Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household Winner – Tommy
Have note are: No Have nots this week, Jack, Tommy, and Jackson were given punishments as part of the veto.
Nominations are: Cliff, Kat & Christie
Power of Veto Players are – Christie, Cliff, Kat, Tommy, Nick, Michie
Power of Veto holder – Tommy
Power of Veto Ceremony – Tommy used the Power Of Veto on Christie the season continues to rule
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8pm HOH room. Sis and Kat.
Kat – Man today’s been exhausting! Sis – I know, I’m really sorry. Kat – no, it’s okay. Don’t be sorry. Sis – it sucks, I feel so bad for both of you. Kat – for the first time I do feel discouraged. I do feel like .. F**K! And I don’t know if its just me getting in my head or I just feel weird. But I do appreciate everyone taking the time to hear me out and talk and ask questions or whatever. I guess the main thing.. and we talked the other day.. I want to reiterate like how much I respect you as a game player and how much it really did mean to me that day.. On day 44 when you stopped the momentum of the vote flip. That showed that you are an independent thinker. You are a leader in this game. And that you have the .. strength .. you are very strong willed. I think that is why you are in this game and we you have gotten so far. My game play is I think simple.. I am being trustworthy to everyone. I am always telling my truth and I am loyal to people that are loyal to me. Even though it might not have been a big deal to you at the time that’s your personality to question things that you are uneasy about .. and you are strong in your will .. like that really meant so much. Because if it wasn’t for you I don’t know how fast things would have gone and if I would have been evicted. And for that reason I do not foresee any reason why I would target you. You are not my target. I love seeing you in this game and even day 1 before we even … not that we .. we don’t necessarily talk game but before I even knew you as a friend I always stood up for you as a friend. Like even to where like .. I remember like .. this is a long long time ago but I remember like that Bella was saying stuff about you. Which I am sure you already know about but at the time I was like why would she say anything. And at the time I mentioned to you, why would she say anything about Sis. Sis is really nice to everybody. She is nothing but a pleasure to be around. And I hope you know that I always saw the best in you. I was always quick to defend you. And I still feel that why. Sis – thank you. Kat – and I am sorry about Jack. Sis – I personally have no idea what I am going to do yet. I would like to figure it out tonight. I am just so confused and I am talking to other people and seeing what they’re doing and stuff ..but this vote I want off of what I feel. One .. whether you stay or go I want you to know that I am never going to hold the Jack thing against you or anything like that. Sis – I wish I knew what I was doing because that way I would tell you so that way you would have a heads up. I really have no idea. Two .. I don’t know if this is true or not but I’ve been hearing that Holly’s been saying stuff about me.. like to you. I don’t know specifically what she is saying.. one time I was annoyed … and I don’t know if people are thinking that I would be catty to vote you out over that.. that would never happen. Kat – wait, what do you mean? Sis – I don’t know if this is made up or not .. I heard that Holly was telling you like I was saying stuff like I can’t believe Kat she is like flirting with Jack.. or something weird like that. Did she ever say something like that? Kat – she .. I want to be careful about what I say because that is something that I feel is super irrelevant. It was more me joking around. I hope you noticed that I did stop. I didn’t mean for it to be taken that way. I wasn’t being catty. Sis – no, not her being catty. I hope you don’t think I am going to be catty and vote you out because of that. Kat – vote me out because over Jack? Sis – I don’t know why its a situation .. we can just throw it out now..
Kat – I’m confused. Sis – I’m confused now too. If I thought it was an issue I could have just gone with whatever. Kat – I want to be respectful of people and their relationships. I want you to know that I am not gunning after you and I can’t think of a reason to gun after you. Unless you completely f**k me over. I do want you in the game because I think you’re a bada$$ and I would rather you are for me, than against me. Or like when you were like I don’t get mad, I get even. I was like scared. I don’t want to be on your bad side. I will pinky swear that I am not coming after you and I know that you’re close with Christie, Tommy and Nick.. and I am not coming after them. That being said I want to win HOH. Sis – I totally believe that you will not come after me. I am just so confused. I feel like I have gotten to know you the past few days and I love you as a person. I feel like we get along so well. Just the things that scare me .. we don’t talk HOH .. and say you win HOH .. I just don’t want you to put me up because of that or because you don’t know where my head is at.
8pm Boat room.
Jess – I don’t think that she is the smartest game player but I don’t think she needs to be. What she needs to be is at least more in control of her emotions. I think that regardless of if she stays Michie and Holly are still going to be targets. Nicole – and if its a mental comp.. they both have a good shot. If its a physical comp ..they both have a good shot. If it is more likely physically demanding ..she is more likely to win it for us. Christie and Cliff come into the room. Jess and Nicole leave.
Christie – Its been a tough day.. Kat was crying and just felt like helpless. Cliff – I don’t think that it helped that we were joking around. What she doesn’t understand is that even if I was for sure going home.. I would still be joking around. Christie – She commented on how you were joking around.. I said you (Kat) crack under pressure. And to be honest I think he is just making the best of it. I feel bad, I didn’t mean to be insensitive. Cliff – its just a tough time. Its just a bad situation. Christie – I think she assumed that I would have a tougher time making up my mind. She was like do you think that Cliff would put you up. And I was like I don’t know.. Obviously I am not going to say no because we’re making a deal. She was saying that other people see me as a target. She said that she wouldn’t put me up. Cliff – obviously if we make a deal and I give my word it is what happened last week .. I am on a different team. There are a whole lot of people talking about You, Tommy and Sis. There were three people that we’re talking about the three of y’all as targets and it was y’all. Christie – I know I would have gone home if I didn’t get safety. Cliff – we’re not just talking about safety with each other … we’re talking about having each other’s backs. Doing that and getting to the final 6 is what I’ve wanted this entire season. Christie – I want to get in a room after this double and really solidify it. Cliff – and I have no problem putting up Michie and Holly. There is no love lost. Christie – I am scared if one of then wins it. Cliff – If I was to win HOH to voto… I would not put you up. Christie and Cliff both agree that they like Nicole in the game.
9:10pm Bedroom. Sis and Christie.
Sis – that was the most game we’ve ever talked. She was telling me a lot of stuff. She was telling me a lot about her and Jackson and how he played her in the beginning and that really sucks because I didn’t know that. And I really see from her point of view how she couldn’t come up and talk with us. That was an uncomfortable position after he says that he can’t work with her. If I didn’t make a deal with Cliff, I would keep her I think. Like I feel comfortable with her and I think she would keep me safe but the thing is, I don’t know how far. Whereas with Cliff I know we’re safe until six. Christie – if any guy told me to hush, hush. I would tell him to go scratch his a$$. Kat joins them and tells them again that they are not her target.
9:40pm The house guest are eating dinner.
10pm Bedroom. Cliff and Kat.
Kat is crying. Cliff – nothing about tomorrow is going to be easy because no matter what we’re going different directions. Have you heard anything? Kat – I haven’t heard anything for sure but I personally don’t think its looking good for me. Cliff – really? No one will say anything to me one way or another. Kat – but the thing is they already did goodbye messages. By the time I do goodbye messages I already know how its going to be. I just don’t want to go home. But if I leave that at least means that you can stay. Cliff – and I am the same way. And Jess was just crying over the whole idea of you and I. I told her that she isn’t hurting my feelings if she votes for you. There are 16 of us in here .. we take our shot, we got Jack out, there might still be a battle back. Kat – you’re the king of battle backs. Cliff – I told Jess you’re not voting to evict one of us, you’re voting to keep one of us. I am happy that we’ve gotten to work together and be on the same side.
10:32pm Kat and Jackson.
Kat – are you ready for your campaign? Jackson -are you ready to give it? Kat -yeah. My entire campaign has been about you because everyone is questioning me, you and Holly. Everyone thinks that we have a final 3. I’ve been denying it and saying that you’re my target. And I have been doing that to protect you and Holly. To protect myself going forward. I honestly have no idea how it looks. It doesn’t look good. Jackson – I don’t know either. All I continue to hear from people is that I’m torn, I’m torn. This is hands down the hardest week. Kat – but you … I hope I have your vote. You know I love you and Holly. I want you in this game. Jackson – I want you in this game. Kat – if anyone asks you how you’re voting just don’t say me. It sucks, I feel defeated. Jackson – no more than ever you have to keep pushing. You can’t let off the gas now. Kat – pinky swear you won’t tell anyone this. Nick just pretty much told me that he is going to vote to evict me over Cliff. And that sucks but if I stay, I have a new target. It just made me think that he is close with Sis, Nicole, Tommy. I think Jess is going to vote to evict Cliff no matter what. Jackson – I hate this whole.. just wait and vote with the house. I don’t want you to go anywhere. I am trying to think of how to get Nick to change his mind. Nick sounds like a lost cause. Kat – you could play up the card that I am easily manipulated. Or give reasons how you don’t think I could win.
10:45pm Kat and Tommy.
Tommy – no one has come to me about what they’re doing. Nick is the only one that has maybe leaning towards voting for Cliff to stay. Kat – but he also said that he wants to vote with the house. Who dictates who the house is!? I am stressed and anxious.
10:55pm – 11:15pm Bedroom. Nicole and Jess.
Nicole – I need to tell you something.. this could potentially blow up my game horribly. I need you to know because I can’t leave you out on a limb. I realize that you’re the only person I trust in this game. Nick approached me about this and Cliff approached me about this. The plan is to have a final six with Christie, Tommy, Sis, Nick, Cliff and Me. So they want Kat gone. They want to get rid of Holly, they want to get rid of Michie, and they want to get rid of you. Which I don’t like! I am panicking.. I do not like it. Cliff’s whole explanation is .. it is what it is for Jess but at least we will get to final 6 but it is not sitting well with me. I don’t know why I am telling you this because I know it puts me in a good position and I would like to get to six. But I know you were left out of the final 8 and so was I. But I just want you to know that they’re trying to form this six and it doesn’t include you and I don’t like it. So I am trying to figure out how to move forward. Nick already approached me about it. Cliff teetered around it. And they said that Tommy and Sis are going to come talk to me about it. Even if Kat goes and Cliff is still here .. and Michie goes .. if I won..I would never, ever, ever put you up. And that’s why I am telling you .. I don’t want to blow up my game but I can’t vote in this game or leave this game without telling you .. because its not sitting well with me. I don’t know what our plan is but that’s why I had to break it to you. Jess – thank you for telling me and I love you. I don’t want you to freak out about any of this. This can all change if you become HOH or if I become HOH. Nicole – I want you to gun for it. If Cliff stays, that’s their plan. If Kat stays ..I don’t know what the f**k their plan is. You know what I am trying to say. We have an opportunity to keep Kat .. You, me, Michie and Holly. I can’t leave you hung out to dry. I can’t leave you out on a limb. Even if Kat goes and its final 7 and I win HOH.. I am going after my alliance. I am not f**king putting you up! Are they f**king crazy! Do we go balls to the wall and pull Michie and Holly in a room and be this is what’s f**king happening? Or do we let Kat go home and see what happens. I could just be double shooting myself in the foot by telling you. If they had said top 7 and Jess is included.. but its not even though they know I’m close to you. Its all their alliance included but everyone I am close to gets sent home. What the f**k is that!? Jess – I don’t trust Michie as far as I can throw him. Cliff joins them and Jess leaves.
11:22pm Boat room. Jess and Holly.
Jess – I don’t think its a secret that I am going to vote for Kat. Holly – to stay? Jess – yeah. Holly – you’re her best friend in the house. Jess – there is a big back and forth .. and who’s on the outskirts and inskirts. And there is a lot of talk about them forming a new six.. potentially seven. Holly – with who? Jess – it does not include me, you or Jackson. Holly – perfect! Would that be Christie, Sis, Tommy, Cliff, Nick and Nicole? Jess – yeah, I would assume that. I think Kat is saying things to appease a lot of people. Holly – She thinks that Jackson is peoples biggest target. Like her saying that she is targeting Jackson should be a big red flag but I feel like I am the least phased of anybody. I think that its just an easy target of who to say. Why do people have to say who their target is? Holly – I don’t want her to leave and I do feel like I can trust her in a certain way.
12:07pm Boat room. Tommy, Jackson and Holly.
Tommy – are you good. Jess – No I am not. Jackson – I love you Jess. Jess – I don’t know what is true and what’s not but I heard it.. so YUP I HEARD IT!! Jess storms out. Tommy and Jackson are like what the f**k was that?!!?!
12:11am Bedroom. Sis and Jess.
Sis – what you heard in the RV.. Jess – what did I hear in the RV? Sis – you said you heard something, what did you hear? Jess – I heard what I heard! Sis – what did you hear? Jess – I heard it. Sis – what? That’s what I’m asking. Jess – a plan. An understanding. Sis – I never shook on any alliance. Jess – I know people are in conversations, I heard. I know. Sis – I am asking what you heard. I will literally tell you yes or no if you tell me what you heard. I am not going to lie to you. Jess – there is an understanding and I know that Cliff is a part of it and I know that I am not. That’s what I heard. Cliff is a part of something with you, Christie, and Nick.. Sis – but what he said to me is what made me keep him. Jess – you don’t have to explain why you’re keeping him over her. Sis – I don’t want you to think there is an alliance when there is no alliance made. I don’t need to lie. I haven’t lied once in this game. Jess – I can only take you for your word. Sis – I am not in an alliance and haven’t been in one since day 44. Jess – I am thankful that you told me that you’re leaning towards Cliff staying. I know that Kat is probably going. Whether you guys started a new six or didn’t it doesn’t matter. Sis – Tommy said that he doesn’t want any alliances formed during his HOH .. so literally nothing has started. Jess – then someone else has and I will get to the bottom of it. Sis – if you have any questions I will answer them truthfully. Jess – did you ever tell Sam that you wanted Nick and Nicole to go home? Sis – I swear on my life I have never said I want Nick and Nicole to go home. Jess – or you would put them up together? Or that they would be your targets? Sis – never. Jess – something is up and I don’t know what to think anymore. Sis – there is someone that I thought we were close but this person has been making up things about me. There are things that this person has been saying that don’t just don’t add up. I don’t know if you’re catching on the the person I am talking about. This person (Holly) when they were campaigning for their person to stay said a lot of things about me apparently that I never said about them.
1:17am Bedroom. Jess and Sis.
Jess – I just know that things are happening and these alliances .. and the back
handedness are making me more confused so when I see something like America’s field trip and I see two women that I f**king adore next to a guy like Michie.. makes me sick and makes me wonder what the f**k is going on. And you have Holly being like that shows what’s happening. And other people being like .. that other people are making fun of Cliff and then Cliff making deals. I am so confused. Sis – I am f**king confused now too. Jess – so apparently during tossed in space (comp) you and Christie were laughing at Cliff while he was running. And you guys were making fun of him along with Kat. Sis – WHAT?!!! Jess – yeah, and that was the thing .. I can’t believe I’m so disgusted they would laugh at an old man .. at someone like Cliff. Sis – I would never ever ever laugh at someone running. We ere laughing because we thought he was so cute running to go get it. I am not a mean girl and I’ve never been pictured as a mean girl and I will not be pictured as a mean girl. Sis starts crying. Sis – because that is not me! I would never ever ever laugh or make fun of anyone. Or talk bad about anyone. I am not a mean girl. I have never been a mean girl my whole life. I don’t need to. So it really upsets me and hurts me that someone would be saying that about me because little kids watch this and I would never want them or that conversation to be seen .. that I am laughing at someone that is a little older than me running. Really!? I would never. I think it is the cutest thing in the world. Has Cliff made me mad before… yes but I still have never once been mean about it or to him because I am not a mean girl. I would never want anyone to degrade my character to make me out to be a mean girl. Jess – yeah I know. Sis – I don’t want people to see me as a mean girl. That is not in me. Its not. Jess – I am telling you these things because this is how I feel every day in this house. I’ve tried to let things go .. Holly is dropping those things to me and Nicole, and Kat.
2:05am Boat room. Sis and Christie.
Sis tells Christie about the conversation she just had with Jess about the six that formed and Holly making her out to be a mean girl. Sis – she said that we were laughing at how Cliff was running. I said that we were laugh about how cute he looked running. And she was like I know, I know but she (Holly) is making it out to be like you guys were laughing at him. Christie – I am done with her! Sis – I am about to go off on her! I am not kidding! I am that pissed and I don’t give a f**k because I am going to f**king gun for this HOH. Christie – she is a f**kng fake.. Sis – I am going to gun for this sh*t because literally none of us are safe. Christie – with who? Sis – apparently Nicole is telling Jess about the six and its not sitting right with her. Christie – does no one understand what an alliance is apparently?! Sis – its not sitting right with her because she know that Cliff is making deals. Christie – so everyone is just lying. Sis – she also said that f**king Holly said that I was flirting with Jackson. WTF?! I was with Jack. If I wanted Jackson .. I could have f**king had Jackson. They’re f**king playing games and they scared because every single person in this house is gunning for them. But I don’t know how to back track. Christie – we will just be honest about the six. Sis – I don’t want to keep Kat. Christie – no Kat is not staying. Kat has to go. Holly joins them. Sis – I am not a f**king happy camper with you! Holly – with me?! Why the f**k not with me? Sis – because apparently you’re talking sh*t about me behind my back. And saying all this sh*t and dropping all this sh*t about me. Holly – WAIT!? What sh*t!? Sis – apparently me and Christie were laughing at Cliff during tossed in space for running. Holly – Nicole cried about that the other day. So ask Nicole about it. Sis – its being brought up by people saying we’re disgusting for making fun of a little elderly man for running or something. Holly – Nicole brought this up the other day and was crying about it. Sis – but she was hosting and so far away. How could she think we were laughing at him for running. We literally thought it was the cutest thing. Holly – how the f**k did I get dragged into this? Sis – for a few days I’ve been hearing that you’ve been dropping little seeds that I’ve been saying sh*t. I don’t say anything to anybody. Holly – what have I said that you said? Sis – that I was in your ear about putting up Nicole when that never happened.
2:30am Havenot room. Jess, Sis and Christie.
Jess tells Christie about how she knows there is a new six alliance that they’re starting. Christie – so there is definitely not an alliance. Cliff and Nick are close and part of Cliff wanting to stay was lets make a deal. I also have Michie and Holly wanting to me back together and I don’t want any part of it. I am not making an alliance this week. This HOH was for everyone to become friends on an even playing field. And leaving the campaigners to the voters. Make any protection deals and leave it to them.
3:33am Jess, Cliff and Nicole.
Cliff – the agreement was that if I did get HOH, Michie and Holly would go up. Michie told me tonight in order to get his vote I had to promise not to go after them and I didn’t make that promise. Jess – damn.. I feel like I am the only one that like does anything on loyalty. Jess walks out of the room. Nicole – its a game. Cliff – I’m surviving. We can’t reach a deal that involves 3 of us.
3:45am Tommy, Sis, Christie and Holly.
Tommy – apparently Cliff told Kat about the alliance and that is why she is pissed. I believe Kat. I trust Cliff as far as I can throw him.
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So….now what?
I cant wait for next years BB. This season is the worst ever!!!!!! We all know crusty is going to win with the help of production. Looking forward to next summer!!!!!
Hoping for next summer may be a big stretch these days.
– TV ratings are down
– Julies contract is up
– This cast is terrible
– We now have this ridiculous controversy over Julie using the word “gypped” when talking to Jack on his exit interview because he was not shown his goodbye messages
I hope for more seasons of Big Brother as I am as addicted to it as anyone but how many more hits can this show take. I hope CBS can somehow right the ship and improve the product so more glorious years of Big Brother are in the future but right now, that will be an uphill battle.
But gyp isn’t even a bad word. Do people think it is??? It’s the nice way to say “NOT TO SCREW YOU”
past tense: jipped; past participle: jipped
cheat or swindle (someone)
You read my mind. I was thinking the same thing.. People need to SERIOUSLY stop making a big deal out of nothing.. .. You cant say anything now a days without someone saying its racist or offensive to certain groups etc…….so annoying.
Agreed…we worked so hard to try and correct past sins and mistakes that we’ve moved way too far into a constant outrage/victim dynamic…I really hope we can get to a more balanced way
Gyp can be an offensive term because it can relate to one’s ethnicity.
Give me a break.
Gypsy in Europe is associated with Jewish people and supposed trickery and the fleecing of money from Christian Europeans.
Oh my good God, now I’ve heard everything.
That is 100% NOT true, crack a book open & learn the world’s history.
I have a masters in European History & I’m here to tell you that you couldn’t be more wrong.
Gypsies aren’t even Jewish… far from it.
Some are Catholic, Muslim, Pentecostal, Protestant, Anglican or Baptist, but NONE are Jewish. The most common & largest faction of gypsies are the Romanichel or Romy.
Why would there be three SEPARATE categorized groups that were persecuted in WWII (Jews, Gypsies & homosexuals) if Gypsies were Jews?
Wouldn’t it be a little redundant to put gypsies & Jews in two separate groups, if they were one in the same?
“Gyp” is considered a slur because the word “gypsy” was originally used as a degrading term against Eastern European Romanies, otherwise known as Roma.
According to many viewers, after Julie questioned Jack on the racial issues he had with Kemi and Bella, she then used this racial term that offends gypsies.
Unless Jacks family is a powerful band of Eastern European Gypsies, I don’t see what the big deal is. Until now, I had no idea this term was even a “slur”.
Exactly. I never knew it was thought of as a slur at all…
I literally think us, BB viewers were some of the first to learn it was a slur. Everyone I’ve asked just thought it meant not to cheat someone lol
Sooo back in the day, Gypsies went from town to town , they made their money selling stuff. Just like any race there was good and bad . The bad would sell items that they said was one thing but really it wasn’t , jewels, jewelry , firs etc.. So when villagers would pay good money for what they found out later was crap they were calked it getting “Gyped”
Side note Simon, I have only met one gypsy in my life and she was Canadian
Aha…thanks…my mom dressed up as one for Halloween when I was a kid once, but I just thought they were eastern European women with lots of makeup and
I think the slur would have more emotional meaning in parts of Europe. Some slurs are more regional and many people outside that region will have little to no idea they’ve said something ugly. Much like hand gestures have different meanings in different parts of the word. The two finger victory hand gesture is a well known one.
People were saying that when Julie said “gyp’d” she was using it short for Gypsie (the most common stereotype about gypsies is that they’re con-artists & thieves).
people talk about bb ratings almost every season and while there is some indication cbs would cancel it if they had a solid replacement, that replacement has not materialized. love island was a bust much like every show they’ve tried in the timeslot. abc just got lucky with the bachelor. cbs won’t get a rival by forcing it. julie is unlikely to return after this season though, but i don’t think she makes or breaks the show.
They might reboot but I don’t see a cancellation yet
What would break the show is if Paul or Josh would host it. Or any of the other annoying houseguests.
Mango is probably available.
I agree there needs to be a reboot with new production & writing. It has become too predictable. The players that are real fans know what to expect. They need to get rid of the slip & slide comp- it’s too dangerous. I’m afraid for Cliff this year. They need to go back to food comps, so they all have to eat the same things and I’d like to see them get rid of slop- eating that all week has to be hard on the system & makes physical comps more difficult. I don’t like the individual timed comps as it’s too easy for production to change the times & make the person they want to win. And, also if they have BBAD then they all have to stay up & no one whispering. Dang, even the closed captioning person can make it out.
335 am big brother time. They’re. Still. Going.
At this point I have no idea who is staying or going. Realistically, Kat is doing a good job of making it all about Cliff and deflecting for the most part. Jessica has come across as a whole bag of sketch for throwing Holly under the bus to Sis. I’m not sure I got the point of that.
Sis figured out it was Nicole that was uncomfortable with the alliance talk, and if Sis gleaned it, bad for Nicole.
So Jessica is now getting the blame for shining the spot light.
Nicole is feeling guilty and confessing to Cliff.
Holly is still insisting that she wants Kat to stay after Kat said Holly is to be her pawn when she nominates Jackson. That will still look sketch.
Honestly… after hours of this the vote is still undecided.
i don’t even know the time anymore. Kat has decided she’s leaving. Everyone’s game was screwed by outing Cliff’s Angels. So Jessica is now not trusted by anyone, Nicole looks sketch as hell.
Jackson gives Kat his ‘jack dated christie’ speech lie. if she wants to go out with a bang.
hahaha I feel the same way
Nicole you’re my favorite player. Please don’t evict Cliff. Why don’t you have the balls to tell him to put up Crusty, and Tommy and Sis? Yep, sorry I think you just blew up your game. You killed Cliff’s and those never ending six shooters keep getting infinite ammunition. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse.
Dang Jess. Way to throw Nicole under the bus. Why would you rat out the only person who has your back. Do these people not know how to hold on to info? You use it to help yourself and make informed decisions. Not blab the second you find out something because you’re pissed. I had high hopes for Jess but she’s back to being an idiot again. I never ever thought I would be pulling for Jackson to win HOH. But at this point he’s the only one that’s not easily swayed every 5 minutes. And the only one with the intelligence to see Christy for what she really is.
Nicole and Jess could have quietly gone to Michie and Holly and kept Kat. Would have been an amazing blind side. What a shame.
I do agree that would have been far and away the best blindside of the season and best for all their games. But let’s wait and see if all that smoke last night yields the desired outcome.
Agreed!! wtf why did she blow it all up. It would have been the perfect blind side then she could have went off on them after the vote…smh can we get players that play instead of these idiots!
I was thinking the same thing about Jess but with more colorful words… that B***h cant keep her trap shut for a minute…. WTF cant she see that she just screwed herself? I don’t see how what she did by telling benefits Jess in any way. This doesn’t make her a better person or competitor .. She was told info that benefited her and instead of using it to her advantage, she goes and tells what Nicole told her? I am still shaking my head.. UNBELIEVABLE .. I don’t know what show this is.. It is definitely NOT Big Brother…
It definately was not very BB-like…but it may still pay off. If the others really believe she overheard it as opposed to Nicole gossiping, then it might work. I just don’t know. Regardless…Michie MUST win tonight…he MUST nom filthy Christie and Tommy or Nick. And hopefully Kat manages to stay…but I think it’s really up in the air.
This is the problem with most of the newer seasons of B.B. They hear something then blab it to anyone and everyone. You said it Ruby and rule #1 of B.B. is information is power. I also cringe when I hear “blood on my hands”. Yes you don’t want to start out too strong but at some point you need a resume, right?? Make a move, have a shield, then fall back, till the next opportunity. We either have a one person season like B.B. 16 or H.G. that don’t think ahead or strategically. The social game is important but don’t lose sight of other skills. Ruby I agree on Jess let’s see how this plays out. I have lurked,here a while so hi everyone really enjoy the discussions here.
Totally agree…but if Kat ends up staying, which isn’t far-fetched…then Jess was helpful to keeping her #1 ally in the game. Let’s go Michie..for the win tonight and let’s get Christie and her dirties out of there!
Come on Nicole we need you to save Kat!!! You have the power!!!!
Man no one in this cast can keep their mouth shut! Why did Nicole open her mouth to Jess? There is no scenario that ends well for her doing that. They’re all going to find out she opened her mouth and then she’s going to be on their s#@t list. Just when I thought I could route for her again she pulls the stupid card out again.
Up until this point Jess was the one person who never outed anything. The thing is it maybe could’ve been okay if Jess had just kept it to overhearing something but then she said crap to Holly about the others & told Sis a bunch of stuff about Holly.
This was the two sides of Jess – on one hand she’s loyal as F to her group BUT she likes Christie/Sis/Tommy so much that she can’t see the forest for the trees. Her dislike of Michie/Holly ended up getting grouped into this mess.
Yes, and her dislike of Michie/Holly needed to be separate. But I still think it may work out how we want, as everything marinates today. Let’s go Michie tonight!!!!!
It’s hard to out anything when you are so willfully blind.
It would have been fine if Jess could have just kept it to herself. But again there she goes trusting the people she shouldn’t instead of using the info Nicole gave her to make a plan going forward. Nicole tried to give her a heads up and Jess just betrayed Nicole… the one person trying to be honest with her. If she blows up Nicole’s game, Jess deserves to go.
It’s the Jess we all know and love
If you took a shot of kraken for every time someone said “It’s not an alliance” last night…. there’d be no more kraken. anywhere.
HAHAHAH the world supply ran out from one drinking game.
I was thinking of playing every time Nick says literally..
Or every time someone said “like” .. Dam that is scary cause we would turn into a bunch of drunks! LOL
LOL BB21 almost turned me into one .. had to take a week off it was horrible
OMG I know. Like what the heck else do u call it?? Jeeze Louise!!!!
Actually I agree. Jess is Jess. She came in the house dumb, lucked out with both a HOH and VETO comp, acted like she was making a BIG move putting up the J’s (Cliff did that too…no biggy), and thinking she’s in all these alliances without even questioning the facts that were in her face…anyone in that house could use her as a pawn/to vote out when her vote is no longer useful. Instead she turns on the one person being honest (by stating it in words so they possibly make it to her brain) that she IS NOT even considered for alliances and is despensable. Her poor hurt “I dont understand how this could be” feelings are hurt, so now she’s not going to let any of them “get away with it”. Laughs on her…she’s a wannabe in a house of can be’s.
I’m reading (didn’t see it myself) that she also blamed Kat for blowing up Cliff’s Angels saying if Nicole & her leave next it’s her (Kat’s) fault for blowing up Cliff’s Angels (slaps forehead) BUT earlier she suggested to Kat that they do that – so how do you work with someone like that?
The odd part of all this is when Kat ran to Tommy to repeat what Nicole said last week Jess said how that wasn’t cool. So for her to do this (even though she didn’t say it came from Nicole) is bizarre. Why not discuss with Nicole how she feels completely shafted by Cliff & feels they need to make a move then come up with a plan? This would’ve worked so much more smoothly had Nicole/Jess gone to Michie/Holly together. Instead we got pandemonium.
As for Nick jumping on Nicole – he hasn’t told her about his F3 with Sis/Tommy or his F4 with those 3 plus Christie etc, etc, so he has zero rights to come at her for not revealing an alliance. I’m so uncomfortable with how he speaks to Nicole. What a douche.
Nick has no rights what so ever for anything as he is one of the most repulsive players I have seen. As for Jess… I have no words to describe how I feel about her. She is one that will go down in history for being one of the worst players ever ! I just don’t get these people…….
Kat suggested it. Jess at first hemm-hawed. Kat talked her into it, I believe.
I feel incredibly uncomfortable the way he is with Nicole. We all know it’s not from a place of love and caring. It’s pure controlling and manipulation…what we would have expected from Michie, the first few weeks of the game. This is what I mean about group dynamics. Around certain people….the worst in people can be brought out.
Also. Nick only does it to Nicole because she is not as feisty as say Jess. Bullies only bully people they think that they can get away with it. I think if Nick tried to strong arm Jess she would just sit on him to shut him up. Lollll that would be fun to watch.
HAHA! Or Sis? She might grab the shower stool and take him up there lol
Nick, Christie, and Tommy are the Kings and Queen of double standards. They berate people for doing the exact things they’re doing themselves. I don’t mind when people lie and manipulate in this game. You have to to a certain extent to make it to the end. As long as you own it. Just don’t act like you’re honest and full of integrity when you’re playing a dirty game. (Christy in a nut shell). I just can’t take much more of her or Tommy or Nick.
“Just don’t act like you’re honest and full of integrity”..
Desegree. Are they suppose to own up to the fact they lie backstab and playing all sides?
Christy said in this game you have to be fake and she hate it.. she admitted for being fake * as a part of this game!!!*
If they keep acting like that in the jury or in the diary room.. that’s a problem
But as part of the game , of course they will denay being players
One king two queens…..
Nicole should have just kept her mouth shut and voted out Cliff. She could have told Jess why later. SMH
It doesn’t matter what the stupid Six think….or if she’s on their list. She’s always been on their list. What’s important is for her and the others to band together and put up a meaningful fight. I do think though…that it was better it came out that way…than for Jess and the others to have found out she was working with the 6, but of course it could have been handled differently.
I totally get WHY Nicole did it, she didn’t want to get in bed with the devil (Christie/Tommy/
Nick/Sis) and was hoping Jess would have a sliver of common sense and understand they needed to work with Michie/Holly just for this next week. Unfortunately Jess proved her HOH was just a fluke and she is the biggest idiot in all of BB history! If only Nicole could get something to work with but nope, these idiots just don’t get it!
I agree. It would have been so good if Jess has just shut her dam mouth.
Nicole blew shit up, I did not see that coming !! Way to go !!
And then Jess had to ruin it by opening up her big mouth !!
Its unfortunate. Nicole is trying her best to play an honest and loyal game. Her problem? Shes in a house full of liars and story twisters that prey on the honest ones. Why? Because they can’t have someone telling the actual truth as their FALSE truth and non alliance alliances make Nicole question things. No one can question the group or have an opinion other than the group/mob or they are sought out and shot and placed on the block. It would be nice to think honesty can win but often like life, we have to fake it where we make it or get in to fit in until someone demands the truth. Unfortunately, now is not the time for truth and Nicole needs to understand that. Sucks that Cliff was working with the “angels” and didnt tell Jess, however can u blame him?
The Christie and Tommy situation to allow nasty Nick to get away with inappropriate behavior NOW (ie. asking to smell Christie, rubbing Tommy’s junk with his foot etc.) but hounded him earlier in the game for looking and staring at Sis shows you how much they are willing to deal with for the sake of THEIR game. They had the nerve to call Kemi and Jackson disgusting for the stuff they said but NOT Nick for what he is doing???
Now Nicole has a problem because shes too honest. No one wants to hear the truth (even Jess) so Nicole needs to save her truth until they can only rely on it at the end of the game. Truth and loyalty has to win this season….if Nicole makes it that far.
What good game moves can people say at this point they made? They all stuck together in an alliance and were loyal? NO because they have spent the last 3 weeks Denying alliances AGAIN. (Bella told Sam of the 8 and told him he was 9 which was true, then the 8 became 6 shooters which they denied to everyone then Jack blew it up, now the new alliance that’s now “not an alliance). How many non alliance lies can the house know about and allow them to lie about? Apparently infinity!!
What else can they say to win the game? They all won lots of comps? No because they are all spread out.
If Nicole can hold off using her honesty until the votes start piling up in the jury her honesty may give her the edge…..if she lasts that long. She needs an HOH or veto under her belt or she could be toast
I keep reading that Tommy, Christie, Nick, etc. “no alliances”. Yet why do they say keep so and so safe?? Sounds as if you ask also someone to keep another person safe, there must be a reason and alliances come to mind. Were did they find these stupid people? Do they give them IQ test and those with the lowest IQs get on the show?
Sorry to say, but if Kat goes today, there goes the worst season ever of BB. Todays eviction may very well be the beginning of the end of BB.
For if its a “slip and slide”, Cliff will fail for those that still have faith.
I’m praying Michie goes next! That game will be great with that asshate gone!
Who cares about honesty? As for now, even jess played a better game
Why do they keep calling Cliff an old man? What is he, 55?
in big brother years a woman over 30 is considered a crone.
in big brother years a man over 40 is considered old man.
I know! I can’t believe they called him an elderly old man and he’s actually only 53. They act like he’s 80.
He played up his age for the first week. To the extent that he was practically begging to be put in the Chen-Moonves Old Daddy convalescent care centre.
Agreed. He’s older but certainly not old
But he’s Big brother ancient
I was flabbergasted when I heard him referred to as “elderly.” Yes, 53 is older than them but certainly not elderly. I also was incensed when they were saying they, during a competition, weren’t laughing AT Cliff when he was running but laughing because he was so CUTE running. They WERE laughing at him! Would they have been laughing at Jess because she was CUTE running? No they would have been laughing AT Jess but they know better than to do that because laughing at an obese person is offensive but I guess laughing at an “elderly” person is OK because it’s CUTE. Just so you know, I am both old & obese & it they had laughed at my appearance, I’d have slapped them silly.
There is one player over 40 each year and it’s a guy. Big Brother rarely has players much older than 30. So he’s twice the age of everyone else.
Am I the only one that remembers that Tommy and Christie know each other prior to Big Brother? On the first show, when she saw him she said that he was in a relationship with a relative of his (I believe and Aunt) that did not end well and she was hopeful that she could act like she did not know him until she could get him alone and make sure he did not let the others know they know each other. I believe that is why she was all up into his Photos when he won HOH. She was afraid she would show up in one of them in the background. She spent a lot of time at the photos that night? Wouldn’t that be great is Crusty was found out?
That needs to happen ASAP!!!
Too bad Nick wasn’t bright enough to push the issue of seeing the Tommy’s family photos. He straight up said Christie’s type was the in the photo of Tommy’s family. I think its moronic for Tommy and Christie to know each other and for them to suspect Holly n Kat but NO ONE that’s on the bottom is using that as a reason “WHY” certain people may be aligned??
I’d straight up be accusing anyone who talked and voted together of being related or have dated. Cause why else would you “trust someone with your life” that u just met on day 3??
I was hoping that the relative had been in the background of each ones photos & someone would catch it but that didn’t happen. I suspect that BB did this hoping it would come out, like the other one did but it’s not going to happen. Maybe Zingbot can say something that will get them wondering if there is another pair. You know, just cause some paranoia. I honestly don’t think Christie or Tommy will let it slip to anyone. It’s too dangerous & if it were going to happen, it would have happened already.
I like Nicole. I see what she was trying to do. But, since Jess was already planning on keeping Kat, why didn’t she just keep that little tidbit of into to herself and vote out Cliff along with Jess, Holly, Michie? Isn’t that enough votes against Christie, Nick, and Sis? Am I missing someone? Then the new 6shooters wouldn’t be. It would be down to 4shooters with Cliff voted out and Nicole on the other side! I guess because I want to see Christie, Tommy, and Nick gone, I’d like to see Holly, Michie, Kat, Nicole, Jess and Sis (I would like to see her jump ship to the other side) team up.
I agree production is painting Christie in a good light! She’s not what they are putting on episodes. I really want her gone! Tommy is annoying with his happiness that looks fake. Nick is just gross.
I agree that Nicole shouldn’t have revealed everything to Jess at this point and time.
When I was reading her conversation with Jess, I was just going “Nooooo!”!!
I am a huge Nicole fan and if she wanted to reveal all of this info to Jess at some point, that’s fine – but daaang Nicole, it served no purpose to tell her now. Jess certainly could have handle the situation better as well.
For someone who doesn’t like confrontation, Nic just opened a big ole can of whoopa$$ filled worms!
Who is trying for the HOH this week?
Sis – Maybe so no
Christie – YES
Nick – NO
Tommy – can’t play hurray
Nicole – yes
Jess – yes
Holly – Yes
Michie – Yes
Cliff – Maybe
What I want
Christie and Tommy on the block Nicole with the veto. Not going to use it. if this is the case I’m buying a case of redbull cause the feeds are going to be 24/7 legit.
What I suspect
Jess winning HOH and putting MIchie and Holly up. Christie lets Jess in on their new six as number 7. Jessica is happy Girl power. Chrsitie wins veto doesn’t use it Michie goes home. Christie/Tommy final 2 everyone wins.
If the competitions continue to follow the same timeline as last year it’s the slip & slide comp tonight & 7\applying all your caveats above that only leaves Holly/Crusty/Michie competing to win (& he has a messed up ankle).
Any chance Nicole is a long distance runner & we don’t know about it? Sis soccer background would help like it did Becky in Season 17 but doubtful she’ll go for it since the only person she’s not in an alliance with is Jess & she promised not to put her up either.
This cast — this house — UGH
I got an email this morning from CBS saying the Competition will be live on the feeds tonight. So it must be the slip’n’slide
Gawd if Christie wins …
if slip slide variant: Sis has a better shot than Christie. core strength. If they want Jackson to win with his foot, the course will be shortened with a larger cup to make it a power comp. Like last year.
Pretty much everyone should be gunning for it now, since the entire nobody is trustworthy talk last night.
Nick has no endurance, Holly the walking concussion will be dainty. Jessica will spend time on her ass. a lot of it. Nicole will get no traction to get back to the start. Someone goes for the money ball.
It is most likely slip slide, but it could always be a real wall comp.
Or the dizzy one. Spinning and spinning…and spinning. Nick didn’t do so great in that rocket one that spun them around.
Evil Dick swears long legs wins the slip and slide comps. I don’t thinks anyone in the house is super tall left, so maybe it will be an equal starting point for all of them? Jackson is lowering is center of gravity, so maybe he will have good balance if it is slip n slide for this comp, but no one left seems like a marathon runner…..
Simon did you have too much kraken lol I am hoping cliff stays and you get your wish and not what you suspect.
OMG shoot me if that happens!!!!! Jess did seem awful convinced by Christie’s crocodile tears and lies last night. I sincerely hope that is not what happens. And that is why I don’t want Jess or Nicole…or any of the 6 to win tonight…too much of an opportunity to be swayed by Christie and the nasties. It has to be Michie tonight…Holly next week…then it can go back to Jess/Nicole/Kat or Cliff…once 2 of the 6’ers are gone.
I hope so! I want Christie and TOmmy to be the last two standing.
Cliff is that boss that asks you how things are going, hows the family, the kids…then he lays you off with a smile and a pat on the back.
Yup .. I can see it now. in the office of BIG Oil atop some highrise in Calgary.
Cliff goes to marketing – Hey there Jim
joe – Ohh hi cLiff, it’s joe by the way
Cliff – oh right, hey there Jim sorry about that I was just talking to Joe
Joe – no I’m joe
Cliff – opps .. heheh. hehe. how are the wife and kids Joe.
Joe – Ohh my mother in law (Ruth) is very sick she’s staying at our house so my wife can care for her. My wife had to quit her job and my son now has to take a year off from college to help with the bills. But we’re making due and it’s nice to have the whole family together even if it’s shrouded in illness.
Cliff – ohh sorry to hear about that. is that why you are taking so many days off lately
Joe – yes, I had to help move my mother in law and son back to our place. they lived 2 provinces away. I rented a truck. On the way back we had to stop in Winnipeg because Ruth collapsed. She was in emergency for 3 days but is stable at our place.
Cliff – ohh my what a tragedy. well keep your eye on the prize we have that big oil drilling presentation coming up and we need the speeches prepared for the shareholders meeting. How about you put the peddle to the metal and get that presentation written up for me before leaving today.
Joe – um ok .. but it’s 4:00pm already
Cliff – Yeah .. and thank your wife and kids for me. tell them you’re a great member of the team.
JOe – umm ok
Cliff – here’s a USb stick (2gb) Thanks Jim..
1 week later
Joe receives a letter from HR saying he’s been terminated due to not sticking to the companies days off policy. Without worker rights, Joe is left out in the rain.
2 weeks later
Joe sees Cliff at the grocery store climbing out of his new land rover. CLiff waves Heya Jim!
For one, (myself), that worked 27 years in the oil/chemical area as a Engineer, I can tell you its a cut throat environment. People constantly doing everything to stay in the fore front, be recognized, advance, etc. They would lie, steal ideas, and tattle on their fellow workers with no qualm, just so they could advance. The good once, are far between. From seeing and reading of Cliffs willingness to do everything, even throw his, his alliances which he advanced and named under the bus. I can see it comes naturally from experiences in real life. I can say truthfully, Cliff would never be my partner in a project, nor would I recommend him. A request for a transfer would be imminent, if I had to work with him in the field. I couldn’t trust him.
My Pops did as well…for Halliburton. Very cutthroat. He was lucky to not be layed off during the crash in Houston in the late 80s/early 90s. As soon as they offered him a transfer for management in Thailand, he jumped and took it. I was pissed leaving Houston cause I was in 9th grade…but it ended up being great. Lived in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Abu Dhabi, and Dubai…and got to travel a lot. Sorry, I digressed…but yes…it’s very cutthroat. haha
Thanks for sharing. What a neat life you had! What’s your fav spot?
Of course…don’t get me started…I love talkin about it…
Living…Bangkok, Thailand
Travelling…the Netherlands/Vietnam
Worked with Halliburton many times on projects. Usually turn-a-rounds. They would come in and clean exchangers and product lines. They would tackle some of the worst jobs and many times come under the allotted time allowing a smooth transition for repair work and back up and running. Worked with them in USA, offshore, Egypt, Thailand and the Philippines. Highly recommended company and their employees.
WOW! what was Egypt like?
Hot, and Dust storms are like white outs during winter up north. Sand gets into everything. Glad when that assignment was done.
I think so too. Everyone made a big deal about Cheney or w/e…but truth is…Clinton used them in Bosnia…Bush in Iraq…they’re a the number 1 oil service company in the world, not subsidized by government. Total in France and Aramco in Saudi are there too…but they are big-time subsidized. Egypt is on my bucket list when things calm down a bit….LOVE the Philippines too. Where were u in Thailand? We were in Bangkok…I went to the International School Bangkok my freshman year of high school.
Or a highrise in downtown Houston :p lol And def something has to be said about Joe’s wife Suzie and her incredible tuna casserole. haha If you inside on it being Calgary…then it has to be about the tar sands and the pipeline.
Lol I wanted to give the story a Canada feel.
Gotcha…then downtown Calgary and the tar sands :p
Omg too funny …( but Ruth would have a hard time finding an emergency room open In Winnipeg these days!)
Seriously that is a great analogy of Cliff.
Leaving for discussion
He’s mentioned knowing Meg, being a former employee of bb9 alex. His ex was friends with Frankie. It comes as no surprise that he knows ginamarie. I’m surprised he doesn’t know paulie, frankly.
Apparently who you know is the key to getting on the cast. We need a fresh start.
They need to turf KASSSSSSSSSTING and THE GROD it’s become one giant inside gong show with what they have right now.
Oh man, this could had been a blindside! Nicole vote out Cliff, you can see he’s making deals left and right. Really? he’s going to protect the vultures until six? they are going to eat you up ALIVE you dumb ass. I get it Cliff is trying to survive but Nicole that’s not best for your game. Are you playing Cliff’s game or your own? Go to Michie and Hollie and let them know you are voting with them. Jess is evicting Cliff anyways. Geesh vote him out!!!!!!!!
Nicole how can you be so out of it to out the non alliance.
At this point Nicole becomes the swing vote, and there is now a good chance Cliff goes home.
I am hoping Tommy rallies the troops an Kat doe go home but it’s not looking good.
I def have a love hate thing going with Jess ! I’m back to hate right now, she just wants Christie’s approval wayyy too much !!
1 hundo P
Calling Cliff “old” and “elderly” is 10X’s worse than laughing at his awkward run. People need to stop with the ageism comments.
I know—the guy is only 54 years old.
The coolest people comment here. Thanks everyone for making me laugh every morning before I start watching the feeds.
We like literally like love you guys…like literally…lol.
Like like like like thank you!
Like thanks like
No. Thank you guys for all that you do. Your work is really appreciated. This season it has to be hard listening to some of this cast. But thanks for drudging through it. You probably need lots of laughs after having to listen to and then write down some of the things these people do and say. You can’t always fast forward like we can.
Yeah, I saw that one coming. Production is not even being sneaky about it anymore. Nicole leaves the d/r and she’s dragging cliff all of a sudden. The person that she has a final 2 with. And NOW Jessica believes that
There’s an alliance?!! Before she wouldn’t believe it even if you had the evidence to prove it. This is bs. Great.
Exactly! Nicole has final 2 with Cliff and trusted him with everything and kat already rught off the bat went to tommy & said nicole told ne your putting me n cliff up. Plus production had to talk to Jess too cuz all the sudden she goes & tells holly first abt the new 6 alliance when she can’t stand Holly and doesnt trust Holly…. me smells something fishy n its called production up to there sneaky games to create drama but its not going to work with this horrible group of players cuz they all tell everything…. Slip n Slide shld be good comp tnite…
Poor Nicole. Every time she tries to tell the truth and be loyal to the people who she considers her allies in the game it blows up in her face. First with Bella and Nick. Now Jess. She just needs to cut everyone off and do what’s best for her game. Because at this point her biggest allies are her worst enemies.
I agree 100 %. Her honesty is definitely not rewarded. It’s sad really.
Don’t forget Kat running to Tommy earlier in the week, and also just last night Nicole again being honest with Kat and telling her that she intended to vote Kat out set off another round of explosions after the first set had died down.
Nicole’s experience in the game this season definitely supports the argument that you shouldn’t tell shit to anyone unless your life is in imminent danger. I just don’t think the 100% honest and forthcoming strategy works in this game…… the crucial trick is to find the right balance between deception and truth.
Nicole seems pretty self aware. I wonder what made her think she had the temperament to not only play the game, but to win it? She constantly tells her game, gives others insight into her personality and what she always does in situations. She buddies with a scum like Nick. There used to be a character in Mighty Mouse just like Nick, his name was Oil Can Harry.
Jess about Kat: ” I don’t think that she is the smartest game player,” and then Jess blabs about the new 6-person alliance approximately 3 seconds after Nicole told her, blowing any chance of actually forming a strategy against Christie/Tommy/Nick/Sis.
I’ll have a Thursday day post coming up.. Something is actually happening on the feeds.
If you mean Jess & Kat joined by Nichole and Nick its a doozy…transcribed what I could
can’t wait
So on last night’s episode I couldn’t tell if they were trying to make Christy look good or bad by constantly showing her crying with the sad music. I mean, watching her cry is painful. My husband (who is NOT a BB fan) left the room and came back a while later and said “good God is that lady STILL crying?!”. On the other hand, I actually felt sorry for Kat, her tears when she beat Cliff were genuine and the fact that she felt so bad made me like her even more!! I really want her to stay tonight. There’s something about Cliff that annoys me, like he’s just a lame old guy that so so badly wants to be cool.
In other news… like, do you like, literally like, think that like, Cliff is like, actually like, literally going to like, stay tonight?
Oh, I don’t know about Kat. She can turn those tears on & off like a faucet. Do what she can to her advantage. It certainly works with Nichole, Cliff, Jess, Christie, Tommy. I wonder if any of them see through the tears.
When i watch Kat cry, I can see that for the first minute and a half she has no tears until she reaches up and rubs/pulls on her eyelashes (a ridiculously old stagecraft method for creating tears).
Oh dang this is good. Production just put them all in lockdown in the HOH room!
Kat needs to go, she’s too emotional! She blew up Nicole and jess’ game last night by exposing cliffs angels. Hell, she told holly and Michie about cliffs angels weeks ago. Kat voted to evict Nicole once already and anytime she gets information she immediately runs and throws everyone under the bus. She can’t keep her mouth shut if it benefits her she will disclose it in her own terms to make it look a certain way. Cliff didn’t wrong kat or Jess by making his deals, he did what he had to do to stay in the game. Jess wasn’t giving cliff her vote anyways so why should she be included in a deal to keep cliff? She’s just mad they didn’t take her offer and took his. She shouldn’t have been so harsh w cliff telling him how he’s making fake alliances and not being loyal, saying she’s disappointed in him??? Way out of line Kat! This entire time she was working w holly and Michie and has been lying saying she’s not! Why is that ok but what cliff is doing is wrong???
I just watch the veto! Omg is all I can say ! A bunch of cry babies! This competition was so ridged for Tommy to win! Nick an Christie through the comp to him so he could take her off! An the fact that they were hiding the answer in the log is just plain stupid!