Meech “Battle Back doesn’t count as comp wins! If you think you’re compared to the greats, you’re not!”

11:20pm – 11:30pm Backyard – Paulie says even when Da left the house she pulled Vic close and told him he better win HOH because they’re going after you in a double evic… Like who the hell does that?! Meech says yeah.. Big Brother blocks the feeds. Michelle says I am starting to like her (Bridgette). Hell has frozen over. Paulie says maybe I will get picked to play in the veto .. but I don’t want to be put in the position to choose between you or Z. Meech says I wouldn’t want you to choose either. Paulie says it would just be a tough call because I don’t know what his intentions are for the week. I think she is staying calm and I think you should too.

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HOH room – Vic tells Corey about his conversation with Big Meech. If anything it made good tv. Corey says and then the beads when she didn’t catch them and they fell on the floor.. I almost lost it!

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11:35pm – 12pm London bedroom – Paulie says I was trying to think about .. like how are we going to convince one over the other. I know Paul and Vic are dead set on wanting Z gone. Paul put that in Vic’s head. If next week is a double evic .. we have literally no time to smooth it over. Z joins them. We just trying to figure out if Bridgette should go first. Z says she’s been pushed back. I know she’s injured but .. Paulie says I think we can convince Vic to put up Bridgette as the replacement. Z leaves. Paulie says you can eliminate two votes so we can make it happen. James says if I strategically make two votes disappear .. they better be leaving. James says I have to use it. Paulie says in order to not raise suspicion to Paul and Vic you should use it on the girls like Bridgette and Natalie. James says I’m already on Bridgette’s sh*t list. Paulie says then Nicole and Natalie. I personally do not want Michelle hanging around too long. Z has made it clear she is going after exec (Vic) and Paul.

11:45pm – 12am HOH room – Nicole says its really important that Paul and Vic think that Z is the target until after everything is set. If the start to think we’re going to change the target they’ll pull someone down. Paul reminds me of Frankie.. more and more. Corey agrees but says except he’s not that good at comps. Nicole says its a good day .. that I’m not on the block. They head back down to the kitchen.

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The NEXT America’s Care Package
WEEK 3 – August 7th to August 12th

The good news is the holder of this care package will be safe for the week. The bad news is the house guest must also wear a “Super Safety” costume all week long.

[polldaddy poll=9491180]

87 thoughts to “Meech “Battle Back doesn’t count as comp wins! If you think you’re compared to the greats, you’re not!””

  1. VOTE ZAK OR MICHELLE FOR CARE PACKAGE. They are so amazing and don’t deserve any of this hate, i hope they beat paulie and the rest of those scummy boys. #queens Also everyone make sure to check out Ariana Grande’s new music that she’s releasing!

    1. Michelle and Z deserve exactly what they are getting both so annoying, my vote will not be for them at all, hoping they both go in the double evict, but don’t hate them, I don’t know them enough to Hate them. I don’t Hate anyone! anywhere!.

      1. – “Michelle says I want to say ” Battle Back doesn’t even count as comp wins “.
        What universe does this girl live in! I thought Z would go to weaken Paulie without a direct shot but she is sooooo anoying she will end up getting voted out by her own actions.

  2. These girls come on, u can’t think vic pulled these names out of his ass with no coercion come on ladies wake up

      1. But, sadly, she’s gonna kept straddling him with her bare a$$, sleeping with him, and feeling worthless if he doesn’t pay attention to her. She has no self-esteem.

        1. Her lying all over Paulie in provocative ways is the only way she knows how to play the game… So sick of these girls only relying on their “guys” info about the game.. Get in there and play!!!!! Dumb…. dumb….

    1. Most exciting player left, keep her and see the excitement going.

      Has there been a more devilish player EVEEER?!

    2. TeamMeech what planet are you on???? Let’s be real here. The ONLY loyal fans Moonface Michelle has are the ones related to her. And it’s quite obvious YOU are related to her. Renee (her sister) is that you???? I can’t wait to see that moonfaced bitch of a bully finally get her ass kicked out the door. Dumbass Michelle seemed to forget that plenty of us fans actually see the unedited Michelle on BBAD. Karma’s waiting for her and will get her soon enough. I had to laugh out loud when she was begging for a care package as if anyone besides idiots like you actually like her or respect her non-game!

      1. Big MEECH.. She is currently not in a showmance so I am cheering for her.

        The longer she is in the house the bigger the train wreck she will become.

      1. Not that I want either PP to win, it would be funny if Paulie came in second place like his brother. He has been planning on winning and lording it over Cody at family dinners for the rest of his life. It would be even funnier if this eviction was an elaborate plan on Vic’s part to take out Paulie, but sadly I think he is to clueless and also doesn’t have the balls

  3. As much as I hate the guys in the house, Michelle going on the block really is sweet poetic justice. Karmas a bitch, and her and z have been sitting pretty doing nothing but making snarky comments to other people who have been on the block and have taken it with grace. Regardless of who leaves , I hope these people open their eyes to what’s really happening or they might as well write Paulie the cheque. Pathetic really.

  4. Meech “You would think the people we’re with would be mad but they’re not.” Sweety, that’s because they AREN’T with you! Your entire alliance is on the block.

    1. is meech actually in an alliance with those 4? are the 4 actually in an alliance with each other, cuz it doesn’t look like it.

      and look at Z finally wakes up ‘i bet paulie did this’, yeah, he did, so too late now to do anything about it, not even that leg humping thing you call strategy is going to help.

      1. I don’t think so. Z & Meech seemed to be loyal to Da (even though Da was quick to suggest Z go on the block instead of her); they haven’t been loyal to Nicole for awhile, and she moved on as well. These people change alliances constantly and it’s hard to keep track. Meech acts so betrayed that Natalie and Nicole didn’t tell her about Da going home, but she’s NEVER been loyal to Natalie, and she and Nicole clearly don’t trust one another. It’s silly. Meech & Z are LITERALLY just letting the game “happen” to them. At least Natalie is TRYING to figure it out lol.

    2. I can’t believe this group of HG is just going to give Paulie the cash. As many time he has brought up Derrick and Cody name a light bulb in my head would have come on by now. Paulie is playing Derrick game. Wake up Nicole, James, etc etc get your mind and heart into the game and off this nomance. We need Paulie and Paul gone.

  5. If Vic really wanted to make a big move, he would work with James, somehow pull down either Z or Meech, and put up Paulie. James would then cancel out the votes of two people voting to save Paulie. But, I guess it’s wishful thinking that Vic or James would have the guts to do it.

    1. By getting out Z they do weaken Paulie’s vote by one. It would be great to have Z and Paulie up there. I bet the campaign to NOT use the veto will be strong from PP

  6. omg….the stupidity of the females this yr is maddening…glad Lames can’t win anymore packages…this one was a waste on him anyway. Gonna vote for Bridgette for the safety… just bc I can’t stand the others

  7. I honestly think Victor is thinking about winning the veto to backdoor Paulie. When he was talking to Meech she reminded him that Paulie backdoored him and Victor said “I know, I haven’t forgotten.”

    1. Omg I hope so. If Victor won the veto he could use it on Meech then put up Paulie. Then he could talk with James to vote out Paulie and cancel Paul and Coreys votes (because they would mostly likely vote to keep Paulie). Then Meech, James, Natalie and maybe Bridgette would evict Paulie. Nicole would be the only vote for Paulie because Paul and Coreys would be cancelled. Best game move this season right there!!

      1. That would be fabulous, so fabulous. This is my dream too, that Vic had this planned all along.

  8. Bridgette for America’s Care Package “Super Safety”. I think she is still the best bet to take a strike at PP

    1. Super Safety doesn’t do anything but make her safe for the week. If you want to give her real power wait for the Co-Host one.

  9. Should we reward Paulie the 500k now to save time or hold on to hope that someone other than him came to play Big Brother this summer?!

    1. What would you do if she read them then killed herself?
      Would that make you feel good?
      I see the dark side is strong in you.

  10. Meech: “I dont want America to think that I’m mean…”
    (2 weeks ago… Meech: “Frank said youre not one of the mean girls… ahah I’m actually the meanest!”)

    (2 weeks ago… Victor: “When i get back to the house, my number 1 target is Paulie. he backdoored me”)
    Victor: “You (Paul) me and Paulie to the end! Execs!!”

    (2 weeks ago… Corey: “… *crickets crickets”…)
    Corey: “… *crickets crickets…”

    1. LOL agree with everything you say except Victoria. That girl was SO clueless! And remember all the time she spent primping in the bathroom? She was so concerned that America would think she was a floater. That’s the only thing she was good at 🙂 “Bless her heart.”

      1. The most valuable player this season has to be the hammock when Corey got up smashes Nicole’s face to the ground. The hammock has a backbone. Cannot wait to see ER nurse on the block.

  11. The only reason Michelle is so damn upset and throwing a pity party is because she’s coming to the realization that Bridgette will probably last longer than her. If Bridgette can make it through the Double Eviction and we all vote for her to receive super safety, she won’t have to worry about being nominated for the next 2 weeks. I’m really hoping that it works out for her. Michelle and Z were so nasty to Bridgette. Now they can feel what it’s like to be up on the block against your best friend and have everyone against you.

      1. True – the problem with people who are Aholes in the BB house, they are also Aholes in the Jury house.

  12. I’m so happy those girls Michelle & zakiyah are feeling uncomfortable. Stupid not at least try to talk to people,especially the HOH. There are things they can do. It must be a very bitter pill to swallow. They go on with the mean. That’s all they have.
    Too bad- so sad.

  13. I absolutely LOVED Paul sitting there telling Z he had NO IDEA that Da was going home. He couldn’t believe it, didn’t see it coming. Sitting there telling that to next person going to jury. Your boy is working those jury votes. . . . . . . . . . . . .

    1. He is working the jury and I think Paulie is starting to see that he is and he’s getting a little pissed.

  14. No comparison. I’ve been watching this season and wondering why it feels so disjointed. I then re-watched the entire season 16. Now I know; this cast is not playing BB. To be specific, the girls are not playing. The faux showmances ,the crying, the laying down when things get tough, the begging for a “win” during endurance comps, and the general lack of game is appalling. In 16, the girls had balls (yes, balls). When they saw the writing on the wall, they did not just stand and read it, they reacted. Yes, they got played, buy they PLAYED. Why do these girls simply give up? What the phuque is Zakiyah doing slathering the sack of the person that not only scolded her, but is obviously lying? And what in the heck is the “super fan” doing-sleeping, eating, shitting, crying, and whining? There is a severe lack of game play by the girls in this house. Go back and look if I’m wrong…even Nicole had game back then when she managed to pull her face off of Hayden for five seconds. This is guys bashing submissive women on the head like cavemen while they laugh, not only behind their backs, but in their face in the case of Z. Not sure what caused this, but is is a regrettable death of a once exciting franchise. Please girls, get a grip, and I don’t mean on the bone of your, er, lover, and realize that right now, the men women ratio is even. Make a move…stop crying, pining, whinign and losing and take control of this “game.”

    1. They won’t make a move. Bridgette is bitter towards Z and Meech. And Nicole is obsessed with Corey who is obsessed with P&P. If none of the girls win HOH soon, we already know who the final 4 will be. Paulie, Paul, Corey, and Nicole. Final 3 will be Paulie, Paul, and Corey. Bridgette doesn’t even talk game anymore. All she does is ask what the plan is and hope for the best. Nicole hasn’t won one comp. All she does is beat Corey off and does whatever the guys say. Just like last time. And Bridgette decided to lay down and die after Frank left. Yet, Da and Z get the most hate on this site. ???? Z needs to stop being mesmerized by Paulies’s ugly lying ass and at least try to save herself. If she continues to be clueless, she deserves whatever she gets. Meech is a lost cause.

    2. Spot on! That’s why we find ourselves rooting for Natalie who knew NOTHING of the game coming in. At least she hung on & fell just before Victor. And Bridget, she’s made some tactical errors but she’s fighting, trying to bond with people she doesn’t like and who have treated her like crap. She’s at least fighting for it. Z is already insinuating she’ll pass up a veto for $5,000 if it’s a Reward/Punishment comp. If you can’t be nice, and you can’t win a comp, at least SCREW with peoples’ heads! Do something. This is a sorry representation of women who love Big Brother.

    3. Maybe they should try a season with all gay guys and straight women, then there would be no showmances….just kidding people

  15. Well, hm. Ok. So a waist of an eviction. But, whatever. Goooo Max-Z keep riding your man baby. Don’t open your legs for nutin.

  16. Lil Pee is playing Big Pee. Did you see him working Z and BM………..”I didn’t know”, “they knew what I wanted”….oh Big Pee you think you got this in the bag LOL..Lil Pee is going to take you down.
    I think this is going to be a bitter jury…..should be interesting.

    1. If Victor and Paul do not take a swipe at Paulie (if they have the opportunity this week) their odds at winning is low.

  17. Nicole, swallowed her foot, when she said she would save Michelle in front of Z. Then said to Z, oh I forgot you were on the block. Really, Nicole!!! SMDH Now you want to play crazy. At least Michelle and Z don’t believe what Paulie and Nicole told them.

  18. to all the bb fans so thrilled to see frank tiff and da get the boot hope your enjoying this snoozefest.. not to mention jozea and bronte at least they were more entertaining than meech and z.. i know i know your praying for pp to get axed next which of course will only make it infinitely more boring.. you cant have your cake and eat it too america

  19. Victor IS making BB history. By being one of the dumbest players in history. He is playing to help Paulie or Paul win and I think it’s hilarious. I can’t wait to see the look on his face when they send him to the jury house next week after he is done doing their dirty work. I really hope he has a backdoor plan. I doubt it though. He’s too far up Paulie and Paul’s asses to make that happen. So oh well…Bye Victor you dumbass! Nobody deserves the care package. Just end it already. This season of Big Brother is probably the worst I’ve ever seen. And that’s only because I didn’t watch the season that had all the racists.

  20. Watching bb after dark and what a difference in z’s demenor with Paulie. Another one who is going to watch and feel like a fool and if he is in the finals she will vote for him to win.

  21. It’s like watching the Titanic. Already know the ending. Just hand Paulie the check now. These people are annoyingly stupid.

  22. James has absolutely no backbone and is two bollocks short of a package. If his care package said he could evict two people immediately he still would not have the courage to get rid of the PP twins. I wonder if he goes through life agreeing to anything other people want, even if he knows it is wrong. Too darned submissive for my liking.

  23. I’m focused on the future right now because this season is officially over with.
    Going forward, since BB19 is going to be on CBS ACCESS I think that it would be real interesting if the viewers voted for the nominees to be on the block. Voters pick the renom if necessary , and voted out who we want evicted. Or, do like in BB1 let people decide who they want evicted. Just a thought

  24. When Z and Michelle were in the bedroom Michelle was gorging herself on the bag of chips, just watching her I wanted to scream lick the bag already! This season is pretty boring everyone just doing and going along with the 2 p’s. Production should tell them to step up there games the fans are getting sleepy. Snore!

  25. I think there is starting to have a crack in the alliance. Nicole and Paulie are doing everything to try to get rid of Michelle. Nicole even suggested not to let Victor and Paul know in case they win veto and want to pull Michelle down. If they do this it will create trust issues between them. Paulie is too much of a narcissist to let anyone take that power away from him. He will never let Paul keep Michelle over Zackiyah. Paulie can’t handle not being in control it’s not in his nature.

  26. There is a new group now SPF (Sausage Party for Five).They are going to get rid of the remaining brainless girls and then whoop it up with Red Rover Red Rover have Corey bend over.More booze and five quarts of vaseline need to be ordered!!! James Is a little rat a-hole and Paulie’s bitch and snitch.

  27. And they are keeping James because he doesn’t even need to drop to his knees to serve his leaders. He already talked about what it would cost for him to take a load in his mouth. I think he will do it for less, much less

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