POV Holder: | Liz | POV Competition | Aug 15th |
POV Used | No | POV Ceremony | Aug 10th |
HOH | Liz | Next HOH | Aug 20th |
Original Nominations: | Johnny Mac and Becky | ||
After POV Nominations: | Johnny Mac and Becky | ||
Have Nots | Vanessa, Johnny Mac, Steve |
9:30am Steve tells Johnny that he talked to Becky last night but she didn’t even ask for my vote. It was mostly just about life. Johnny asks you were up late last night? Steve says does a bear poop in the woods?

9:35am Becky asks Liz and Austin if they know where they’re at? Liz says thats what we wanted to talk to you about. Becky says that what she realized after her HOH she would definitely consult them if she stayed and won HOH. Becky says she leaned from her HOH. It would be horribly .. a complete detrament to my game if I didn’t execute it perfectly. I ran a really sloppy HOH. Austin says its going to be a house thing. We’re not going to go against them. Johnny Mac hasn’t campaigned against you at all but he has campaigned a bit. The only thing he presented which was interesting is that he doesn’t have a group or a team. There’s no worry working with me because I don’t have anyone else. Becky says him and I are in the same boat. My two people were Jackie and John. John walks out that door. I know that Meg and James are a duo and I’m the third wheel. Its like if you one of you were to walk out the door there are still two more. Am I working with these people yes but its no different than Julia or Austin. I had my two people but they will have been gone with in two weeks. Austin says one of them could come back too. Becky says I am hoping Meg and James… I mean I haven’t talked to them but I assume the same thing is going down. The only thing I ask is if I can know by 5pm because I have my eviction dress and regular dress. Austin says okay.
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9:50am Liz comes over and talks to Meg and James and tells them they need to talk to them. Meg agrees and says they were going to last night but fell asleep. Meg says we woke up at 3am and said we’re bad kids. Austin joins them. Meg says after HOH (lockdown) we’ll talk. Austin says he talked to Vanessa and Johnny Mac last night and she got him to agree not to frontdoor or backdoor her. After she left and I told him its okay you can frontdoor and backdoor her. Meg laughs. Austin leaves. James says we’re set. Meg says but we’ll be on the block. If Johnny Mac wins we’ll be sitting up on the block. James says that’s why I am going to try and win too because pawns go home to at this point. Vanessa could be behind all a big plan to get James out. If its an endurance comp I know I’ve got to bring the heat. James ask how come she hasn’t come to talk to us yet. Meg says she talked to me about brass tacks. She will probably talk to you before the comp. She probably feels secure because of the alliance. James says oh yeah. James says she’s got to go. Johnny Mac joins them. Meg tells him we missed all of witching hour last night so we’ll want to talk to you later today. We caught the gist of it though.
10:15am – 10:20am Austin and James are in the kitchen talking about pranks they can do to Zing Bot when he comes in. We could throw chocolates at him. Austin says we might get a stop that. James says we could all have stickers and stick it on his back without him noticing.
10:45am The house guests head up to the HOH room in preperation for the HOH lock down. Julia is dying Liz’s roots in the HOH bathroom. In the HOH bedroom – Austin is asking pretend Julie Chen questions. He asks James… You and Meg have an interesting relationship will it continue to progress when you enter the jury house? James says I hope so!
10:50am Big Brother switches to the live feed highlights for the HOH lock down.
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I know JMac, James, and Meg want to take out Vanessa if they win HOH tonight but with 8 people left I think the best option would be to go after Liz with Vanessa as the back-door option. They take out Liz they break up the 3-person alliance, Austin has to go crawling back to Vanessa which they can use some of the information Austin told them about Vanessa during Liz’s HOH if Vanessa wins next week’s HOH and Julia becomes a free-agent and more than likely I think she’ll put up Austin and who-ever took out her sister if she won HOH next week. But as long as James or Jmac win POV to take each other off they’ll force Julia to put up Steve or Vanessa b/c no-one is gonna waste an HOH on sending Meg out. Or am I thinking too far ahead??
No, not too far ahead. This would be a great scenario. I can’t believe I’d be okay with Vanessa staying another week, but a lot of people on here are saying that’s a good plan (for JMac) so I’ll go with it.
Somebody better make a big move soon…not much time left. If they want to get rid of Vanessa, time is running out. She’ll be cashing that big check!
Vanessa won’t be winning as long as Austwins are around. Need to break that up first. Otherwise, Vanessa will only make final 4 at best.
Good luck!
Do you mean go home? I hope he goes next.
More than anything I want to see Vanessa get HOH tonight and put up some combo of Liz / Austin / Julia. Honestly, I’d love to see Julia stay and do well – I’m hoping Liz or Austin goes home this week. The house is insane to continue letting those 3 coast through the house together. If Vanessa is the target this week, the game will be so damn boring.
As much of a gamble as it would be, I think the best move for Vanessa would be to get evicted this week. Hopefully Julia would win HOH and put her up so she’s know for sure that Freaks and Geeks have flipped. Then Vanessa would have to win the buy back. She comes back into the house and starts working with Goblins to take out the Austwins.
Buy Back is the stupidest name ever! Whoever came up with that needs to be shot!
If Vanessa wins HOH tonight be prepared to hear plenty of squealing from James and Meg. They will spill everything about Austin and Liz wanting her out.
I would love Meg if she would rat on Austwins and Steve. It would actually be a game move, and she’s shy about talking to people face-to-face even in her own alliance. Hope James & Meg see the error of their ways in agreeing up Goblin numbers/power by turning on Becky.
But you know, Vanessa hates rats, peoplet who lie, act disloyally…she’s gonna have to admit mistakes she made too. And let’s face it, everyone has lied to everyone’s faces this week, except maybe Becky and that’s why Van essay wants to keep her. The irony is Vanessa has groomed and protected her assassins, JMac, Steve, Austin. Steve outs himself on camera, Austin can’t do talking about getting her out in HOH, and she staged a ridiculous fight with JMAC that woke him from his Walking Dead routine, and is the only reason he was saved to get Vanessa.
Soooo, hopefully after reading the Bible a bit more, Van will humble herself, listen to the “cliquish” Meg she decided to hate, admit she made a few mistakes, and go for the jugular to kill her own Frankenstein monster Austwits. It’s chicken sh*t to play these fake deals, lie to each other, and use others to take out your target. Then sob, cry baby when they don’t take you to F2. Or just plain stupid if you think someone besides Clay will sacrifice their game for yours.
It definitely won’t be a boring week if everyone is after Vanessa…bc she’ll be going nuts!
Too predictable if you ask me. They’ve already been saying this for the last several days, if they stay in that state of mind it will literally be another snooze fest of a week.
Vanessa will win the next HOH and mess up the scared, obsessed houseguests plans. She will put all the haters in their place. She’s the only one playing this game strategically. Does whatever it takes to convince the other gulable HG that she is less of a target. Jmac finally woke up and sees the light lol. One week too late! Van is the only one with real jewels. She deserves the 500K. Haters gonna hate … Van will have the last laugh all the way to the next poker tour doubling up in a flash! 😉
I’m definitely one of the Vanessa haters right now. I think she is too paranoid and scared to go against her closest allies right now. But it would be a great strategic move at this point to break up the Austwins (Liz being the best one to target) and if she does that I will have to agree that she is the best strategic player in the house this year. I just don’t think she has the stones especially since she has no other allies and the person she evicts could come back into the house from jury. Her constant risk assessment calculations will prevent her from taking that path.
Vanessa won’t pull this off. She has neither the stones, the ability to admit errors, apologize or make real friends based on trust. She’s too busy lecturing, advising and blaming. In other words her biggest threat is her own ego. She doesn’t treat people as equals only students of her vast array of book smarts and con artist based money making schemes. If you don’t do what she says she’ll turn on you with deadly accuracy before without the facts or another point of view.
The only thing Van will get out of this is the knowledge, like the rest of human kind, she need not be so paranoid, she herself is her own real enemy. When she loses, will she admit someone else’s game was better & she got played? That her ego got the best of her?
Perfect assessment of Vanessa.
You hit the nail on the head-Van is a complete ego maniac. She toots her own horn at every turn, tells people how smart she is-total narcissist. She is quick to condemn others without holding that mirror to herself. Her reading the bible is total bs & another way to lecture people. This will never stop because she is unable to own her b.s.. it’s disgusting!
Besides that, she is on constant paranoia due to all her shady dealings. She has played a decent game the first half but the reason Van is all boohoo is because she no longerhas Austin under her thumb like before. Liz has taken over that position & she feels threatened. Van wants the numbers, so I don’t believe she will take out Austin,but if she balls up, she will get rid of Austin so she can eliminate the Austwin power & take back control over the twins. They are both mindless idiots & don’t understand the game. Much easier to manipulate them without Austin pampering Liz & doing the dirty work Liz hates doing. With that being said,I hope JMAC or James pulls out a win tonight & make this an interesting week! Steve mentioned production said they can wear what ever they want tonight, so it’s not going to be physical, leaving it open for Van to actually become HOH…can’t wait to see who the next HOH will be-so over this week’s uneventful,Liz/Austin gross make out power trip of events!
I wish but it will most likely be an endurance comp. If that’s the case,
Vanessa won’t have much of a shot. Guess it depends on how much she wants it.
Very possible James wins and recognizes the opportunity to go after Austwins..and yes have to spill the beans to Vanessa…Steve and Vanessa ally with Goblins. If James goes after Vanessa, he will have to rely on Austwins to shed Steve or JMac the next week. That’s not going to happen. They will go after James. James is the biggest target AFTER Vanessa. James should make BIG MOVE this week if he wants to stay another 3 weeks.
I agree this would be a smart move for James if he wins HOH. Vanessa is easy pickings and she really isn’t that dangerous anymore because everyone can finally see through her attempts to manipulate them. She is still smart and a threat to win the game if she adopts a new (more honest) strategy and tries to make (and STICK WITH) a few close allies (not the Austwins) rather than trying to manipulate the entire house. James should stay close with Meg as a vote on his side but he needs to forge some other relationships – he thinks he is getting in good with Austin but I’m not sure that is his best choice. James & Meg teaming with Steve and JMac (and possibly Vanessa, as another vote) would be a good alliance to break up the Austwins and level out the playing field a little. But I think JMac is in too deep with the Austwins now for that to happen.
Austin is DEFINITELY NOT a good choice for James. To James and Meg’s face he’s always all about the “brass tacks” alliance, but when they’re gone he talks to the twins like it’s just a very temporary alliance. He talks about all the hg behind their backs to the twins. He also tells the twins he has to go find James so he can have “James time”, which is basically to make him feel a “bro” connection which is forced on Austins part. It’s more of a ploy than anything. He will backstabbing James in 2.2 seconds. I think he would anyone in the house except for Liz.
Now there’s some serious hallucinations going on, pass the shrooms this way! Vanessa is the genius who engineered these mega monster alliances, cries she’s always on the bottom, sobs she trusted the wrong people, grooms these recruited actors that play stupid for a living, then puts the ammo in their hand to end her game. Socially, strategically she goofed up a bunch too. Her paranoia fuels rants means no one believes her now even if she’s right.
But, she could still turn this around. She’s got her green beanie back on, and has started her famous scamper. She could humble herself, admit she was wrong and vote her personal assassin JMac out. She could agree to keep Becky and bury the hatchet admitting she made mistakes too. She could win HOH instead of throwing it as she promised, rat on Austwits and put up Austin against Liz. She could win Veto and keep Noms Same, Liz did it right? She could get Austin out, it’s his social game that threatens her most. Then she’ll have to make friends, real friends with Becky JMac James & Meg to get Steve out. Basically, join and rebuild the Goblins.
Naaaahhh, she’s not that smart or humble. She’s gonna have to put a bomb in that Bible and blow Liz ass up to get her out before she gets close to touching BB cash. She can negotiate a % with CBS for merchandising a Van Poker doll who cries & head spins & explodes on cue to get what she wants.
Meg and James NEED Jackie back or James is gone in the next 2-3 weeks and Meg….well I think Meg is this year’s “I didn’t earn it, but I still made the final 2!” houseguest. who will use an HOH on her? really though.
J-MAC hitting Meg in the head with a beach ball was more entertaining that anything Meg has been a part of all season.
Big brother should set up a lie counter by everyone’s picture. Every 24 he’s it posts how many lies a house guest told. It doesn’t say who was lied to or about what. It can be a big lie or a small lie, nobody will know. But it would be fun watching the house guest speculate about what the lies could of been and if they were lied to. That would keep everybody on their toes and paying attention
Yes breaking up Austwins is vital, but that would be a terrible play next week with the jury buyback. It most likely is going to be James or Vanessa going home next week.
Did Julie say Jury Buy Back or someone could get back in the game? Maybe I’m wrong, but what Julie said was “your game may not be over”. In the past, they said you can get back in the game. Everyone is assuming someone will come back next week. It could be at final 4! Who knows, but getting Austwins out now is the best for everyone else if they want a chance at final 2!!!!
I was so sure Pandora’s box would open this week, as Liz is the perfect short-sighted, fan favorite-targeting candidate for it…what a boring week otherwise!
That still of JMac looks like the creature from Hobbit film. Really freaky
Vanessa has done a good job of staying on the down low this week. Hasn’t started any fights or done much. Hopefully she can pull out a win tonight in the HOH comp.
Van will not target Liz. Steve will not target Liz. Jmac will not target Liz. James will not target Liz. Meg will not target Liz. Game over. Get used to it.
I only ‘thumbs down’ because it’s true…WHY are these players the way they are!?!? Do they not understand this game!?!?
We all know why Liz is clipping Austins nails now and I wish I didn’t.
I think Meg is cute and funny, and I enjoy watching her in the house (unlike Victoria who I could not stand to watch). But she is indeed a terrible game player. She has started to do a little better in some of the comps lately but I agree James is in trouble if Meg is his only ally.
What will be funny is that Meg will last longer in the game than James.
If they don’t win HOH.,they’re going to be put up as pawns and JAMES is likely the next to go. Come on James win HOH and put up the twits, just tell them they’re pawns, and if one of them come down, put up vanessa otherwise let it stand and get LIZ out, she’s the glue in the trio,,
James FTW! Put Austwins up!
James for the jury house.
The twins have done sh*t all to win this game Liz has won one HoH and is basically sending Becky out the door. I would rather see Vanessa scheming win then one of them win it! But I am still routing for JMac. Best bet would be for JMac to win HoH this week and get Vanessa out then start going after the twins. Jmac , Steve and James would be a good 3-some if they could work together to get things done!
Liz has won 2 HOHs, POV, and BOB partnered wih someone who was trying to throw it. She’s in the strongest threesome in BB history. And though this week has been boring, compared to flip floppiness of the rest of the season, I think that shows the strong social game she has.
I agree – Liz is the strongest player of those 3, even though I can’t really root for her or Julia because I find them so annoying (STEEEEEEEEEEEVuhhhhhhhh, JAAAAAAAAAMESuhhhh, etc.). Not only did Liz win that BOB, she won it by herself while her partner James tried to throw it (a la Frankie Grandstande last year). Her HOH and veto wins this week show that she is stepping up her game. Austin and Julia haven’t won much of anything that I can recall. I think Liz is more dangerous than Vanessa now that everyone has caught on to Vanessa’s BS strategy.
If James wins HOH, he should spill to Vanessa and team up with Jmac, Steve and Van for next week. He should roll the dice. Shelli and Becky are top of my list to come back. Austin never wins, so send him to jury.
So Meg and James have yet to secure their position with Johnny Mac next week, yet they have known all week they are voting to keep him over Becky?? They really need to be more strategic than just counting on James winning HOH. Simply asking Johnny Mac, or Steve for example, who they are nominating next week is not enough (as should be obvious by Jackie’s eviction!), you need to actually establish relationships and/or make deals. Why are Vanessa and the Austwins the only ones attempting to make deals?
I’ve said this before, probably too many times. But the simple truth is that some players like James and Meg play one week at a time. Smart players like Vanessa approach it like chess, where you have to be thinking 2 or 3 moves ahead and planning contingencies. Vanessa has actually OVERplayed this way which has gotten her into trouble, but aside from that it shows she is basically a smart player. I think the Austwins have simply picked up on that because they’ve played so closely to Vanessa this whole game.
I think James is pretty safe this week. I doubt anyone will send him to jury since they know someone is coming back. I think the main target will be Vanessa with Johnny Mac and Steve being backup plans. It is all going to depend who wins HOH. I think the twins and Austin unfortuately are safe this week because no one want 1 of them to exit and come back. The week after Austin and the twins should be target 1 for everyone, that’s not even 2 people that’s 3 I don’t know what these people have been thinking. And the order should go Liz, then Austin the Julia. I think Julia and Meg one or both will make to at least the final 3-4, simply because they are not threats.
Yeah, Meg! James better win because we know you won’t win sh1t! Bless her heart. . .
THE most unlikely words ever to be said in BB History………
Meg “Who wants to see My HOH room ?????”
Looking at JMAC in the still picture, I just cant help but think he rather be anywhere but there. My guess is it feels more like a prison, then he could of ever imagined! He looks soo miserable a lot of the time, except in the DR,. I wonder if he had it to do over again, would he of signed up for it. I can see where it would get to people just being confined to that house 24/7..some people can take it more than others. He, has too much of a life outside the house, I don’t know.Didn’t 1 year a couple won a trip to a concert or something in the middle of the game.??
Last year as a reward for winning a rigged BotB, 2 HGs went and watched some football. I saw he was given a show on the oxygen channel. Something about internet videos…like that’s not a saturated genre.
The strongest move for any of the HGs, not including Liz, Austin, or Julia, would be to put up Austin and Liz. Explain to Austin it’s time to make good on that “only wanting to make jury” promise he made earlier. He needs to know that if he wins veto and takes himself off, Julia goes up and Liz is the target. If he uses it to save Liz, Julia goes up and the HGs can decide who goes. If Liz wins it and takes herself or Austin off, Julia goes up. If another HGs wins it beside HOH or Austin/Liz and uses it Julia will be the replacement. Austin can go to jury and fight for a shot to get back in the house. After all, it’s a one in four chance. If he should win the buyback, then of course the earlier deal to just get to jury was met. I would rather take my chance to see him go to jury and return then to leave the three in such a strong position. If he really cares for Liz, he won’t want to be the reason her sister joins her on the block or he gets Liz evicted. The three of them should be bigger targets ahead of Vanessa (or anyone) at this point. They each carry two guaranteed votes if they make it to the end. Everyone is playing for second place now if the twins/Austin are still there at finale and that spot is currently reserved for Meg unfortunately.
Jm and Becky are about equal when it comes to comps
Becky is injured so she will suck at comps
opportunity is knocking and these morons
are still voting her out?
What a bunch of fools! They should be voting out JM tonight
Oh but that’s right … the twins can’t stand another week of Becky stories
Hows that for great game play? idiots!
For a half a mil $ I think I could get over Beckys stories real quick
Van already threw the idea to get JM out but these clueless fools would have non of it.
I hope Van wins HOH tonight and puts up Austin n Liz with Liz out
Otherwise give the checks to Autwins
Austin is an idiot…I hope is lies and poor game blow up in his face. Liz and Austin need to go ..ugh can’t watch them anymore.