16 New Big Brother Players were introduced today. Looks like no All-stars but potentially there could be a returnee. Let’s hope not. Either way Summer can now start 🙂
Looks like your standard Big Brother Cast. Can’t wait to see these folks on the feeds. If you don’t have them yet grab them through us using this link ->
CBS All Access Live Feeds

Holly Allen
Age: 31
Hometown: Lander, Wyoming
Current city: Los Angeles
Occupation: Wine Safari Guide

David Alexander
Age: 29
Hometown: Atlanta
Current city: Atlanta
Occupation: Photographer

Nicole Anthony
Age: 24
Hometown: Long Island, New York
Current city: Long Island, New York
Occupation: Preschool Aide

Tommy Bracco
Age: 28
Hometown: Staten Island, New York
Current city: Staten Island, New York
Occupation: Broadway Dancer

Kathryn Dunn
Age: 29
Hometown: Irving, Texas
Current city: Dallas
Occupation: Digital Marketing Executive

Kemi Faknule
Age: 25
Hometown: Elkridge, Maryland
Current city: Brooklyn, New York
Occupation: Marketing Strategist

Jessica Milagros
Age: 30ish
Hometown: Chicago
Current city: Oak Park, Illinois
Occupation: Model

Cliff Hogg III
Age: 53
Hometown: Houston
Current city: Houston
Occupation: Petroleum Engineer

Ovi Kabir
Age: 22
Hometown: Oakridge, Tennessee
Current city: Knoxville, Tennessee
Occupation: College Student

Nick Maccarone
Age: 27
Hometown: Sewell, New Jersey
Current city: Sewell, New Jersey
Occupation: Therapist

Jack Matthews
Age: 28
Hometown: Chicago
Current city: Tampa, Florida
Occupation: Fitness Trainer

Jackson Michie
Age: 23
Hometown: Nashville, Tennessee
Current city: Los Angeles
Occupation: Server

Christie Murphy
Age: 28
Hometown: Staten Island, New York
Current city: Keyport, New Jersey
Occupation: Boutique Owner

Sam Smith
Age: 31
Hometown: West Nanticoke, Pennsylvania
Current city: Mountain Top, Pennsylvania
Occupation: Truck Driver

Analyse Talavera
Age: 22
Hometown: Northridge, California
Current city: Simi Valley, California
Occupation: College Soccer Star

Isabella Wang
Age: 22
Hometown: Mount Olive, New Jersey
Current city: Los Angeles
Occupation: Public Health Analyst
Poor Cliff…he’s going to get slaughtered like an old hog. I wonder how legitimate the jobs are…
I really wish they would put more than 1 older person in the house. Most are in their 20s, some in their 30s. They seem to always throw in a token middle ager that is the easiest to evict week 1.
Wine safari is easiest to evict? I dunno, from following the Hamster tweets apparently lots of people want to law low, and only a few want to win the first competition. I could see the Oil Cowboy trying hard from the start socially, and engineers are very creative, social people from those that I’ve met, If one of the young guys wins the first comp, I could see him as not the first out, but one of the laying low such as Chicago model. Nice to see all fresh meat, the African minorities have non stereo typical jobs, but the Asian minority likes the spend other people’s money? Potential for a good year if any of the floater strategies goes first, could cause some scrambling and set the mood for the season,
I super agree with you Granny. I feel they should have at least 2 if not 3 people in their 40s or more. We can get rid of the young pretty recruits who have never watched the show and just want to be internet famous. There are some people who were the pretty recruits who have gone on to be a good houseguest, but more times than not they are just a wasted player.
I imagine casting must be hella hard. So many are in it for the possible fame, rather than fortune. I’m not typically a fan of recruits because I prefer HGs that actually play the game, but I’m really liking Jack. He, Ovi and Analyse seem the most genuine (as of now).
Yup he sure is. Too many times in the past they’ve embellished the “jobs”
Here’s what I’m expecting from the careers. I’m expecting the majority of the cast are lusting over being an Instagram influencer.
Wine Safari Guide = Day Drunk looking for Instagram followers
Photographer = looking for Instagram followers
Preschool Aide = probably legit looking for twitter followers
Broadway Dancer = Probably legit still looking for Instagram followers though
Digital Marketing Executive = runs an Etsy shop looking for Instagram followers
Marketing Strategist = runs an Etsy shop looking for Instagram followers
Model = straight up just looking for Instagram followers
Petroleum Engineer = “engineer” like sanitation engineer or “Cybersecurity engineer”
College Student = probably legit
Therapist = like a life coach
Fitness Trainer= Looking for Instagram followers
Server = Looking for Instagram followers
Boutique Owner = Looking for Instagram, twitter and facebook followers
Truck Driver = probably legit
College Soccer Star = All about the Instagram followers
Public Health Analyst = Like “helpdesk Analysts” and “community analyst”
We had the fame whores last season too but they at least played the game. As long as they can entertain me, I’m fine with them. I just don’t want people sitting around trying to figure out catch phrases, copyrights, and trademarks they can cash in on and on Thursday asking what’s the house doing this week…
I have to make one comment, as this is my father’s profession. A Petroleum Engineer is a legit “engineer” and it is a very science-based profession, every bit as much as civil engineer or mechanical engineer. Petroleum engineers are skilled geologists and are the ones who design how to get the oil and gas from the ground and who assess the safety of wells and who approve new leases .
Thanks for the info! So he’s probably a very smart dude.
Hey hey, hi everyone for another summer! Quite the opposite of the last year where the cast was in their early 20’s – but thirsty. These late twenties are expected to be a bit more mature – but not as always. Let’s see what we have in our plate. If the girl who plays soccer is actually a legitimate in a professional level, I’m for her so far. If not – about anybody stand out.
That Nicole carries evil in her eyes tho 😀
I, at least, admire that #quirkyqueen is honest about where she lives and works. Gotta give her that.
preseason ranking anyone?
Thanks, Simon. I will definitely need to get used to that new ranking, and especially the grid.
Just based on my first impressions from Jeff’s interviews, for the guys, I really like Jack and Ovi. For the girls, I like Analyse.
The ones I think will be fun to watch: Tommy, Nick, Sam, Cliff
The ones I suspect to be most annoying: Bella, Jackson, Nicole, Christie….and even my Texas girl, Kathryn
And, I can’t help but notice that so many are from the east coast (NJ, NY). Maybe these houseguests have met before. Hmmm? My sources say, yes.
I have little hope of not being annoyed with Nicole because her favorite player is Paul. Christie is planning on using her sex appeal so if that’s the case she’s going to irritate me. The rest don’t make too much of an impression with the blurbs I’ve read. Talk is easy and hopefully we’ll have a good mix with them again this season. Cliff’s still screwed though.
Have to see them in action first.
I agree. I’ve liked people before the feeds go on just to have them turn out to be a christmas
3 2 1 some will complain bout the cast!
My takeaway: They’re going to need to put a dog in the house.
So i see CBS cast Jason Momoa (Aquaman) and Chandler Parsons (Basketball player) to play Big Brother this year
I thought I was the only one thinking, “Khal Drogo is on Big Brother!”
I’m sure his look moved him up the ranks quite a it. Hopefully, he’s more than a knockoff Aquaman and he can entertain us with more than his looks.
What’s up with Macaroni ?? Does he actually use a bowl to cut his own hair ?? He’s going to be eaten alive by some of the women in that house !! I can see a few strong women in that house just from first impressions but I want interviews. Interesting mix job wise. But lets see.
Jackson will already be in a showmance the minute the live feeds are on….probably with Analyse
There will be a pretty people alliance including : Jackson – Jack – David – Analyse – Kathryn – Holly
Holly will be in a dominant alliance but will be boring and will just coast
Nick or Tommy will be target first
Cliff will make jury
Christie will cry all the time
Isabella will be first one out
Nicole will be fun but clueless
At first blush I’m loving me some David and Nicole but have some serious concerns about Christie and Jackson. And what’s up with Nick’s bowl cut?
Sooo, I heard Christie used to date Tommy’s aunt. Interesting to see if they align or not?