Head of Household Winner: Nicole
Nominations are: Jackson & Holly
Power of Veto holder: Jackson
Power of Veto Ceremony:
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8:28pm Backyard. Cliff and Nicole.
Nicole – that is part of my argument with Michie.. pulling on the heartstrings. I want to be here. I want to be at the finale. And I understand that Holly wants those things too.. but I think its worth a shot. Cliff – I will try but that is why that won’t work too because everyone wants their family there at finale. With Michie I think it is much better to appeal to his sense of fairness, integrity. And make sure he knows that he might be questioned about those kind of things if he doesn’t do it. Nicole – I know his image is a lot to him. Cliff – yeah. Nicole – he pretends, I don’t care.. I don’t care.. because he always talks about that ring that he carries around and how he is lovable. He wants to learn that he is lovable. He wants to know that people like him and that he is worth it so to speak. Cliff – yeah. Nicole – I know its a hard sell but I am trying to just will it to happen. Cliff – it is but if it happens it means its just that much more magical and amazing. And if it doesn’t people will understand why that didn’t work. Nicole – I just think about the recap episode and I just much rather it be us three. Cliff – I know .. well say good things about me. Nicole – I will. I think he (Michie) is unsettled. I think there is a large part of him that wants you in final three and he is struggling between the two choices. Cliff – that’s what I am going to say too .. you always said you’re playing your own game .. So why are you protecting someone else’s game. Nicole – I am being honest and if my parents want to jump in the camera and smack me they can but.. If you need promise to take him to final 2 whether you decide to or not.. do it! Because I would rather come in third, with you two in final 2 than third with them two. I am honest when I say that. Don’t just throw it out but if it comes up do it. Like I have no bird, I have no bush. I think he is struggling because its me and you. Cliff – well we will milk it a little more and them tomorrow see if we can’t do something.
9pm Cliff in the hammock. Cliff – Its Monday night and we probably won’t have the backyard again after tonight as they get ready for the competitions and stuff like that for the final 3. I am waiting for the moon to show up. Its the one thing that you and I can both see. I’m not counting the sun either because its not that romantic. I now know that Michie is planning to break his word and not take me to final 3. I am going to campaign. I am not giving up. I am going to appeal to his emotions a bit. I am going to appeal to his sense of honor and his greed.. maybe a little of everything. I will remind him how hard it might be to get the votes he needs if he continues by alienating Nicole and myself. I will remind him how bad it looks not that he reneged on his promise .. but that he waited until after he won the veto. That makes his excuses very insincere in my eyes. And I will try and point out what I decided to do which was to honor my agreement and what he chose to do which was not honor it. He has already told Nicole and I that he wanted fighters and survivors with him and that Nicole and I were the two that he wanted to got to the final 3 with. No it was not a final 3 alliance. Who knows what else I will try to argue with.
9pm – 9:12pm Jackson and Holly “shower”. Jackson brings out the “shower” stool after..
9:55pm – 10:50pm Hammock. Holly and Jackson.
Holly – do you think Cliff’s pitch to you will be to send him to jury so that he can rally votes for you. Jackson – …..so he’s pitching for me to send him to jury!? Holly – oh, oh yeah I forgot. I’m really really tired. Jackson – I think his pitch will be that Nicole will take me to final 2 and he will take me to final 2. There is nothing in this world that will make me turn my back on you and I will not vote to evict you. Holly – I think Nicole will take you and I am considering taking you. Jackson – I don’t think she will take me. Holly – you didn’t even laugh at my joke. Jackson – oh yeah.
11:39pm Holly shows Jackson her finale dress.
12:58am Kitchen. Cliff tells Nicole and Jackson how in 1991 he smuggled a switch blade into the US.
2:50am Jackson works out in the backyard.
3:47am Jackson and Nicole chatting in the hammock about past events of the season and past house guests.
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It is Crazy to me that Cliff (or Nichole) think Jackson should honor a deal to take Cliff when Cliff just told Jackson a few days ago that He (Cliff) will not be taking Jackson. Like….are they stupid??? They no longer have anything Jackson wants. Except maybe their vote. But I think there has been so many “Deals” this year that they no longer mean a thing. At this point, whoever wins, picks who they want to take with them and that is that. Cliff should be grateful they have dragged him this far. Jackson should win & Holly should come in second unless Nichole can actually win without the others handing it to her.
I am rooting for Nicole to pull out the last hoh win, but I do agree cliff tried finagling a new deal when the original deal was go to 4 and fight. Now I wished they would had taken holly out but since cliff insisted keeping holly it’s only fair he get what’s coming to him. I feel a little bad for cliff but what can u do? The guy just wouldn’t listen, like he says he took a gamble and it didn’t pay off in his favor. Who knows if tommy would have stayed how things would have played out
Cliff talking about he trusted people integrity. Cliff wake up this is not a game of integrity.. but of lies, backstabbing, misleading people and whatever else you need to do to win the 500k. It’s a dirty game and If you can advance or win the 500k by being truthful, respectful and loyal and play the whole game with integrity nothing wrong with that..more power to you. But someone else is going to play the game their way and more power to them. I believe you have to put the person you known to be aside once you walk into BBH. People aren’t going to be on the same page you are on or have the same beliefs. You might start out being yourself ‘goody two shoes’..but trust me you will change if you want the 500k or 50k. We see other games on Tv like To Tell The Truth or card games. It’s a game and it doesn’t define who you really are out side of BBH. Now the ones having all that ridiculous sex behaviour on the show before the world.. I question If they are lose as a goose in the real world..doing too much..the most. smh
honestly i always liked cliff but he doesn’t get the game, keeping Jackson over Tommy was dumb!!! and Nicole knew it. sad truth is cliff or Nicole could have won the whole thing.
… especially after Jackson already learnt the flip option was on. He already felt betrayed and lost whatever loyalties he might even had have at that point.
And how did Jackson learn of the flip option? Cliff. Poetic justice lol
Yes they both told him to his face that they were leaning towards keeping Tommy. At that point they had already broken their promise first. So why would they hold Jackson to a higher standard than they hold themselves to. This is the one thing he should be saying to them. They broke the agreement so all bets are off. They are both delusional.
Actions speak louder than words. You should be able to think and weigh all optoons in front of you. In the end they stuck so the plan so how was anything broken? It’s just an excuse.
So it’s not cool to go back on your word, if the other party has told you they’re going back on their word to you, but haven’t done it yet?
Am I getting that right? You’re just expected to stand around waiting to get screwed so you can claim you kept your word? I’m not seeing that as a winning strategy.
Wait, what? Things were broken when they forced Jackson and Holly to give them a new deal that greatly benefits them
Cliff and Nicole only stuck to the plan because Jackson eavesdropped on the conversation between Nicole, Cliff and Tommy and Jackson called them out on it. Jackson made a play on Cliff who always said he is a man of his word. Cliff then blew it once again by telling Jackson that even though he had a F2 with Jackson, he also had a F2 with Nicole and would always choose Nicole over Jackson. Cliff deserves to be voted out.
Hey deaz, I suspect Jackson will point that out to Cliff on eviction night. And I suspect that Cliff will try to turn this around and accuse Jackson of breaking his word. Circular logic
was cliff that dumb or did production pay him off in some way to do what he did? Doesn’t add up. He’s supposed to be smart
Mensa paid someone in production to slip stupid pills into his coffee.
Cliff’s best bet. He tells Jackson he will do everything he can to influence the jury against him. His best bet is for Holly to go and influence them in a positive way. Not that it will work, but worth a try.
That won’t go over well.
I thought of this too Amy – it truly is his only hope, but Cliff won’t do it because he’s not wired that way. Would be fun to watch if he said “If you don’t vote out Holly, I’ll poison the jury against you” – Jackson would blow a gasket!
It might be entertaining to see Cliff trying to sell his sour grapes to Kat and Jess though.
If Cliff goes in that jury house and starts talking bad about Jackson it may backfire and turn the jury to Jackson’s favor – that is if he makes it to final 2.
It won’t work but that is the only argument he can make.
Honestly, this drama is kind of silly. Cliff, you lost.
Cliff, you lost.
That sums up everything.
I think any campaigning will be laughable and only give Michie fuel to yell at him.
He could try but Jackson may think the jury is against him already so he may as well stick with Holly.
They need to find a way to speed up the last final-4 segment of the game for future seasons because boy it is dragging…
Cliff’s only play is to threaten Jackjaw with calling out his true character on national tv…..the thing he fears more than anything. He could start at the beginning with how he bedded then unceremoniously dumped Kat only to hookup with Holly a day later. Then start on the total condescending disrespectful way he has treated (every woman) in the house…..and sum up with the fake image makeover and unprecedented “special privileges” (special sleeping quarters…..allowed to eat as he pleases on slop punishment and all the endless examples of specialized treatment) he received that were not extended to any other houseguests in the history of BB. Threaten to scorch the Earth behind him (in the jury) if he evicts him. Then do it lol.
Cliff should start worrying more about his own true character on national TV. He’s using his “chance of a lifetime” to paint himself a huge a$$.
I swear, with your obsession with Jackson, I think you’re one his exes.
I don’t think so, I think Swaggy’s Missing Brow just thinks Jackson played the best game.
Sherry…I believe he’s talking to Franks fumes.
I meant frank. All they post about is Jackson
Jackjaw brought criticism on himself I didn’t invent his BS.
You’re name sake is my best advice my friend.
Jackson will not break his promise to Holly.. he already feels america is looking at him in a negative way. To get into Jackson head.. Cliff can tell Jackson if he takes Holly to the F2 she will win because all of the girls will vote for Holly ‘girl power’ and we know that a girl alliance was being formed in the beginning for a girl to win.. now if you vote Holly out then we only have to deal with getting Nicole out. If you keep Holly then you have two girls to worry about..then Cliff can say..I know I won’t win the 500k and that is fine with me.. I am willing to take second the 50k. Then Cliff can say Jackson man you willing to settle for 50k when you deserve 500k you are a beast at this game..two guys in the F2 the jury will be force to pick you Jackson over me because I don’t have a chance of beating you in F2. It probably won’t work but it will be on Jackson mind. I hope Nicole wins.. but Jackson played a great game and deserves to win.
No way Cliff can sell voting Holly out. Nicole’s only shot is to win part one or two and part three of the finale veto comp.
Her fans say she’s a competition master…shouldn’t be any trouble for her.
I’m bored.
They’ve edited out veto speeches for 2 seasons now. How much they include them this week because Jackson wants to give a speech?
All of Jackson’s stuff is in the HOH and HOH bathroom. And Nicole is entitled. m’kay. In the immortal words of Bianca del Rio, “Really , Qween?”
Nicole’s parents should whip her for being so entitled says Beth, who is currently trying to find a way to scam the HOH room away from her. Somebody’s Daddy should whip her for having a sex stool on camera. All that time showering and she still hasn’t washed her hair. eek. And I thought Sis was bad for only showering for the purpose of cleanliness 4 times in seven weeks. yeah grimace face. yeesh.
Keep reading that rule book, you won’t find an HOH forfeit rule. Keep reading. Stuck on the pre-season contact between house guests page? I’m sure you are. Don’t worry, most people don’t believe it, you’re still safe. No you can’t nullify a juror or two with that. Before you ask. It would knock out Kat too remember?
Jackson can’t believe they kept a showmance. Neither can I. Buffoonery. If I could, I’d be looking for Aunt Grod’s sticky monkey prints, but I just don’t care enough. (ed. don’t come at me, that was a joke, i’m not saying Grod fixed that… Grod has fixed more than enough for him, she didn’t have to). Wait, so all that heartbroken because they didn’t keep their word stuff and you agree they should have taken out the showmance? Stick to a theme. Some justifiers are going to get confused. They just got off that awful ‘Jackson’s okay if Holly leaves, he wants her to’ track because they didn’t hear you and Beth say that was the plan to learn what was going on before going ballistic.
Jackson has played a good game, Grod has made his game a better game, and considering he’s been lugging memaw with him like she was his nanny… or his not sister-wife… great aunt-wife? (age joke, shush she opened the door for it on week two when she wanted to go home for being the oldest woman in the house… I woulda helped her pack even back then).
I muted Cliff, has the buffoon said anything not buffoonish in the past day and a half? Didn’t think so. Carry on mensa version of homer simpson, carry on.
Cliff: Gallagher the melons. all of them. You’re leaving anyway. And eat all the steak. You and Nicole cook up every steak you can find and eat them allllll up.
Cliff found cards. Jackson likes to gamble. Poker game to stay this week anyone? Wait… would that work? LMAO. Oh shit that might work. bwa-ha-ha.
Cliff’s theme:, circus clown car music. Nicole is afraid of clowns. shoulda been a clue.
Since returning from camp comeback, Cliff has spent so much time bending over for Jackson, it’s like he’s auditioning to be a human sex stool.
Hey Nicole, let Cliff Titanic alone, or at least stop trying to be the jack, always be the rose in a titanic situation.
Nicole: if you aren’t going to play hardball jury threats on Jackson, don’t go the heart strings route. It’s stupid. like your last vote decision stupid. that’s how stupid.
Nicole: He isn’t your brother. On day 32-34 somewhere he told his memaw the way to get you to eat out of his hand is to play on your love of family. It’s been one long b.s. act since. You been had. Just like Cliff been playing the daddy tone to get you to defer, Jackson has been playing the brother tone (you like scary movies Nicole… think laurie strode michael myers in Hallowe’en 2. That’s the kind of brother he wants to be). You’re 24 not 12. Snap out of it.
Hey Nicole, remember the night before double when Christie told you what would happen step by step if anyone didn’t take the shot at Jackson and Holly? Wow, even a universalmagicbladderinfection mess can be right once. It’s like the crackpot manifested on the way out the door. And you STILL let mensahomer the buffoon talk you into keeping the showmance. Let me long island it for ya: wawt, ya need a helmet ta ride the bus or somethin?
Do you have any idea just how many times we’re going to hear ‘but that was out of context’ after the season is over. Even if someone plays the full clip?
Interesting how Nicole and Cliff theorize that they should appeal to Michie’s honesty, integrity, sense of fair play, etc., while simultaneously declaring he lacks any of those qualities. Which is it? They are trying to figure out a way to deceive Michie and working on what lies they need to tell. Oh, but Michie is the bad guy b/c he isn’t buying what they’re selling? Nicole, Cliff, you can’t have it both ways.
Bottom line: There is no way to win Big Brother without lying. As for who “deserves” to win, well, sometimes there is a big difference between who is well-liked and who has earned the honor. This season has presented challenges for the fans b/c we have grasped at straws trying to find a hero or heroine. Jackson seems to evoke boat loads of strong negative emotions. But does that necessarily make Nicole the only “good person” in the house? In the absence of the hard-core jury members who dominated the game earlier on, Nicole is showing colors previously over-shadowed by bigger personalities. Is it possible she became likeable by default? And maybe Michie needed to learn some things about himself. He mellowed out considerably once Jack, his (then) fellow bully, got the boot. I think he was genuinely sorry to make Tommy cry. But does that make Tommy the good guy? Kat is popular, but like just about everyone in the house this season, she spent her days running back and forth spilling information about both/all of her allies. But she was funny. Bella, clueless, but dangerous. Jeez, none of them knew how to keep a secret or make use of information except David, who was so bad at the challenges that he never got to play.
Lessons learned: While lying is essential to advancing in the game, there must also be an underlying strategy and purpose in support of the lie. Random lies are pointless and annoying. Further, a certain amount of charisma is helpful.
Bella, my first disappointment of the season. After that intro they gave us of her I was expecting big things. A sharp minded young modern professional woman (with the comic relief of a more traditionalist mother) who was going to be hell on wheels. Dang if all those wheels didn’t all fly off right away.
Preach…; – )
If Holly had not listen to Jackson and played her own game, and if Nicole had not listen to Cliff but her gut, they would be final 2 . Holly can complain about last HOH, but it was not good for her to lose but it was for Jackson. If Holly had won, N & C would have been on block, if one of them had won veto, Jackson would have gone home and he knew this but didn’t tell her. If Nicole had kept Tommy, Holly would be out, Tommy would have gotten rid jackson. Either of the girls could beat Cliff in final 3. They both threw away their own games.
I made the same point a day or two ago. I will add it shows that her claims of I’m playing my own game-nit Jackson’s are total bs.
What? If holly is gone Tommy wins hoh Jackson wins veto and Nicole is gone. It doesn’t matter if holly won hoh because if Jackson doesn’t win veto he is gone not holly. As it turned out not sending holly home was Nicole’s best and only way to make final 3. I can’t figure out why Jackson is trying to justify himself to cliff and Nicole. He should have just said this is my best game move and been done with it.
That stool needs to be doused in bleach and set on fire when this season is done……
I doubt it will light.
It needs to be melted down in acid and made no more.
So disappointing.
Nicole –If you need promise to take him to final 2 whether you decide to or not.. do it! Because I would rather come in third, with you two in final 2 than third with them two. I am honest when I say that.
Anyone who “would rather come in third” deserves to.
So she has no need for 1/2 million dollars? She would rather be a loser, then a winner.
Sorry all, but up till now, was a Nicole rooter, but no more.
The thing that infuriates the crap out of me is how she continues to let him use her; to be willing to throw her own game to someone who would cut her throat.
The biggest difference between Jackson and Cliff is one is screwing his partner literally, the other figuratively.
I honestly don’t think Nicole believes this. I think it is part of her strategy to ensure that Cliff votes for her in the end. She knows that Michie is not going to take Cliff so why not make herself look unselfish unlike Michie who threw away their deal to save Holly, who all season he has said he doesn’t need to take to the end.
You gotta give her credit…she’s thinking 2 steps ahead.
Can’t buy it. If she were thinking two steps ahead she’d know she has Cliffs vote (anyone would have his vote over Jackson and Holly) and would be working Holly and/or Jackson for an F2. What she is doing instead isn’t credit worthy…it’s cringe worthy.
She doesn’t know 100% she has his vote, because he has said sumerous times (yes in front of Nicole) that Jackson has his vote
“She doesn’t know 100% she has his vote…”
Which would make her 100% stupid. If she can’t be sure of Cliff’s vote now what will magically happen to suddenly convince her that Cliff really, really, really means it? Nothing.
Instead of wasting time chasing unicorn farts for a single vote you say she can’t be certain of anyway, she could be using her time usefully; trying to work an F2 within someone actually still in the game and studying for memory comps to advancer her own game.
Nicole HAS been studying….all season. Jackson and Holly have not. She’s got this! Why do you think Jackson spends so much time being nice to her…it’s not because he really likes her. He’s said all season that he knows how to play Nicole, by being nice. She just can’t see through it, sadly.
I don’t think it will get him a final 2 with her though.
She had been studying. Is she finding any time in her Cliff pity party now to study?
Because she could get a final two with holly or Jackson if she put in the time? Yeah right. Neither one would. The only time one might agree to it is if Jackson wins part one nicole wins part two and she says no matter what we take each other. Jackson might agree then and just renege if he wins part 3.
“Jackson might agree then and just renege if he wins part 3.”
Do you mean how she wanted to renege on the F4 deal? Why that would be unethical!
If she wants to just sit around commiserating with Cliff instead of doing something, anything, proactive, that’s cool.
Look at the up side, she just might succeed in saving AFP this year.
If she was smart that is exactly what she should do but she is giving up. A part of me doesn’t blame her because in all reality she started this by not sticking to the agreement. I don’t think Nicole will be spending much time with Jackson or Holly after Cliff leaves because she feels played and also a victim. Who can figure?
Yes yes and yes:) and Cliff has a script as well….
I really hope Nicole is just trying to make Cliff feel better and doesn’t actually think Michie would take Cliff over Holly. If she actually believes that, Just wow
Cliff should have been gone when he was first voted out. I’ve never been a fan of his. I’m REALLY not a fan after hearing his DR session where he admitted that Tommy was better for Nicole’s game and Michie was better for his so he would be nudging Nicole into keeping Michie. How did that work out for you Cliffy boy? Buhbye!
It would have worked out fine for Cliff if N/C didn’t force Holly to throw the HOH, which Holly would have surely won. Then Michie wins the VETO and gets to vote out either Cliff or Nicole. And Nicole being the bigger threat, she goes home in 4th instead of getting a pass to final 3 because Michie is much more savvy than either N/C in this game and would take her out at that point!
Well Cliff is the one that pushed for Holly to throw the comp, not Nicole. Maybe if Cliff wouldn’t have flopped on the mat like a dead fish within the first 3 minutes of the class my it would have worked out for him. Again, Buhbye Cliffy Boy!
It would be kind of amusing if the last shot from inside the BB house were someone in a bio-hazard suit putting the stool into a bio-hazard bag.
Or they fade out and you see Paul on the stool with Grodner on top.
Arghhhhh! Mind bleach…I need mind bleach!
What Nicole needs to do is try and convince Holly to take out Jackson if she wins final HOH I know it’s a very slim chance but she should appeal to her and say you came in here playing an individual game do you really want to hand Jackson $500,000? Holly has a better chance against Nicole. She has friends in the jury.
She could also remind Holly of the early “girl power” talks and how awesome it would be for the two of them to be final two.
It would give Nicole a strong argument to use with the jury; I convinced Holly to turn on her ride or die. That would tip it to her and be a huge move.
Holly has a difficult time talking to Nicole, mostly because, as Holly said weeks ago, she has would never associate with those kinds of people in real life. They don’t have a strong enough bond for Nicole to sway Holly, whose entire game was shelved in order to help Jackson. It’s almost impossible to try to convince a showmance submissive to take out the showmance dominant. If Holly had won veto this week, I’m 75% certain she would have been fine taking Jackson off the block.
So you know the season is too long when Jackson and Christie show up in your dreams (nightmares?!) with your own real friends…
I know I am going to get thumbs downs on this. That’s fine.
Cliff has played the game of Big Brother really well. I hated how he shifted gears on keeping Crusty originally, but it was ultimately brilliant. He was the old guy that typically gets voted out early (did get voted out early and came back). He made crazy deals and made it to final four.
At the end of the day your ONLY goal in this game is to BE THE WINNER.
Yes, he made a mistake that cost him the game in not listening to Nicole. He should have voted out Holly and not Tommy. But even that is no guarantee that Tommy and Michie would not have gotten together to go two on two.
How Cliff and Nicole made it to final four, against the steam roller that was the Six Shooters, was simply miraculous.
There should be no hate for Cliff. He played a brilliant game…and is now going home number four. Not bad for the token old guy who typically goes out by week two.
I agree to a point.
While being disappointed that he made that deal with Christie, I understood it could end up getting him far in the game-and it did
I didn’t really have a problem with all the side deals he was making. Again, it seemed to work.
But to call him brilliant is over the top. Sure, we have no idea what Tommy would have done had he stayed, but for Cliff to think Jackson would ever pick him above Holly takes brilliant off the table. The nicest word I can come up with us gullible.
He had a decent game and did get himself to final 4, but brilliant-imo I think not.
Brilliant is a strong word. He had the HOH and pissed it away and did nothing, Jess had a better HOH, he still is trying to take Jackson to the final 2. How is that brilliant? He was wrong on almost all his moves this season. He survived bc he was the old guy that no one cared about as the dangerous players were taken out. He did try I give him that but for being so smart he couldn’t get out of his own way. He was too worried about his image as a family guy and shadow dancing with his wife. His end game is to be a bb celebrity that is it. He is far from brilliant, he threw his ride and die under the bus multiple times.
And she is now in Final Three.
If his end goal was to become a BB celebrity, you may be right in that he accomplished that. If you’re right, than he worked his plan perfectly.
My bigger point is about all of the Cliff hate because he didn’t do what the masses wanted, get Christie out. At the time he felt like it was better for HIS endgame to do what he did. We didn’t like it. It screwed, to an extent, his people. But did it really? What happened soon after that. The eight derailed. The six fractured. Cliff, Nicole, Jess, and Kat (not as much), stayed off everyone’s radar for several weeks.
Jess may have had a better HOH, but how many weeks further did Cliff get with his strategy?
The name of the game is to win $500,000 for YOURSELF, not your ride or die. If that fails, at least set up your ride or die after you fall on your sword. He will fail at that. But, at least his ride or die DOES have a chance.
I was guilty of it too. We cringed when it seemed like he was doing the “Six” bidding. But he made it to final four.
Typically, “the old guy that no one cared about as a dangerous player” finds the exit early. Michie cared enough as camp councilor to boot him day one. He survived. Wasn’t it Michie that cared enough to get him sent to Camp Comeback? I don’t remember. Two times that the house cared enough to boot him.
Like it or not, the old guy beat the odds to get where he got in the game AND has set up the nerdy, awkward, geekly, plain, Jersey girl to potentially win. And make no mistake about it, if she is Final Two, she wins. She may have road coattail for a good while. She may have had at least one HOH handed to her. She wins against either Michie or Holly if it the jury votes on the likability scale this year.
He played a decent enough game, up to the point where he refuses to let Nicole go and let her do the best for her game. At this point he should be helping her study for memory challenges, not bogging her down in his misery.
Agreed. He screwed up, in hindsight, with the Tommy vote. Now he is licking his wounds and as Nicole caught up in his fruitless attempt to get Michie to vote Holly out.
Great game play? Absolutely. Perfect to get him to finally?? Not as much.
So tell me, have you been cheering Jackson’s greater game play and how he treats women or other players?
I’ve been agonizing thru this season with everyone else. I have had a hard time really grasping ahold of any player this year. I think of the four people, Michie and Cliff have played more game thru the season than Holly or Nicole have. Nicole has tried to emerge from under Cliff’s fatherly protection. As for how Michie treats women…….nuff said.
“…Cliff’s fatherly protection.”
Father’s don’t use their children like that.
Then you don’t pay much attention to sports, do you?
No, I don’t…and I don’t care for anyone who would use their “daughter” like that.
I would say that Cliff definitely played a brilliant game early, but lost steam as the weeks went on. Speaks to the mental stamina you need, especially as the old guy. Kudos to Nicole for picking up steam at the right time (even if it may have been production aided with comp choices).
At this point, I think the Cliff hate is more that his schtick is irritating even to those that were once his fans. When it came down to crunch time, Cliff came across more as a whiny little wuss than an underdog worth cheering for.
Bingo! He was probably a shoe-in for AFP if Nicole were to win. Not any longer. If Nicole wins now, Tommy had better send Cliff a great big thank you card. Cliff gave him $50k.
Moments In Big Brother History…That We’d Rather Forget
Holly…Nicole…the moment you’ve both been waiting for. And the winner of Big Brother Twenty-one is….congratulations Nicole!
Julie thank you, thank you, thank you CBS and thank you America but I just want to say…Julie, I want you to write the check out to Cliff because he deserves this so much more than me.
Through the ensuing uproar a voice can be heard, “Yew herd her, yew herd her, give meeeeee the money….Woooooooo, Pig! Sooie!
Have you ever watched the homeless person who is given money, then turns around and shares the larger portion with friends? Did you hear Nicole talking the other day about the fact that she is blessed with a COMFORTABLE life? Sometimes, shelter, food, and family are not only enough–but EVERYTHING. That’s something ingrained in Nicole–that has been illuminated all the more with this experience…this experience was the reward to her–along with new friends that she’s hoping against all hope are TRUE connections outside the house. She knows what’s happening, and labeled it the other day: Survivor’s Guilt. STILL, she cannot help but try for Cliff’s advancement; she’s an empath. That is her truth, and THAT is the VERY REASON she deserves the money, IMHO.
I’ve also watched “homeless” people finish their shift at the corner go and get into very nice Cliffmobile and drive away. Sometimes an empath is just an easy touch.
Swaggies Missing Brow…you have NO idea what an empath is and how that works. There is a difference between being an empath and being empathetic.
Of course I know the difference. An empath would just throw their own gain away on pure folly, whereas someone like you for instance is empathetic to other women.
People who lack empathy are incapable of understanding the meaning. Just like people without morals also do not understand the meaning.
So tell me Butter, who gets to define morals for everyone?
Who do you think? You know the answer to your own question.
Oh wolfie, I’d never challenge you on empathy…you’re such a great living example of it.
Okay, this was totally unexpected. This post was parody but with the bull$hit sob story the Rotund One is spinning about his family’s financial situation…don’t fall for it Nicole. Wake the hell up!
Cliff you are gone! You do not have the girl parts needed to keep Jackson loyal. Should have kept Tommy!
He didn’t have the “man” parts either.
Nobody seems to think that Nicole is using all this with Cliff–“make deals”–as strategy. She KNOWS (and so does Cliff but its hard to get stuff through his pea brain) that Michie is tired-up to here- of all the deals. So sending Cliff in to try and make more (while throwing her under the bus which is what shes trying to get him to do) will possibly firm up her in a F2 with Michie? Unless its hanging from ropes, or doing…whatever it is…on a sex stool, Holls isnt much at comps and Nicole could possibly beat her (Nicole has the fire in her gut to win…Holls just has a sore twat and the knowledge that it got her this far so keep on using it). Michie (if he has the ability) feeling guilty about how Cliff has been throwing Nicole right and left, may just ease up on the final HOH comp and Nicole wins it (although if its mental…heck maybe even physical…cuz thats a way for him to get Holls out without him actually doing it) Nicole still has a chance to win it. Everyone, hell even people that dont watch the show but are shown some scenes between Holls and Michie, know that she laid her way to where she is (with extra cover from all the alliances she was in as needed and Nicole never had that).
Now as we come into the homestretch (God this is going to be looooong) can they retire the stool (a crucial component in the game for Holls right before any comp and when she suspects people are dealing with Michie so has to be dragged out again, and should have had a starring spot on her BB Comic), shut down the HOH room, and get ALL of Michies praying answered by God/Grod but not in the way he is hoping? People can hope ya know.
*sore twat* LOL
The stool needs to be part of the finale! Perhaps wearing a sign “HELP ME!” “I was promised to be the only wood in BB shower” …
The way to change Jackson’s mind about keeping Holly is to create a riff between J&H. This would be dirty but it’s right out of a Jackson playbook. Cliff would have to tell J something about H that would show that she is speaking bad about J behind his back – maybe over heard talking trash to live feeders?. Remember how angry J got earlier when H called him an a**hole and douchebag in front of other HS? He went ballistic and was ready to drop her then but she cried her way back into his graces.
I don’t know if Cliff can pull something like that off. Otherwise, I can’t see what else would change his mind.
He’s done it before. When they would be arguing he’s throw in seemingly innocent questions or comments to throw more fuel on the fire.
I’m still half joking when I say use that deck of cards and challenge him to a game. Jackson wins, go ahead evict Cliff. Cliff wins, sorry you gotta evict Holly. Okay Mr. I like to gamble: you got the guts? You man enough? What do you have to lose?
Could it be any more absurd than play on his heart strings?
The angst is real!
Blah blah blah, old man,blah blah. whore die!
Blah blah Nicole. Deals! Blah blah blah! Should have,blah blah blah Tommy! Blah blah blah. I was blah blah right ! Traitor, blah, stupid, blah blah. I blah, win! Blah! Lol lol lol lol lol!
This all gives me quite a chuckle.
The big drama of the night was Cliff unable to find Orwell. Have we sunk so low?
My thought from last week that the season is 20 days too long is encapsulated in that.
That owl wasn’t missing, it was in hiding. It’s as disgusted as I am.
He didn’t carry around Orwell for continuity. That’s crap. He carried around the bird thinking he’d get more camera time to pander for AFP votes. Buffoon.
Take aways from Snax and Nic hammock talk? That was one big eyeroll. The entire talk of past house guests was so BBAD friendly you’d think there was a house reward for blowing smoke. That’s right, lay it on thick buddy, you loooooved Kemi. She was sooo funnny. I’m sure she’s got some funny things to say. I will admit, not for mean spirited but for humor reasons, the exchange about loyalty made me laugh when he said he was loyal to a fault, and that had been preyed upon, so he had a hard shell, and she responded yeah, you can be a douchebag, but under that you can be really pompous. They don’t need to give their veto speeches: they just did.
Holly is playing up her frailty. REEEALLLLLLY trying to get Jackson to guilt Nicole into giving Holly the HOH bed now, isn’t she? I’m half expecting a gofundme for an inverted spine and rough kneecaps and esophageal stricture. (not a monster, i know what chronic pain can do. Conveniently timed pain, not so much). Maybe she’s just allergic to not being in the penthouse and away from the peasants. They talk of Adderall and other stimulants. Just remembering back when he was night sweating so bad Jack would wake up soaking wet, complain of troubles sleeping, have rapid mood swings and irritability, behave and speak in a manner you might expect from someone intoxicated, complain of nauseous feelings. He complains to Cliff later (I think it was later) that someone in his life tried like hell to keep him from being on the show.
That was my take away through my own tinted lens.
Last thought: Stop attempting deals. Deals are dead. It’s final 4. It’s time to play hard ball. It won’t work, but for once get off your knees. Do something you can at least walk out holding your head high, not crawling out looking for your next ass to kiss.
So, in other words, you are telling Cliff to stop playing checkers and start playing chess….yeah buddy!
Fact is, when you realistically run down the jurors, Michie has too many votes already stacked against him to realistically win. He will need both Christie AND Jack to vote his way and neither are locks to do so.
Instead of looking around for Orwell and spending time with Nicole, Cliff needs to help Michie see it — and see that Holly on the inside of the jury house before finale night is Michie’s best chance to win. That is the only way Michie could change his mind at this point (and I still think Michie has rationalized that staying loyal and taking second place to Holly would erase all of the bad things he has done in the game, which would make Momma proud…).
I’m less of the checker chess analogy and more of the stop being prison b!tch variety. No and/or required.
Not a fan of hers, but the difference between Holly on the feeds and Holly in full makeup on the show is amazing.
she looks pretty bad in that photo above. Maybe that’s why Jackson asked her yesterday about her makeup–a veiled way to tell her to go put some on. I don’ ever go makeup free. At least a little eye liner before looking my husband in the eye.
Yeah its amazing what 40 lbs of makeup can do for a person. Havent worn it since my 40’s myself
Cliff,you want to get ahead in the game? Hide the stool and then make your pitch. I do not think that Jackson can go for a week without playing hide the salami. I do believe that he would go bonkers!
I’m hoping Nicole says to them sleeping in HOH rest of week.on the live feeds Holly sleeping just fine. Jackson hinting for it got nothing do with sleeping.
pretty disgusting way for a woman to make her way to the top io
Exactly. Whatever has become of women when they have consenting sex with other adults. She should keep her knees together…and maybe put the wash machine on spin and sit on it.
Please have Deep Throat turn Stool Pigeon on Jackson.
I would rather let Rockstar and Fessi do my taxes than see Nicole win this game.
Nicole should say in her speech, I got as far as I did without screwing anyone. Literally.
“I got as far as I did without having consensual sex with another adult?”
Okay. Not an orthodox argument but it would get attention.
That would immediately offend:
Kat, Jack, Analyse, Nick, Jax and Holly.
Hey! What about Tommy. He and Nick don’t have camera’s watching them 24/7.
Aaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnndddddddd Holly still complaining about throwing the comp…think she fears Jackwad wouldn’t take her? lmao
Jackson knew her throwing it was good his game not her game. He is ok she gets 2nd as long as he is 1st.
And her back hurts! She wants the HOH bed ssssoooo bad!! She is very jealous of Nicole, she seems to forget SHE (Holly) was the one that was begging, saying “I’ll do anything” if they would keep her. They kept you and now all you want to do is whine how “unfair” it is, your in F3 STF up!!!
Omg THANK YOU!! Holly begged them, she proposed throwing everything and they scooped it up! She’s a sorry whore.
In all fairness the stool offers poor back support for Holly’s “offerings”.
Finale Thoughts
If Nicole wins the final HOH and cuts Jackson – Nicole/Holly => Nicole wins BB21
If Holly wins the final HOH and Cuts Jackson – Holly/Nicole => tough one – Personally, I would want Nicole to win but those shitshooters I Dunno
If Jackson sees final 2 I would want Jackson to win
AFP = Whoever is voting Tommy is causing me mental anguish. Tommy was horrible on the feeds it’s killing me. I voted Kat.
Was this season the worst?
BB19 was ugly but the ending was sweet candy in a way made it worth the pain.
BB16 was drop-dead boring with a horrible ending
BB21 was drop-dead boring with almost no likable characters making it out of the first month
So I’m thinking BB21 may have beat BB19 for being horrible. We’ll see what the final is like.
The ending of 19 was bittersweet for me, I couldn’t stand to see either of them win, but was glad Cody got to decide it. The last minute eviction decisions of this season, especially this past one has kept this season slightly ahead for me. I’m not a hardcore feed watcher though, so I haven’t had to sit through what y’all have.
I hate to ask…BB19 was the season they had to first issuing a disclaimer before each episode because of the horribly racist nature of the EDITED content? Which speaks volumes to how bad it really was on the feeds. Or was that a different season?
That would be BB15.
That season was PAINFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Almost, probably should have, killed the show.
bb19 was the first year (I can’t remember all the casts every year) that the players figured out the game was all about Instagram clicks and likes. The cast just like this one picked showmances to be power couples. From now on the game will forever be the good looking cool kids pairing up and forming bigger alliances and bullying the nerds and the outcasts. BB needs to do a better job at casting people who want to play the game not pass the sex stool around from couple to couple.
19 was the first showmance power season? I think not. It’s not like they’ve cast a bunch of before pictures in seasons before.
Showmance power and dudebro power have been de rigeur in almost every season.
i think i misunderstood the beginning of the post. please disregard if i’m in left field by myself.
They could do away with bedrooms, except HOH. No one in the HOH except the HOH. Have one big sleeping room with bunk beds. Could have done something like that this year with the BB Camp theme. This year did nothing to exemplify “camping”.
Right….camp comeback people didn’t sleep in a tent….they slept in something that looked like a crackhouse lol.
Would BB21 beat out BB16 as well? Or is that TBD, too?
BB16 is the number one worst season for me.
number two is either BB19 or BB21
Number 4 is BB13
19.16. 15.18 tied with can6.
at present 21 is jumping up those ranks.
Cliff is hell bent on telling the jury about how Michie betray him. I am not sure anyone in jury will know that the final four was a “handshake deal” even though Cliff and Nicole seem to have forgotten that handshake. They were going to break their words first, but all they can spout now is how Michie broke his……Cliff’s version of it might sway the jury against Jackson. Also, Nicole was saying that she “let” Cliff make the “throw the veto deal with Holly” but they rolled the tape back and Nicole told Cliff that was a good idea and shook Holly’s hand. These two are sore losers!! I hope Michie wins it all!!
Cliff will very likely try to do that; he had one of his running monologues this morning reiterating to himself how he’s been honorable and kept his word while Jackson hasn’t been honorable and not kept his word.
If it influences the jury that’s on them, that he tries to use it on the jury is on him. Is there anyone left who doesn’t know what Cliff is? Except Nicole of course.
There was one relatively shinning constant to hold on to. America’s Favorite.
That might be over with this season.
I loved BB16! But I agree with you on the others 🙂
I agree with you but why do you like Jackson so much? I feel gross all over watching him or saying his real name. I need a shower now
I wouldn’t say I like “Jackson so much” far from it. Just saying I think he will win outta what we got left in the house.
I still think BB19 was the absolute worst all the way through. The Paul/Christmas/Josh ganging went on wayyyy too long. I felt like it never ended. And even though I was thrilled to see Paul not be awarded the win…I was not thrilled to see Josh win it either. I felt like I got no resolution/reward for having to put up with those 3 for the whole season.
I wouldn’t put it past Jackson to use the veto on Holly so she is the one voting out cliff.
I hope she would be gracious enough to thank Cliff first for “allowing” her to compete in the veto.
is anybody else wondering what Holly will say to the jury? She’s already conceded to Jackson. After watching every season to date, I’ve never felt such despise as I do for Jackson.
Couldn’t agree more and I use to like LEGO characters…lol. I think Holly will show her true colors to sponge bob square head. She will be like vote for me because I represent all the girls who were told they couldn’t. I despise Holly as much because she attempts to put on an act like she cares but in reality she is a spoiled brat who thinks way too highly of herself.
Nicole was correct about 1 thing – Jackson and Holly would rather take Cliff to final 3 because they feel he deserves it.
So all four of them agree that Cliff deserves it!
Holly looks like a desperate woman. She should have run the other way when Jackson said she was acting all of his ex-girlfriends. That’s should have told her that he treats all women the same and they all respond like she does. He is using her to the end. He is going to dump her like a hot potato when he is out of the house. Have some self respect Holly! All that “shower” stuff isn’t going to look good on the outside. Can’t wait for the season to be over. Please, anybody but Jackson or Holly win.
She is under the impression that HOH room and shower is not on camera much.. She thinks live access watcher don’t know she is doing the deed.. that is why wants HOH bed so bad. Watching the feeds she sleeps slot.
Well that’s unfortunate if she thinks that. Wait until she gets out and finds out how much is actually out there. Foolish no matter what you think. All for a real loser, in my opinion.
Cliff is delusional. His brain has had it.
Cliff, quit your whining. If you really want to get under Jackson’s skin and really blow up his game, on the way out just tell him” you’re playing for 50k. After me and Tommy get done with you.” Dude would come undone real quick.
I maybe the only one but Cliff and Nicole deserve this. Cliff is the first one to say I don’t play personal when he was going back on his word and now it’s personal and Jackson should be a man of his word?!? Jackson deserves to win. He’s been a beast and Holly has carried herself with what she done.
The hypocrisy is real with C&N. When N responded nonchalantly to Holly saying “I didn’t expect you to drop”…it is because she would not have honored that deal if she made it. She even said it during the show. It is some sour grapes now. You are not alone, Jade. They made this bed. Final four was the original deal and there were about five additional new deal requests (figuratively not literally…lol) from C&N. They got greedy.
I could care less about a dumb stool or faux tears from Jackson. The Holly hate is horrible. She is a grown woman. Let her be young and single. I hate the degradation of her because she chooses to engage in a showmance like so many before her in the BB house. J&H played a better game. PERIODT. And, yes I spelled it with a t grammar princes and princesses. 🙂
You’re not the only one Jade.
Seriously!? Lay off the Kraken please! Lol
Cliff continues to repeat everything today but don’t fret a post is coming 😉
Please rest your fingers, Simon. We love what you post. Less Cliff Commentary is More! 🙂
I’ll keep that in mind.. thanks 🙂 😉
Good, I’ve only been able to catch snips and snatches of Cliff’s sanctimonious monologue.
NInth grade english teacher said never use Cliffnotes if you want to pass the course.
I’ve got Cliff on mute.
Tyler just posed an interesting question and observation regarding the jury. He believes this jury is very self-conscious about how the public will perceive them and their concerns about being seen as a bitter jury. Which caused me to pause…imagine the first unanimous vote jury.
Actually the first unanimous jury vote was on BB10 for Dan.
That’s great for Tyler……a little late though lol.
This might be semantics, or mental cartwheels.
The premise of the game is a social experiment.
If a finalist’s social game leaves jurors with a negative feeling, and if assessment of social game is one of the factors:
Is there such a thing as bitter jury, or is it failed social game? Are we so bound to the concept of who played the best physical or strategic game, that we discount the social aspect?
I wondered this after 19 and 20. Too late after the season to ask anyone on here their thoughts.
As much as we all wish Jackson will take Cliff to final 3… it is stupid to take Cliff…. just as stupid as it was to save Holly and evict Tommy last week. These are the mistakes that leads someone to loose 500K.
I did the vote counts the other day Jackson and Holly loose to Cliff and Nicole in all configurations. Holly’s only hope is a bitter jury that hates Jackson… but many of those consider Holly & Jackson as a unit and some dislike Holly more… My guess is they will be forced to vote by game and Jackson wins. That is Jacksons only course for Jackson to win. He probably has done the same number counts in his head and knows he only wins with Holly. Nicole actually has the best statistics for jury votes… but I still could not come up with a clear winner between Cliff and Nicole.
Eric, I don’t believe there are many people who DO want to see Jackson take Cliff.
There has been some discussion about the house guests wanting that. Nicole has told Cliff she thought he deserved F3 over her. Apparently when Holly and Jackson were talking they thought the same…and of course Cliff thinks that.
As far as the viewers go, I don’t believe there are many, if any, who want to see him stay.