POV Holder: | ? | Next POV | July 18th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | July 20th |
HOH Winner Team 1: | Liz | HOH Winner Team 2: | Shelli |
Nominations 1 : | Jackie & James | Nominations 2: | Jason & Johnny Mac |
Battle of the Block Winner | ? | Next HOH/ Next BOB | July 23rd / July17th |
Original Nominations: | ? | ||
Current Nominations: | ? | ||
Have Nots | ? |
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9:50am – 11:20am Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the nomination ceremony to take place. After being up all night, going back and forth and talking in circles Liz and Shelli finally decided on what their nominations would be.
Nomination Results:
Liz nominated: James and Jackie.
Shelli nominated: Jason & Johnny
(The plan once again is Johnny Mac has agreed to throw the BOB again thus keeping Shelli as the HOH to get out the target Jason.)
Shelli tells Jason I am literally a deer in headlights. Jason says its okay. I know its easier to put a face up there that’s already been up there. Obviously Jeff was saying anything about me that he could but next time just come to me. I was thinking that she wasn’t going to drag my name around any more but obviously she still is. Shelli says I don’t think she still is.
Liz tells Jackie I can tell you that you’re not the target. There is so much that could happen so I wouldn’t worry too much. Jackie says okay. Jackie leaves. Austin talks to Liz. Lis says that Jackie asked me to promise her she wasn’t the target. I was like what you’ve never talked game with me and you’re going to ask me that? Liz says she would be happy if Jackie went home. Austin says he would too. Austin asks are you going to leave now? Liz says probably within the hour. What do I need to tell her (Julia)? First thing I will tell her is I won HOH. Austin says tell her the order of the people you talked to last night and what you said / they said. I wasn’t there for those conversations but I can fill her in on everything else. Liz says if we don’t win HOH they’ll put me up. Austin says they would put you straight up which would be good.
11:25am Cabana room – Shelli talks to Johnny Mac.. we don’t want to keep putting you up. We told you that we didn’t want to keep doing that. I was freaking out up there this morning. Go out there and win it if you want to. We’re so happy to have you on our team. You’ve been up there every week. You deserve to go out there and fight your butt off. Do what you have to do. Johnny tells Shelli that he really believed that Vanessa wanted Audrey out but put up Jeff for emotional reasons. Shelli tells Johnny to let her know if Audrey stream lines you. She probably does want to work with you but she says that to everyone. To be honest you would be better off with someone else.

James comes up and talks to Liz and Austin. Austin says there’s definitely a backdoor option. But worst case we’re thinking Jackie would go home over you. James isn’t so sure. I’m not the sharpest crayon in the box. Austin says if you’re still up there and get house guest choice you can pick me. I would use it on you. Liz says I’m starting to get to like you. Don’t take it personal. It was all strategic. Go out there and win it. You are definitely not the target. You have my vote to stay. Austin says mine too. James says I’ve still got ya’ll. James hugs them both and leaves. Liz says Steve needs to know that we saved him from going up. He better have our backs. He better not be scampering around. Austin says that Jackie looked pissed. Liz asks did you tell her? Austin says no. Liz says good, be careful of what you tell her. Austin says I will.

11:40am – 12pm Cabana room – Audrey talks to Shelli. Audrey ask why does Vanessa keep saying she doesn’t know whats going on. Shelli says because until the very last second I didn’t know what was going on. Audrey asks who was the major influence on the decisions? Was it Vanessa? SHelli says no. Audrey asks who suggested those people. Shelli says Liz wanted Jackie and I didn’t want anybody. I was all upset everything I said in my speech was completely legit. I don’t have a target right now .. the only person I could think to target is Jason from what you’ve told me. Audrey says I heard that from everyone else .. like Austin and Clay. Shelli says Clay didn’t hear that from anyone but you. I don’t like anyone throwing Clay’s name out there. Audrey asks did you tell Jason? Shelli says I can tell Jason whatever I want to tell him. Audrey says I heard that from all of you guys. Shelli says you are the one that told me that Jason would be after me. Don’t you now come to me and say that you’re saying it because you heard it from us up there. Don’t you try and lie!! Audrey says I heard that from Clay and Austin. Shelli says you did not hear that from Clay. I am not going to let you say that to me. I do not appreciate you trying to spin it like that. Audrey says Jason gave me a look .. he knows it was me. Shelli says I didn’t tell him. It give you reason to vote him out. Audrey says she thinks Johnny Mac and Jason are a stronger team. Shelli says I could be lying to you right now .. If you’re going to take this one thing.. I can go do some damage control.. and say it was Jeff. Audrey says I didn’t hear it from Jeff. I heard it from the girls. Shelli says he asked me if I heard if from you and I said no. Audrey did not talk to me last night. I heard it from other people. Shelli says I am concerned with you because when I have conversations with you.. you confuse me because you say different things. Audrey says he will solely target me now. Shelli says everyone keeps wanting me to backdoor you or put you up. Audrey asks why would you use my name when you could have just used Jeff’s name. Shelli says you’re right. Audrey says you’re intelligent, I don’t expect you to slip up like that. If he stays I am the target for him. He is obviously upset at me now. Shelli says sorry. Audrey says I thought we were supposed to clear up my name. Also I don’t think it was smart to put up Johnny Mac again because he would have trusted you. Shelli says I had nothing to do with Liz’s nominations. Audrey asks why didn’t you put up Meg? Shelli says because I put her up and promised her I wouldn’t again. Audrey asks why was I excluded from the group? Shelli says I don’t know. Audrey says I’m concerned that Austin, Liz and Vanessa are protecting Steve to use him later in the game. Shelli says he was an option to go up and I didn’t want to put him up. Audrey says all the empirical evidence points to Steve working with them. Shelli says honestly I don’t really trust Austin that much. Audrey says now I’m nervous about telling you stuff. Audrey says that Vanessa was concerned about being aligned with 2 couples. Like what are we doing. She said you know Shelli is going to pick Clay over you. She wants me to go with her to the finals over you. I feel like she and Austin have been together since the beginning. Audrey asks can we get Johnny Mac to throw it? Audrey says Johnny said he went up stairs and made a 2 week deal. Shelli says he didn’t say that to me. He might have said that to Liz. Shelli says lets just wait to see what happens in the BOB. Audrey asks can we just sit down with
12:05pm Bedroom – Jason jokingly asks Jackie can you just throw this so I can be the star of the week and rip this girl a new a$$hole. Jackie asks James what type of comp are you afraid it will be? And don’t say fabric. James says just the fabric one .. I’m pretty much good at anything else.
12:10pm – 12:25pm HOH room – Austin and Liz are talking. Vanessa joins them. She asks who convinced you to put up James? Liz and Austin both say we said it. Vanessa says Clay has been close to James this whole time. If James comes off he is going to come after someone. Did you make sure James know he’s not the target? Austin says yeah. Vanessa says I promised him I wouldn’t put him up. Austin says I’ll make sure he knows you had nothing to do with the decision. I’ll say you wanted Becky. Vanessa says don’t tell him I wanted Becky up. Never say a name. Everything I say to you is in confidence. I want what is best for you. Vanessa comments on how Jackie and Becky were hardcore scheming down there and jumped away when I came in the room. Jackie is literally on the verge of a melt down. She said people need to be more afraid of me. She is about to bring out the bit*h card. Liz says good, it will be another reason for her to go bye bye. Vanessa tells Liz to talk as little game as possible because you’re about to switch out right? Liz says yeah. They hug. Shelli and Clay come up to the HOH room. Vanessa fills them in on how Jackie and Becky were talking game and how Jackie commented on how she needs to be a bit*h. I don’t think Jason blames you which is good. And I think Jackie is about to lose her sh*t. Vanessa says people have no idea you guys Austin / Liz and Clay / Shelli are allies.

Vanessa tells Austin .. Jackie expects me to tell her she’s safe.. she doesn’t even talk to me. I don’t even have any alliance with you. You expect to just float on by… you’re not even that cute.
In the bathroom – Vanessa tells James that she went to bat for him and didn’t want him to go up. I had no hand in you going up. I was campaigning for you to not go up. I was truly shocked to hear you went up there. If you do remain up there just know you have me vote. I have your back 1000%. You’re someone that I would want to build trust with.
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I cant believe CBS covered up just how CREEPY Austin has been with all the girls in the house….with a girlfriend on the outside. Also covered up just how Crazy and how much of a Bully Vanessa really is. If you dont have the live feeds you would never know the truth. Oh and Vanessa saying she was a hero of equality but was making sure they could throw Audrey under the bus if they didn’t win HOH this week. Keep your AGENDA rolling CBS!!!
they did show him as creepy, they showed him on the show asking like 5 people in the house why jeff and liz were cuddling together
Last night they showed, on CBS, that first Austin and Liz had a “date” then she got into bed with Jeff. if you had the live feeds you would know that’s not how o it happened or what happened at all. CBS made it look like he was justified to be upset at Liz for “doing that to him”! Now he’s going to be a creep with Jackie too. But like i said if you had the live feeds you would know that they covered that up for some reason. He accuses Jeff of attacking Liz in the bed. Yet he’s the real predator to the women.
He does that because Liz is flat out lying to him most of the time.
there was absolutely no reason for Liz to be talking to Jeff, in bed under the covers, when she is part of the alliance that has already put him on the block and fully voting him out. there was no strategy in it, other than to possibly play with Austin’s emotions in some way or because she really likes Jeff. The thing with her really liking jeff tho is that she has been telling Austin that jeff creeps her out and she wants nothing to do with him.
She went there voluntarily, directly opposite to what she’s been telling austin and his reaction was normal given the information he has been fed to him by Liz. Julia is much more honest imo. Also, given that Jeff was accusing Liz of being a twin, getting up that close and personal with him, at this stage of the game, is a huge mistake. again, strategically spending that kind of time with someone who is on their way out makes no sense.
then voting for him to stay, when she tells everyone that she didn’t, and again is opposite to how she claims to everyone she felt about jeff, is another red flag.
Austin can only react, as a gentleman would, based on the lady indicating she wants/needs protections, in this case, from Jeff. the fact that in live feeds seeing Liz’s real actions and behaviour, she actually doesn’t want any protection, that makes her the creepy liar, not austin.
Becky is so Hott!!!!!!!
I didn’t know train wrecks can be so beautiful.
She the hottest girl in the house by far, then again the only hott chick.
Ya shes good looking but not the only one shelli and the twins are just as nice or better.
I agree that there are golden edits flying every which way.
I also agree that vanessa and Austin are getting sanitized for veiwers. But on the flip side of the coin, Jeff came off smelling pretty rosy in that episode. There was absolutely no mention of Jeff’s agreement with James that they wouldn’t campaign against each other in the eviction episode. That’s pretty significant considering the amount of campaigning they showed him doing. They really cleaned up that character flaw.
At the same time, the d/r comments: no wonder there was so much confusion in the house. The d/r isn’t just a walk in and confess your true feelings room. The crew ask leading questions and give comments on how they should be answered. Given the statements that made air, every one of those houseguests knew that production at the very least wanted the outcome to be a close call loss for jeff. Though realistically they were quite obviously hoping to sway the houseguests to save jeff to create a power struggle with clear lines drawn. Houseguests that are paying attention to the d/r can often piece together how production is spinning the season into the episode storyline. Heck in a couple of seasons nominees have been called in to d/r in order to be pumped up to start a campaign, or to be settled down from campaigning too early.
I’m actually starting to like Shelli, she’s very compassionate and empathetic to others in the house, i think she gets undeserved hate
i really hope johnny mac doesnt tank it tho, i like him and jason
shelli might just be doing it all for the cameras.. as i remember it correctly, she was the one who started that whole drama between davonne and clay. she has even admitted not wanting audrey out because she doesnt want the media to think she is anti LGBT, or as she puts it, “blood on her hands”.
Shelli (and Clay) are getting a ton of unnecessary hate IMO for going after some of the fan favorites like Day and Jason.
I like Day and Jason a lot too but they are being out-played right now and Jason needs to start winning competitions to get himself some power in the house.
Honestly, I think Shelli and Clay are playing the best games in the house right now and their personalities really mesh. Shelli is more strategic, Clay is a very good social gamer.
Shelli sucks it hard….what are you talking about??????? If it wasn’t for her moral support alliance and showmance, oh andJohnny macdaddy throwing comps for her where the hell would she be? HUH! Tell me!?!? Who knows. Maybe with the other sheep ready to get picked offfor slaughter. She’s good at running mouth when it’s all good.
Speaking of mouth, someone hand that broad a carrot with those teeth, and tell her….Ahhh shut up rrrrrrabbit!!!!
Why does 90% on here moan all the time? Dont hate the player, hate the game. Bob is idiotic. The power alliance is clearly in power because they are playing the game better right now, why cant people appreciate that?
seriously. Every damn year there are people complaining about the contestants. Be quiet at least its better than last year
But, then again, why did production have a competition that was clearly targeted for women to win HOH?
Noticing things about what dancers are wearing and doing is not a man’s forte. And Meg is throwing comps left and right — meaning production knew there would be no power shift with that silly HOH comp. Why not something physical that benefits smaller guys for once? Give James and Jason a shot against the girls, Clay and Austin.
Are you seriously saying men have no powers of observation? That’s ABSURD.
I can’t stand Vanessa or Austin so BB17 may be losing a viewer fast. Since it seems production puppets the outcomes, they need to redo the cast, fast.
I think that HOH comp was geared toward JohnnyMac. Being a Dentist you need to have good observationa skills. But he didn’t want to be HOH. I think once we hit jury we may see some JohnnyMac HOH wins. Although depending how the dynamics of the house change no HOH wins until the last HOH comp may be his best strategy.
BOB isnt a horrid idea in theory. In practice however, it is allowing the “in” folks to systematically take out the “out” folks. Same thing as last year.
Now, at some point, it is up to the “out” folks to actually win some competitions. But I would like to see them split up the HoH competitions to where they put the “out” folks together in one group, the “in” folks together in another group, and then take the winner from that.
Then there would be some tension in the BOB. I think that only happened once last year, and hasnt happened at all to this point this season. But if they dont do something fast, there wont be enough “outs” left to matter.
The twists as well. When BB takeover was announced all we heard was, “These better not be game changing twists!!” “They better be fun twists that don’t effect the game at all!”
Then after the gronk twist, which had no affect on the game, all we hear is how useless it was because it didn’t have any affect on the game.
I think the fear was the twist would be used to protect certain people. Mango’s BotB which was the only one better to be played alone. Some of the twists in BBCan2 I think. I think if each HG had an equal shot at getting the prize then people would be more wiling to deal with the twists. As it stands they are used by production to control things more than necessary.
Shelli gave Jmac permission to win! Don’t throw it Jmac! You can’t let these people walk over you anymore.
Shelli screwed up
Why would she put JM up? … then tell him to win it?
(I’m sure he has lost all trust in Shelli …
If JM wins hoh then Shellie is an easy target for him now)
If she was determined to put Jason up (he should of been backdoored)
She should of put Jasons bestie Meg up next to him
Did Shellie catch Vanessaitis?
Vanessa’s suggestion was Shelli – Jason/Steve, Liz – Jackie/whomever. They werent actually bad. Shelli sleeps on it, and loses her mind.
Shelli realized a few minutes before the nominations ceremony that she shouldn’t have won HOH. She’s in a sticky situation if she remains HOH because she has alliances with almost everyone in the house. The only way Austin/Vanessa/Liz/Audrey will be happy with her is if she sends Jason or Meg home. But would that be in her best interests? Probably not, thus the conversation with Johnny Mac after the ceremony.
Right now it seems Shelli wants Liz to be HoH, esp since Liz would have no problem backdooring Audrey if need be.
I’m hoping it’s Julia, and she throws Austin up. I want him out.
Come on JMac. Don’t throw this one!!
Ugh I can’t stand Austin/Vanessa/Clay/Shelli/Liz. Only people I’m rooting for are Jason, Meg, James, and Jackie. This season in my opinion is turning into BB16. One big alliance picking off the minority.
All BB Seasons feel like this at first… then there is a power flip. They have had only three evictions so far and the first two weeks in he House there was an 8 person alliance… and they evicted Jace at this point Liz,Vanessa and Austin were the bottom of the totem pole… the Shelli won HoH and talked about putting up Liz/Julia… that is when this all started… because to tell the truth until that point NOBODY talked game with Shelli other than Clay… Shell was at the bottom of the BB Totem pole also… then flip New power structure.
Then Vanessa/ Austin won and got at Jeff
this week is Liz/Julia…If Liz/Julia are still HoH after the BoB I can see another Big Brother Power Flip.. because Liz is getting seriously over Austin and Vanessa feeling they can control… I foresee Liz going full on Danni DeNato and doing a major power flip in the house. I also do not think Clay is as much in with the group as Shelli… then what happens if Liz/Julia puts up Audrey as a backdoor? What would happen to the power team???? she already voted to keep Jeff… Who knows????
A Power Flip is coming because these guys are NOT playing like the last 4-5 years…. watch you will look back at this Season and see some crazy Big Moves… Honestly did you really see Jeff getting evicted when Jace and Da’Vonne were on the block?…. the answer is heck NO… so I think this house has some power twists coming and Audrey will have to shower with the peasants… it should be a fun BB Summer.
Right on Eric, great point about Jeff. He was in a power position last week. The house JUST flipped on someone and people are saying the season is boring.
The big alliance is already melting down a week after it started. There’s no one like Derrick to keep everyone in line. Plenty of drama ahead.
I do agree with some of your points, however I do not think Liz/Julia will be turning on Austin and Vanessa this week if they remain HoH. Regardless of how much Austin/Vanessa are trying to control her, Liz/Julia still aren’t in the game together for another eviction and going against those 2 would completely screw them. Austin and Vanessa would reveal everything about the twins and try to get them out next week. Obviously everyone has there suspicions about the twins, but those 2 know everything and would destroy Liz/Julia
What? You like JACKIE? Jason and Meg, I get. James I can even understand a little bit. But for the love of BB, I can’t understand how anyone is rooting for Jackie…… Ay ay ay…. š
At least last year the people who weren’t part of the alliance actually tried and did win HOH’s.. I’m sorry but if Jackie, Meg, and James are going to continue to not try to win HOH’s then I have no sympathy and I hope they go home. They have no fight in them. At least James realizes he is on a sinking ship and is reworking his relationships in the house. Jason, Meg, and Jackie keep thinking they have the house and do nothing but sleep, complain, and talk to each other avoiding others. Good riddance in my opinion- play the game or get out.
Please!!! Meg, Johnny Mac, Jason, James, Becky, Steve, and bring over Audrey for a number… Oh yah, forgot about Jackie… Her too.
Get your head out of your arses, wake up, and realize where the power is and overthrow it!!! Get together!!! For the love of god, open your eyes. I think I am crying! Wahhhhh!
Yet another example of why the Battle of the Block is a ridiculous “twist”. It’s become a meaningless competition.
Does Johnny Mac agree to be put up every week?
As JM has said himself, when the HoH asks you to be a pawn, and by ask I mean they are telling you, you just go with it. He is smart enough to know that if he says no that he instantly becomes the target.
Johnnymac has gots to go, he is a lame pawn and a unstrategic floater, atleast audrey is strategically floating and getting her way back to the top
I think Audrey just messed up with Shelli. Trying to twist things and throw Clay out there. I like that Shelli stood up to her and wouldn’t be surprised if Shelli backdoors her if opportunity presents itself. Shelli isn’t going to be controlled by Clay or Vanessa. This scenario has potential to make for interesting week. Julia isn’t going to be continued by Austin….we shall see.
Thumbs up if you think Austin is a CREEP!
Johnny’s on your team, Shelli? smh
Hey, dumb dumb, are you really selling that to Johnny?
Johnny Mac quit being there doormat
Grow a backbone and tell them no. It’s
Your butt on the line not there’s.
Agreed…it amazes me how popular he is considering all he does is gets thrown into the block to throw things and he just says yes… I thought he would smarter and know he is being used…he needs to go to Becky, Jason, Meg and Jackie and out a stop to this or else once James, Jason and maybe some others are thrown out…he’ll be thrown out for being a threat or being of no use anymore or both…oh, and Steve might be helpful too even though no one really wants him in their alliance
They need to get rid of Battle of The Block. It’s not fun seeing the same people go up week after week. Seriously… Johnny Mac again? I can’t wait for him to get HOH and I hope to god he puts up Clay and Shelli. Not that it will matter, because noms are virtually useless with the BOtB twist.
Austin has quickly become by far the most annoying house guest this season. Not only is he ignorant, he’s an asshole. He’s got such a high opinion of himself and thinks he owns the other players. I really hope Jason pulls out a veto win this week so he cans tick around long enough to get some big players up.
Before the battle of the block came around last year there was still a lot of people being nommed over and over again in the seasons before that. Its easier to nom someone whos already been nommed has always been that way.
Season 8 Jenn and Kail were nominated 3 or 4 times together by different hohs before they finally got jenn out and kail was used as a pawn a bunch
season 9 James was targeted by pretty much every hoh and shiela was used a pawn a lot
season 10 I don’t remember one person being nommed a lot but this was a crazy season full of power shifts
season 11 Jordan survived 5 or 6 eviction votes
not gonna go through them all but people should get the point its easier to nom pawns with battle of the block or without it and once you’ve been used as a pawn by one person other people are gonna follow suit
Battle of the Block adds strategy to the game. All the people complaining about it would instantly miss it if they get rid of it.
It gets more people involved in every nomination process so it makes the players talk more game, it gets more people involved with comps and having to show their allegiances by choosing to compete or throw them.
If there was no BoB people like Meg and Jackie would be floating even further out to sea on their life vests. Instead they have had to get involved in the gameplay. That’s a good thing!
My god!!!!! Look at Shelli’s face at the top, hugging Jason……Does one really need that much makeup??!!?? Everything about that girl is fake! She was graduating high school and starting college and Clay was graduating 2nd grade starting 3rd grade….. She is soooo gross!
Okay, to start off, you must be a 12 year old girl for the way you talk and to end it, how’s that? At least I’m giving you the chance to respond. And if you are a guy…. Wait until puberty before you comment about women.
Like i said….Shelli is sooooo gross!! She looks 3 shades darker with all that makeup on…fake. Her hair is not real….fake extensions….thus, fake again. She stole her little cousin’s ponies teeth….fake. Look i get it, you are like Jeff and enjoy rubbing one out under the covers when you watch her….which is gross, but whatever. So i guess its cool for any and all people starting college this fall to scout the local elementary schools for potential prospects later down the road? Thats GROSS!!! But i bet you are loving her and Austin. Sounds like you enjoy the Creepy McCreepy’s of the game.
What are you talking about? Shelli is only 10 years older than Clay. You’re acting like she’s 20 years older than him, but she’s not. Shelli did not find Clay at an Elementary School. Clay is a grown man that Shelli met on Big Brother. Please be careful with your words. You just falsely accused an innocent woman of being a child molester, but she isn’t one. That’s just uncalled for. Don’t misunderstand me, I’m not a Shelli/Clay fan. However I couldn’t just sit back and watch this poor woman’s name get slandered like that. What is wrong with you?
Exactly, Thank you. What a crazy thing to say. This idiot should be banned from commenting.
I want to like JohnnyMac, I really really do, but being the HOH’s bitch week after week, stand up for yourself guy. Tell these people that if we’re all on a team and you just need someone to throw it why can’t Clay go up? Am I just on the bottom of this totem pole? He should make Shelli feel guilty, I just don’t get it. If Johnnymac makes it to the final 2 with anyone of these 6 players they’re all going to tell everyone that he purposely threw all these BOB’s and so his strategy is really a double edged sword. He has to make sure every single person that asked him to throw it goes home, but it cant be at his hands or theyll turn the jury house against him, like he basically can not win this game regardless, which sucks. I cant stand this stupid 6thsense alliance, I hate Clay/Austin these two douches are on such a power trip every week, I just want so badly for Meg and Jason or James or Jackie to win HOH (but not really James because I dont think he would make a big move) to win HOH and put these stupid alliance up. I really like that Liz voted to evict James and has started all this paranoia, so smart on her end (if she did it for game which I’m not sure if she did). Hoping Shelli get’s dethroned and somehow Vanessa remembers that whole 90% crap and convinces Julia/liz to backdoor Clay… it could happen, fingers crossed!
For the love of God JohnnyMAC, sack up! Refuse to be their pawn any longer, stand up to them.
lol wow this is dejavu week number 2. so the only time that the “other side”(which doesnt even exist ever since davonne left) was the first week of BB. and even then there was no other side yet. i feel sorry for jason, talk about getting salt in your wound. im now officially rooting for audrey to win this game, i mean there are just no words.
Really pulling for Jason and John to win the BOB and if they do Sixth Sense better pray that Jason or John don’t win HOH next week because I think they will be looking for blood. Jason strikes me as a player who will NOT be afraid to make big moves. Also, when I think about it more it was definitely production that told Liz to vote for James to stir up some drama. I really don’t think she’s a big player, those are some lame ass nominations: James and Jackie? With Becky as a backdoor option? Really? Zzzzzzzzz
or do more people need to get on the Clay train?
He is playing by far the best game in he house. Every week he has been getting out his targets with no blood on his hands and nobody is taking notice.
I really wanted to not like him but he’s proven to not be the streotypical frat boy douche, seems respectful of the other players and genuinely compassionate. Out of all the guys in the house he is the only one not being creepy or making revolting comments. Go figure .
Someone needs to get James Cameron to come raise the bar its falling far too low.
He’s basically a carbon copy of Cody last year, he hasn’t done anything spectacular.
Not at all. He’s a well mannered polite guy and I’ve not heard much of any personal insults about anyone from h Whatever you want to say about his game is fair, but he was raised well. Cody was an emotional egotistical mess.
The 2nd biggest problem with “fan favorite” twist BOB is that every single week for 2 years the 2 hohs, no matter how big of enemies or how close of allies they are, immediately get together and say wheres your head at what are we going to do. ARGH! Its unneccessary! You can play your own hoh you dont have to work with the other one. Hasnt happened once in 2 seasons now
The outsiders should have kept jeff. Dummies.
Shelli ftw
Now i will agree everybody in the sixth sense alliance has some flaws.I get maybe wanting a shake up in the house. i do not understand how anybody can root for jason after his columbine remark he joked about a school massacre.What next is he going to make a joke about the aurora shooting and james holmes. My main argument is the casting agency for big brother needs to be fired.The last three season they have put a lot of questionable people in the house.
Why is Jason a target? What threat is he? I’m not getting their strategy for this week and Johnny Mac needs to start playing his own game, not theirs.
So every week so far, the house has evicted the player who most threatened Audrey’s game — Jace, Day, Jeff.
Now she’s telling Shelli who her next targets should be — looks like Jason, Meg, Steve or Johnny Mac (all would be ok in her eyes.). I really can’t figure out why these people are letting Audrey slide week after week. If they get Jason out, there’s no one targeting Audrey left. Unbelievable.
I disagree. Week 1 they went for the easy target which was the most annoying house-guest, who also happened to be a strong competitor. Week 2 was Clay’s call because he was nervous of Dayvonne’s behaviour after the blow-up and week 3 was all Austin. The reason Audrey is still in the house is that she is not a threat. She doesn’t win anything and socially no one likes or trusts her. They can evict her basically at their choosing. The three people that were evicted had either good competition skills or a strong social game, real threats.
I want shelly an clay on the block
next to vennnsa an meg
Yes! Could have been possible if Jeff woulda stayed!!also feeds would have been more exciting eh?
next to Vanessa and Austin
I think CBS should make next week a double elimination week. Its the only way they could have something crazy happen to get rid of that side of the house. Or someone like Audrey would go home.
Dawg.?I WANT you to have more % in the polls over vanessa — she’s done
LOL thanks
because meg is the type that can play a pretty “meh” game, and still win because everyone seems to pretty much love the girl. even jeff gave her by far the biggest hug of everyone. she is one to watch. can easily see Meg and Jackie slide to the end with one “strong” player F3
Vanessa is such a hypocrite saying she is a strong supporter of the LBGT community and was the reason she does not want Audrey to go but then the next conversation she has is to get rid of Jason who is gay…
I cannot wait till she is out of this game..
That was just a ploy. A reason for them to back off from insisting she put up audrey when she was hoh.
More let’s not tell audrey anything but get made at her when she talks about the plan she heard from someone else.
Also if john refuses to be a pawn he becomes the target
Could you guys make two different colored “HOH” symbols for the pictures up top and then two corresponding different colors sets of “NOM”. That way it will be easier to tell which HOH nominated which houseguests (as of now it’s not clear).
Great Idea I’ll make that change
I’m 90% certain you will.
Please, please, please go back to adding that editorial note into the transcripts all season long. I’m 90% certain I will still be laughing at it on the final post of the season.
Thank you, that’s great.
The perfect week would be for Liz to put up Jason and Clay telling Clay to throw it because Jason is theā¦ More
43 minutes ago
Shelli and Audrey’s conversation was the epitome of this season. Shelli flat out calling her out on her lies and Audrey just continues to lie and when Shelli won’t drop it, Audrey begins talking about other things while still lying. Until Shelli follows along and begins talking about other things too.
Bitch can’t stop lying for anything and it will probably take her to the end.
So in a week the following will be an alliance
Shelli/Austin/Clay/Van/Julia/Liz with Audrey kind of in the alliance
At what point do the other HG realize they are fucked unless they start winning?
Meh-g…. Funny name for a floater. She’s just, meh!
Would like the other side to nom Clay/Vanessa versus Austin/Shellie so one from each side and wait for the fireworks as they throw each other under the bus.