POV Holder: | ? | POV Competition | July 9th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | July 11th |
HOH | Bridgette | Next HOH | July 14th |
Roadkill Competition Winner: | ? | ||
Original Nominations: | ?, ?, ? | ||
After POV Nominations: | ?, ?, ? | ||
Have Nots | Da’Vonne, Paul and Zakiyah |
Big Brother 18 Alliances Help Guide
7pm In the bedroom – Frank and Paulie congratulate Bridgette.
7:05pm – 7:25pm In the bathroom – Zakiyah says so I’m guessing we’re still havenots. Nicole says that Frank wants Tiffany out next. Michelle says that Bridgette is a spy for Frank. Paulie says one of us has to win the roadkill. Zakiyah says one of us needs to win the roadkill and put up one of the powerful girls up. Nicole says whatever she does is going to be Frank’s doing. Do you think he would put up me or Day? Paulie says I don’t think so. Paulie says lets get through this week without any casualties at least within the 5. Paulie says his target is Tiffany 100%. Nicole says what if she wins veto? Paulie says everyone just has to stay patient. Nicole says its basically Franks HOH. We need to find out who he’s going to put up. Paulie says I’ll find out, he’ll tell me. Frank joins them. He says he is obviously hesitant about pitching Bronte. Obviously I’ll pitch for putting Paul up. If I was going to pitch Bronte it would be in the sense that the whole house wants her out. Is that something we want to divulge to her? They agree that’s not best. Frank says he will ask her who she wants up first and then say for me and our team ..pitch TIffany. If one of us wins the roadkill we put up Bronte. I’m thanking my stars I brought her up to the HOH earlier this week and talked to her. Nicole says lets get Tiffany out. Nicole says at this point I think you can persuade her. Zakiyah says I don’t want to be up her butt.
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In the bedroom – Bridgette says I don’t know what to do. Frank says who from Freakazoid and who from big sister. either Nicole and Corey or Tiffany and Corey. Frank says well you know what I want. If Tiff goes home this week it will be an easy week and there won’t be any backlash next week. I think that’s best case scenario. Bridgette says Tiff. Frank says yeah. Bridgette says I was thinking Paul. Frank says he won’t come after you .. he’s just not that type of a guy. With Corey I’m buddy buddy with him and I think I could persuade him not to put you up. Frank says Tiff isn’t aligned with anyone. If she wins the veto we could send Paul home but I don’t think he’s a big threat. Bridgette says if you feel good about Corey then .. I just haven’t talked to him too much.
7:30pm Nicole tells Corey she is going to play it up to Frank that she threw it. Corey that’s not a good idea. Tiffany was still in the game. I’m telling him I was trying to stay in it as long as she was.
7:30pm – 7:40pm Bedroom – Frank, Paulie and Bridgette are talking. Bridgette says Frank was thinking Paul. Paulie says 3 weeks on the block. Frank says he won’t take it personally. Paulie says the problem is if Tiff comes off. Paulie says I don’t think she would beat us (Frank or Paulie) if we got picked to play. Frank tells Bridgette if she pulls her own name she needs to pick one of them. Bridgette says if its not Paul … I don’t want to put Z up. Paulie says Paul is a pretty stand up dude. Frank says the three of us could talk to him before you put him up. Paulie says I know you like Bronte but she’s a fierce competitor.. it would be a way to stack the deck against Tiff.. but its your HOH.
7:40pm – 7:55pm Safari room – James says yeah we messed up. DaVonne says what happened. James says that Bridgette is freaking out. She won it and then realized she didn’t want it. Davonne says she needs a pawn beside Tiff. James says maybe Frank will convince her to put up Paul. James says he talked to Frank and told him how Bridgette is scared and doesn’t know what to do. DaVonne says we have to try again next week to get him out. I can’t even put him up if I win roadkill. James leaves. Davonne looks at the camera and says 1 more week of Franks crap! We almost had him. Frank says he’s (Vic) gone! More food for us!
8pm Corey tests out the havenot room bumper cars.
8:20pm – 8:30pm Safari room – Corey, Tiffany, James, Nicole and Paulie. Tiffany talks about how her names been thrown out to go up. Nicole says I’ve heard my name too. Its going to suck if its two of us. Paulie says someone has to win the roadkill and put them up .. Natalie or Bronte. Tiffany says we have POV too we could take one of us down. Corey says they could put one of us right back up. We have to win the roadkill. Tiffany asks am I toast this week? Nicole says no, we just have to make sure two of us don’t go up. He (Frank) told me to brace myself. .. he told Corey to brace himself. ..expect the worst. He thinks he can convince her to put up Paul. That’s why we can’t stir up anything. Tiffany says I know. Nicole says right now it sounds like Paul is going up for sure .. so we can’t do anything to change that. Paulie says this is Frank’s f**king sidekick.
In the havenot room – Bridgette said she isn’t touching team unicorn and that she is leaning towards putting up Paul and Tiffany.
8:45pm Bronte says I think if we play our cards right this could be good. Once Bridgette puts people up ..we should be like I put in a good word for you. Natalie laughs and says I can’t take you.
8:45pm – 8:55pm Michelle, Nicole and Zakiyah are talking outside the HOH room. Nicole says someone needs to be with Tiffany 24/7! Nicole asks what kind of a deal is she going to try and make .. she would have to expose some type of information. Nicole says we don’t want the fatal five to be exposed. Zakiyah asks why would Paulie tell her (Tell Tiffany she is probably going up with Paul). Zakiyah says I’m about to go off! Like you not telling me .. if you got something going on.. because that’s some bullsh*t. She’s got some baggage. Emotional as hell.
Bronte says I just want to make it to jury so bad! Frank says DON’T SAY IN YOUR SPEECH YOU’RE A GOOD PHYSICAL COMPETITOR! Bronte asks is that bad? Frank says obvious you’re a physical beast because your fit and all that just don’t say it.
Paulie tells Corey all we need to do this week is keep our 5 safe. After that we’ll get him (Frank) out. Then we get out Bridgette, Bronte and Natalie out and coast to the end.
9:10pm Tiffany asks Corey if you were me who would you pick to play in the POV. Corey says pick me, and I’ll take you off.
9:25pm Tiffany says I’m 95% going up .. that’s my gut. Listen deals are bulls*t in this house. There’s two people I want out .. its those two (Frank & Bridgette).
Bronte and Natalie are talking in the bathroom. Bronte says Paul mentioned it to me yesterday .. who the guys are out numbered. Natalie says we need to talk up in the HOH .. like when Bridgette gets it we’ll talk.
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Well this HOH is pointless, pretty sure Bronte will be heading out the door this week no matter what
Bronte? Have you even been watching this game?
8 pack wins Roadkill Bronte goes up and the votes send her home.
Season is made to protect vets/siblings with this teams/road kill garbage.
I won’t be surprised at all if Bronte goes home with her own alliance Spygirl
as the HOH.
No way Tiffany is gone unless some girl power goes down and then it would be Paul
I know Frank didn’t win HOH but I’ve got to tell you he’s playing one hell of a game. It’s going to be hard to take him out bc everyone is so scared of him. I’ve got him in my top 5 all time players in BB history. Behind Derek and Dan. Maybe top 3
Have you been paying attention? Frank was leaving this week as long as his team lost. He’s only safe because Bridgett won. Everyone wants him out, and he’s probably going next week. Frank is not playing that smart of a game, is not among one of the greats, and will most likely be out prejury.
Totally agree. They are all talking crap about Frank, but he is the only one in there diverting her away from putting them up. He is playing a brilliant game, it’s just hard to tell where his true alliance is, but he is protecting those that he is loyal to and you can see it now.
Frank doesn’t have a true alliance. He just wants to be covered however the chips fall.
It has nothing to do with good game play.
1) Frank can’t afford to let Bridgette put up who SHE wants: Nicole & Corey b/c then about 50 of his side deals can be put on blast
2) Plus Frank has been fighting EVERYONE about Bridgette being nommed/evicted. She is more disliked by people than Paul, Bronte or Nat
3) Frank told ANYONE who would listen she’ll do whatever the FU_K I tell her to!
By the time the week is over Bridgette will have learned Frank was the one who put her on the block when he won Road Kill
frank would be out the door this week if he wasn’t safe. james, da, z, paulie, and nicole all want him out and i don’t see that changing. while michelle, bronte, bridgette, natalie, paul, and corey are all way too easy to manipulate into putting frank up. only question mark is tiffany because even though she and frank don’t get along, she’s not in a good spot and should be smart enough to realize she needs to keep him in the house to keep the heat off her as a target.
Frank can still be nominated by the roadkill winner, so he could be leaving this week!
Since his Team is safe, I didn’t think anyone from that Team could be nominated this week, including Roadkill?
No, he’s safe the whole week. When your team wins HOH, the whole team is safe. Including the roadkill nominee.
Top 5 or top 3 really? Maybe top 5 or top 3 dumbest of all time. I seem to recall that in Season 14 he would have been gone week 1 if they hadn’t wanted to cut Dan’s team down to 2 players and then he would have been gone what 2 or 3 weeks later but was saved when they reset the game when the coaches entered. Not to mention how many times did Dan lie to him and he believed Dan everytime right up until Dan won POV and voted him out. Now everybody is on to him this season for making deals with everybody, so one of the greatest of all time no I don’t think so.
Donald, Trump, Derek whoever you are from one comment to the next, shut up bitch. All you love is to be is hanging from dereks nuts you sad person. Stop living in the past jerk off.
Would you like to hang from Derek’s nuts with me? Mmmmmmmmmm
What the hell Paulie ???? zip it with the talks about getting Frank out. He is safe this week nothing you can do about it, drop those talks or you will put your alliance of 5 in trouble. Frank has the focus on trying to get Tiffany up, shut your gums until nominations or Nicole/Corey will end up on the block
Ha! Paulie and Frank in the London room now. I didn’t think they even knew where it was.
Dang! This is Frank HOH not Bridgette! I hope James wins HOH next week so he will put Frank up.
The first week or so, I really wanted to like Bridgette. I don’t know why I can’t stand her. With Frank safe I hope her HOH spins out of control so she gets a lot of blood on her hands and is out next week. Can’t believe I’m more okay with Paul or Bronte staying than her.
It’ll definitely come out this week that Frank was week 1 roadkill and nominated Paul and Bridgette…curious how that will play out.
Tiffany needs to go tell frank right now that Nicole and davonne are going after him or Tiffany is going home
Tiffany needs to tell Bridgette that frank was the roadkill winner that nominated her the first week. And tell her tonight. That would switch Bridgette up real quick.
I doubt that would change things. Frank will just spin it and she will believe anything he says.
this is one frankie you gotta like
Ugh. Please let someone with the balls to put up Frank win roadkill. Congrats Frank on your HOH win this week.
The entire team is safe from nomination. Frank, Michelle, Paulie, and Bridgette are untouchable this week.
Unfortunately, Frank’s whole team is safe, even against the roadkill winner.
Who told you he is safe from roadkill nom? If that’s true this is the dumbest twist in the history of BB!
Chenbot said The HoH’s entire team is safe from eviction. That means they cannot be nominated by any house guest for any reason. That means the only way Frank can end up on the block this week is if production puts him there.
Is big old Frankie really that afraid of little ole Tiffany? If they send her home, I hope Davonne is happy. She set this girl up with all her lies, and the likes of Nicole, Paulie and Corey know the truth about what really happened. If that is the case, I hope they get their just desserts. Tiffany is not my favorite player by a long shot, but this whole thing stinks. I just hope Frank gets wind of what is happening with the others, and puts them up, because after all, this is his HOH.
My guess of what could happen is Paulie will go up to talk to Bridgette, he will slip something about his alliance of 5, Bridgette will tell Frank. I agree that I hope for entertainment Frank does find out about Paulie’s new alliance and their plan to BD him. Paulie has shown to have very loose lips, he was talking about with Nicole/Z about getting Frank out….I have no idea why he is not dropping those talks they are pointless at least for this week because Frank is safe.
I think his Frank obsession is very revealing. He’s not mad at him for playing the game. He’s afraid of him. Just listen to how much he talks. He’s trying to convince himself he’s a machine….but in reality, he’s terrified of having to face off with Frank in a do or die comp. That’s why he can’t let it go and latched on to the very 1st reason to turn on him.
Corey on the other hand is just dumb and I doubt his mind works far enough to even imagine facing down Frank…which is why I think Paulie feels even more nervous since this is his backup…
Tiffany has a play here. She knows about the Showmances plus 1, knows there’s a movement afoot against Frank….if she can manage the emotions (there’s no crying in baseball) and be very smart, she could blow it up. She knows Frank wants her out, so try to ostracize the showmances as the easy sell. Make them the “house” enemies.
I hope Nicole or corey or davon goes up on the block this week
This season’s Scurrying Rat is Nicole.
The rat is Da……..scurrying isn’t really known til RK happens and that nom. If Da flips on getting Tiff out she’ll pull numbers on the vote. HOH can only nom so the votes decide and you need 5. Paul and Bronte are both vulnerable if RK winner puts either up against Tiff or Paul up as a “pawn”. My guess is Da will switch the target to Paul going for a 4th guy. James better also be worried if Da has road kill as well. I just see the house as Da’s at the moment. She can muster votes and that makes her dangerous.
Bridgette can’t say girl power every day then proceed to get tiffany or Nicole out this week it would be a joke. But speaking to frank before her alliance of Nat and bronte is just as much of a joke
True. But why should she be all “girl power” with girls who wouldn’t give her the time of day until now.
Bridgette, Bronte, and fine ass Natalie had the girl power trio going on. YES, other broads are about that as well. But if Bridgette is true to the trio, James might be safe also. So everyone is expendable. Yo Adrienne! I did it!
I wonder how quickly Da will flip from wanting Frank out to trying to be his best friend.
It’s gonna be fun watching the 8 pack rat on each other.
i hope word gets back to frank that everyone wants him out before the noms. as much as i want him to go, his enemies need to be whittled down some before that happens or da’s going to run the house and things are going to be super boring once he leaves.
Nicole:”Let’s get Tiffany out”
Someone just slap that girl. Anyone that thinks she would have worked to get Frank out if Corey got HOH u are as dumb as she is.
If Corey had won HOH , Tiff would have been safe. Who do you think Nicole would have tried to get out if not Frank?
Nicole is adapting to the circumstances of the game. Frank is safe this week, so she’s letting an erratic member of her alliance who no one really trusts take the fall rather than doing so herself.
Chill, Dan Foley. There’s no need to talk about slapping someone.
Nicole wants to be good with the girls and Corey and the guys. She never wanted Frank out. If Corey had won HOH she would have gone the safe route and keep everyone kinda happy and jumped on board to get Bronte out.
Nicole is a little snitch. And just worries about herself and whatever doufus she is preying on each season. Hayden and Corey are no prizes. And Nicole can’t even get those idiots to be with her.
I think this SpyGirl thing might save both Bronte and maybe Tiff. Doesn’t Bridget not like Michelle? I think she might put up Michelle and James.
like frank, michelle is unfortunately safe this week.
Michelle is safe
Michelle can’t be nominated. It’s irritating remembering who’s on what team, I keep looking at the cheat sheet at the top. Thanks for being on top of that Simon and Dawg.
I know what you mean ..its very confusing to remember. I use it too
Just like Frank, MICHELLE IS SAFE. She’s in Category 4 with Bridgette.
Little does Frankie poo know that Bridgette likes Tiff a lot and is not going to put her up. Frankie poo:”Ok that’s fine then we will backdoor her” No wrong again Frankie Poo. “Whoever wins roadkill put her up” Umm strike 3 Frankie poo. She isnt going anywhere!
Poor little Frankie Poo gonna be so butthurt he can’t get out the woman that makes him shit his pants with fear everytime he sees her.
Now what?
Yeah thats right #TIFF FOR THE WIN!!
The only way Frank is going to be butt hurt is if Corey is around!
Zakiyah is playing a stellar game right now…Even Bridgette, the person who she probably talks to the least, doesn’t want to put her up. It’s smart to just chill and play socially in the beginning of the game. It will be interesting to see if she’s able to turn on a killer instinct later.
Frank farts on another week. At least all the illegals are gone.
I have no problem lying to the American people. “I did not have sex with that woman!”. Oops, That was my husband but I did have sex with women. I have never lied to the American people when I told them I never had classified info on my server. I never used multiple devices to retrieve my email. I never let my people see classified materials. I never deleted work related emails.
FBI Director Comey: “All of this is untrue”
Did she lie to American people?
Comey: “That is not my job to distinguish that.”
Crooked Hillary, Vote for Oppression!
Glad a spy girl won.
The vets are pointless, all are playing crappy games.
Bridgette is a wild card. Its hard to see what she will do. But I expect Tiff to stay clear while she aims for Michelle or Paul.
Michelle is safe for the week so are frank and paulie
This weeks depends on who Bridgette ultimately decides to ride with, the spy girls or Frank. Bronte and Natalie should be safe either way as I don’t think she’ll risk them directly. I could see Corey and Paul on the block. Depending on who’s nominated for road kill it could get dicey. 9 voters so you could get evicted with as few as 4 votes, or 3 if you go for a 3 way tie which is unlikely. We’ll see if Frank’s grooming pays off or not.
I really hope the game turns around…. i love drama lol
I hope Tiffany wins Road Kill Comp & Veto…..but I don’t want her to win the game either lol
Michelle and Corey would be OK by me.
Michelle is safe.
I think Bridgette’s best move is somehow eliminating Corey, because that gives frank and paulie less options, therefore forcing them to feed her more information. This also weakens Nicole and the vets without being known as the one who took a shot at the vets and putting the target on her back. Unfortunately frank wouldn’t let her do that. Maybe Natalie and Bronte can talk some sense into her.
Corey gotta go..he`s so dumb and useless
Which is probably why he will be here for awhile. I mean he’s dumb and an easily manipulatable vote, not to mention a physical asset for his alliance members. I predict he’ll be caught in the crossfire post jury, but at the moment no one has even mentioned his name.
I hope Bridgette is just playing reallu dumb, and in fact she is not this dumb as she has been acting so far.
Is funny like how in previus seasons the VETS always find a way to not be the first ones out…. I alreday can tell CBS wants all the vets to stay…
But all the rookies gotta stop being dumb and kick them out…
Bridgette has been playing one of the best games in the house since the Jozea eviction. She takes in information from everybody and never gives any out.
And now she is going to get an HoH with no blood on her hands because everyone will blame Frank for whatever she does.
Not really. Everyone in the house knows she’s a rat, they just don’t feel threatened enough by her to do anything.
Which is the best possible position to be in — get info from everyone, and not perceived as a threat. Steve, Derrick, Andy and Ian all say hello.
I want Tiffany to do something. Don’t just give up girl,give Frank a fight. I want Frank around for the drama but I’m not wanting him to always get his way. He needs to be brought down a few notches. Bridgette, don’t put her up. And I hope Tiffany wins the roadkill.
I’m guessing Paulie or Frank will win Roadkill call me crazy but Frank is great at comps & Paulie winning Veto shows that he can win a comp but I know they will nominate Bronte . I think Bridgett will listen to Frank & Natalie who can influence her will listen to James who is going to try and get Tiff up. I see Tiff , and Paul on the block since Bronte and Natalie already thought that’s who the house wanted out and I see Bronte being the Roadkill Nom . Bronte or Tiff is going home this week .
Would be nice if Corey or Bronte split.
If Paul gets nominated and doesn’t win veto, I think he goes home. Tiff will stay if Paul, Nat or Bronte are OTB next to her.
My first choice would be to see Paul go home. I dont think this game is something he’s enjoying anyway. Other than that, Bronte or Corey either could go. Ready for this week to be over with. I really dont like Bridgette and now we are going to be forced to see more of her mousey fake sucking up to Frank than usual. Her diary room makes me cringe.
Frank will convince Bridgette to nominate Tiffany… so much for an all girl alliance… that’s why girls don’t go far in this game, they don’t stick together….
Nicole is now the most shady, two faced, cowardly player in the house. I think I actually dislike her almost as much as Frank. I hope Bridgette sticks to her guns and doesn’t put up her old friends and that Nicole goes up as the pawn or with the roadkill. I hope Tiffany wins POV and Nicole is sent packing. Then if Frank goes home next week by any miracle, he and Nicole can battle it out. It would also be amazing if Paulie, Tiffany and Corey found out all the lies that have been spread by Nicole and DaVonne and how the two of them are at the root of all the real paranoia, rumors and backstabbing that have floated around Tiffany and some of the other girls. If Nicole had stopped her panic attack and stopped worrying about Tiffany spilling secrets or, God forbid-making a deal (like Tiff is the only one who’s not allowed to play the game) everything still could have worked out. Bronte or Paul could have been sent out and Tiff could have stuck around to help them get out Frank. Instead, Nicole spills the secrets and adds more lies. Some people should not play the game a second time. The desperation is ugly.
Why do you hate women?
I am female. I don’t hate women-I hate people who play a sucky game like Frank and, last night more than ever, Nicole. I have not complaining about the women specifically, I have complained about the way certain players play the game and most of my complaints have been about Frank. You obviously haven’t read any of my other comments so I have a question for you. Why do you like to troll comment sections trying to start fights with people?
Throw Zakiyah’s catty butt up there.
To add a new twist, the HOH can be allowed to keep one member of the team safe. The remaining members are eligible for nomination/eviction. That should create some in-fighting.
watching the feeds is just driving me insane especially because of what Paulie is doing. This guy could blow up his whole game in 24hrs if he does not shut up. Since the HOH comp he has non stop talked about getting Frank out(when he is safe so its pointless to bring that up again now) Tiffany is obviously on the hot seat let her cook there, dont run your mouth because the last thing you want is for Tiffany to go tell Bridgette about the showmance alliance that Da’Vonne told her about.
Not sure why. Maybe I see him as a child who has been punished for his previous behavior. He has taken his punishment well and been a good soldier. Couldn’t stand him at first of course. But he’s adapting and doing what he has to do to stay. I don’t like him so much as I don’t hate him anymore I guess. And feeling like I kind of hope he doesn’t go on the block again this week. I might feel a little bad for him.
Frank’s going to park his skunk ass up in that HOH so no one can come up and talk to Brigette. He’s going to watch her like a hawk – it’d be fabulous if she kicked him out or aked him to come back to talk later. He’d be beside himself.
If Brigette was ever going to grow a pair, now would be the time.
Who’s safe?
– Paulie, Tiffany, and Frank (even from roadkill right?)
– Spy Girls Alliance –> Natalie and Bronte
Likely targets:
– Corey and Nicole (I hope that I’m wrong though)
– Paul and Da
I’m thinking that one of these 4 will go home next week if Bridgette wants to move forward with getting out a veteran or keeping with the all girls alliance
I don’t think that Tiffany will be targeted since didn’t she want the all girl alliance?
Unlikely targets:
– James, Zakiyah
Your thoughts?
Didn’t frank nominate Bridgette after winning roadkill? Why are people not telling Bridgette? I’m sure she would be pissed and Consider getting frank out…but then again, it’s Bridgette the weirdo who has the annoying personality of an over the top acting puppet on Sesame Street
As solely an entertainment fan, I hope we see the Nicole paranoia really ramp up and she completely fails to reassure Tiffany she’s safe no matter what, not realizing that Da revealed their 4+1 alliance. Tiffany wakes up and realizes there’s 4 people who see her as a sacrificial lamb. She’s certain she’ll be “Victor’d” where everybody says she’s good, but she’s not. However, she’ll be too scared to really blow it up and will instead try to be savvy to protect Da.
Tiffany will go to Frank and Bridgette and tell how she knows about the couples alliance and that they’re plotting against the two of them. Frank won’t believe her because of his own overconfidence and her not including Da makes it ring false, but he’ll tell Paulie and Corey what she said and they will tell the girls, thinking he’s on to them. At that point Nicole will go off on Tiffany and Corey will join in. And that’s when things will start unraveling. Paulie will start distancing himself from them and Da will help him to protect Z and will maybe see Tiffany as more loyal to her than Nicole. Paulie and Da will be too cute in pitching Frank to spare Z and he’ll realize Tiffany was being straight.
Corey and Nicole will be nominated and Nicole will completely renounce the Showmances and look to the veterans as her safety net…and she’ll pull Frank and James aside separately and reveal everything, including Da being in on it. James will win Roadkill and put up Z to ensure the secret 4+1 are fractured and Corey will go.
And afterward, we see a MASSIVELY fractured house, where nobody trusts anybody, but they all want to trust somebody. Corey is an easy out. Not so bright, boring, not capable of doing anything interesting….but his eviction would set up some entertaining social play. Paulie (with Da and Z) still targets Frank, Frank still targets Tiffany, Tiffany and Nicole target each other, James wants to protect the vets plus Nat, but sees Da won’t stay with the plan, and stays torn, Bridgette and Paul move closer to Frank, which puts both on Michelle’s radar. In other words a wide open game, with small alliances and spots of crossover. We never hear “the house” wants something because everybody has at least 1 final 3, some have 2.
Love your post !! very interesting. We are seeing Nicole going crazy with worry already, she has been non stop worrying about Bridgette putting her up. I dont know if Bridgette will follow through and actually do put up Nicole/Corey. All depends if Franks gets the info on the showmance alliance and that BD plan Paulie/Corey/Da/Nicole had. Tiffany could also be the one to blow up that cover, if she is on the block she wont go down easily. Da did tell her about the 5 member alliance, James knows as well(which is INSANE why Da would ever reveal that to them) but Tiffany could go up to Bridgette/Frank tell them what Da told her, then you watch fireworks because Frank will be pissed. One thing for sure its gonna be a great week
We are intrigued by the game but tonight we should remember our fallen officers. These recent shootings in LA and MN need to be investigated and fully prosecuted if appropriate, but shooting at police is a vigilante tactic and all Americans should condemn!
Agreed with respect to condemning vigilante justice but it is not enough. All Americans should unite in demanding justice for the unarmed public being gunned down by those responsible to serve and protect all of us equally and the system that shields them!
One can only hope.
I think what is interesting is we will learn if the spygirls or Frank/category 4 are more important or influential to Bridgette.
Will she have a session with the other two girls to make their final decision, or will she allow Frank to dictate everything that she should do?
Sure, the outcome might be the same, who knows, both spygirls and Frank could have the same opinion, however, if they don’t we will get to see where Bridgette’s true mind is in the game.
I am taking a break for a little whle. After tonight’s events in Dallas, BB and the hamsters aren’t very important. I’ll be back to see what’s going on, but right now it’s just not a priority.
Tiffany is stupid…..
she should be like “you put me and paul on the block, who do you think they will put up as third nominee… Bonte….
Same nominees as last week, and be like if veto gets used, natlie will get put up…… give hints who is controlling the house….. be like they going to pick us off one after the other….
One can only hope it will be a interesting, full of fireworks week of BB. Keeping my fingers crossed.
No matter what happens this week Frank will blamed even though he is not HoH… but the HoH announced that he is running her HoH… I think it was to make Franks ally’s feel safe but whatever happens it will be Franks fault… so do they backdoor Tiff or do a head on. The guys feel that the could beat Tiff in a Veto comp. That could be true but my guess this weeks PoV will be not guy friendly and give the girls the edge.
So say Frank decides to put up
Tiff and Paul the roadkill is not in play but say they put up Bronte or Natalie
PoV is played and Tiff wins leaving Paul with Bronte or Natalie.
My guess is Natalie or Bronte go home.
If at the end of the week Tiff is up against Paul… Tiff goes home.
If Paul is up against say Corey… Paul go’s home same as Nicole and Paul
If Frank gets a hint that Da, Nicole, Paulie, Zak and Paul want Frank out… it will be Corey vs Nicole
or Corey vs Mama Da… Nicole or Mama Da will go home depending on how Frank sees the threat. Paul is most likely to stay because Frank feels that he can be handled… the same ways as he thinks that James and the girls can be controlled…. if Frank gets really paranoid Corey might go home…. possibly Zak. Heres a hint: These guys have huge mouths and spill all the beans.
My hope is Bronte or Natalie go home. Tiffany is still useful. I wonder if the cameras do not show Tiffs breakdowns because I have only seen one and that is when she is mad…. I really don’t see her much so I do not understand all of the Tiff negativity unless Da is projecting Tiff as being Vanessa. Their games are not the same at all.
People in the house seem worried that Tiffany will out the 8pack. Funny. Bronte, Natalie and Bridgette figured out most of that alliance 1/2 way through week one. It’s not a big deal. More people are worried Tiffany will out the Fatal 5. That would do more harm than good.
So, is there any leverage that they haven’t considered at all?
Roadkill winner from week one would be the only leverage she would have that would do any damage at all. Any other information she gives out actually taints the voting pool.
Yeah, unless someone else screws up more, or Tiffany wins veto, it’s looking like the end of DietVanessa if the current plan holds the night before nominations.
If Tiff outs fatal 5 then they have no reason to keep her safe. She blows up her own game because who wants to align with a blabber mouth. With Frank leading the charge the outed F5 girls will just kick her to the curb ASAP.
Paul is currently trying to plant into Bronte and Natalie’s head that Tiffany was the vote to evict Bronte.
um. Since when do people on the block get a vote.
If that one works, I’ve got to take a couple days away, because I just can’t with the stupid.
Zakiyah is not playing a good game. All she does is watch herself in mirrors, talk crap behind people back, say we gotta win HOH, Roadkill, The Veto( that she sucks at) and scratch that damn weave. Putting her up is a waste of an HOH. She’s only useful as a pawn at this point.
I forget she’s even there half the time.