POV Holder: | Victoria | Next POV | July 19th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | July 26th |
HOH Winner 1: | HOH Winner 2: | Cody | |
Battle of the Block Winner | Jocasta/Amber | Next HOH/ Next BOB | July 24/July 25 |
Original Nominations: | Brittany/Victoria(Cody) |
Final Nominations: | ? | ||
Have Nots | ? | ||
POV Players | Cody, Brittany, Victoria, Caleb, Nicole, Zach |
3am Out on the backyard couch – Derrick, Brittany, Christine, Hayden and Nicole are talking. Derrick says that he is going to get his balls snipped after having 2 kids. He says that the daycare is what kills you. He pays a $1000 a month in daycare costs. Derrick tells Hayden about how life is so simple when you’re in college without a family. Nicole tells Derrick not to scare him. Derrick says obviously I would never trade my life now. Frankie and Zach finish their pool game and join them on the couch. Victoria comes out and sits on the couch. The conversation turns to talking about Andy and Ginamarie from last season. Zach says Andy was the definition of a floater. Derrick disagrees. Christine says that Ginamarie was so embarrassing. That was a tough season to watch. Derrick says they probably think that about our season too. Zach says my favorite moment was when Donny beat Devin in the veto. Derrick says goodnight. Big Brother says Brittany 17 hours to go. Zach tells Nicole you’re working that Germ-itard! Can you put on a show for us?! Nicole says maybe tomorrow. Frankie teaches Nicole how to say in German I want to have an@l s*x with you. They talk about Joey running through the house n@ked. Hadyen says her a$$ was giggling. Frankie says that he thinks Joey was going through severe alcohol addiction withdrawals. Hayden says as a person she was cool as f**k. Zach agrees. Hayden reenacts Joey as Alex lifting weights. Zach asks who would you rather come back Pow or Joey? Hayden says Joey. Zach asks Pow or Alex. Hayden says Alex.
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3:20pm – 3:30am In the earth room – Derrick is talking to Victoria. Derrick says obviously Brittany is upset but you have to do what is good for you. You’re good this week. Victoria says I’m worried about it being a double eviction. Derrick says if it was a double eviction they would only put up two people an there are bigger targets than you. You’re just a pawn. The fact that you keep winning people are going to be more scared to put you up. Victoria says exactly. Derrick says I don’t know who Cody is going to put up. Its sucks having to put up someone else but no matter what that person isn’t going home. Victoria says that Cody wasn’t even happy for me. Derrick says he is just concerned about having to nominate another person. Derrick tells her that she’s handling it right. Derrick says even if it is a double eviction you have a chance to play for HOH and the POV right after. Derrick says my fate is in my own hands. Victoria says I am done being nice. I am done thinking about everyone else. Derrick says you have to think about yourself. Victoria heads to her bed and they go to sleep.
3:45am Hayden tells Nicole that he actually feels like he knows her really well. Hayden says I feel like you don’t really know me. Nicole says I feel like I know a lot about you that I don’t want to know. It can only get better from here. They talk about how Cody has been in the diary room for 2 hours. Christine, Zach and Frankie head to bed.
3:55am In the bathroom – Christine, Zach and Frankie get ready for bed. They laugh about how Caleb wants to trade Zach the 5G’s for the Germany trip because he wants to take Amber. Zach says it would be so awkward. Christine says she would never go. Zach says I think she would go. Christine says no like she would say she would go but never go.
4am – 4:50am Zach and Frankie head up to the HOH room to go to bed. Zach asks Frankie on a scale of 1 – 10 how well do you think your game is going right now. Frankie says a 7. Zach says I feel like I am a 7 too. Frankie says I will never say I am higher than a 7. Zach says the only person that is coming after us is Jocasta. Frankie says after Brittany is gone I will feel better, I’ll be at a 9. Frankie says Victoria will never come after me. Zach says so much has happened since we made our final 2 deal! Frankie says we made that on day 4. Frankie says Derrick and Cody have no idea. Zach says they know I like you but they have no idea. Frankie says they think they need me to a certain point. Zach says we’re definitely making it to final 5. Frankie talks about how asinine Caleb was this morning with his “He says” (They add he says at the end of everything they say) thing he does at Lowes job. Zach says all he does is talk about himself. All he talks about is his muscles. Zach says I feel bad Donny has to go up on the block. Zach asks if we win HOH who would we put up? Frankie says Jocasta, Victoria, Donny and Amber. Frankie says we could probably get Caleb to volunteer to go up again for Amber. Zach asks what does she do to him to make him so obsessed with her? They start studying the events of the house. Frankie says there is something uncomfortable about my relationship with Jocasta. I feel like I don’t love myself as much when I’m around her. Zach says but you love who you are. Frankie says oh yeah! Zach says I love who you are, I could literally follow you around everywhere! Zach says I think you choose your s*x preference. Frankie says no, I think I could choose to not act on my homos*xual urges but I couldn’t be straight. I just couldn’t touch it. Zach asks how great was it when you first had s*x with a guy. Frankie says it was terrifying but I loved it. Zach says the gay community is just getting stronger and stronger.
4am – 4:45am In the bathroom – Hayden and Nicole pound about both being on the same page about girls underwear. Hayden says he doesn’t like thongs. Nicole says she doesn’t wear them, she wears booty shorts. Hayden and Nicole start quizzing themselves on random facts. They talk about high school / Hayden lists off all the jobs he’s had. Cody joins them and comments on how its raining outside and he just covered Brittany up. Hayden gets called to the diary room.
4:50am – 5am Cody and Brittany out in the backyard sleeping.. Big Brother tells Cody he can’t sleep outside so he heads up to the HOH room. He tells Frankie and Zach that he is beat and is going to try and sleep for 20 minutes before the alarm goes off for his butt kicking.
5:03am The alarm sounds for Cody’s butt kicking. He comes downstairs and Hayden follows him outside. Hayden laughs and takes a seat to watch. Hayden then heads to bed.
5:24am Cody heads up to the HOH room. As soon as he lays down the alarm goes off. Frankie heads down with him. Cody says I feel like I am being punished like I am being spanked in front of millions of people. Cody keeps commenting on how he hates that Brittany has to be outside alone. What if that was your sister? Frankie says but she’s not my sister and she’s not yours either. Cody and Frankie head back to bed in the HOH room.
8am All the house guests are still sleeping..
Alliances (Some Of these are dead)
Zankie = Frankie/Zach
Bomb squad = Caleb, Amber, Frankie, Derrick, Cody, Christine, Zach, Hayden
Team America = Donny, Derrick, Frankie
Nicotine = Christine/Nicole
Not a showmance= Hayden/Nicole
Los Tres Amigos = Derrick, Cody, Zach
The bottom Feeders = Derrick/Nicole
We hate Devin = Christine and Zach
Outsiders = Brittany, Victoria, Jocasta, Donny
Old timers = Jocasta/Donny
Stalker = Caleb/Amber
Quad Kings = Derrick, Zach, Cody and Hayden (still being built)
Trilogy = Nicole, Christine & Hayden
The Detonators = Derrick, Frankie, Zach, Christine, Cody
Final 2 Deal “The HITMEN” – Cody & Derrick
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Obviously based on conversations about battle of the block, they did not go back far enough (Season 6) to see that yes, the comp was a repeat.
I am willing to bet this was the comp:
“Zach guessed from Frankie’s commentary that Frankie talks a lot of s*** in DR. Frankie acknowledged he does. Frankie stands by everything he says, doesn’t believe 4 grown women couldn’t figure out how to move in an L-shaped formation (for the Battle of the Block).”
What the actual hell are you talking about?
Called it… For all the Anonymous likes, NEVERMIND what I was talking about. (And some of these players call themselves “super fans”)
So Brittany can sleep outside but Cody can’t?
Brittney is not allowed in until either 24 hours or 2400 goals.
Brittney is not allowed in until either 24 hours or 2400 goals.
Brit can’t be in the house except locked in the beehive when production is fixing something in the backyard for 24 hours or until she kicks 2400 goals. Cody can still wherever he wants when he wants as long as he goes to the backyard and kicks himself when called. There is a big difference in their punishments.
Ooh, am in love with Hayden and Nicole! They are my watchmance.
Really? Ms KnowNothing superfan poser Nicole has done nothing in this game except give away any power she had and keeps saying she doesn’t care who goes up as long as its not her. At least Hayden is playing the game.
Why isn’t Nicole on Cody’s radar as a replacement nominee? She isn’t part of the 8 person alliance and she is an ultimate floater. This house is full of people who claim to be super fans but I don’t believe it because if they were, they would know they needed to evict Hayden or Nicole because they would never vote each other out.
at least brittany isn’t whining as much anymore…. hopefully she just quits acting like she deserves this money more than anybody in the world just because she has 3 kids
So you think King Der-prick should stop saying people are taking food out of the mouths of his wife and kids?
If that is what Derrick needs to believe his rationalization for sending Britney home, he is one of the biggest hypocrites I have seen. After all, isn’t he trying to take food from Britney’s kids? And she has 3, which trumps his 2. Wouldn’t that rational work just as well for any of the other houseguests? You would think he would use that argument to team up with Brit and Jacosta ( if he could find her). Because, obviously, parents need the money more. I mean Zach and Nicole live with their parents, I assume the get feed at home. So they certainly don’t need to win.
Why do these jackasses have to make up reasons for sending some one out the door. It’s a game. They all knew what is was when signing up. The reason to send her home is that she is onto him and it’s a better move for his game. We all know it. I get that he is saying this to the dumb asses in the house and that they don’t know what we know. But, why does he have to say anything at all. It just makes him seem less sympathetic and more a hypocrit.
that is 100 percent different he is actually working to win this game and trying hard she is sitting around telling everyone to feel sorry for her and take her to the end because she has kids
She isn’t sitting around wining today. She is working her ass off to get the 2400 goals. Don’t get me wrong, of all the people in the house, Derrick is playing the best game. If the prize was given today and I was handing it out, yep, he would get it. I just don’t like the part of this game where the contestants feel the need and the justification to cut their competitors down with lies, hyperbole, and yes hypocrisy. Luckily for me, I am on this end and can type pretty much what I want, how I want. And so can you, even if you are wrong. 😉
well she has to do that don’t praise her for doing something she is being forced to do… i guarantee once its over she will just start complaining about how this game isn’t fair and she is being bullied(she said she is being bullied because she has been nominated 3 times) and she will pull the single mom card again. and derrick wants her out because she is always so paranoid and terrible at this game and has pretty much openly said that she wants to get the guys out
agree with you totally. and if she weren’t so bad at this game, she wouldn’t have stayed up all night the night before the POV comp and could have been safe. but no, she just had to screw up amber’s game (well the two of them screwed up their games) so she deserves this comp. and omg the way she was trying to make nicole feel guilty about giving her this penalty. she would have done the same thing if it were in reverse. so shut up britt and next time learn the game before signing up.
No praise for Britney here. She is horrible at the game. But, Derrick needs to say that and not she is taking food from my babies. That is my issue. I am not really a fan of an of these people. The girls for the most part barely count as thinking human beings. The guys are more interested in feeling around on Frankie to prove how non-homophobic they are. The only one who is playing is Derrick and maybe bearded collie Donny. But, Donny is soooo absent as to be not even present.
I am guessing you have never worked retail or customer service.
You know what happens when you are the person with kids and you want trades all of the time or concessions, or your supervisor says so and so has kids so they need say Halloween off more than you. You coworkers get tired of it and stop helping you out.
Derrick is screwing up, he is getting out the other people with kids and still saying “He/She is taking food out of their mouth.” and you are the only person with kids and you know that there are already 3-4 people that are annoyed when people start talking about there are people that deserve to stay more because of their situation…. They start saying “It’s not my fault you are married and reproduced.” and they evict you.
He should smarten up, he thinks he has the single kids in his back pocket, and he doesn’t.
Look back at last season and you will see one thing (It was the worst season ever the most disgusting group of all time.),but, Helen and Elissa would not have lasted at all if it was not for each other. You need that other person with kids if for no other reason to have someone to talk about your spouse and kids with that will actually sympathize and know where you are coming from. It just gets old when it is the guy with kids and nothing but single people.
“Taking food out of HIS wife and kids mouths… How about my mouth… I’m hungry.”
Derrick needs Brittany more than he does Zach or Frankie… that will be his downfall.
EricCA, spot on, and my point. I work in healthcare, and heard the oh I have kids so holidays are more important for me than you. If he wanted to say, she is a horrible game player and is gunning for me and my alliance. Then there is no problem with hypocrisy. And it’s the truth. It’s the whole she is taking food from my babies line I find hard to take.
The feeds must be very quiet where Donny is concerned. Hopefully he is thinking through all the possibilities and may be able to convince some of these dumb wits to make a serious move. Hoping that prod sees how much Donny is respected by the public and, if he is evicted, they will bring him back.
Donnie? He’s still there? I thought Derrick had our poor bearded collie put down.
So it’s ok to rig and bring people back when its a houseguest that most people like??? LOL Cmon now…if they started talking about bringing back Devin people would LIKELY RIOT in the streets! But hey, if Donny, a very kind person yes, but essesntially a NON-ENTITY in the BB house besides winning a few comps, wants to come back…it is all GOOD right? LMAO
I know that in past seasons hgs have returned so am wondering if this might be one of the twists. I certainly would not have objected to Devin returning as it may have added some momentum to this “vote with the house” group of sheeple. IMHO, Donnie is getting royally screwed with the TA assignments and I do not want to see him evicted due to loyalty.
Derrick is concerned that the DR has been slow to discuss TA last mission. He knows Amber was a BS choice even though he tried to sell it by saying crap like “Amber is the most athletic girl. She would definitely beat me in a physical comp”. I hope DR comes back and tells him “We’re don’t buy it! You shouldn’t be selling it! No money for you!”
Agree. They shouldn’t get anything for that nom.
from what the public were told the task was to “try and get someone who they THINK is a physical threat nominated” I guess it was just something that the 3 would agree on independant of that person actually being a physical threat or not, I am sure it would have worked if they all just agreed on Jocasta or something. Kind of a bad task to leave it up to the 3 of them since they could and did take the easy way out but oh well.
I think production intended to have them nominate Caleb, especially if you look at the edit of the last show. Caleb was productions target this week. It was so obvious. They will not get a penny off of Amber.
You can tell Cody is a softy. He really hates this position, his whole demeanor has changed. Not laughing as much, wearing the baggy clothes, no shirt off. He looks like a havenot! He really likes Amber and Brittany and I think he’s sad he put them in this position. He’s really thinking about things right now. Amber and Brittany could really work him if they wanted to, but the other guys know that, that’s why they won’t leave him alone with them. He’s all bark and no bite.
I think Cody is growing up. He sees Zach being the fratbrat that he is and is afraid that he’s looking in a mirror.
I think you’re reading WAY TOO MUCH and seeing what you want to see.
Cody likes Brittany, which has been clear from the beginning. Cody doesn’t want Brittany gone but knows that there’s no way for her to stay without ruining his game. I absolutely do not see Cody “liking” Amber THAT way.
I believe BS(Derrick) wants Brittany gone because he knows Brittany would have more influence over Cody than anyone else.
I never heard Cody say anything about liking Brittany. He has said that he thought Amber was smoking hot, the hottest girl in the house, and the two have had moments. I don’t know if he “likes” Amber but I think if he had to pick one…that’s pretty much what he’s said anyway.
I don’t mean to sound impolite, and Brittany is in great shape and is pretty (this isn’t meant as an insult), but Brittany is thirty-something (maybe only thirty-one, I forget) and has three kids. Cody is twenty-three! If you mean that he’s interested in her, romantically, I just think there’s no way. They’re in two different places in life.
If Brittany had been a playboy bunny (did SHE say she was?) I would think that she would be better at playing the flirt without letting the situation get too far. She could have Cody wrapped around her finger. She seems to be playing more of a guilt game than that of a fem fatal.
I think she doesn’t want to do anything to jeopardize her custody rights. Also, didn’t she say she has a boyfriend?
She did not say she was a Playboy bunny. The guys just think so, because when she was younger (around 18) she would get invites to the Playboy Mansion parties. But she never actually said she was a bunny.
Better question is, who gives a shit if she was a Playboy bunny??? Need someone to start slut shaming? Like anything she did in her past matters in the game lmao.
I don’t think she’s a former playboy bunny, but your past *does* matter. It’s part of who you are. Jocasta did a lot of things in her past that she’s not proud of, but she’s straightforward about that being the past and that she is a changed person.
How? With what guys? None of them are into her like that. Caleb and Cody like Amber, Hayden is into Nicole, Derrick is married, Donny is much older with a gf, Frankie is gay. If anything, Amber is playing the flirt/damsel in distress/femme fatale role which she should as the pretty young thing in the house. Brittany is just a little too old with too many kids to do that and there’s no guy in the house to play along. She knows that. Problem with her game is that she didn’t find a strategy that would work.
Hayden and Nicole. Meh.
What you mean? Hayden and Nicole are so cute together. Its like the new Jeff and Jordan.
I loved Nicole in the beginning. But then she became KnowNothing Nicole. She thinks she’s a superfan but she has given away all her power and is just riding Hayden and Ratine’s coattails. I had high hopes for her. Now want her gone soon.
I stand by my original, MEH!
And how did you know about my poopy pants?
They are NOTHING like Jeff and Jordan. That’s an insult to Jeff and Jordan. End of story.
Derrick would look like a wild boar if you gave him some tusks.That wanna be beard and snout makes the perfect picture! What an ASS!!
I know…….he such a good PIG!!!!!
Yeah he is a pig who recents pretty woman because he is married to a hog…. Im taking bets on how long he stays with his wife and kids if he wins the money. Im thinking somewhere around 6 months
So, Cody is starting to feel guilty about Brittany now? Good. I hope he never forgets how he wasted an HOH doing Derrick’s bidding. I really hope Derrick slips up and loses the trust of most of the HGs so they can see how shady he really is, but unfortunately at this point, it looks like it’s smooth sailing for him, at least until jury…
He spent 10 years as a government trained narc getting people’s trust then setting them up to go to jail. I doubt King Der-prick will slip up.
It may be Frankie and Zach to bring Derrick the wild boat down. And Derrick trying to get Donny out.
I could be wrong, but I was taken back when Derrick said he paid $1,000 a month for child care. I thought he said he was work security job. I never heard him say what his wife does. I guess what I’m saying I had a pause moment when people talk about their money and try to match it up with who they say they are. I know these days good day care cost and dome may pay more , but I was lime hmm you doing good on that security job you use to play down that you were a cop.
Actually 1000/month for daycare is cheap so that statement Derrick made actually would make me believe he’s what he says he is. I would think that the daycare was being subsidized in some way by the government.
The post would make sense if the rest was included. (Referring to Battle of Block scheduled to air on 7/20/14).
I hope Britney somehow manages to stay, but I don’t want Donny to go either. My first choice to go would be Christine.
Evict Ratine!!!
really hoping frankie gets ghe hell out of the house soon followed by christine and derrick. if caleb and cody switch sides, it could flip the house upside down! Please DR use your manipulation for good for once
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Unless someone gets a clue it will be a cakewalk to 500,000 for Derrick. And he would deserve it.
She knew how the show would be afterwards…….im feeling her pain right now while watching and reading about these people that are still in the house……kinda how Brittany felt after being put on the block lol
Derrick and Frankie were talking about Team America. Derrick was mentioning that they need to stick together, and that they are bonded by their past and need to go to final three with Donny. He says that he has a checkered past. Does anyone one know what checkered past Derrick had?
he said he had a hard upbringing. I think the only checkered past he’s had is checking his friends into the nearest jail cell. Once a dirty cop – always a dirty cop. And he looks like porky pig too!
As for TA – the 1st task was a farce as well. Frankie deliberately through Donny under the rumour bus to Zack. He did this immediately before the task was initiated but just after Frankie made up the relationship rumour.about Zuckerman/Zach. Frankie also somehow not having to didnt have to actually do anything himself. IMO Donny is the only one who should have gotten any money from that task. As for this task, another farce and should not collect anything from this as well.
I HOPE DERRICK gets nominated, goes directly to jail (block) without getting a “get out of jail pass” (instant eviction) Oh wait! – that only happens in Canada. Oh how I miss BBCAN!
ooops sorry – cut and pasting my edit made it a little whacky in reading it
One thing to hand to Devin: it was a good idea to bring in Christine and Amber into the BS. They are working hard for them, that’s for sure.
More to that: The neo-BS isn’t even doing the front-line pot-stirring, the two girls are doing it for them, keeping them “removed”, taking the blame, becoming targets from both directions. It’s so freakin’ obvious, BB 101, and they’re going along with it. What IS Christine’s end game? If she has one.
That would be suck for Brittany!! Too bad she will be gone this Thursday.
I’m a big donny fan but was disappointed he agreed with derrick & frankie that amber was a big physical threat. I hope they don’t win the 5 thousand for that bogus pick.
Why should Donny try anything to protect Amber? Donny’s name is the first name to come out of Amber’s mouth as far as targets go and Amber ratted out Donny.
It’s just sad that Amber trusts Derrick and Cody the most when it was during both of their HOH’s that Amber was nominated.
Donny knew King Der-prick would shoot down the idea of putting a true physical threat up and Frankie would back him up. So he just went along with it. Donny isn’t willing to Ho himself like the other two so probably figured if he gets he gets it. If not then not a big loss.
Donny knew if he would have brought up any other person that would be in a dangerous situation of being more of a physical threat,. it would seal the deal of him needing to be put up. Remember no competitions had been done yet and to say who he really felt should go up would definitely put a much bigger target on his back. Frankie with his loose lips would tell Zach, Christine and probably Hayden. Derrick tell Cody and Caleb. So Donny did right by not showing his cards just yet.
I’m praying that Frankie is not fake and is really gonna take Zach to the F2.
So the mission is to get a physical threat nominated? Cody kinda/sorta wanted to put Caleb up in Vic’s place. Yet Derrick talked him out of it and is still acting like Amber should get TA the money. C’mon man. Stop it.
Let me explain Derricks checkered pass.
He is not a cop. I repeat, he is not a cop but an undercover pig disguised as a cop. He was recruited by Big Brother because he was a reject from a pig farm. He was placed in the BB house to sling mug on the others , but not to waddle in it so much. BB is concerned that soon the fans and houseguest will identify him as the pig he is. As you can see from some of the pictures the prickly hairs on his face, beady eyes, and snout are returning. His mouth is also starting to protrude as he is spitting gunk out and referring to his checkered pass. It’s only a matter of time before he reveals he was a pig informer.
The point of BB is to always be thinking about the game but not let others know you are always working the and that’s exactly what Derricks doing so kudos to him!
It’s not like King Der-prick was professionally trained by the government to make friends and then set them to go to jail.
I thing Brittany’s fate is already written in stone. All the muttering and mumbling about maybe someone else going home is completely fake. Perhaps Production in the DR has suggested that others amp up other possibilities to provide continued interest by fans. Just my opinion.
Why would cody NOT put up Caleb? He is a loose cannon with the whole cody/amber/Caleb love triangle and could put cody up at the drop of a hat. Caleb GAVE UP the veto for a measly 5 grand, forcing cody to get another person’s blood on his hands. Why not have it be Caleb? Caleb’s also been saying brit doesn’t deserve to go home if she completes the 2400 goals. Shouldn’t he deserve to go home for throwing TWO competitions now? He cannot be trusted. Cody is a pure idiot if he doesn’t seize this opportunity.
Ah so!!!! The dead-fish-floating Nicole is a real blond! 😀 ZERO knowledge in geography of the USA. Not knowing that Wisconsin is right next to Michigan for someone who was born and lives in Michigan is really a measure of shallowness.
Get that floating airhead out!
This is the saddest thing I have seen on bb, please give the golden power of veto if she makes it!
frankie’s attitude is really pissing me off, he is starting to show his true colors, a typical shady queen…
What grown man ask another grown man how awesome was his first time having sex with another man? A guy that slice tons of chicks like he claims wouldn’t be worried about another man sex life.
Can someone explain why everyone hates Derrick? From what I’ve read, he has played the game pretty smart and he might be in the best position in the entire house. So why all the hate?