Nicole – if he gets out Jess he’s left with the 2 pairs he’s made final 4’s with

Head of Household Winner – Jackson
Have note are:
Nominations are: Jess and Chrsitie
Power of Veto Players are: Jackson, Christie, Jess, Nicole, Cliff, Tommy
Power of Veto holder: Tommy
Power of Veto Ceremony:
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12:40 am Jackson and Holly talking endlessly about their showmance drama today

1:12 am Jackson, Holly, and Cliff
Jackson brings up talking to Tommy and he said for him to use the veto if he wanted to just don’t make Jackson break a tie.
Cliff is worried Tommy will start asking about what their relationship is like. He’s got a couple of ideas of what they can do to send Tommy mixed messages.
Jackson – I’m going to spin it I would rather compete against you. you’re hurt and you haven’t performed well in mental comps as Jess.
Cliff – we don’t really haven’t talked Strategy I have a feeling they are keeping me around because Nicole and I haven’t exactly set the world on fire. (LOL good point)
Holly brings up that they thought Jess was going to do well in the veto today “She hid it under the materess”
Jackson – it comes down to who you want to compete against. I don’t want to compete against Jess (LOL)

1:51 am Jackson and Holly
Jackson – I don’t get why you would think I talk to me like that on a national level. The one person that has been praising you. Even my eviction speech I was praising your family. Why am I your punching bag you? I seem to be the outlet of your stressors.
Holly – I didn’t use you as a punching bag. I said I should lay so much on you
Jackson goes on about how it was more than just this morning
H – how have I used you as a punching bag ever?
J – I came here for myself to find things in myself to grow myself, to challenge myself and I’ve done that. It is ignorant for me to allow anyone to jeopardize the things I’ve done for myself but also to jeopardize my game the whole reason why I’m here.
J – We’re about to go into the final 6 and doing shit like that in front of pretty much 1/2 the house if not more. 3 outta 7.. 3 outta 6 not including us. so there were 3 people there
J – I know what I deserve and what I don’t and to act it was done on national television is. Just like you said about every other thing and amplifies it.
J – it’s not like you just called me a f*Ing a$$hole to the entire country
H – I didn’t say it three of four times
J – listen if you are going to sp[lit hairs with me. I heard it

H – I thought in the moment you were being an a$$hole. I don’t think you are an a$$hole
J – you can watch the tapes back in 29 days and count the number times you called me a f*ing a$$hole if you want to be nick picky about it
H – honestly I don’t remember. I don’t know how many ways I can say to you I’m, sorry. It’s embossing for me too. I didn’t have intentions to say that. That wasn’t my plan at all.
J – I care so much about you and you care so much about outside these walls what those people think
H – don’t say it like that
J – you do.. what do you mean don’t say that. You told me that
H – that sounds.. I’m worried about my family thinks
H – strangers can write what they want. Say what they want. The reason I am worried about things in here
J – I know you say how you don’t want to come across the boring girl the mean girl sitting there constantly playing with your air
J – You call me out in front of people all the time and I try to not do it to you

J – everything I’ve done for the past 74 days has made you feel more than good enough and clearly it’s failed what am I going to do? try something different and give you a little space cause clearly what I’ve done for the past 2.5 months is not sufficient
H – We’re both talking today. One day where I felt like you could not care less about me and could just easily toss me to the side where I called you a f*ing a$$hole.. Feeds go to fish
when we’re back
J – I don’t want to talk about it anymore
H – one day does not trump the past 73
J – goodnight Holly

2:03 am Jess and Christie
Jess talking about the game like she has a clue about where she is. She says that there’s 3 weeks left Tommy winning veto is a big move and he should have no problem using it on Christie.
Jess – unless you both are willing to give Michie the 5000 thousand dollars
Jess – like, like, like regardless if I leave this week like. I assumed that would be the next move for everybody (take Michie out)
Christie agrees.
Jess – that can’t happen without you off
Christie – I know
Jess – life is about the shots you take more than the shots you don’t. Like, Like, I know eactly what you like mean. I am a very realistic person and I try to humble myself
Jess – Like, I feel like .. Feeds cut .. (enough Likes already jess)
When we’re back Jess is still talking
Jess saying that Tommy is Christie’s person “that’s your loyalty like like. he’s already used a veto on you. He has voted for you to stay. Like. to not do that would lose his one than where is he in the game”
Jess says it’s unlikely if the vote is a tie that Michie would not evict her (jess).
Jess continues the conversation trying to reassure Christie that Tommy will use the veto on Christie.
Christie – I feel numb to the whole thing Being on the block four weeks in a row. You’ve built up such an immunity to it.
Christie brings up her PMS she’s going to sit back “whatever the universe has got. Whatever is meant to happen is meant to happen at this point we all made it really far I’m proud of the game we played”
Jess goes on about the girls being in a weird “PMS week, Hormonal week. We sleep a good 7 or 8 hours”

2:14 am Jackson and Holly
They’re back up.
Jackson tells her he’s not randomly spouting these things out of my mouth they’re based on their conversations.
J – why are you heavy sighing? If you don’t want to have a mature rational conversation
H – I’m trying to you are raising your voice
J – you don’t have a right to get pissed off at me for wondering these things. When you stop and look at it you’re the reason I am wondering these things why is that so hard to connect.
H – It’s not f*ing hard to connect don’t act like I am A a bad person or B stupid
J – I never said you were a bad person or was ignorant EVER
J – you said it’s not fair that I am wondering these things when it’s very fair because of the things you’ve said and done thi8s morning
H – you are acting like I did something so huge and horrible
J – If I talked to you like that on national television you would have nothing to do with me not only would you think about how you look you would think about the way I made you look to your family, friends, EVERYONE
J – why is that so hard for you to understand. These microphones and Camera’s go to 5 million people (not this season 😉 )
H – I know you’ve said that
J – If I called you a f*ing b1tch
H – Jackson when did I ever say you don’t have a right to be mad
J – whatever
H – You’re putting words in my mouth. I hate this house.

Jackson – I’m not going to sword fight with you at 2:30 in the morning. Sleep on it and have a mature rational conversation in the morning

2:25 am
Holly – you are taking it completely out of context in your mind
Jackson keeps going on about all this.. Finally, Holly breaks down and cries. The watermelon kings comfortas her

After almost an hour more of whimpering, Kisses etc etc .. we get
Jackson – Goodnight
Holly – I’m praying for you. you know. Sweet dreams
Jackson – you to

3:30 am Nicole on hammock
Nicole going on about laying in bed with Nick the other day and that was very out of character for her. Goes on about how in this house you build friendships and bonds.
Nicole hopes she doesn’t embarrass anybody or make anything look a certain way.
Nicole says she was down today because of her VETO. Brings up her anxiety and her small stature for why she didnt’ perform well in the hide and go veto competition. She points out that the one big guy in the house was able to flip mattresses.
Nicole points outs she’s the only person in the house that hasn’t won a competition. “It’s helping me not be seen as a threat it’s helping me maneuver.”
Nicole says it was upsetting to find out Jess was the target BUT “With that being said i’m also very confused by her (jess) saying that one of the main people she doesn’t trust in this house is me I get it obviously” (Jess is a powerhouse player)
Nicole – hence me and Cliff, Holly and Michie. I get it but. I feel as if as though everything that has bothered her all season she has bottled up and she’s taking it out now especially on me which is understandably I get it but it does hurt.
N – She’s very caught up on obsessing over Nick and his and ‘I’s’ course of our relationship over this season. She’s frustrated with me telling her not to trust Nick in the beginning then saying she could trust him. what she s not understanding that’s because How I felt at the time I didn’t trust Nick at the beginning but the last 2 weeks he was here I was like wow I can trust him
N – she’s making me a little upset I don’t need her going from person to person saying Nicole gives half-truths or Nicole gives stories ( Jess has been a f8Ing with all your games since day 1)

Nicole has some fear about Cliff going up if Tommy uses the veto on Christie. “I feel very strongly something wonky can happen and Cliff could go home. I
N – I had a conversation with Tommy and I have the utmost faith it will work out. I have a sneaky suspicion that Michie and Holly are navigating down tht middle they have a final 4 with me and Cliff and they also have a final 4 with Christie and Tommy and their hopes are that they will just skip down the middle. If Holly wins they make a decision from there or if one of the pairs win they take a shot at the other pair.
N – I see it I’m not stupid
N – the more I think about it the more it clicks. How can Christie go from Michie’s #1 target to all of a sudden Sis going home
N – think about it what was Sis? SIs was a member of Nick’s team so to speak. if you get rid of Sis that’s an ally for Tommy, Christie, and Nick. Then Christie sits next to Nick. You get rid of Nick that’s an ally for Tommy and for me
N – Now for this week you get rid of the other loose person which is jess. Get her out that’s a number for Christie and for me
Nicole – if he gets out Jess he’s left with the 2 pairs he’s made final 4’s with
N – His and Holly’s plan is to navigate down the middle with a pair on each side taking shots at the other side
Nicole says in her conversation with Tommy earlier today Tommy made it clear that him and Christie want to keep Cliff to have him help them take out Jackson.
Nicole says Tommy is a smart player and there’s no way he would want to go to final 4 with a couple that has dominated the game these past 3 weeks.
Nicole – just trying to navigate forward one day at a time one weeks at a time
N – I love Jess with all of my heart and I hope she watches this back and understands that I love her and wanted to work with her in this game but it’s just not the way the chips. Especially the way everyone is being viewed as pairs.
N – I’ve been in an alliance with Cliff a lot longer I’m also worried about jess’ relationship with me in this game all the hangups with Nick. He’s gone what do you want me to do JESS. I hope she understands I love and adore, respect her. If I had won HOH I woudl not have put her up

N – If Jess goes this week there will be four of the original 8 still left in here and 2 of us underdogs. I’m really hoping me and Cliff can pull this out

6:20 pm Everyone sleeping.

11:22 am Cliff and Nicole
Cliff – can you feel this heat? it’s going to be sweltering
C – Tommy told me last night in the hammock that he’s still debating what he’s going to do
C – I told him if you pull someone off I’m going up I said that’s not anyone else. he said if you do I don’t want you to go home I swear to yo you have my vote.
Nicole says Tommy told her he’s voting against Jess no matter who Jackson renoms.
Nicole mentions that Tommy is getting suspicious about how strong Michie wants Cliff to stay.

11:36 am Chit chat in the backyard

“September !”

82 thoughts to “Nicole – if he gets out Jess he’s left with the 2 pairs he’s made final 4’s with”

  1. The next HOH will set the pairs against each other. Assuming Jess goes we will be left with three twosomes. Jackson/Holly, Cliff/Nicole and Christie/Tommy. The fact that Jackson can’t compete in the HOH is huge. Once a duo is targeted it will pit two teams against one and then the veto is everything. I’m assuming you have to nominate both members of a duo so that you don’t anger both duos. If you were dumb enough to nominate one person from each duo and their partner won the veto making both of them safe they would control the eviction. This is going to be fun.

    1. And it’s double eviction week. Surely they will be smart enough to take Michie out. There may not be another opportunity.

  2. Wait whhhaaatttttt???
    Use the veto??? Wtf?
    Jess doesn’t trust Nicole when it was Nicole who tried to tell her about alliances. So Jess shoots the messenger? For the 100th time…NO ONE wants u in their alliance Jess!!
    Nicole has her thinking cap on. I hope yet again her integrity remains in tact and Jess doesnt try n destroy what she’s trying to do as other house guests have put her on blast.
    Nicole n Tommy reenacted the fight between Bella n Nicole. It was hilarious!
    Looks like Chommy lives to see another week unless somehow someone gets balls and a brain during the double
    Can’t wait to see what everyone here thinks.
    I need a good rant to distract my attention from what I am seeing….

    1. Jess was given the impression (after a chat with Christie) I think yesterday evening that Nicole and Cliff left her behind and made a final four with Jackson and Holly. Tommy left her with a similar impression on Friday night. This was the true basis of Jess saying she doesn’t trust Nicole. The ‘only tells half truths’ and Nick relationship parts: they’re justifications without actually saying what is really bothering her.
      Tommy and Nicole in the hammock during round two of Jackson and Holly was interesting. The two of them, each thinking they might be in the 4 that is going to be backstabbed, testing without actually saying, which final four is THE final four, while both putting it together that they aren’t driving their own game. Tommy is justifying using the veto to see where Holly and jackson’s hand truly lies. Nicole is getting more and more convinced that of course she’s on the fuzzy end of the lollipop, because that’s the eeyore part of her coming out to play.
      The fatal problem that Nicole won’t see, Cliff has partial blinders when it comes to Jackson and Holly. In part, I think this is because he’s had a semi secret deal with Jackson since before feeds began. Imo, Cliff thinks he’s in the number three position but can move up to being in the number two. The reality, I think they’d take Nicole to final 3 over Cliff. Then again, I get the sneaking suspicion so would Christie and Tommy.

  3. At first I thought Jackson and Holly were staging a fake fight to make the other houseguests think they were splitting up but after reading all of Simon and Dawgs hard work i am convinced that they just are sick of each other.

    1. I think Jackson doesn’t want to shoot himself in the foot vote wise, however, he also doesn’t want a relationship with Holly after this, so taking every opportunity to slowly drift from her as this season is wrapping up.

      1. She’s been his second relief piece…Kat first. It’s disgusting to see women proclaim their strength then bow down to an aggressive man…. or any personality really. Nicole hides from everyone that gets put on block, been in a fight with others…hides behind Cliff from everything. It’s not the WINNER I want to see.

    2. I hate Jackson, but he has a point. He has been shielding Holly the whole game, over and over again. And when he just may be giving it up, she comes crying and placing blame everywhere but on herself. She wants him to continue to be her shield until he’s of no more use to her…even if it means (here comes the down clicks) prostituting herself to him to get it done. No respect for her at all.

    3. Have you noticed no tears when holly is crying? It’s all an act. I hope next year they get real people and not actor wanna-bees

    4. He’s hyper sensitive to anyone saying a negative word about him. She shouldn’t have called him a f***ing asshole but remember few weeks ago when she jokingly said he’s losing his six pack abs (along with making jokes about everyone)? He tortured her & she became a begging puppy dog for two days. He does show an underlying aggression he’s having to control unnaturally because of domestic violence charges or civil charges filed outside of house by ex.

      1. He “tortured her?” I mean c’mon. And you know him personally…so you’re able to ascertain that he’s having to control his aggression? I am so tired of this!

  4. It seems the train race for a Tommy, Crusty win is on track. The buzzard is too busy picking out the seeds out the entrails of the watermelon king to remember they are supposed to be in a race. He was too busy looking for chess board pieces for his Candyland playset.

    Cliff, and Nicole can’t seem to get DR script to get to the race.

    Jess? She, wasn’t invited, oops!

    Nicole, seems to have a clear understanding of what’s going on in the game so why can’t she have the conversation with Cliff instead on to herself?

    1. Probably because Cliff has a tendency to talk too much and often fold. Maybe shes getting up the nerve to tell Cliff in a way if found out that is wont blow up in her face like it did the last 3 times

    2. She brought it up to Cliff. My take: Cliff thinks they are the primary final four, Nicole should bury her doubts. Unless they are being played by Holly, in which case, Cliff will be gone, and Nicole can ride the middle between the two pairs while Jessica will be their moby dick for the week, and make a deal with the next pair that wins hoh.

    3. If Nicole talks to Cliff now before veto meeting, she could end up on the block and out the door. Cliff probably throw Nicole under the bus to keep himself off the block. Its a game and he wants to not take a chance of being on the block.

    4. Because Cliff would go to Michie about it. Nicole goes up as renom. Nicole goes home to secure T/C/J as a threesome. I have pulled for Hogg because he’s the old dude. But, his reputation as a snake in the house is WAY underappreciated.

  5. “J – everything I’ve done for the past 74 days has made you feel more than good enough”

    That comment made me want to puke!
    I’ve never like Jackson for a myriad of reasons and those reasons (especially when he got a few pass forchesting on have-nots) just keep climbing up higher and higher. He is a legend in his own mind!

    “J – why are you heavy sighing? If you don’t want to have a mature rational conversation”

    Jacka$$, she can’t possibly have that type of conversation with you since “Mature” and “Rational” are nowhere close to your deranged mentality.

    1. Holly is a 31+ year old grown ass woman, who is blaming everything on everything else (like a friggen 14 year old) instead of acting like a grown ass woman! I also don’t care for Jackson, but if your going to call people out in this argument, its a 2 sided coin and she is just as much, if not more so, at fault then Jackson

      1. Controlling behavior is the first sign of an abuser.Please don’t blame the woman for falling into a trap that far too many women find themselves in.

  6. Nicole says Tommy is a smart player and there’s no way he would want to go to final 4 with a couple that has dominated the game these past 3 weeks.

    So.. you are also smart nicole?
    You are not going to honor the final 4 deal??
    That’s amazing news

    1. Nicole’s knowledge of the game is intelligent. Reading what her ‘play by play’ of Jolly couple HOHs. Unfortunately, she has not been able to do what has been better for a more offensive game because she hasn’t won an HOH, or POV. It’s difficult when you’re not picked to win POV, and the HOHs were not suited for her.

      I don’t think she has much choice but to honor the final 4 deal then hopefully win at 3 to go down to final 2. I don’t know if she is still injured. Physically, she is the smallest so I’m not sure how she would do on those last few comps.
      She is still my underdog to win. I like her the most. I get so mad that Jess couldn’t see past Nick, and stayed with her as an ally. Maybe then Jess, would have finally heard someone say to her, “Hey we are interested in you, come over here.”

      Instead Jess glommed onto Crusty who threw under the bus, ran over her, wanted her on the block, you name it. Jess thinking the whole time she’d martyr herself for her. SMH

      1. There were so many players , winning one or none of the comps , but domanite the game! Or at least did a lot of moves.
        D.r will . Never won a comp in his life.
        Danielle ryes season 3 .. didn’t won veto, and her only hoh was in final 4! (Which i guess she didn’t need him ) . So come on, stop blaming the fact Nicole is not making moves it’s because she didn’t won any comp.
        Last season brett was playing hard, was never hoh!

        1. Like I stated Nicole, is my underdog to win. If Cliff wins, golf claps. Holly, or Jackasson, eye rolls but they won many comps. Tommy, Crusty, well, it’s just sad drinking.

        2. Those folks are from many seasons ago though. The types of people being recruited now makes it very hard to do anything unless you start off in the cool kids club or win something. Other than that the rarely take you seriously. Nicole’s only chance at winning is to pull a Steve. The problem is no one is a threat above all the others like Vanessa in her season.

      2. Nicole should at least play cornhole by herself. right arm vs left arm. maybe also walk a few laps around the backyard. or ride the exercise bike as she thinks to herself. hell, even do the “Ian” and rock back & forth on the hammock. these would do her body a lot of good strength-wise.

  7. I try to maintain the habit of checking this site once a day…I REALLY want this season to end. I just don’t care what happens at this point though so it’s hard. I really, really hope they do something to make it interesting if they continue. The most important thing is better casting. They focus too much on looking for the same categories of people. It seems they aren’t bright enough to figure out people’s Instagram feed isn’t indicative of actual personality. Most of those pictures are as staged as their life is fake.

    1. My biggest surprise of the season is that Cliff is still in the house. The old guys usually go first and even though I am not rooting for Cliff I do respect his game that he has made it this deep into the game.

      1. Cliff was targeted and also voted out.
        But he managed to come back and had an important win .
        And he is not the first old guy making it far.
        Gary in season 10 made it to the final 3!

  8. Simon,

    I have a hide the veto competition question. Have any of the houseguests ever found another persons plaque in the process of trying to hide their plaque? it just seems with so few hiding places that it could happen especially if multiple people are hiding their plaques in the same room.

    Do they ever show that competition live on the feeds?


    1. I’m going to need to research these. I’ll admit my knowledge of comps is weak. I usually don’t watch the show.

      The comp was never shown on the feeds.

      1. I thought it was shown on either 17 or 18 as a special treat, but i could have imagined that because of all the play by play they talked about afterwards.

        1. I’m pretty sure these types of comps have never been shown live. This is probably because questions will come up about where they are allowed to hide it. I’m pretty sure some of the rules state you can’t put it somewhere over your head or under the fridge/oven. So I think since production may have to interrupt quite a bit so things don’t get destroyed or too risky with the crap on the floor. They don’t want someone to get really hurt.

  9. 7 of the 10 red flags are there Holly. And…….you fold and cry. Oh my girl!
    This set of characters seem to be following a script. They shouldn’t make it that obvious.

    Crusty and Twinkle Toes……ugh, there is not enough time.
    Nicole and Cliff…….way to nice to play BB.
    Jackoff and Buzzard…….they are so full if tics and bad character traits. I hate that they will go far with J wins.
    Jess……like, literally, like, a complete, like, fiction of her imagination. Like, zero substance. A snoozefest sloth.

    Thank you Simon and Dawg for your inserted humor. 🙂

  10. I have a question… at one time I thought that if you had the POV and used it, you were still eligible to be a replacement. Was I wrong? Thanks

  11. Listening Jess talk makes me cringe!! I can’t understand why she has to say like every other word??? It’s like making me like so like crazy!!

  12. Nicole has smartened up. Jess remains oblivious. She should have known she was next on the block after Nick, just look at the alliances she evidently knows nothing about.

  13. This double eviction I see Jess and either Jackson or Holly out. Tommy will gun for this hoh and veto and play smart and get one of them out. Jackson can’t play in this one. He should have put Tommy and Christie together up on block instead od worrying about Holly crying.

  14. This is the first day of conversation on the site where I feel others are watching the same cast of characters & game as me.

  15. Show of hands (er, up votes) – How many of you plan to fast-forward through Julie’s interview with Jess when she’s evicted on Thursday? It may be the most painful exit interview in BB history.

    1. Thankfully, with time limited due to double eviction, I don’t think we’ll be subjected to much of Jessica’s exit interview if at all.

  16. Tommy and Christie are suspicious of Cliff/Nichole/Michie/Holly. Tommy uses veto, duh! Michie renoms Cliff. Jess stays. Tommy, Jess, and Christie go after Michie/Holly…if anyone but Holly wins HOH. Nicole flutters to jury because face it, she’s helpless. She wouldn’t be able to put that puzzle that “spirit” girl couldn’t do last year either.

    Book it.

  17. I missed what started the Jackson/Holly argument. Does anyone have a timestamp on that?

    1. It was during the Veto comp when the live feeds were blocked. We didn’t get to see it on the feeds but I’m sure BB will air it on the veto episode. 🙂

      1. holly is always saying things to keep people liking her & basically throwing Jacka@@ under the bus & he is seeing it more & more. He will stare at her while she is doing it and she keeps on. This was more when she was HOH and Mick would glare at her while she sat there tossing any decisions away from her that the 2 of them made. She is conniving & protecting her game without any regards to Micks… he does it to… they are both fake news…& yea yall are embarrassing your families…LOL

    2. Here is what I have gathered from conversations around the house last night.
      Friday night, Holly confided some personal information to Jackson – reading between the lines, it was insecurities, general unhappiness type stuff maybe information about her last relationship. Saturday morning, Jackson woke up early and didn’t wake her up – according to him, he was letting her sleep in and giving her some space. Holly took issue with his distance. Perhaps something else happened during the actual Veto comp??? Not sure but at some point, Holly called Jackson a Fu(^!n& @$$#ole in front of three other houseguests.
      Holly blames her behavior on “the house”, hormones and Jackson’s distance. Jackson, to his credit, isn’t rolling over and taking her verbal abuse. Last night was the first night I actually liked Jackson because he wasn’t letting Holly get away with her shit. He comforted her when she cried, got her tissues, gave her hugs but he would not excuse her behavior. He is absolutely right, if the roles were reversed, he would be roasted. Holly is pathetic, falling back on fake tears and hormones. Personally, I think Zingbot hit her wear it hurts.

      1. The issue started before Holly confided in Jackson. The problems actually started when they got beer and wine. sippy Jackson was telling frat type stories, and Holly didn’t like how they would make both Holly and Jackson look in the real world. This is what led to Holly confiding in Jackson. He didn’t like her disapproval of his frat stories, so she confided.
        Things got worse much later when Jackson kept pushing for Holly to share with the house the information she had shared with him in a joking and goading fashion, trying to get Holly to say it to Christie on open feeds. There’s been a few things she has told him during lockdowns that he has said on open feeds, that she didn’t want openly discussed for the nation.
        Don’t get me wrong, I am not a HOllybeth apologist. At all. But the root of the issue comes from Jackson not being able to empathize with anyone’s point unless they share his opinion, defer to his opinion, or take on all fault as their own, and he being without sin. That’s why part two and part three of the debate happened. She hadn’t sufficiently proclaimed everything being her fault enough, so he would start into it again.

      2. You’re exactly right. Zingbot…Michie talking about college stories…and more have all finally hit her and made her feel old. Instead of just talking about her insecurities about their age gap and whatnot, she lashed out and just expected him to be fine and keep going with what they’ve had. The dude is not going to keep having people have a go at him about things that happened 2 months ago.

  18. I really can’t wait to pick up my copy of “How to play Big Brother the Cluelessica Way”. It’ll be a magnum opus of all her greatest conversations in the house that i’ve muted, or walked away from out of boredom as she was an hour in and still on point one of her ten point gripe list.
    Sure to be on the best seller list.
    Has her still-hashing gone past the week of her own HOH yet, or is she stiiiiiill talking about things that happened while she was on the block against Kemi and her buyers remorse for keeping Jackson? Dear production, could you please roll something shiny past her to distract her? A rolled up ball of tinfoil will do in a pinch.
    I’d like to see a post season tandem interview. Fester, Raven and 16’s Victoria interview her. Just to see if all of them come from the same alternate universe.
    Yes, she made the biggest HOH move in the game. Completely at the prompting of Nicole, and then streamlined into a single target by Kat and later Holly. Cliff just repeated what everyone else was saying after they said it, and got the credit in the episodes. I have, and always will contend, that her HOH strategy session would have been quicker and less painful if she’d waited out in the hall.

  19. Jackson is acting like Holly’s comments and actions are happening in a vacuum. He’s the one telling his juvenile stories about his bad behavior, he’s the one breaking the rules, he’s the one with the weird, sketchy habits “on national television”. Holly has her own problems but I don’t think she’s the reason he’s seen as an arrogant douchebag. He must have heard that many times before. This whole process might be an education for Jackson’s beloved mother or maybe she already knew.

  20. If Holly wants to be seen as an independent entity and not just a showmance mattress…. maybe she should actually do something in the game that isn’t completely predicated on whether or not it has Jackson’s approval. Just saying.
    If she had ANY real sense of her own image there is NO WAY in hell’s half acre she would have slept in that HOH bed.
    I hope the babies have ridiculously large square heads. I’m talking nu school anime size large square heads.
    If. If she wants to determine her own fate and make a case that she has played her own game, she’d better be involved in discussions about the vote with Tommy and Christie and Nicole that don’t include Jackasson. If she does not, she’s just whining about the fate she has chosen and shouldn’t waste our time.

    1. After the deejay played one of Christie’s d/r from an episode about knowing Tommy, Production brought everyone in the back yard at the time inside for a lockdown. Each person that was outdoors was taken into d/r individually and told that regardless of what they heard, they are not to mention it, discuss it as part of strategy, or include it in their own strategy of game decisions regarding eviction. UNLESS they hear Tommy and Christie talking about thier relationship for themselves, they are to act as if it NEVER happened.

      1. That’s like “Judge, please instruct the jury to disregard that last statement.” What is heard can’t be unheard.

        1. true, but what can be considered and can’t be considered in jury deliberations is completely pertinent, to use your analogy. They know it, but can’t act on it according to the instructions of tptb… unless they catch crustie and timmy talking about it red handed.

  21. Nicole & Cliff are the actual Power Couple.
    Neither H/J nor C/T really want to compete in the final comps with each other when it would be easier to beat N/C.

    Nicole needs to float the idea of realigning to Cliff as a possibility. This is esp. true because of the volatility of H/J’s relationship atm.
    They need to realize that they are the ‘It Couple’.

  22. This is more of a general question than a “this season” question, but given that this is JCM’s last year before her contract is up, do you think that BB will be renewed if she does not sign to host anymore or do you think they will hire a new host? I was just curious, it sure could use an overhaul everywhere…

    1. They may use her refusal to renew a couple ways. One is to cancel the show and the other is a big revamp, overhaul type of thing. If she renews obviously they’ll plow ahead probably with the same format and the generally terrible recruits.

    2. I think Julie is done, guess I don’t really care if she stays on or not. I agree, I think the real problem is that the show needs a massive overhaul. Here is my idea, half younger, half older. It would make for a way more interesting dynamic . I also believe the house itself needs an update. This year in particular the house is gross.

  23. I must tried to watch the Jackson/holly fight. That boy is a sociopath. She apologized 10,000 times and he never accepted it just reminded her over and over how he treated her so well and she should be ashamed. It was horrifying. This is not normal behavior. It was abuse. Although I want Nicole to win I am now for anyone that takes out Jackson.

    1. Holly was no saint in it all (oh I’m sorry shes pms’ing…no excuse). She has been passive aggressive all season about Jackson, with her “secret talk about him to everyone…but oh wait…he’s a good guy”. BS…she’s just as bad. They need to NOT have anything to do with each other after they are out of there

  24. What oh what happened to this show? I remember cutting my hand years ago and waiting in a walk in clinic and everyone being glued to the tv there as “Bucky” was evicted. I don’t remember what season that was but now it just seems like every single season I dislike everyone so much that I lose interest and could care less. It’s such a summer tradition for me but it has really, really lost something. They need to overhaul the whole thing or pull the plug.

  25. Hey Ho-lly and Jack-@ss, bickering about your sex-mance isn’t good for your digital image! It’s also not good for my eyes or ears! PLEASE JUST SHUT UP!

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