NEW Big Brother 11 Fantasy League Game – Grand Prize – $1000

NEW to this season of Big Brother CBS.COM has created a BIG BROTHER FANTASY GAME
Managing Your Big Brother Fantasy League Team. You may have a maximum of two active Houseguests on your team at any time during the Promotion Period. Once you have successfully registered a team you can trade any or all of your Houseguests as many times as you like during the Promotion Period by deleting a Houseguest from your Fantasy League team and replacing him or her with any other Houseguest still active in the game. A team roster freeze is in effect commencing at the time the East Coast first broadcast of a new original Big Brother episode begins (8:00 PM ET) and up to six (6) hours after the East Coast broadcast of the show’s end (3:00 AM ET following night of broadcast). During each week of the Promotion Period in which an original episode of Big Brother is broadcast, the number of active Houseguests will decrease by one (1) as a Houseguest is voted off the show. If a member of your Big Brother Fantasy League team is voted off the Big Brother show, you may replace that expelled member with an active Houseguest. Registered users may manage their team at the Big Brother Site.big-brother-11-fantasy-league-game-1
Scoring Points. Registered players accrue points when Big Brother cast members on a registrants’ team are awarded points based on their actions, and outcome of events (e.g., winning Head of Household) during an episode. Points may also be subtracted based on a specific activity. See Point Categories listed on the Big Brother Site. Regular Scoring (non-bonus question) is based on the new broadcasted episodes of Big Brother only and not the Big Brother Clips on the Big Brother Site nor the Big Brother “After Dark” episodes on Showtime. Big Brother episode #1 scheduled for broadcast on or about 7/5/09 will be the first episode used to accrue points for registered Participants.
Grand Prize. One (1) Grand Prize of One Thousand Dollars (US$1,000.00) will be awarded. Grand Prize will be awarded in the form of a check.
For the full details, rules and instructions visit:

2 thoughts to “NEW Big Brother 11 Fantasy League Game – Grand Prize – $1000”

  1. i see by the theme you needed the young. next year we hope you need the old from 35 to 75. carol is 38 and i am 73 we applied last year and will do it again but better. we think you should next time do couples who work in the same building as a alliance but not known to the others a twist? carol flynn and jack payne

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