POV Holder: | Vanessa | POV Competition | Aug 22nd |
POV Used | No | POV Ceremony | Aug 24th |
HOH | Austin | Next HOH | Aug 27th |
Original Nominations: | Steve and Jmac | ||
After POV Nominations: | Steve and Jmac | ||
Have Nots | No have nots this week |
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10:55am – 1:10pm Big Brother blocked the live feeds for the usual Thursday HOH lock down. When the feeds return – The house guests are all leaving the HOH room. Johnny Mac heads to the comic bedroom to pack his suit case. In the other bedroom James and Meg are whispering. James says we can’t ride on Austin’s coattails much longer. Meg asks so do you want to flip the votes? James says I don’t know. James says Steve is coming after us. He is due to win. Meg says but if someone comes in and is with us we can flip it on them. James says the thing is now Vanessa knows we were thinking about it. James asks what should we say to Vanessa? James says we just talk to her, for all we know she might want to flip votes or she might not want to. Steve might have a 5 with them and shes with them. Meg says do you think I should just go tell Austin. James says I’ll support what ever you want to do. I feel like everyone is f**king.. that we’re the only good people. Meg and James go to get Austin.
1:15pm Bedroom – Meg talks to Austin and tells him that we’re always the one that gets screwed over. Johnny Mac came to us today and told us that there’s a 5 person alliance with you guys Vanessa and Steve. Austin says no, no that’s not what’s happening. Meg says basically he was saying that Steve is going to put us up and do the dirty work for you guys. Meg says that’s what I’m worried about and just wanted ot make sure its not going on. Austin says no, this is what Vanessa wanted before the juror. She was going to throw the HOH and wanted us to throw the HOH too and the sides would go after each other. But then I won it and I didn’t want to win it because we were going to go after her (Vanessa). Because Johnny Mac and Becky had come out with all that stuff. But then we chose you guys because we like you guys. We want to actually be in the final 5 with you guys. Now we’re letting Vanessa and Steve think what they want. Steve is still saying to us that he is going after the returner. No matter what he will put them up. That is my goal this week to do that. Vanessa has a high probability to win so that’s why we are with her but we feel like we mostly want to be with you guys. When I won the HOH I was caught in a hard place because I’m aligned with everyone. Meg says I wanted to come to you because I didn’t want them to use this against us later. Austin says I like you guys the best, we have the most fun. Meg says I am just scared of Steve winning. We need to play our a$$es off. Liz joins them. Meg says I hope you guys have our backs. Liz says we do 1 million percent. Austin says Vanessa is very suspicious of Steve too so if she wins I think she would still go after him. At least thats what she’s telling me. Meg says that she is going to go talk to Steve. Austin says thank you for telling me.

1:25pm Havenot room – Meg talks to Steve. Steve says I have been nervous that we haven’t talked. Meg says this morning there has been some scheming and we’ve been worried that you would be used to get James out. Steve says okay.. Meg says we’ve cleared everything up now. Meg says we were worried because you weren’t talking to us. Steve says in big brother history people that have been too aggressive have shot themselves in the foot. I came to you and said I’d appreciate your vote and asked if I can do anything else for you to ask me. Steve says if I win I will be putting up the returning jury member and a pawn. James joins them. Meg says we were worried for a second but we’re good now. Steve reiterates what he just said to Meg. James says that Johnny Mac made a compelling argument and that you’re going to do what they tell you to do. Steve says when someone comes back from jury you don’t know where their head is at and that is very dangerous in this game. Meg says we just don’t want to be the victims of deals that were made this week. Steve says I haven’t made any deals this week. I’m on the block. Meg says if we get screwed we get screwed. At least we put everything out there. James says keep in mind in the future that Meg and I have always been cordial with you. They shake hands and Meg and James head to the other bedroom.
1:30pm James says that Steve acted like he didn’t know we were worried about him, he knows. Meg agrees. Meg leaves. Vanessa joins James. James says he’s torn. Vanessa says its too risky. James says we talked to Steve and put everything on the table.
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1:40pm Big Brother blocks the feeds and when the feeds come back the house guests had just been told they need to wear athletic clothes for the HOH competition tonight.
1:47pm In the Comic bedroom – Meg tells Johnny Mac that they can’t vote from him to stay but that he needs to fight to come back. Meg says its too risky to flip things. Meg leaves and goes to tell Vanessa and Austin that she just told Johnny Mac it isnt going to happen.
1:45pm Cabana room – Austin tells Vanessa that they (Meg & James) just told me that Johnny Mac told them that you, me, the twins, and Steve are in a 5 person alliance. Vanessa asks oh that’s what they said? Austin says that we’re coming to get them and that Steve is going to do our dirty work. That’s what he (Johnny Mac) told me Meg and James. Vanessa says Johnny Mac is just making up lies and playing off their fears that Steve is going to come after them. Austin says I just told them we didn’t put them up 2 weeks in a row. Meg joins them and tells them she just told Johnny Mac she can’t vote for him, its too risky. She tells Vanessa she should tell him too. Austin says Johnny Mac has a bandanna on like he’s John Rambo .. watch it be an endurance and he comes back.

1:55pm – 2pm Vanessa talks to Steve. Vanessa tells Steve that Johnny Mac has no idea about the freaks and geeks. I had to just go along with him. Steve tells Vanessa about the conversation he just had with Meg and James. They thought you guys were controlling me. I told them I would go after the returning player. Vanessa asks did they ask you to promise not to put them up as a pawn? Steve says no. Vanessa says interesting .. okay.
2:05pm Austin, James, Meg and Julia are in the kitchen chatting about it being an athletic comp tonight. Austin says it might not be, before they told us it was and it wasn’t. James tells Meg if she wins, he will go camping with her! (Camping is code for $ex). Austin says it might just be an athletic competition of the days. .. like dance, dance revolution. Julia brings up how Jackie gave Austin a lap dance. Remember how he grabbed the pillow to cover his little pee pee. James says Jackie said she had to stop because she felt his little pole. James says you girls are lucky you can hide it. James says we can tuck it between our legs. Julia says whoever comes back we should call “Creepy Crawler”
2:15pm – 2:55pm Comic bedroom. Vanessa asks Johnny are they (Meg & James) legitimately willing to work with you if you come back. Johnny says yes. Vanessa asks will Steve really work with me? Johnny says yes, but he’s too much of a pu$$y to do anything. Johnny tells Vanessa about how he and Steve having a final 2 deal was real. Johnny brings up the final 5 between Steve, Vanessa, Austin & twins. Vanessa says nope, there’s been no final 5. No official alliance. We’ve been working on the same side but no names alliance. Vanessa asks did Austin and the twins know I was getting backdoored by Becky? Johnny says not until the day of. Vanessa says Austin said he knew only moments before so I guess that was true. I wouldn’t have been upset at Becky if she had just said it was a game move but it was personal. Did you intend to be more loyal to Steve than Becky? Johnny says no. Becky was better at the game than Steve was. She wasn’t that good at comps. Johnny continues to tell Vanessa everything he knows. He tells her the comps he threw. Vanessa says you can’t blame James but you can’t count on Meg. Johnny says its like the twins one is really good and one is really bad. Vanessa says which is weird because they have the same genetic makeup. Vanessa says Steve has to realize its not in his incentive to put me up. Johnny says Steve won’t turn until its 1 week too late. Vanessa asks do you know who the votes for Jeff were? Johnny says if I had to guess .. Austin or Liz. Steve says he voted for Jeff too. (It was Liz and Steve) Vanessa says if you don’t get to come back you’ll have fun in jury. There are fun people there. Johnny says I hope we get to booze more. Vanessa says you will because they want you to be happy and not leave.
2:40pm Johnny says they (Austin & the twins) still haven’t told me that I’m going. They’re cowards. Vanessa says like I said they decided it last night. Johnny says I think you can trust Meg and James they’re looking for a powershift. Vanessa says but they’re scared of me. What do you think would happen if Austin and the twins would make it to the final 3? Johnny comments how Liz said he was way more into her than she is to him. Vanessa says I think she is liking him more now, unless she is a really good actress. Johnny says I still want him to lose the game and then her dump him right after.
2:40pm – 2:50pm In the kitchen – Vanessa tells Steve that Johnny Mac just tried to trick me into confirming the Freaks and Geeks. He is tricky. You never confirmed it did you? Steve says no. Vanessa says he also about your final 2 and he always intended to be more loyal to Becky than you. Hand on the bible he said that. But you always intended to be more loyal to me until you thought I was the devil. Steve says yes. Vanessa then tells Austin and Liz that Johnny tried to trick her into confirming the alliance saying that Steve confirmed it but he didn’t. He also told me that he intended to be more loyal to Becky than Steve. Austin asks why is he telling you this. Vanessa says he is spilling everything. Austin says what a shady guy! Vanessa says I got a lot of info today ..I’ll give you the full run down. Vanessa and Liz start studying the days.
3:14pm Laying around chit chat in the living room.
Vanessa is pumping monster drinks into her.
3:15pm Jeff fish comes on the feeds. Chances are they will not be back until after the live show. Don’t forget to grab your feed subscription this weeks competition is again ENDURANCE, watch it all unfold LIVE on the feeds.
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At 1:40 Meg says she feels “safer” with Steve.
These idiots deserve the loss that is coming their way.
And i liked Meg; even if she was useless. Now she’s probably suck James game too.
And Vanessa is a snake in the grass piece of shit. Which is different from Austin, who’s a cheating, delusional, nasty piece of shit.
And the twins who are airheaded, spoiled pieces of shit with an incredible amount of hubris.
But Simon and Dawg rock. If only for watching this mindnumbing stuff so we don’t have to.
Meg is a moron and if James listens to her he is too !!! I feel sick!
Fucking Meg!!! She gets handed the truth on a silver plater and she smacks it right out of Jmacs hands!
Why? Oh why does James keep going with what she says?!? How many times does she have to be wrong?!?
if you read previous conversation that Vanessa had with Austwin, you will know that this flip thing was a set up to goblin by Venassa. She told Austwin that she would test Goblin,s loyalty to Austin and really was try to turn Austin hate goblin if the trick was worked . She was use Jonny who is desperate on the block . V would never go with Goblin . She does want work with Jonnmac, but she won’t turn Austin right now. And she at least have Steaven controlled after she scarily exposed him disloyalty .
But I don’t know how James has 3 votes? Someone says meg has 2 votes?
How come Jame doesn’t know his vote count as 3 votes, and convince Meg to vote Jmac out?
If James is such a war hero move maker America’s Favorite wannabe, why is he letting Meg make all the decisions and do all the talking. All he wants is sex with her if either of them win. That’s the extent of your strategizing James? You’re in a. alliance of 7 with only 7 people left in the house, no pawn worries? Vanessa sets James up saying she has all the information, and he didn’t pass the trust test. Here we go again, she’s got THE REASON. Steve, Austin and Vanessa don’t even want the money. They are here for advertising DJ and wrestling while Steve is happy to touch the furniture. So we get to root for the perv, the ass sitter or the mean girls club ho’s. Can’t wait for tonight, to see someone come out of Jury and back out. Wasted week number 3 or 8 but who’s counting. Austin’s girlfriend threw his belongings out on the street and put his love letters online. Liz is a proud prostitute she doesn’t care. Two more weeks of picking off James & Meg I’ll tune in for that. They better not win America’s Fav dogs boy or whatever Austwits call them.
I hope Jackie comes back and Steve puts up meg and Jackie… Serves em fucking right!
Does Jame vote count as double, and Meg vote count as double? Are they stupid for nothing using that 4 vote to save Jmac?
James and Meg are complete idiots. But they’re probably happy summer camp continues for another week. Can’t wait for the light bulb to go off and they say “JohnnyMac was right “.
Uncleollie can show Jame and Meg how to save Jmac?
Naw, you can’t teach stupid
It’s official Meg is the worst player in BB history. Good grief what fool. Then there’s Austin..”We like you guys better…you’re more fun” what is he 7 years old? Absolutely ridiculous….I hope Johnny or Becky comes back teams up with Vanessa and James and goes after Austin and Liz.
I went back and forth about Johnny Mac didn’t know why he hadn’t joined the goblins.Then I heard is plan today and I realized he had only said somethings to Steve because he did not fully trust him. I think that’s why he told Steve he threw the Hoh but I don’t think he did now. I think he wanted Austin to believe he was loyal to him because he didn’t have a choice after he lost. . His instincts not to trust the goblins (Meg)was also correct. I wish James would have tossed her for Jmac but unfortunately I think he really likes her. Poor James poor Jmac
I’m really hoping that the returning houseuest brings some balls with them.
I wish I could see Jason’s reaction to how stupid his bestie is in this game!
Meg (and now James) are the 2 DUMBEST players I have ever seen. Why would you run to Austin like a little *itch and tell on Johhny? He had a great plan! And Vanessa saying its too risky to flip the vote??? So its just easier to roll over and let the Austwins win? This season started out good. I’m stunned at how bad Meg is…
Yeah…but if you look at her name in the mirror…she’s a GEM!! 😉
“Shut up, Meg!”
If you flipped the vote with Vanessa there’s a great chance one of your buddies will come back in, either Becky or Jackie and that would put you guys in a great place in the game.
Even Shelli might be good for you because she’ll work with John and Vanessa.
Why no one blame Jmac for being everyone B*tch, throwing games. Why would Jame and Meg trust him? On top of that they have to trust Van? Jmac game is sh*t . He can’t even win one HOH. He should go.
Jame and meg are so dump. Why don’t they just trust Van. Oh wait…
The same frigin reason Vanessa told everything. They were being set up. Dumb whiners. Everything they do everyone have snitched on. What the frigin did they do wrong? They saw them talking and what now is his game ruined or is he still out the door like it was gonna happen.
Vanessa was always voting with the twins. She just wants to be all covered if Johnny comes back or put in a good word for her if other HG comes back.
Get a frigin grip ppl
Sorry to say it, but not being able to convince James&Meg for votes doesnt make JMAC look good either. I knew from the start his plan sucks. Last minute scheming could maybe work with Audrey but that s about it . Give Meg&James 2 days and they would figure it out, give them few hours and they will be just freaked out. JMAC is smart, but assuming James&Meg are smart strategic players was dumb …He could easily get those votes if he would work on them for few days. This way he just freaked them out.
Goblins are dumbasses. I hope neither one wins.
I’m not sure which is the lamest. The Goblins or the weak sauce that was Zingbot last night. Very disappointting.
Depending on who wins HOH, would be hilarious if Meg and james goes on the block so they can stew for a week about how wrong and dumb they are and how right Jmac was all along. Why do these people keep running to Austin? My gosh, if I saw him on the street, I would run the opposite direction and tell the news I saw a hairy stinky stupid bigfoot
Steve did NOT say he would not put them up as pawns. Also, Jmac did not have any trouble talking with Meg, so whatever kept him from dealing with them was personal on his side. Looks like he waited to long.
Oh well, with this bunch give them 5 minutes and they’ll change their minds.
Why can’t goblins split their vote and make V,L+J vote …. Just to see where their loyalties are , they don’t have much to lose at this point.
You know…ugh…I just can’t…
lol sorry for blaming vanessa
i should be blaming meg
for even making the possibility of the flip turn into an impossibility
Why is anyone surprised by Meg’s complete lack of understanding the game. Yesterday she said that she’d vote for a twin to win F2 over Vanessa.
I guess we should have known that no one in that house would have the balls to vote independently. Great…..we get to watch another unanimous vote out, and the Stinky sasquatch and his minions will continue to think they rule the world….ugh!!!
Just when I thought they were actually going to make a big move. Bunch of pu**ies! May be a little selfish but it’s super aggravating how no one will make this game exciting for us viewers! This cast sucks so bad this year wow.
I thought I hated BB15 & 16 casts for all their obvious character traits (15) & predictable outcomes (16)…but AT LEAST I WATCHED BB After Dark most nights & enjoyed reading the comments of outrage from fellow viewers here on OBB…BUT I gotta say, this year’s lackluster cast and their boring late night activities of bowling, cooking, & headband tossing into the plates have caused me to turn off the tv after only 1 minute into BBAD– every. single. night!!!! It’s sad that the females: Audrey, Vanessa, & those OBNOXIOUS twins claimed the spotlight for this season. For God’s sake, where are the chicks with interesting strong personalities that don’t require meds (Vanessa) to meet basic daily functional activities… S&#%!!! As much as I thought I hated that blonde chick from Texas, Amanda/McRae, Andy, Gina Marie, and Derrick & Cody..at least I WATCHED BBAD. Now I just play Candy Crush & go to sleep.
Well… The goblins are just useless. Have fun being on the tail end of a 7 person alliance w/ 8 people left. Fun Fun. My god, Im losing hope… I think Steve might be my pick after this shit.
I was a normal bro . Trained my pt clients, made suppah in Boston, watched my programs . Then my GF said ” let’s find a new summa time show” . I’d watched BB before obvi, but never stuck with it . But then the twits, Austin, and Vanessa were unleashed on me ! What a freakin Pandora’s box I opened ! These clownshoes changed the entire complexity of my summa, with their hi jinks and tom foolery . Haha. Praying it’s stops tonight, with some kind of shake up and or power shift !! ” let’s watch bb ” she said . If I’d only known! James for the win tonight ! James for the win~
I hear ya Big Sexy 40 and I agree witcha…..poor pitiful Meg decided to run Jmacs idea by Vanessa but the real killer was to run down Austin and tell him about it…!! Dumbass Meg and they should have convinced Van to flip with them…. Save Johnny and whoever comes back would have surely joined forces with them and they would have a new “five” to get out stink hole Austin and those nitwit twins that have about a quarter oz of brain between them!! They need a quarter ounce of weed!!!
Good grief. There is really no one left to root for this season. I can’t believe how badly everyone is playing right now. Unless some miracle happens tonight with the returning HG, this season is going to be won by one of the twins. Ugh.
As Tyra Banks once said, “I was rooting for you, we were all rooting for you! How dare you!?!”
By allowing Meg to run her mouth, James just got himself nominated this next HOH AND THEY STILL WOULDN’T HAVE A CLUE, even as James could possibly be walking out the door next Thursday. MEG!?! SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!!
Every time Meg opens up her mouth an alliance member gets evicted!
Thought isomething brilliant would happen tonight. A-holes. Next someone will come back and be voted out immediately. I get my hopes up then realize similar scenarios have happened before. I should know better by this time.
I know exactly how you feel. I got excited thinking maybe they would finally be able to make a move, especially when James said, “It’s time for a blindside”, only to have my hopes dashed while they all agreed to vote for the same person. I miss the good old days when people voted for their own game instead of voting with the house. Every week, it’s the same thing. Not only do they all vote the same way, they actually tell the person when they are going home. Not much excitement with that…..bleh
Whenever they go with these increasingly younger casts it becomes unbearable to watch the stupidity. Vanessa is the oldest person with the most life experiences but everyone is acting like she is some sort of magician. No she just knows more because she has seen and done more. I miss the days of old curmudgeons like Evil Dick and Jerry that would smack down some of these millennials.
Except maybe chicken George!
Meg and James would be stupid if they keep Steve in the house… if he stays, either Meg or James will be going to jury… guaranteed!!!
Too risky ?
Too risky ?
Sure ….Just leave Steve along with Austwins and Vanessa,,thats the “safe” play
Meg,,It’s bad enough You suck at Comps..You also have ZERO idea how to play the game
Out of the thousands and thousands of applicants…We get Meg,,,SMH
Meg deserves audible BOOOOOOS from CBS audience when she’s evicted!! She’s now effed up 2 huge moves this season!!
Meg truly is an idiot in this game!!!!
Hope Jmac comes back and rips them all apart!
You, the OP, just don’t know how to count?
Ohboyohboyohboy! I was going to be one of the boo-hoo-ey ones if JMac went tonight, and didn’t come back in…but it looks like somethin’ good is gonna happen (singsong voice). Regardless, good for him for throwing a Hail Mary. He may be in for a Power Ranking rescore!
I was rooting for the goblins but after seeing how dumb they are, I think they really really really don’t deserve to win. But then who’s left? Puke.
The difference between last season and this season. Last season had some great, interesting people (Donny, Zach, Caleb, Christine, Nicole etc…and remember I said interesting, not smart lol) people but it was too predictable. The same people stayed in power basically throughout the whole season. This year, the twists suck, especially the twin twist, but the people suck even more! Ugh, I knew from the start that these people would be utterly boring, Notice I didn’t say Frankie earlier, yuck, I never want to see that “thing” again!
Vanessa is thinking she can use Austin and the twins as a shield so she wants to keep them on her side for now as for the goblins I have no idea what they are thinking Steve straight up told them he’s putting up the returning person and a pawn hello by pawn he means James or Meg wow goblins get a clue!!! Johnny Mac is telling you he won’t put you up and he probably won’t he would either got for Austin/Vanessa and the twins more than the Goblins!
Being locked in a house with only a small group of people must really skew your thinking and reality. Geez, I am still rooting for James, but I guess he will be going out the door next week, esp, if Shelli comes back. UGH! I don’t understand how the “smart” (sarcasm) Van-Ass-A doesn’t see that the group of 3 HAVE to be broken up – there aren’t enough numbers left after this week to do it. Stupid people – every last one of them!
Lol! I just watched that conversation and I was like wwhhhaaatttt? Why is Steve telling them this? But then they just went on about their merry business like he didn’t just say that lol. I like James but DAMN
I was rooting for the goblins but after seeing how dumb they are, I think they really really really don’t deserve to win. But then who’s left? Puke.
There went my night. What is freaking wrong with Meg!!
This is the season when BB should give NO ONE the cash and roll it over to next year. Those people are so damn stupid, they don’t deserve it. Sheesh.
get those twins feeling threatened…im starting to talk like them! please? no more hoh for them big bro gods?
Not so much James, as its Meg. She blabs everything before James can even process it. Since he is still hoping to go “camping” with her, he’ll do what ever she wants.
I knew something had to be wrong when I see photos of Meg talking game with people outside her two person alliance. For Meg and James, it almost seems like a no brainer once JohnnyMac set it up to possibly flip. Steve just got Jackie out, not only did he get her out. It was a blindside in their eyes. And he did it to help the other side. It was painful to read James say that Steve is coming after them. Well no sh*t the whole house is just about after you. Vote him out or at least try. It’s obvious he’s been Vanessa’s little weasel from what he did. And Meg saying they can flip the house with who comes back instead of trying to flip now and keep Johnny Mac to try to work with him AND possibly whoever comes back in. I like Meg as a person but I wish she would have been voted out instead of Jackie.
Seriously!! I know lets go ask Austin………..Duhhhhhhhhh
OMG, I cant watch anymore of this season!! Way to go Big Brother you finally made this season worse than last year.
Unless Becky or Jmac come back from the dead I am done.
we threaten…yet we still watch and look for more when its over…
I’ll keep watching but I’m feeling annoyed when I do and I don’t like any the housemates left.
So far I’ve known what would happen for weeks Steve killed any chance of a good season putting up Jackie it put all the power onto one side of the house. Jwacks plan would of been great but smeg head killed it in record time. The Twins have this in the bag the only way they can lose is if van bribes them with cars and cash.
I prayed to the BB gods and asked for a change for shift in power … it worked. I am praying again. All I want this week is to see Austin & Liz on the block. Liz needs to go home!!!
Austin will join the goblins and Vanessa will lock in Julia. There’s some (though not much) logic in keeping good with him.
Jmac needs to come back and win HOH. They’ll all be running!!
Just so fans will get what they want.. Watch them just give returning HG the HOH.
Meg and James must be blind. Can they not count and see where they are on the totum pole? You said it yourself that Steve was out with the twins laughing, then Austin comes in and you tell him Steve is acting weird then Steve comes and talks to you…what else do you need to see Steve is working with them!!!!!! JMac will work with you and said take the heat. These players are dumb! At this point I’m rooting for whoever comes back from Jury!!!!!!!!
Well as least Vanessa experiment worked. She found out how close Meg/James and the Austwins really are when Meg ran immediately to the HOH to tell all.
Don’t see how James and Meg think going to F5 with them is going to pay off, if it was anyone else rather than Meg, James might stand a chance. By their running to the Austwins I don’t think Vanessa will join them in the future even if the returning HG were to try to team with James and Meg. James and Meg will be probably be dumb enough to still do what Austin says.
I can’t stand the way Van talks down to Steve, however, I wish James would tell Meg “don’t f’n speak for me” I speak for myself. She just blew his game, Now he is in a MUST win HOH situation.
The ONLY hope at this point would be whoever the returning player is is the HOH. Even then I’m not sure this can be saved. Looking like this is the end of the season, for me atleast.
Meanwhile, James and Meg keep saying they just keep getting picked off and they’re just trying to survive… You complete idiots… You have a golden chance right now to flip it and help yourselves!! They can’t really be that stupid, can they?!!!
I am glad JMac is telling Vanessa everything. At least she will do something with the info.
do they have to clear everythimng w/ the assstwits>??ZZ?Z? the asstwits have steve, and vanessa in front of them,…goblins are standing in a corner…DON”T YOU UNDERSTAND …your next???? you didn’t have anything to lose by flipping…you are on the bottom anyway..!!!Same with vanessa, MEG U R sooo dumb, lets go tell austin..duhdum! uNLESS jAMES WINS THE NEXT HOH YOU ARE BOTH SCREWED anyway, like sitting ducks! I know convincing Vanessa was a long shot, but you are screwing yourself by actually voting to keep steve..he’s coming after u 2 anyway!!!! gawd, i hate these unison votes!!!
Remind me about rewind. The current nominated HG’s are off the block and the HOH now must pick 2 new nominee’s. Wow, not sure I want that to happen tonight. James you must win.
Welp, there goes EVERYTHINGuh! Why on GOD’s GREEN EARTH would those goblins go STRAIGHT to Austinky and tell him ANYthing?!?! (pounding forehead on table continuously) 3 VOTES you morons!! Why why why…Waaaaa That was their last chance. Even if James wins HOH the only ones possibly getting voted out this week will be the returner or Steve. It does’t get much worse than this!! AND, now i have a concussion
I still hate Vanessa…
Me too she is vile
Well then this week of big brother is going to suck for you. Lololololol
Vanessa is STILLL F’ing with these people! I don’t think the Austwits realize that she is behind Jmac’s Hail Mary. The goblins so dumb to run straight to the people who Jmac told them are going to screw them! “Oh well they said they are our friends even though Austin admits to playing all sides of the house so I guess we are ok. It’s a great position to be 2 people in a 5 person alliance especially if one of us can’t win sh*t”. DUMMIES!!
Vanessa now has all the ammunition she needs to rebuild a new army and go after Austinks and his twits. All is revealed after Jmac exposed them. Hi five Jmac at least you’ve done something helpful this season. Wish it was done sooner to help yourself in the game but oh well Vanessa will continue to benefit bringing her further along in the game deservingly. She is the only one playing strategically. No matter what! Lie/scheme /deny/cry/question ppl/ etc ….etc. AT LEAST SHE IS PLAYING THE GAME! Haters gonna hate and Vanessa will laugh all the way to the bank with the 500k! No need to comment based on emotions. It’s all about strategy. Yes planning your next move ahead of time. Unfortunately James and Meg missed that bus!
I have been such a fan of the Goblins (can’t stand the Austwins after these past two weeks, and Vanessa, while a somewhat good player, is kind of annoying me) and hoping that they have been biding their time and waiting for the right moment to strike. But clearly that’s not the case. Jmac presented them with a plan that could completely flip the house and finally take out the biggest threat in the house, the Austwins. Of course, after that talk, Meg just has to go talk to Austin and get to the bottom of it. Without Austin even having to say hardly anything besides “we like you, you’re fun”, her gullible ass believes everything he and Steve say and it’s bye bye Johnny. Apparently it’s “too risky”. The Goblins better hope the returning jury member works with them and one of the three win HOH, otherwise congratulations on getting 6th and 7th place!
Actually the returning juror better hope the Goblins are willing to work with them. Meg is so stupid she might not want to go against the Austwits and for some reason James just goes along with her. After all, Austin has told her they are on their side, and they have fun with them.
If you asked Meg right now whether the big alliance Audrey talked about before her eviction was real or a lie, she’d still be unsure.
with that in mind… what does anyone expect?
She’s in the safest position in the house. Alliances will turn on each other before wasting an hoh evicting Meg. That’s why all of her peeps keep going, because so far it isn’t worth the effort to take her out of the game.
Every comp i expect her to want to take what’s behind curtain number two, or maybe to buy a vowel.
If she’s going to have a poor showing in physical comps, she should be studying the days and the comps every second of every day to pull her weight in the game. She doesn’t. But she can lie in bed and whine about her position in the game until the cows come home.
James is aligned with her because taking her to final two is a sure win. Funny thing, if he realized Julia is just as much a sure win, and possibly closer to being a sure thing as well the little perv would be trying to crawl into her bed a whole lot more. Hate it but it’s true.
The only way I see anything happening to cause a power shift is for jmac to call a house meeting and tell all his information in front of everyone so they can’t spin their own stories because he would be their to call them out. And most of them need time to think of a story. If they have to answer to things right then in front of everybody they will have a hard time covering their ass. James and especially Meg will find out they are the only ones in their alliance and they need to keep their mouths shut cuz everyone is after them. Exceptmm hopefully the person coming back.
JMac calling a house meeting spilling all, would be like Dan and his funeral. But I think it could work. Something to try at least.
OMG!! This was so painful to read, I had to skim through it till I came to JMac talking to Vanessa. Meg and James are IDIOTS!!! James could probably talk Meg into going with JMac but it sounds like Vanessa wouldn’t switch back to JMac anyway so I guess it doesn’t matter. JMac should have told them the returning juror could be swayed to go after the Austwits and they would then have the numbers along with Vanessa.
Wow, that was just an awful move on Meg’s part. She is so freaking gullible. She just tanked one of her and James’ only chances of getting further in the game, by running straight to Austin and believing everything he says. I would still prefer a Goblin final 2 (honestly an anyone final 2 is fine with me, as long as the Austwins aren’t in it) but the chances of that happening are extremely slim. Congrats Goblins, on getting 6th and 7th place!
Johnny saying he wants Austin to lose and Liz to dump him after the show…this is why I love JMac! Lol
Where is the zombie apacolypse when you need it? At this point I hate every single one of these people and can’t even handle reading the recaps. I don’t know how Simon and Dawg have survived this season. I wouldn’t be one bit mad if they both tapped out at this point.
Oh no, I just realized this will be another sleepless night. I’m on the east coast and there’s no way I can go to sleep without knowing which juror returns and who wins HOH. I love that it’s a HG/jury endurance comp but I need to get some sleep.
OMG I’m getting a headache from how stupid Smeg is.
I don’t want any of them to win. To think they are going to get 500k for this garbage makes me mad.
Worst cast ever.
They need to fire whoever picked this cast.
I just thought of a twist all the house guests get evicted for being boring idiots and the evicted house guests come back in.
Jesus Christ, this house gives me a migraine. What is the deal with this seasons need to have everyone one board with every vote, have everything out in the open, permission asking etc.? It’s killing me. Meg you’re an idiot. If y’all aren’t looking around and realizing you’re the low two on the totem pole, then you and James deserve to be sit next to one another on the block. Honestly, open you damn eyes already -_- Youngo run to Austin and his disciples
*You go run to Austin and his disciples to spill the details of what Jmac has told you and you don’t think perhaps you should’ve kept that to yourself? Nice. I hope they use your knowledge of all that as the reason to vote you out next, because that could very well happen. They’ll tell you none of it was true to your face and next week, cite it as the reason you’re going home because you “know too much.” Blah.
Meg and James just lost final 4 unless James win HoH or Veto……I love Meg but you cant depend on her for anything and I know she is trying but honey, Playing safe aint getting you NOWHERE!!!!
I hate potball too.
What if Liz won HoH and put up Julia and Austin?! It’s as likely as Meg winning anything and making a smart move in this game.
Johnny fans are you mad or nah?
Totally Dogman, I feel ya brother. I won’t the commenters with specifics . Bottom line … Tv shows.. Sports teams – wwe guys- movie characters.. On and on .. This is the worst cast of 8 people ever to be part of television . Ever. Hands down . Please tell me this is not generational .. Legit every play they make is backwards. I jus read Simons recap of what Meg said and part of my brain leaked out of my ear . I went from mad to like sad now . I feel real bad for these kids, no fucking chance in real world . None
Geez the drama coz JMAC is leaving is too much! Yes Meg & James will vote him out and if you thought the last hour convo will make them change their mind- you were delusional. Dont tell me you thought Meg&James are strategic players coz they never were. They are social player so talking to them on strategic level is like trying to get Vanessa s vote by tellig her your life story…doesn t work. A good player knows how to make a connection with others…something all of the cast lacks. Still the Goblins are to only ones that are willing to go after Autwins and want to play a game. So still favs.
Listen i watch the live feeds. There are some things missing from the blog. Meg and james wanted to flip the vote but they were scared vanessa was going to gather info and go to austin and thatbis exactly what she did. She snitched on james, meg and jmac to austwins. Then she goes downstairs to gather more info to report back to austin. She even told them jmac told her about the alliance. As of right now james and meg ran to tell austin before vanessa told him bc they dont trust her. Vanessa talks to them and then runs to austwins. Meg is stupid. Not james. I feel bad for james actually because she is useless. However they did the right thing today because vanessa ran and told austwins her convo with jmac. She also tried to get meg and james to tell her if they have f5 with austwins but meg and james dis not fall for it. They need 3 votes. They are only 2 votes. They cant vote that way bc vanessa can flip it and put it on them and vote jmac out. Then meg and james vote steve ouy and become targets. Can you all really blame them? James said last night he wants to put austin and liz up. Its basically 5 against 2 in the house. They are holding on for dear life. Vanessa is an idiot for not flipping the vote. She wanted to run tell austwins that meg and james were gonna flip the vote but meg got to austin first.
Meg is an idiot! I hope she’s not this dumb outside the house. I hope they put her up and send her ass out the door!
Oh Meg…you had a great opportunity to do SOMETHING other than FLOAT through this entire game and you blew it. How sad. You could have had a great hand in bringing down the Austwins but instead you chickened out and went like a little becky-rat and turned JMac in. Sad.
Can you post the link to tonight show? Thank you for everything Dawg & Simon
I just got home and started to catch up.
i’m loving this.
the post rehearsal thursday drama rears its head again.
first there’s yay jmac is playing vs. jmac waited too long
then there’s vanessa’s evil for not flipping the vote vs. vanessa is evil for playing both angles until the last second
then there’s meg…. you eeeeediot for saying it’s too risky vs. it’s meg what did you expect.
Thanks. i’m warmed up for the episode now. lol.