Meme “Wait is he big or little!?” Izzy “Did you feel his knuckle!?”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Cameron
Nominees: Jag & Blue
POV Players: Jag, Cameron, Blue, MEME, Jared, Red
POV Winner: RED
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots:  Izzy, Corey & Bowie

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The Situation: Izzy, Cirie, Matt, Felicia, Meme plan to keep Jag and tell Jared at the last minute so that he doesn’t get emotional evicting Blue. (6-5 vote to keep Jag if Jared votes out Blue) ** Cirie & Izzy will likely flip a minimum of 100x between now and Thursday.

6:30pm Bathroom – Izzy, Meme, America and Jag.
They talking about the hammock situation with America/Cory. America – He (Cory) started like rubbing. Izzy – I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. I just threw up. Jag – in like the best way. America – and then our hands touched… and he was like oh no that’s marriage. Jag – that’s funny! That’s funny! Meme – YO! Jag – OHHHhhhh that’s funny! Meme – this man is hilarious. America – when Matt comes back its just the three of us. He doesn’t move his hand. And then Matt leaves and we’re still there.. its like 4am and he’s like what time do you go to bed and I am like I don’t know, I could hang out for a little bit longer and he was like oh okay yeah me too. I like this or whatever. I was like I like this and he was like yeah I like it too. Meme – LET MY BOY COOK! America – then he said its your call for when you want to go to bed. Jag – OHhho OHOHHHhh OOHHHhhh… CHEF SKEEZY! NO WAY NO WAY! CHEF!! Meme – ya’ll are funny! Let my boy cook! America – then we started talking about spooning. Meme – wait is he big or little!? Jag and America running around laughing. Jag – HEY HEY HEY HYE!! cut that! Izzy – did you feel his knuckle? Jag – HEY HEY HEY RELAX!!! America – I felt something on my elbow. It was his head. It was his head! Meme – get this man a pillow. America – I said when are we going to spoon and he said I would have to be little. Jag – of course. And I was like no I want to be little but we can’t my mom is watching. Jag – SKEEZY IS A DOG! Give this man a pillow! America – no but he moves slowly. Meme – no slow is good. America – no its fine, I totally understand. But its like so funny. Its so cute! No I am not complaining .. I, I like it. Izzy – not its like girlfriend in 4th grade. Jag – think of when you were 21. America – I was a dog. Jag – but us at 21 is different than him at 21.

They talk about how its fun and exciting experiencing that in the BB house. America – I haven’t had a crush in like forever! Meme – I am living for this. America – but he is very like diplomatic and like … Meme – And I also feel like it is a good balance.. and you’re probably like a little more dominating. America – just a tad! Meme – and so you have someone that is the polar opposite of that so you like the moments when he does have a little more .. you know what I mean!? Like you’re here for this so that’s cute. Matt joins them and lays on the floor to listen in. Matt – so how are things with you and Cory. They all start laughing. Matt – you guys were getting so into it that at one point I got pushed off the hammock! They all laugh. Izzy – Ya’ll need to stop being the third in the hammock with them! Ya’ll just got to sit on the floor. America – I will be big spoon if that’s what he needs. Izzy – there is a time and a place .. like we love a flexible queen. America – so that is what’s going on right now. Jag – this is the best conversation ever! America – I do enjoy talking about stuff that is not game and maybe BS stuff… and this is real! They all laugh. Meme – she cooking right now!!!! They talk about where you could go to “bust a nut”. Matt – There’s a place in the HOH bathroom for that. You saying you’re going to the HOH to take a shower is code for busting a nut. Jag – this is such a great conversation. America – I didn’t even talk to him until day 11. I am not rushing anything. Jag – yeah I don’t think he is rushing anything either. America – maybe this is him on fast forward.. I was telling Izzy we cuddled last night and now he’s working out. Izzy – his HOH basket is going to be fill with toys. Jag – His first HOH or your HOH is going to be.. America – we’re going to take the next step… double hug!

7pm Kitchen – Red and Blue cooking in the kitchen. Cirie, Felicia, Meme and America are all getting ready to go to their special dinner.

7:27pm Dinner time.

7:50pm – 8:07pm Bedroom – Jared and Blue.
Blue – yeah I think after tomorrow I am going to start having my conversations too.. making my ways. Talk turns to cracking knuckles and food. Matt joins them. Matt – I have no idea who’s side they’re on. Blue – who? Cory and America? Matt – yeah. Anyones. Jared – that’s how I feel. Matt – with the house, you know? Jared – anybody’s bro. I don’t think they’re with Cam and Red. Blue – I think they’re not. Matt – I think they’re inline with them. BB blocks the feeds.

8:20pm – 8:42pm Kitchen – Izzy, Cam and Red.
Cam – no Cory has been more of an asset to us than anyone else. Red – he is bring info but its not going the other way and I see that and I appreciate that. Izzy – yeah, yeah yeah. Red – but he hasn’t made decisions to put himself in .. but it is what it is. And they are where they are. Izzy – of course. Well I am looking to next week you know?! Cam – that’s what I was telling em.. I was punching math.. we’ve got 9 out of 10 chances of getting the HOH. And they have 1 out of 9 is their only possibly. Red – and even if we have a better chance for the veto and even if they win the veto, take one of them down .. we have the votes. We’ve made it to a point where we are dominant! I love it! Izzy – absolutely. Eventually Izzy leaves and Cam jokes – get the hell away from me. Red laughs – she’s trying. Cam – I know buddy. Its actually kind of nice. I just have to go for the jokes.

9:09pm The feeds return from being blocked. Cirie, America, Meme and Feleica are back from their dinner. Felica tells Cory that he is officially a fly guy! (For making moves on America) Jared – Cory, the bed is on the wall for a reason! They all laugh.

9:20pm – 9:35pm Bedroom – Cory asks America what she is doing and if she wants to go hang out. America says sure. Cory is so excited he jumps and up and boob checks her as he runs by. They head up to the games room to get under the blankets. America keeps saying she isn’t drunk and that she only had 2 drinks. She tells him she want to go to the hanging bed in the havenot room. Cory says okay. They head into the havenot room. Cory – Bowie will be in here in 30 minutes. America – you only need 2 minutes.

America straddles Cory. Cory – you’re not going to get out of this what you want out of this. America – I just want to cuddle. (America is clearly a light weight and now after 2 drinks she thinks Cory is Brad Pitt.) America takes her earrings off. America – I am not taking anything else off. Cory – the last thing I want to do is lead you on. Let be honest I did not expect to go this far in the big brother house. I did not expect to be cuddling in the Big Brother house. America – its just cuddling.

9:50pm – 10pm Bathroom – Cirie and Felicia
Cirie – I like how America said final four. Felicia – I heard that too. If by chance Jared goes out before. Cirie – I like how she said girls. Felicia – I didn’t want to push it too much but I was like okay I like that. Jared and Izzy come in telling them about how Cory and America are under the covers in the swing bed. Cirie – you know what she said if it was up to her.. Izzy – I ain’t going in there too soon. I am going to let my boy cook! Felicia – she’s going to leave the big brother house pregnant. They talk about throwing condoms into the havenot room. Jag and Izzy look in the havenot room for condoms but can’t find them. They head back to the bathroom and tell them they can’t find them. The camera zooms in on Blue. Jared says something (possibly that he took them.) Cirie – this is above my paygrade. I’m leaving! Felicia looks and comes back and says they’re gone! Somebody took them! Jared – I am excited for Cory but I know he is not two box worthy.

10:43pm – 11pm Meme & Jag talking on the Hammock.
Meme – I like to be straight up about what it is or what it isn’t. And if it is something that I am unsure about, I’m going to be straight up about that. That’s generally how I am in her and in real life. The option was put on the table to keep you and like the ideas that were floating around about why it would be a good idea I think in the moment sounded like very feasible options. As days go on and things change you have to really consider it and sleep on it .. and that is the stage that I am at. If we’re talking surface level, I don’t think that it is a terrible idea. So we will see what happens tomorrow. Jag – okay. Yeah. Meme – do I think it is definitive, not necessarily. Jag – I think we see eye to eye on a lot of things. Meme – moving forward we just keep in touch the next couple days.

11:15pm Comic Bedroom – Red and Cirire.

Cirie – So I guess our girl is off of Cam now and back onto Cory? Red – ah yeah. Cam hasn’t really been giving her heavy sexual signals just hanging out vibes. But when she came back in she rubbed on him. Rubbed his arm and gave him a big hug. Cirie – uhhh.. great. Red – she ain’t my favorite person. She is probably my least favourite person in this house… and not because of that.. because I can’t trust her. Cam said to talk to her to make sure she is on our side… but its not worth it. Cirie – that’s crazy. And she likes Cory. I was like are you serious? Red – yeah and they’ve been trying to keep it .. but I knew as soon as she got a buzz. But she don’t like me either, I will be her first target if she gets HOH. The feeling is mutual. I just don’t trust her. Cirie – I don’t think anyone trusts her. We asked her if she really likes Cory and she said that he is growing on her. Cirie – Blue has not said one word to me about game. Red – she (Blue) thinks that she is fine. She was like I heard that you’re not going to use it so I don’t have to give you a big convo. And I am like do you know what game you’re playing? Red – If I win HOH she and America are my target. Before Blue because Blue is a shield.

11:30pm Backyard. The house guests are just chatting about random things.

12:30am – 1:31am Hammock – America and Cory.
They talk about the dinner. America – it was fun. It started off as women empowerment. They were like Felicia and Cirie were the more seasoned women in the group and Meme and I were like the youth. We talked about the most memorable moments of the season. Cory – that sounds like the final 3 dinner. America – yeah, but it wasn’t scripted. And we talked about you. Cam joins them. Cory – you would be one of those good teachers that you could talk to but you would never bump their grade. Cam – that is exactly how I am.

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26 thoughts to “Meme “Wait is he big or little!?” Izzy “Did you feel his knuckle!?””

  1. Does cirie know thay Jared told blue yet? And does blue know cirie is his mom or still think it’s Felicia?

    1. He covered with Felicia, after she inferred Felicia.

      But… as the person that thinks the family thing is known by everyone but cosidered production because it’s plot… he actually has to say it’s Cirie before they are allowed to talk about it. Similar to what prodo does with wall yellers. you can’t acknowledge it in game unless it is revealed by the subject of the yell.

      1. I don’t think they know Reilly seemed genuinely shocked when she found out after eviction and I feel like they would want people to speculate and discuss it in DR at least

    2. I don’t like how Cirie is treating her son, calling him stupid beyond his back and talking about when he leaves?

  2. Red revealed to Izzy that he doesn’t trust America.
    Cam says Cory is their boy, and without Jag, America is homeless in the game, but she’d probably do the same noms as Blue.

    They think they’re setting up America/Blue noms next week to Izzy.
    They may have just saved her ass. And buried Cory.

    Will Izzy believe them?
    She’s already got Jag believing Reilly left because of Cory and America.
    Another thing. Izzy told Cory that there’s probably a no game talk vow at dinner.
    Cory said but, they’re all in the same alliance, that’s dumb.
    Should have been a red flag.

  3. Cory is too mature for America. America can’t keep her mouth shut about anything. Showmances are targets and Cory do not want to be seen as a showmance. He told her, they can’t let the house think they’re becoming a couple and she couldn’t wait to run her mouth. America’s almost 30 years old acting like a giggling teenager.

  4. My bb25 Worldview
    I have contended since night one that one of the stuntcasts will make final 2 if Grod has Helen the rest of the house off a cliff. That’s how stuntcast seasons work.
    Doesn’t mean I want it to be a cakewalk. Actually, I set myself up for failure every time wishing for an actual battle.

    Houseguest standings
    Cirie: still has a grip on the house. The current idea of hiding 6 votes by blaming 2 people is asinine. If you don’t have to make enemies before next HOH is decided: don’t. it’s the survivor screw em to the wall they’re leaving so we don’t have to deal with the ramifications problem.
    Izzy: Going to be charitable. Izzy is not doing horribly at this second… but with Izzy… it’s one blink away from Catastrophic meltdown at all times. I don’t like her as a person.
    Felicia: This week, why bother. She’s waterwings in winter this week.
    Meme: what part of the contract did they show you when you wanted to quit?
    Jared: dipshit fuqboy spoiled brat. thus far he’ll pout and whine instead of being an adult. His lack of backbone and reliance on mommy’s celeb to land girls makes him the perfect asshat to be coached by Couch (he was a douchecanoe too).
    Blue: lustsloth imbecile.
    Bowie Jane: paste eater thinking AUS big brother nomination rules apply to usbb.
    Jag: cowardly lion moron. wouldn’t have a good read if you smacked him with a book.
    Why bother, after 25 days he’s a lost cause.
    Cameron: creepy cult leader Manson… thinks he knows all, sees all. He’s an idiot. Soon to stalk America, Call her some stupid nickname and say she’s like a niece to him.
    Red: old enough to technically be his gf’s uncledaddy. has a problem with being on tv with attractive women under 30. He’s on big brother not real housewives of Appalachia. blink blink.
    Matt: playing a great juror game. i like him but every read is based on the ramblings of a moron evicted 2 weeks ago.
    Cory: Got cocky. Got sloppy. Doesn’t know he’s screwed. one of only 2 people on to the real game…targeted for execution.
    America: trusted Jag. eyeroll. tells game info to the wrong person…every time. the other person that knows the real game. also targeted for execution.

  5. Jag tells Meme he’s totally loyal to the people he’s with.
    Reminder: Jag has been with everyone in the house but Red and Bowie Jane.
    Reminder2: he and Blue made a final 2 screw Reilly deal the day Reilly lost veto.
    they tried after Cirie told her she was staying… but still wrote her off.
    Reminder3: backstabbed the Unreliables while trying to bus Jared, his ally.

    Jag’s ride or die loyalty is dependent on him riding and his allies dying.
    But he’ll woe is me i’m an uderdog about it.

    1. On the bright side, now America finally realizes she can’t trust him even though she doesn’t know the full extent of the damage

  6. Why anyone bothers to talk game to Meme is beyond me.
    It’s quite clear from her poli-speak bullshit answers that she has no interest in being involved in game talk.
    Nothing definitive or declarative. Everything is yeah, yeah, fill out form 26b and get 200 signatures backing your proposal then call my office to set up a meeting, there’s a six month waiting period.
    Then she’s bbtwitterqween cam bitching like her ass has done anything whatsoever in four weeks. Name something game this one has done. I’ll wait. Bueller? Bueller?….Bueller?
    Yeah… thought so. all hot air, no game.

  7. Cameron: hey America, you can use the hoh tub for a bath.
    a few minutes later
    Cameron: if i get in a hot tub with someone, i expect to get lucky

    sideye….Beastmode Manson.

    Barf bags are located in the pouch on the back of the seat ahead of you, please refrain from vomiting in the aisles.
    criiiinge like an epileptic seizure level creepy factor.

  8. Manson was an English teacher?
    As a first language?
    This is the problem with the education system.
    He can’t string together a sentence without misusing a word (ie. cryptid instead of cryptic), making up a word, or butchering the grammar.
    This has GOT to be a lie.
    I bet the pta loved the attention he paid to each and every one of his ‘daughters”.
    What? He creeps the hell out of me.
    He’s constantly leering like a hairy syphilitic troll that escaped from under a bridge.

    1. “I’m not trying to make it cryptid” — like a Chupacabra? Mothman? …..The Skunk Ape?

      SMH. So many ICK vibes with Manson & Red. And what’s with this “Space Cowboy?”
      Who gave him that nickname?

  9. Not only were they told to watch BB23, THEY WERE TOLD TO WATCH BBCAN6 IN SEQUESTER?
    The Paras season I quit watching for being TOO obviously d/r gremlin manipulated?
    The season I predicted the boot order for the entire season (one transference of two interchangeably cast girls) by the end of the first episode?
    The season with the pre-vote episode edit that made me predict the most recent bb25 episode’s edit???
    Oh ffs. Shoot me.
    For context…I slogged my ass through the feedless and obviously prodomanipulated, predetermined bullshit that was BBCAN11… and couldn’t get through 6. It was THAT bad for over the top prodomanipulation.

  10. Oh gross. Get Cory out. Yucks. Gives off creepy “nice guy” vibes. He’s just as bad as Jarrod. America – you can do so much better. Stop settling for mid whiteboys!

  11. I knew Cirie was going to want Blue out the moment she was nominated. Mommy doesn’t want anyone influencing her little boy but herself.

    1. It’s more because she’s aware of, and excuses her boy’s behavior when it comes to cheating but doesn’t want him making a porn on cbs and tarnishing her image.

  12. Updates from me will be late today. I’m caught in a ferry lineup.

    Will be back late in the afternoon to resume the spoilers.

    Doesn’t look like veto will be used.

    Thanks dawgs for picking up the slack yesterday.

  13. This is what happens when you put dummies like Cameron in the house. Cirie’s side has put him up every week… a pawn. They will continue to do so although next time it might not be as a pawn. Now Cam has ticked off the side that he supposedly was aligned with. He goes up no matter what side he nominates going forward. Nice thinking dude.

  14. Well, they lasted a whole day and a half before chaos plotting.
    Felicia is afraid of a line in the sand.
    Cirie too.
    Vote Jag out now?
    Cam/Red are saying Blue/America next? No need to draw a line to keep Jag then.

  15. Jared tried to warn Cory that Izzy can’t be trusted. Cory thinks he knows better.
    Cory removed himself from gaming to cuddle. the loop is loooong gone.
    Jared wants to cement the showmance 4 to make a run together.
    Yeah, Jared doesn’t want to vote out Blue.

  16. Red Flags Cory should see:

    1. he didn’t have a chaoscoven talk for 2 days. it was daily for 2 weeks.
    2. izzy told him 4 people in the same alliance had private time: and a no game talk vow.
    3. Izzy’s personality shift toward him is obvious.
    4. Jared said don’t trust Izzy.
    5. Jared said ‘people’ are nervous he’s spilling to Cam. who gets nervous and panics?

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