Nikki “The f**king vultures eat everything! I’M F**KING NOT GOOD! I’M EXPLODING INSIDE!”

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5:10pm Jared says it wouldn’t be a bad idea to put up Dallas and her (Maddy). Kelsey says I’m just hating for the day where its just the three of us. Jared says this is just so intense. Kelsey says that day is going to come. Jared says hopefully not, hopefully it will be just us 3 at the end.
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5:20pm HOH room – Loveita has the HOH camera. She tells Nikki they have to make small videos for gifs. She makes one with Nikki. Nikki looks at it after and says absolutely not, delete that. Loveita says okay and then heads downstairs.

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By the pool – Mitch is talking to Cassandra. Mitch says I don’t if it was the comment or something else. Cassandra says that Kelsey is volatile. Cassandra says long term you don’t have to worry about me. Dallas and Jared are going to go after each other. Mitch says to me I don’t even care about this vote. I am think beyond this vote. Mitch says I would like to work with them but there’s a point where that becomes a huge problem. Cassandra tells that its starting to look like he is a part of the four. Mitch Muffin is f**king up your game. Before people never even noticed you. Cassandra told Mitch that Christine will join Dallas and Maddy but she would be a number for his side. Cassandra says I trust Tim. I thought I could trust Joel but he is getting closer and closer with that side. Mitch says to be honest my trust with you is medium and I think going forward we need to prove it to each other. If I win HOH, you’re no where on my radar.

Loveita joins Mitch. She tells him that she’s given up and will let people vote how they want. Mitch tells her that Cassandra said if she stays she (Loveita) isn’t her immediate target and that she hates Dallas.

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6:45pm Tim tells the people in the kitchen that he wants to make an announcement about how if anyone hears anything about what I’ve said, they need to come get me and I’ll explain it. Its already happened a couple times today where things I’ve said is taken out of context.

7pm – 7:10pm Kelsey is called to the diary room. Soon after the Big Brother jackpot lights and sounds go off.

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24 thoughts to “Nikki “The f**king vultures eat everything! I’M F**KING NOT GOOD! I’M EXPLODING INSIDE!””

  1. I’m really questioning production letting Nikki in the house considering her state of mind. Are ratings really worth someone’s sanity? I hope she feels better soon.

    1. If you watched the feeds you’d hear Lovetta say that she understands why bb makes the house guests see a therapist after eviction
      She’s a great player (she’s set herself up as a swing vote for next week), and, she’s an amazing person who plays with high morals (a feat that has never been seen on any reality show)

    2. Niki does this all the time in the uk big brother. I know someone who is in the uk and watches this an told me before she came into the house that she would do this. lol She’s very entertaining. I love her and tim. I don’t think her insanity is in question.

    3. This is normal Nikki behaviour! To be honest, she reminds me a bit of my best-friend. They are just the type that need things to be essentially exactly how they like it. On the other hand my best friend is absolutely hilarious – both males and females fall out from her humour. She is also smart, and caring… However, she would never be able to stand this unless she had certain adjustments made and special treatment. They are not selfish per se it’s just.. maybe a form of a personality disorder. It is not intentional and you can see Nikki is struggling.

      My point is that Nikki is used to having this be her behaviour and it being acceptable in her world. For people in her life the good outweighs the bad parts of her. And people act Fake fake fake in BBUS and BBCAN. I prefer both the Australian and the UK versions much more. North American BB is boring in comparison and their diary rooms are so scripted seeming. We don’t even get to hear the shady, funny Big Brother voice. Poor dat.

    4. I have watched both Tim and Nikki’s (many) seasons. I’ve always enjoyed Nikki’s antics. And Tim,.. well he’s Tim. Very interesting to watch him play this version in comparison. I advise all to watch his aussie season,.. best BB season i’ve ever watched!! Nikki, however, much as i love her. There is REAL history there. Nikki has spent many years “sectioned”. Starting from the age of 8 to 19,… due to anorexia. Extremely sad story. BBCAN producers should take this seriously!! UK version always took extra care of Nikki’s food needs. It is her disease and needs to treated as such. (i see she has been adamant about keeping it secret within the house) Ratings or no ratings. I do not want her to leave but she needs special attention and that’s just the way it is. We know she’s not a gamer, pure entertainment,.. but not at the expense of all the progress she’s made.

  2. Thanks for all the updates Simon! – Just watched some of the live feeds today …. was I right or did I imagine Cass eating something? Is she still not a have not? Would be kind of funny if she did get caught eating again just after the punishment they received and got a vote cast to evict against her as another penalty for eating if that’s the case!
    On another point Cass tells Maddie she isn’t a threat in competitions and then tells her she is gunning for HoH if she stays next weeks in the same sentence. Yeah way to go in securing her vote! Cass can’t keep track of her own crap! That’s what got her in trouble if the first place and it will continue to be that way for her and the people she works with.

    1. It would be so amazing if cass got her 6 votes to stay and was penalized for eating (salad yesterday and a cookie today). Then Lovetta got to choose who to evict on the tie and booted cass out
      Got a plan for that Tim? You’re so smart ruining Lovetta’s game and your gf cass leaves bc she didn’t learn her lesson the first time on slop – but, that’s just wishful thinking bb wouldn’t ruin tims game by playing by the rules (penalty vote for eating while on the block as a have not)

      1. HOH does not have a vote this week.
        And, if anyone ruined Love’s game it is herself through micro management. But,
        I don’t think her game is ruined.

        1. if cass only got the 6 votes needed to stay, and christine got the remaining 5, and cass was rightfully penalized for eating (2x), cass should lose 2 votes making a tie forcing lovetta to choose

  3. Nikki is obviously unstable, it’s uncomfortable to watch….I hope she does leave next week so she can go back to her “normal” life.

  4. This is ‘normal’ behaviour for Nikki. She throws temper tantrums. If you compare Nikki to other BBUK houseguests she is considered ‘tame.’ I can totally understand how this may be surprising to BBCan viewers but this is how she always acts, especially when she wants something and Big Brother/The Producers aren’t giving it to her.

    1. For someone from BB UK this game must be boring. The UK game is totally different, they also have a lot more house tasks (almost daily) which are usually very entertaining, and some are designed to purposely create confrontations between house guests. Which leads to numerous, major fights every season. Just look for Fight Night BB UK to see the absolute worst (best) of them.

  5. Nikki was brought into the house to be a whinny B—-h, and I agree with her , they all act like a bunch of locust when they get new food… She isn’t going anywhere who would bother wasting a vote or HOH on someone who says she wants to self evict every week!!!

  6. It’s been what… two or three days since the last booze delivery?
    She was actually drawn into a pressure filled game discussion this morning where she was actually looking up at the ceiling and counting on her fingers.
    No pampering and actual game: Nikki melt down was bound to happen.

  7. The status of the votes right now is making me giggle.
    Tim has been trying to maneuver a confrontation due to declared sides in the vote.
    As well, he’s stirring Loveita’s chilli. The reason in my head is she directly said to him, “i’m hearing that you’re campaigning for Cassandra and you suggested her; are you just here to stir the pot?’ She’s confronting him on his game and calling it correctly (thanks to Mitch whom she doesn’t credit) so he’s twisting her gears. She’s now a threat unless he can keep her neutralized as a fringe figure target.
    His ultimate goal has been to make a vote this week that calls out everyone’s game, while remaining entrenched in the middle to scoop up the people that he wants who will be collateral damage in the war if they don’t join with him. All of the people he can manipulate.
    Yeah, that was his plan. a 6-5 vote. And along comes Cassandra who wants a landslide for security. Off goes Cassandra to Maddy. Emotional, angry, volatile,gullible, paranoid Maddy. And at the moment that 6-5 vote and declared sides don’t exist.
    So, for all Tim’s hard work to start a war, at the moment the horse he’s backed has ensured a continuance to the stalemate.
    So I’m giggling because this has been a bizarrely exhausting day and a half of machination, and unless Mitch informs Jared and Kelsey that Cass said they were just numbers to her but she wasn’t going to be on their team long, or Loveita spills to Jared that in front of Joel and Dallas and Nikki, Phil said Cass wasn’t staying with them she and Tim were forming their own team… all that effort will be for naught.

  8. For anyone who doesn’t know everything Nikki’s been through you should watch Nikki Grahame on Jeremy Kyle on youtube

    1. Sorry, but she is full of shit. If she was so fragile, she would not be competing on BB over and over. This chick is completely nuts in her attention seeking sickness. She should not be on this show.

  9. The live feeds haven’t worked at all today for me. Is it from them or is it my computer? Has anyone else had this issue? Thanks.

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