Monte “He’s considering Indy or Taylor” Paloma “The strategy is to just run with the house this week, that is it! Point blank!”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Daniel
Nominees: Michael & Terrance
POV Players: Daniel, Michael, Terrance, Indy, Ameerah and Turner. Kyle is hosting
POV Winner: Michael
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots: Joe, Michael, Monte and Kyle

Lock your ranks in before midnight


7:18pm HOH room. Daniel and Brittany
Daniel – first off thank you so much for you just being real earlier. Brittany – are you serious. I don’t know what more I could do. Daniel – you’re doing it. I want to ask you a couple questions. The thing that I want to ask everyone .. is there anyone that you not get along with but don’t vibe with? That you would be okay sending home. I want to keep Terrance here. Brittany – Moving forward to next week I want to work with you. I want to keep bring you intel. So who do I think if I am there and they keep closing up around me.. I would say Indy. Daniel – I get that too. Brittany – she just doesn’t talk game. I think she is just here for the Brazil thing .. the fame. I asked her how she felt about it (the veto) and she said she hadn’t thought about it. And I am like how have you not thought about it!?! Michael just won. Daniel – I appreciate what you’re doing and I want to continue working together. Indy has been a thought. Daniel – whoever I do put up next to Terrance I do want to go home whether that’s Indy or someone else. Brittany – god forbid I make it to week 2, I am working with you and I am working with Nicole. Who would I like other than that… and its not because he won veto today. I like Michael.

7:39pm Kitchen. Monte, Ameerah and Paloma.
Paloma – he is considering Taylor. Ameerah – I am good with that. Monte to Michael – he is thinking about Indy or Taylor and I think we need to be okay with both. Paloma – the strategy is to just run with the house this week.. that is it. Point blank. And one of us needs to win HOH. Monte – yes, 100%! Monte leaves to go to the diary room.

7:51pm HOH room. Pooch and Daniel.
Daniel – This conversation is just about replacement not about backstage because we don’t know what is happening with that. I am telling everyone that I am asking who their favourite and least favourite person is but with us I just want to have this real talk. Pooch – We’re in a good spot where people don’t know about us. Nobody is in like a big alliance. What would be sick would be if Me, Turner, Monte, Kyle and Daniel could get together tonight. Daniel – that would be a strong one. Pooch talk about how if Daniel put up Taylor and she started going off saying he did it because it was something the house wanted .. then he (Pooch) would put his hand up saying he wanted it. Pooch – and I think some of the other guys would too. Daniel – We will talk about that when we get there but we wouldn’t want to expose ourselves. I appreciate the confidence in it though. Pooch talks about how each guy is keeping a girl in their pockets.

8:15pm HOH room. Indy and Daniel.
Indy – how are you feeling? Daniel – stressed! The two main questions that I care to know about are of the available people to be replaced .. who are you vibing with like this is my homie? If someone was to go home, who would you be mad about. I don’t want Terrance to go. Indy – people that I don’t have 100% connect, deep yet .. that I connect less for me it is Taylor. Daniel – you’re not alone. Me too. Indy – Turner. Daniel – yeah. He is hard to figure out. I get it. Indy – he is hard to figure out. And don’t get me wrong its not like I don’t like them. For me I saw the way Taylor looked at me when I arrived. And I thought it was because of the guys. I think that she has opened up more. I think everyday she is improving. If I was in your position, those would be my two options. Daniel – and that makes sense. Those aren’t negative things. Indy – I clicked with Terrance the moment I saw him. Him and Monte. And I clicked with Michael when he spoke about his relationship and other things. Daniel – dope, thank you so much. Indy – Put your knees down. Say a prayer. You have your bible. Ask for help. Our angels cannot help us if we do not ask for help. You probably going to think I am talking bullsh*t. Daniel – no I love this. Indy – those are like some heaven rules. If you don’t invite, they cannot come. Indy leaves. Daniel to the cameras – and she knows I have a bible. She’s the only one that knows I brought it. I’m not a believer and its now playing into my hand. I don’t pray! But I will tell her I am. F**k, I want to get Taylor out of the way because it is now leaning towards her and I want to get it done. Oh my god.

8:30pm Kyle and Pooch.
Pooch – if I was to win HOH next week I would put up Indy and Breanna. Kyle – who?! Pooch – Brittany. Brittany the pawn and Indy would go home. The replacement would be Jasmine. Kyle – 100%. Brittany love her to death. Big Brother switches the feeds.

8:37pm – 8:55pm HOH room. Taylor and Daniel.
Taylor – talk to me, what is going on? Daniel – I am asking everyone and honestly you have your own game going on .. like who you vibe with? Who’s your homie? But ultimately who you’re not vibing with because my fear is who I put up.. Taylor – has too many people they’re with.. Daniel – and then I’m f**ked. Obviously having Michael .. not him but having a nominee staying sucks as much as I try to work it out. Like he has a reason to put me up. Daniel talks about the veto and how exciting it was to watch. Daniel – I guess if you were in my position, who would you put up? Not you, but you as me. Taylor – I get it.. I think with you I feel like I can be more honest with you. And first and foremost I will be protecting you next week. Daniel – dope! Taylor – its beyond doing behind the scenes work with you .. its being public and making sure you’re protected. Shielding you is going to be a big thing for me and I will say that publicly. I like Michael and I think theres value in someone talking to him to align with him even just for next week. Personally I love everybody.. I think Terrance has a really strong argument of not being a threat to anybody. He could Derick up his way through till someone decided to chop him. But he is an easy and loyal vote for you. Besides that .. if I were you .. who I would put up.. I don’t know what Indy told you in this room but people have been talking about how she is not talking game. I wouldn’t put her up because no one is voting her out. She is a really tough cookie to crack. The only person that comes to mind is Joshua.. Daniel – huh!? Taylor – Joseph.. Joe. I don’t see a real mind behind his game. And maybe its the slop brain. I think people would feel comfortable sending Joshua .. Jim .. Joseph. Daniel – I hate you. They laugh. Taylor – I’ve got your back next week. Daniel – I appreciate that.

9pm HOH room. Ameerah and Daniel.
Daniel – you absolutely killed it today! Ameerah – thank you! Daniel – you were so in the zone! I will just say it, I really like Terrance and I would like to keep him. Doing that, I have to put up someone who is going home. Ameerah – I think you can work with Terrance next week too. Daniel – I feel like that too. My question is, who up there .. that you would be fine going home? Ameerah – I have many ideas. I feel bad about saying these peoples names. We could backdoor a threat .. I am not 100% sure you could take out Monte or Kyle right now. If you want to take out a threat I think you could take out Joseph. The other two people, Indy .. I also love her but I don’t know where she stands. I am indifferent. And I don’t know if she is playing us. Daniel – that was my thought too. Big Brother switches the feeds.

9:10pm – 9:20pm Turner, Nicole and Pooch are complaining about how messy some of the other house guests are. Leaving their dirty clothes in the bathroom or not doing their dishes. Joe and Kyle join them. Pooch – I think its either going to be Taylor or Indy. If he does put up Taylor we need to make it happen. Joe – if you go for the queen, you go for the jugular. It’ll be a rough week if she’s up. Jasmine joins them and Joe & Kyle leave.

9:25pm Bedroom. Alyssa and Pooch.
We are trying to work the Taylor thing hard. Alyssa – have you talked to Daniel yet? Pooch – yes. He wants to make sure if it happens that he has the votes. Alyssa – he has my vote, he has Paloma’s vote. Pooch – you can’t vote! If not, it would be done! Done! We have 7 with you. Alyssa – what did they say? Pooch – Nicole is not as strong. She is closer to Taylor than we think. I hope it doesn’t get back to Taylor. Alyssa – do we need her vote? Pooch – no. Alyssa – we have Ameerah, Indy.. Kyle joins them. Pooch – you (Kyle), Turner, Joe.. Alyssa – I think Jasmine is a yes.

Who are you voting to save? (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 4,567

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What's your favorite alliance?

Girl’s Girls (Paloma, Jasmine, Alyssa, Ameerah, Indy, Brittany)
Motley Crew (POOCH, Turner, Daniel)
The Oasis (POOCH, Turner, Daniel, Kyle, Monte, Joe)
MAMBA (Paloma, ALyssa, Ameerah, Monte, Kyle, Michael)
Burner (Turner, Brittany)
TOOCH (Turner and Pooch)
PSL (Paloma, ALyssa)
Rouge Rats (Nicole, Daniel)

Smurfs (Jasmine, Paloma, Kyle, Monte)

2 thoughts to “Monte “He’s considering Indy or Taylor” Paloma “The strategy is to just run with the house this week, that is it! Point blank!””

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