimer before the episode. They shouldn’t be completely covering it up. They will. They will keep covering it up in edit, and fishing on feeds. They’re knee deep in the second arc of their story line projections. as a sidebar… if i were Jessica, and i looked up at the memory wall, i’d be running my ass to that bathroom and bleaching my hair blonde and telling them the jessica persona was a show humor twist, you’ll see it on the shows it’s funny, my real name is molly smith and i’m a dairy farmer from Wisconsin. Just in case.
Its a disgrace that edited version shown on TV is twisting how bad this years BB participants really are. Sorry to say, but no longer watching the televised edited versions any longer. Its not even entertaining knowing what these characters are really like and watching the polling that CBSs favorites are all in the cellar. I had hope in Cliff, but he is a complete disappointment and one who in real life has gotten to were he is by “brown nosing” his way up.
My only outlet from this moment on, on outcomes will be from this Forum. To painful to watch lie feeds, or the heavily edited version on TV.
To those that can stomach his season, I commend you.
Heya overitall! glad you are sticking around and joining in on the pain with the rest of us 🙂 🙂
I remember the season I gave up on the TV edit. it was during bb12.
Checked the ratings for this Season (been dropping the past 3) and this year viewers are down over 20%. They don’t start changing things they will be cancelled. Also almost 10 former housemates that have been on slop are calling out production for letting Jawson get away with so much
I’ve been following the rating also. BB still wins the timeslot (sometimes doesn’t it?) but the drop is obvious. I think CBS should have canned GROD and KASSTINGS years ago and built a show based on regular people with little twists. Instead, we have this circus.
I only watch the competitions and fast forward through the rest.
So are the people who produce this show….
I hate Christine but she is taking over everyone’s hoh and noone notices but Nick and Sam I think Jackson is catching on she won’t win in end.
christie is currently in the best position to win. she has a close ally in tommy and a shield in jack. only jackson sees through it but i don’t see how he plans to do anything about it. he’s losing potential numbers rapidly. his targets should be cliff and jess this week, not nick and sam.
Not to mention, production…
Production and THE GROD in her corner she’ll do just fine..
Christie has CBS and production on her side, hand picked by a friend in production. Jackson admitted he has mental issues, has a hot temper, I think this is why he is allowed to do what ever he wants that he won’t blow a fuse. He is awlful to Kat and Holly. Holly has low self esteem to put up with the verbal abuse.
Crap I forgot about Christie’s friend in production.. UGH i hate this.
Christie’s Kassting friend as well as production friend. Tommy has connections from being a bbott alternate (which was cast in part by Christie’s Kassting friend). and Tommy knows Ginamarie. and his ex knows Frankie.
Holly has mentioned Kat getting to text or call the outside world from d/r. She has also mentioned giving Tommy messages to get to the outside world and waiting to hear responses.
Jackson has his real world connections and social media connections to Holly. The show is downplaying the real world connection between Kat and Holly. Almost like they cast an inherent check and balance system for Jackson, a person with way tooooo many issues to be safely cast.
oh. and Jess knows bbcan3 britt (fairly useless connection, but a connection).
I am just Hate watching at this point since Nicole and Sam are doomed thanks to Clifford .
She’s in best position to make it to the end, but with emotional game play once people compare stories in Jury, I bet this jury may be bitter and vote against her…..
I don’t feel bad for Nick at this point you made your bed now lay in it. I don’t know maybe if you listened to nicole you wouldn’t in this position , but your ego was so hurt by the truth you turned a blind eye to it and missed the bigger picture until it was too late.
As Holly and Sis talk about how sweet and nice Jackson is this week and how Holly has to pry her hand away he’s holding it so tight…
oh sweetie. If you weren’t HOH he’d be on the other side of the room until he needed someone to sniff his deodorant… in his yucky place. He’s holding her hand tight because he’s afraid she’ll go down to the fridge and realize he’s eaten everything. He’s been going around having Head of Household meetings without her. Holly is his meal ticket this week. and he eats 25 meals a day. Sis is STILL a pillowcase.
Christie and Nick compare victim noises. Someone call Cousin Eddie, both of them sound like the shitter’s full.
Kat volunteers to be renom. Kat gonna Kat. but seriously Kat, You’re gonna volunteer when the HOH’s filler injector yells at you almost daily? S-M-R-T.
Ugh. If they ever box set this season… it’s going to need to come with barf bags.
JACKSON is telling have nots the penalties if THEY eat food. You just KNOW the little effer would be running to production screaming if he saw any one of them eat something unauthorized.
So he’s telling them about penalty noms if you eat…. does that only start now that he isn’t a have not??? By that standard he should be on the block at least three weeks in a row just from the number of times I saw him eat. Who knows how much more they let him away with.
hmmm. I think i loathe him, and screw production for placating and covering for him.
sis is a stained pillowcase lol…
Why does Sam think anyone would vote out Jess?Is he thinking with Jess’s brain?
Sam considers her a bottom feeder. He still thinks he is a class above a bottom feeder. Sam has had some weird issue with Jess since about day 4 of feeds. Not sure of the root of it. He has suggested Jess as a nom in at least four of his discussions of who he would put on the block, and who doesn’t deserve. He was the most offended when finding out there was a woman’s alliance… strangely enough he and Nick were pushing for a men’s alliance but he took great personal exception to a woman’s alliance. He knows Jackson doesn’t like her much. He knows the guys think she would be a ringleader if there was a gender alliance split. I’m not sure if i have ever seen a Jess and Sam game talk….
Some would try to throw in the whole cough cough only poc left cough cough. THAT IS NOT SAM’S MOTIVATION.
He dislikes her, so thinks everyone must dislike her.
I’m not sure about the origins of the Jess/Sam issues but I have seen them talk surface game before maybe just once.
I find Jess to be a complete joke in this game but I get to listen to her game talk which accounts for over 80% of the joke.
They do.
Christy was right. Sam is very cocky and stupid.
He belives he will get the vote over jess and willing to throw the veto.
I don’t even know if he can beat nick in a vote!
If nick is off , he doesn’t stand a chance.
(Especially he will prob be against kat not jess)
I would like to introduce a new “twist” this season and maybe save BB for the future. Let the audience/fans pick who should go on the block and if one comes down, audience/fans pick who goes up.
The problem with fan votes is the fact that it’s TV viewers who make up most of the voters. Live feeders and those who read the updates on various sites are a minority.
The TV only viewers will mix up the field trip as a good thing and vote who they like. I’m fully expecting Sam, kat and Nicole to be the ones going cause why not it’s bb21.
Don’t know what the field trip entails, but if it can impact your game and put you in jeopardy…please vote Jackson, Jack, and Christie.
Thank you.
Maybe the bus can fit all 6
Hahaha you are on a roll today, Simon!
It’s the friendship bus and Paul’s driving it. They’ll get to hang out with Raven, who’s literally dying right now because her pacemaker is about to explode and blow out her prostate. They’ll have a strategy session with Fez and Haleigh.
Blow out her prostate HAHAHAH
And something involving Shitmas…I just feel like she has to be included somehow with these allstars! Friendship bus….lmao!!!! :p
With those 3, you are going to need a bigger bus. Those egos take up a lot of space.
I’m getting the feeling there is a production image fix week happening again.
for jack to have enough clarity to say to Jackson ‘i don’t think america likes us.’
for the jackson is scary conversations to become jackson is so sweet conversations.
for christy to say the outside stuff about jackson must have to do with how he talks to women.
for the food stores to be increased substantially to a level greater than when they had 16.
for Jackson to turn off the lights, and Holly to get the speaker call that lights must remain on.
For Jack to be walking around talking about what a good person he is.
For Jackson to go down to the d/r yelling, and a house guest saying i wanna know what he’s got on them (fish)
MY grodner’s flying monkey sense is pinging. What was said during tech rehearsal and nomination ceremony? They’ve done it before.
Btw. who told Nick about Kat knowing the flip?
Tommy told Nicole.
Sis told Sam.
Who told Nick? Was it Nicole or Sam?
I thought he just decided she must have known because she was hanging out with the six and wouldn’t vote to save Bella, but had no evidence. Just his own suspicion.
I’m getting the feeling that Production is coaching Jack in the Dr trying to get him to soften his appearance. The way some of the people have changed the way they talk Christie/Jack/Tommy et al makes me totally think something is up. Everything is so fake it’s reaching unbearable levels.
Almost as odd as Beth having her first televised in house speaking part, and introduction of a story line on the episode before she wins hoh. I’m pretty sure she had 11 d/r total for the season until that point. Just a coincidence… I’m sure. side eye.
They are definitely coaching Jack to change his character. There’s no doubt about that. Just like in week two when they had the play nice for the week rule including Jack saying we only have to play nice until thursday and then we can go back to bitch you’re out. The play nice thing is being re-introduced.
After People mag noted that social media and feed watchers are taking note of the sanitized edit when it comes to the Jacks, i’m betting they have had another tech meeting to say, “okay kids, we’re getting some blow back, we’re going to need you work with us here so that the press doesn’t get any more fodder. Here’s what we’re going to need:”
They started the season with Tommy being the go to for d/r explanations. He was giving comments about plot points he wasn’t even part of. The Jackson d/r is wholly revisionist and paints him to be a completely different person. Jack’s is mr nice guy while trying to keep him out of the episodes as much as they can. Nick is professional victim in d/r. Christie is less shrieky control freaky.
Something is definitely up.
You are probably right it’s production but I was thinking maybe it was during the HOH comp b/c BB usually lets the audience stick around. In the event that was they case they would be groaning when each of Nicole, Sam & Nick fell and clapping when each of Christie, Jack and Jackson fell (albeit the others still up didn’t offer much to cheer for outside of Kat assuming she’d do her own thing and not just succumb to the six).
If it were just during the hoh comp, and some realized they were disliked from reaction, i could see where jacks’ comment might make sense. but the complete 180 about Jackson’s chararcter by the women in the house? That one definitely felt like a ‘help us out here guys, back off on the personal safety talk,’ production intervention.
Or he heard what Christy and Kat have been saying
That explains the christy nick conversation where they are peeing on each other’s legs and calling it a rainstorm.
That doesn’t explain Sis’ change. That doesn’t explain Jess’ change. That doesn’t explain three full conversations about how misunderstood Jackson is after the nominations in 180 to the same people’s conversations before nominations. If it smells like Grodner: it’s Grodner.
The Grods greasy paw prints are all over this season.
True…but I do think Sis has always been in the Jacks’ camp and Jess….I just think she’s a sucker for attention and when any dude gives her the time of day…she’s smitten. I just guess I wonder if…aside from Kat and Christy…any of these girls really felt physically threatened by him or if they were just bandwagon jumpers, eager to be in a very REAL and potentially explosive discussion. So I feel like it could be what I just said…or it could also very well be production lol. I’m going to rule it inconclusive and I regret commenting now because I just have no clue haha
Clusterf**k doesn’t even begin to describe this season. Jackson is truly despicable and I want him gone sooner rather than later, hairy Jack at least has some insight and able to acknowledge, “ America probably hates us.” Jessica’s ignorance holds no bounds, Kat is even starting to grate on me…… I miss season 20. Cliffomania is dead in the water, Cliff….. your pandering and ass kissing made sure of that… ( drink)
Hi Simon and dawg. Great job as always. Thats all i got these weeks. This season blows!!
thanks YO! If this was BBCAN I would say your title is possible.
Hey Sam, remember the house meeting you did last week? How’s that working out for you? Wanna do another one?
Cliff is not playing for the viewers. He absolutely did what was best for his game, knowing that power was in play for 2 more weeks. Think about it, if he had gone against Christy he would have been out this week for sure and his game would be over. This way he bought himself 2 more weeks, that includes the double eviction week. His way, he is still in the game and the Jacks are in his crosshairs. Give him time and if he gets another chance, he will take that shot. If any of us were in that game and in his shoes we would have done the same thing for our game. Going against Christy, or forcing her to use the power, we would have made the fans happy but our game would have been over for sure. He put himself in a very good place, that group will eventually split and go after each other. We are just mad because it was a chance to get one of them out, but it would have ended his game for sure.
I understand what you are saying and sure it makes sense he needed to pivot once Jackson won the POV. But…. it feels like production had a heavy hand in how much he pivoted. Cliff knew about Christie’s power pre nominations and that didn’t stop him from putting up both J’s. He knew the underlings HAD to win POV or that her power could come into play & he knew Christie/Jack/Jackson were running the house. These were ALL things he commented about prior to nominations. Plus – he wasn’t a big fan of Christie and likely only kept her off the block (instead of Jackson) b/c of her power.
So… IF he was truly that scared of her power but not afraid to take the big shot then when he spoke to Jackson he should’ve said it’s strictly a numbers thing and I need to weaken the threats and then put up Christie & Jack. AND at that time he should’ve said I’m protecting you b/c I want to work with you & then filled him in on all the bashing Christie was doing behind his back. THAT would’ve bought him more leeway with Jackson & THAT would’ve more than likely ensured the DPOV got used. My point is there were numerous ways to navigate this past week and other than his noms every move he made was counterproductive and short sighted (i.e. production led). Just the fact he didn’t flush out Christie’s power was dumb b/c in a DE if she is on the block with that power whose to say he isn’t used as the replacement. We’ve already heard both Holly/Sis stating “they” didn’t make him any promises only Christie did. (although we know both J’s intend to honor it).
Perhaps the worst part is how much he shifted to Christie’s side by pandering to her via his comments. He’s gone from being committed to the players who weren’t in the six to out right ruining their games. Case in point, even if he doesn’t want to get involved with the Christie bashing Jackson talk the fact he blatantly lied & protected her points to how much he’s willing to ruin everyone’s game outside the six. All he had to say is “I DON’T KNOW” he didn’t need to lie. And now he’s ready to shaft his first or second trusted alliance (Sam) by throwing the comp if he plays in POV or not take him down (Sam used the POV on Cliff to save him let’s not forget) just to pander to the six.
It’s such an abrupt and blatant about face by Cliff that it goes beyond protection. He already knows he is under Nick/Sam/Nicole in order to evict so why add fuel to the fire? All that’s going to do is work against him IMHO b/c then the six will just use what he’s doing now as a sign he can’t be trusted — “Look how he went against his own team”.
Cliff could’ve come out of the HOH in virtually the same position he is now through careful management, still taken out a threat & flushed the power. Sorry, but his actions to go above & beyond to protect Christie made me lose all respect for him.
He might get carried through to F7 or F5 via his actions and even that’s a stretch especially since he’s the guy ensuring the best competitors outside the six are the targets.
Boss Hogg my ass — he’s production’s b*tch.
When Christie didn’t use her power and Cliff could choose the replacement, it would have been just as safe for him to replace Jackson with Christie. The six would split, Jack may have been sent packing because Bella, Sam, Nicole and Nick would vote out Christie, I think and they only need one more person to side with them and for Cliff to break the tie. Then you have a group of 5 in the underdogs and the 6 would likely have fragmented trying to re-secure their spots. Jess and Kat may have realigned as well. Cliff would be in a better spot this week and a big threat would be out. Now it’s what number will he have when he’s evicted.
He ended any hope for the season and his side of the house…all for two weeks safety he would of had anyway….Sam/Nick before him right?
hey Simon n Dawg,
ur show is tops over real BB21 show, it pains me watch this group
i come to your web now rather than watching show
comments here are most worthy
keeps me up to date…
i use Amazon thru you two
Thanks BB9000! The pain is real this season!
just a FYI, the amazon link doesn’t work for us anymore. Amazon kicked us off their program and withheld our commissions because us asking people to use the link broke the terms. this is why we’ve been asking for donations more than usual.
How stupid. If we don’t know about the link, how are we supposed to know to use it.? Are you sure the Amazon peeps aren’t part of the stupid cast of BB21?
That makes total sense. I mean what company wants its affiliates to actually point out a quick link to the company from their site and incentivizes the affiliates?
Basically, you were making too much from Amazon and Amazon was feeling the pain on the balance sheets! Poor Amazon was suffering from your practices…you guys are probably the reason Jeff hasn’t built those space colonies yet! I want to live on Europa you monsters…
I am a monster 🙁 think of all that could have been … if only
Cliff never should have given his word in the first place to Christie. That way he wouldn’t have to worry about going back on it. He had his opportunity and lost. I know that the alliance of 6 doesn’t have a huge amount of fans but I have to admit that them being able to manipulate cliff into doing what they wanted without even using the power is huge. This game is about lies, manipulation, strategy, etc. The other side doesn’t
have those skills.
Besides “lies, manipulations, strategy, etc.” , its also production interference and manipulating/editing live feeds to give a 360 degree different view of their favorites. I know game shows can’t be manipulated, but “reality” shows by now, everyone is aware are 99% manipulated and scripted, now we know, and it shows more this season then past, BB is scripted to show handsome/beautiful contestants, with a handful of misfits thrown in to make their stars look and feel better. I consider the Cliffs,Nicole, Jessica’s, Kemi, and Ovi as tokens. They’ll never win, nor be remembered afterwards.
My wife says even “Survivors” isn’t what it once was with all the immunity idols being put out an rebooted afterward. I’ll be surprised if many even watching the edited versions don’t start taking notice and thinking, especially with so many on Facebook and Twitter. Word is getting out, and just mentioning BB, many have already made comments that were negative about the sow and don’t even watch it.
Holly and Analice squealing about how sweet Jackson is made me want to puke. i think his mommy issues makes him attracted to ‘older’ women, like Kat and Holly, who looks older to me.
HAHAHA so Kat is already going around saying she doesn’t trust Nicole and saying that Nicole would have gone up if she won the HOH.
I guess Cliff’s angels are over. Kat trying hard for that juicey 7th place try to beat out Jess.
Seriously can anything go remotely right this season?
The minute someone said to Kat that it must have been Nicole that ratted out the vote flip.
For some reason i still think it was when Sis told Sam and Sam went back to Bella and Nick that exposed it first before Nick went to Nicole (who had been informed by Tommy) and confirmed.
When Cliff’s angels were formed i was expecting Kat to go straight to Holly. She actually lasted days.
yawn wake me up next week
BB alarm clock set.
Here are the last 6-day ratings.
Why do you keep the evictees on the list? I just give them an automatic 1 as they are no longer relevant.
We use to have them removed at first which was what I thought would be preferred. Enough people wanted it changed so we did. Now I’m liking it.
This season is so lame. So many floaters. If I do not watch for three weeks what will I miss? Evictions of Nick,Sam and Nicole or Jess. So boring. The only real drama is the media blogs shaming CBS as racists for covering for Jack.
Nick should have put up Christie as the re-nom when she was freaking out. She would have gone home and a comebacker would have entered.
The “universe” gave them a second shot with Cliff and he choked l
I hope Sam finds the hidden room with the immunity idol.
If this was BBCAN Jessica would have a game-winning power by now.
Well, she is friends with bbcan3 brittnee. Maybe she thinks they’ll lock her in have not room and give her a coup d’etat double butt veto surprise.
I wish that another network created a very similar game show but only brought on applicants and not recruits, with zero production interference.
If not, if someone is tech savvy, make a lowlight video of all the HN cheating, and parts not being shown on the show that would illustrate what has really been going on in the house.
The worst part is that when the previously evicted HGs had their chance to air their grievances, they did not. The majority of the fan base does not watch live feeds or follow updates, they also don’t tune in to extended exit interviews. Remember BB19 and how so many people still loved what they thought was happening on the show and in the house, and how swayed they were by the edits…
I kinda wish the BB alum would shun players who get production help, especially Jackson for how he treats people, yet the edits he gets and all the HN cheating (regular food, sleeping during day in other rooms, hot showers – broke all three expectations!). Then he’s telling everyone about being a HN and penalties for breaking what’s only convinces me that he comes from an affluent family with many connections and therefore untouchable.
Jackson, Jack, and Christy have been given safety until final four. All HGs will find out that HOH can only nom people who aren’t one of those three and in the chance they win the final 5 HOH they have to nominate themselves and whoever else is left with them. There won’t be a POV and the Terrible Three Tragedy choose who they want with them in final four. Then somehow Paul comes back and is given safety until final two.
So Jessica, Nicole and Sam were the first 3 to drop in the hoh. Is it any wonder Cliff jumped ship?
I just lost all respect for sam after what he said about how he would swear on his kids and just take it back. That’s not right
His kids certainly won’t care as long as the pool gets fixed.
Frankly, I’m more annoyed he keeps equating himself to Jesus.
When Christie said Cliff swore on his ring or wife, Cliff’s wife tweeted that he could swear on anything he felt like that would get him closer to $500,000…maybe Mrs. Cliff should have taken his spot…