POV Holder: | Paul | POV Competition | Aug 20th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | Aug 22th |
HOH | Natalie, Meech | Next HOH | Aug 25th |
Original Nomi1nations: | Victor AND Paul | ||
After POV Nominations: | ? AND ? | ||
Have Nots | Victor and James |
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12:20am Backyard – Nicole, Corey and Meech talk. Meech says as you know I have to pick a replacement nominee and I don’t want to do that to Natalie and put James up so its going to be one of you guys. Corey says yeah. Nicole says we figured. Meech says so do you guys care which one? The vote is going to be solely on James because Paul is obviously going to vote one of ya’ll out and one of you is obviously going to vote the other person out. Corey says it doesn’t matter. Meech says it does. One of you might go. I can’t read James right now. It seems like one of ya’ll might go. Corey says do what’s best for your game. Meech says I don’t know. Corey says its your job as co-HOH. Meech says the consensus is they want you (Corey) to go because you can get a care package next week and you’re better at comps. Corey says yeah, well. Do what’s best for your game. Meech says James has played this game before and would probably want to get out a bigger competitor ..Victor. Nicole says this is just weird. Meech says I don’t know what’s best for my game. Apparently I’m not supposed to talk to you either because you’re going to manipulate me. Nicole says I think they would be crazy to get rid of me over Victor. Nicole asks who was pushing for Corey? Just Paul? Meech says Nat and everyone. I don’t know if one of you would go home, it depends on James. I would pick his brain. I would honestly tell you if I thought you were going home. Corey says that’s not something you should worry about. Meech says I just hope James tells you. Corey says don’t worry about it. Nicole and Corey head to bed.
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12:50am Bathroom – Meech says she hasn’t been on the block but Corey put me up on the block so I could use that. If I don’t put up Corey they’re going to know something is up. If you put Corey up it would make him feel better. Meech asks would you tell Vic. James says no not until we all. Meech asks would you tell Paul too? James says yeah. Statistically BBfans would be like .. it would be so crazy to keep Victor with 9 comp wins.
1:25am Hot Tub – James and Nat Nat. James says I talked to your girl Meech. She’s on board with knocking Vic out. She said yeah its unfortunate but he has to go. Nat says okay. You just have to make sure she feels like she is on our team. I want her to stay longer than everyone else. James says my job is make sure I beat Corey. Nat says as long as she (Meech) knows we have her back. James says I told Michelle I will tell Victor on Wednesday too that I’m going to vote him out. He said he would respect someone if they told him instead of lying to him and voting him out .. so lets put that theory to the test. Nat says I’ve been too nice to people and I’m kind of over it. Everyone is going to be going hard in these comps. Nat says I am going to be doing everything to win, win, win. If I need to pee my pants I will. I would just prefer if you won so that you can put up Corey and Paul. James says we just have to get Corey and Victor out because we can work with the rest. Nat says and Nicole will work with you. James says I would just have to tell her Corey is a pawn and if he goes home… whoops. Paul joins them. Paul tells Nat that Victor wanted to sh*t on you and Meech after noms but I told him not to. Paul says its sh*tty they’re telling you that I wanted James out because if I wanted to do that I would have. They chat about past events in the house. Nat tells James that people that are MC’s and own a gym are more sly than a used car salesman. Nat tells Paul that knowing you were eavesdropping made me not trust you. Vic joins them. Nat says lets just get Corey or Nicole out .. one of them. Vic says Corey is going to get the care package we need to get him out. Strategically it makes sense to get Corey out so we can put Nicole up and get her out. Then we’re down to the five we wanted.
3am Meech, James, Paul, Victor and Natalie are sitting around the hot tub. Vic says if you want Nicole to squirm put Corey up and send him home. Meech says Nicole went home 7th last time and it would be pretty funny to send her home again. Vic says if Corey goes home WE get the care package. Meech says I don’t want to let this opportunity to get Nicole out slip through my fingers. Nat ask what is your gut telling you to do? Meech says Nicole. Nat asks what does your brain tell you to do? Meech says put up Nicole. Nat asks what does you heart tell you to do? Meech says Nicole. Nat says then thats what you should do. Meech says Its good for my game but I know its not best for everyone else. Vic says then put up Nicole. They speculate on what the care package might be. Vic tells Meech what ever you end up doing, we will support you. Meech says as co-HOH I would love to get out a vet. James says I would love to get out a vet too. Last Vet standing. Paul says if it goes wrong one of us goes home. Vic says if that’s what you want put Nicole up. They head inside.
3:15am – 3:20amVic and Paul talk alone. Vic tells Paul if she wants to put Nicole up then we keep telling her we support her. Paul says these people are stupid if they think the next care package is going to be worse. Vic says I know. Paul says I’m thinking that they know Corey and Nicole would not come after James and Nat. Vic says us continuing to reiterate we’re getting the care package is not good that’s why I stopped saying that. That scared them so lets not bring that up any more. Literally right now we have to suck d**k bro! Paul says you’re right. And I’m going to talk to the live feeders and tell them the care package needs to go to me or you or we’re f**Ked. Vic says you saw how bad Meech wants to put up Nicole. We need to support it. We’re good, Nicole goes up. Vic and Paul head inside the house.
3:40am – 4:40am HOH room – Nat, James, Paul and Michelle are hanging out. Meech says I don’t think Nicole knows the other side of Corey. I bet these guys know a lot. Vic says I’m not going to put him on blast. Paul says hes said a lot of things I definitely don’t agree with. Meech asks how many girls has he banged? Paul says I don’t know. Meech says I’ll asks him. College athletes can get it IN! Paul says if you ever get evicted before me I’m glad you’re gone so that maybe now you’ll be more respectful to by beard. You treated me poorly and maybe now you’re treat other boys with beards.. Vic says no, don’t. Nat says everyone knows you’re great.
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4:50am – 5:40am Nat and Meech in bed. Nat says that Vic will be impossible to take out. Its not that bad to send Corey home too. That will hurt Nicole a lot. We will still be nice to her. Game-wise Corey is a threat but Vic is a bigger threat. If we keep all the guys in the house they’re not coming after us. Meech says its easier to get out someone right now because the boys are going to take out each other. I think Paul needs to go out before Corey. Nat says Paul has this game figured out. He has every angle covered. Meech says the fact that he could make us cry and regret our decision 30 minutes after is scary. Nat says Nicole controls Corey. Nat says this is our only shot at Vic we should take him out but if you want Nicole out. I want Nicole and Corey out so bad. Meech asks you four aren’t secretly working with them are you? Nat says no, no, no. They could think that if they want but no. My loyalty is with you and James. I don’t trust them, I don’t like them. James knows that. I want them out. Meech says I know you think we will never get Vic on the block but it was easy. Vic isn’t coming after us this week. Those two could. I don’t think James would vote out Nicole. Nat says he would tell us. And if he blindsided me .. that would be the ultimate betrayal and I would attach myself just to you. Meech says I think I’m going to put her on the block to be honest. Nat says if you really want her out I can push James to. Meech asks doesn’t he want Vic out. Meech says I think I’m going to put up Nicole. She’s going to be so shady. You’ll see her true colours. Nat says if we want to win this game we need to take out Vic. Meech says so it doesn’t matter who I put up.. Nat says if Corey goes home Nicole is going to be so alone. Meech says so Corey then. Nat says put Corey up to appeal to everyone. You can then pretend you don’t know anything about Vic going home. Meech says right.
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WEEK 5 – August 25 to August 26th
The winner gets $5,000 to bribe one house guest. Bribes my influence voting, competitions, vetos or nominations. The bribe can only be given to one house guest, for one action, within the week leading up to the next eviction.
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Usernames will have to be a bit more PG please. At the least censor them with @*(#^%_
MICHELLE … what has Nicole done in this game to pose such a threat to you? She has won nothing … her only HoH was handed to her and she received a care package. I think you would stand a better chance winning the game if you were sitting next to her in the final 2. Play with strategy instead of emotion.
Because Michelle was raised a spoiled brat. Dont forget she was a very very MEAN girl early this season. She sees the big picture, but her ignorance, of being invective , hard headed, stubborn, and downright narcissist she will let a grudge destroy her. She should not win this game. I don’t like Nicole anymore than Michelle, but Michelle was an error and tragedy in casting. Anyone who has seen her Reddit posts, her real life behavior knows she was borderline mental to be on the show. She was raised, apparently spoiled, but acts like she was raised in a barn. Even her nutritionist job I am betting is a self fraudulent service. Another site, literally has a 40+ page report on her eating alone. Thats not even getting into the Catfishing, begging for attention.
But you have to admit…Meech’s erratic behavior has made for some funny TV. I just hope that they keep Victor so that he can take out Paulie when he wins the Jury buy back.
Simon or Dawg:
They mentioned $450.00 sunglasses that Paulie had. Do you know what kind they were?
My commentary was just posed as what I thought Michelle needs to do to improve her chances of winning. I do not think targeting Nicole will help her accomplish that as I feel there are bigger threats to Michelle winning than Nicole. I favor no one player over another and care very little who wins these reality TV shows.
They all have an idea that there may be a jury buy back. So WHY in hell would they vote out Victor at this point, knowing that he is the only one that can boot Paulie back out of the door when he wins it?
If the jury buy back is a physical competition, who better to send to jury than Victor to stop Paulie from coming back into the house at all?
I guess part of me dreads the probability of Victor out Thursday, then Paul, then a few weeks of Nicole and Corey under the covers. You may find that entertaining, but I surely do NOT. I
If Victor is evicted but then turns around and immediately wins the jury buy back competition, he comes right back into the house and the entire HoH for both Natalie and Michelle amounted to nothing. The same players in the house this week, will be in the house again next week.
I agree with you. I can’t understand why meech thinks taking out nicole is better for her game. She can’t win comps and meech is totally disposable to victor and Paul. It’s like she’s not even trying to win the game she is just thinking that she wants to make it to end with victor and Paul so one will take her final two and she’ll get the runner up prize. I want to see a season of big brother where everyone is playing to win and are not scared to do something big for fear of retaliation, this cast sucks.
I am not going to speculate on meechs character we could say that they have all acted poorly at some point even my fav Vic has had his moments(being part of the female bashing and he was a little arrogant at first but these all are normal ways people who are in there 20s with no responsibilities act sometime especially to save face) Meech may feel like Nic is a threat because she is playing Derricks game and no one finds her a comp threat she and Meech are playing somewhat the same game just differently. Meech also know that if Nic makes it to the finale 2 she will use that fact to say her social game was great. I wonder if Meech just feels like they have to similar of a game so Yes that is good for her game. I also believe that if Paulie game back; He would take Nicole and not corey to finale 2 because he wouldn’t want what happen to Cody to happen to him. I think Meech thinks there is a possibility of a buyback but production and James keep telling her no. Think about if she evicted Nic and Nic game back so what. Meech also has no allies like the others the closest thing that shes got is Nat so its not like she can alienate Nat and James by NOT being ok with Vics removal. I think shes in a really tough spot. She is the only one with out an ally and if there was a jury buyback half of those people get along with Nic but they don’t talk to corey he has no social game and Meech probably knows Paulie will not have corey back like Nic does. Meech is in a tight spot Paul and Vic have said in front of her that they have each others back Corey and Nic, James and Natalie Meech is the third wheel . Meech is also a superfan so she knows the Vets tricks.This sounds evil but I would think it were funny if James and NIc got voted out and then Nat and corey played handsey under the covers. Yes I am mean
Sorry but the Nicole is not playing Derrick’s game. She is playing the lay on your back and service a guy game. Then whine and lie and hide. She hasn’t been on the block because all the big dogs and actual game players have gone after each other. Her time is coming.
Yes! And did you hear Nicole tell Nat that Season 16 was like summer camp, and that this season has been really harrrrrrd. WTF? She hasn’t done ANYTHING!
So judgemental meech isn’t my favorite but you don’t know how she was raised. You can’t judge what they do unless you were in the game so geez people chill it’s a game. Why attack them personally, you don’t even know them. Who knows how you would act trying to win 500,000.
@Genesis I think production is trying for a finale 2 with Nicole and Natalie. Every time Meech comes out of Dr she changes her mind (like Natalie) but I think they want Nat to win so meech, James, Vic and Paul (did mention Corey Cause NEVER CARED) are being hung out to dry Meech got mad at Paul right after a DR and she was for sure not letting Vic go but after said Dr she decided it was ok. production told Nat to keep her mouth shut about what they tell her because people were so upset recently. I would not put it past production to tell Nat to keep her mouth shut about what they tell her. I say this because even though James is her “right hand man” she is setting things up to let James take the fall for a lot also when it is leaked to Nat that James talked to Corey and Nicole about Meech she can use that as an excuse to be hurt (she is the queen of hurt) I ink Production wants Nat or Nicole to win now and they don’t want Nat to be responsible for James’s departure.. Production maybe trying for a girl final two that Natalie can take credit for.. I think now James is collateral damage to production. The guys kinda of deserve it for the he man woman’s haters club but I love me some Vic( I could be wrong about this whole scenario just a thought). Production you suck we hated this stuff with Van and we hate it now; you are pulling a Paulie and over playing your game whatever it is so we have all voted to EVICT you (my opinion)
They are trying to make Nat into this amazing Strategist he got the guys out.
Ps Natalie just told Meech that if James blindsided her about Meech (thenhe was done Nat is so loyal to James and trust him completely LOL) I also think production is feeding James that the coupls would be great TV and its what viewers want, I think that’s what they did to Austin last year remember how shocked he was to find ou that he and Liz were not another Jeff and Jordan. I vote to evict production!!!!
I can’t see how production would think it’s a great idea and good tv to keep Nicole and Corey? They are disliked on every single site. If anything it’s annoying and a reason to turn off the tv. Listening to the nasal whine is just too much
I would love to see final four as Victor, Paul, Meech and Natalie. James, Corey and whiny Nicole make for boring TV. The other four are fun to watch.
Yea, James has been acting very stupid these days!
I heard that the Vets got $25,000.00 for returning. Maybe there is some other bonus, because James is willing to ditch Nat to keep Nicole. No more unfair seasons, make it all Vets or no Vets. All siblings or no siblings. All newbies…
They manage to make it unfair in some way, every single season.
Frank said he got 30k an another 8 if he’d made it to jury. And returners get to keep th stipend, even if they finish second place.
I don’t get what viewers see in James. He really rubs me the wrong way. He isn’t very bright either.
I prefer James as he seems to be genuinely a decent guy and seems to be respectful for the most part. Every single person has done something to someone in that house buto James comes off as a likeable guy where the others are down right cocky and disrespectful. Vic hasn’t been too bad but needs to go cause he’ll win.
I really don’t care who wins unless brigette or Devon come back and don’t want Corey to win due to his abuse of animals nor James for the same reason, I’d prefer Paul to win over those two and I can’t stand Paul.
Nicole and Corey will be boring boring tv. However James is not boring tv. Watching James implode is fun tv also. I kinda like James as a dumb villain.
You know if James is evicted right now, the camera feed will be on Corey and Nicole doing hand gestures under the sheets. Now that is a horrible thought.
James is an idiot and I don’t find him fun to watch.
This is why
About an hour ago James shared his and Nicole’s morning convo about sharing cash among their 4 with Natalie and FISH
Then Bb called Nic and James in and they had to say on camera they can’t do that. Hmm
If I was the others that suspect. Hmm That’s enough for me to put James up. Lol
Think think people you’re in trouble it’s called James and Nic BB plants.
Get them out!!!!
Isn’t this the first time there has been a group of people going into the house with the agreement to share the prize among themselves? This seems very clear with Paulie, Nicole and James. Corey was obviously included because Nicole has the hots for him and likely whined to the others that they needed another athletic type to make sure they win. Corey said early on that getting rid of the vets wasn’t the best thing for his game. Why would he even think that unless he had already been offered a cut of the prize money from them? I sure would love to see this colossal scam fail!
it’s been a rule since the beginning. ‘Without the rule, then people could buy votes in jury, could buy votes for evictions and noms with such agreements. They are not even allowed to give a cash present, if they want to ‘give’ something to someone it has to be in the form of a gift of some kind, like Derrick buying a car or truck for whoever it was.
and they can never talk about those kinds of deals on camera, which is what they would have been reminded about in DR when called in and when they came back out.
it isn’t a new thing just for this time, and no one can make that kind of deal to the extent like that person here posted like it was a real thing. there wouldn’t have been any serious conversation about it caught on camera that wasn’t debunked.
anyways, meech might as well put up nicole and at least satisfy herself that she got nicole on the block for the first time all game. meech isn’t stupid, she can see what nicole is doing, coasting all the way aka Victoria to F3 when it is shown she hasn’t been on the block (good social) and hasn’t been winning comps, and won’t be a real issue at F3, or F2 for the other to win against. The others are the ones who are stupid, leaving her and corey in the game versus anyone else. She says she threw OTEV, but when it was DE on the Veto comp, she came in second to COREY. anyone would be foolish to keep her in the game.
Derrick didn’t get the truck for Caleb, that was Cody’s dad (Paulie’s dad too) Corey seems affiliated with Texas A&M, I’ve seen the hats and I’ve seen some conversations. I’m wondering if he is in the same circles with Clay. Athletes at the same school tend to have a bit of contact.
Probably just the story they told to keep it from appearing to be a payoff. Likely Derrick passed the money though Cody’s dad.
Caleb had a video of the truck on his Instagram. He specifically said Derrick bought him the truck. The post has since been deleted though.
Ratcole has James wrapped around her finger… She has him manipulated and I saw her in action on Sundays episode when she told him Paul said let’s get outcJames when clearlyvPsuliecsaid it….. She is tying to pull a Derek and make it to the ed without being on the block …. She Dmitted that to Corey….. Get Nicole out James and you can have Corey help you get out Paul n Vic… At the same time Paul n Vic will go after Corey… Even if Paul n Vic put up Corey n James they don’t have the votes to get out James….
Ugh Meech is a jealous moron. How the hell does it make the most sense to get out Nicole over Vic? She should just put herself on the block and self evict. She’s such a snatch.
I think she is definitely blinded by Nicole jealousy. She always operates with a singular obsession. But in this case keeping Victor is best for her game. She is pretty much playing for second place at this point so banking on Paul or Victor taking her is the best option she has left.
Actually, Michelle would probably beat either Nicole or Corey. Based on their comp history, Da’ Z and Bridgette will probably stay in the jury, and did you see the way they cheered for Meech last week? Plus, Nat wants a girl to win so badly that she would certainly vote for Meech over Corey, and probably over Nicole, too. And Meech would probably have Vic and/or Paul, which makes 5 or 6.
What a pathetic waste of HOH. MEECH! JAMES IS THE RIGHT One to put up!
Nicole Corey would vote and they wont vote out James
Put up James. Shame on Production for interfering and telling James and Natalie to keep Nicole and Corey safe, and to work with them. I am pi$$ed. Shame on you Big Brother. Part of getting to the end IS friendship, and they are ruining it for Victor and Paul. Who by the way would be entertaining to the end.
Nat and Meech no vote. Vic and HG no vote. That leaves 3 people. James Nic Corey and Paul who has the veto.. Paul votes to save Vic so it’s pretty simple. If James, Nicorey are working together then who ever goes up does not matter and Vic goes to jury regardless.
We can really hope only the buy back gets Vic back IMO. Mid game has been crap this season. If James or Nicole win the seasons been a waste. Meech isn’t good with strategy. If those 2 couples are playing together you and Paul are raw meat. Next week 6 left meaning Paul could comp out F2 where Meech will not. Here’s the problem if your Meech you cannot play HOH which implies your on the block if the couples work together. She let these 4 stay, nice strategy super fan, and now only a Paul HOH could potentially save her or POV.
They’d keep her over Paul at F6 but that’s it. Don’t forget the couples have the votes at F6 to do what hey want unless Paul is HOH..
If you forget how and when which of the 2 couples goes 1st. Nicole, Nicole, Nicole…….. naw I don’t think. James is the guy I’d fear as he has jury appeal. I think Nat gets it 1st then the key Corey or James. I see Nicole F2 with maybe Corey. Boy would that suck.
Who the hell is voting for Corey?? He’s a zombie! He doesn’t DO anything except light goats on fire and pretend he’s heterosexual. So why reward him with a care package?!?!
The last thing I want to see is James getting evicted this week and then the fans will get the harsh punishment of Nicole and Corey. Plus Corey’s eyes, that is the definition of a zombie.
Meech can you please make a decision based on your game and not others. Why do you have to please others on who you want to nominate? The other question that bugs me about Meech…why is she so gung ho on finishing fourth or fifth and be satisfied on the season? Meech there is a $500,000 grand prize and a $50,000 runner up prize. You are in the final 7 and sadly you have protection from the houseguests right now.
Here’s the thing, it really doesn’t matter who Michelle puts up. It’s hilarious that she and everybody else is making it out like she has this great power. The reality is…… SHE DOESN’T! She puts up Nicole….. James and Corey vote out Vic. She puts up Corey…… James and Nicole vote out Vic. See what I’m saying. Here’s where James and Natalie screwed up though. They’re obviously gonna roll with Corey and Nicole. Which means no matter what they want Vic out this week. To set themselves up for next week they should’ve never told Michelle they’re voting out Vic. Until after she nominated Nicole or Corey. They should’ve let Michelle go on thinking whoever she nominated was going to be evicted. This would guarantee Michelle would be nominated next week should Corey or Nicole win HOH. By letting her in on the plan to get Vic out gives her time to make nice with Nicole and Corey.
I also think it was pretty dumb of Natalie telling Michelle to put Corey up to appease everyone. So stupid! She should’ve let her put up Nicole. Which would piss Vic and Paul off. Then next week Nicole, Corey, and Paul would be upset with Michelle. Now she’s gonna put up Corey to make the boys happy and play dumb. Pretty stupid of Natalie(now James will be taking all the heat). It sure is gonna suck for James and Natalie when Paulie wins this jury buy back and teams back up with Nicole and Corey. Then James and Natalie are gonna be screwed. They’ll just have Michelle and maybe a pi$$ed off Paul. Lol. Hopefully by some miracle Bridgette wins it. I definitely wouldn’t want Vic to get it. Just because he’ll team back up with Paul and they’ll be gunning for Natalie and James. If they’d go after Corey and Nicole, I would love to see him come back. Bc he’s my #2 to win the whole thing. If Natalie can’t win, I’d like Vic to win. But I definitely don’t want them going after each other:)
***Hopefully Meech puts Nicole up. I don’t want her to be able to say, “See I wasn’t even nooommmmiiiinated, I’m like Deeeerrrrrrrriiicccckkkk!” LMAO!
too late, she just put up Corey.
i wonder if she got a clue that james would never vote out nicole, and once she got that clue she has to know it’s because he wants to work with nicole. anyone who didn’t figure that out when nicorey didn’t go up is delusional. and meech was right, she figured that part out, knowing nat was not going to put up corey, there was no point in just putting up nicole, the results would be the same, except, had she done that and had paul won the veto as he did, paul takes vic down, and the noms would be nicorey and done deal.
however, why get excited by that with the jury back comp coming up there is no point getting excited about this weeks eviction at all, other than to cheer vic getting back in the house lol
i don’t think it is going to be a long edurancing comp, because they want the care package voting to start after jury member comes back in the house to add their name to the votes. that is a very short window of voting, since we know they normally deliver it on Fridays, this means they will have to deliver it on Saturday instead, giving not much time for them to affect nominations if whoever wins, meaning possible affecting veto and eviction not noms.
i just don’t want people to split vote between vic and paul. Paul will be funny if he has it, and he will likely give it to Vic. split voting is why corey is in the lead.
Im voting for corey. Only because victor will be evicted. I cant stand paul. He talks about backstabbing all the time and what did he do, he backstabbed paulie. As much as i hated paulie he would have had pauls back u til top 4 atlest maybe top 3. So im voting corey as theres no other option really.
If the jurors get to compete in the next HOH competition, then maybe Victor has a chance for ACP. I am waiting to see what happens.
I also wish the ACP bribe was $25,000. Someone would take it as they think they have no chance of winning the $500k.
If you give it to Corey then the money will go to Nicole. It wont be hatd for Corey to get her to do something.
Give ACP5 for Paul instead. Paul is playing the game vs Corey laying in bed all day. He didn’t even bother to study for that last POV storm comp.
yeah, paulie had paul and vic til top 4. james was clearly in 5th on that alliance, but that was the problem with paulie’s game. he made it too obvious that corey was his number 2 and james was his number 5 and with paulie/corey posing more of a comp threat to paul/vic than james/nat it wasn’t hard for james and nat to cut a better deal with vic and paul that saw paulie ousted.
Honestly I think it is because of people like you is the reason why votes are going to Corey. I could care less about Corey game wise but I’m so so tired of the hate spewed on this board that my votes go to him just to piss you people off further.
I started to dislike Corey when he told the story of a live goat being put on fire at Texas A&M and laughed about it. That is on HIM . That story was big and it was 3 frat boys that did it. Shows what low character he has.
CBS … I thought the “Friendship Time with Paul” was a funny segment on the show …. entertaining
Why does Meech have to pick replacement nom?
Michelle nominated Paul … he comes down, she has to replace him with another house guest
Um…because Paul won the POV and will use it on himself.
Because Paul was her CoHOH nom and he won POV so she picks replacement. CoHOH Power should’ve been HOH Takeover, imagine his scared they would ALL be if Big Meech held all HOH power? lol
BTW – as Co-HOH, Meech nominated Paul to go on the block. So, since Paul will take himself off the block with the Power of Veto, Michelle has to pick his replacement.
Because her original nomination was Paul and he won the veto and will undoubtedly take himself off the block.
So after all this. Still not sure where Nat is. Meech wants Nicole gone but will settle with Corey, James for sure wanna keep Corey/Nicole. I would love to see Nicole goes but will agree seeing corey leaves because the care package. And didn’t like they were so confident that were the only ones not studying for the pov. I guess Nat is leaving both doors open and is trying to be in the middle. Meech is not in the best place right now, theres 3 couples and she’s by herself, even she’s aligned with some people, if she’s on the block with any other she won’t have someone who’s gonna be 100% with her. I just hope doesnt happen like last year that the twins after been completely useless starting winning comps in the end and sailed to the end. Would be pissed off if that happens with Nicole/Corey
Munchelle can put up Nicole or Corey… won’t matter. What will matter, is when the votes are cast. I hope she sticks to her guns and puts Nic up, votes her… and LOSES. This will solidify her as being an idiot, while assuring the rest are pissed at her for being vindictive.
Yes, I am sure production is interfering, but you cannot be this ignorant on who a threat is.
Meech is HOH…she isn’t voting. It’s irrelevant who she finally nominates for eviction unless James decides to flip his vote…which is extremely unlikely to happen. So as much as you don’t like her, she won’t get any blowback for nominating Nicole or Corey.
I didnt like it that Corey/Nic didnt bother to study either.
They didn’t need to study. Two votes is all it takes to evict. Between James and the two of them, they have it covered since there is only one replacement nom.
How do we know they didn’t study? Ratcole may have put crib notes in her underpants and Corey may have been reaching in to get them.
I think Corey can read Braille.
Live feeds showed them (Corey/Nicole). sleeping all night .
At this point Natalie will do everything she can to prevent another girl from leaving the house. It doesn’t matter if it’s Nicole or Michelle. The house has nobody to blame for this situation but themselves. They allowed the couples to remain in the game way too long. It makes perfect sense for James/Natalie and Corey/Nicole to work together. Neither couple wants to be broken up which presents a strong foundation for mutual trust until they reach the final four.
Such a loser, thinks Natalie likes him romantically. lol
What an embarrassment to himself. Face it James, no one wants to go out with you, they just want to use you.
Suck it up and keep the hand handy, you will need it for many years to come.
James is NOT a loser in fact I’d venture to say all indications are that he’s a really good guy. well liked by most of jury and houseguests. I’d be happy to have a friend, boyfreind or co-worker like James. He deserves the same, hope NatNat gives him a chance, if she does she may have a happy ever after ahead. Worth alot more than 5K.
nahhh lol
I think James wants Vic out bc Natalie secretly wants Vic still, and James knows this. Yes it is a smart move game wise for him but I think jealousy is fueling it too.
She does like him dude, I realizing you’re trying to crap on him but c’mon.
Meech what a waste. Really doesn’t matter because jealous James will decide anyway. I get why James/Nat think voting out Vic is good but I agree with Vic that the way they are going about it is scumbaggish, Can’t wait for jury buy back to force these lazy a$$ douches to have to play and not cuddle their way to F4 and F2. PS Michelle get some counseling after the show for your girl hating issues. Bet she noms Nicole.
I am waiting until I see how the chips fall on the 25th. Will definitely not vote for Cory.
James has changed so much in the last 48 hours (since production guided him) that this show is starting to feel more scripted than the special Friday episode.
And am I really expected to believe (according to Nicole) that it was unfair for production to call her and James into the dr about the money/gift because it could effect their game? It should effect their game (obvious final 4 and/or final 2 plan) but it won’t. It’s too late to effect anything. James and whichever of Nicorey aren’t otb hold all the power. I know that speaking of ‘gifts’ is a rule violation and Nicole and James should also know. Being second timers, they have no excuse for ignorance of the rules. Nicole can whine about how unfair it was but I think a penalty vote for breaking the rules would be a nice game changer.
I hope to never see Nicorey/Jatalie on another season of BB. I also hope for a little karma-nothing huge or life altering, just little things that will bug the crap out of them.
I hope Paul (or Vic if he is there) win ACP so Nicole realizes we don’t love Corey.
I hope Nicole finds out that the fans really wanted Bridgette to have safety-not her.
Since only 2 of Jatalie/Nicorey can be in the final 2, the other 2 are eligible for AFP. I hope Paul wins it. I want him to win just because it would completely fry Nicole and James asses and they would be forced to realize that production does not represent all of America. Just because they love you doesn’t mean they can force all the viewers to feel the same way.
I think I must’ve missed something! What happened with Nicole/James and money?!?
They were promising to do something nice for each other if they won, (gift, cash, paying for a trip). That’s considered a bribe and is against the rules. Vanessa got called out last year by offering to take people to Vegas and front them some gambling money.
Unless BB approves. Notice the last ACP is named “BB Bribe”, so like everything else in the game it all depends on the whims of Production as to how they want to force the outcome.
Ahhh yes I missed that. I remember Vanessa studying the rule book for hours last year! I know other players have done it, but maybe we didn’t hear it in the feeds. Derrick bought Cody or Caleb (can’t remember which one) a truck. Never could figure out why that happened. Lol
Absolutely right Grendon! Production just may have gone too far this time. I have read so many posts and people are extremely unhappy about the James/Nicole thing. I for one have no intention of watching the last few weeks of Corey and Nicole under the blankets on a twin bed in the Tokyo room saying…Corrrrreeeyyyyy! Serioussssslllllllly! Barf.
No matter what happens. Production has obviously influenced too much this season. Especially the last 2 weeks.
Its a travesty they are allowing a jury back in this late in the game. The argument that production wanted Natalie to put up Victor and Paul to take out Paulie in that, just DOES NOT FLY… because Production could have very well cancelled the buy back. ( People did boo it last Friday when Julie announced it ). Rightly so.
There might be some truth to Production wanting Victor gone, so he CAN come back as an all time comp winner.????
Frank. some like him. Some don’t. But he is the ONLY person not to get to take any advantage of a jury return. He missed the first one by 1 week. and is not in the jury to compete for the second. Which even more legitimizes the unfairness of jury buy backs divided like this.
It has been hinted at, that they have been persuaded for the season of this showmance stuff. Kinda pushed into it. You can see obviously see it, by how they have turned out.
The Care Package has had the ability to mess up honest play.
We aren’t watching a contest as much as we are a near scripted ( manipulated ) orgy of a mess. Look at who they recruited? Borderline mental issue cases.
I think they introduced the care package as a new twist for the fans to be Involved in the game.
BB18 is starting to mirror the show UNreal more every week.
PAUL … you have said some things I do not particularly care for as have most of the house guests but overall, I think you have brought a lot of humor into the house …. enjoyed your SS detail and the enthusiasm with which you embraced it … Friendship Time with Paul is entertaining … doing the house guest impersonations with Baldwin was pretty funny … and I even enjoy your PP alliance with Pablo. I think your humor should put you in the running for America’s Favorite Player.
Meetch needs to get over herself. For a self proclaimed superfan she should know you play with strategy not emotion. Putting Nicole up serves no purpose other than to feed meetch’s ego because she hates Nicole on a personal level. Fact: Paul won Veto. Fact: Paul will pull himself off the block. Fact: this will be there only real shot at getting vic out of the house. Fact: one Juror is coming back, If Nicole is the 5th juror then Paulie will get back into the house because he will steamroll over 4 girls. Fact: If vic gets evicted Paulie gets his wish to gollieths battle it out and I hope vic kicks Paulies ass.
Meetch use your freaking head for something other than a hatrack Natalie won the HOH you are just the co HOH because of a care package you didn’t win HOH, so don’t get to deside on your own who the replacement nom is.
For meech, getting out Nicole serves two purposes: breaks up a showmance. Send out a vet which is something she wanted to do since early on.
She wants to work with Vic/Paul so it’s no surprise she would rather Nicole go over Vic.
She should not have put up Paul in the first place if she hates Nicole so much.
Exactly! I thought she would have put up Nic to begin with? Everybody complaining about Nat… But Its Meech that made the mistake? Putting Nic on the block, would’ve solidified her loyalty w/ paul & vic. Plus, w/ paul winning the veto, he would’ve, most likely, took down vic. She would have been in a better position now, although she is still sitting pretty, because I cant imagine her being target #1 for anyone. She chose to ride w/ james and nat, and she might pay a price for that.
Only your first two statements are facts that Meech would know.
Meech has said why she wants Nicole out. One, because she would be taking out a vet. Two, because she would be breaking up a showmance.
Production played a heavy hand in who meech nominated. She said Nicole right off the bat, then after talking to Nat and a trip into the dr, she came out going the entire other way. Now she has reverted back to Nicole but doesn’t have the votes.
Meech knows James and Nat are working with Nicory. That’s why she point blank asked Nat then told her James will not vote out Nicole. Meech also said Nicole controls Corey. Meech is not stupid. She also knows that Nicole lies! Nicole doesn’t just rat on people she lies about what they allegedly have said. Meech knows Nicole is a snake and can’t be trusted. It is not about jealously, it’s about being afraid of being bitten by a venomous snake.
please save Victor 🙁
If they vote Vic out, fingers crossed that he battles his way back in a 2nd time! That will almost guarantee him the win if he gets to final 2. I HATED Vic at the beginning of the season, but after seeing him clean the shower, he’s my fave!
JENNY … indeed being evicted twice and battling his way back into the house both times would certainly be a big achievement for Victor to use as part of his argument to win the game should he make it to final 2.
Yes, being evicted twice is a real coup. What a feather in his cap. Who wouldn’t vote for a guy that had been sent out of the game TWICE. If he had started earlier he might have been evicted three, maybe four times, increasing his standing as the frontrunner most deserving of the win. I remember those quaint old days when being evicted was a bad thing and actually meant you were done. How naive we all were then, it was like the Dark Ages or something. We’re all much more enlightened now where being evicted multiple times actually means people think you deserve the prize. We live in such interesting times.
I’m pretty sure whatever buy back comp we get it’ll be a fairly short one as the viewer will have to know by the end of the show. Then again CBS may have already decided who’s getting the care package so who needs votes?
Since the Dairy Room told Natalie to work with Nicole and Corey, I assume Corey will get the next care package. I will vote for Victor, unless it looks like he is going to leave, then I will grit my teeth and vote for Paul.
What if CBS is having a jury member return because they want Paulie back in the house? Maybe that is who they want to win. I just we could have a shoe that production does not interfere with the outcome.
I think I am one of the last hold outs that didn’t think production had such a heavy hand in the outcome of the game. I guess I just didn’t want to believe. But this season with the slips by the players and the personal family intimacy among people like James, Nicole and Paulie (totally not cool to new players) I finally see it. Like finding out Santa isn’t real.
Thanks for the laugh. I meant to say “if” Santa wasn’t real.
Sorry that you are just finding out but it has gone on for years, sometimes very subtle other times like Jeff’s season (they just give it to them) or Rachel’s 2nd time (hanging on the banana) it’s not so subtle.
What I hate is CBS telling us who to follow.
Chima’s season many people went to CBS.COM and complained people even went as far as to get a hold of the people who advertise on BB and Chima was removed.
I know they produce this “reality” show but why does CBS like such vile or bland people, this year would of been unwatchable if not for Vic and Paul but yet they want to force Nicole and James on us.
Years of getting participation trophy’s has made most of the viewing audience think we can only raise the bar by lowering it.
Ah, Squabble, you are so right, but take a second to reflect on the hilariously ironic scene that our beloved Production showed on Friday night’s show. Sweet, not-so-innocent Nicole (whom we have not seen all summer outside of the covers) finally emerges from her “cuddle fest” so we viewers can get an insight into the type of player she is this season. As a viewer, I was curious. She is bedraggled, alone, and inconsiderately applying nail polish to her toes over a leather bench. The metaphor begins: she is shown as clumsy, inept and clueless. Just like her game playing. The remaining question is whether Production intentionally wanted us to see how worthless she is even when she gets her ass out of bed; whether Production in some strange way thought viewers would think that bumbling Nicole is somehow endearing; or if Production showed that because it was the first time they were able to film Nicole outside of bed (unless a comp is happening where they can show her falling).
Right on! I also thought they made Vic look like a poor sport with the cracker issue.
Santa isn’t real???!!!!
‘Course I’m real. Look at the smile on the Mrs, I slip something into her stockings every night. Ho ho ho!
Evel Dick has said that Production will try to influence the game and that is why they have younger players instead of older players. They are more easier to manipulate than the older players. He wanted to get Eric out but Production told him not to. He did it anyways. He said that Production does not care about you and have their own agenda.
Not going to lie, I can’t wait until Thursday. Shit is going to hit the fan! Put Nicole up Michelle – ruin her streak. Victor will be back and he’s going to put James on the block for sure. I hope with Snorey.
Snorey….. LMFAO!
Borey was also fantastic!
Bbad was so bad I like fast forwarded through all the conversations, come on this is what happens when winners and strategist don’t tell the floaters yo grab a life vest lol. 1 real game player left Paul all else need direction like children, nicole maybe buy she only cares about herself ppppplllllllleeeeaaaaassseeeee don’t put me uuuuuuuuuppppppppp
Agreed. I find myself FF through most of BBAD these days. For me it’s mostly because I honestly don’t care who wins this season. I have not found one single HG to root for.
Thank God for Fast Forward
Keepers Meech, just make a choice already.
After you called PAULIE out I voted for you acp thinking you would really shake things up but no you can be swayed by whomever is speaking to you at any given time. I would like to see her nominate Nicole just to give nic a heads up she’s not above getting put on the block.
They all know Victor needs to go and will vote him out and I hope he wins the buy back as I find him truly entertaining. This season much more fun to watch then the last.
Part of me hopes they do evict Vic this week and he battles his way back in AGAIN and then puts James and Nat Nat up together. He’s the best candidate to beat out Douchéfiore and return to the game. I am going to be thoroughly entertained if that happens.
Michelle wants Nicole out…James wants Vic out…or Corey…Nat doesn’t know who she wants out, Vic or Corey, but I feel bad for Vic, but he’s the strongest player…and the circular conversation continues. I haven’t been able to watch more than 10 minutes of BBAD because of this nonsense, but at least I’m catching up on my sleep.
Don’t act shocked and disgusted! Production has always been involved in manipulating the game thoughout each year. Trust me, we’ll have the same conversation next year.
Let’s see if production puts a thought in James or Nat’s head about a juror returning this week. Doing so results in the two going back and forth rethinking their strategy now until Thursday to make Vic fans think he has a shot at staying. BB has done that repeatedly to us.
Nicole, needs to stop saying things are weird when someone other than Corey are talking game with her. Michelle wants Nicole out because she sees Nicole as a threat to her game, because if Nicole wins HOH, Michelle is going up. Michelle has to realize that her CO-HOH re-nom doesn’t matter because james is going to do what he want to do anyway and that is to vote out Victor. I don’t know why they keep asking her. Just vote already!!!
Simon?Dawg – I don’t have the live feeds but I was reading on Joker Update that at 3:45 BBT last night Nicole and James were warned in DR and then Nicole “has to say on camera that she cant get James a “gift” and James had to make the same statement about Nicole. Statements in the 4 oclock hour BBT
Apparently they talked about giving each other some money (F4) if they won the game.
Just wondering if this has affect in the game–sounds like James was upset and went to bed after he made
his statement.
If this happened does it make it more/less likely that James would save Nicole since he just got called out on what could be viewed as bribing each other ? Or is this all just business as usual for BB ?
If James was upset about production making him tell the cameras he can’t give Nicole anything, my guess would be that he forfeited some money. Either a portion of the stipend or his $5k from the veto comp. Of course James didn’t even read his contract and didn’t know if he could get the stipend plus the final money. The vets apparently can get both according to Nicole.
Simon/Dawg, I too saw a lot of this talk about the Nicole/James’ deal talk and BB calling them on it on twitter. I don’t have the feeds and didn’t see any mention in your updates about it. Any chance you can go back and cover it for us so we can get the whole story?
Sure will once I get home.
I would LOVE it if Bridgette was the winner of the Buy Back! Thursdays gonna be great!
My dream final 3……..Bridgette, James & Natalie. Yes, James & Natalie are making the absolutely correct move to get out Vic. So would you if you were playing for $500K!
But Bridgette would deserve at least the AFP if not the whole win!!!!!!!!
C’mon Bridgette!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ll be posting the pov ceremony results but updates won’t be until the afternoon
The ones to worry about are the ones no one is worried about. Michelle should put up whoever she wants. Why does it matter if they are going to send out victor? Nicole on the block would be good because she needs to feel the heat. Plus, she hasn’t been on the block yet. Why is Nicole so special? I wish it wasn’t victor going. He’s my favorite and he makes me laugh. I’m going to miss him. I’m really hoping he wins buyback. Paul and victor worked and struggled to stay in the game but we’ll be stuck with whiney and borey and the other dumb (fake) showmance.
Any entertainment will be gone and the rest of the season will be a snore.
What an F’ing drag.
So yeah Michelle do whatever you want. It’s your HOH and what does it matter?
I agree. We will be left with endless shots of crazy eyes and dingus congratulating themselves and saying “can you fricken believe we made it this far Cody?”, and James ramping up the “my girl” stuff that I know already makes Natalie cringe and change the subject. Two clueless losers lost in their delusions…and they are the experienced. players.
If it was rigged, how could production not want the antics of Paul and Victor for entertainment. There is no one crying out for more tv time for nicorey…victors loan shark routine with Baldwin was hilarious. I think the activity was to gather the filler alternative tease they insert into every episode. I hope that Paul drops a couple last minute nukes on Nat…James will burn Nicole if “his girl” orders him to vote do nothing Corey out on thurs…a stiff d#&k has no conscience.
I don’t want victor to go!!!
Tough shit. Not your call.
I just love the big tough internet warriors. *rolling my eyes*
I am SO OVER production interfering YET AGAIN for another season!! Can’t they just let things happen. Why can’t they just give the fans what the fans want – and that is to have strong competitors in the finals. Vic is SO well deserving of this spot for all his battle back wins and comp wins and HOH’s. Paul has an impeccable social game, is funny, smart and a great strategist. He won when he needed to and is loyal to Vic. I am so disappointed in James as I rooted for him last year and was so hoping he would have been loyal to the final five of James, Natalie, Meech, Paul & Vic. IT SUCKS that he is actually wanting to save NICOLE & COREY. Big Brother production your casting of NATCOLE and boring as hell COREY SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS. Start casting more super fans and STOP bringing back vets that only want to get a boyfriend in the house and sleep. Nicole should have stayed with Hayden but then again he was too good for her. Corey is USELESS and a complete IDIOT. I swear, if there was an email or phone number to call CBS Big Brother production I would be calling non stop and sending emails to them telling them they SUCK and they need to just stop interfering in the game. Natalie HATED Nicole this entire summer and Nicole talked so much crap about Natalie but they are now aligning and working together? Are these people that stupid? If I was on the show, I would tell production to go fuck themselves and stop trying to change my game. I am a loyal player and want to ride to the end with the 5 that got out Paulie. Shut the hell up and leave us alone. Ugh. I’m heated and I am probably NOT going to watch after Vic gets evicted this Thursday. JAMES YOU PIECE OF SHIT short asshole – Natalie will NEVER date you and you don’t deserve to win this game for being a prankster the entire summer. That whole schtick is getting old. VICTOR & PAUL – vote for America’s favorite player. These are the only two that should win. And, Meech – stop being so BI POLAR – stick to your guns and make sure that you get your target out whether it is Nicole or Corey. You need to save Vic – you better get James/Natalie to come clean to you.
Thank you for saying that Hayden was too good for Nicole. I look at Hayden vs. Corey in every category-looks, personality, humor, intelligence-and I see no contest at all. Hayden wins hands down. Nicole has spent so much time talking about how Corey is the best looking man she has ever seen, he’s too good for her, he’s so smart, he’s so kind (unless you’re a goat) and he is so perfect-she didn’t think men like him existed. Considering Hayden is probably watching or at least has friends or family members watching, she is basically saying that Hayden was nothing. Nicole is not the sweetheart she makes herself out to be.
For the last few seasons that I’ve been reading these posts, (thank you by the way!) I read comments about production interaction and manipulation. Is this known information by someone who’s been there? Or assumptions? I think it’s possible that maybe when players are in the DR they are being asked questions that might lead them to think of what their next move should be, but I would be disappointed to think that they were being directly told information by production.
I love how this game makes armchair psychologists out of us all. We can all sit back and say what these players should be doing. But they don’t see and know what we see and know. Great no matter how much you hate and say you’ll never watch again if such-and-such happens.
Haven’t you seen ex players (I.e. evel dick) that say point blank production interferes… dick has said he was told by production not to evict dani’s boy toy because they wanted the showmance, but he ignored them. he also said that he would always have to hide his intentions and not make deals until right before eviction because DR always told other players…. he is just one of many. wake up.
I am awake, Some people here are way in to their bubble. I asked a simple question. NO. I don’t watch every interview of every past Big Brother house guest. You assume everyone here sees what you’ve seen and knows what you know. I watch the show and read here once in a while. I have a life outside the Big Brother bubble.
I’ve been watching a Lifetime show, UnReal about a Bachelor type reality show where production essentially scripts each program for “good” TV. It’s my guess that the BB production does the same. Too bad since the BB premise as a social experiment could be good. Considering that the ratings this year are high, well over 6 million viewers per episode, you can bet that production will continue to do its thing.
I watch UNREAL also and I am convinced there are a bunch of stupid ass production assistants that are each in charge of a house guest and they also set them up and feed them information to sway them. That show is the BOMB! I love it and it really shows just how twisted these so called REALITY shows are and how the people are manipulated by Hollywood. Sad, really. I guess they purposely look for weak minded people to play Big Brother.
After last night’s convo with James/Nat/Meech, wherein J&N tried to convince Meech that voting out Vic is the best move, I think she’s going to shock everyone and nominate James today. That way if Vic is voted out she becomes Paul’s #1 and if James is she’ll temporarily join w/Paul & Nat against Nicorey. This would ultimately put her in best position to be in F2 with everyone remaining (P/Nat/C) except Nicole.
She’s already proven she’s not afraid to go rogue and I predict she’ll do it again today and nominate James.
Oh crap on a cracker. I’m sure that most of these people are perfectly nice in real life, but you’d be hard pressed to believe that by some of their behavior. And good God, that bathroom! Production should tell them they took a swab from the toilet and shower, and it showed e.coli, staph, MRSA, etc. Which raises the questìon who is liable if someone gets sick? Victor should get $5,000 just for cleaning it twice.
Sorry for the rant, but piggish people really piss me off.
They are just nasty. If they are on TV and everyone can see how they live, then how do you think they live behind close doors. The only HGS I seen that was neat and clean were Da’Vonne and Victor. Production should make them clean that house up. I would have to walk around with a mask and gloves on everyday or self evicted myself living in that filth. SMH
Give us a break! Back even from the beginning players have offered to give the other something to get further in the game… The only reason production pulled that shit is because the last care package is a bribery! Bunch of crap! Production, you are the biggest “Player” in this game!!!!
Showdown between Vic and Paulie….I think Vic may will win and come back again waste of a week…
Just watched BBAD. So nutless James has issues with Vic because Vic had confronted James for his lame pranks. I get it now. I can’t believe Jame’s vote is the only one that counts this week.
All voting aside maybe I am just a stick-in-the-mud, but I don’t find James pranks entertaining at all. The living space is so dirty as it is and his bs just adds to the mess…which then has to be cleaned up or just creates another layer. Victor is a clean freak so of course it grosses him out. I remember in the hide and seek comp everyone’s clothing got tossed, except James … Victor tossed James so he could share the pain. I agree with others, James plays to the cameras and thinks he wrote the book on what “America” wants to see, and has schooled Natalie to do the same. I know Vic and Paul “talk to the camera” to a certain extent as well, but their little chats have been more conversational until now where Nat and James are more “look at me, love me, give me”. JMHO of course, not worth anything.
Back when Vic was complaining about the pranks this place universally thought he was being a baby. Just saying.
why is Meech talking about nominating Nicole when the summary box at the beginning of this topic already shows james as the replacement nominee for Paul who won the veto?
I think you’re looking at the Have Nots box.
Meech’s last brain cell died with that brownie production slipped her…
All she had to do was tell Victor and Paul, about Natalie and James saying Vic had to leave, and Paul would have told her to put up James…
What is the only way James doesn’t control the vote?….put James on the block and Meech controls the vote, bye James…
Nice Carepackage choice
Paul votes. And whichever two of the following are not on the block: Nicole, Corey, James. How do you think Meech controls any votes? It will be Paul against whichever 2 remain off the block. Only hope is for Nat to use her “charms” to convince James to vote the same as Paul.
Corey and Nicole would still vote out Victor…
um, no, then nicole and corey control the vote. it really doesn’t matter who michelle puts up. either james controls the vote or nicole and corey do. vic goes in both circumstances as i don’t see james, nicole, or corey flipping.
Do u actually think if James was on the block next to victor that Nicole and Corey would vote him out? There is no way that would happen.
Nicole and Cory would still vote Vic out
I guess meech and my last braincell is burnt
Sorry, but Meech,s brain is stuck on stupid. Why protect Vic? He is using you as well as Paul. They have kept u locked in that room for 2 days now pumping u full of their crap. Are u not the slightest bit suspicious of them? You have a better chance teaming up with the other side. You will not beat Paul and Vic. They have already said they are taking each other to final 2. Nat wants to take her to final 3 then it’s everyone for themselves and am unsure what Nat would do if she gets to pick who goes to final 2.
Natalie has “broken record syndrome”………Give it a rest and LET IT GO!!!!!
Nicole and Corey and Natalie and James are using Michelle. That’s 4 against the three on the other side. Natalie basically told Michelle that victor was out the door.
It will be Michelle and Paul against the showmances. They won’t stand a chance.
I think James’ American Fav Houseguest win last year has gone to his head.
It’s funny to listen to everyone every season talking about how this game is rigged for a certain person each season. First it was for Frank and once he was eliminated, it was for Paulie, and since he’s eliminated its for James and Nicole now… Yes I think that production puts ideas in there heads but so does Survivor when Jeff is talking to them at tribal. It makes them think more about the game and not just go with the group. Cause as we saw the past few seasons, it gets boring when one alliances rules the house to the end.
Ok, I’m going to pretend to be Meech. Scary I know.
Strictly from an advance my own game move, I make a deal with the devils(Nicole & Corey) to not put them up if they vote out James.
That means Nat doesn’t play in the next HOH and is the target, with no one protecting protecting her. Meech also agrees to go up as a pawn, since she also doesn’t play in HOH. This secures Meech as the solid #3 with both Paul & Vic and Nicole and Corey. As a super fan she gets out a vet, someone who won AFP and who hand my been on the block all season. Gives her good game cred. And will make for exciting feeds
Don’t know where stoner is reading that James was
Nominated as the replacement but that could settle it if
James really wants to get Victor out why doesn’t he volunteer? If he truly believes nic & Corey are his allies
They would vote out Victor and James would be off the hook for blame on the deciding vote. Talk to Meech James I’m sure she’d agree in about 3 minutes.
I think its really funny that Michelle was trying to get either Nicole or Corey to volunteer to go up and neither would give her the satisfaction of making the decision for her. Love that they frustrated her and didnt give her what she wanted. Meech wants Nicole out because Meech has called Nicole a snake several times to her face and many other mean things behind her back. She doesnt like her on a personal level and YES it does come from complete jealousy. Meech is a pathetic wannabe. Her scar fb accounts, her mean spirited caddiness towards Bridgette over Frank, her flirtation with the boys and crying about wanting a showmance but saying she’s too ugly and no one wants her… she is pathetic and Im glad Corey and Nicole didnt feed into her manipulation of trying to pit one against the other. Out of everyone left in the house, Meech is the worst on a personal level.
I don’t know how to feel about this week!!! At first I’m irritated because I like Vic and feel like he is the only one left worthy of winning. I hate it when someone who hasn’t done anything all season wins. Nicole doesn’t even have a good social game because no one really likes her. The only reason she’s been safe is because he was protected by Paulie and Corey. Others who were against Paulie and crew made themselves into targets. If there were no jury buy back this would be a great move. Because I don’t doubt they can get Corey and Nicole out easily. I just hope that when Vic goes he comes right back in. I really don’t like Paulie mostly because of his attitude towards women (yes, Vic and Paul were douchey in the beginning but they toned it down, paulie just kept it going up until he left). He would be the only one deserving of winning. He has won the most comps and ruled the house the majority of the season. Either way, James and Nat are probably screwed. If Paulie comes back he will certainly be gunning for James/Paul. I just wish they had better BB instincts and said, “hey let’s wait this week out in case there is a buy back.” These HG really are not that smart. BB usually has 2 DE, and no way would they let their “return ticket” plan go to waste. Yes, Vic has a good chance at beating Paulie in the buy back…. but just in case he loses it’s way better to have him in the house to face Paulie. Odds are if he comes back he isn’t leaving any time soon. Also if Vic comes back I’m sure Nat/James/Nic/Corey are going to be his first targets…. Meech can just play it off as she didn’t know. I think production just really wants a Vic/Paulie show down.
There is no guarantee that victor will come back in. That’s why I don’t want him in danger. I’m pissed that Natalie put him in that predicament. I don’t want to be stuck watching Paulie come back in with his gloating face. Nor do I want DA’ or zakiyah or even Bridgette back. Although I wouldn’t have minded Bridgette if things had gone differently in the house. I’m bored to death with the stupid showmances and pissed as hell that production pushed to keep Nicole and her bump on a log BB boy Corey.
Michelle, please put either nicole or James up on the block so I can see them squirm!
“I’m pissed that Natalie put him in that predicament.”
Awww. Should someone’s favorites be exempt from going on the block? Poor baby. Nat was a meanie to you.
People can be unhappy that their favorite is on the block. That’s pretty normal.
Blame Michelle. She called out Nicole last week…should have put her up and asks the guys to protect her. Dumb move.
Ratings are down!!!!!! This season has been getting poor ratings than other seasons.
Obviously no one cares to watch Nicole give hand jobs under the sheets or Natalie middle school flirt with the nerdy Asian guy.
This is terrible. My least favorite season.
So stop watching. There’s not a gun to your head.
I have stopped watching. Me and about a million other people according to the tv ratings.
This site is way more entertaining than the show.
These fake showmances are unbearable to watch.
I’m pretty sure they didn’t show the handjobs on the show. And Jatalie has been one of the most popular attractions all season. So it’s other reasons for ratings to be down.
I think its funny how there all tellin meech its your co-hoh so you do what you want, yet they are all telling her who to put up and manipulating her except corey and nicole cuz they already know there not going anywhere…lol… plus nat tells her if we want to win this game we need to get vic out now, meech says so it really doesnt matter who i put up then??? DUH!!! They keep telling u they want vic out yet u keep saying i want nicole to go and they talk like nicoles the best thing since sliced bread…haha sorry not a fan of borey/ratcole… I think Thursday’s episode will be eviction and then wall comp with jury buy back one end and hg hoh like season 15 wall comp… Hope vic or bridgette come back prefer vic… Cant wait to see James face when he finds out someone from jurys comin back and hes target #1…
How is Corey winning the BB care package poll???!!! Have you all been watching the feeds or the show? The dude does nothing.
Many of the people who vote in the polls are different people from those who come into the comments to all share the same opinions.
Because Paul and Victor are on one side and Corey on the other. The people not on Corey’s side are causing a split. If we’d back one house Corey wouldn’t be winning.
sure looking great now win it all!
Apparently CBS is delaying voting for care package because they are doing jury buy back thursday after eviction and now allowing returning juror in the cp poll… so not sure if any votes casted already will be voided out since juror back wasnt on poll…
Unless I have this whole ACP wrong, no votes have been cast yet. The CBS website has not been open to vote. If I am wrong, will someone clarify.
On another site:
On another site: 11:30 AM Victor kids Nicole for doing her hair because she MIGHT have gone on the block.
Looks like Meech nominated Corey!
Buh Bye Victor…………c’mon Bridgette!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t see the appeal. Vic is okay I guess but his little bearded troll buddy has been obnoxious since day 1. I don’t get it.
It’s funny to me that people are so mad at Vic being on the block and bashing people for it. You all know damn well it’s a smart game move and you’d do it yourself.
We, the viewers, have different priorities that the players. We don’t want to watch boring houseguests (C & N) and we want strong players to win (V or P).
That doesn’t explain the personal attacks.
Did Michelle put Corey up yet? I wouldn’t mind if by some miracle Corey went home.
Would actually be funny.
Did anyone else hear Natalie say “Cheech, Chang, Chong” in an Asian accent? Michelle was like “what did you just say?” And Bratalie repeated it. James said jokingly about her being racist. Wonder if CBS will air that? Wonder what Aaryn thinks?
I don’t like Nicole either but if they don’t get Victoria or Paul (who is starting to act like Frank) out soon they won’t have a fighting chance of winning.
this what I think happen this week
victor get vote out pual win hoh
victor wins back in an Nicole and corey turn on james an nattile for
what they did to pual in victor next it be james an nattile on the block
victor wins pov keeps the nom the same james go home
I can’t wait to see James’ face when there is a jury buyback. He has been strutting around shooting down Meech everytime she suggests it. Maybe Nat will realize James isn’t the BB wizard he tells her he is.
I’ve come to enjoy the online chats here and other sites much more interesting than the show.
The comments here are more entertaining than the show…
Some people dont vote for those who are on the block. Now that corey & vic are up that poll should change. We can ask Simon & Dawg to reset it on Wed. Voting doesnt start until Thurs after thee eviction and the jury buy back person comes back into the house.
Paul and Vic are not my favs but if James (or the rest of the HGs) fall for Paul/Vic’s pretense move like Mich/Nat did, (I,m laughing at how gullible Mich/Nat are) then kudos to Paul and Vic, they deserve to win…