Head of Household Winner – Jackson
Have note are:
Nominations are: Jess and Christie Cliff
Power of Veto Players are: Jackson, Christie, Jess, Nicole, Cliff, Tommy
Power of Veto holder: Tommy
Power of Veto Ceremony: Tommy used the Veto on Christie. Jackson put Cliff up as the replacement.
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8pm The house guests are chatting in the living room about the Hide The Veto comp. They disagree that someone will go home over a competition based on luck. Jackson –
8:15pm Boat room. Tommy and Jess.
Jess – should we talk later knowing that them four are going to be alone .. to conspire? Tommy – no, its okay. Jess – I talked to Michie to see where his head was at and he didn’t tell me that I was the target. Tommy – that’s so confusing but I guess he wouldn’t say that to anyone. Jess – He said that just because he put me up doesn’t mean that he doesn’t see Cliff as a threat too. So he didn’t really tell me where his head was at. So I just kept it PC just in case it went his way or my way. He said that he is going to circle back with everyone to see. I told him that I was just going to tell everyone .. the only thing I could think of right now is offering myself up as a pawn in every which situation. Tommy – he (Cliff) isn’t doing that, so that’s nice. Jess – I wanted to touch base with you because Michie is probably going to touch base with you guys and see how you feel and what you guys think. Cliff is a great man but he is a game player. She is Cliff’s person. I think that Cliff loves her. I know that Cliff wouldn’t throw away his game for her. I think that is the biggest difference.I am willing to be the sacrificial lamb so that those people can get there. Tommy starts crying. That’s so sweet. I love you so much. Jess – I don’t want to cry because I haven’t cried yet. Son’t make me cry. Like I don’t want him to win. I really don’t and he has everything in his power to do it. I want Nicole to make her own decision and I really really hope that this will put everyone on an even playing field. I want to play to the best of my ability. And I feel like I have shown myself that I can compete. I also want to see people that I can compete about move forward. I am really bad at not showing how I feel in the moment. I am really bad at lying and kike I won’t be able to do the manipulative things and that might cost cost me my game and that’s fine.
8:17pm Living room. Holly, Jackson, Cliff, Nicole.
Jackson to Nicole – I was talking to Cliff earlier and it was kind of like what you were saying.. Like if I was Christie I would be trying to set things up to where her and Tommy don’t have to go against me or Holly. But me or Holly, one of us can leave and then both compete in the next HOH. Why would they gun for an HOH. If they think they are going to pin me and Holly against you and Cliff.. or you and Cliff vs me and Holly and we’re going to take shots at each other and they can just sit back and go through the middle. Then that is great but if they go into this HOH comfortable .. perfect. But if they go into it thinking something is up, then they are more than likely to go for it. Lets just feed into it. Not too much but just elude. Pretty much never mention that we are us four are in good standing. I am sure they’re pushing against me and Holly. But just know that my loyalty is with this group (Holly, Cliff & Nicole). Jackson – if Tommy and Christie think that they have finessed us four .. they finessed y’all to come after us and us to come after y’all. That’s great.. so beat them at their own game. Nicole – that’s crazy. Jackson – they’re trying to pin us against each other. Nicole – that’s unbelievable. Holly- because they don’t want to be the ones to take the shots. Jackson – they don’t want to this week. They don’t want to have to go against me and her. She doesn’t want to have to break a deal that she swore on her sisters life not to come after us but if Holly and I are on the block then she has no choice. Nicole – she swore she’s not coming after you guys? Holly – she swore on her sister’s life and the bible. Nicole – she swore to me on her sister’s life and the bible that she’s going to put you two up! Cliff – she told me that she was a free agent and that she only had a one week agreement with y’all. That was it. Holly – No, it was that she would not come after us at all. Nicole laughs.

Holly – she swore on her sister’s life .. which I thought was sketchy to begin with .. like who does that.. and she swore on the bible. Nicole – I came out and said are you with them and she swore on her sister’s life and the bible I am not. It was a one week deal. If I win they’re both going up. Jackson – exactly so she is going to do what she did going into day 58. Get y’all to come after us and get us to come after y’all .. and then her and Tommy are going to throw it so that they don’t actually have to stand to it and watch us shot at each other and then they go to final four. Cliff – just like before. Just like before Nicole when they tried to corner us into that deal. Nicole – wow! Jackson – so we don’t act like we’re suspicious and we play right into it and into the next HOH. And if they think that they are safe .. they will not gun for it. Holly – if you want to say that you would put us up .. that is fine. Jackson – don’t go too heavy on the sauce. Don’t scare them. Nicole – but I don’t think you realize that, that is what they are saying you two are doing.. playing both sides. Jackson – this is literally a stand off. Nicole – it is a three way stand off. This is nuts. Cliff – we are all saying the same thing.. it just depends on who has the final trust and loyalty with each other. Jackson – my loyalty is with y’all. Cliff – if it is a double it will be FAST!
Cliff – how funny with the episode be to show everyone saying the same thing to each other. Holly – they are swearing up and down that they are good with us. Nicole – that is so funny. I am so confused right now. I don’t mean to laugh but this is comical. Jackson – she literally stuck her hand out and said that she would swear it in blood. My loyalty is with you and Cliff. Believe me or not. Nicole – okay, I believe you and I am sticking with it .. it could be the sword I die on but that’s what’s happening. Jackson – same. That’s the risk we’re willing to take. Nicole – then we’re doing it together. If you f**k me over then you are not invited to Thanksgiving dinner.
8:30pm Boat room. Jess and Holly.
Jess – regardless of if I stay or leave .. I just wanted to say that you are an amazing woman. I admire you so much! Holly – I still don’t have a mind. I feel like I have played an honest game and as loyal of a game to the people that I said I was loyal to. I would hate to go and not be here with you guys. I don’t know what Cliff has said or done .. I don’t know if he has promised to be a pawn.. but I would like to think that I could be even if it is to help the people that I love get a little further. I don’t know what else to say .. its very apparent that I am the odd one out and everyone else is pairs. Keep me even if it is to break up one pair. Holly – the game part of this is sh*tty but on a personal level I love you. Jess – I don’t want to keep here if only for a few.. Big Brother blocks the feeds. Jess – I honestly think that on paper it makes sense. I think in my thought process it makes sense.
9pm Bedroom. Christie and Tommy.
Christie – I am just like so sick.. like trust me I am biting my tongue. But why the f**k do we have to pretend that Michie isn’t playing us?! Like it is annoying to me. Like part of me wants to not speak to him at all until he asks me what’s wrong. And then like saying I am just having a hard time understanding how you aren’t taking this opportunity to get Cliff out. Like apart of me wants to be like Michie campaigning went on today and a lot of comparing notes went on and I am really pissed. Like apart of me wants to be like you’re not working with Cliff?! Then f**king prove it! PROVE IT! Like its annoying that all of us are literally walking on egg shells around Michie. It is just frustrating me! Like he has been running the show for WEEKS! And now Jess is going to go home because of it. Tommy – do you think Nicole is voting to evict her? Christie – yeah. Michie is also lying to her (Jess) and telling her that she is not his target. Its up to the house. LIKE F**K YOU MICHIE! Like really I am so sick of him in every way! In every way! Tommy – I hear you. Christie – we just have to trust Cliff. Why was your talk with him weird? Tommy – he doesn’t like to say much. Christie – she he says a lot to me and swears up and down that you aren’t. Tommy – he said to me that I’m not either. Christie – it just bothers me that Michie has been in power for three weeks and we just have to pretend that we didn’t compare notes. Tommy – well we don’t .. who says that we do. Christie – no, I know I am just trying to figure it out. I don’t want to blow up. I also don’t want to say it tonight .. I almost want to say it right before this vote tomorrow. I almost just want to act distant to him and act salty. Tommy – what it is going to come down to is me and you versus Holly. Christie – she (Holly) is on my every last nerve too. .. like you’re not playing your own game. You are going to cry for hours that you’re not seen as playing your own game and that you’re just Michie’s girlfriend … then STOP ACTING LIKE IT! I am so over them both. I see right through both of them. Tommy – one of them have to go. We have a lot of fight left in us. Christie – it is pissing me off that he thinks he is playing all of us.. and the way he is treating Nicole. We both need to fight for it (HOH). I am not okay with sucking Michie’s a$$. Tommy – its one more night. Christie – this motherf**ker is really smart. I am going to need super maj therapy when I get out of here. And I judged Kat.. like is probably going to be my best friend with we get out of here. It will be a miracle if we get to final two.
9:47pm Kitchen. Jess, Holly, Jackson, Nicole, Tommy, Christie and Nicole are sitting around chatting. Tommy – twenty minutes till we can go to bed. Tommy and Nicole playing with the puppets they made.
10pm HOH room. Jess and Jackson.
Jackson – how did it go today? Jess – as good as can be expected. No one told me anything (That should be a huge hint you’re going home). Ultimately I don’t know where people’s heads are at. They’re very much looking at you to talk to you. Jackson – Christie and Tommy are pushing for Cliff.. more than likely I am assuming. I actually haven’t spoken game with them all day. I know Nicole is close with Cliff but she doesn’t say much at all. I know she is close with you but she has not eluded to either one. Jess – yeah she hasn’t really told me anything. Jackson – and Holly hasn’t spoken game with me at all today. I do know that if it came down to a tie .. I would more than likely break it in his favor. And that is nothing personal. Jess – no not at all. Jackson – and I don’t want… I told you that at no point in this game would I sugar coat it or tell you a lie. I have more respect for you, than to do something like that. I am just being completely honest and that is as of right now and there are still more conversations to be had. I told you today that I would let you know where my head was at. At no point is it anything personal. Jess – that’s fine. At this point its what I could say to anybody. Jackson – Cliff didn’t offer a deal and I didn’t ask him for a deal. Just like you didn’t offer a deal. I have taken one deal in this game and that was with Christie and I am not taking another one. I am not doing it this week. Jess – I am not offering anyone deals. Jackson – I know. Jess – I feel that on a game level .. you taking out Sis and myself .. on paper doesn’t look the best. I am not as strong a person as Cliff is. You banished him, he is the first one to get back. You voted him out, he came back and put you up. He’s been put on Tommy’s radar and came back. He is now on the block again and you’re keeping him. He stays, he is going to win. And that is just based on his amazing game play. And that he has working deals with everyone. Like if that is the way you want to go.. I respect it. I love you regardless. He is a strong player. Jackson – very strong. Jess – it really leads me to think that you are working with him.. and if it comes down to where I have to vote .. I will look at that. You are an amazing player .. I know this.. Next to anyone I would vote for you to win the money. Jackson – I don’t have any deals with Cliff and I am not working with him. There are different angles to it. Jess – I get it .. its two, its two, its two. All I can offer is that I am a pawn for absolutely anyone. If I walk out that door .. there is no love lost. If it comes down to the end and you’re there I absolutely will vote for you to win.
10:35pm HOH room. Holly, Christie and Jackson.
Jackson – is everything good? Christie – why? Jackson – I just feel like you’re pissed off about something. Christie – no, not at all. Jackson – just checking. Christie – No everything’s good. I am just out of my mind today. I am just like really sad. Obviously Jess is going and I just feel bad. I am just thinking about the end and I am scared. I am scared. I am scared of Cliff. Its not like I am scared like that he is coming after me. Jackson – these are the thoughts going through my mind the last 24 hours. Christie – it doesn’t mean anything.. I am still voting with you. I trust whatever the plan is. Neither of them pitched me anything. Jackson – there have been no deals with Cliff .. he hasn’t even offered anything. Christie – he feels really good with you and that scares me. He was feeling over confident. I am having an off day.. I am also PMS’ing. With Cliff I can see him winning this all thing. Jackson – should I be worried if you win HOH, will her and I be going on the block? Christie – no. Me being off doesn’t have anything to do with you. Jackson – we had a deal.. but like sh*t. Christie – its right that I am off today but its not with you. Its literally just with the whole course of .. I am sad that I am losing Jess. I feel scared going forward because I feel I am getting dumber by the day. I feel that I am getting weaker by the day. Its me.. Christie starts crying. I am threatened by Cliff.. but that’s not a bad thing .. it gives me motivation. Holly – he terrifies the sh*t out of me too. Jackson – I was feeling awkward and wanted to talk to you. Like our deal is still good? Christie – yes, you don’t have to worry about me. I just hate that Jess is going and I have to cast a vote against her. Jackson – I told Cliff that if it came down to a tie I would break it in his favor. I also told Jess that. Christie – I am realizing that I am just not good at this game. Christie leaves.
11pm Holly – she might not throw it. Jackson to Holly – what is she going to do .. she just looked us in the eyes and we’re good our deal still stands and that she is not going after us. Holly – yeah but it’s Christie .. nothing that she says holds any weight. Jackson – she looked Nicole dead in her eyes and said that she would put us up. So if she wants to win and show her cards ..there’s two jury votes either direction that she will lose. Which tells me ..if I were her .. I would throw the f**k out of it (HOH). I think she is throwing it.
11:27pm Bathroom. Christie and Tommy.
Christie tells Tommy about her conversation with Michie and Holly. Christie – this game is hard but we don’t have a choice. Jess has to go. Tommy – yup. Christie – Michie has to go next. He is so good at everything he does. He wins everything he need to win.
11:43pm Bedroom. Christie and Cliff.
Christie tells Cliff about her conversation in the HOH with Jackson/Holly. Christie – it was basically just me biting my tongue .. we’re good. I just wanted you to know that I didn’t give him any guarantee. I literally just said we’re good. Cliff – I am surprised he didn’t ask me for more. Christie – I want you to know that on my sister’s life everything that I’ve ever said to him is strictly to get him to think that we are good. Cliff – perfect. Christie – all he kept saying was I see CLiff as a huge threat. I shook with you, I gave you my word .. trust me, I am taking the shot. I want him gone. Him (Jackson) first and her (Holly) next. I don’t care how mad he is, I don’t give a sh*t. I am putting him up. Cliff – I told you if you take a shot I’ve got your back and if I do, you’ve got my back. Christie – I also don’t want her (Holly) to win so I am gunning ..he’s (Cliff) a threat. He’s a threat. I did not swear, promise, shake, nothing.
Cliff – okay. He is not playing tomorrow so if there was ever the chance.
12am HOH room. Cliff, Jackson and Holly. Cliff – she (Chrsitie) told me that y’all said you were good. I said oh yeah, they all think that we’re going after each other. She says that y’all are wanting to go after us. I said I was not surprised. She is basically wanting to spin it that she wants us to go after you. Its just funny because she (Christie) was like I know he (Jackson) is probably telling you we’re gunning for you and all that. But she said I’m not, I’m just saying that but I am not really. Jackson – I never said to her who are you putting up. She never said who she would put up. I said if you (Christie) won, do we need to be worried? Cliff – I guess the implication is, that you’re then gunning for me. She said I just wanted to let you know if you are hearing anything from them about us gunning for you .. I (Christie) am just saying it so that Holly doesn’t gun for the HOH. Jackson – we’re all doing the same sh*t. Cliff – I’m loyal to you. Jackson – and us to you.
2:30am All the house guests are sleeping.
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Nicole is wearing unicorn pants…. aww of course she is.
I so hope clueless goes tomorrow, followed by Jackson or Christy, well one can hope.
Poor Clueless.
The worst part of this season for me is that I just realized that I want Nicole to win and she has not made a single move all season.
Last year I really wanted Tyler to win but I was fine with Tyler, Kaycee or Angela winning because they all played a really good game. I’m not sure we really have any good game players this season.
Sounds great to me. Tommy can go next after Christy/Jackson. I really don’t care who wins, just sure of who I don’t want to win.
Anyone know how I can turn off the Spell Check in Chrome? I know how to spell, it doesn’t and drives me nuts.
LMAO, for everyone not liking Jess she flat out told Jackson, you got me out and Sis instead of Cliff who’s done this this this… basically you look weak LMAO BAM!!!
Let us not forget that Jess THEN SAID: “YOU have my vote at the end NO MATTER WHAT happens or WHO you’re standing next to!” Also, Christie’s been coaching Jess for days about how to campaign.
Yeah how dumb was that to tell him he for sure had her jury vote. He had to be thinking ok great let’s send you there right now. She is clueless at how to play this game.
Christie had coached her (in the boat room) what to say to Jackson. All Jess could think of is “I’ll be a pawn”. The rest is Christie’s words.
You really need to take a hard look at your life if you are taking coaching from Christie.
She shouldve coached her to do a “taco tuesday” type scenario where Jess publicly declares a target. Christie and Jess couldve staged a fake fight where they were crying and yelling at each other and Jess declares Christie as her target.
I loved Jess for about 4 days. Was it Jess that got Jack out or was it that OBBB shrine I built for the kraken gods? 😉
Her “brilliance” as HOH only went as far as what the game required her to do: name 2 players for eviction. She chose the 2 alpha males, mimicking Cliff. She played the required veto challenge which luckily for her was in her wheelhouse. She had the support of most of the house. She lacked the imagination and confidence to overthink her own nominations as HOH’s are so wont to do so it worked by the numbers.
Shrine…….Duh! 🙂
Who cares Jess said that! She should have said that days ago when she chose not to campaign. Would have been better had she did this the minute she went up. (Too little too late)
Even if he DOES look weak and she said that, it’s a nice sound bite that will do little in the game nullified by the fact she just told a “weak” guy she’d still vote for him in the end to win the $500,000.
Jess will walk into a jury full of people associated working with Christie as being their downfall.
The jury all were in an alliance with Christie and all got their butts sent to Jury.
Jack left saying he wasn’t going to vote Christie to win.
Sis left saying she was confused so thats a vote easily swayed by what Jack and Nick tell Sis
Nick left saying he was going to let the jury in on what happened to him and Sis by way of Christie
So you really expect me to believe that clueless no alliance with anyone so I cry about it Jess, will walk in the jury house and convince them (who all were burned by Christie) that they were there because of Jackson being weak or Because he put Sis n Jess up???
Now if production can pull THAT off, they deserve an Emmy
Calm yourself there, I never said I like anyone left except Nicole and she is setting up to be the next Jordan if she doesn’t win but is in the f2 and wins because no one likes who she’s next to. I just thought it was funny that as Christie who again I don’t like says she’s tired of walking on egg shells with JACKASS and even if it was her words it was funny that she flat out said I don’t get why you are taking me out after Sis (the 2 least gamers) to keep Cliff (yes I know they are in a f4 but) how she put it to him was FUNNY. He’s an idiot again I don’t like Christie but he’s talking about how she promised on her sisters life the bible blah blah blah AMERICA will see that and she’ll look dumb. That’s the game Jackson. I could name so many real blindsides. Just think chilltown taking out Howie…. It’s the game Jackson even if we hate Christie
lmaoooooo RIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGHHHHTTTTT Cause Jess has done SOOOOOO much more than Sis and Cliff…. LOL
True he chickened out before and again never should’ve promised Tom He is 32 right not tommy time anymore safety bull he should’ve put up Tom and cristy then one would be gone Jessica would’ve kept. She isn’t convinced herself she’s playing yet. Let alone convince anyone in jury. Crusty will need time to get over it. And her mouth could do damage
Nicole is a queen PERIODT
Jackson still thinks Christy won’t do that. And.. it’s not like he was planning final 4 with them.
Looking forward to that tear jar filling up if DE goes in Nicole’s favour.
Omg…Jess campaigning is so painful, the person she campaigns too has to fill in the blanks for her as she speaks! She can’t form a concrete thought on her own….like like you know what I mean?
And how can you offer with only six people left after eviction that you “OFFER” to be a pawn. You don’t win anything. You never know what’s going on and eat Christie’s crap by the spoon fulls with brownie chasers. I can’t with her. If I were in a position of power, I would outlaw the words “like” and “literally”. Like literally I would.
I think her cheesy NE accent complemented by her lack of processing a simple thought makes me want to rip out my ear drums … Arrrrggghhhhh!!!!!!!
You could not say it better!
When she goes out to Julie: “I lllikkkeee…literaallllly….liiikkee.” All she did this season was wish she could have partnered up with Christie.
The words flow from Jess’s mouth like a bowling ball through a toilet.
So Cliff/Nicole are are final five after DE guaranteed…….nice.
YES!!!! I absolutely LOVE that Cliff has no qualms about telling even Jackson that Nicole is his Final 2, and he will protect her to the end!
Just sent you both a tip. Thanks for all you do. You are my guilty pleasure!
Thank you so much!! We’re glad you’re enjoying our updates 🙂
Love your username 🙂 I got 3 lazy a$$ cats.
You know Christie if you’re tired of sucking Jackson’s a$$ then you should quit throwing comps.
I doubt Christie ever really threw a comp….she is just not that good.
Jackson has played amazing and like a different person since jack left. I think he deserves to win. Nicole would be my choice but that’s because she is the most likable. Christine has to go. Tommy i don’t really like but he is better than the gay men they have had on in the last few seasons.
Jackson should be like a different person… he’s been called in to d/r and told to adjust his attitude and change his behavior in order to be more likeable to viewers enough times. That’s not conjecture. He’s spoken and whispered about it on many occasions. He’s been told to be on his Sunday best so many times, he’d have to look better than he did for the first 5 weeks.
Jackson was awful cold to Holly when she was struggling. You can put clothes on a skunk but it is still going to smell.
Jacksons has been pretty solid handling the game. But winning 3 HOH’s with his final 2 in a row can have positive effects on your game.
I agree about Nicole she is the only one with a shred of personal likability but sheesh She needs to wins comps.
Totally wish Tommy was in the game without Christie.
I like that he took their advice and hopefully he learned from his mistakes. Too many people just double-down and blame everyone for their mistakes.
That nut job is never happy. She’s on the block, she cries all week. She doesn’t try to win the HOH. Fully expects Tommy to save her behind. Has lied to EVERY one multiple times, swearing she’s never lied and risking the lives of her sisters. Tommy takes her off the block, and she’s STILL not happy! She is perpetually full of sh*t.
It’s a good thing she doesn’t have a sister. I’d actually feel sorry for her.
Why do I get the feeling that Christie and Rockstar would be soulmates?
I would classify Rockstar as more cringey than Christie. And Christie is cringey 1p
Jackson , you are too naive.
Christy rather lose 2 votes in jury ( if you wanna be bitter) than to *be* in the jury
So at this point, Jess says Cliff is a hybrid of Donny and bb17 James. Not by my read. He thinks he’s folksy and pranky. I find him more like bb15 Andy for his ratty part, and bb18 James, for the closed minded devotion to a player in a showmance, thinking they’ll take you to the end part. I’m tired of him. while Tommy imo plays a cowardly game, Cliff plays pandering closed minded game. They both suck.
Christie has been outing allllll of Jackson’s deals and alliances that she knows about: Bella and Jack final three, the Jack final 2, the stage 5 deals, the alliance with Jack and Sam that we never heard much about (created as a final 3 to make Sam think he wasn’t a bottom feeder in week one). Gee, she’s one to talk about early (or preexisting) in the game secret alliances. But hey, make Jackson into a speed bump, I dislike him even more than I dislike Christie. drive on Fang.
Cliff lies to the kitchen group and says the first time he was on the block with Nicole he didn’t campaign because he didn’t want to campaign against Nicole. Buzzer says wrong. He was assured daily that Nicole was the target and everyone was going to stick with the HOH’s wishes, so he didn’t need to campaign. He thought he was a sure thing, so he didn’t campaign. What a load of rubbish.
Nicole told Cliff that the gruesomes know Cliff is close to Jackson, but they don’t think the 4 are together. Say what you want about the guttersnipes, they know how to misinform a little. They know damn well Nicole and Cliff are with Jackson and Holly. They have been blowing smoke a little to Nicole in order to hopefully sway her, downplaying that 4 they are aware of.
Nicole has decided that going after the showmance isn’t the right thing to do. How long did the d/r keep her? What flavor was the koolaid this week? She thinks they could have gotten rid of Nicole or Cliff at any time, but didn’t, so they should be good. My thoughts:
1) Never keep a showmance together going into the final weeks. It’s stupid. Especially if they’ve won 6 comps combined and your pair has won 1, and the other pair will take you to the final HOH over your partner.
2) Why would they bother getting rid of the kiss ass spy and the winless wonder? Seems like the perfect pair to take further in the game, especially since Jackson has had a deal with Cliff since before feeds (one of his first week final 2 deals that Christie already revealed, but then that week she was busy juggling her final 2’s with Jack and Tommy, and her final 4 with Tommy Sis and Holly).
3)Since Cliff and Nicole know about Tommy and Christie’s relationship but are forbidden to use it in game deliberation unless they hear it from them or d/r gives permission…. of course they are not going to want to go with Tommy and Christie. They just can’t reveal the true reason why.
Yes, I know. Jackson and Holly would keep Nicole to 4th place. Christie and Tommy would keep her to 3rd place or better. Simple. I stand by what I just said. Sticking with the Showmance for Nicole’s game guarantees Nicole 4th place in that group. Christie and Tommy would take Nicole over Cliff to get her to the final HOH.
While Cliff and Nicole are talking about how the other 2 pairs are trying to play the middle with a pair on either side… it strikes me, isn’t that what Cliff and Nicole have been doing since Tuesday? This air of superiority that they’d never sink to such a dirty level of gameplay that they are being subjected to and victimized by is sort of defeated when you see that they’ve been doing the exact same thing. They say ride or die with the final four right now, but if Christie or Tommy do win the HOH tomorrow it’s a race between Cliff/Nicole and Jackson/Holly to see who can kiss ass hardest while throwing their ride or die extra pair under as many buses as possible in the 4 minutes between HOH win and Noms. You know i’m not wrong.
Do I think it’s a good idea for Nicole to keep Cliff? 70% yes. It gets her to 4th with one pair, 3rd with the other as previously stated.
Do I think it’s a good idea to keep Holly and Jackson together if Nicole has the shot? 100 % no. Showmance with 6 comp wins. nuff said.
Regarding Jackson needing America to hear Christie swear on the bible and her sister. Eye roll. Like viewers get a jury vote. She’s been swearing on her sister so many times there better be reincarnation or that woman has had it. Even with reincarnation, she’s got a good 5000 lives as a bug or a watermelon to get through. But really. Does JACKSON want to draw attention to broken promises and lies? I mean… dude. Really? Keep talking about it there Jackson. I’m sure nobody has receipts from your dirty game at all. (Anyone who has read my past comments here knows i’ve pointed out ever one of his indiscretions because he’s ticked me off since day 2 of feeds). I’ve said it before: Jackson and Christie are playing the exact same game.
I must’ve been snoozing. How and when did cliff & nicole find out about Tommy & christie????
Someone blasted it over the fence when Cliff and Tommy we’re outside one night
Tommy is playing Andy’s game, not cliff.. Which is a good one and i predict he can win like him , since week 1.
He took kat out in his hoh- which was great for his game.he flipped the vote on cliff , wanted to flip on kat , use the veto twice on Christy .. he is not a coward.
he is just trying to play in a way he is always good with
all the housee guest and not a target. It worked, he was never on the block. He is also in a kind of coward *season* when all the house guest wants to please the hoh every week. So of course he is playing Along. You can’t be too much of a player when no one plays. I see the true tommy when he speaks to Christy. He is dying to play.
As much as I contend Christie and Jackson are the same coin, so are Tommy and Cliff.
The season doesn’t dictate the houseguests. The houseguests dictate the season.
Keeping Jess is a vote for Christie and no one wants that considering she already has Tommy
I’m not saying keep Jess. I’m saying it’s not the 100% right move for Nicole’s game. Of course they are getting rid of Jess. There was never any doubt about that. The reason it’s not 100% right for Nicole: who has been planting doubt about Nicole’s thoughts and actions to Jackson and Holly for two weeks? Cliff. Before he ran to Jackson and Holly to say he doesn’t expect Nicole to vote him out, but she’s worrying him, and saying he doesn’t THINK (he emphasized) she’d turn her back on the 4 instead of saying she WOULDN”T turn her back on the 4… he’d just had a discussion with Nicole where they had decided to stick with the 4, target Christie and Tommy, and she, in her Nicole way, let him know that it was never a question, she’d prefer Cliff in the game. THIS is why the move isn’t 100%. She is hitching her wagon to someone that is planting doubt about her every time she’s not in the room. He is, in his way, guaranteeing she finishes 4th in her final four. That’s not best for her, and therefore, can’t make her decision the 100% best decision.
Finally someone is watching the same Big Brother game as me! It’s so clear that most on here do not watch the live feeds. You didn’t mention Holly…that’s probably because she can yell & stomp her feet that she’s playing her own game but is she? She was correct the day she was saying her only relevancy is that she’s linked to Jack the aggressor re routed by production but still can’t stop his jaws clenching. He only responds to praise! Holly has done well in comps & kudos to getting rid of nasty Nick, otherwise, her day is spent cuddling with the boss, campaigning in his stead, separating herself from the rest of house & criticizing people for being friends with Nicole (because that’s her job), showing jealousy re anyone that gets an ounce of praise. Mean girl is her accusation but she fits the profile better than any.
I disagree with you that Holly/Jackson will take Cliff over Nicole to final three. Nicole has done nothing in the game and will be easier to beat in comps and win jury votes against in the end.
At every turn they question or distrust what Nicole will do. They aren’t going to risk taking her to final 3. Jackson will not go to final three with two women. Jackson has had a longer outstanding deal with Cliff.
Totally forgot before i posted: the handshake. On feeds. Week one. Cliff and Jackson handshake deal. Look at just how much weight Jackson is giving handshakes this week. What are the chances he’s going to break that with Cliff (who seems to put the same weight on the act) in order to take Nicole, that he has no such gentlemen’s agreement with.
Maybe they will take nicole to the final 3 ( if! Cliff is not the hoh, cuz the hoh in final 4 is usually a mental comp , and he can very well win it) . But in a final 3 with jacks and holly , she is not even gonna make it to the hoh part 3. And there is no chance they are taking her to the final 2.
On top of it all, she can’t beat cliff and Jackson for sure, and probably holly too, in a final 2 situation.
She has a decant chance against Christy and a
very good one against jess
Completely agree. Christy and Tommy for HOH! Let the ass kissing began!
Sick of Jess, sick of Christie, Sick of Tommy ! Jess is going to be gone , I want Nicole to win hoh and put up Christie and Tommy , Tommy will probably win POV , so hopefully Christie will go home. Cliff, Holly, or Michie wins the next Hoh and then Tommy goes !!
I’ve already manifested for this to happen exactly as you said :p
Christie has got to go !! For four weeks I feel like this carrot has been dangled in front of me !!
Same…I’m really thinking tonight is the night that all our dreams come true! lol
Cliff and Jackson are playing a flawless game. Periot
Except the part where Cliff was voted out and
Except the part where Jackson keeps Christie
And the part where Jackson causes the day 44 incident by misreading what telling Jack that the 6 is over and all Jack’s allies are out of the group while all of Jackson’s allies are good was going to cause.
And the part where Cliff caves as HOH and nominates Bella instead of one of the 6.
Ok it’s official crusty has been LIKE hanging out with Jess to much and has picked up LIKE just when I thought we would not have to hear it every other word.
It’s like The disease is like spreading .. like from Jess to like Christie to like me. And soon to like you all.
Maybe it’s a parasite and it felt in danger so it needed a new host…
like, literally
Nicole stop talking!! Everyone giving jess gruff for not shutting up, but nicole’s mouth has gotten her in so much trouble in this game. Why would she just dump everything christie told her. Tommy has officially shown his hand that he has been throwing comps and is capable of winning them when he wants. So he is capable of winning next hoh. I would say christie is too with jackson out of the comp her odds get higher. If michie or holly win veto, cliff is the quintessential pawn at this point. They find out she ran her mouth, she might go up instead. And of course the person that comes down would go against her, no matter how loyal she thinks they are. I still think holly or michie go, but you never know. They could use that info to stay. Cliff knows to filter his info. They are going after tommy/ christy no matter what, just sit back and let them do their thing girl!! Ugh. She trusts these asshats too much.
I didnt like jess before last nights ep but now i really dont like her. As a fellow big person i dont want her “representing” me. She did nothing all season and is dumber than a sack of potatoes. The whole “someone who looks like me” play is god awful. You know what would have helped gotten some traction with that sentiment? Actually doing something besides laying in bed all day. I know shes going to stand up there tonight and try and play towards being a woman, latino and “what i look like” and CBS is going to placate it which drives me nuts. Its hard to break barriers when you feed the stereotype and even worse is i dont want someone to win only because they are black, white, female, male, old, young, fat, skinny, etc. win because you played the best game and survived the longest.
Plus didn’t she say to Jackson, that Cliff put him up earlier when Cliff was HOH…is she forgetting she DID TOO???? smh
Yesssss!!!! Zingading ding,
Apparently they all have a case of the amnesias!! Jess leading the way
Jess forgot she put Jackson up
Jess forgot she said she wanted guys gone
Jess forgot that she said she didnt care if Jack or Jackson went when they both went up
She forgot she campaigned for her noms to stay the same when two guys were up there ensuring one goes home
She forgot she was in a 5 minute all girl alliance
She forgot that no one wanted to align with her not 1. 2, 3 but 4 times and still forgot!
She forgot she said she didnt want to campaign because to herself she played a good game
Thank you for expressing what I’ve been saying a lot this summer about Jess and her weight and getting blasted. She doesn’t represent me and if that was her intention then she did a really shitty job of it.
I think I found something impressive about Jess that she can take with her as she leaves today – Jess will be regarded as one of the worst BB players like ever to like make it this far in the game. I can’t think off hand anyone better. GO JESS!!
yeah, she’s somehow managed to e worse than victoria, a truly impressive feat (and i’m shocked the whole house doesn’t want to carry her to the end for an all but guaranteed win).
I wouldn’t be surprised if Crusty hasn’t considered it. She says she wants to go with Tommy but she knows he will win if she does. She has a chance (a good one) next to Jess..
I think this final six will be interesting. Probably my least favorite Tommy because he’s always been after Cliff. I do think they all play a decent game even though I’m not a Jackson fan, they all seem to have the passion (except I don’t see it much in Holly).
If I was a contestant this season, I would be PISSED when I found out Tommy and Christie knew each other !! If they were going to do that, everyone one in the house should have had a secret friend, just to see how each pair played it . The way it was done was totally unfair, it gave them an advantage that was impossible to detect . At least in past seasons when they did sisters, there was a chance of it coming out, all they did this year was give the two a blatant advantage, that added nothing to the game except help Tommy and Christie . Total bull $hit in my opinion !!
i think a big part of it was cbs didn’t realize they knew each other until they entered the house. “hey is this your aunt’s ex-girlfriend/ex-girlfriend’s nephew” isn’t exactly something you’d ask.
that kat and holly also kinda knew each other just speaks to a lack of regional diversity regarding casting. i hope cbs screens people’s hometown proximity better moving forward.
You might be absolutely right, which they have the entire country and they pick two people less than a mile or two apart ? But the conspiracy theory in me thinks they got with Christie or Tommy before hand and figured out from the list of people they knew who would be best suited to play along side of them.
They knew before casting was finished. Tommy was apparently one of the finalist for the big brother online show which the production friend of Christie was part of. There is zero chance this is a random goof. If nothing else, CBS checks social media and would have noticed the connection before he cast was finalized. CBS just didn’t care.
They do background checks through your Instagram….both Tommy and Christie have shared photos of each other…..Production knew, kasting knew, don’t think this was a mistake…..
Study Group(s)
Wicked Funny comparisions of Duo Reveals last night
Belly Laughs strolling down Memory Lane without Jackson & Holly
Anyone else wondering if Holly is so sick because she could be preggers???
Another BB baby.
That couldn’t be. She has been the perfect BB virgin angel this whole season. At least that is what she wants us to think.
I believe she told the other girls her friend “she” showed up the other day, the day she had her meltdown. That leaves Christie as the only holdout. She’s been manifesting it all summer.
Must be a man. A woman can have 2-3 periods at beginning of pregnancy, and some (tho not a lot) have a period their whole pregnancy.
I think you’re VERY confused about what a period is…a period is when the lining of the uterus sheds when there’s NO pregnancy. When there is a pregnancy, yes, there can be spotting, but it should be very minimal, and not last the entire pregnancy. If it does, and it’s the amount of a normal period, something is seriously wrong.
Perhaps there have been rare instances where a woman has bleeding/spotting throughout the pregnancy, but I’m interested to know the status of the health of those children.
Everyone knows the HoH shower naturally prevents pregnancies.
Do you think the kid will look like Tommy?
She’s probably sick because she needs to wash her dang hair!!
I’m going to be in the total minority here and I can’t wait for all the thumb downs I will get for this but like, who is there to root for this year? This season sucked! I love Nicole and think she’s such a sweetheart but facts are facts! The reality is that she voted with the majority of the house the entire summer, she has won zero competitions, and was nominated once. For people saying she had a difficult road to the final I don’t really agree with that myself but I guess when you have nobody to root for America’s sweetheart is the best option. Certainly was the case for Jordan when she won!
Nicole has done very little on a game level. I won’t thumb that down.
In order to have any traction in this game, she needed something to offer. This generation of big brother players rarely respond to anything other than a comp win. At least one to say you can. Nicole only had her vote to offer and anytime she tried to build something whoever she was talking to would run straight to someone and run their mouth.
Considering Nicole’s meek personality, I applaud her for having the guts to even sign up for such a brutal conniving game that is hugely out of her comfort zone. If she wins this, then she apparently outsmarted all of these very domineering characters with just being herself & aligning herself with the right people at the right time, while allowing the entitled others to make a@@’s of themselves the entire season. If riding a coat tail or two got me 500g’s…so be it! It’s better than some arrogant a@@ to win it. Go Nicole or Cliff!
Yeah but who really has done a lot this year on a game level? Jackson has dominated lately in competitions with 2 HOH and 3 Veto wins. Tommy has 1 HOH and 2 Vetos (both used to take down his secret partner Christy). Holly has 2 HOHs. Cliff has 1 HOH (which he totally abdicated) and 1 Battleback. Jess has 1 HOH and 1 Veto. Christy has 1 HOH. Nicole has won nada, zip, zilch. Lets not forget Sam with 2 Veto wins, Nick with 1 HOH and 1 Veto, Jack with 1 HOH and Kat with 1 Veto. So really, after Jackson it falls off quickly to Tommy and then falls off to almost nothing (one of Holly’s wins was a crap shoot luck competition, although she certainly played it well).
When you talk social game Jackson, Holly, Tommy and Christy were all part of the 8 person alliance that dominated the first half of the game, but does that really exude good game play, or just that the cool kids all got together and froze out the misfits? I mean socially, is that really a good thing, or a bad one? And does it count as good social game play when you’re on the block and about to get sent home, so you go crying to the HOH begging to be kept in the game, volunteering to be the constant pawn for the rest of the game and stating “I’ll gladly take fifth place and be happy about it.”? Yeah that’s one way to save yourself, but it’s not exactly General Patton like strategizing (we haven’t seen a lot of that from anybody this season, with everybody wanting to vote with the HOH every week).
I also find it disappointing when the most strategic move talk from week to week seems to be how best to lose the next competition so as to get somebody else to “take the shot”. Isn’t the whole game and building your resume’ about “taking the shot”?
I think the recent bitter juries we’ve seen have got all of these guys thinking more about not getting bloody hands, and less about doing what they need to do to win the damn game!
Agreed. She took a few yellings in the face early on and was was told by Jess that she didnt trust her (who cares)
Game play wise, I can’t be mad at u for telling the truth about Nicole.
She seemingly has some integrity and hasn’t won anything. Likeable seems to be all we got this season as the others are mostly unpalatable. The whole “vote with the house” theme is wearing on what used to be the game of BB.
Nicole to win?
Is Likeable gonna be enough to win $500,000 this season?
Big Brother got renewed for a Season 22.
That’s a manifested miracle after this season!!
did Julie Chen Moonves get picked up? I heard this season her contract was up. It won’t be the same without her.
I might get in trouble for saying this, but I’d like to see a season of all cops and first-respondents. Many of them have a unique insight of human behavior because they see the best and worst of people everyday. If they loaded the house with cops the game would start almost immediately. I think it would be fun to watch.
Some of my fav survivor players were cops or military. Would be cool to see in BB
Fantastic idea
Wow…what an interesting idea. I like! I just know I don’t want one where there is just ONE cop/detective like Derrick’s season. I agree it would be really fun and eventful with a house full of first responders.
Please let it be an all star. No way of boring hg. Or People who can’t / afraid to play the game. Let zack back! And brett!
I’m fine with an All-Star game, as long as one of them isn’t named Paul. Hard pass on that guy after two straight seasons of his Grodner backed game play.
I hope the next group keeps their mouths shut. I want to go back to the days when someone is shocked when they go on the block. Plus no more unanimous votes unless it is a surprise backdoor.
Everybody should thank Christy for that ! Hope they bring her back for another year
I don’t know what it could be, but something convinced CBS to approve a BB22. Julie is coming back too.
So nothing is going to change…I’m surprised, I figured they could just use Chenbot’s lines from any season as she repeats them nearly verbatim each time.
They should have canned the mooooooooonves after season 2.
This morning Holly is back to being the jealous, mean girl! Please let Michie or Holly go on double eviction. So disappointed in Cliff. He’s turned out to be a snake that can’t process information without running it by King Michie. Nicole cannot step up & play her own game without hanging on a shirt tail.
Does Christie even have a sister? If she does, she must not like her cause she’s always swearing on her. And I would just like to point out to these people that when somebody (like Christie) doesn’t believe in God, swearing on the bible is nothing to them.
I feel sorry for Christie’s sister. Hopefully she’s a cat and has nine lives.
She needs like 90000000 lives. :0
They should just end the season now and donate the winnings to The Bahamas
Sounds like a good plan but you do know what FEMA is for right?
Bahamas isn’t part of the US. Not sure FEMA will help plus they need all the help they can get. I personally know someone that lost everything.
Nicole is the best ever!!!! I would like BB to go back to Season 1 where we voted….lol like production would relinquish their crooked ways!!!!!!!
I remember those days
CBS just announced they have renewed BB for 2020….poor Simon & Dawg
Lol .. we’ll have time to rest up 🙂 I’m excited for it.
There is potential for an entertaining season…I mean the odds can’t be much worse than winning the lottery…
Hopefully CBS does a complete audit of this season and addresses some of the procedures and practices in their casting process. Weed out the juicers and influencers and weirdos.
The only way I see Nicole winning is if she winds up final two with Holly. Some of the bitterness against pompous douchebag Jackson might sway the jury to vote for Nicole over his enabler Holly.
I don’t think jack, Christy and tommy will pick nicole.
Sis is probably will vote for holly as well.
Jackson and kat are locked votes for holly.
Holly wins.
Unless of course nicole is getting the final hoh, and the final pov and make big moves
Which is very hard to see
Well, I’m getting the feeling that I was not able to get inside the head of the Grod after all when I was making my predictions for what I would do If I were production, in terms of trying to steer the storyline for the double and next week.
I still think in terms of drama without effecting their desired story, it would be their wish to see Jackson and Holly on the block together, Jackson wins veto, Holly evicted followed by Jackson winning HOH to get revenge for his fallen showmance.
That feeling was supported by Nicole’s post veto distrust of Jackson, thinking he intentionally screwed them over in veto and was working with Tommy and Christie. That feeling was supported by the 24 hours (same time period) where Cliff was keeping what Christie would tell him secret. That was a few days ago.
But, now after yesterdays d/r calls, especially Nicole’s one hour d/r call (it doesn’t take that long to do goodbye messages), and her decision about which way to turn in the game that happened directly after that d/r call, I’m thinking nope. The powers that be are not going for my high drama proposal. I’m not saying they told Nicole what to do, stop getting your panties in a bunch. I’m saying they discussed her thoughts and suggested with ulterior motive.
I’m willing to say now, even though the episode isn’t for hours, that my prediction was wrong. Not the first time. Won’t be the last. It’s not like I’m able to manifest the universe or some crap.
Guys, if Holly wins this double, I’m done!!!
Hell, she couldn’t possibly win it when she wasn’t even trying to! It was pretty obvious to me she was throwing (she was WALKING back and forth to get her puzzle pieces and place them). Frankly, I’m not sure Christy and/or Tommy weren’t throwing it as well, even though I can come up with no logical reason for them to do so (Tommy maybe felt safe sitting next to Chewy….who knows?). All four of them talked about doing exactly that (Jawson, Beth, Chewy and T) and call me crazy, but it looked to me like only Nicole and Cliff were really trying 100%.
Could be wrong. Just my observation after one viewing (I’m going to watch it again later on DVR to confirm), although I know it sounds astonishingly stupid if they did. Maybe they truly thought Nic or Cliff would “take the shot” at Michie and Beth. Pretty dangerous bet, especially for Christie, if true.
Maverick32…….I completely agree with your first post about the unfairness of Christy and Tommy knowing each other! Wrong on so many levels…..Christy has had a personal bouncer taking care of all her throughout this game…..he wins vetos and removes her from the block.
OK, I know I’m old and my eyesight isn’t what it once was, but it would appear that some of the HGs have added a pound or two. Anal. before she left looked like she’s put on a few. Christie has definitely gotten bigger. After eating an entire states crop of watermelon (did Ralph’s have to import some from Mexico?), the mellonhead isn’t the same. I realize she’s plus size, but watching BBAD last night when Jess was bleating her case to the HOH, either the chair or camera angle made her look huge. Cliff, hard to tell since his body closely resembles mine. Nicole and Holy seem to be their same petite selves.
In previous years, there was more exercising, jogging and such. This year, they spend more time laying or sitting around. All they seem to do is eat and tell everyone else what they want to know. Not a very healthy bunch of hamsters.
I’d be guessing Christie has gained 5-10 lbs, jackson has gained a good 25-30, Tommy same weight. Nicole, roughly same weight, Holly i’d guess has lost 5 pounds. Jess and Cliff who knows.
Thoughts mulling in my head. Why was it sooooo important to Jackson that America gets out the pitchforks (his words) and goes after Christie? Opinion:
Ever since Christie wouldn’t back down for weeeeks about Jackson talking to women disrespectfully (he did. multiple times. He and Holly claiming that production has cobbled together a false narrative is horsepuckey), he has wanted the validation of America siding with him in the court of public opinion over her. Remember his original rants about why Christie had to go (before Sis became some sleeper threat)? He had to right some wrongs and correct the damage done to his character.
Christie… yeah any sisters she has have graves dug for them all the way through the centre of the earth and out the other side. And back. five hundred times. We know. Does this mean his condescending and disrespectful comments never happened?
I, for one, have room in my black, bitter, spiteful, venomous heart to think they are both grade A dumpster fires. Sorry Jackass, getting her out of the game doesn’t mean you were right and she was wrong. You’re both asshats. You’re both the grand poobahs of slime.
Jess’s campaign was ,…”Like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, keep me here , like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, HE’s a MAN!!, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, i WANT brownies!!!!
Just donated. Thanks for all of your hard work!!!!
Thanks, Tiffany! It’s really apreaciated.
Very satisfying DE. I watched it twice with glee!