Michael Is The New HOH! “I started trying to find the pieces and then I looked over and he was done.”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household:  Michael
POV Players:
POV Winner:
Veto Ceremony:

Lock your ranks in before midnight

7:44pm The live feeds return with and Michael has the HOH key around his neck. Michael is the new head of Household.

Kitchen – Monte and Turner.
Turner – that was exactly what I thought would happen. Monte – I thought maybe I could be the quickest … then I looked over and I was like okay I am right with him.. then I started trying to find the pieces and then I looked over and he was done. Turner – at the very least you or me will probably win next week. Monte – 100% 100%. Now we just have to make sure neither one of us is up on the block. Turner – do you think I am 100% good? Monte – I think you’re 100% good .. the only thing is I haven’t really checked in with Brittany where her head is at if one person does win the veto and brings one of us down. Turner – we’ll make sure that doesn’t happen. Monte – I don’t think Brittany would want to force Michael to put you up. I don’t think Michael wants to put you up because you didn’t put him up last week. Turner – and he told me like 100 times that he wasn’t going to put me up. Monte – I think we’re both straight this week. Turner agrees.

7:48pm 8:10pm Bedroom – Monte and Terrance.
Terrance – Think about it… so next week he (Michael) is vulnerable .. but he’s not.. Monte – because he gets to play in the veto. Terrance – he gets to play in the veto. Monte – this is exactly what he needed. Terrance – he can just coast. Monte – he has to win EVERY veto. He gonna slip once.. I will make sure to catch him. I am not confident in what I am saying but he has to slip once. Then after that.. Terrance – yeah. Monte – lets just say I pray. Terrance – I got further than I thought I would. Monte – but you never know … things change by the minute. Monte – he (Kyle) has the rest of his life to choose what path he chooses. Terrance – Exacely, its kind of good that he gets to sit in jury for a second. It wasn’t like an instant out. Thrown right into society. Monte – into the wolves… and hopefully with that time can die down …just whatever die down a bit because with time people forget things. And I don’t think anybody going to forget it… it just won’t be as harsh if he goes straight into the world. Terrance – yeah because you get that buffer in jury. Monte – a month from now. Terrance – so that could lighten the blow when he comes out. He going to get a lot of education in jury. Monte – oh yeah, I am sure Jasmine and Indy will make sure of it. Him and Joseph that’s the only wildcard right there. Terrance – he going to get the really uncut version from Joseph. Monte – it will be very telling who he (Michael) puts up this week. Terrance – its definitely going to be me. Monte – you think so? Terrance – F**K YEAH! Get the f**k out of here. They are not going to put Turner up because the say that he got a pass from the situation. And they not going to put up Alyssa so.. Monte – it might be the two of our black a$$es. Terrance – it might be me and you. It is what it is. They better know that the jury vote is going to be considered… you can win all these things (HOHs, Vetos).. but I promise you one thing from me .. you (Michael) don’t get my vote. Monte – yeah. Oh yeah.

8pm – 8:45pm Bedroom – Alyssa, Michael, Taylor, Turner and Brittany chatting about random things.

8:49pm The live feeds switch to the kitten cams.

9:15pm Still blocked..

9:37pm The live feeds return… The house guests are getting ready to make dinner.

9:39pm – 9:41pm The feeds are blocked again. Brittany – the person that leaves this week will get to tell everyone in jury what the zings were about.

9:54pm Kitchen –
Alyssa hits the table – Damnit! I hated my Zing. Monte – don’t look into it too much Alyssa. Alyssa – and that is what America thinks of us? Monte – we don’t know. Taylor – we don’t know. Turner – It doesn’t make sense, I shower .. what the f**k!? Alyssa – what did he say about a mask? Michael – masks are optional unless you have a face like Michaels. Taylor liked her Zing so she enjoyed it. Alyssa – oh my god! I have a cold heart Thank you!! Michael – maybe Taylor is just self-aware and then rest of us are delusional. Alyssa – why did he say underground? Do you DJ underground? Taylor – no, not literally. Monte – like an underground rapper.

10:50pm Kitchen – Brittany and Taylor
Brittany – It was imperative that we stay together this week. I think it is in Monte’s best interest To utilize Michael to get out Turner because Monte, me and you all had the same number of puzzle pieces. Michael is a beast at this… all the personal trainers, muscles.. like its not muscles .. Taylor – everybody on the team brings something. Brittany – I just think its in our best interest to keep Monte to get Turner out. We need a plan A and a plan B. I don’t want to get to far ahead of ourselves but sh*t this could happen. Taylor – the rest of the house doesn’t have a plan or a path like this.

11pm The house guests are tired..

11:55pm The house guests get the backyard.

12:36am – 12:50am Backyard – Monte and Terrance playing pool.
Terrance – he (Michael) got to deal with that timeline and that asterisk going to be over him. Monte – you said the timing? Terrance – for the information. Y’all knew Thursday before we walked out this house and then we came back in the house on Thursday and it didn’t come out till Sunday. Monte – no, yeah.. that’s some straight bullsh*t. That was clearly game move right there and ain’t nobody going to convince me otherwise. Terrance – and then when you tell me that it wasn’t one.. thank you for letting me know that it was one. Confirming that .. what my thoughts was. Monte – they were trying heavy to bring me into the fold and make me feel good last week with Jasmine going home. But this is on god, they didn’t tell me any of that sh*t beforehand. I lost all respect. By some type of miracle and hopefully I make it there but if we can get it down to a point where it is not Michael and Brittany .. if it is Michael and anybody else then the jury going to have a lot to say about that decision and about how they played the game.. and what they told people. Its one thing if you own it.. you know what I mean like put your d**K on the table and be like this is what I am working with but to see him be like oh no, no we wasn’t trying to do anything for game. Its what we felt like and we had to make sure … You didn’t make sure of nothing the past week and a half! Nothing! Terrance – worry not my friend .. if you make it to the end and you’re sitting next to one of them.. the jury is going to .. all us minorities. Monte – all of us that weren’t told about this when it was happening and we’re only told when it benefited the white folk in the game because they were turning on each other.. Terrance – like they say the chicken will come home to roost no matter how you paint this picture. I got your canvas. Monte – at the end of the day.. people in the jury.. it is a very diverse jury …. everyone was claiming to be working together ..from Kyle’s perspective he is in the f**king jury outside of Alyssa… outside of Kyle.. outside of Brittany. If I am in there I will be the first one to talk to the jury and be like they did some shaddy sh*t! Terrance – if its not you, its me.

12:58am Michael gets his HOH room. They check out his HOH photos. Michael reads his HOH letter from Hayden.

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193 thoughts to “Michael Is The New HOH! “I started trying to find the pieces and then I looked over and he was done.””

        1. Michael and Britney played a race card to further their agenda. That’s low and way worse than thinking a cookout could be happening. A cookout actually happened last seasoned… so Kyle gets shamed out of the game for thinking ‘game ‘? WOW!!! I can’t stand Britney or Michael

          1. Absolutely
            Shame on the dummies who believe it
            Bye Bye to Monte Terrance Turner and Alyssa
            Should have kept Kyle
            Daniel was right
            Go ahead hand Michael the money
            I was a Michael fan now not
            Played really dirty

          2. I don’t get why it wasn’t considered racist when they did it last year but omg a different color this year and get called and shamed racist … you don’t want racism to continue how about you stop separating us and calling out black and start going by just the human Race . This is out of control

            1. I totally agree and why make such a big thing out of this, ruin his life outside of this house. Last year making the cookout was racist but they got away with that. If all the white people do it we are the biggest racist people out there.

          3. Too bad…..i hope Taylor or Michael wins the $750,000.00
            As long as the overgrown disgruntled puppy Terrence, monte, & turner DON’T win. Turner is too darn arrogant! CBS/BB did NOTHING regarding KKKyle racist remarks. Michael has a moral compass & integrity. KKKyle had to go??

          4. 100%! For God sake. Michael is a snake..he should be evicted. This race bullshit …Taylor not putting a black girl on the block? Why? Kyle was completely justified in his thought process. Michael planted the whole race diversion. What a terrible weed growing from that. He, is actually the racist.

          1. Love that the comp beast is a slim dude and not a workout nut. Honestly didn’t peg him as such at the beginning, but watching him all summer navigate the game and own it has been a blast. Still rooting for his downfall, for good TV natch…

      1. BB should have changed the different comp by now. I am not impressed by Michael winning all these comps. He practice at home the different comps. Was it a smart move on his part yes. Is it fair yes. But I am bored with his many wins it is so obvious something is not right. He is winning too much it is starting to take the fun out of the game for me. The other HG doesn’t stand a chance with Michael or anyone that practice all the comps at home. Each year it should be different comps that the HG don’t know about or ever seen and not in the same order.

        1. Practices comps at home — what the eff ?? Think about how rediculous that sounds. Perhaps you’re trying to figure out how he does it — well he’s just that remarkably good physically and mentally. If you recall the comps he’s won how in the world could he have practiced them at home—enlighten me (it takes a huge crew setting-up comps). Can a Survivor player practice at home ?
          I, for one, love watching Michael ace these comps — impressive.

        2. How do you practice something like putting giant puzzle pieces together? Are you saying he practiced sliding around on grease or whatever it was in the last veto comp?

        3. Another reason Michael is winning so many comps is because so many HG’s have admitted to throwing early comps. Also, in past years, the alliances would spread the wins around by throwing the comp to someone that wanted to see pictures or get a letter. Hell, they let Christmas win a running comp with her broken leg. Michael is not spreading the victories around. Tyler Crispen would have one all if he didn’t have the strategy to stay in the background. He was a fantastic player!

        4. Another reason Michael is winning so many comps is because so many HG’s have admitted to throwing early comps. Also, in past years, the alliances would spread the wins around by throwing the comp to someone that wanted to see pictures or get a letter. Hell, they let Christmas win a running comp with her broken leg. Michael is not spreading the victories around. Tyler Crispen would have won all if he didn’t have the strategy to stay in the background. He was a fantastic player!

      2. He’s a FANTASTIC PLAYER. Plus he doesn’t bad mouth anyone, like Terrence, turner, monte, Brittany & Alyssa!!

        1. Except he, in fact, is racist. HE ,planted that seed. And we all know it. The whole race thing in the cookout was beautiful. Now? If someone entertains that it might happen again? Shame on them. This is full on bullshit.

    1. Terrence needs to go, he is the last of the (bad mouth talker alliance) left. Alyssa has changed a lot in my opinion.

      After Terrence leaves, I don’t care who make final 2, I will wish Michael + whoever but he is a huge target with all those wins.

      1. I agree, Terrance is just a disrespectful as Kyle was. Kyle was prejudice, no ands ifs or buts. Mean intent no, but prejudice yes. Terrance is also disrespectful he called Taylor a “trolling ho”. That is WRONG! Own it an apologize for that statement. But Terrance won’t!

        1. Couldn’t agree with you more!!! Terrance hate and disrespect towards Taylor is ridiculous. But, he gets a pass. You can be understand and teach Kyle but not take the time to do the same and get to know this young female. Terrance is a hypocrite!!!

        2. Terrance said way more vile comments about Taylor than that unfortunately. You’d think him being older and a father would mean something when having basic respect to others, but that’s not him.

    2. After the TV episode tonight, Monte is my favorite player and Michael may be my least favorite player left in the house.

    3. Unfortunately Michael has left it too late. He has monte, turner, Terrance, and maybe Taylor after him. Plus he can’t really put up monte and Terrance together because you know “the optics”.

  1. With Michael as the HOH, I want to see Alyssa evicted next. She has 3 jury votes locked with Kyle, Indy, and Jasmine. Terrance is the more strategic threat, but he will lose in physical comps and memory comps.

    My preferred boot order:
    Alyssa, Michael, Turner, Terrance, and Monte. Then Brittany loses to Taylor at Final Two.

    1. I agree about Alyssa. Other than 10 second sex all summer with Kyle, and lazing in the pool all day, she has no blood on her hands. Michael should get rid of her.

      1. Alyssa????????????? That is nuts.
        Michael needs to target all the guys. They have a greater chance to win hoh and veto. The men were most vocal to backdoor him. No reason on planet earth to keep them over Alyssa.

    2. If Michael keeps 3 guys next week. The 3 guys are going to get have a significant advantage to win HOH over Brittany and Taylor. There is still a scenario where if Britney or Taylor win the HOH. One of the guys that’s not on the block wins Veto. Takes another guy off that means either Michael or one of his numbers are going to leave. One of the guys wins a veto in final 5 or final 4 and Micheal is not the HOH he’s meat! There is no reason for Michael to get rid of Alyssa over any of the men with the physical threat and numbers advantage they would have if 3 of them made up the final 6.

      1. Are you all forgetting that there is a double eviction coming up next week? Regardless of who wins veto. 2 people will be sent out!

        1. Hopefully it will be Michael and Brittney… I can’t wait to see the reaction of everyone left in the house when the watch the season and realize how wrong they were about Kyle. Michael and Brittney played the race card by taking the words of someone who obviously has spent his life sheltered from the race war…. Kyle spoke out of concern of what happened last season not out of his own experience… Michael and Brittney tore into his sole and now thanks to them he is no longer color blind!

    3. Taylor needs to go she is riding on everyone’s coattails …. I think she is fake and by the end of the game so will everyone else?

    1. At this point, he doesn’t have a choice. I’m loving it. He’s the only HG in this summer’s boring BB who keeps me awake.

    2. I would rather watch someone win all the comps than watch someone sleep on the couch all summer and get carried to the end.

  2. Yay Michael!! You are continuing to make this summer of BB the ABSOLUTE BEST in a decade.

    Some of you may remember the early days of this summer when all boy’s alliance was being formed and Michael knew he was being left out. It was then and there that he knew beyond a doubt that have to work harder than any other HG to stay in this game.

    I have watched him move through the summer with great intellect, skill, and strategy and it’s been tremendously exciting to watch him excell.

    I do fear, however, very sadly, that like other fabulously skilled plays in the past (ie Hayden,Janelle)some floater will be taken to the end and win.. But he gave it his all.

  3. Current Stats: Michael.
    HOH: 3 (43 % success rate) eligible to play in 7 so far.
    Veto: 5 (83 % success rate) picked to play in 6 so far.
    combined: 8 (62 % success rate) out of 13 comps he played in.

          1. He deserves nothing but to be made to look himself in the mirror everyday and know he is the cause of another man who used to be colored blind and now sees nothing but color when he looks at people.

            1. Used to be color blind in a room full of white people isn’t an achievement. HE’S ALMOST 30, let’s just stop with the poor sweet innocent naive bullshit and recognize that he’s willfully being ignorant.

  4. Regardless of how you feel about Michael he is moving up the all time ranks. Only issue with his game is the timing on the Kyle info.

    I’m still rooting for him just because I know he is gonna have to go through one hell of a gauntlet to make it to final 3…and if he does it will be one for the ages cause everyone is coming after him.

    Dominant…and he still reminds me of Sidney Crosby

    1. Michael has completely made this summer of BB very worthy of watching! His skills are amazing..

      I would be shocked but overjoyed if he wins BB but I’m not betting on it. At this point he’s the No. 1 threat.

    2. His only mistake in this game will be if he let Turner slide this time without back dooring him to evict him because I see Turner as the only person who stands between him and the 750K. Terrance has also figure Michaels game but just don’t have the stamina to win any comp or memory game and as such his bravado is mute, while Monte keeps shooting blanks and its getting him nowhere, Taylor and Britney can keep trying in absentia hoping for an alley oops for a second place and as for Alyssa, she just can’t wait to join her beau in good old Utah and convert to the Mormon faith as a housewife.

      1. I agree! Turner is the biggest threat to Michael. Alyssa would have good jury management but if he doesn’t get Turner out now, it’s over.

        I dunno about Alyssa in Utah. Mama’s not gonna like that she exposed her baby’s 10 second sex life!

        1. Alyssa took advantage of that impressionable young man. He tried to resist her advances but she was too powerful for his young mind.

          I am just playing but figured some here must feel that way. I hope most of the commenters were just trolling but who knows anymore.

          It is poetic justice that she lasted longer in the game, Kyle will realize at some point he should have just let Taylor throw her on the block. How different things could have been.

  5. Michael solidified a spot on the next All-Stars season. He’s a competition beast. If they can’t get him backdoored, he wins without question. Turner or Taylor probably get AFV if he doesn’t take one of them to F2 over Brittany. If she’s no longer in the house to be his F2. Next week’s double will be wild

    1. That would be amazing to watch! Thanks for putting this out there because I’m feeling I’ll miss seeing his incredible skill move through this game when this is all over.

      Why do you say he’d win without question though? What if he takes Taylor or B to F 2 and either have better jury management.

      And everyone’s gunning for him now, so even F 3 is in doubt.

      1. With Terrence, the trio of bitter mean girls and Kyle it could be a bitter jury toward both Taylor and Brittany

        1. Yeah led by good old screechy Jasmine. Unless she’s still eating her birthday cake. I’ve never seen anyone eat more on BB than her!

          1. Sorry I said three bitter women when it’s actually going to just be two lol. But we can say three if I include her eyebrow lol

  6. I’m not sure how anyone couldn’t have been moved by that conversation between Monte and Kyle. I was crying like a baby. The love, compassion and forgiveness is something we should all strive for.

    1. Considering Terrance has such hate for Taylor, and he’s a liar and a floater…. Terrance is all over the place in his game.

  7. At some point every season – the game become 100% about winning comps. Michael had to start earlier than most, but he gets it. Turner, or Monte, or Terrence has to go this week.

    1. If you could go back to the first days of BB, you’d see that Michael knew he was being left out of an all boy’s alliance that was forming. He knew then that he had to work harder than anyone in this game.

    1. It doesn’t add up at all to put up Alyssa. He needs to target the men. They are the better competitors and threats coming after him that could ruin his game.

      1. (Six in the City called around the corner:
        I’m sorry, the old alliance can’t come to the phone right now, why….OH! cause they’re Dead

      2. Alyssa beats him with that bitter jury. Even though she hasn’t won anything or done anything they will still give her the money over Michael. The quicker he gets rid of her the better. Just with the makeup of the jury right now The only fair vote Michael will get is from Joseph. Jury management is a huge part of the game going against any of the guys that are left Michael has a shot at winning easily. The only two that he can beat without question or without any effort are Brittany and Taylor because the majority of that bitter jury can’t stand either of those women

        1. Are you saying that giving the world a new slogan of 10 second sex isn’t doing anything? And she does make good use of the pool and lounge chairs!

          I do agree with you about a bitter jury but even if she’s evicted, Turner’s going to be a bigger threat and he actually moves!

        2. Everyone is not seeing the bigger picture.
          How is Michael going to get to final 2 leaving all three men in the house to target him next week and all of the following rounds after. Michael is dead to rights if he does that. He doesn’t get to compete for HOH. The guys have a stronger chance to beat Taylor or Britney. The men will have an advantage for power and numbers to dictate a desired outcome. Even if they lose the HOH next week. If one of the guys not on the block wins the veto and takes another guy off. Either one of Michael‘s numbers or Michael will go on the block and leave because the boys have the votes! That is why you all are not getting it; it’s a numbers game. If one of the guys wins veto in final 5 or 4. Michael is not HOH he is dead meat! Michael would be putting himself at a significant disadvantage to get rid of Alyssa. You evict your biggest threats that are immediately coming for you!

          1. As long as he has one of the guys OTB on Thursday he’ll be fine bc Taylor & Britt will vote out who he wants & he’s the tiebreak.

              1. Sorry – I meant this week — there will be a guy leaving.

                Terrance & Ally are his initial nominations – Turner already told him he won’t use the POV. I mean yeah – the guy constantly lies but since he has a F2 with Monte you have to believe he wouldn’t risk saving Ally just to put Monte in jeopardy.

                If Terrance or Ally were to win POV Michael already said he’d put up Turner bc it’s more important to him to show Monte loyalty than going back on his promise to Turner (who lied to each of Britt/Taylor & Michael last week anyway – promising them safety & with Mich as his target).

                Even if Ally is OTB against Terrance or Turner he’ll have Britt/Taylor in agreement to keep Ally and he only needs their two votes bc he breaks the tie.

                The ONLY scenario that would find Monte would be if Michael learns how aggressively Monte is trying to turn the house against him & actively working to ensure he won’t win if he makes F2. Even in that scenario I still think he puts up Turner to cut one of Monte’s allies. For Monte to land OTB it would mean he got exposed & Michael got assurances from Tay/Britt they’d vote him out (plus whoever came off the block would also likely vote him out over Terr/Ally is my guess).

                Anyway, pretty sure it’ll be Terrance or Turner leaving this week.

    2. I’m VERY happy Michael won HOH! However, I think he’s got to get rid of Turner now because he’s the next biggest threat to win BB. I mean I’m rooting for Michael, but he’s got to make the right decisions now and I do think Turner needs to be in jury now for Michael to have a chance. Turner can win comps.

  8. So, does anyone know if this makes Michael the all-time comp leader? I think he was tied with Janelle and others last week, but I’m not sure. I may have dreamed that.

    1. I think I read the same about being tied with Janelle last week. I just hope Michael doesn’t go down the same road as Janelle..

    2. 9 is the record of combined comp wins. Janelle.
      HOH record in US is 4 i think. in Can the record is 5 (dane, demetries).
      Veto record in US is 5. Janelle, Kaycee, Paul, Dani, Michael has joined this group.
      He does currently have the highest combined percentage title (record was 60% James Rhine) with a 62% success rate.
      He does currently have the highest veto win percentage rate (record was 80% Janelle) with an 83% success rate.
      Ain’t nobody touching the Have not records this season.

      1. Thank you for this information! What a distinguished group!

        I liked Kaycee but what a boring season. Thank you Michael for making this season actually exciting to watch!

    3. I covered this last week after the POV comp if you want to look back for the post.

      The condensed version:
      Michael has 3 HOH & 5 POV wins or 8 total wins.

      Janelle owns the single-season record for combined wins (9).
      Most POVs in a season is 5 (Janelle, Dani Donato, Paul & Kaycee) & 12 players share the most HOH wins of 4.

      So, Michael needs to win once more to tie Janelle’s record which has stood for 16 seasons. He needs one more POV to own that record outright & if he wins two more HOHs he’ll also own that record.

      Not to be crass but that’s f*cking epic!

  9. I’m sure others noticed how icy thing were between Kyle and Michael. Kyle found the most neutral goodbye positive to say to him during the eviction speech.

    Michael is the only one in the house who has not shown any grace towards Kyle He is stiff and uncomfortable bc he is in defense mode for his standing and ego. Monte and Terrance already held him accountable for his timing but he is taking no ownership.

    1. No, you don’t understand what happened. When Kyle threw the LO under the bus to Terrance and saved himself to get Joe evicted, Michael knew beyond a doubt that he’d be next on the chopping block. Why? Because when Dyre came back into the house Kyle and Turner would not talk to Michael. And Michael knew immediately that Kyle woukd throw him under the bus next in a heartbeat. Kyle completely betrayed the LO.

    2. I’m glad Monte questioning the timing. The black heart of Michael and Britney are showing up. Yes Michael was nervous when Joe got evicted but playing race is never cool. He held on to that when and made it sound worse than Kyle meant it. Kyle meant it as game, Michael used it as a race card to get him evicted bc he feared his game.

      1. Michael definitely used this as game — Monte trying to paint a target on him for the timing of when it was exposed (despite knowing HE would’ve been the re-nom & been evicted) is ALSO game. Terrance trying to say let him stay to grow is ALSO game.

  10. Ok, now I’m being childish, but it’s the only way I can deal with the high likelihood that Micheal is going to win this.

    Perhaps Michael should self-evict to demonstrate his commitment to anti-racism in the BB home. An atonement. After all, Monte and Terrance made it clear they did not appreciate his timing.

    Disclaimer: I in no way excuse the harm of Kyle’s comments. Please, no racist or homophobic snark, we are not sharing a page. This is only about Michael’s personal hypocrisy. There was no racial hypocrisy, as reverse racism is not an actual reality.

    1. There was absolutely no reverse racism. Michael’s job outside of the house is that of a public defender. It is a low paying lawyer jib and he helps clients from poverty backgrounds who cannot afford to hire their own attorney. There are a lot of diverse backgrounds in the clients that he helps.

      1. If Michael really thought Kyle’s words were racist he would of spoke up at the time him being a gay man himself he would know how deeply offensive words cut. That’s why I have trouble with what Michael is saying. He knew Kyle was only talking “Game ” and nothing else.

    Everyone is clutching pearls now?
    I mean… NOW there’s problems with what we’ve been watching for nine weeks?
    Mmmm. Okay.
    Week one Michael and Nic were left out of the men’s and women’s alliances because he wasn’t masculine enough and she wasn’t feminine enough. But that wasn’t an issue.
    Week two we had the first comment from Kyle that made no sense. He was worried about how much Monte Ameerah and Nic were bonding (they were NOT bonding, Nic was trying to pry Ameerah away from Monte and Kyle knew it).
    Kyle Michael and Britt officially become the Oustiders. Alyssa spills the beans about OLD SKOOL (the episodes NEVER mention OLD SKOOL).
    Week three? The Oasis rebrands as the pound and uses bullying as a fake inducement to grow their numbers and take control of the game. Everyone cheers for the fake out like it’s real for weeks on end. Eyeroll. The LEFTOVERS was actually formed because 4 men didn’t like not having control of the house to evict the uppity women. They were always using the anti-bully stance as a trojan horse to keep their added numbers loyal. They admitted it week 8. Kyle? Makes his first suggestion about a cookout deal, it’s not taken seriously.
    Festie Besties twist starts week three. It never goes to the promised conclusion, it’s cut a week early.
    Week four is when Kyle first approaches Michael about his ideal alliance, the outsiders need Alyssa. He again suggests there might be a worrisome group forming on the other side. no label is used, but Monte and Joseph saying they have Jasmine and Terrance and Indy under control is a bone of contention getting his paranoia working overtime.
    Kyle introduces the get Monte plot to Michael.
    Week five: Michael is thinking get Daniel or get Monte. He’s heavily considering Monte until everyone Kyle told him is team Monte wants Monte evicted. Kyle names his cookout conspiracy theory more than once, most famously on day 31.
    Kyle goes to d/r to complain that his ass shouldn’t have to touch the block. Another thing fans didn’t actually listen to and say what? nearly enough.
    Week six: Monte is plotting against Michael (but keeping it down low). The fans are still talking like the Leftovers is actually a group formed to fight bullying when it’s a cover for four guys thinking they should assume their rightful place as lords and masters of the game. Kyle is plotting more. D/R calls Kyle Michael and Britt in to tell them the public outcry about the optics is getting bad. Michael backs away slowly but does zero confrontation of the problem instead hoping to still play middle, Britt says looks bad can’t play that but don’t hate me. Kyle persists even with evidence that the concept is flawed.
    Kyle is told to be the tool to evict his showmance the morning after they have sex. Not happening. Monte switches from plotting against Michael to plotting against Kyle and Turner.
    Week 7 The loyalty test week that became the feed cut week. I want to know what was said and done in d/r. We watched d/r in complicity call Joseph so that the others could form their alliance. What other bullshit was going on? What did Kyle say or do? Or did all the yellers the show says didn’t happen (that houseguests on feeds KNOW about) push the production to alter course?
    Inside: Michael leaves d/r. Britt asks him if they should reveal the Kyle thing. Michael hems and haws and wants to stay in the middle. Britt is called to d/r. she resumes conversation with Michael saying okay we don’t tell them. Why was that never a question to anyone but me?
    It becomes clear that Monte is pushing the others to target Kyle and Turner at first, but really quick shifts to wanting to get the boys back together and Pound out.
    That leads us to where we are today.

    1. I’m glad you picked up on what happened in that early week with Michael being left out of the all boy’s alliance! It set the stage for the rest of the summer and gave us something really exciting to watch. Michael knew he’d been left out and I remember his awareness conversation with the camera.

      He knew he’d have to work harder than anyone in this otherwise dry dull season of BB to stay in the game. It has been exciting and inspiring to see Michael make it happen by sheer focus, intellect, strategy, and phenomenal skill.

      Naturally now he’s the #1 threat..but what will unfold will be at least worthy of watching. The rest of them clump into one big Ho Hum Yawn.

    2. I really like your Tinfoil Hat.It’s so shiny.Can I try it on?With the narrative these past few seasons,wouldn’t it be perfect for Monte to win this season?

      1. The early signs (pre Paloma’s looneytoones in inception land) were a woman would win. BUT, with her departure, a reset happened.

    3. Excellent recap. 🙂

      Only things I’d add are Kyle exposed Monte & Joe began discussions of targeting Michael as soon as Leftovers formed. I’m not sure of the actual date but I’m thinking week 5 during Michael’s HOH & it was brought up numerous times after as Monte upped the intensity and frequency of the conversation.

      And week 6 – Kyle exposes what he previously hinted at with Michael & Britt about the four (Pound) being the creators of the LOs and that Michael/Britt were pulled in next followed by Taylor to hedge their bets/numbers.

      So Michel was left out of Oasis – – was added by Paloma as a sixth to what was originally called Mamba which became Po’s Pack (so an afterthought). Then wasn’t consulted on Nicole’s addition to the group when Pal self-evicted (Monte/Ameerah made that choice), wasn’t included in the Pound although he already had three wins so was more of an afterthought by them as someone who could win comps & bring Britt with him for two votes.

      While I agree Michael used the reveal as game strategy, I also believe Monte who was the direct benefactor from the reveal pushing the narrative Michael has to be punished for the timing of his reveal is also game strategy. That Monte is entertaining the Terrance discussion or how he’ll be sure to influence the jury to not vote for Michael is disturbing & frigging petty. Mr. Crock Pot barred his a$$ for all to see this season with how he spoke about Taylor & behind other people’s backs & Monte isn’t clean either (per above).

      It’s part of BB – they’re all hypocrites who see nothing wrong with how they elect to play but are quick to point fingers when someone outplays or outsmarts them. Monte was so set on being the alpha voice in the house controlling people’s nominations, votes & who got to pull a seat up at the popular kid’s table & was the driving force behind excluding Michael from those alliances. The irony for me is that he didn’t see right away how smart it would’ve been for him to form a F2 or F3 deal with Michael early in the game (bc Michael was everything Monte was hoping Kyle would be to him), then sat back & smoozed everyone until F5 or F4 when Michael was unsuspecting & blindsided him.

      1. Kyle told Michael in the middle of week 4 before Michael won HOH in 5. That’s why Michael considered getting rid of Monte.
        I thought the conversation was on the Monday of Week 4, but it might have been Sunday?

        My episode recap included for the eviction included a little opinion section written during the extended commercial break: Essentially EVERY-one is using the reveal as a game tool. Turner getting promise of safety. Monte using timing to justify someone he’s been targeting for about 2 weeks. Then there’s the clown….Terrance shifting blame through timing in a performative fashion so that nobody is mad he preferred to keep the unconscious bias guy lumping all of the POC together rather than a black woman. He can take as many seats as he wants…. next to the dumpster.

  12. I think persecuting someone for unconsciously make statements on facts not being bias towards race maybe a little naïve is a shame and going from that playing a game for money that involves lying and girl did him a favor by showing when shit gets tough your emotionally in France ir is it in Paris England

  13. Honestly Michael is dumb if he doesn’t take Turner out this week he knows next week Turner is gunning for him and should be trying to increase Britt and Taylor’s odds of winning hoh so he doesn’t have to rely on veto

  14. I started this show evil dick w Dani had no clue came back from the bar that was bbafterdark… they play # nobody plays now they play race card… ….. good things last for awhile

  15. Exactly! That’s why Michael must get rid of one of the men. I think it has to be Turner who’s the bigger threat. Yes, all 3 men will be pushing to evict Michael but I think he’s more threatened by Turner.

  16. well looky here Michael is HoH. Monte Terrance Turner and even the “girlfriend” Alyssa all jumped on the Kyle is a racist bandwagon

    they couldve weakend Michael and Brit by taking out Taylor and keeping Kyle in as a target for Michael

    these morons suck at strategy, im gonna lmao if any one of them goes this week

    1. Exactly. If they were really playing the game they would always pick the logical option – who out of Taylor and Kyle stands a better shot at beating Michael. Now they will all suffer for their choice to play semantics. If Michael were really playing savage he would have had Britt take out monte in brochella too. It’s sucks to watch a game where players don’t take their best moves.

  17. Monte and Terrance are bitching about Michael winning HOH. So bitter that he didn’t willingly allow the people he knows are after him beat him.
    Monte and Taylor, the recipients of advantage due to the reveal (Monte was going to be renom 100%), have discussed the reveal without that realization.
    Terrance, WHO WANTED TO KEEP KYLE, is mad at Micheal for the reveal.
    Soorrrry, but someone call the other clowns in the little car…. DJ La-z-boy is a putz and they need to come get him.
    So four people are hanging out and socializing with the HOH. 2 people are bitterly plotting against the current HOH before noms.
    Geeeee…. who would I target?

    1. Monte did know he’d be the re-nom — well Turner spun that to say “that’s what Kyle wanted” but he’s not dumb he saw how Kyle puppeted Turner & even called it out so he can play naive but he knows.

      That Monte was in that room with Terrance spouting off about Michael was insane but then again it’s been his M.O. all season to talk the most when he’s the most vulnerable.

      Michael sees Turner as his primary opponent (to beat him in comps) & his ties to Ally/Terr. As for Monte, his priority was making sure Joseph & Monte were separated which he got during the house split twist. But it sort of feels like Michael has blinders on when it comes to Monte – sure he knows he was cited as his target since week four but bc he hasn’t performed well in comps he needs to win I think Michael underestimates him.

      I highly doubt Michael will want to waste this HOH with the expectation of a double this Thursday by taking out Terrance. I’d been leaning to him going back on the Turner promise which became apparent as soon as he said to Britt “UNLESS we learn more information” (read: we’ll find information – which could be the Pound or the After Party).

      So serious question(s)… do you think Turner is his priority target this week & aside from Turner winning POV what would it take for Michael to flip to take out Monte instead?

      1. Maybe it’s because i’m unable to sleep and it’s 530am here… but my mind has come to the unnerving realization that Monte and Terrance’s love and acceptance of Kyle paired with their condemnation of Michael and Britt could send the message that people should keep their mouth shut because the messenger is worse than the message.
        I’m bothered by that.

        I think, sadly, that Michael will most likely aim for Terrance. He’s trying to show loyalty to Taylor by keeping Monte around even knowing Monte is out to get him.
        Britt did make a good point to Taylor earlier: sure the person that takes out Michael gets a boost in winning chances… but who does the house take out next if Michael is gone? The house makes the person that took out Michael the biggest target because that’s the David that slew the comp Goliath. I doubt Taylor shares that with Monte. The context was if Monte takes out Michael, then Turner swoops in and takes out Monte. How would Monte answer that one?

        1. Don’t lose sleep, it’s BB plain and simple.

          You have a good point – if Michael does get taken out (And I strongly hope he stays so I can keep staying awake during the show) whoever is HOH will immediately be the next biggest threat. Whoever takes out the Comp King has the next highest resume.

      2. I think Michael will have a taste for Puppet blood to avenge being the backdoor target last week.Should Puppet win veto he should backdoor Monte but he will most likely want to cut down the numbers thinking he can still work with Monte.

      3. Whoever Michael perceives as winning the next HOH between Turner, Monte and Terrance will be his target. I think he’ll play the odds that it would be Turner.

        In the final analysis though I sadly think it will be floater that makes it to the end.

    2. Good point. But Michael has to target who will have the power next to evict him. And that’s most likely Turner.

      Terrance is worthless and annoying. I liked him better before he became so high and mighty after Kyle threw the LO under the bus. I’d love to see him gone but it’s not the best game play for Michael.

  18. I have been listening to Brittny all week justifying and spinning.. Maybe its just me but if there was a poster picture of “karen” I think it would be Brittney. She just strikes me that way.

  19. Kyle I think he will do okay because I think he learned a lot this week. I bet there wasn’t many African American in his church. I hope he has learned from this experience. I will say I grew up in mostly white places till I graduated and traveled the world and learned from experience. Michael did it with a motivate. He put up a poc and got voted her out, but didn’t tell the poc before that before the vote.

    1. Michael: should wear a mask (ugly)
      Britt: song. crazy eyes. boring.
      Terrance: unknown. underground dj?
      Turner: no showers, smelly.
      Monte: impressions from intro pack. boring.
      Taylor: heartless or cold hearted?
      Alyssa? Unknown but she’s offended.

      1. If that was Turner’s that was something people said about him at the beginning of the season but not now so I have no idea why that zing happened. As far as Alyssa goes, I have a feeling that I know what type of zing that she got (either about her lack of knowledge or her brief “relationship” )

  20. I’m not sure what was worse to watch on TV tonight..Big Brother or listening to Biden speak.Seeing how fake all these houseguest are and how they reacted to kyle.The house treated him like he was KKK.Kyle should have called out Taylor when she said she would never put up a black woman.Thats racial right there.
    I hope it comes down to Michael,Britney,Monty and Taylor in final 4.Figure it out people…Can’t say much more before you people cancel me.When this is all over,these people go back to there own homes and neighborhood and most likelly will NEVER see each other Again.The Real World starts up again.Where Im sure they’ll see and witness 1000 times worse than what kyle said.

  21. Turner, Taylor and Britt discuss houseguests they will remain in contact with:
    Nobody is rushing to hang out with Daniel.
    Taylor thinks Indy and Jasmine will not want to hang out with her.
    Britt won’t be contacting Kyle, doubts Terrance, maybe Joseph maybe not. the sell out to stay stuff he was saying bothered her because she liked him. She would talk to Pooch and Jasmine. She liked the Indy version she talked to when Indy wanted her vote, not the usual Indy. Terrance’s attitude during house meeting and after has bothered her.
    Turner isn’t psyched about Ameerah, Nicole or Jasmine. He’s still bitter about Pooch. FROM WEEK 2. SEVEN WEEKS AGO. He disinvited Kyle from hanging with him in Massachusetts.

    Festivus Airing of Grievances:
    Britt previously stated she wouldn’t vote for a Leftover member that broke the plan before 7 if they got to final 2.
    Terrance is going to poison the jury against Britt and Michael. The dude that WANTED to KEEP KYLE and EVICT TAYLOR is… oh fuq off. This performative asswipe. Eyeroll.
    Monte thinks he’s going to be final 2, so isn’t airing jury grievances. Pretty cocky for the guy that the current HOH KNOWS has been targeting him since week 3.
    Nobody else has aired anything that I’m aware of.

  22. Kyle had it coming for the way he sent Joseph home. They better send Dj Show time home this week or he’ll tear up the house next week!

    1. Agree, As soon as he threw Joe under the bus, he deserved what he got. And the sleaze ball of his character was demonstrated in how easy it was for Kyle.

  23. What I would have thought the zings would be:
    Heeeeeeey Aalllllllll-Ysssssssssssssssss-Aaaaaaa: Calling out your name took ten seconds, was it good for you? Zing.
    Heey Brittttt-annny: Your hypNOsis works great, your game has been putting viewers to sleep ALL sEA-Son. Zing.

  24. So this is the conversation that Terrance and Monte are having, playing pool, between 12:36 and 12:50, posted above:
    “Terrance – worry not my friend .. if you make it to the end and you’re sitting next to one of them.. the jury is going to .. all us minorities. Monte – all of us that weren’t told about this when it was happening and we’re only told when it benefited the white folk in the game because they were turning on each other.”
    They’re are talking about jury votes if Michael or Brittany end up in the final 2 at the end of the show, but it got me wondering how the POC will vote, depending who the final 2 will be. I have a feeling that said or unsaid, color bias will remain a part of this show for years to come.
    Very curious to see how house participants will be chosen over the next few years. It seems to me that there are still several minorities that are being under represented and I think it’s time to diversify even more.
    Farewell Kyle! Unfortunately you’ll be remembered for a long time.

  25. Monte and Terrance should be Michael next target. As a black person they are an embarrassment to the black community, rather than chastise Kyle about his racist actions they were crying and offering their shoulder to Kyle ,cmon! Racist people would always make lame excuse about their action “ I didn’t know’ ‘ I was raised in a bubble” “I’m coming from Mormon community” yeah right! We all watch the news, we all share the same internet, we all use social media yet it takes a few minutes to learn about white privilege and raciism. . Go Michael, Taylor and britany!

    1. You just said it so well! Living in a Morman community as an excuse is mindless and an insult to expect the HG to buy that.

      I think Turner’s the more dangerous as he’s better at comps. But Michael who has been so calm all season, has got to be feeling the pressure of knowing all 3 of them will immediately push to evict him. He’s intelligent and focused and is probably considering the odds of which one will make HOH.

      Extraordinary job Michael! Thanks for making a season of BB worth watching!

  26. My guess is that Alyssa and Terrence will go on the block. The most strategic time to get Michael out is Thursday during double eviction

    denied knowing about noms. Denied Old Skool as being real. Said Turner didn’t give much at Dyre fest, but Joseph seemed to be squirrelly and Kyle was giving him all sorts of info. It seemed Alyssa was in the dark about everything and doesn’t know nothing about nothing. He put up Kyle because Joseph and Kyle were his two biggest worries.
    He says during week 5’s get Monte push, he and Jasmine weren’t working together he didn’t like her game at all.
    Alyssa coming up… but first
    Terrance leaves and downloads to a pastier than usual Turner who looks like he’s starting to panic.
    Turner goes to Monte, he’s getting even paler looking. Monte reassures Turner that he’ll be fine because he didn’t actually put Michael on the block.
    She hates that Zingbot called her dead weight and useless. She’ll be completely transparent to prove her worth. Alyssa reveals the Pound. Reveals Kyle said Turner and Monte are likely final 2 and she may be friends with Turner, but Turner is game with Monte. Michael says he had an inkling of a backdoor plan last week, and doesn’t plan to put Turner up… unless he finds out something that makes it impossible to overlook. He says Alyssa would be dangerous in final 2 because of her social game, but that maybe Michael and Alyssa can be of use to each other. Alyssa offers to give Michael the whole goods on Dyre fest. She compliments Michael on his intelligence and ability to think things through rationally. He tells her he is adaptable with people in the game.
    We’re back to Dj La-z-boy talking to Casper the stinky ghost. No seriously, he’s getting so pale he’s going to be transparent soon. Terrance says he told Alyssa he didn’t say anything about Dyre fest to Michael. Terrance thinks Monte will go on the block.

    Okay… they are still going, but the air pressure finally shifted here and my body is now saying sleep now. Tapping out.

  28. Come on Monte and Turner…they are already scheming about nominating Turner…such great “character” that group displayed in the last week of play. I hope Alyssa gets kicked out and Monte wins HOH next week.

  29. Michael is a beast!!! Call it what you want he’s not sitting around floating through the game. It’s funny how everyone left in the house has won something except Alyssa but yet Brittany and Taylor are being called floaters. So, Alyssa should get rewarded for a showmance and praised for the same thing Bayleigh got called so many disrespectful names for her showmance on previous BB. WOW!

    1. Alyssa is worthless. But she still unfortunately might float right to the end and have the jury give her the win.

      Michael has dominated! It’s been exciting and amazing watching his combination of talents and skill, and all the while keeping calm and focused. This is the first summer that I haven’t quit watching after 2 weeks.

  30. If thinking an alliance could form because of the cookout/poc, and that thought paints one as biased or racist, would it also be true that thinking an alliance could be formed based solely on gender would paint one as sexist?
    However, I’ve not heard anyone in the game or outside of it express any disgust with that. Shouldn’t both be squashed or both be acceptable? Why treat differently? Women have historically and even presently been treated unfairly. In the game, there were fears of an all women alliance. There were also concerns of a guys alliance. If cookout concerns are troublesome, shouldn’t gender based alliance concerns also be troublesome?

  31. It’s human nature to be frustrated when someone is always winning something.

    But you can’t hate on him for it. The guy is good at comps. Give him the credit he deserves.

    They are all good at something… right?
    He’s just good at comps.
    Jasmine was good at being annoying, eating, over exaggerating her twangy funky wonky weird ass accent, milking her ankle injury, and being obsessed about that muffin.
    Brittany…. I’ll think of something…
    Alyssa… good at applying mascara
    Turner… being cool as shit

    Michael is winning because he probably puts all of his energy into that competition and can just concentrate on the task at hand. That’s a good competitor. Good for him!!!

  32. I’m fed up with the stones & arrows being thrown by people using the exact same ammunition for their own game strategy/moves.

    As Michael wins his third HOH, Monte’s envy of his comp prowess and game ability is eating him alive. While Monte is in a safe position he’s doing WAY TOO MUCH by actively plotting Michael’s demise and not just to ensure he keeps the target on him but he’s also having discussions with Terrance & Turner on how they can ensure Michael won’t win at F2 regardless of how many comps he wins. [Sorry – but this is just as petty as Brittany/Michael saying she wouldn’t vote for any Leftovers in F2 if they didn’t honor the F7. Both situations are bullsh*t.]

    To wit, Monte/Terrance, intend to poison the jury against Michael so if he reaches F2 sitting beside anyone but Britt the POC in the jury won’t vote for him. With Turner, the push is to gun for him at F6 & if they miss but Michael wins F5 HOH ensure they get POV in order to FORCE him to put up Britt. Ummmmmm- have you met Michael? He’ll see through this before you finish the pitch.

    Gotta say this is pretty annoying to listen to Monte tell Turner how safe they both are (read: he trusts Michael to be loyal & honor his promises) all while actively plotting to make sure he loses. Monte seems far less upset with the things Kyle said but he wants to ruin Michael’s game — yeah the man who just saved his a$$ from going to jury.

    Secret giver Ally – the gift that keeps on giving:
    Ally hits the HOH with yet another secret to reveal telling Michael about “the POUND” so now he has the name. More importantly, she reveals that Kyle told her before he left that Turner & Monte very likely have a F2 deal (good call Kyle) so Turner would be more loyal to Monte than her.

    Interestingly, I don’t think Michael shared that in his chat with Britt but I wonder if he’s still percolating on those facts. That reveal HAS to be concerning for him bc he can’t afford to keep both Turner & Monte in the house knowing the double is likely this Thursday.

    Michael told Ally that Turner won’t go OTB bc of his actions this past week but also gives her a carrot saying if he FINDS OUT SOMETHING VITAL THAT COULD CHANGE HIS MIND. Maybe I’m missing something but I’d put the “Pound” & Monte/Turner F2 as ‘something vital’ if it was me. It seems Michael is focused too hard on Terrance atm, but maybe after a few DRs or Terrance starting to spiral he’ll start spilling more of the Monte chat.

    I’m also waiting to see if Monte continues to push Taylor like he has the last few days bc I can’t imagine his new plan to ensure Michael loses beside anyone but Britt won’t sit well with her. I think she’ll view that as being just as dirty as some of the other things that have happened in this game.

    Monte has consistently ranked above the middle & near the top for me this season. He’s NOT great in comps (his only win was the shuffleboard HOH), isn’t a brilliant strategist & doesn’t have a great house read as his closest allies have been Joseph who he allowed to build closer ties to virtually everyone in the house, Kyle who was never on board with working with him deep into the game & Turner who changes his mind with the weather.

    The people who’ve been the most demonstratively loyal to him (Taylor, Michael & Britt) are the people he actively plots against & it comes across as an ego thing. Monte wanted to dictate who got to sit at the cool kids’ table, who got to go to F4 & who should win. Any variance from his choice isn’t acceptable & results in a reason to put a target on them.

    Will Monte obsession with Michael get exposed?
    As this week progresses I have a feeling Michael could shift his sights onto Turner bc the odds of Monte winning both HOH & POV or any combo of him, Terrance & Ally winning those two comps under the duress of a double are unlikely.

    I will say after all this nonsense I’m hoping Michael finds out about Monte’s new plan to poison the jury against him & there is an eventual sit down between the men so Michael can run through how Monte has always used Michael as an afterthought & ostracized him in this game while Michael was loyal to him & repeatedly protected him even with the reveal which Monte refuses to acknowledge.

    Ultimately, this Monte obsession with Michael seriously feels like pettiness and jealousy. I get why he’s upset about the timing of the reveal but the fact he’s the one now using it to try to actively ensure Michael loses BB24 bothers me especially when Michael is the reason Monte had such an easy ride in this game!

  33. I have a hypothetical question for you all. Let’s go back to last season the season of the Cookout. After a couple eliminations lets say after Whitney went home at #4 that the Non-Cook Out members noticed that only non-african-Americans were going home Derek X says to Claire I am starting to notice a pattern here. It looks like there is an African-American alliance here and I think we need to form a non-black alliance. Would that be viewed as racist? It was what they needed to do. They needed to look out for it in order to remain in the game. Would that be wrong?

    1. Actually, If you go back to last season…
      There was indication that something was amiss. Claire and Dx did notice the pattern and talked about it. More than once. Then one of them would be called to d/r and leave d/r no longer believing there was a pattern. Claire would even look up at the feed cameras with a look on her face that told you she knew but… when she would say the pattern didn’t exist.
      The actual realities that everyone has simply chosen to disregard about last season?
      Hannah wasn’t considered a full member for weeks on end because 2 of the Cookout members didn’t consider her black enough. Kyland was also considered only a half member in week one, and an acceptable loss if he was evicted at the beginning of the game because he was 1/2 black. Add to that the bizarre night when Christian was on the block that Tiffany was considering dumping the cookout…. she got called into d/r for over an hour and a half, very late at night, and in the morning she was back to cookout strong.
      These are the things that everyone forgets now.

  34. I think the crape Michael and Brittany pulled they
    need to go. They let out a discussion that they knew about 3 weeks in advance to discredit Kyle and get him out. They wanted to benefit their game. I really think Big Brother should disqualify them and remove them from the game!!!!!

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