“My brain is literally deep fried and not in the good way” -Ash

10:21pm Zach, Ashleigh and Willow
Willow says everyone is getting riled up. Mentions that Godfrey is telling her not to trust the couples they (non Couples) have to stick together.

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10:22pm Bruno and Brittnee
Bruno tells her he knows she’s going to stay and he’s got her back. Keeps asking her what is wong. Brittnee says it sucks being on the block again. They head to the bedroom to talk. Godfrey is sleeping in the room. Bruno says the couples are trying to get them to fight each other. Adds that he’s never talks to Kevin.
Bruno says he’s going to win this week and put up those kids, “Never talk to Kevin.. the guy has a personality of a f***g pilon.. the guy there’s nothing to him.. I hope they’re not buying what he’s selling”
Bruno tells he she needs to make sure Sarah knows he’s with them.
Brittnee – This game is f***ed up i’m pissed that Bobby is leaving
Brittnee says she trusts Sarah, “Yeah she’s emotional but.. not to the point where she’ll f** sh1t up”
Brittnee has noticed how Sarah “Operates” around other people but she’s still legit. Brittnee and Bruno agree Sarah will put up the couples.
Bruno – Zach or Kevin .. probably Zach
Brittnee either or
Bruno – All this time I wanted Zahc out but now i’m thinkin Kevin
Brittne is 95% sure Willow will also target the couples.

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10:38pm Hot Tub Zach, Ashleigh Zach
Talking about Bruno never telling them anything always saying “I got you bro”
Sarah says she’s going to pull a bobby this week say she’s only talking game on Tuesday. Zach says he’s going to shit is brain off this week, “Bobby’s going and nobody can say to me to convince me otherwise.. and anything else is speculation nothing will form.. I’m going to try and release the game these next couple days”
Sarah – lets just try and have fun
Sarah points out how angry Bruno was after the POV ceremony. Zach agrees noticed it to, “We’ve never had a real game talk it’s just OHH I trust you. and the wink”
Ashleigh- the wink .. he keeps everything super vague he never gets into specifics.

Ashleigh – My brain is literally deep fried and not in the good way
Willow – I wold eat it
ASheligh – ewwww deep fried brains..

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11:15pm Zach and Ahsleigh
Zach says they are forced to “Slug out” now. best case would have been Godfrey leaves and they kept Bobby/Bruno in their back pocket, “maybe not maybe they have been plotting this whole time.. I don;t know what Bruno would do if he go power”

Asheligh says she thinks a lot of people will go after Kevin and Pili now.
Zach – Sarah is closer to kev than she is to me.. Maybe not I dunnno..
Zach – ahh I miss Jordan.. too bad I sent him out.. Good move Zach… at least we’ve sent out two people that flipped him out.. we’re on a hunt.
Zach pulls out his green shorts from the drier says if these shorts get ruined he’s out for the game says they’re like a ship and he’s the captain.

Zach says there is no way at all he can go back and play football, “We just got a brand new coach and he saw it as a insult with a team” explains that the old coach he never told he was leaving until right before he left but he had a good relationship with him.

Zach complains he’s not in football shape anymore, “I need to rehad Ice tub.. it’s such a battle to stay healthy.. I don’t thin this knee can handle this”

Asheligh – Knees are pretty damn important
Ashleigh wants to know if he’ll go back to football. Zach doens’t know it’s not the decision he can make right now.

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11:30pm Ashleigh and Zach
They talk about the diaper alliance and how it’s the most obvious alliance in the History of Big brother.
Ashleigh says she feels a little bit safe. Zach says she’s crazy.
Zach – you know why you feel safe you have me next to you.. .
Zach explains if they are ever on the block together he’s going home.
Zach says if she goes out the Door before him he’ll eat his ram shorts 9The green ones) “I’ll be the first person on Big Brother to every eat their shorts”
Zach – once I go you still have a little bit of life.. people will look past you..
Zach asks her what is west of Alberta
AShleig – I’m not good with directions
Zach – the West coast.. is BC the east coast is the other side of Canada
Ashleigh – Like Nova Scotia
Zach goes on to Explain the coasts in Canada.
Zach says it’s been good for them that Kevin/Pili have pulled the trigger on Bobby/Bruno. Ashleigh is glad Bobby didn’t have a veto she wanted him gone over Bruno.

out of order tid bit
Ashleigh giggling – Capital city of Calgary .. Edmonton”
Zac – Ok we’ll stop just because people are watching ans we want to make sure you can get a job when you get out of here.

(Video uploading)

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midnight Zach and Willow have nots
Willow tells him she had a chat with Bobby and he asked if he had a chance with Sarah. She told him Not and chance. Willow adds that Sarah drives her nuts.

Zach says Bobby is going home there is nothing left to talk about.
Willow says she has no idea what Bruno will do if he wins HOH.
Zach – he tells me he’s going after the girls
Zach – If we went after us he would have nobody in this game
Zach says it was awkward in the hot tub earlier in the day when Bobby wanted to chop in the hot tub.
Zach mentions that Bobby/Bruno were loyal to them
Willow – Until today
Zach – do you think B would come after me
Willow – She’s emotional .. She hate Bobby and Bruno
Willow – Sarah and Kevin are really close
Willow explains that Kevin told Sarah about the POV plan before he told Willow.
Zach – I just taught Ashleigh what ocean are on the west coast and eat coast of Canada.
Willow – She didn’t know..
Zach – she’s so funny

Zach says they should be expecting a double every week, “It’s been too long since our hearts were pumping a twisto twist”
Willow – Even if we can make it to final 5 and HACK it out
Willow doesn’t know how the Sarah thing is being perceived outside the house.
Willow – coming into the house I was so against smoking weed.. honestly she is one of the smartest people I have ever met.

They both noticed Bruno going in full scramble mode. Willow say him go to ever person in the house “WE’re good we’re good”

12:36am Bobby explains to Zach/Willow about how he came up with the idea he had a secret Veto.

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1:23pm Sarah and Bruno Backyard
Bruno tell her they need to stay together. He’s not caring which noms stay as long as they stick together they’ll be fine. Bruno tells her that Zach is trying to get them to fight so they move the tar off each other.
Feeds cut .. they they come back. Sara is saying there is no wiggle room with the couples they are a solid 4. She thinks there might be some wiggle room with Zach but not with the girls.
Sarah is getting stresses about the abilities of Kevin and Zach to win, Bruno thinks Kevin is a larger threat “He’s smart as f***”
Sarah – I’m not playing for fifth place
Sarah – you are the only one that talks real to me
Bruno says he’s got nobody left in the game he’s fine with Sarah, Brittnee and him being together.
Bruno says he didn’t talk to them today he doesn’t want them to be worried.
Bruno – Honestly Sarah you do got me and I got you I trust you
Bruno has noticed Willow whispering with Zach/AShleigh he’s a bit worried where her allegiances are.
Bruno says if they don’t win this week’s HOH they’re in trouble they lose the numbers
Sarah – we’re f***d
They think next week if the other side wins it’ll be Sarah and Bruno on the block.
Sarah tells him she believes the kevin wanted Bruno out this week they expected Bobby to use his secret veto.
Bruno says he’s not campaigning against Brittnee.
Bruno – When B’s here she’s always a pawn whoever sits next to her on the block you go home 100%.. bobby’s not coming for you.. I’m telling you man..
Bruno adds if she’s up against Bobby on the block Bobby goes home
Bruno – Bobby stays man he is gunning for all 4 of them
Sarah – so is B
Bruno – Bobby is a beast man.. if he stays he has a fire in his ass..
Bruno – He’s a shield in front of us literally he’s a shield
Sarah – I’m thinking about it.
Bruno – you know deep down he’s the best move.. I love B to death but realistically for our game it’s not the best move I know y
Sarah – I don’t know if I can do it
Bruno – once they get down to three votes..
Sarah says Brittnee can win competitions to, brittnee will never put her up and Bobby will never put Bruno up.
Bruno – If you do that you have me and Bobby 1000%
Bruno says he loves B he doesn’t want her to know he’s trying to save Bobby.
They count the votes..
Bruno – you, me, god and Willow

Sarah – trust me I am going to think about it and feel Willow out..



There are always a lot of Alliance but we’ve tried to make sense of it all.. Read our alliance help guide

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25 thoughts to ““My brain is literally deep fried and not in the good way” -Ash”

    1. Yes, the women this season have been really strong and making strategic moves NOT crying at all or whining or being catty and not at all looking for showmances….

    2. Oh definitely! Bruno turned into one of the most annoying floaters this year. His conversations reduced to permutations of, “I got you, man!”, “I’m 100% with you on this one!”, “I love what we got!”, “I got your back 100%!”, “We need to get those girls out!”, “Those showmances are dangerous yo!” — ad nauseam.

  1. interesting late night chat by the pool between sarah and Bruno:
    I don’t want it to sound like i’m campaigning against B but… x7
    I know what you’re saying but I don’t know if I can… x7
    you’re a smart girl, you know what we have to do x3
    i have to talk to willow first and see what’s happening x3
    so good that we can be honest with each other
    that’s what an alliance is all about
    no matter what happens this week we’re good
    no matter what happens this week we’re good
    and both of them walk away with smoke blowing out their asses.

  2. Although I want Brittnee to stay (because Bobby is annoying as hell), I hope Sarah and Willow evict Brittnee as it’s much better for their games.

    1. pro and con situation.
      get rid of britt:
      chances of winning comps increase to make it to sitting in front of jury.
      chances of having a guaranteed vote once in front of jury decreases (is she logic or emotional / bitter).

    1. Zach has flip flopped the whole game and is scared to make any strategic move. In fact all the guys are scared to make a move. I would love Godfrey to win HOH just to see if he will make a big move because I really think he is the only one with guts. Zach, Kevin, Bobby and Bruno have all wimped out during theirs.

  3. I really hope Bobby goes out this week… I love Brit as a person, not as a player, and bobby is useless in both contexts…

    1. I really like Britney, and she was in original in my top 3…. However, I dislike Kevin’s Character way more. It would be absolutely delicious if Bobby stayed. The look on Kevin’s face would be priceless… and his BIG SEXY MOVE would be evicting B.

      Whats sexy Kevin, is if you would’ve put up Bruno! That way someone strong would leave, but its too early for that I suppose :/

      The diapers keep on winning comps but end up poopin the bed… LOVE!

  4. Favorite line of the night….Zach trying to teach Ash the provinces & capitals-alright people are watching, we better stop, if we want you to be able to get a job again…..too funny, the girl is just so clueless

    Love the noms this week, would have liked Bruno up there but, fairly certain Bobby’s leaving so that works for me…but, with this triple eviction on Wed. Kevin & Zach are gone if the DA doesn’t win HOH… Sooooo glad they are finally cluing into Bruno’s games…..Can’t wait for Wed.

  5. Ugh. Willow is like that annoying gnat that just wouldn’t go away.
    I’m surprised more people aren’t on to her game play… Especially those leaky diaper alliance.

    1. The diapers have been so unaware of what is happening in the house. They all think that their alliance is so discreet and that everyone else is targeting each other. The only thing they got going is that they are winning HOHs but once their streak ends they are on their way to jury.

    2. They all tolerate Willow because she’s just not a threat: they all know what she’s doing (telling everybody “I’ve got noone. I’ve only got you!” then saying “I SO want to win HOH” then throwing every comp so she doesn’t have to pick a side).
      I had to laugh when the sunday tv show showed her in the DR saying “I’m playing both sides. If they knew, I’d be in trouble!”
      Guess what: everybody knows, but she’s just not important enough to waste an HOH on her. Sadly for the viewers. :/

  6. if I were Bruno, i’d perhaps be more careful in what I say.
    before nominations he said to every other outsider ‘they aren’t after you girls, they’re after us guys, you’re sitting pretty.’ each time it sounded more like a condemnation than a congratulatory comment.
    after the pov he goes from guy to guy to guy saying the women are getting us to pick off each other so that they can ride easy street to the end. he says this in a fishbowl where everyone tells everything that can be used against someone. instead of trying to convince them to keep bobby directly he’s trying to enhance paranoia about the girls. he even says it in front of Ashleigh (who is Zach’s second mouth, but female).
    1/2 of his current alliance is female. facepalm.
    at the end of the day he says ‘I don’t want you to think i’m against you.’
    good luck with that. even if its just persuasion tactic and not his inherent belief. eyeroll. good luck with that.
    while he was lying in bed eyes wide open like a suspicious owl for an hour after everyone else went to sleep, think he was wondering if half the allies he made into human speed bumps all day will even consider voting to keep him if he goes on the block?

  7. Why does a lot of folks on here still think there’s a loose tile hidden veto in the have not room?
    1.there isn’t any lose tiles.
    2.the tiles you think are lose are the trigger for the air horns and red lights. That’s it…that’s always been it.
    3. They wouldn’t make it so obvious…and it would be favoring also. For secret veto there would have to be a clue found…then another…and we all know full well….the trail would end in the vault 1 hundo % !

    1. in the promo video and first episode arisa narrates that this season a super power is held in the lowest point in the house. in the have not room, the floor opens and a podium rises.

  8. I missed the origin of the (annoying) ‘diaper alliance’ name. Can anyone help me out?

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