POV Holder: | Kevin | Next POV | April 3rd |
POV Used | Yes | POV Ceremony | ? |
HOH Winner | Bobby | Next HOH | April 1st |
Nominations: | |||
Have Nots | Jordan, Brittnee, Naeha, Godfrey | ||
POV Players | Godfrey, Willow, Johnny, Britt, Kevin, Bobby. Jordan is the VETO HOST! |
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12pm In the bathroom – Naeha tells Zach that Graig is insane. He’s psycho. You are not under the radar I can tell you that much! Zach asks what do you mean? Last night he said he thinks I’m with Johnny. I asked him what he means and he said there are little groups of three. I I like Zach and we’re all right but all the showmances. You and Ash. Pili and Kevin. It scares me. Naeha says she told him that she thinks people are just having fun. He’s crazy! Like f**king nuts! Zach asks but he’s not saying things about me right? Naeha says just that you’re with Ashleigh. Zach says that’s okay. Zach says I feel those big guys are pulling away from me. I need Johnny to be safe with me and to trust me. He doesn’t feel sketchy with me does he? Naeha says no. Zach says I don’t feel safe with Graig any more. Naeha says you know when you see someone go rogue! He’s crazy. Zach says so he was just calling out the showmances. Naeha says he called me and Johnny out and then felt uncomfortable so he called out the showmances. They end their conversation and head down stairs.

12:20pm – 12:30pm Out in the backyard – Graig leads a yoga class for the other house guests. All the house guests but Bobby and Naeha participate. Bobby wanted to lay out in the sun. Naeha says she can’t because there aren’t any more towels and because she’s having bathroom problems (BB told her she could drink coffee to relieve it) “This is where guys store all their stress. Girls do too but also in other areas.”
1:10pm The house guests finish up the yoga class. Naeha and Cindy are talking in the corner of the backyard. Naeha says yeah keep working that f**ker. I hate him so much. Naeha says that he’s such an a$$hole he keeps talking about how you’re a threat. Cindy says you’re f**king kidding! She says that he then started bashing ..well not bashing Willow. He was saying stuff like Naeha says she is super annoying. Naeha says that’s such bullsh*t! He asked you don’t think Willow is annoying. I was like no. He’s like you don’t think she’s annoying how she’s 27 years old and acting like a child? Cindy says he needs to go.
Brittnee looking at her backyard photo says “It looks like I have a jizz stain on my dress Monica Lewinsky! But its not!”
1:25pm – 1:35pm Out in the hot tub – Bobby, Graig, Bruno and Godfrey are hanging out. Bruno says so havenots not can have coffee and tea. Graig tells them about how he caught Johnny and Naeha talking in the pantry for like 20 minutes. Bruno says he’ll talk to her and hear her out but that’s it. Graig says if I get HOH, I don’t care what she says she is going up. Pilar, Willow and Sarah join them.
1:40pm By the pool Naeha, Johnny, Brittnee and Zach talk about going to the chiropractor and getting different treatments and adjustments. Zach asks Naeha if she goes to the chiropractor a lot? Naeha says yes, I’m a believer.
1:45pm Big Brother opens up the house and they head inside. In the bedroom – Zach and Sarah are talking. Sarah says that Cindy is going around saying she’ll be the target next week. Zach tells her that G said she’s (Cindy) going. Jordan joins them. Zach says that’s the word that she’s going. Jordan says that he thinks he might have pinkeye. He says he’s not supposed to share towels with anyone. Zach says it definitely could be pinkeye. Its your eye and its pink. Jordan goes to the diary room to get it checked out.
Naeha tells Johnny that Graig is a f**king freak! He was watching us last night. He’s insane, he’s going crazy. He’s losing his mind. Sarah says you know how Kevin gets up and goes for walks a stuff. He times it. Johnny leaves. Naeha says he’s insane. Sarah asks who. Naeha says G. Naeha says I think its better for us to keep Cindy. Sarah says I don’t because of the girl thing. I wouldn’t even be caught sitting with her. Naeha changes her mind and agrees that Cindy should go. Jordan joins them. They all agree Cindy has to go. Sarah says Cindy wants to stay to work with him (Bobby) and us. Naeha says that’s what she telling him though. Sarah says and me. Naeha says he needs to go. Ash comes into the room. Sarah asks Ash what she wants to do, we need to be on the same page. Ash says she doesn’t trust Cindy and would rather keep Brittnee. Ash leaves. Sarah talks to Jordan. He asks her about the HOH. She tells him she’s going for it. Jordan says God would be an easy target. Sarah says he and maybe Bruno with Graig as the backdoor. Jordan agrees.
2pm Out in the backyard. Godfrey tells Zach after the guys showed their loyalty to him, he is with them till the end. Zach tells him they have to stick together.
2:15pm – 2:30pm Bobby gets the HOH camera and all the house guests start screaming and running to the living room to take photos. Bobby says he was told to take as many as they want and to load up the camera.
Zach and Naeha are talking alone. Zach says that stuff last night just re-enforces that he’s a wild card. Cindy comes up with the camera and gets Naeha take a photo of her and Zach kissing. Someone asks Zach what he’s doing? Zach says kissing everyone that’s what I do! Cindy then takes a photo of Britt and Ash kissing Kevin’s cheeks. Kevin says now we all put our lips together. Ash says No!
3:20pm After Big Brother asks for the camera back, Willow reveals that she was called into the diary room before Bobby got the camera and was told to photo bomb all the photos. The other house guests wonder if it was a task but Willow says no. Willow heads into the pantry and finds a jump rope & sunscreen that big brother had given them. Out in the backyard – Jordan asks Willow if there was a card telling her to photo bomb. Willow says no. Jordan asks if she saw Marsha the Moose? Willow says no I swear to god. Big Brother tells them to stop talking about production.
In the bedroom – Jordan and Sarah have a quick game talk:
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so… just how kookoo for cocoa puffs are you going to end up if graig is your zen master?
Naeha’s resting bitch faces are epic. Her perma-scowl reminds me of a grouper….she has resting fish face.
Haha perma-grumpy cat face
LOL! They seem to cast the same types ever year. Naeha is Ika/Topaz/every failed female alliance leader… LOL bye resting guppy face!
I think she’s a high maintenence Neda ESPECIALLY with the resting bitchface lol
They could put all girls and 2 guys in the house, and still the guys alliance would dominate. Ugh so frustrating.
trying to put myself into the mindset of the viewer that just watches the episodes. by the power of edit, graig, godfrey and Bruno have been pretty invisible. so… they’ve got a pretty good edit by elimination. that will most likely change on tonight’s (Monday) episode with the kitchen blow up ‘now you’ve drawn the line it’s guys versus girls’ rant.
makes me wonder what I missed in early bbus seasons only watching the episodes.
on a side note: giving willow a photobomb assignment? like she wouldn’t have tried to be in every single picture anyway?
Jordan & Sarah until the end! I’ve made my decision. It’s final.