Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Turner
Nominees: Taylor and Brittany
POV Players: Turner, Taylor, Brittany, Alyssa, Monte, Michael
POV Winner: Michael
Veto Ceremony:
Lock your ranks in before midnight
12:15pm Havenot room – Brittany, Michael and Alyssa.
Alyssa – but now everything is out on the table and we don’t know how this game is going to play out. Michael – legitimately everything. Alyssa – I wish I had more to give about my game. I very much appreciate you letting me in and now we can just move forward. Michael – its a lot to throw on you. Brittany – now you have a history of everything that happened since week 2 and now we just move forward. Alyssa – I am going to take time to process this and I hope I don’t have to have this conversation again with Kyle later but.. Brittany – and if you have any questions .. like I am sure you’re not going to get the exact same conversation from Kyle as you got from us. Michael – call me in and I will say everything I said to you in front of Kyle. Brittany – me too. Michael – I mean I would rather not have Kyle know all of this but if it comes down to that because I know you and him have a close personal relationship and I am not going to expect you to just flip that switch off and like I am done with Kyle. And like this was probably not smart for my game for me to share some of this stuff about what Kyle has said but I would rather lose the game than sit on stuff that Kyle has said .. And I am willing to say that to his face. And I will say yup Kyle I am pitching for you to go home this week. Brittany – and since you and Turner are closest with Kyle you deserve to know and just play your own game and make your own decisions. We’re not trying to say that you need to do anything about that. I would just hate if I were in your shoes to find out later and be like oh my god Brittany and Michael knew this is what they were a part of and they didn’t tell me?! Alyssa – I really really appreciate that. And whenever you talk to Turner. Michael – I will talk to him as soon as I can. Alyssa – then maybe him and I can have a conversation about it. Then I’ll take time to process later and hopefully I can still go see a movie with you. Alyssa leaves. Michael – I feel at peace no matter what happens. Brittany – honestly doing this at the end of the day .. even if it causes me to go home how I would live with myself afterwards. Like I am so on the same page with you. I am just so glad that you came to that conclusion and brought that to my attention because that is how I would feel and I would have that regret. Michael – oh I would have .. and if I had won.. great but I still would have left this experience with regrets. This probably isn’t smart for our games. And I never thought I would come in here and be like this is not the smart game move. Brittany – and this comes back to thinking about who I want to be. This challenges this a lot! Michael – and about what made Kyle feel comfortable .. like I should have spoken up more.

1:12pm Bedroom – Kyle and Alyssa.
Kyle – sorry for last night. I was upset and tired. I am sorry. I felt bad and you were down there with Michael and I wanted to be up with you. Alyssa – I just didn’t know what to say. Kyle – I feel dumb.
1:20pm HOH room – Turner and Michael
Michael – There is some information that I’ve had for about two weeks or so and I have been kind of struggling what to do with and I am just going to lay it out on the table because I don’t know if you’re even aware of this but your name has kind of been brought into it. Its going to be uncomfortable. Turner – I have some information that I am going to be uncomfortable sharing too .. so just as long as we’re in the same boat. Michael – essentially Kyle pitched to me … like kind of planting seeds during my first HOH and then a little more but basically pitched to me an all white alliance. Turner – WHoa! Michael – this is very uncomfortable and I would never ever ever make up this in a million years. Tuner – I know that. Michael – but essentially what it came down to and how it started was back on my first HOH he was looking ahead in the game to when the leftovers get to seven. He said how I see the alliance broken down .. Monte, Joseph, Taylor are close and at that point I was like I don’t really see them as a trio but whatever .. he was saying that he was seeing them being close but that me, you and Brittany.. like those were the divisions and he was like we could have Alyssa as our number because I think that Indy, Jasmine and Terrance are closer with Monte, Joseph and Taylor and I think they’re going to turn and pick us off first. I remember thinking I don’t necessarily see the breakdown being that way but also like thinking about how the optics of that don’t look good. Turner – yes for sure! Michael – And then at the end of my HOH he was about to say something and then he said no I can’t say that I am going “to get cancelled” if I say that. And then the following week on Taylors HOH after he won the veto and he was safe for the week. Brittany and I were having a conversation and he came out a little more explicitly said the five of us should work together and Taylor not wanting to put Jasmine up and send a black woman home on her HOH is a concern and the words that I know and I will quote “as a straight white male that” and this part I will paraphrase ..but the sentiment was that makes me uncomfortable if decisions are being made on that because that is going to put me on the bottom of the totem pole. I was very uncomfortable about that. And then he had further conversations about like relating it to the cookout .. the cookout last year all had a unifying goal and that is what brought them together and I see that is what is happening and they’re going to pull in and basically naming the other persons of colour in the game. I don’t feel good about just holding this information. He was basically saying .. I mean he has always said that he’s had you and Alyssa.
Brittany joins them. Michael – I just wanted to bring this to you because he is putting your name in it. Turner – I am sure you’re the same I don’t like someone saying my name in a group setting without me knowing especially when that is the backing behind it. I mean YUCK! Brittany – you can see how’s something like this goes beyond game and brings in reality. Turner – Oh for sure .. very messy and uncomfortable! Brittany – just really messy and uncomfortable. There were a few initial conversations… like I guess because I wasn’t seeing things like that I didn’t internalize what he was saying or suggesting what was happening inside the house. So I guess for me there needed to be more rounds of confirmation before I would bring it to anyone else. Like what evidence is that based in .. because I am not seeing that it is playing out that way. We are even having conversations like where are these groupings coming from!? Like MoJo workouts I could see that. I was like where is this coming from. So then we had a one on one conversation and I was like look at what you’re suggesting here like just look.. and he was like and he was like BUT the COOKOUT. And I was like AghHhhh.. Like my mind didn’t even go there. I was like maybe he is suggesting something that he is not even realizing. I was just like heads up do you recognize what you’re saying .. he was not like oh my god Brittany.. I can’t believe it. I didn’t think of it that way. SH*t! When the answer wasn’t that it was BUT actually.. we saw the cookout last year. For me that was.. Michael – and I want to say that I don’t think that Kyle is a bad person .. I don’t think he was doing these things maliciously. Like I don’t want this to come out like I am coming up here just to sh*t talk Kyle. Turner – this information isn’t going to leave this room. And if I did tell Kyle you would know because he would freak out. Like this makes me almost emotional because I hate that. That is the worst thing I’ve heard in my entire life. Brittany – I would regret at the end of the day if I went home and didn’t say this and not doing anything about it.. it really questions the person I want to be. Michael – obviously we didn’t agree to be a part of that but even just staying silent and allowing that to happen around us .. like I still don’t even feel okay with that. Brittany – I feel like I did that with Taylor when Daniel was going after her and I just sat there. We’re just presenting this to you and obviously you do with it what you will. I was just trying to think if I were Turner and I was inadvertently in an alliance .. in a side of the house that I did not know where that reasoning might have been based from … like I would hate for you to find that out by watching back the season later. Turner – oh definitely. I now understand why you introduced that this was going to be uncomfortable. I am glad you told me that. Michael – I just don’t want to leave here whether I win or lose and know that I sat on this information and potentially let decisions stem from here. Turner – please be honest .. if Taylor goes home on my HOH would you guys be pissed? Michael – I wouldn’t be pissed based on what she has said and throwing me into conversations that have never happened. Brittany – personally I am very good friends with her and we have talked game.
2:08pm Bedroom – Alyssa and Kyle.
Kyle – I just feel alone.. I don’t know what is going on Michael and Brittany are up with Turner. Like what do you think they’re saying to him? Did they (Michael/Brittany) talk about splitting from the leftover and joining with you and Turner at all? Alyssa – yeah. Kyle – is there anything new they brought up? Alyssa is silent and really uncomfortable. Kyle – please just tell me if there was .. was there anything else? Alyssa – I just don’t know if its my place to say that. They pretty much made it sound like you were going against other people in the house ..like not giving Monte, Taylor, Joseph a fair shot… like working with them almost. Kyle – why? Alyssa – I don’t know… like because they could have possibly formed a cookout thing. Kyle – like a race thing is want they’re pitching that I was saying? Alyssa – yeah. Kyle – Alyssa this is like bigger than game… this would ruin my life if this is what they’re pitching. Like I would leave the game if this is what they’re pitching. DO you believe them? Alyssa – no. Kyle – have I ever made this a race thing… like do you understand this is life changing if that is there pitch.. Like what do I do!?!? That is not true at all!! All I ever said was their reasons for being on the show are strong .. Like Joseph fighting with his mom. Taylor fighting for women. Like what do I do!?! Alyssa – talk to them. Kyle – they’re up there with Turner. They’ve already pitched it to Monte. Now they’re telling everyone but me ..painting me as a racist?!?! Like I am going to leave the game. Alyssa – don’t freak out. Kyle – what do you mean?! They’re calling me a racist trying to start a white thing. Alyssa – that’s not what they were saying. Kyle – what are they saying? That I didn’t want to work with them because of their skin color? Alyssa – no. I don’t think so… just that you brought it to their attention that you didn’t want a cookout thing to form. But they didn’t say that you were gunning for them because of that. Kyle – how can they do that… like Alyssa I am going to leave the game. If that is what they’re pitching.. like nothing is worse.. Like what do I do?! Alyssa – go up there and talk to them. Kyle – oh my god! Kyle leaves.
2:30pm HOH room – Turner talking to the cameras.
Turner – I am freaking out! I never thought that I might be convinced that Kyle might not be the best for my game but I feel like I have almost be convinced. WHY would you pitch an all white alliance!!?? Like what are you doing!?! What two brain cells do you have in your brain ..thinking one that that is a good idea and two thinking that is appropriate and three thinking that I would want to be involved?!?? I have no idea what to think. I never thought that someone could convince me that Kyle would be bad for my game but Michael has somehow convince me … but that is what Michael does he convinces people of things. I think Kyle might end up on the block tomorrow because I am going to have to put up a replacement nom. Taylor is still my target but damn they are good at this game because I have been convinced. Did I just hear them say an all white alliance is what Kyle is pitching because that is weird and suspicious .. that is just sus all around. I don’t like it. I hate it actually. And knowing they’re on tv I don’t see kyle’s intention of it being an all white alliance to be the opposite of what the cookout did. You don’t just say that knowing cameras are around .. you don’t just say that unless you want to be cancelled up the a$$! I don’t think that was a lie actually. It freaks me out if Kyle was pitching that with my name involved what the hell!? I don’t want any part of that. Taylor is still worse for my game. I still might put Kyle up so that I can be in good with them and so that I’ve done that. I would need a reason for Kyle.. my friggen word!
2:45pm – 3pm HOH room – Monte and Turner.
Monte – people have been bringing me up to speed on the whole Michael/Brittany and Kyle thing. Turner – what is it? Monte – like that he wanted to form a group with… Turner – yeah. Okay I just wanted to make sure we’re on the same page. Monte – at first I was very hesitant to believe it because Kyle has been very transparent from the beginning but them I wanted to talk about last week. Turner – the one saving grace is I don’t think anyone would lie about that on camera. Monte – right. Turner – Like dude! If you’re lying about that .. you are F**KED in the outside world. Monte – yeah. That is one very logical reason why I am going to have to believe them. Secondly they kept bringing up very specific things that happened that we know about. Turner – I just want you to know that I wasn’t apart of it AT ALL! Monte – no dude. I know you would not have any support of that at all just from your conversations about your support of black lives matter. So I know where your heart is. And also your respect for the culture. Turner – I think that he had pitched that he is a straight white male… and I am not that. Monte – so they pointed out Taylor not wanting to put up a black woman and that is her own reasoning with Jasmine. That could have been an option that week but it wasn’t because of how she felt. Then he brought up and I only talked to him about this and this is kind of f**ked up… this is how I kind of lost trust .. I told him… or he confronted me about a conversation I had with Ameerah about wanting to work together. He was like yo is that true. And I say yeah it is true. I said I saw her as a strong black woman in this game that I wanted to work with and we just talked about that from a surface level. Like nothing past that… so he used that to try and say to Michael and Brittany to say that I am working with Terrance of all people that had been yelling and screaming to get me out of the house for the last three weeks. And Jasmine that I just went up on the block against to make sure her a$$ went home. Joe which I can see that because we have always been tight. And then Taylor ..like we just started working with her a couple weeks ago or a month ago.. And she was trying to get me and you out. So for him (Kyle) to come to the conclusion that me and the other black people are working together is just like .. Turner – it is so obvious that it isn’t. Monte – it isn’t. It was just really sad to hear that. Turner – It just doesn’t make any sense. Like there is racism involved in trying to loop all of you together even when that isn’t the case. And I hate that and I was almost getting emotional when Michael and Brittany were telling me. Monte – I think you putting Kyle up makes the most sense given everything that everyone knows. Turner – I am definitely going to put him up. I just don’t know who… Big Brother blocks the feeds..
3:18pm Still blocked.. (I think its pretty certain Kyle will self evict over all of this..)
3:54pm The live feeds return.
HOH room – Alyssa and Turner.
Alyssa – who is the third person (going to the movie screening)? Is it Brittany? Turner – Brittany said he didn’t have to pick her. Maybe Taylor. I don’t know. Alyssa – that would be fun. Turner – yeah that would be a fun group. Probably not Kyle. Alyssa – yeah no way, not Kyle. Turner – he is going to have to be here with Monte and them. Oh my god this is a messy week. Alyssa – yeah that was so heavy this morning. All that Brittany mentioned what that there was something beyond game that she needed to talk to me about Kyle. Big Brother switches the feeds.
Feeds switch back. Alyssa – we shall see what happens with our lives and at the end of the day I support anything that you make (putting up Kyle as the renom) any decision and I love you. Turner – oh dude love you as well. Turner – when I make the decision, it is probably going to be the only decision that I make based off both personal and game because I don’t like it but I am going to do it with you and myself in mind. Obviously this will affect us both. If I don’t put him on the block unless there is some other house meeting or explosion then I am just going to make myself a target because everybody is on the same page right now. So I am probably going to put him up. I will probably tell Michael and Taylor in the same room as well. I will let you know before hand but I will let you know before tomorrow afternoon as well. Alyssa – will you cut your longer mustache hairs because some are longer than others. (oh my no comment about Kyle going up just straight into the mustache hairs.) Alyssa – thank you for letting me know and for giving me the heads up. Turner – if you ever need to talk I am always here for you. Terrance and Monte .. that’s a solid group to keep moving forward with… and whatever happens with Kyle I hope there is a house meeting to get some clarity. I know its going to be uncomfortable no matter what I just hope for best case scenario. Turner – honestly between us .. best case scenario .. I hope it happens after the veto ceremony so that I don’t have anymore pressure about who the f**k else to put up on that god damn block. And then people can decide if that argument is valid or not. Not so that he doesn’t get the proper chance to defend himself but so that I don’t have to… Big Brother switches the feeds.
4:15pm – 4:30pm Meanwhile – Monte, Brittany, Michael and Terrance are in the kitchen making or watching the dinner being made. Terrance and Monte talk about how Kyle has been in the diary room for a long time. Monte – its dead silent in here. Terrance – just replaying it in my mind.. Brittany and Michael would never jeopardize their game like that. Big Brother blocks the feeds again..
5:40 pm Feeds on pound
6:15 pm No feeds wtf?
7:00 pm NO feeds for you
7:27 pm Feeds return. they were down for the movie screening.
7:33 pm Kyle out of the Diary room
Movie screening snacks and drinks..
7:43pm Backyard – The house guests got the backyard back again..
Brittany is upset. Brittany – that was brutal the none movie house. Taylor – oh really?! Brittany – yeah. Turner – are you alright? Brittany – yeah. Taylor – do you want to talk about it? Brittany – not really. Taylor – hammock? Brittany – yeah that would be nice. Probably the hardest day of my life. Taylor – the right things aren’t easy. Brittany – oh man guys. Taylor – you did a lot of hard work. Brittany – no one wins.. that’s what I came to the consensus… no one .. Big Brother blocks the feeds again..
8:26pm Still blocked.
9:02pm More blocked than not..
9:40pm Still nothing..
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Cancel Kyle !! Haha all his skeletons are coming out !
Wow. It’s not a joke asking to cancel someone, especially someone like Kyle, who is not racist at all. He was paranoid, but no way in hell did I observe anything racist in him.
This is what is wrong with the world today. That urge to cancel someone without justifiable reason.
Yes he’s a racist
Then so was the cookout.
Are you?
Cookout was racist by evicting only non black houseguest.Taylor racist by not putting up a black girl….once again…Are You ?????
I’m far from it, alot of my family is non white, are you???
Last year Big Brother was rigged and now if a white person wins then he racist
that’s right stick by your people, and maybe you could teach Kyle to do the same. Just so you understand, the cook-out took advantage of a once in a life opportunity that fell in their hands, they had no idea coming into the house the opportunity would present itself. BTW a Black person had never won this game because Big Brother had to many racist to choose from and they played the same game that Kyle wanted to play the same old game tried a** racist game that has always been played on Big Brothers and you can’t handle it.
I hate this take more than I hate Kyle as a BB player.
He’s selfish in the game (no one else in LO had a +1).
He’s extremely immature.
He’s very paranoid.
He has unconscious biases (don’t we all?).
He also has a recency bias. (Remember, the Cookout was just a year ago. Of course people were going to be wary — at least, internally — about another similar alliance forming.)
That said, he should have never vocalized what he vocalized and how he vocalized it. Not in 1922. Not in 2022.
But that doesn’t make him a racist. Insensitive, yes. Unaware, yes. Racist? None of us knows.
I hope he uses this as an opportunity to better himself.
Wrong LO +1 – Britney and Michael, Taylor and Joseph. Everyone is paranoid in big brother it’s obvious you don’t watch the shows very much
I should have been more clear. No one else in the LO had a +1 outside the LO. This wasn’t Brigade or Cookout in which +1s were a central tenet to the strategy of “hiding” the alliance and keeping each other safe.
As for the second part, I’ll take assumptions for $100, Alex.
I’ve been watching the show since BB5. Picked up the BB After Dark habit on Showtime 2 during BB8. Picked up feeds in BB11, although since BB16, cut back on the feeds until the past month, when this season got interesting.
I agree he’s not a racist he’s paranoid. This plan of M&B is garbage. If Kyle leaves because of this I’m done with BB. This issue is not a ploy in a Game!
He is not
Are you???
Cookout racist because they ONLY evicted non blacks.Taylor a racist by not putting up a black girl.A white houseguest does or says something similar,he’s called a racist…..Once again..Are YOU ???????IF a white houseguest says,I’m not going to put up another white houseguest,he or she would be removed from show immediately!!!
I’m with you, I don’t think he ment it as a racist thing at all and if hes racist so was last year’s cookout. I liked Mike until he brought in the race card.
The cookout was not racist. The cookout were not mean. The cookout did not ostracize the other house guest. The cookout did not call people scumbags. The cookout did not claim to be threatened and afraid by the strong white men as Kyle claimed to be afraid of Terrence. The cookout did not say all of the white people were loud as Kyle has said about his black house guest. I believe he is a racist and very selfish.
Why is calling an obvious racist a racist is worse than the actual act of racism? Stop gaslighting.
Canceling isn’t a thing. Kyle will be, and is, fine. You don’t have to worry about him.
No, the problem is that you can see it and hear it but still defend it. Kyle is a racist and a liar. He was my choice to win until I went back and researched what was being said. Now I hope they vote him out next. The fact that you can defend this dude tells me that you are not Black and haven’t ever faced the hateful disgusting acts of a racist. Do you personally know Kyle? If not, how do you know he isn’t racist, because of his actions? He sold the leftovers first chance he got to make sure his plan was in play. The cook-out stayed, some what loyal to the once in a lifetime opportunity. He came into the house with racial ideas. I don’t expect you to understand but we have heard all the excuses you could ever come up with, so “paranoid” will work for you and I’m sure many of your people, after-all “like-minded” is a thing. Yet, you are right about one thing, “This is what is wrong with the world today.
Did you happen to notice, that Kyle never once denied it?
Not once… not a single time during that whole unhinged rant, did Kyle say “I never said that!”.
I wish Alyssa hadn’t told him, because that freak-out that he just had, would have been done in front of the rest of them, had she not.
Kyle has trouble regulating his emotions in the moment — it would have been so much better had she kept her trap shut!
Now he has time to calm down, adapt & course correct, and he’ll know to not get so emotional, argh!
Oh, and btw, Ayssa KNOWS it’s true, because she corroborated what they said by saying that she also told him there was no cookout forming.
Another wow. Do you actually know how vile your comment is? You were actually hoping that Kyle would throw a racist fit for your entertainment?
Kyle did not deny anything because he had said it, but in my observation, not to be racist, but out of paranoia.
I just cringe reading comments like this. That guy doesn’t deserve to be cancelled. He is not racist. He is no Aryn or Gina Marie. He has a life once this is over. Just think about it.
I am actually disappointed in Michael, who was my favorite. He could have thought about the repercussions of his actions.
Damn this cancel culture. It is just so much.
Agree whole heartedly. This show that has been amazing for years is being ruined by race. What a disappointment. It is a game and should be played as such without race ever being thought of or mentioned. It saddens me to say that the joy of watching this show is now gone. I hope Michael and Brittany realize the damage that they are doing to another person. I believe that Kyle had no malice or racism at heart. Mentioning that he didnt want a cookout 2.0 is NOT racist.
People like you that are protecting and making excuses for a racist are racist too. If you don’t like people being called a racist then raise your kids to not hate and to not have biases against people who look different. Simple.
Don’t put words in my mouth — you have no idea what you’re talking about.
Show me in my post where I said I wanted Kyle to pitch a “racist fit”?
Show me where I said that Kyle was even a racist?
Show me where in my entire post that I even mentioned the word racist ??
My comment had NOTHING to do with racism, I didn’t even mention that situation except for the last line when I said that Alyssa confirmed that he’d also mentioned the whole cookout to her.
My post wasn’t even about that, my post had to do with Kyle hopefully being brought back down a few pegs, for the way he got everyone in on his lying, scheming & gaslighting of Joseph.
He was positively giddy & walking around with such arrogance, even though he knew Joe was hurt & felt isolated… he didn’t show an ounce of compassion or empathy, even when he was talking to the cameras alone.
I realize this is a game about lying, but Kyle could’ve accomplished the same goal without encouraging & manipulating Alyssa, Terrance & Turner to make Joseph feel uncomfortable, berate & isolate him like he did — and then he arrogantly laughed as he bragged to the cameras about his terrible treatment of Joseph. It was obnoxious.
Kyle had been playing the game really well, but then when the split happened, he took on this polarizing Machiavellian personality, and was so proud of his manipulation & gaslighting (you do remember that weird speech he gave the other day to the live feeds about loving the game, loving America and wanting to make out with America??).
Joseph didn’t deserve to be treated like that and Kyle took pleasure & credit for making him feel that way, with such glee… not once did he mention feeling badly for lying about his “friend” or for hurting his friend, especially after he turned everyone against him.
Kyle showed a lack of empathy & compassion.
So, excuse me if I seem to be lacking empathy for Kyle, while he faces the consequences of his own making.
Exactly,when people show you how they’re Believe it!! Kyle has come across as racist & BB didn’t do anything about it. Taylor has been bullied,Joseph was isolate & then returned inside the house & lie against Joseph.Hope he leaves ..Terrence then Alyssa & Turner.
He should not be cancelled but, I hope he learns from this. How a lot of people felt the cookout was racist then the white people have been racist for over 20 years on this show. Black people were lucky if they made it to the 6th week. Get over this Cookout being racist bull.
Yea Kyle got a little paranoid poor thing. You know with the Once a cookout, always a cookout mentality. It didn’t get traction but it was planted and Micheal and Brittany didn’t fuel it because they wanted no parts of it. Haha.
kyle is not offering up Alyssa or himself to go on the block. He don’t want Terrance. He want Monte. And not as a pawn. I bet no sooner Monte on the block he would try to get him voted out. Lol. He only used them Terrance and Monte to get the numbers. Good play too. I don’t fought him for that game move. But with this new info coming out by Micheal and Brittany it’s not a good look.
as a POC myself I do understand his paranoia, cause the cookout was on a mission.
I wouldn’t want him canceled. Nor do I feel bad about M & B bringing it out. Since they were all trying to find out about the difference alliances forming. Well Kyle forgot about the the one that got no traction lol you got to love BB, the ups , downs, and all the crazy talk that go with it. Hilarious ?
I think it was from paranoria as well since he comes across as not very bright. I am more upset with M/B for holding on to this and using it as a game move instead addressing this with the house as soon as it happened.
I agree with the holding on to info and using it for game play. If Michael was so offended by Kyles observation of a potential 2nd cookout scenario happening this season,why did he not bring it to the others straight away. Messy move Michael and Brittany.
M & B warned him about the optics. He didn’t listen. He turned on his alliance to get Joseph out and every name that comes out of his mouth to evict was a person of color. Damn He put Indy in that bunch because he felt she was a woman of color by her coming from Brazil. Yes, he is racist and if he’s not he should come out and explain himself.
As a POC too I didn’t watch last season cuz I knew it would be boring. When I seen 6 POC in the casting I said oh. We’re getting a black winner and it was gonna be boring. Last season was a mission and I can understand why Kyle would be paranoid. It’s a natural conclusion when you see ppls dominate a game with recency bias goggles on. It is what it is. Everyone plays the game differenly. Kyle is not racist tho I would be just as paranoid as him about things from last season if I didn’t really know the game lol
When Turner told Monte that Kyle was encouraging him to put up Monte in Brittany’s place, Monte said “yeah, to ensure a black person definitely goes home”.
So, there may be some vibes being picked up in the house.
But he wasn’t being racist, I too thought Joe, Monte and Taylor were forming another cookout, doesn’t make me a racist if I form my own alliance and there all white people, what else was Kyle suppose to do, sit there and get pegged off when they get to 7. Mike is doing a move that’s personal outside the game IMO, lie cheat is fine but not if it’s about race.
Really? When Monte’s original target was Taylor?
That was before any of this happened
But Taylor was still his target when Kyle started talking his nonsense.
But none of that was true. He unfairly targeted black people based off skin color not strategy. That’s racism. They were not working together.
He had the pound. Turner, Kyle, Monte and Joseph. His first alliance. So What does he do? He picked his showmance and betrayed his leftover alliance and his pound alliance. Joe was not the scumbag Kyle was.
Kyle made a game move, that don’t make him a scumbag, the scumbag is Mike for making this look like a race thing, which it is not.
He wanted to name the alliance the Silent Minority. That is suspect to me.
Aren’t you tired?
So he never denied it, eh? Can you read?
Kyle – Alyssa this is like bigger than game… this would ruin my life if this is what they’re pitching. Like I would leave the game if this is what they’re pitching. DO you believe them? Alyssa – no.
Kyle – have I ever made this a race thing… like do you understand this is life changing if that is there pitch.. Like what do I do!?!? That is not true at all!! All I ever said was their reasons for being on the show are strong .. Like Joseph fighting with his mom. Taylor fighting for women. Like what do I do!?!
Alyssa – talk to them.
Kyle – they’re up there with Turner. They’ve already pitched it to Monte. Now they’re telling everyone but me ..painting me as a racist?!?! Like I am going to leave the game.
Seems like a pretty strong denial to me. Now you can change your argument to what a liar he is, or you can still say he didn’t use the words “I never said that!”.
Yeah except he never said it
Lmao yes he did watch feeds from beginning goofball
I think he knew better not to out right say it. Just imply. Like I said, paranoia set in. And as a “ straight white guy” he was looking out for his own, I mean his game. Lol I understand.
Yes he did watch the feeds back
So taylor is a racist she put up white people because she didn’t want a black person to go home on her hoh Kick her out
yes, he said it. It was on the show and, of course, the feeds. Production shouldn’t have aired it, really
Said what?
Yes Kyle said that they were in the bathroom on the couch and he was talking to Britney and Michael
Kyle always calling taylor and Monte “loud and aggressive ” is crazy to me. Monte is the calmest person I’ve seen on tv in awhile, he’s always mellow. There’s no denying Kyle at least puts bad stereotypes onto people. He needs to reevaluate why he sees them that way
Implying there just might be another all POC alliance is not a stereotype nor does it make someone racist. It’s a reality. Because it JUST happened last season. Just as implying there might be an all girl alliance doesn’t make a guy a sexist pig. Michael and Brittany are 100% wrong for running with this storyline. Then to claim it’s not for game. Completely BS and I hope it backfires on them. Inside and outside the house. If forming an all POC alliance isn’t racist, then acknowledging the reality that it’s possible, isn’t racist either.
Kyle also said Turner look like a Filipino rice farmer because he was wearing that hat with a bandanna. I just don’t think he’s thinking about he is saying and who is listening
He only said the all white alliance because black people tend to go into all black alliance. You gotta remember that was after the cook out. Then Taylor saying she does not feel comfortable nominating a black woman. All black alliance have happened many times in Big Brother. I don’t believe for one second he is racist. He brought it up and he should have saw this coming though. But I don’t understand why it is ok to base an alliance on any race.
As a poc I get it. But didn’t monte vote out jasmine and didn’t Terrance get rid of Joe? The cookout was 1 season. How many seasons have there been a final 6 that was all white? Should we suspect that all those were racially motivated? Kyle doesn’t seem to me to be a racist. He won’t be cancelled call down everyone
Monte was sitting next to Jas, so no he did not vote her out.
You are kidding right? At no time has anyone said “hey let’s form an all white alliance”. However indeed people have said “hey let’s form an all POC” alliance. At no time has anyone said “I won’t put up another white person”. However it’s now normal and completely acceptable to state “I won’t put up another person who is black/POC”
for the record- I’m part Mexican. I see this as very hypocritical.
No one ever said it, they just never did it. Due to our history no one would be crazy enough to actually verbalize it so let’s be realistic here. The poc in the cookout felt well within their right to verbalize it because of the history of the game, let’s be clear. The cookout alliance would have had no basis had it not been for the past all white alliances on BB…this is why it was allowed. I’m a poc and this is what is meant when it is said that non poc are unaware and not interested in understanding the difference.
I do wish this show would leave race out of it but I think it was too hard to ignore for poc wanting to be on the show yet fearing they would be targeted first.
Lastly, you can call it racist what Tayler said, but her target that week was Terrance so…there’s that. I don’t think Kyle is racist but his statement under the right circumstances, could have placed a target on all the poc in the house had Michael and Brittany reacted differently.
And you just defined hypocrisy.
Just because they don’t label it an all white alliance, it doesn’t mean that is not their intention. They are not inclusive and that in itself is a bias. Geez. White people are so quick to call not racist but having biases is just as bad.
Nominate and vote out are two different things. She put up Terrance and voted Jasmine out. I REALLY don’t understand why people keep bringing up Taylor not wanting to nominate a black woman. How racist is it of her when she voted her out. It’s a false equivalent that Kyle made : Alyssa vs T not putting up Jasmine. Idk if he’s racist but he definitely has some biases that walk a fine line, from what he’s said. He’s 29 and has social media. He should be a little more aware by his age.
He’s not a Racist! Grow up people!!!!!!
Refresh my memory. Other than last year, I don’t recall a season where there’s been enough black people to form an all black alliance.
Name the many black alliances that have happened. Since there were many, as you stated. How many??
I have only watched the show like two years and I saw an all black alliance with David and some girls on an all-star BB.
I am curious. Can you name one of these Black alliances in previous years, excluding the Cookout? I am drawing a blank.
Huh? There has never been a black alliance but the Cookout. Usually there are only about 2 black people per season that are immediately excluded the all-white alliances. Let’s not make up stuff and become BB history revisitionist just to protect racism. smh
Just curious. So it’s ok with you to have a black alliance based on race but not a white alliance based as race?? Please explain to me how both of them is not racist?? I will wait…..
I’ll try. (Smile) in short the answer is both or race/racist based. However, one has alway been subtle/and not so subtly done within the game of BB. The other was brought to birth by necessity in order to insure a person of color would win. To my knowledge that had never been done, because for the most part they were out numbered.
For some it’s part of a game move in the BB house, for others it’s a game move in and outside the BB house.
hope my answer helps a little.
I’m not that old, nor do I claim to be a historian, however I believe the most obvious sign of racism in America was slavery. Slavery was Whites being racist against poc. Poc have been seen as inferior since. How does it relate?? Systematic racism still exist as we’ve all witnessed. Poc on BB have had to face the same issues in the BB house that they face outside of the house…inferiority. Until the cookout season, the majority of the bb houseguest were usually white…these white houseguest would form an alliance and target blacks for whatever reason (may not have always been about race—could have just been familiarity)…for whatever the reason this is similar to how things were during slavery-out numbered and out powered.
The cookout alliance wanted to fight against that , which is why they formed. Let’s also not forget the reason they were all put in the house at one time to begin with. The network saw the pattern (poc being targeted early) but didn’t do anything about until after the blm movement. It took a whole movement for the cookout to exist…do you really not see the difference…one was the norm…the other was for survival…ban together or give up any chance you may have at a poc ever winning.
That just plain mean and stupid
Michael won’t let this go. Careful Michael, you’re starting to look like a low key racist there bud.
Michael and Brittany is trying to cancel Kyle only because they don’t want to go home. They say, ” Oh we had to say something just in case we go home” Oh please if you thought it was so important to say you say it when it happens not when you can weaponize it. .But of course no they didn’t. They thought Kyle was best for their game so they said nothing. At the time Tayor was planting seeds to form a black group like the cook out. She said she wouldn’t send home a black woman. So in Kyle’s mind its very possible a all black group is forming. What else is left for him to team up with? All white people. So yeah he could think he has to form a all white group. Just by his reactions when talking to all the black folk in the house you can tell he isn’t racist. Its a shame Michael would use such a topic to win this game.
I just watched what Kyle said. He lives in that house 24/7. He sees which groups are forming and who likes who. He seen people of color getting close in the house. Tayor even said she would vote out black woman and was close with Joseph. Its not a stretch because of last year with the cookout its not a stretch to think cookout part 2 is forming. If they paired up the only people left in the house are white people so Kyle wanted to start an alliance to combat tcook out part 2. It wasn’t because he want black aganist white. It was to play a game. Once a all black group forms he knows he cant go with them because if he did he’d be the first to be evicted when it gets to cook out part 2 and him. But in todays world your canceled if you say such things.
Daaaaaammmmnn Michael is savage, but true.
Half true. Twisted and manipulated.
Michael & Brittney are DISGUSTING twisting things to get Turner to put up Kyle. Absolutely horrible, vile people.
There wasn’t much twisting in what Kyle said if you watched the feeds early on in the game
I did watch them, not one thing he said can be misconstrued as racist, simply facts and questions. He has been in alliances with everyone in the house, not one time has he said let’s pick this person off because they are black, or whatever. This is so dumb and ridiculous that you would agree with what that evil freak and his nasty side kick are twisting up.
What about him wanting to call his alliance of all white people the silent majority……?
If you are white you don’t understand kylie’s downlow racism
*If you are an uneducated like minded white person…
Exactly. Higher offensive.
Wow that’s racist
They never actually called him a racist. They just picked a pretty convenient time to drop this information to the rest of the house. Did Kyle really say all this? Yes. Does it mean he is a racist? Probably not. My real problem with all this is B & M should have came out with this info like immediately if they were actually morally conflicted by it. Although they did cringe when Kyle first brought this all up, they never once thought about saying anything to anyone else about it until their games because endangered.
From my recollection, it was Brit who told Michael she was very uncomfortable with what Kyle had said. Then Michael said he was glad someone eles (Brit) had brought that up bc he also didn’t like it.
Basically Michael was willing to quietly swallow that conversation with Kyle in order to focus on his game with the alliance.
It was Brit and Brit alone who spoke up initially and then went to Kyle about it.
This makes Michael look even slimier now with his timing, as he was never particularly offended by Kyle’s comments.
Michael seems more concerned about optics, as he himself brought up.
Last week talking to the camera when he was going on about how much he loves Monte, and that he will only go against him eventually bc of game advancement reasons, it came off to me as wanting to make himself seem like a POC ally.
He’s way too aware of his presentation in the context of race. It’s very self-serving.
What facts? That the poc were forming an alliance? There was simply no evidence of this.
And you’re part of the problem
I’ve been watching and the other people actually DIDwant a POC alliance! You ca not deny that! Why is it okay for people of color to do it and not be called racist but God forbid it be mentioned by a white person?
Other people? What people? Facts please.
Did you see ALL the feeds from beginning?? He was in fact doing what they are saying how is the truth disgusting?? It’s disgusting if you feel bad for him knowing he’s a racist !
Yes, I have, so I would like for you to enlighten me on what you feel he has said or done that is racist from the beginning.
Chelsea, just stop it. Kyle is not racist. Period.
Dreamer yes he is
Chelsea is the Cook Out Racist? They formed an alliance based on race and voted people out because of color.
Yes!!! Thank you. Finally someone says it. How much more racist could that group be!?
I wouldn’t call him a straight out racist… but it is VERY short sighted. Honestly, pretty much every big alliance in the history of Big Brother has been all white… So the fact that Kyle was hell-bent on relating the one successful black alliance to the few people of colour in the house makes me uncomfortable. To me, it is him basically saying “holy shit the people of colour are trying to get ahead, we better stop them now!” Is he a racist person? Maybe not. But this was a paranoid move based on racial fears for sure.
You worded that perfectly. I agree with you.
How many seasons of big brother have there actually been, up until recently when CBS pledged to be more diverse in their game show casting (rightfully so) has there every been a season where there were more then two POC people in the cast. I cant think of one. But I only started watching in season 11. Kinda hard to form a POC alliance when there are only two or three max in the house..
Blame casting for that. Not Kyle. Go back over the years. Please explain how an all POC alliance was ever possible with a majority white cast. Most alliances were white because the majority of cast was. CBS has made this what it is now. Thank god they have widened the cast net and clearly ensure a better balance. As they should have. However, in doing so, it allowed for a PoC alliance. So it’s a real reality now. Just as an all girl alliance is. An all boy alliance. I’m sure if they cast more LGBQT individuals, there would be a reality of an LGBQT alliance. It’s game play. And all should be ready for it. No one expected it last season. Hence the success of it. Now suddenly it’s wrong for someone to be thinking it? What’s wrong is blasting someone as racist over thinking it. Just WRONG.
Well said
The ppl who didn’t see it that way, are overly pessimistic or just as blind as the half of the world that turn a blind eye to racist behavior..
Stupid yes? Racist? Probably not.
I don’t think Kyle is racist. But he has played such a sloppy game and has earlier talked to Brittany and Michael about PoC alliance and them and him and Alyssa to stick together. These days you have to watch your words as they can be misconstrued. Kyle has betrayed every single alliance and he will betray Alyssa. I know it’s the game of BB but you still have to manage jury and also what BB fans will think. He’s a sloppy immature dishonest player. Michael and Brittany are saving their game and Taylor if possible the same as what Kyle did. He did say what M&B are telling Turner.
“Michael and Brittany are saving their game and Taylor if possible the same as what Kyle did. He did say what M&B are telling Turner.” I have not seen anyone betray so quickly and brutally as Kyle betrayed Joe. Now Kyle is brutally betrayed. So it is karma. Lucky Turner gets away with clean hands.
Absolutely! Karma
Well put, I agree with you 100%
Why are you mad at Michael and Brit, didn’t Kyle just did the same thing to Joseph and the LO’s?
So, it’s okay for Turner and everyone to make up lies about Taylor and anyone that’s not white?
It’s true and they wanted to come clean about it and they told Turner do with it what you want they also said that to Alyssa
Kyle…”I’m the biggest savage in the house..watch me dish information out”
Michael…. ” Hold my beer”
SMH Michael painting it as Kyle wanting an all white alliance is definitely bending the truth and messed up I hope it doesn’t work and Monte and Terrance still take out Taylor and then his ass next week
Did you see the discussion? He isn’t bending anything. Man child was raised under a rock. He had no idea his immature ass was coming off completely racist and Michael and Britney had a conversation about it at the time. The truth hurts.
BS! Everyone can perceive things the way they want too. In this world, anything a white person says can be twisted by the ridiculous progressive asshole.
Well that’s why you don’t make those comments on national television.
100 percent truthful
Yes I seen the conversation he was worried about Taylor not wanting to nominate a black woman and questioned if there could be a Cookout 2.0 to try and paint him as racist and wanting a white alliance is b.s. I understand left over fans not liking Kyle for blowing up the alliance but trying to paint him as racist is not fair
I totally agree and at the beginning of the season while a bunch of people were sitting around chatting he brought up his grandma being a racist ! So he’s been around it all his life .
Remember what he said earlier in the game. He did mention the CookOut and did say that he thought that CookOut#2 was happening and wanted something to counter it
Was having a “cookout” last season racist?? Of course it was. How is having an all bipoc alliance where no whites are being allowed a part of, not racist??
Monte might be on the block after Michael uses the veto to take Brittany off the block.
Turner said he was going to put Alyssa up as a pawn, Alyssa told Kyle, now Kyle is going to talk with Turner and tell him he used use Monte as the pawn, he does not feel safe using Alyssa as a Pawn. Monte might flip, Monte, Brittany and Michael vote Alyssa out.
If Turner lets Kyle talk him into using Monte as the Pawn, and then Kyle, Alyssa and Terrance vote Monte out, instead of Taylor, Turner will see Kyle is willing to blindside him, and Kyle is doing whatever he thinks works best for his game, not the group.
I hope Turner is strong enough to stick with using Alyssa as the Pawn, but I’m a little nervous, because Turner originally said he was going to put Alyssa & Terrance up, then Kyle talked him out of that, and convinced Turner to nominate Taylor & Brittany, then they can use the veto and backdoor Michael.
I think Turner is letting Kyle control his HOH, and Kyle is just like Taylor’s HOH, Kyle is all over the place, and he does not want Alyssa used as a pawn, that messes up Kyle’s game.
Kyle is all about Kyle, Turner better wake up and notice Kyle is setting everything up so he is in a better position, and he’s not even the HOH.
It’s the truth you must be a late fan he’s been saying disgusting stuff for a while he’s just finally getting caught in his malicious stuff
Please say what disgusting or racist things he said because I surely missed it other then him questioning q Cookout 2.0 based off Taylor comments I’ve not seen anything
Michael and Britt are the only ones being malicious, here. Smh…
Kyle has not said anything malicious. Michael has, however. Michael is making himself the most hated person in America in one felt swoop!
Ok Michael what you have done is flat nasty. You make the comment “I should have spoken up more” So rather than squash it when he said it you just filed it away to be used at a later point. So how can you be sure of the intent given how the past season went.
It is a game an people will see and say things that might not be strictly PC but to make no comment about it at the time and then to simply spew it out as a game move. No respect because if it really bothered you as you claim why did you not say something then. Or when he was on the block with Daniel.
I wanted Michael to win but this move is beyond petty and vindictive now to be honest rooting for turner, because Kyle has also made bad choices but this one tops the cake Michael.
Truth hurts.
It’s not the truth and you know it, you racist! YOU’RE the one who’s racist, not Kyle.
10-sec, not arguing if Kyle said it, I am saying Michael sitting on it and then coming to Turner and regardless of the word optic he used he is calling Kyle racist based on wanting to form an alliance to combat a perceived cookout 2.0 that would target him.
again Michael knows he is on live feeds and the intention to basically slander a player to get ahead is not ok in my book.
you lie you backstab that is the nature of big brother just as it is in survivor.
he cast the perceived optics regardless that could impact a player outside of the game and that is where I feel he stepped over the line
“Live feeds” is a misnomer this year. They have been down more than usual this season. Kyle was on “live feeds” just like Michael. You should always think before you speak. Kyle didn’t and now he is paying the piper! He cannot deny what he said. It is on tape. Michael did not slander him, he just told them what Kyle said. You reap what you sow!
Agreed. I wanted Michael to win too until this. If you have to twist something as nasty as that to make someone else seem racist on National tv, shame on you!! Lost all respect for him and it is so sad because I really wanted him to win.
Michael is clearly evil. What’s being done to Kyle is evil. He’s done nothing wrong!
Even more so that Michael explicitly started off with the sum conclusion that Kyle was intent on starting an all white alliance.
It may be that the end result of Kyle’s paranoia would have been exactly that, but coming to that point through irrational thoughts which then provide you some opportunity to reflect, is very different from having a primary game strategy of corralling all the Caucasians together.
That is adequate misrepresentation of the conversation with Kyle to be akin to a lie.
Michael has lost his own marbles being suddenly at high risk this week.
He is essentially weaponizing racism and the fear of being canceled. Now trying to convince himself that it was a mistake rather than his game convenience that kept him silent all this time.
I’ve lost all respect for Michael.
Go Michael, Kyle lied on Joseph that’s why Joseph went home, I’m glad Kylie’s lies is catching up with him
Please tell me what lies Kyle told on Joe. I can tell you a big one Joe made. In order to try to prevent Kyle and Alyssa from pairing he told Kyle that Alyssa had a boyfriend. Joe was a much bigger liar than Kyle.
Joe was a snake!
uh, Alyssa literally did have someone “back home”…
Alyssa actually said, she misses her “special person” in front of Joe and Turner. Joe asked her did she have a boyfriend and she asked Joe not to mention it to Kyle. Joe did not lie to Kyle.
Joe told Dyre Fest how Taylor tried to bring him into a F4 with ?ichael and Brit.
If you have issues with Kyle’s behavior than you should be even more upset with Joseph for potentially ruining Taylor’s game when she was so dependent on him as her savior in the personal aspects of the game.
Taylor’s name came out his mouth when he was in that pool.
Dawg and Simon, This week feels like Sloppy Joe Lasagna week. Still so many moving pieces even if who gets evicted this week seems obvious at this point (Taylor). Michael Vs Kyle will continue into next week. Turner is playing this the best way he knows how especially since Kyle practically called Michael evil earlier in the HoH room
Michael clearly IS evil. There’s been numerous examples if you listen to everything he’s said over the course of the game. It’s obvious in his eyes, too. Something is not right with Michael. Psychopath, I’m guessing…
100% He is a vindictive POS, robot like freak. I had a bad feeling about him from the start.
Well if Kyle isn’t self evicting right now, I really doubt Kyle is going past this week, and if he does he’s definitely going home next week. Thank god
Just curious so it’s ok with you to have a black alliance but not a white alliance?
Exactly, cook out formed solely based on race then they evicted solely based on race. No alliance based on race is ok. No “buts”.
Definitely agree with that Steve!
When the “black alliance” was formed with a specific goal because there hadn’t been a single black winner in normal us seasons for 22 seasons straight? When prior poc houseguests we’re isolated, called aggressive and made out to be crazy by the house and fans alike? When the hypothetical one for this season was only thought up of by someone who consistently makes micro aggressions against his housemates of color and has been trying to push a narrative for weeks to target contestants of color? Yes. Yes I am saying that. It’s interesting that y’all only care about racism when you’re trying to protect a “naive” 29 year old white man from being called out on it
Ok so you are racist, got it, have good night
Michael’s biggest lie is saying this isn’t gameplay. Convenient timing.
Agreed. I don’t respect this because he could have (and should have) called Kyle out when he said it, not wait until his game is in danger and use his words as revenge. He had at least two chances to call Kyle out, as he brought up alliances based on race at least twice. Kyle was paranoid, and ya… assuming the people of colour are in an alliance just because they are people of colour is racist – but if Michael REALLY cared he would have been like, “Dude, it’s really not cool to assume…” and explained why it was wrong. I don’t think Kyle means to be racist, and I’m sure he will learn from this experience.
Michael didn’t do anything about it because he was a part of the LOs when they were still together. They could control Kyle then, but his betrayal of Joseph proved that he would do anything to protect himself and Alyssa.
It’s totally gameplay! Very dirty gameplay at that!
Actions and words have consequences!
Michael better get everything that’s coming to him for this! Trying to win a game is one thing, destroying somebody’s life is another! This is the most vile thing i’ve ever seen someone do to somebody else! Destroying an innocent person’s life goes way beyond what BB is supposed to be. Michael has crossed the line in the most cowardly way possible. It’s Michael’s life that deserves to be destroyed, now! Hell, he doesn’t even deserve a life!!!
Michael is the one who should go for starting something like this!
So did Michael lie? He didn’t call Kyle a racist. Brittany tried to speak with him about the optics of what he was saying. I SAW it on the Live feeds. You can’t Gaslight this one. I don’t think he is racist but his comments are truly a place to start a conversation so he can fully define his views. Michael and Brittany have talked about the concerns they have had over his comments since Kyle made them. This isn’t new . They did not know how to handle the situation. Bottom line. There needs to be a discussion.
Michael was very dishonest in stating that Kyle pitched him an all white alliance. That makes it sound like Kyle had that particular goal in and of itself, whereas in truth he led himself to that corner with his irrational thoughts about the Cookout.
I’m not excusing Kyle, but in no way was Michael being genuinely forthcoming. He was painting a picture to fit his narrative.
I think Michael’s emotions in feeling betrayed by Kyle with the backdoor plan, are leading him to reframe that Cookout conversation now. He is seeing Kyle as some sort of demon that was lurking all this time.
It’s very disappointing to see a seemingly measured super fan lose his marbles in this way.
If he wins, kudos to his comp successes, then. He’s no Dan or Will.
Hes gay hes already going to burn what more do you want to happen to him
Kyle is freaking crying because he’s being painted as something he’s not. Every one of you who have ganged up on him in this site are just as bad as the evil, disgusting people doing this to him on the inside of the house. Vile, nasty creatures!
Kyle’s mom??
Or at least definitely someone from the Mormon Church.
And we all know how black people have been perceived by the Mormon church. Even if they now allow black men into the priesthood (allowing them to be in the good part of heaven when they die) many still consider them marked by God as inferior. Kyle was indoctrinated very well .
That comment is just ignorant and uniformed. If the Latter Day Saint church has such a poor opinion of and treats black people so poorly, why is the largest growth of their church in African countries? If you want to know how they feel or how they are treated, why not ask a black member of the church?
Maybe his ‘racist but it’s ok because it was a different time’ grandma learned how to post here smfh…
Honey watch the feeds from the beginning he was indeed saying racist things so stop with the pity party
Go ahead and name them!
Racist to you is questioning if there is a Cookout 2.0? The Cookout was actually racist, but that’s ok, right?. Never once did he say to form an all white alliance. He has been in alliances with everyone. This whole time it’s been about game. Tell me what you think he has said that was racist…
Name one thing he said that was racist. I’ve been watching since the beginning and he had a concern of a cookout that he mentioned maybe 3 or 3 times. He hasn’t said anything racist you just don’t like him and want to pile on this bullshit to make yourself feel better.
This is a game and Michael and Brittney are about to ruin a man’s life to get him out. It’s pretty sickening
Chelsea, I have also asked you several times to state what Kyle has said that is racist but I have yet to see you answer. And yes I have been watching since the beginning.
Alyssa mom just called Alyssa to find out if the 12 seconds was at least good
It was 10 seconds, don’t give Kyle credit for 2 seconds more. I’m a stickler for accuracy.
Tell me what racist things he said. Tell us! You keep saying he said stuff please tell is!
Kyle wanted to form a “silent majority” of white players “because he wrongly assumes the [people of color] are working together. He’s called them loud bullies, and felt ‘jumped’ talking to them. He also said Turner
“in a bucket hat look like a Filipino rice farmer.” Is that enough for you. I have more.
I have never heard a houseguest literally say “I want to have DR session as soon as possible” lol
Would Michael have divulged this Kyle information…… EVER? I would think that the POC would be asking that as well….. were you sitting on this for an opportune moment & waiting for who was in power? Hmmm
Michael and Brittany literally said that if Kyle had been evicted during the twist they weren’t sure if they would have said anything
This is nasty game play by Michael and Brittany. I hope they are both voted out before Michael walks away with money by any means necessary. Brittany is useless to everyone but Michael; all Brittany does is gossip and throw people under the bus.
I hope they evict Kyle but I can’t say with all honesty that Michael has noble intentions for spilling this like he’s acting.
He doesn’t. I think Brittany is a little more noble. I think she wanted to say something earlier ABC’s she even had a one on one with Kyle about what he said. Kyle wasn’t even smart enough not to bring it up again. He hinted about it too Turner and turner was POUND strong. He v said he didn’t see any of them turning, that included Monte and Joseph. So he left it alone. Then Klye talks straight into the camera after those conversations with Brittany and turner and says a bunch of stuff but the main thing was him asking America to not hate him or cancel him, that he didn’t know what he was doing but he did. And still stayed on that path. If you don’t know what you’re doing you won’t feel like you need to apologize to America. The funny thing is, Kyle was in a good spot until he had sex with Allysa and refused to let her go up. Him nor turner wasn’t on anyone’s radar. He did stuff he didn’t have to do. Within the leftovers, Monte, Joseph and Taylor were they targets and Monte and Joseph was target michael and Brittany. No one , was targeting them to. He made Taylor’s hou about him. Being targeted and it wasn’t..
Actually, he doesn’t fully know what he is doing as it happens, even as he apologizes and goes back to do it again.
He has some serious impulse control problems with a racing mind that drives him to make poor judgments and choices.
I feel he has a disability, and it breaks my heart to see him ramrodded like this.
I can see that being his issue
Dawg, do the feeds right now with the different conversations make you want to say “Meanwhile on the other side of town…”?
hahaha yeah
Well if Kyle wants an all white alliance, then why does he want you out, Michael?
He is jealous of Michael. It kills him that Michael is smarter and plays better
That is very true on so many levels, but
“oh dude” is correct, Michael is whiter than a box of saltine crackers!!
Sorry, that’s not the way a racist thinks. If he’s truly a racist, he would have been for getting Monte and Taylor on the block and leaving them there. That way it would be certain that a POC was going home.
Oh, and he would have nixed adding Monte to the Afterparty alliance as well. They didn’t really need him since they had the numbers this week.
He’s working within the confines of the game. He wouldn’t consciously do something to ruin his chance for $750k.
At this point, Michael and Brittany are making me sick. If what they are saying is true, why not speak up at the time??? In kyle’s defense, Taylor made it a race issue by not putting a person of color on the block, so maybe Kyle responded.
Yes, she didn’t put one but 2 two people of color on the block. Save your words please.
IF he is a racist because of religious beliefs, maybe he is also a homophobe? I’m not accusing him of this by any means. I’m just saying that a lot of religions are like that.
They should have a house meeting.
Finally. Call it what you want. Kyle felt threatened by the people of color. His defense was purposing a white alliance. This is no different than a white woman clutching her purse more tightly when seeing a person of color. Your subconscious can have racial bias even if externally you genuinely befriend everyone.
I agree, but don’t think it’s at the level of destroying Kyle’s life.
Michael trying to promise Turner safety for putting up Kyle now, in the name of presumably canceling Kyle and saving Turner’s own reputation , is downright vile weaponizing of important social issues, all for his own personal game gains.
There already was a storm brewing for Kyle on the outside. Michael just wanted to alert everyone in the house before they have to face tough questions once they go home.
And how does Michael know there’s a storm brewing outside? Houseguests aren’t supposed to know what’s going on in the outside world…
because they are not stupid and know how what Kyle said could be perceived on the live feeds
because they are not stupid and know how what Kyle said could be perceived on the live feeds
I am sure the DR dropped hints in their questions…
Production loves to spin the narrative.
So??? no one has answered why it is different than cookout.
The Cookout wasn’t racist it wasn’t a random group of black people being like no whites allowed. A black person had never won and they all agreed let’s change that and not take each other out when they finally had a majority after 22 seasons of being only 1 or 2 black people that were targeted early.
It was or wasn’t as random as the other houseguests. In fact yes they did say or established their final 7 to exclude all Whites. I agree as to why and how they did it, but it is racism if you discriminate once or 22 times. Its still racism. If your stated “mission statement” is NO ( fill in the blank) people allowed sounds like racism.
But after seeing it happen it is not racist to get paranoid and think it’s happening again and refusing to roll over and let it happen if it is. Then realizing it’s not happening and never bringing it up again if he was racist he wouldn’t have aligned with any poc the whole game. Michael is twisting what happened to his own benefit if it was such a big deal he would of said something two weeks ago when the conversation happened
TiVo – you’re mistaken. Each member of the cookout purposely got close to a non- black person, gained their trust (making final 2 deals, etc) and then proceeded to betray them one at a time. Yes – the DID have a “black only” as all others were not allowed in. Watch The Challenge. Alyssa and Derek both said that while they understood their mission, they resented being toyed with and betrayed in the name of race. They just weren’t able to voice that at the time. I wouldn’t blame anyone for being paranoid after last years season. The cookout lied, pretended, faked, etc to all other housemates in the name of race. Why is it far fetched to think this wasn’t happening again?
Actually, that concept has been explained ad nauseam if people were willing to listen.
Because. There is no such thing as reverse racism.
Racism is predicated on power and privilege, which is something that members of the Cookout lack.
The Cookout trying to slightly level one tiny patch of the playing field by banding together, is nowhere akin to a bunch of White people feeling threatened enough by the ‘other’ group, to once again using their dominance to pick off the Black members.
disagree completely. But I disagree with my kids and still like them. so thanks for the reply. Disagreements are ok.
Let me help you out with the definition of racism.
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
Now tell me how that wasn’t the cookout?
I will take this one on, but it’s just my opinion.
People of colour have historically done very poorly in Big Brother, being disadvantaged in many ways. Most of the “strong” alliances in Big Brother were made up of white males, and if there was a person of colour involved they were guaranteed (most of the time) to be at the very bottom of the barrel. So, I guess to me (like I said, this is my opinion) The Cookout had to have each other’s backs in order to succeed, the same way the white alliances had each other’s backs season after season. If The Cookout hadn’t have formed, they would have been picked off one by one… binding together was literally the only way to get on even ground to fight. It’s weird thinking about it, because white people have banded together for 22 seasons before the Cookout, but nobody (including myself) was up in arms about the alliances having the same skin colour, but then a few black people band together and we all take notice. Really, what the Cookout did, was no different than all of the other all white alliances in the history of BB.
You may disagree, and that is ok, I just wanted to share my view with you.
The black on big brother were stunt cast in the past for ratings. They brought in black people who had no chance to win even with an all black cast. DeVonne and Bailey are two examples. They were cast just to cause drama. Bring in more Montes and a black personality would have won. They won Survivor before. The issue was with casting not racist white people.
Thank you!
So “meow meow” or any number of all white alliances were racist?
What Michael has said about Kyle is very true! Kyle made several comments that were very uncalled for or uncomfortable. But I wish Michael spoke up when it happened instead of using it for game play! Kyle is a 30 yr old man that acts like he is 2. This season has been a shit show.
If this is true, why have I not read posts about Kyle being a racist before? Also, no one should pay MB on the back for waiting to say this now since it is merely game play!
Actually, there are multiple websites referring to hom as KKKyle.
Maybe you weren’t paying attention? KKKyle was trending on Twitter weeks ago when he started pushing the idea of an all white alliance
I truly do not think Kyle is a racist! But he did say a lot of things that were uncomfortable and a couple of times talking by himself to the camera. Do I think he should be cancelled NO but he really needs to acknowledge some of the things he said or how he said it was wrong. I don’t agree at all using this for game pay it’s sad!!!
There have been numerous posts regarding this.
Google “stop protecting kyle” and you will see
They did talk to Kyle at the time. Plus they didn’t know if the feeds had been cut at the time. Producers must have warned them.
Sounds like monte is eating this up and turner is taking this racism thing hook line and sinker. Sad. Michael is a turd.
Monte is putting everything that Kyle has done and pushed for together and it doesn’t paint a good picture. As far as Turner goes, there are 2 angles: his gameplay and his wife (if I heard him correctly)
I disagree. Michael is the most intelligent, strategic, and comp winning player that BB has seen in a long time.
They should do a 3 hour special of BB just with this afternoons live feeds. Its the best “real” reality on BB in years!!
Yep, 2 hours with limited commercials and DR sessions, then an hour of race relations and not jumping the gun when it comes TO WHAT HAPPENED LAST YEAR
I would watch with 2 bags of popcorn!!
And a few brews lol
Live by the sword, die by the sword. Kyle started the underhanded play and Michael and Britt are matching it with truth.
Goodness, no. Betraying your alliance in a game for monetary prize, is nowhere akin to destroying a young man’s life and invoking his real life panic.
I’m not saying Kyle’s words were not harmful, but he does not deserve this type of assassination that will follow him outside of the house. Michael just exponentially magnified Kyle’s screw up far and beyond the appropriate level of call out he’d been getting on social media thus far.
Seems he’s decided Kyle is evil for making a covert game move against him. So, all bets are off.
That’s what malignantly toxic people do. Once they decide you are bad bc you’ve presumably hurt them, they feel they have the right to go full visceral.
Kyle destroyed his own life! This is only new to some people in the house. America ALREADY knows and has been calling him KKKyle for weeks now. It’s fair game in the Big Brother house.
May be worth reminding everyone… Twitter is not America.
Just because something is trending on BB Twitter doesn’t mean all that much. Twitter shows more racism, hate, narcissism, etc., etc. than any houseguest shows in the live feeds.
He’s been trending on more than Twitter.
It was a much more contained strike for Kyle’s real life until Michael turned it into a big game move.
Kyles life was already destroyed on the outside. The cat was out of the bag for weeks. Brit and Michael are now the very convenient scapegoats for the right wingers.
His life was not quite destroyed. Michael has now actively moved to have him canceled, by manipulating Turner to put him on the block as the ‘bad’ houseguest.
It’s a huge exponential draw of attention and deepening of the narrative. All people need to hear is “Kyle pitched an all white alliance”. A catchphrase.
It is pretty much a focused destruction of someone’s very existence.
I will be thrilled if Kyle is evicted. I liked him initially and thought he was a good guy but the racist all white alliance idea and the betrayal of the LO showed him to have the kind of BB game play that turns ugly. No one wants to see the traitor come out. It’s what makes people stop watching for one or many seasons.
Agree completely.
OMG, you’re right! Michael has painted Kyle black because he’s a likely psychopath! I didn’t think about that angle of Michael’s behavior. He should be kicked out of the game for assainating someone’s character over a game move.
Kyle is there to win a game, not help someone else win, ffs! Michael is the biggest comp beast and it’s perfectly logical for people to target him. But petty boy Michael, who always says he can separate personal and game, clearly CANNOT separate them!
Michael has used his intelligence and athleticism to get where he is in a tough game. Remember when the “all boy’s alliance” left him out without so much as a second thought to how he must have felt?
How is someone telling others what he in fact said assassinating his character? You said yourself his words were harmful. If the houseguest choose to be insulted by his words that’s their right just like people on the outside.
Their motto is “do unto others then split!”
Bc Michael painted a particular picture that was not completely accurate.
Kinda the way you are picking and choosing my words.
Yes, I said the words were harmful, in context of some points and a main position about this.
Kyle did this to himself when he betrayed the LO. And his stupid idea of an all white alliance sealed his fate. As soon as he sat with Terrance and threw the LO under the bus, the slime of betrayal was all over him. The rest was just in line with what he’s all about.
Yes, Kyle can’t be mad. He said this stuff word for word and Michael and Britney didn’t call him racist.. they never used that word at all. Kyle has met his match with this type of game play. I think Kyle was the first one to say that and allsya told him that they never said that. Then turner was the second person to use the racist word. Kyle made an alliance with Joseph and turner and spent the entire game to hey people to target them even michael was winning ALL the comps. For some reason everyone was scared of monte who only talked to a few of the houseguest and only one 1 comp. Joseph won 0 but was a social threat by neither of them ever even mention the idea of turning on Kyle until he wouldn’t let Allysa go up. They were both loyal and more importantly BEATABLE! instead of trying to make an alliance against them and Terrance and jasmine and indy he should had tried to make an alliance with them to get out michael. You’re gonna need all the help you can get to get him out. He will probably win HOH next week. Turner is in a bad spot siding with this guy. Didn’t the wall yeller yell him???
And here we go…
I sense a mandatory house meeting is incoming.
For the record, I don’t believe Kyle is a racist. This is just one of those situations where it’s better to not say anything out loud in the first place unless you have solid receipts to back it up.
kyle is gonna be crushed when he finds out what everyone outside the house thinks of him
Who is everyone? For me he made a poor choice of words based on his perception.
what Michael did was simply wrong you do not say the things he has said when you know you are on live camera. Also he should have spoken up when Kyle first brought it up, not wait until he was threatened by the game play.
Michael has chosen to ruin a persons life in pursuit of 750 thousand and to me is more wrong. I agree people need to be held accountable for their actions but to me Michael is in the wrong here.
You’re blaming Michael for ruining Kyle’s life? Who said those things at least 5 times in the house to certain people and to the cameras, Kyle or Michael? BB fans have known for weeks before Micheal said anything. Michael didn’t even call him a racist he just repeated what Kyle said. Someone here said Twitter isn’t ALL of America, well then only social media and BB fans know like they already have known. Kyle is making his own self look like he said something wrong by hiding in the D.R. ALL DAY. Bet no one else would get that luxury. They should of given an hour and told his ass to self evict or go back in, period! Kyle made his own bed now it’s time to lay in it, right after he finishes his steak and lobster with production!
Exactly! The houseguest don’t know but the outside world has already made their judgment against him. Michael and Brittany just informed the rest of the house. Kyle will be able to defend his own words here pretty soon.
Cold move by Michael though.
I don’t think he cares. America saw him throw his alliance under the bus without the least care for anyone but himself.
In my opinion, Kyle was stating what Taylor said! She was not putting up a black woman! And seeing Monte, Joseph, an Taylor as a strong trio. It wasn’t all about race! It was more strong personalities who are also very strong competitors! They happen to all be of a certain race! That’s not a bad thing! They are equal (if not stronger) on the competitive side. I would have wanted the same thing. They all have to go at some point, no matter which race!
But, I guess you can no longer target people because of being a good competitor. Michael needs to go, too, if anyone else wants to win.
I hope Turner asks Kyle about this in private. He would be smart to discuss the subject. Now that Kyle knows, he needs to bring it up to Michael and Brittany! I think people THINK they know how another person feels about race when they are dead wrong!
Honestly, I think Kyle was not meaning it the way it’s being portrayed. He knows he’s on TV and this could wreck his life! His poor Mama is probably having a fit!
Well said!
I’m sure his mama has already contacted her attorney. My heart breaks for her and Kyle.
I was thinking the same thing. I went back to episodes 17 & beginning of 18. CBS didn’t give a bad edit against Kyle. It’s basically what others have said o this thread. Kyle noticed Joseph & Monte were pushing hard along with Taylor to pull someone down so Alyssa could be put on the block. Notice who first mentioned they needed Turner as the swing vote! Brittany!!! Guess how that divided the LO’s…Not on purpose! Then BRITTANY is the one who brought race into it. Saying she couldn’t be a part of that even if that wasn’t what it was, it would look like it. That’s when Michael and Brittany decided to bring in Taylor to be a trio because Kyle told them they were the last 3 added to the LO’s.
Michael has been trying to figure out when to bring this to light or production had a hand in it.
Either way, the way it has been brought to the other houseguests’ attention is very misleading against Kyle. Yes, he mentioned the cookout, but never did he say they needed an all white alliance.
Respectfully, the date you note they formed their F3 is incorrect and Michael had Taylor in his end game very early…
Michael won the POV on week 2 to ensure Taylor stayed. He tried to throw it to her – but she missed the shot. Pooch had three or four balls sitting just in front of the open slots and if he won Michael knew Taylor was Jasmine’s backup option (it was Ameerah who shifted the target onto Pooch).
Knowing it might not be the wisest decision to win back-to-back POVs Michael won anyway to ensure Taylor’s safety. The reason why is she was part of his ideal F5 of Taylor, Brittany, Jasmine & Indy.
He also was a bit wary/cautious of Brittany at this stage of the game bc she spiraled in week one (spilling secrets) due to the backstage pass uncertainty so he wasn’t sharing many game details with her. Although the F3 had not been formalized yet they had begun discussing it at this point & as noted Taylor was definitely in Michael’s end game this early.
The following week (week 3) was when they formalized the F3 on July 28th (episode 10) it’s in the daily recaps on July 29th (easy to find on google). The week the LOs shifted targets from Terrance, to Indy, to Ally was two week’s later on Taylor’s HOH (week 5).
Maybe mama should have taught him not to betray his alliance in front of America, and mostly to be racially sensitive.
Do you think Kyle considered his reputation when he betrayed his alliance and threw them under the bus?
This all could’ve been avoided if CBS didn’t prop up and celebrate the cookout!! I’m not a huge fan of Kyle or his political views. However, it’s not his fault considering what took place last year. This doubled standard celebrating the cookout for making it all about race. Kyle getting paranoid about a second coming 2.0. Then getting lambasted is absolute garbage when Taylor didn’t want to put up Jasmine for race and backdoor Kyles girl for a trip!! That is personal. This will be the third year in a row that a black woman will win the favorite making decisions on race. Nowhere will you find CBS condemning that, which has truly exacerbated the problem. Tiffany getting the favorite over Derek X was Total bullshit. When Tiffany backdoored Claire for race. Committing an all-time betrayal for three black men who didn’t reciprocate cookout loyalty at that point to Tiffany is sickening! That is literally the problem that had carried over. This is why it was a problem what the cookout did last year. You can’t expect other people not to think about that especially when it got praised!
For black women it’s even worse
Lots of blacks particularly upset with the way Taylor was treated in the house by the black male houseguests.
Don’t speak for Black Women. The worst was how Daniel treated Taylor and how no one supported her. Silence is just as bad if friends stay silence.
There she blows!!
So here is my sincere question.
Is saying “ I want an all White alliance” racist when coming from a White person?
Is saying “ I want an all Black alliance” racist coming from a Black person?
I truly do not know in 2022..??
All white alliance also known as ‘KKK’. Established December 24, 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee USA.
All black alliance also known as ‘The Cookout’. Established in 2021 on the Big Brother reality TV show.
I guess it depends on who you ask if there is racism involved in each of these established groups.
Standing ovation for this comment, BB Fan.
I don’t know either but I would never say it considering how it could be taken out of context or misunderstood. The contestants on this show face serious backlash once they’re out even for the smallest thing. It’s crazy
Didn’t people call the Cookout a racist alliance???
I remember when Taylor confided in Monte that she had been bullied based on being darker skinned than other black people and that won him over to want to protect her; it built a bond between them. Taylor made a big show of not putting Jasmine up. Jasmine said in a recent (exit) interview she thought that was beautiful. Terrance, an older black male, has been almost invisible, but he most closely allied with other white players. The winning alliance, and likely the winner of BB, will be a young male. The game this season seems to be to try to look as racially inclusive as possible, while throwing any crap that sticks to undermine anyone else’s game. It is a mistake for Michael and Brittany to set the cat among the pigeons, by outing Kyle’s conversations about trying to counterstrike, based on a potential colour-based alliance. It is a misguided Hail Mary. Turner asks, “will you guys think I’m racist if I send Taylor out?” Michael gives his permission. [lol]. None of these players are racist, (or each, in some demonstrable ways) but the white players are terrified to be seen to be racist; and very self-conscious is Taylor, who would let Jasmine be a jerk but not vote her out for a week so Taylor’s personal brand – of supporting sisters of colour – could hold up outside the game: because of the monster of social media. It is all such a house of cards that our society has built. Lord.
What could Michael and Brittany do. They looked at his discussions in retrospect and Bb producers probably told them the feeds hadn’t been cut, so they knew Kyle had dragged them down into the mud with him and they had to come clean. They also had to inform the others so they could have self agency on how to deal with it and prepare for the backlash once they go home.
Michael and Brittany are not victims. Paloma was ousted from the house because she bullied Taylor and there was a massive backlash from social media. Taylor was artificially raised up and used for virtue signalling the rest of the game. Michael and Brittany need not have used the information at the precise moment their backs were against the wall from a game perspective. It was vindictive. I don’t feel sorry for Kyle because 1) he did Joe dirty, I mean that narrative destroyed Taylor’s hope/trust in Joe and it was a lie 2) Kyle is a handsome white male and the US favours such; his life isn’t “ruined”. He might even grow up a bit. People are frantically worried about perceptions, but these guys are going to all be okay, especially the one that ends up winning $750K
Feeds are on we’ll be right back. Something is going down and they don’t want us to see.
No way Kyle was able to hold back. He must have run up to speak with Turner. Unless perhaps he ran right to DR in a panic state. Goodness knows how it’s all unraveling and surely will involve the entire house.
Feeds have been down for a few now – no bueno
Kyle may have been saying things all season, but Michael keeping the info until he needs it for game play is just as bad or worse. If it was such a big deal to Michael and Brit, it should have been out when it first happened. They are using race to save Taylor, who is their 3rd and thinking Monte is going up. Not a good look for any of them.
That is a very inflammatory accusation to make in todays climate. Once you accuse someone, it’s out there. No going back. Lives destroyed. Production should have immediately shut feeds down, have a group meeting to find out days and times of said accusation and go review the film. If kyle ever DID say that, you’d think Production would have pulled him immediately, like they’ve done in the past for lesser offenses. If he did not say it, you’d think Production would have shut down sooner so those accusations do not make it out in the universe to ruin lives. Either way, it’s not going to end well.
Maybe a need for frank discussion and debate after what happened last year?
Michael is making all this crap up!!!!! Count on it!!!!! He is a snake!!!!!
Bye KYLE ?
He is a pathetic psychopath. His side kick is a neurotic boot licking mental case.
Which part is he making up?
It seems like lately all anyone wants to do is rag on Kyle for everything he does, so say what you may I am going to defend him a little. First off his game play as far as I can tell is no different that many other players of BB. Has he lied, formed multiple alliances, backstabbed a few people, yes…but so has everyone else in the house. Isn’t this the way many people play the game, but somehow others are praised for their brilliance in doing it but Kyle is being vilified for it, what is up with that. In fact Xavier from last season is on the Challenge USA and before and during his elimination he bragged multiple times of how he lied and backstabbed his way to win BB. Why is no one talking about how unkind that sounds?
His showmance with Alyssa…I do have some issues with the way he has handled things. I understand his reasons for not wanting to be in a showmance, but he should not have been wishy washy about it when he was having feelings for her. He should have had the showmance of not, but not going back and forth like he did. He could have brought Alyssa into the LO’s but at the time she was aligned with the other side of the house. He could have been honest with her about a few things sooner, but like in the real world most of us are not good about sharing with our partners when we have to reveal when we were less than truthful with them.
As for his comment worrying about another Cookout forming. That was a legitimate concern based on what happened last season. It was not about race, it was about a majority alliance forming and controlling the game. Why would some players not want to do that after the success of the Cookout last season? I don’t recall him saying something about forming a white alliance and even if he did, so what? Are only minorities allowed to form majority alliances?
Lastly I think what Michael is doing right now is more disgusting. He has admitted that what he has been doing for weeks is fanning the flames so that he puts himself in a better position within the alliance. If he was so concerned about this, he should have said something weeks ago, but he waits until now? There is fanning the flames like he did when Kyle won the veto, but this is a whole other level that just did not need to happen, not like this.
If Kyle self evicts I hope they still finish out the week with a different renom because this is a bs way to protect Michaels trio. A shame this has been such a good season and if Kyle self evicts then Michaels side gets next hoh it’ll have such a crap ending
Great, feeds will be blocked until Thurs after HOH most likely. Kyle self evicts. Thanks Mike for ruining a life.
The way that Kyle is being treated is indespicable! It floors me to see that Michael would stoop so low to try to ruin someone’s life outside the show because of assumptions that weren’t true and because his game is on the line. I do not believe Kyle is racist whatsoever. After the Cookout last year, it is safe to assume it could very well happen again, but that in itself doesn’t make Kyle a racist. In all honesty, Taylor has been being racist by saying countless times that she wouldn’t put up a woman of color. That is a racist comment because she is looking at a person by the color of their skin. If CBS keeps allowing this type of behavior I’m done watching the show. There are repercussions legally and I hope action is taken.
How is Michael ruining his life by telling others something that Kyle did say ? How? Its been know for weeks now that Kyle said everything that Michael just told everyone . Michael never said Kyle is some terrible racist he only repeated the words Kyle used . Good luck with legal action when they play the live feeds in court so everyone can hear what was already heard again
Everything that Michael is saying is true from quick google search as I did not see that convo.
It just seems like weird timing. If it bothered you that much Michael, why did you get an alliance with Kyle still?
Weren’t they already in an alliance?
I really am not sure. But he just sat on this info waiting for the right opportunity to out Kyle.
I also just think Kyle is sloppy with his game play. I think turner is going to regret choosing their side.
Well there was a week they were all separated
He was with Taylor and Monte, and Mike said he wouldn’t say anything if Kyle was evicted. So Mike only did this to be vindictive, cause only Michael can backstab.
I don’t understand what is wrong with being paranoid of a Cookout 2.0 alliance. If it is problematic to be worried about that alliance, there clearly is a problem with the alliance in the first place. An alliance that can exist but can’t be spoken of by other contestants is super unfair
I think it’s bc of Kyle’s wording about “countering it” and not wanting to come out and say how to counter it for fear of “being cancelled”.
He didn’t say that though, or do that…omg he was in an alliance with Monte, Joe, now Terrance, all out of strategy. This is so sickening.
Turner is doing Micheal dirty work if he targets Kyle for eviction. Has a final 2 with Kyle. That’s not Turner’s best move to get rid of Kyle over Taylor. He knows she has a final three with Michael & Britney. It’s as clear as day that Michael and Britney are trying to manipulate the situation by pulling on Turner‘s emotions.
Wasn’t he doing Kyle’s dirty work?
Yes, Michael leaving is best for everyone, but Thursday night, Turner was pretty confident in the Leftovers. Then Kyle got in his ear and boom game over Leftovers. In the end it all backfired. Michael is still here and if it’s not Kyle this week, it’s going to be Turner or Kyle next week if the trio get HOH.
It’s not a good move for Turner. Michael Is doing everything he can to keep Taylor and a final three intact with seven people to go. Tiffany backdooring a Final 2 at this point last year destroyed her game.
Alyssa won’t care either way. She is Kyle’s puppet. She needs him to carry her.
Michael using what Kyle said as gameplay is almost as reprehensible as what Kyle said.
Michael didn’t say Kyle was racist. You are putting words in his mouth. He was saying the what he was implying was not good optics. That was at least honest. Not like blaming everything outdoors on Joe. That was a true lie. I think that is more reprehensible. I don’t think Kyle is racist. But I do think he deals with things from his own white male privilege. Brittany tried to explain what his words looked like and he still didn’t get it. From that point on, the rest is on him.
AND Turner saying this is a nope.
“You don’t just say that knowing cameras are around .. you don’t just say that unless you want to be cancelled up the a$$! I”
No Turner, it’s not that you don’t say that knowing that cameras around, you don’t say that at ALL period.
It shouldn’t be in your head to begin with – and if is, it shouldn’t come out of your mouth. It’s reprehensible.
If you check the #StopProtectingKyle trend on Twitter you’ll get PLENTY of information of what he HAS SAID. His Trumper likes and Tweets, and other things that make him not only the icky man child that he is but very sus. And BB cutting the feeds during this is also sus. Check it out. https://twitter.com/PopCrave/status/1563937607133716482
So coming from a poc if poc come together and form an alliance to target white people it’s not only not racism it’s the best alliance ever but if someone after seeing that gets paranoid that it might be happening again and doesn’t want to just roll over and let it happen if it is like everyone did last year they are a racist
2nd point just because someone is a trump supporter it does not mean they are racist
First, the cookout did not come together to “target” anyone. They came together to support each other because that wasn’t happening on most seasons of BB. But the bigger issue is that black people cannot be racist. Racism come from a position of power. We have never had a position of power in the US. Racism is perpetrated on those without power.
Clearly you need to look up the definition of racism. Geez. Educate yourself please!
And for all of those screaming about “reverse racism,” which isn’t a thing, their white fragility is showing.
You are right there is no such thing as reverse racism. Racism is racism no matter what race the person is
Please point out where in my comment that I said that Kyle is a racist.
Sorry, this should have said:
Please point out where in my comment that I said Michael said that Kyle is a racist.
It seems that you are guilty of putting words in my mouth. (or words in my comment that are not there)
Then why is Michael more reprehensible than Kyle. What did who do beside tell the truth? Explain yourself if you can.
Was it reprehensible when Michael was obviously left out of the boy’s alliance that firmed in the first week? Michael commented on it, and knew then what he was dealing with and how he was going to have to strategize almost immediately to get beyond the first two weeks of this game.
Do Michael and Brittany actually think viewers will praise them for what they are doing to Kyle? They are both disgusting spreading malicious lies about Kyle to better their game and all the other house guests actually believing them without even discussing it with Kyle. He is getting them to do exactly what he wants them to. What will they do to the next person that dares to go against them. Why didn’t they say anything when Taylor wouldn’t put up Jasmine and was after Alyssa. I guess that was OK cause Taylor was following their instructions. I am so angry that CBS hasn’t put a stop to this. Kyle being labeled a racist could ruin his life. They should both be evicted and Kyle should sue CBS.
I don’t know if I necessarily think Kyle is racist. I do know that I have heard Brittany say, on more than one occasion, that she felt uncomfortable with Kyle’s comments regarding countering a Cookout 2.0. I find the timing right now rather icky on Brit and Michael’s part, but I think Brittany has been genuinely concerned about Kyle’s comments for awhile.
Michael and Brittney are ruining Kyle’s life after BB. Hopefully Michael’s and Brittney’s employers get wind of what they did could possibly ruin their employments. They are evil and I hope that they are evicted and have to face repercussions when they return to their jobs. They M&B did this because of the thought of Taylor leaving. So I do hope Turner doesn’t regret going along with Michael and Britney .
Doing to Kyle? Seriously? Kyle was looking to put into play possibly the ugliest moments on BB. Cringeworthy.
Wow. Weaponizing racism for 750k/gameplay. I’ve lost all respect for Michael and Big Brother in general. If he was concerned about questionable comments a month ago he could have brought them up then. Right now there’s two competing 4 player teams of mixed races and Michael can’t stand his team is losing this week. Brittany as well with her “this isn’t supposed to happen” attitude. This is complete corruption of fairplay. I don’t see how CBS can fix this now. This show is done and it’s a shame.
10000% agreed! I hope legal action is taken!
Yea lawsuits could and should happen. $750k is nothing with what he could get. Supporters could easily flood Kyles accounts & request legal action on CBS. I do believe CBS knows a thing or two about payouts.
I say ppl should do just that!
Michael could be sued for defamation. As a lawyer you would think he would be aware of that.
Did he ever actually say Kyle was a racist or did he just tell the truth about what Kyle said? If he didn’t actually say the word racist, just gave facts, there is no lawsuit! That would be dumb.
Pretty sure Michael went out of his way to say he did not think it was malicious, just that Kyle wanted that an alliance to counter cookout 2.0 was brought up and that Kyle had mentioned Alyssa and Turner as being good with being a part of it. He was giving them a heads up that their named were mentioned
Nothing worse than being labelled a racist, and Production has ruined a perfectly decent person’s life by allowing this narrative.
Kyle overreacted because he didn’t go ask Michael what he said and assumed he was called a racist. Michael did not call him and racist and now this board is lighting up and overreacting like Kyle is. Michael did not call him a racists all of you who are saying it are making things worse for Kyle by perpetuating this lie.
Lord these last updates have been uncomfortable but deserved…
”See when you do clownery, the clown comes back to bite!” ?
KKKyle just might be getting devoured by It this week!
Wow, Assilva872!
If Michael and brittney felt that way about Kyles comments of race than they should have said it about three to 4 weeks ago when it came up the first time. I agree that Kyle had no information to act or to say what he said in the house but Michael and brittney did not bring it up until their backs was against the wall and now they are using race and color for their own agenda just like Kyle did and I think that is a double standard. Please if anybody has thoughts please comment I would like to know how everybody feels about this. I think they waited for the right time to fit their agenda and to help their stake in the game and I think that is just as wrong as well. I will explain me if I’m asked but that’s what my take is from what I’ve been seeing and reading from the feeds for today.
It’s all a double standard… Taylor said she doesn’t want to put up a black woman but she has no issue putting up a white woman? In fact she was willing to put up 2 … how is that not racist? Taylor used the color of Jasmine’s skin as a reason not to put her up… so if Indy was black would she not have gone on the block? Everyone excepts Taylor using the black card yet when a white person who doesn’t even mention color is worried he might get picked off because of the color of his skin … he gets attacked!!
If Michael and Brittany were so conflicted about it why did they wait until one of them was on the block to spread the information? Pathetic play to make someone look like he is racist to save your game. If it really concerned them they would have said something weeks ago instead of working in an alliance with him.
wow he went there..
I remember people talking about this conversation when it happened. Does anyone know the date & time so we can go back & see it? I think it would clear things up for the viewers if we actually saw it. It’s possible that Michael is reading more into it than he meant, or it will be very obvious that he did say it.
Yes, Michael reading more into it. Michael disappointed me
Trying to find other convo time stamps …
8/5/2022 (Michaels First HOH)
3:34am Kyle and Michael talk about nomination scenarios and possible CO 2.0
11:57am Kyle and Michael Talk about options and paranoia of CO 2.0
I remember this night and not thinking anything other then paranoia about it. I don’t recall anything about a white alliance, but I’ll keep looking for the live feed time stamp.
Kyle currently working with two black people =racist?
Monte and Terrance were just numbers to Kyle. Kyle wanted to get Turner to put Monte up after Michael used the Veto on Brittany, and Kyle wanted to switch it up and evict Monte.
Putting Monte up would not be racist based. It would mean Turners after party alliance would control the votes. Putting Any other after party up would be relying on Monte to not flip the vote because it would be he, Michael and Brit against 2 after party votes.
This so sad what they are doing to Kyle. They are lying on him. I cant believe this shit. If he leaves becaise of this I sone with show.
If Kyle self evicts, CBS should evict Michael also. This is not gameplay. This is ruining another player’s life because you are just now realizing what a huge target your own ego has painted on your back. If that is Michael’s ethics in real life, I bet his law firm is really unhappy with him about now.
Michael has gone from being one of my favorites to an absolute zero.
I thought the exact same thing. This is gross
I think if Kyle goes, then Taylor, Michael, Brittney needs to be sent out also. Those four are carrying on and laughing about everything. They are no better.
Just like last year, thousands of folks who love Big Brother will be tuning out. CBS isn’t going be able to continue to allow race to be used as a strategy mechanism. If only people of color benefit from it then it’s an uneven playing field. I turned it off last year and I’m close again. Lets see if CBS makes things right. If not, let the sponsors feel the impact.
I agree!
Interesting that it only became an uneven playing field with the Cookout. How come no one saw it as an even playing field before this? Why are things only noticed when POC are involved? Please explain this to me
Kyle had and i mean HAD (that’s what people say even though he wasn’t going home if it was him and Alyssa on the block together) to do whatever to survive last week. People applauded it.
Michael changes the course of the week by sharing details from a few weeks back and he’s a sociopath.
Good grief people!
He’s ruining a kids life. Bit different no?
BS. Kyle had already ruined his own life.
It is not what Michael did, it is the how that has most people upset he clearly crossed the line.
Hmmm. A lot of trolls on here right now…
Taylor saying she would never put a women of color on the block is the same thing as saying she’d only put a white women on the block. No different
If you don’t know the difference in what she is saying, this is why we have a problem with race in this country. It is exhausting trying to explain things to people who make this kind of comment.
Kyle needs to sue the fuck out of CBS, then Michael and Brittany. I’m not into cancel culture but to go on a show with millions of people watching and paint someone that way because of the progressive, woke mindset, and conveniently when the vindictive assholes back is against the wall, they need to be crushed and crushed hard. How absolutely disgusting are these people?!
I blame it all on CBS!
The reason Kyle said something to Michael, was because CBS let the cookout happen last year.
He was thinking it was happening again.
I do not enjoy Big Brother anymore.
Won’t/can’t happen. Michael and Brit were very careful in what they told Turner. It was exactly what Kyle said. I think at the time Kyle was Leary of another Cookout. He thought a white out might be wise. Just trying to be mindful of a potential repeat. It would have been the opposite of last year. If that is construed as racist then last year was too.
‘Now……what is little Miss Perfect to do? She needs to latch onto another strong player to carry her. Keep up that beautiful smile and tight wiggle. As the crowd dwindles, maybe she will win something.
Here is the thing! He didn’t say anything about an all white alliance, they read into it and spread it to be that way!
But Brittany tried to explain to him how it looked and he could have corrected her but he didn’t. He knew how they were taking it and did nothing to correct it.
Exactly what Kyle said!
Production was not woke. They were asleep. They could have shut this down earlier. The whole thing is sad for everyone. Players and viewers. Just sad. They can’t put this right. Just sad. I wonder if they just shut it down. Rescue seems impossible. Hot damn welcome to our worst traits.
They told the truth Kyle said all that while they were sitting on the bathroom so the three of them Michael and Britney and Kyle
How can he sue when Michael only stated the facts? Nothing was made up!
Kyle should self evict and defend his honor than have the indignantly of being a renom and beg for explanations/forgiveness. It’s already in the cards, and Production is just trying to stick it out for good TV, which is awful. He now is perceived as a racist fool. I’ll never watch a single episode now.
Just when I thought this season was going down the drain; I don’t know, maybe it just did.
In the infamous words of George Takei…
Oh Myyyy!
Both Michael and Britney dont come away looking clean from this either. They should have mentioned what kyle said the moment he said it if they really cared that much. Instead they sat on it and let it slide because they where in an alliance with Kyle, Now theyve decided to use what kyle said not because they’ve decided to take the moral high ground but because theyve noticed they can use someones racsit/tone death comment to help THEM get further in the game.
Except for the fact that Kyle threw his entire alliance under the bus, and did come up with an all white alliance idea.
For those questioning why the feeds are down, this could be when Michael and his guests are watching the movie
Big Brother blocks the feeds like they block my cock. Self burn
Wow, Michael. As a gay, jewish man, he should know the seriousness and danger of accusing someone of being racist. Even Julie, who has been very vocal about racist players in the past, said she thinks what Kyle did was mostly just paranoia of a secret alliance with a similar purpose as the Cookout. Kyle is not racist because he let himself think that. And he didn’t pitch an “all-white alliance” – he pitched an alliance to try and minimize the effects of an alliance he thought was forming. For me, this cancels Michael. That is playing dirty, and messing with a person’s reputation outside of the house in order to further your game is disgusting.
I think Michael and the other houseguests should be concerned about what’s going to happen on the outside. Kyle was outed weeks ago on social media.
People just don’t want to see that.
Do you think it was “clean” when Michael was acutely aware of the fact that there was an all boy’s alliance forming in the early weeks? And that he was being left out?
Kyle showed his true snake colors when he threw the LO under the bus. And if his all white alliance had really happened, BB would have become ugly.
Ok I have made my opinion on Michael’s move, and I have seen the post here and some of the comments.
I will state this, everyone is in general agreement that Kyle should have watched what he put out there. There is no denying that.
we all agree that his lack of maturity is evident and disturbing.
so given that and if he self evicts what do you think the house guest will feel if he goes and does something stupid.
also given some of the comments here ask yourself how you would feel if it was you or a loved one getting painted with that brush?
Would you really want your life or that of a loved one cancelled?
If we as a human race want to move forward there has to be education but also forgiveness.
People should think before they speak. Kyle has put himself in this situation. He has already set himself up for this. Just what it is. He’ll be fine!
But he did say all that but I still don’t think Kyle should be canceled because it states clearly before every episode and before a watching feeds that the views of the houseguests don’t necessarily represent CBS
Wow. This is wrong on so many levels. Racism, reverse racism. If this is what this show and this site is about, just don’t want anything to do with it any longer.
This site run by Simon and Dawg is not racist. The provide updates on what’s happening in the house for those of us that can’t stay up and watch the feeds. They have nothing to do with cbs and simply provide a place to comment on what’s going on in the house and game, for which I am very grateful.
it also allows for comments and a place to share opinions. Dawg and Simon moderate to ensure truly vile post do not make it.
most posters are good about what they post but if you are offended you don’t have to read. I enjoy the post and insights from the likes of Robert, TTOTambz and un autre nom and have contributed to Simon and Dawg to help keep this site up.
So please by all mean speak your opinion but don’t blame this site for people expressing theirs and especially don’t call it racist.
a friend and faithful fan of OBB long live the duck.
No intent to show anything negative against Simon or Dawg. They have been great and I have followed this site for over a decade. Donated a few times either.
With that said, I am seeing so much bias and ignorance on this site from these comments that it just frustrates me. I am sorry if that offends anyone, but I have the right to feel that way and right to chose not to come back. I am only saying this at all just so maybe some might take a look at what they said and what they supported and took a step back.
I just hate racism and hate it being used at a strategy. If anyone the date and time when Kyle was showing being racist, I would love to go back and watch it. Haven’t seen any of that..
Same here Tdawg……maybe Big Brother has run its course and time to shut it down.
If the feeds are still down after the show airs, may I suggest watching Blood & Treasure on Paramount Plus
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? Why did 2 white people Micheal and Britney not mention it right away if they are not racist themselves. They held on to info for how many days.
Only revealed when they are targets
Everyone keeps saying that but how do we know that they didn’t bring it up in the diary room
Kyle is in the diary room so long because CBS knows they are legally fisted. Kyle, just leave and play the victim, like most people do, & settle the lawsuit & make $. Please don’t embarrass yourself. Alyssa is gonna ride a Turner trimmes face soon. On Big Brother too!
You can’t sue when you said exactly what Michael and Brittany are exposing. Good luck trying to sue CBS, Kyle did say exactly what the said weeks ago, go back and look at the feeds.
Do I think Kyle is a Racist, No. I just think Kyle is immature and does not always think things over before speaking or reacting.
People don’t want to understand that.
Naw! They will be fine.
Can you guys please remove that assholes picture from the top of this post? He’s so disgusting I don’t even want to look at him. In fact, I hope Kyle does self evict and I will never watch BB and their woke shit again. They have taken this too far. I hope everyone will help in destroying Michael & Brittany’s lives and they have destroyed Kyle’s. Stop watching this crap!!!
Ha! You’re funny.
And you are also the problem in todays world. In this world everyone has to be cautious of what they say. This world is a sensitive place. I don’t find what Kyle said to be racist but because of the world we live in people will feel uncomfortable with the smallest thing. No need to destroy anyones lives. Not even Michael Brittany or kyle. The sad truth is this is the world we live in today. I’ve always wanted to sign up for BB but not in todays world where you’ll be judged by the smallest word that comes close to being racist when you really arent
I’m never for the interference of production, but they need to do something. Somehow make it clear to everyone that Kyle didn’t do anything racist, reprimand Michael and Brittney for their actions, and try and stop this from ruining this young man’s life.
But….they will probably just let this play out the way its playing out to appease the woke audience. It’s sad. I love this game, but this is hard to watch. I feel sick
“When Brittany pointed out the optics of dividing the house by race, Kyle referenced last season’s The Cookout, a Black six-person alliance formed with the mission of making history by guaranteeing one of them to win.
The following week, the Houseguests were separated for the Split House twist. Kyle was in the Dyre Fest with HOH Terrance Higgins, his girlfriend, and former Leftover members Joseph and Turner. He exposed the alliance, ultimately resulting in Joseph’s eviction. When it became clear that Kyle had turned on the group, Michael and Brittany decided to reveal his “white alliance” plan.
Kyle threatened to self-evict after he thought they are ‘painting me as a racist’They revealed his pitch privately to Monte and Taylor, which wasn’t caught on Live Feeds. Michael and Brittany later told Alyssa and Turner because the duo claimed they didn’t want the two getting roped into an alliance without knowing its assumed intent.
Turner admitted the information made him “uncomfortable” but also expressed his desire to get rid of Taylor this week. Kyle began catching wind of conversations behind his back and asked Alyssa if she knew anything about it.”…”Kyle insisted he would leave the game if they told everyone the information and “painted me as a racist.”” …”Turner admitted his head was “spinning” as he might have to turn on his closest ally.
“Kyle might end up on the block this week now,” he shared. Even though Taylor is still his target, he finds it “weird and suspicious” that the Utah native pitched an all-white alliance and is thinking of nominating him to satisfy the other Houseguests. After talking to Alyssa, Kyle tried to converse with Turner, who refused.” Bye Kyle
Tuner refused to talk with Kyle ?
Turner should say to Michael, thank you for telling me. Because of this info, I don’t want Taylor on the block. Take down Taylor and I put up Kyle and we vote him out. I bet Michael and Brit will be back tracking on guys info and get off their high horse. If I was Turner, that’s how I would know if the info was true.
Are Michael and Britney racist 2 ?
the people with pitchforks want to scapegoat Michael and Brit for Kyle pulling them down in the mud with him.
Will be interesting to see how Michael and Brit fair on your rate the hg Dawg and Simon
Sadly this is the world we live in. You say something small that sounds close to being racist then that person is a racist when really he isn’t. I think in Michael and Brittany’s mind what Kyle said sounded like racist and in the world we live in everyone has to be cautious. And if you feel like someone is saying something that is making you uncomfortable or comes out as racist then they have a right to feel that way because of the way this world is but in no way I personally think Kyle is racist or and I personally think that Michael and Brittany do feel uncomfortable with what Kyle may have said that to them sounded racist.
I agree with you T Fisi. I feel that Michael was definitely uncomfortable with that. And Britney too. Michael reminds me very much of one of my dear friends; as the grandson of Holocaust survivors, he has always been so hyper aware of systemic racism and societal intolerance towards all minorities. It bothers him very much and I think it does Michael too.
So disappointed to see Michael use race like this. If That action was true and Michael was so appalled by Kyle , why hold this I formation until now just when suddenly Michael realizes his game is I jeopardy. He is pure and simple using it as game tactic. Kyle is naive but not racist and Michael knows it. Using this to flip game and potentially ruin a man’s image is most appalling thing I have ever seen watching this show and hope Michael gets booted out next for his actions . If he wins game, I will never watch this show again
Michael just told the house what everyone outside the house read and heard him say.
Some people. Ha!
Well this is all too bad…. So much this will probably take over the rest of the season? Or blow over in a week or so.?
The Cookout is the only alliance based on race in the history of Big Brother. Correct me if I am wrong. We live in dark, backwards times.
No i wasn’t. POC colour have been alienated, called out their name and have dealt micro-agressions season after season. No one cared because they were POC and made excuses for the offenders. Cognitive bias is real and that is why ppl have a problem with the Cookout.
Slim: you’ve worded that perfectly and you are 100% right
Yeah no sorry, picking people off by the color of their skin is not ok, and racist as well.
I was a huge Michael fan until he went this low! Yes I’ve seen all the feeds I know what was said but it was NO where in a racist way! He was literally saying do you think it’s a possibility because of Last Years alliance Kyle never once said we have to go against people of different races. Michael and Brittany doing anything to stay and this is just more than game y’all. SO SAD!!
I agree. I hope both Michael and Brittany get voted out.
the people with pitchforks want to scapegoat Michael and Brit for Kyle pulling them down in the mud with him.
In the early weeks, an all boy’s alliance was forming and Michael stated he knew he was being left out of it. I have watched him excel intellectually and physically and seeing nothing wrong with him just stating the facts to Turner. Kyle turned weasel when he threw the LO under the bus. His all white alliance concept was cringeworthy.
Ragan Fox BB12 “The Second Saboteur” has written a book about Big Brother
Inside Reality TV: Producing Race, Gender, and Sexuality on “Big Brother”
I really hope we can go back to the time when we enjoyed the show for the strategy/emotion etc., and nothing about the race.
Going back in time and playing the game was voting out the black players because they didn’t fit in. Ask Danielle if her second place was based on strategy or race. Dipshit
For all the uproar about AP blaming Joe for the spilled info, tonight’s episode showed that he clearly betrayed Taylor by revealing she tried to final 4 him with her and Michael/Brit.
Actually this is a far worse betrayal than Kyle’s behavior, if people wish to get hung up on that sort of thing.
When Kyle’s back was against the wall, he stood up for Alyssa. Joe turned on both Taylor and the alliance.
Bad take, Kyle’s back wasn’t against the wall, he told Terrance about the LOs the first day out there, well before noms. He just didn’t want to go on the block and he didn’t want to have to deal with Alyssa going out. Plus he was butt hurt that he wasn’t picked to go inside.
Since so much was blocked from the week they were outside we don’t really know when Joe said this stuff. He was alone, Turner gaslit him when he was talking in front of everyone while addressing Alyssa with everything Kyle said about voting her out earlier in the game. (which was true, it was when the pound was in the HOH and when he said it, he also talked about Indy being so hot for some reason, it was weeks ago, which feels like years with all the craziness in the house) Kyle’s paranoia gets him into trouble, he had a perfect thing going with the pound, if he didn’t get so distracted with trying to keep Alyssa, he would probably be sitting pretty right now.
Kyle, if you don’t know whether Greece is a Country or a City, YOU DO NOT deserve to win 750k. Hell No!!!
OMGosh, that whole sequence about “Geometry” aka Geography was both painful and hilarious! “I want to go to Prague, I don’t know if that’s a city or a country, but a friend of mine went there and I want to go, too” (quasi quote) Both Alyssa and Kyle would make lovely, good looking, but probably stupid children. SMH.
Bless their hearts.
Too bad Michael did this. I was enjoying this season up until this. Shame. These guests for the most part were not playing race.
Did he really have a choice? And he isn’t the one with the all white alliance in his head.
Really Michael and Brittany…mud slinging. And Brittany you are the one that needs to go home. And quit crying you baby
This is so bad against Kyle. If big brother lets this happen they ate worse than Michael and Brittany. It is not a game anymore when you put people reputation on the line. He has a life he has to go back to. This is just sickening. If this continues. No more big brother for me. I sick of watching double standards. A black person can have black Alliance. But a white person cant even comment he is afraid there is a black alliance without being called racist. And Taylor saying iver and over she not going to put up a black person is fine. This is so racist. But it was fine for her to say that
I hope this backfires on Michael and Kyle self evicts and Taylor still gets evicted Thursday
the people with pitchforks want to scapegoat Michael and Brit for Kyle pulling them down in the mud with him.
Tom, I don’t understand what you mean. Can you please explain? I’m not being sarcastic or rude by the way. I really just don’t understand. Thank you so much.
I don’t like Showmances because I don’t want to see kissing and cuddling.
HOWEVER, a Showmance is a pair (Kyle and Alyssa) just like a duo (Michael and Britney)
I really don’t understand how people are turning this back on Michael and Brittany. First It happened 3 weeks ago, not months ago. When it happens Michael went straight to Brittany and told her that he felt uncomfortable about what Kyle was proposing. And then when they met with Kyle together Brittany told him that the optics looked really bad and she did not feel that the minorities were working at getting white people out. He was warned and for the past 3 weeks #KKKyle has been trending all over the internet he made the comments more than once. He’s a grown a** man and needs to own it. They didn’t do this to him, he did it to himself. At no point that did Michael or Brittany say that Kyle was a racist today. The said he wanted to create an all white alliance. It’s a false narrative about what happened to say they called him a racist. And if some of you poor Kyle people didn’t notice when Alisa let him know that’s what was going around he still lied to her.
Yes. But the people with pitchforks want to scapegoat Michael and Brit for Kyle pulling them down in the mud with him.
The Kat’s meow: You have it exactly right! You said it perfectly. Thank you
Kat’s Meow: Perfectly said!
Feeds are back!!
Asking Michael and Brittany if the POC are banning together in a cookout like fashion is not criminal nor do I think Kyle’s intensions were to be with only white people, but it did put Michael and Brittany in an awkward position that they should have to explain to him that that’s not how they did or ever will think and it then probably made them question whether they can trust his judgement moving forward as well as whether they want to be in an alliance with him if he doesn’t realize what he is saying. Kyle is sloppy and that’s the short and long of it.
And it effects the other houseguests too once they leave if Michael and Brittany don’t say anything to them about it.
Is Kyle a racist? I can’t conclude that from what I’ve seen (not a rabid feed watcher). Not mad at him though because I just see it as a game move. He essentially tried to engineer a reverse cookout ( the “tailgate?”). It just blew up in his face and now might cost him his game.
HE DID NOT TRY TO MAKE AN ALL WHITE ALLIANCE! He just wanted to make sure he wasn’t going to get picked off because of the color of his skin, like the racist cookout did last year. Kyle has been in alliances with everyone, his main alliance was with a white dude, a muslim dude, and a black dude. Everyone needs to get over themselves with “he did this to himself”, he did absolutely nothing wrong. What he does need to do is file a lawsuit against Michael and Brittany when he leaves the house, and hopefully he will collect millions. It was all out of vindictiveness. It was malicious and an uncalled for attack on his character! Game over for Mike & Britt when they leave the house.
Dawg, you really need to stop tripping over wires….
haha I can’t help it.
These BBLiveFeeds are not 24/7 this Big Brother should stop promoting that it is! I watch for 2 minutes then “We’ll be RIGHT BACK” comes on for 2-3 hours! Come on! They should switch the “24/7 live feeds” to jury house keep me interested! YAWN.
I don’t think Kyle is racist; I think he based his statements on what happened on the previous season; no more so is an all male or female alliance sexist – which has happened EVERY season! I think that Brit and Mike are playing a “dirty” game by twisting this “logic” to fit a narrative they want as long as it benefits their game. I do think Kyle is naive, immature, and not very loyal – definitely not a favorite; however, what Brit and Mike are doing is worse. Mike was my favored person to win until this week – and he is using Brit because no one sees her as a threat…if she makes it with him to final two, he wins unanimously.
I think Brittany knows she went too low. She knows she sold her soul for $$.. In trying to ruin someone with this race card. If youwatch her body language… She has regret. I hope she gets booted and sees how America thinks she and Michael are disgusting for trying to ruin someone life like this.
What American everyone loves him he’s americas favorite ?
I agree with you about Brittney. Now she is acting like a therapist. How she sounds and having people listening to her fake voice. Trying to heal their heart, trying to come under her control.
Kyle was begging for this with his backstabbing play style, but at the end of the day, this is making a mountain out of a mole hill. Good game play by Michael, and at least Michael turned this around with the truth and not things he made up, but Kyle does not need to be cancelled over this.
The cookout was a racist action and so is Taylor not wanting to evict Jasmine because she is a black woman. I’m white if I want to evict monte am I evicting him because he’s black or a threat of a player. I don’t think Kyle is racist .
Taylor said she wouldn’t nominate a black woman, not that she wouldn’t evict her.
Doesn’t matter. Its racist. If a white person said she wasnt nominating a white woman.. Everyone would be all up in arms.. Just like they are with Kyle now. Its rediculous. Peoole need to move on and actually study what racism is…. Treating someone different bc of the color of their skin. So.. Taylors actions are racist. Period.
Where in my comment did I give my opinion on if it was racist or not? I simply replied what Taylor said!! PERIOD!!
Gang, I think we are witnessing the final season of Big Brother US. For one, I would bet money that Julie Chen Moonves is done with this show after the season. After last season I had the thought that the cookout would be the demise of the show because of the whole race thing, and now here we are again. CBS will not want anymore bad press regarding race and ultimately that is why the show will not be renewed. Simon and Dawg, thank you for your years of service. I’ve visited other BB sites but yours has always been my go-to!
CBS could cancel the live feeds and present a show called Big Brother. There isn’t 24 hour feeds on Survivor and lots of people watch that. Kyle didn’t ruin his game in the show, life would go on, its every one on social media reacting with their own opinions and slant on the situation that are now going to cause problems for the players. The hatred and name calling on here is pathetic really. Certainly not adult. I feel bad that Kyle is so upset but if it happened during play and wasn’t on camera with everyone waiting to pounce, he would only need to explain to the other players. Same goes for Michael. Both have their stance and could explain to the others in a house meeting. A lot has been lost in this game.
The 24 hour live feeds is what makes the show Big Brother and not, say, The Real World or any other reality show. The constant surveillance is what makes it Big Brother, from 1984.
Well, time to regroup. Highly sickened by Michael. I do think that Brit thought she was doing the right thing, but apparently something is now gnawing at her as not cool.
Looks like Kyle is gone this week.
Next, Michael must go, then Taylor. Brit after that.
I’m okay with either Turner or Monte making it to the end with anyone. Although I much prefer Turner,
Monte is a decent guy and not making my skin crawl like some of the others. He does get carried away at times, such as the way he went against Taylor early on, aa well as getting caught up in the ‘use veto to get Alyssa out’ nonsense. Both those instances were goals for other players, not necessarily beneficial to his game.
Seriously don’t care if Terrance or Alyssa end up in one of the chairs.
Tell me something: In the early week/s of BB, how do you think it made Michael feel when he was left out of an all boy’s alliance that was forming? I think he knew then that he was going to have to have enormous calm and focus and skill to make it through each week. And that’s exactly what he’s done. Kyle just betrayed the entire alliance, and we all know Michael would be out as soon as he lost a comp.
Kyle’s plan was ugly and I cringe to think of what BB would look like if it had materialized.
Is Kyle a Racist?
A big NO
How BB chooses to handle this will determine whether I continue to watch a show I have loved since day 1. It’s sad that you have to fear your words and how they may be taken because the repercussions will go way beyond the BB house. I’m disappointed in many of the players and how this is being handled. I don’t believe Kyle was being racist. Paranoid- yes. Wrong – yes. But His head is being put on the chopping block, but no one was outraged over the bullying of Taylor, and that was out right awful. And I’m sorry but Brittany and Michael hold some fault here too. They jumped right on board with Kyle to form the Leftovers because it was good for them. Knowing then the words he had said, but now that they need to change the narrative to get further in the game they bring up something that should have been dealt with weeks ago. I’m sorry people make mistakes. Red, yellow, black and white. We all make mistakes. You can’t have your cake and eat yet too. Yes this is a game but the things they are choosing to say and do will go way beyond the game and can destroy lives. Sounds like cameras need to go down and some serious conversations need to be had with all.
Dear Simon and Dawg,
Thank you for doing the updates for those of us who do not have the feeds, and thank you for keeping your enthusiasm for good Big Brother game play. I have been trying to remember to donate each week, and I have really enjoyed this season up until today.
I know you put an enormous amount of time into providing these updates, and again, I thank you.
Thank you for saying that! Its a huge time investment but knowing its appreciated makes it worthwhile. 🙂
People can cry and whine all they want but at the end of the day, this is on Kyle Capener. Everything he said and insinuated came from him. Micheal probably would have kept silent but it pissed him off the snake walk Kyle is walking so he put him on blast. Supposedly, Kyle said his grandmother was racist? None of you think some of her beliefs could have spilled over on him. Racist? Who truly knows but Kyle. Prejudice? Possibly so. Anytime he sees any POC talking, he immediately assumes they’re working together. “The Cookout The Cookout”, oh give me a break. Are you people forgetting Gina Marie’s racist alliance or Jack and Mickey’s racist alliance. So with Kyle’s beliefs, then Monte and All the POC, should have targeted white people when they were hanging together. Kyle talked about the Cookout more then any poc in that house. He called Monte, Taylor and Terrance aggressive( which is hilarious) towards him. He said Joseph had no morals. He was scum and he hates him, on feeds last evening. A few days ago he said, that Indy would be so mad, that she would attack him with a knife in jury. His biases are questionable and unfortunately, that’s the way he played the game. That’s on Kyle.
Yes! Michael knew it was necessary to speak a truth in order to silence Kyle the weasel.
I am black! I don’t see anyone on the show calling him a racist! You guys need to chill! Michael n Brittany did this to get
Rid of him! It was a desperation move! It’s game! 100%! The only way this thing blows up is if us outside folks make it a big deal! I don’t think he is racist but I also didn’t like when he was pitching this weeks ago because it was no signs of it being true! He was using it for game then and now they are using it against him for game now! No one in the black community is trying to cancel KYLE! So chill out people!
Kyle is dumber than a box of rocks, and he was that way even before he tried to form this alliance. He should focus on smoothing things over with the people that he made uncomfortable, instead of worrying about being “canceled.” The US elected a president who was endorsed by the Klan 6 years ago, so he will be fine. Nobody in the house seems to think that Kyle was being malicious, but of course he doesn’t know that, because he’s too busy worrying about non-existent cancel culture and martyring himself than preserving his relationships with actual people.
By outing the Leftovers (and everyone knows it was he who did that), Kyle made himself the talk of the house. It made people wonder about other alliances that he made or tried to make and questioned his motives. Plus, it’s good timing, since there needs to be a replacement nominee. So I think Michael bringing this up and Turner covering himself is part game and part personal.
Obviously, I wasn’t there so you can’t judge based on the testimony from 1 side. But I believe Michael, I just don’t see him making this up. You never know with people but he doesn’t strike me like the type. He even said to Turner that ” he would never ever make up this in a million years “. Sometimes as a jury if you don’t have a clear cut case, you have to make a judgment based on what you see and hear . so far Michael has demonstrated a better caracter.
before this is all over ya’ll are going to have Michael responsible for every evil thats happend on plant earth. I got news for you 6 months from now the majority of the country aren’t even going to remember who or what these people said or done. I don’t think any ones life is going to be ruined . PS i find haydens Dick post funny ( He’s gay he’s already going to burn,what more do you want to happen to him.) i guess I’m going to burn too.
People are saying that Michael is ruining Kyle’s life. False. Michael didn’t make Kyle say what he said. Kyle did this all by himself with his ill-advised game move and talk. Kyle’s been publicly shamed for what he said for weeks now, long before Michael outed him to the other house guests. If by ruining his life you mean ruined his chances for $750k, then yea…he did that.
Yes! Kyle created himself.
Whether Kyle is racist or not, it is interesting that Michael and Brittany have waited until this far into the game to voice their objections to the group, when they state that Kyle started planting seeds weeks ago. NOW they want to make a stand when they see Kyle might have a chance at success, and NOW it’s important that they out him? Is it really outrage on their part, or a calculated game move?
Michael and Brittany made this ugly! Yes, I agree Kyle should be admonished for what he “implied” but never what he really asked for. Michael and Brittany on the other hand should be receiving questions for waiting and using this as “strategy”. It’s a shame that this is what BB24 will be known for and Kyle will be be villinized over a few remarks he made out of paranoia and desperation to stay in the game.
I just watched what Kyle said. He lives in that house 24/7. He sees which groups are forming and who likes who. He seen people of color getting close in the house. Tayor even said she would not vote out black woman and was close with Joseph. Because of last year with the cookout its not a stretch to think a cookout part 2 is forming. If they paired up the only people left in the house are white people so Kyle wanted to start an alliance to combat the new cook out. It wasn’t because he wants black aganist white. It was because he thinks a 2nd cook out will most likely form. It was to play a game. Once cook out 2 forms he knows he cant go with them because if he did he’d be the first to be evicted when it gets to cook out part 2 and him. It was game play not racism. But in todays world your canceled if you say such things.
Part 1 https://youtu.be/EPb5ZDyrzUM
Part 2 https://youtu.be/Hu0AX5uEW30
Part 3 https://youtu.be/4FESkMnH7MM
i was hoping Michael would win but not anymore. He is playing a game that he wants to win. The Leftovers had already talked about evicting Kyle last week. This is Michael’s way of getting Kyle. It doesn’t matter that people will call Kyle a racist now because of what Michael implied. Michael was very careful with his words. He is a lawyer remember! He knows how to say something without having to actually say it.
How do you think Michael felt when he knew Kyle’s betrayal of the LO was most likely going to result in his eviction as soon as his slipped up and lost a comp? Michael has undergone more pressure in this house this summer than any HG and it’s remarkable that he’s managed to win comp after comp. but he knows that one slip up and he’s out. Michael only spoke facts about the weasel.
it seems to me that Michael is the one who twisted Kyle’s words, while also keeping it in his back pocket to use as ammunition for his own benefit while taking the entire conversation out of context. I remember that conversation and that was NOT what was said… possibly implied, but never directly said. And I love how NOONE has talked about this conversation before now…I haven’t heard anyone mention having a problem with it until Michael twisted it. Hoping Monte wins the whole game!
Karma will certainly come back and bite Michael and Brittney in the butt for what they implied on Kyle when they return to the outside and especially their employment.
Michael and Brittany only spoke the truth, the facts. Nothing was invented or made up. It’s Kyle that will have to look inward and realize that perhaps his grand scheme would have been the ugliest scenario to play out on BB.
And you’re wrong; Michael’s profession is that of a public defender. This is not a high income attorney and many of his clients are lower income, and as such, he needs to have a great deal of sensitivity for everyone. His employers would be disgusted with the concept of an all white alliance, as proposed by Kyle. If Kyle ever seeks employment, he will have a lot of explaining.
Isn’t Michael withholding this information for so long until it benefits him almost WORSE than anything? Michael had many opportunities to go to monte and Taylor but waited until him and Brittany were in trouble? That’s sketchy and not how the game should be played.
Why didnt Brittney and Michael just go to Kyle first. They just made a huge assumption without hearing Kyle’s side. Now this poor boys life is ruined because Brittney and Michael did not think about the ramifications of their short sidedness to Kyle’s life. I was truly enjoying every player in this season. I wanted every single one of these players to win. Now Brittney and Michael have ruined a decent young mans life on an assumption. I dont believe for one minute that Kyle is racist in any way shape or form. We need to come together as a nation of people who care about each other instead of falling into the racist trap that has been set for us. This nation is not racist. We all deserve respect and love and kindness. We are all individuals.