Nomination Ceremony Results! “You two are my biggest threats”

Head of Household Winner – Jackson
Have note are:
Nominations are: Christie & Sis
Power of Veto Players are
Power of Veto holder –
Power of Veto Ceremony –

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4:55pm The live feeds return to all the house guests in the kitchen hugging. Jackson to Tommy – If you want to talk, we can talk. There are are a lot of angles to this. Tommy – I know, this is your week. That’s okay. Its your game. Jackson to Christie and Sis – I said to them but I am happy to discuss and explain the reasonings. I’ve been completely upfront about everything this week. And this is not personal. This is the exact opposite of personal. I came here to win and quite honestly you two are my biggest threats. Christie – its fine.

Christie and Sis head to the bathroom. Sis – if you want to f**king compete then leave us till the end so you can f**king compete. Its just annoying. Like I knew that was going to happen. Christie – we will figure it out. Don’t worry. And if not, its okay. I would rather be on the block during his HOH, than Tommy’s. They head to the bedroom to lie down.

Storage room. Cliff to Nicole – Somehow we just keep (getting by). I considered it a one week deal … they can call me a snake if they want but officially we agreed to an alliance, we only agreed to a one week deal because that’s what Tommy insistent. Lets stay apart. We’ll talk. Love you. We’re going to make this. They leave the room.

Bedroom. Christie & Sis.
Sis – I think its hilarious! Biggest threat?! Okay. Christie – he only said that because you’re a pawn clearly. He wants me gone. That’s just obvious! He’s so f**king unreal. The speech I got two days ago .. its laughable actually. Sis – you better win it (Veto) because if I don’t win it you better. Christie – it sucks either way. Its bitter sweet. If I win, you’re staying on the block. If you win, I’m staying on the block. Like it sucks. Maybe there will be a double and we will both go. Sis – I am at the point where I don’t care. You can send me home with Jack…

Sis – at least we’ll be relevant this week. Christie – you just got out of your chicken suite and now you’re on the block. Tommy & Holly join them. Tommy – its the beginning of the week, anything can happen. Sis – we know what will happen.. one of us could come off and the other will stay on the block. Christie – its fine. Tommy – so many things can happen.. you never know. Sis – I feel flattered. I didn’t think I was a threat. Sis – at the end of the day one of gets to see Jack. Tommy – that’s f**ked up. Christie – you get to be with Jack… I get to be with Kat. Christie – I really hope its zingbot… I would be fine to go home once I get zing’d. I just really want to get zing’d.

Bathroom. Cliff, Holly, Tommy, Jackson.
Cliff – Congratulations on the HOH! Holly – its exciting for the first bit then that wears off pretty quick! Jackson – its okay, its the price you pay for safety. Cliff – Thanks for the nothing personal comment. Jackson – I am so f**king sick of the last 60 days bringing personal out in it. I am sick of it. We’re grown a$$ adults. I want to fight against each other but on a game level. I am f**king sick of it. It makes not sense why we can’t sit here and keep it game.

5:24pm HOH room. Jackson and Tommy.
Jackson – how are they? I am just letting them be. Tommy – they’re .. its to be expected. What are you going to do?! Jackson – the biggest thing for me was when I heard then in the havenot room. Tommy – yeah. Jackson – the so adamant about they don’t have anybody, the don’t have Christie, Tommy, Sis… they don’t have this and they don’t have that. Tommy – its so annoying that they included my name because they have no reason to put my name in that. And I hope that my actions have proved that to you. Jackson – well I told you in the middle of the comp I’m not putting you up but the fact that they were both in that room and adamant about it. Its not personal, to me its game. There is a group that is united to pretty much take their shot. So I need to pretty much go to the source and who is most threatening to my game. That’s all it is. The havenot room.. there isn’t a chance that they would want to work with me. They’re against me. The hard decisions have to be made and I don’t know when I am going to win HOH again. I would be on the block this week if I didn’t win. I told you that I trust you and this is nothing against you as a person. The veto is going to be trick especially if you get picked. I hate it for anyone that wins veto because the one that doesn’t come off is probably going to be salty. Tommy – I have so much respect for it. I see where you’re coming from and I have been frustrated just as you have. Jackson – I am not going to pu$$yfoot around. Lets be adult about it. Tommy – they’re okay about it, they’re not down there crying. Jackson – I want to compete against the best at the end and there is a difference between wanting to be there at the end with people that haven’t burnt me. Nick and you haven’t burnt me. Tommy – its going to be a tricky week for me but I will make it work. Jackson – do what’s best for your game. Love you dog.

5:44pm – 6pm Bedroom. Sis and Christie.
Sis – I am going to just pray about it. Christie – me too. I am just going to stay positive. Sis – me too. I know there is a way out of this. Christie – there is. I am not even going to be negative like I was last week. Sis – if I stay and I win, they’re (Jackson & Holly) going up. I am going into this so confident. Last week I was panicking. Like I need it, I need it, I need it. This week I am confident. I don’t need it.. its mine! And I am winning it. And that’s going to be the vindication of it all .. then we’re going to win HOH and put them up. Sis – It really can happen. It can. Christie – the universe is going to have my back. Sis – we have been nothing but good to people in this game and we will be rewarded. They head to the kitchen.

Tommy and Sis in the bedroom.
Tommy – I will be gunning for it. I told Jackson that these are my people and I will be gunning for it… and he was cool with that. Sis – thank you. Whether we both stay, or she goes and I stay or I go and she stays .. they better watch out because we will be gunning for HOH. Now I do have targets. Tommy – don’t say that to anyone. Sis – I don’t care if they do know. I will say it to their face. Tommy – don’t pull a Holly. Sis – Tommy she f**king knew .. she sat here and said that she didn’t know. …there is no f**king way her boyfriend or whatever the f**k he is didn’t tell her that he was putting up her …or what used to be two of her close friends. Tommy – its stupid because it makes two targets for her .. both of you won’t be leaving. But it was him hearing you saying they don’t have this person or that person. Sis – I am trying not to go off. Its just annoying. And I would have respected it so much more if he had told me I was going up. Even if I was just a pawn. Tommy – also indirectly taking a shot at me. Christie joins them. Tommy – if Nick takes you (Christie) down.. Christie – I don’t think he would use it. Not to save me… maybe to save her. Sis – no he would use it on you. Christie – he told Kat before she left that the only people he cared about saving was you (Sis) and Tommy. Tommy – that’s not true. Sis – well if I get house guest choice I am going to pick him and tell him if he wins he has to use it on you. Christie – I think the best way for us to act is its cool no problem. I am not acting sassy. Don’t worry we are both staying this week.

6:47pm Living room. Nicole, Jackson and Holly are sitting around chatting. Meanwhile in the bathroom. Tommy and Jess are talking about what the veto comp tomorrow might be.. BB Comics, Zingbot, etc,

6:50pm HOH room. Nick and Nicole. Nick – what the f**k how did we avoid the block? Nicole – I don’t know. Isn’t it crazy. I can’t believe it. Nick – but if one of them comes off.. I told him that if I get picked and win I am taking Sis off. I don’t think he would want me to take Christie off. I don’t know who will be the replacement. I need to ask him what his idea if one of them to comes off. I don’t want Sis to go.. I don’t want Christie to go but I really don’t want Sis to go.

7:33pm kitchen. Tommy, Nick and Christie are cooking.
Nick – AHHHHHhhh.. F**K I miss Isabella.. holy sh*t! (Little does Nick know, she broke up with him on twitter after seeing him cuddling with Sis a few nights back.) Its been 22 days. I hope she’s at my house or at least met my mom. Christie – Imagine if she is living there. Nick – I told her she could.

7:37pm – 8pm Bedroom. Sis and Nick.
Sis – I am thinking of something for both of us to stay. Nick – yeah if one of you guys wins. Like what if I win and take you down. Sis – if you win and take me down .. then Christie is going home. Nick – it would be me, you, Tommy, Nicole .. so Christie would stay. Sis – I would rather stay up (on the block.) Nick – No, no, stop, no you’re dumb. Stop. If I win I am taking you off. Sis – no. Nick – then don’t pick me. Sis – she can pick you. Sis – Nicole is not going to vote to keep Christie if Cliff is up there. I don’t want her to go home. If I am up against Cliff. Nick – how do you know he isn’t going to put me up? Sis – then you have to win it. Then you’re safe too. Nick – he told me no backdoors this week. I am loyal to you .. I can’t have you go ..please don’t (stay up over Christie). Sis – Holly is more likely to keep me than Christie. Nick – I get your logic but.. Sis – And yeah I am really stupid to do that but.. Nick – you think your odds would be better and would rather take the shot… Sis – yeah. And if I go out because of this, then I go out but at least I tried.

8pm – 8:40pm Dinner time.. Holly whips up a mean burnt grilled cheese..

8:41pm – 9pm Tommy, Sis and Christie.
Tommy – I wonder if its possible to still cut a deal with them? Christie – oh no they’re best friends with Jess now. Tommy – sure with Jess but not with Nicole. I wonder if we can get the team back together. Sis – well if you can talk to him and see if he would be willing to do that they we can do something. Tommy – not tonight but tomorrow. Christie – I am not going to beg for my safety. If its my time, its my time. Tommy – I had hope that we could come out of this week and get back together. Sis – If I stay this week .. I can’t work with them. Tommy – if we can’t come together one of them will win HOH. Sis – I am not working with them. Part of it is that I just don’t f**king care. Tommy if you don’t care, you’ll go home. Tommy leaves. Sis – I feel like we wouldn’t be in this position if we had made an alliance during Tommy’s HOH. Christie – it hurts me on a personal level but i get it an a came level. Can you imagine Jackson and Holly in the final two?
Sis – I would be like what the f**k is this show!? Christie – I would unsubscribe from CBS All Access. Sis – I wouldn’t even come to finale night. Christie – I would love to ask Cliff if I got HG choice and picked him .. he owes me because I kept him safe.

9:10pm – 9:20pm Cliff, Jackson, Holly and Nicole.
Cliff – Veto tomorrow .. I am going to go 100% and if I win it .. however you wan it.. kept the same or whatever. Jackson – I want it kept the same. There are still 9 people in this game and numbers help. And this week I was going after two people that were between me and half a million. Nicole – I am proud of you. Jackson – I would .. and if we can agree to have each others backs.. especially through this week and the next. And just kind of keep it open ended. Cliff -If I win it I think your preference and my preference are the same. Mad respect for what you did today. And you know I’ve got your back.

9:40pm HOH room. Nick, Jackson and Holly.
Nick – I just want to know where your head is at. I could possibly get picked by Sis tomorrow. Jackson – Ideally I would like noms to stay that same. Nick – it makes sense .. from what you said your target was. I know if Sis came off it would be harder to make that happen. Jackson – it also puts people in predicaments with voting .. and voting either one of them.. you have to think about jury votes. Nick – I don’t want to f**k you over. Jackson – not only that but if you use the veto on one of them .. the other will be salty. Nick – I’m not as worried about that.. I just don’t want to put you in a bad predicament. Well hopefully I just don’t get picked then. Jackson – I want you to do what is best for your game. This was what was best for my game it is not going to piss me off if you do what is best for your game.

169 thoughts to “Nomination Ceremony Results! “You two are my biggest threats””

      1. There are no sides,there are no alliances,there is only the blissful oblivion of ignorance.

        1. BB21 Should be add to BB walk of fame for the most alliances that was over before they could get completely started. All of them should feel ashamed when they watch the circus show back. Not one can keep a secret.. Oh I forgot Tommy and Kat secret..Kat should have let the HG know that she dated one of Tommy family members.. only to stir the pot more Lol..hoping the HG wake up and start playing the game more. Sis wants the man (Jack) more than the cash. She is scared Jack and Kat will hookup. Foolishnest!

            1. Tommy and Crusty from something he said or I read allegedly were friends as children then grew apart until Crusty started dating his aunt and then coincidentally ended up on BB21.

      2. She doesn’t even know what game she is playing. I have made at least 10 comments about her ignorance this summer. I’m glad others are starting to learn about it.

        1. No she’s been completely clueless aside from her HOH; she surprisingly stayed focus to get Jack out and then it’s like she’s right back to La La Land.

      3. It’s understandable that Jess is confused…she’s the Invisible Woman.

        So far this season she’s the only one to make a real power move. She went after the two alpha-males leading the two power packs, got the one with the most devoted followers kicked out and once they walked through the door…she became invisible again.

        Jess may not be the most savvy of the game players, but when it comes to considering her, none of the others are all that bright either. Keeping in mind that her true power in this game is a keen memory; that is how she won two back-to-back challenges and got the hairball out.

        As chaotic as things are right now, another HoH challenge that relies on memory could make all the difference in the world to the outcome of this game.

        1. She went after them because she’s all about girl power and there wasn’t many options with the ratio as it was.

        2. The veto she won was nothing but a pure luck challenge and others being greedy in their prize choices.

  1. Tommy wins Veto, takes down Christy = Nick goes up
    Nick wins Veto, takes down Christy = Tommy goes up.
    Neither wins Veto, noms stay the same.
    Christy goes home.

      1. smh ya know it takes an extra special kind of loser to troll in general but if your trolling over here on obb you really need to consider just how much of a pathetic loser you really might be??? seek help my friend

        1. ScuseMe, everyone is entitled to their opinion, just give a thumbs down. NO reason to make it personal and go at them with deragatory name calling

    1. I don’t think anyone would take Christie off,even Tommy would think twice,He’s all about playing nice (ass kissing) so he might not want to rock the boat,Tommy’s there to win and will drop any of them if he needs to.

      1. I feel the same. As noble and honorable as Sis is trying to be, (lmao)….nobody is going to take Christie down. If noms stay the same…actually, even if they’re changed…she’s going to the Jury House, imo. :p One down…one more to go, and then the game gets fun! Way to go Michie and a big thanks for saving this season. As others have posted, who would’ve thought?? :p

  2. At what point has Sis actually done ANYTHING that gives her the right to talk about “competing”? If she’s nothing else, she is a floater that attached herself to powerful players. She has YET to put herself out there.l

    1. She’s also delusional. She acts like she’s not in an alliance and that she is above it all. Why does she expect Jackson to care about her at all? She’s so self-centered. She’s constantly saying how she doesn’t deserve this or that. She’s playing the game and deserves the same as everyone else. She thinks that if she pretends to be sweet, she can say whatever she wants and hasn’t said anything bad about anyone. She’s right in there dishing with the mean girl and pretending to be pure.

  3. Nicole put your big girl panties on. Hold it together. Don’t tell Jess anything! Don’t listen to Crusty, or Tommy. Vote her out please let them stay on the block. If POV is used let Sis come down and Tommy go up guaranteed one goes to jury so Jackson can continue being a happy HOH eating watermelon until the plumbing breaks.

  4. Here is a thought. I think many of us should consider voting for David as favorite player. I know many of you like Nicole, but what would send a bigger message to the whole group of how we feel about them than to vote for someone who didn’t even get to play the game. They would all know how we felt about the whole season without pointing a finger at any one person.

      1. I like Kat too but I am holding judgement to see if we get to see what went down in the storage room with Nicole. David doesn’t have to win. Just being in the top three would send the same message.

        1. To send a message I’d like to see David Cliff and Kat as the top 3 in the running for America’s favorite.

        2. No to Kat after throwing Nicole and the rest of her side under the bus because she has the disposition of a spoiled 3 year old.

        3. I see your thought process. Although I don’t think he should win it…I do like the thought of him coming in 2nd or 3rd. I can’t honestly give him AFP…but he was one who I for sure thought I was going to be rooting for down the stretch.

      1. It was downright cruel. Hopefully, this will be the last year the producers pull that crap. And the way the other houseguests treated them was ridiculous.

        1. I know this is not popular opinion….but I still think it was luck of the draw and that it was not racial. I do believe that the rattiness of the camp comeback room and the fact that they allowed people who were voted out, to continue to live in the house, without HG voting rights, etc…made it look incredibly cruel.

        2. It was better than exiling them from the house. Usually, the one that comes back has been out of the loop on the game and are often evicted quickly. This way, at least they could talk and see what was happening.

          David would probably be running the house from the other side if he’d made it. He had the alliance pegged from the beginning. He could have pulled the outsiders together with Sam and Nick and been a big threat. After the explosion, pulled Holly and Jackson and killed the alliance. I regret we didn’t get to see that game.

    1. I first read this and thought, “who the hell is David?”. Then I remembered. He was cool. Wish he would have had a chance to play, but honestly he never got to play. Hard to make his AFP since he didn’t get to play.

  5. Right because when you’re on the block Michie you sit with everyone and keep it game! This guy is laughable. Such a masochist.

    1. Yep u have to have two sides its the vs that makes the game fun to watch. Christy goes n its like watching a game of duck duck goose! Same with tommy theithey are there for drama. Nicole, cliff, jess,sis, holly n jack@ss are a snooze fest!!!

  6. Sis ” if you want to f**king compete then leave us till the end so you can f**king compete.”

    Wait what?? Isn’t the goal to get your competition out of the house and not let them make it to the end? What is Sis talking about? Maybe she thought doing nothing would let her skate to the end, I mean her whole game was laying in bed with jack but now she wants to compete? lol

    1. What do you mean doing nothing?? Sis has been the epitome of what a BB HG should be. She lies around…spewing hate and character assassination…engages in sexual activities in the shower….and believes she is entitled to the half a mil for being her hot self. That, my friend, is not doing nothing.

    2. WOW she is so smart it’s unreal. Lmaoooooo. I often wonder what the f is in this girls head. Looll

  7. Yay!!! So so perfect now if sis wins the veto put TT up there beside he BFF. He put you on the block Jackson. At this point in the game you do what you have to do. Stop telling them oh when I win HoH I won’t put you up TT. If not TT then NN. All I know is I want CC gone out of that house into the jury house!! Bahahaha won’t that be interesting. If I were Kat I would be all over sis’s man that away when sis gets there CC can tell her all bout Jack and Kat sleeping together!! That would be epic!!

    1. I wonder if Sis wins POV if she decides to take Crusty down because everyone on BB21 is clueless.

      1. I wrote earlier that Sis might win POV and use it on Crusty and now she is telling Nick if he wins to use it on Crusty and leave her (Sis) up. I’d say buy her a vowel but she might not know what a vowel is. I’m losing brain cells listening to them.

      2. Sis is such a disappointment. No way she’s acting altruistic or dumb; that girl WANTS to go to jury house so she can bang Jack (and that’s a fact). Go play “Ex On The Beach” or some other stupid hook up reality show.

    2. First of all tommy did not put Jackson up. Second when Christie gets to the veto house she’ll be the one trying to score with Kat.

    3. So being a ho just to hurt someone you don’t like would be epic? Somebody missed out on the character gene.

  8. Sis seems to be having a bigger meltdown (for now) than Christie.
    She and Christie ham it up in front of a camera asking for America to send them a secret power.

    It’s going to be a good week!

      1. hahahaha I love how entitled they are. And Christie being a social justice warrior. Who exactly is she sticking up for in the BB house? I’m pretty sure it was her and her nasties partaking in the almost-bullying.

  9. Please, can we send them both out? Sis turns into the rabid werewolf when things don’t go her way, both are entitled bitches….I love seeing that side squirm….Nick the humper and fake Tommy can’t go soon enough either

  10. Whoo hoo!!!! Christie and Sis are sore losers and bullies when they win. Goodbye.

      1. What show have you been watching? Kemi was dog s*** – Nicole gets screamed at by 8 people and the door slammed on her face – Sis is a straight up b*tch. Christie… No it’s not a stretch.

        1. And Jackdouche intimidating Ovi in the storage room for daring to ask to have a word with him…….real squirmy stuff.

  11. Jackson F’ed up… It should have been Christie and Tommy with Sis as a replacement. Tommy is the strongest physical, mental, and social threat in the game… With Sis up… Tommy can take off Christie leaving Sis against Nick, Cliff, or Nicole. One o those three or Sis would go home and it will be a wasted week.

    1. I agree it should of been Christie and Tommy. That way Tommy can’t win veto making him and Christie safe this week. If someone comes off the block I want Nick to be the replacement. It would be a successful week to me if Christie, Tommy or Nick gets evicted this week.

      1. Exactly! Any of those 4 gone is a successful week in my view. Plus…no matter what Tommy may say to Christie…I just do not see him using the veto to remove her.

    2. That is the prevailing wisdom, but I think its a smart move. You said it: “Tommy is the strongest physical, mental, and social threat in the game…” So why would Jackson put himself on Tommy’s radar (Tommy did the same thing re Jackson last week). Now, Jackson is potentially exposed in 2 ways (i) he is trusting that Tommy will not use the POV on Christie if he wins it and (ii) if one of the nominees come down, he needs to convince Tommy to go up as a pawn, because if anyone else goes up, they potentially go home.

    3. Wasted is a stretch…just because for me….I want Christie gone numero uno. However….I will be nearly as happy, from a game perspective, to see Tommy, Nick, or Sis go.

  12. For the first time this horrible season, I’ve got a huge smile on my face about the game. Hey Christie, have you ever heard the saying, “Karma is a b*tch”?” And so are you.

  13. Now to keep Tommy from winning VETO and taking Crusty down. If he had half a brain he would rethink the whole thing. Crusty has pretty much ruined his “Hi I’m Tommy and I LOVE everyone” game, to “just dont trust Tommy”, as he does a high kick high kick spin. Wish Jackson had put Tommy and Crusty up…but it still may work to get her out

    1. Remember Nick or Jess could also take Crusty down besides Tommy. This house, BB21, the season of infamy.

      1. For me…BB19 will always be the season of infamy…unless someone does something crazzzzzyyy these next few weeks. Jess is the only concern I really have using the veto. Michie and Holly just need to make sure they are the last one to speak with her in the 90 seconds before the veto ceremony starts lol

  14. astonishing, extraordinary levels of fakeness from holly…the likes of which hasnt been seen on this show in the past, or likely ever again in future

    after noms holly just sitting at the end of christie and sis bed, just creepily staring at them in awkward silence, barely saying a word

    bs lines of “i love you” and “i didnt know what was happening” from holly as christie and sis are rolling their eyes

    holly doesnt even have the decency to let them have some time to themselves

    then she eventually leaves

    they talk about her fakeness and sis rightfully gives her the finger right after she leaves

    the fakeness of michie telling sis he trusts her and wants to work with her pre nom meeting is hollies fakeness rubbing off on him…if he again tries to say that to her post nom ceremony it will really be bizarre, especially coming from a guy who claims to be so real and genuine…but the more time michie spends with holly, the more fake he gets

    bottom line…

    michie has now cost himself the game and he doesnt even realize it…hes lost sis and christies jury vote…and when jack hears michie nommed sis at final 9, he will lose jacks vote too…probably tommie and nick as well…i would be very surprised if kat voted for him either as he cuckolded her for 58 days

    it was a personal emotional move influenced via hollies entire season of jealousy towards sis(all the male attention and compliments she gets, and her friendship with christie, and holly constantly trash talking them behind their back, and being super fake to their face), and michie was too much of a pu55y to admit it, calling it his game move, rather than hollies b!tchy personal move…calling sis and christie the biggest threats in the game makes zero sense

    michie has allowed holly to control his hoh…michie must surely know that the house are gunning for him, and he cant play hoh next week…if holly doesnt win hoh next week, michie/hollie are on the block…he would have been better taking out nick or tommie, even though they are guys, they are the 2 most likely to beat holly in the next hoh, or both michie and holly in vetos and future hohs

    1. Does this mean the only real honest HG everyone has seen on BB21 has beenTommy, Sis, and Crusty? (Excuse me looking for a barf bag.)

    2. Sis should have confronted Holly on the spot instead of giving her the finger after Holly left the room. And I thought the plan was to put up Jackson and holly if anyone on that side won.

      1. Hey now, just because they wanted Holly and Jackson on the block doesn’t mean Holly and Jackson can reciprocate! Seriously, no one is supposed to be negative towards princess showerstool.

    3. There is no way Jackson gets to the end of this game and if he did He’d only have Hollys vote and maybe Jacks,he has nothing to loose.

      1. I agree that I don’t think he makes it to the end. However…If somehow he did…I think he will get the votes of most people who watch the game…well depending who he’s against obviously.

    4. Holy has moments of fakeness for sure but good Lord, the “love you love you more I have your back I’ve never lied I would never put you up” BS is over the top this season all around.

    5. you forget that if Christie or Tommy of Sis would have won HOH. It would be Michie and Holly on the block. He did what he needed to do and go after those that threaten his game and are the strong players. If he looses their votes just because he nominated them then they truly are not Big Brother Players. The votes should take a lot of things into account and just putting people on the block and getting them kicked to Jury is not the only reason someone should be voting on

    6. So much for me not to agree with in this…but the biggest….I don’t think he cares about Christie’s jury vote. I can’t stand Tommy and Jack…BUT…they are lovers of this game. I think they will look at the bigger picture and see that Michie and Holly had nobody. It was said to them. They had no other options. They had to take out, who in their eyes…are the strongest of those coming after them.

  15. Analease is heated…LOL STFU and sit down girl you aint gonna do sh*t, you are Crusty’s little do nothing sidekick.

    1. But Jackson keeps saying it’s not personal and ppl need to stop playing personal.. BUT that’s all he does haha he’s such a sensitive sally. I like him but omg the way he continues to eat on feeds is kinda obnoxious lol do ya think!?!

  16. Omg! Crusty and sis are so full of themselves! “We are great people and will b rewarded for it!” Its crazy they believe these things..

  17. cliff…well done, you are playing a fantastic game

    line of the season, whilst bumping his chest:

    “La Cucaracha……that……is……i”

    cliffs just like the roaches…never dying…always living

    1. yeah hmmm must be something sketchy. give me a break big brother is 2 week to 2 week game opinions change so should viewers. CLiff was cool 2 weeks ago now hes a Pu***.

  18. Sis – we have been nothing but good to people in this game and we will be rewarded.

    How can Sis and Christy say these things with a straight face? Both have said nothing but how they hate Jackson and Holly and want them to go, but Jackson and Holly are the bad guys because they took the first shot?

  19. tommie continuing to say to christie and sis “lets still be good with michie and holly” is so annoying to them and myself

    sis looking at him like she wants to punch him every time he says it haha

    but tommie is a little dense that he cant see from others point of view why they wouldnt want to work with michie/holly after being screwed over and sewered by them

    the constant mediating from tommie to reduce potential drama is very frustrating this season

    i think production are shocked at how relatively calm sis has been this season, probably casting her thinking she would get into a lot of fights…with so many always telling her not to react when she is mad

    production must be smashing their fists on the table saying please stfu tommie and let sis say what the f she wants to say

    this is why im starting to like the mtv challenge show more than bb as its an atmosphere more conducive to going off and people not fearful of clashing…in bb people are too worried they will be a target for going off…and it makes the show too smothered by ‘playing nice’

    i would love to see the likes of jack, michie, christie, sis on the mtv challenge, all competitive, feisty, entertaining, athletic, good looking people, and i think they would be great casting for that show

    1. No Tommy woke up when America chose the three for the field trip and he also listened to the Bottom Feeders when they explained how dismissed and minimized they’ve felt. He’s been trying to distance himself. I donn’t want Tommy to win, but he’s played a cleaner game than Christie Sis Aquaboy or Nick.

      1. You’re sooo right. I always thought Tommy liked Michie…but his mindset really changed with the Field Trip.

  20. Jackson – “well I told you in the middle of the comp I’m not putting you up”

    But why??? How did this help him in any way? Also how much you wanna bet it’s gonna be Comics or some type of comp where they go in 1 at a time and Christy or Tommy wins?

      1. Big Brother would never! They have never manipulated the houseguests in the DR by telling them to work with someone or not to target someone, they’ve never asked a player what they are good at and those comps right after that which played to her supposed strengths were just a coincidence. Helen wasn’t pushed, that camera guy was just trying to scratch an itch on her leg!

        The above message was provided by Jess’s twin sister De’Nial.

  21. Ballsy. Jackson has really gone up on my list of players I want to win.

    I think Cliff and Nicole have done a solid job of avoiding bullets. They exploited the crack and boy did it crack.

    Current faves
    1. Cliff
    2. Jackson
    3. Nicole
    4. Jess
    6. Sis
    7. Christie
    8. Nick
    9. Tommy

    Tommy has really grown dislike-able for me. Hate the I love your. What are people’s current favorites?

    1. Only four HG I can still root for are Cliff, Nicole, can’t believe I’m saying this, Jackson, and Holly, who has kept a lease on Jackson. Jess blew it for me not keeping quiet about what Nicole told her so she’s no better than Nick for me.
      Bottom three for me have always been Sis, Crusty and Tommy especially because they have the advantage of secretive friendship outside of BB21. I think it’s unfair to others.

    2. Flip Tommy and Christie for me, and He’s and Holly and that’s my faves. I like Jess better as a person but can’t handle her clueless game.

    3. Cliff just goes where the power is. Last week he wanted to align with christie to save his own butt, this week it is “I’ll do whatever you want jackson” he makes me sick, get a backbone and stop hiding behind the hoh of the week

      1. I would see it as going with the power if he didn’t think critically. If anyone else floated back and forth between alliances like that they would be targeted. I think he tells people what they want to hear and despite going back and forth people still perceive him to be trustworthy which means he has been able to manipualte people’s view of him. He went from people wanting him out to no one thinking he is a target. I think what may be perceived as lacking a backbone is actually flexibility which is needed to win BB. Just my thoughts though, happy to disagree 🙂

  22. “Sis – we have been nothing but good to people in this game and we will be rewarded.”

    Can anyone tell me if a houseguest has said anything funnier than that all summer?

    p.s. to Christie. I’m part of the universe and I don’t have your back.

  23. Christy just said how annoyed she is that people that should be OTB, like Jessica, are in the kitchen enjoying themselves.

    I don’t remember a season with so many entitled Players.
    They are so delusional about their Plan remaining intact regardless of other Players.

    Plans are fine, but being adaptable is much more realistic game play.

  24. one of the reasons michie nommed both christie and sis…

    he thinks america will love him for nomming the other 2 from the field trip

    but hes forgetting he just cuckolded and humiliated one of americas favorites, kat, for 58 straight days

    1. If she thought she was getting a relationship/showmance after banging a guy on the first day you meet, she is deluded. That’s not a recipe for long term in a game or life. I think there is more to the trio of Jackson, Kat, and Holly than just meeting in the house. I know there is some social media connections between the three of them. Perhaps this wasn’t the first hook-up between Kat and Jackson.

  25. Holly/Jackson are never going to become Jess/Cody, but they are a heck of a lot better than Christie/Tommy or Nick/Sis.

    Also, similarly to Brett/Winston last year, Jackson is a lot less douchey since he stopped talking to Jack

  26. sis to cam: “big brother if one of us leaves this house is gonna be really f-ucking boring…so if you guys want good content then you keep us both in this game if you know what i mean, wink wink”

    christie to cam: “if you wanna watch people cut up water melons and play backgammon all day long then thats what youre gonna get”

    i couldnt agree more

    lets look at the final 11 jury phase players…

    kat and jack two of the more lively players are already in jury

    but of the rest…so many boring personalities are left, ‘playing nice’ all diplomatic and sh!t for the next 6 weeks which will be like watching paint dry for the majority of the rest of the season…f-ck that

    nick is a fairly lively player…tommie and cliff are sometimes fun to watch, but not often…michie/holly are crushingly boring, with each other 24/7…nicole/jess i also find pretty boring…its a tv producers nightmare that a majority of the fun/lively/entertaining personalities are already gone or will soon be gone, leaving the end game a little too dull and bland for their liking

    i want to be entertained, and christie and sis are the only players left that i find entertaining a majority of the time

      1. Personally, I find it boring to watch two boring players on the block. The entertainment is seeing Christie reacting to being on the block. I find it super boring to watch her brag about how the universe has her back as she steam rolls through the game.

    1. The only time Sis would be entertaining is if they showed her in the shower with Jack and no one wants to see that.

    2. Oh pleeeasssee…what does Christie do besides cry and tailor her convo for who she is talking to? And what does Sis do besides lay around and bit%h, whine, and fu%k? Now if the showers were pay per view…then MAAYYBBBBEEE you have a point about Sis being entertaining. (kidding)

  27. michie getting all p!ssy that sis said the showmance had nobody

    but she was correct, just stating the facts…they didnt have anybody…pretty much everybody was putting them up had they not won

    as soon as the next hoh happens…the showmance will be very lucky not to again be the house target in a week that he cant play hoh

    on another note, a big thing michie/holly are forgetting, which is crucial:

    kat will never forget she was cuckolded by them for 58 days and left without hugging them…plus the strong collective connection of jack/nick/tommie/christie/sis will control the jury vote and i think be a voting block

    1. Just stating facts…but Holly has won an HOH and been near the top on several others. Second…you should really learn the definition of cuckold before using it wrongly in almost every post. Third…Jack and Tommy and possibly Nick will vote for who played the best game. Christie and Sis may be emotional voters.

  28. Jack@ss has a snowball’s chance in hell of ever winning this game! It’s called jury management if he was smart he wld realize it doesnt happen unless nicole, cliff, maybe nick n holly need to be in jury for him to have a chance of even winning but that’s even a long shot! Christie, Jack & Kat are not voting for him, sis, tommy, jess not voting for him… He’s a joke and this cast is just bad… Nick needs to go asap! Jack@ss will prob be gone in the next cpl weeks cuz he’s not thinking longterm…

  29. These ppl are just weak! You don’t have to do what the Hoh says use ur brain and play your own game… You don’t have to kiss everyone’s a$$ to stay in the game have a lil dignity for yourself… This season is just mind numbing!

  30. Sis is the most narcissistic one of the whole bunch, and that’s saying a lot from the looks of this group. She honestly believes that no matter who sits next to her they will be the one going. She wants whoever wins veto take Christie down because she’s safe. Well if Jackson was smart he would put up tommy as replacement, or Nick if Tommy was veto winner. It would at least make her regret insisting that the veto be used on Christie.

  31. Christie is playing the I’m okay with going home card right now but after veto if Sis and her are still on the block she will turn on Sis so quick mark my words. This is classic Christie play the victim mode. Haha Cliff isn’t a cockroach in this game Christie is. I think it’s a high possibility Sis will go home….if Christie or Tommy win that veto which is high probable Christie is coming off.

    1. Cliff is definitely like a cockroach, he’ll do anything to stay alive in the game by making deals or kissing butt. I’m sure that’s what he meant when he said he was a cockroach.
      A cockroach can live for a week without its head.
      A cockroach can hold its breath for 40 minutes, and can even survive being submerged under water for half an hour.
      Cockroaches can run up to three miles in an hour.
      Cliff has learned a lot in his lifetime, maybe more than the rest of the HGs combined. Don’t underestimate this young guy (younger than me).

  32. Oh for the love of Big Brother, Michie and Holly pouted in isolation all last week and now Michie is HOH he won’t STF up unless his mouth is stuffed full of watermelon!!! Anybody with half a brain can see right through how fake he is with some of the house guests and how he plays it up for the cameras!!! Sad watching the once strong independent Holly turn into a controlled Michie puppy dog!
    Yeah, I’m not a Michie fan!!! Unlike some house guests and fans, I remember the douche bag he is from the first few weeks…a narcissistic entitled A$$ hole!
    On a positive note he looks like he has lost 15 lbs. with his HOH haircut!
    Michie fans UNLIKE away…

    1. Everytime I buy a melon, it’s only half ripe & tasteless pink. I think it would be so funny if when Jackson cuts his melons, he finds them inedible.

      1. I started requesting the produce clerk cut one in half before I’ll buy it, usually he’s willing to do a couple for me. If not I pass on buying one. He said it’s good for them to know so they can pressure the supplier with evidence. I got home with yellow sour ones too many times to do it again.

        1. Mmm but the yellow, sweet ones are my fave. I know they taste the same as good, red ones..but I just think they’re better. Something about the color plays tricks on my mind. Kinda like Crystal Pepsi. It’s just so strange to be that color and have the same taste as the original one.

  33. Simon your comment about the mean grilled cheese sandwich by the photo of all those burnt sandwiches made me spit out my drink. Your comments are gold even when the feeds aren’t. Thank you.

  34. Hmmm….Cliff is claiming it was only a one week deal cause Tommy insisted? Look at the big brain on Cliff! (Will he actually use this to his advantage somehow?)
    Truly it’s just a thing where many lied to Cliff and went back on their word and if he has to go back on his word, who cares right? What’s good for the goose…
    Sis n Christie though? This guarantees nothing! Many of the goats will be able to be talked down by Christie to play veto for her and take her off (or take herself off), the block and yet ANOTHER goat aka Sam, Bella, Jack etc soon Sis will go home.
    I will start to have some faith in the houses’ ability to play should they shock the Sh*t out of me and actually have a vote out of Christie. Plus Christie knows shes the target which gives her plenty of time to rally troops.
    Well let’s just see what fun or boredom this veto brings.

  35. Sis – we have been nothing but good to people in this game and we will be rewarded.

    What planet is she on? She thinks she’s better than everyone else but her sweet innocent act is just an act. I can’t wait until her whiny butt is gone — after Christie, of course.

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