“me, you, Sis, Nick, Christie that’s 5 right there we can get the whole house to flip”

Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household Winner – Holly
Have note are: Jessica, Nicole and Sam
Nominations are: Sam & Nick Kat
Power of Veto Players are – -Holly, Sam, Nick, Cliff, Jessica and Tommy
Power of Veto holder – Nick
Power of Veto Ceremony – Nick used the POV on himself Holly nominated Kat in his place.

Powers in the game

Christie – Panic
At any of the next four Power of Veto Ceremonies, Christie can turn the Golden Power of Veto into the Diamond Power of Veto and allow the current veto holder pull someone off the nomination block, but instead of the Head of Household naming the replacement nominee, the veto holder names the replacement.

Field Trip
America votes for 3 houseguests to go on a field trip that will put one houseguest’s game on the line

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2:10 pm Jack and Sis
They talk about how Jackson is sketching them out
Jack wonders if Cliff is with holly/Jackson or them.
Jack says Jackson is trying to divide them.
They’re worried about CLiff, Nicole or Jessica.
Jack – you look great
Sis – yeah its because you work me out

2:16 pm Jackson and Jack
Jackson – I don’t know if I can trust Sis and Tommy. Straight up I really really don’t. Tommy is fighting this thing f*ing hard I don’t think we should tell Tommy about we know her and him went and started a new alliance
Jackson – that is why he’s fighting so hard because he is strongly allied with Christie. He even said it to me.
Jackson – my gut is telling me I can’t trust Sis and I can’t trust Tommy
Jackson says that Kat is telling him that Sis is trying to put a wedge between him and Holly.

Jack – Kat and Cliff are trying to turn the six on each other.. the information they are getting fed is a bunch of bullshit. I think it’s a crock of sh1t I thin they are saying Christie and Sis is doing stuff because they are trying to turn it. Cliff is f*ing Brillant.
Jack – Kat and Cliff are feeding you misinformation cause I’m hearing the other side and they’re hearing it from Kat and Cliff
Jackson – what do you mean you’re hearing the other side
Jack goes on that the other side is feeding Jackson information “they are manipulating your mind and making you feel insecure about Christie, Christie has your back and wants to make it to the 6”
Jackson – so Nick has been lying, Sam has been lying Kat’s lying, Cliff’s lying they’re all lying on the same lies. they all have the same stories at different points the same details.
Jack – yeah
Jackson – if that’s the case it’s the most elaborate orchestrated f*ing scheme since the JFK assassination
Jackson – so you are telling me that Nick almost 2 weeks ago was telling me shit Christie said. Sam and Cliff are telling me shit details that only came from one of us six. Kat has turned on the people she’s had since day one to work a mastermind plan with Cliff week 2 to work against the 6 before they knew the 6 existed
Jackson – is that what you are telling me
Jack – that’s what I’m telling you

Jackson – I know you have blind faith in Tommy, And Christie and Sis.
Jackson – you’re telling me before the six was even a six they’ve been scheming this from the get-go.
Jackson – Don’t think about it emotionally .. you are playing with emotions right now and you know that. The facts are facts dude. Show no love, love will get you killed
Jackson – how the hell does Cliff know about the rogue vote.
Jackson – you’re heart is way too much into this .. I know it’s a hard pill to swallow I f*ing know
Jackson – he planned that too you get what I’m saying. Christie has talked about you to Holly directly. Holly told you that that has nothing to do with Kat, Cliff, Nick or Sam that there alone debunks your theory. She has vocalized it to Holly. Unless you spin this and say me and Holly are spinning this to break up the six then you are just going out on a limb and I can’t help you

Jackson – the girl is playing this house like a fiddle and she’s worked you from the inside out.. Not in a disrespectful way I’m being honest i’m telling you factual information I’m not trying to sugar coat it for you

Jackson – do we need to implode the 6 no that’s not what I’m saying bit they can’t be trusted
Jackson – to thin that Christie or Tommy wouldn’t take a shot sooner than later at either you or me is naive she’s vocalized it to multiple people in this house. Unrelated people
Jackson – if Nick, Sam, Cliff, Kat are working together why did Bella go home, Why Did Cliff why is Sam, They have more numbers than we do. I don’t make sense Jack
Jackson – we both know your heart is invested with Christie and Tommy
Jackson – they’ve pulled at your heartstrings.. you have to be able to severe this shit and analyze fact from fiction and listen to the things I just laid out to you
Jackson – what I just told you is beyond a reasonable doubt that’s guilty in a court of law

Jack – I need to thin on it. Are you trying to win this HOH
Jackson – YES I need to
Jacks – there’s a lot of people gunning for this HOH

2:44 pm Tommy and Jack
Jack says there is no way he’s going with Jackson
Jack says Jackson is trying to split them up.
Jack says they need to pull Nick in.
Jack – part of his sale he’s heard stuff that he has Kat and that kat and Holly knew each other going into this ..

Jack – those 2 are tight
Tommy – they’re a secret trio
Jack – I don’t think they are a secret trio .. the fact that Jackson has slept with both of them
Tommy is pushing that that trio has 2 locked votes in jury.

Jack – part of me is thinking they put this in the water to flip it
Jack – we can’t keep Sam.

Tommy – how do you know they know each other … I knew it I f(*ing knew jit
Tommy – we can get Christie to vote out Kat and we Kept Sam. That’s three people in jury that know each other.
Tommy – I want to keep Sam and I want him and Christie to make up
Jack – no way
Tommy – it would be f*ing everything.. he (Jackson) doesn’t want kat to go home
Tommy – me, you, sis, nick, christie that’s 5 right there we can get the whole house to flip
Jack says the only people they would have to worry about is Cliff, Jackson, and Holly.
Tommy says he knows Christie doesn’t want to get rid of him.

Christie walks in.

Tommy – I kinda want to flip the house.
Christie says she already knows Kat, Jackson, and Holly is a trio ..
Tommy says they pull in Sam and Nick to take out Holly, Jackson, and Cliff.
Christie – Kat told me if she won HOH she would backdoor Jackson

3:00 pm Tommy, Christie, and Jack
Christie swearing that she never said she would put Jack up. Jack says Jackson is trying to get him to join his side.
Tommy – he wants the 6 to split up
Jack fills Christie on the conversation with Jackson.
Tommy and Jack push that Cliff, Kat, Holly, and Jackson are in an alliance
Christie – do we have the votes to flip?
They say they need to talk to Nicole, Nick, and Sis.
Jack says he would rather move with them than with Jackson.
Christie – I feel so played
Jack – Jackson’s good
Christie – not by Jackson but KAT, how f*ing dare you
Jack is still worried that Jackson is playing him so that they Keep Sam.

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Simon who do you want to win HOH?


Exactly! It can be…Nicole, Nick, Jackson, Cliff, uggg Jess, and whoever Sam/Kat stays. Any of them will do. Then put up Jack and Christy. Then make sure any of those I mentioned for HOH and add Holly to win veto. Then Christy’s power is useless and one of those 2 goes! See….it’s simple. haha


The thing is I think the group needs to take out one of Jack/Christie or Jackson this week, wash rinse repeat add Tommy to mix next week, wash rinse repeat until all four are gone. Holly/Sis are the least worrisome.

Based on that order the ideal HOH winner would be Jackson or Cliff (b/c the other side will expect that from Cliff) so he targets Christie & Jack this week then whoever remains on their side attacks back to take out Jackson or it’s a DE & Nicole suddenly rises up to take out Jackson (that would be lit right?).

At this point the underdogs will have control. Sis has always wanted to work with Nick/Sam anyway. Anyway the underlings need to play this right & I honestly don’t think it behooves Sam/Nick/Nicole to win tonight.


Please add Jackson to the must not win HoH list

Ungr8ful Bottom Feeder

There is no hope.No matter how many flips splits and broken alliances Christie will come out on top.

Feeds Gold

i just want good entertainment

Club H.O.H

Nicole for HOH! She’s the only one that will take down the 6tds!

Feeds Gold

send it!


I would hope sam wouldn’t since he has finally seen her for who she is. But Bella seems to have given christie nick’s balls b.c he is all over them.


happy to see a flip but seriously doubt it will happen they make it seem like all this strategy is happening day of the vote but when it comes down to it this crew has shown they’re too chicken shit to actually do anything so bold we shall see

Hoping for a flip

: (


The reason I’m buying in to it is b/c of how suddenly Jack/Christie & Tommy are ALL talking about Holly/Kat knowing each other. Another Name noted Tommy overheard something the other night but for Jack to tell Tommy about it & then Christie walks in the room & also says it —- it kind of feels like this is production driven (& based on Christie having no issues with keeping Sam — that makes no sense given the last 24 hours).

Feeds Gold

christie is fuming she got burned/played by her ‘wife’ kat

christie hates to be not in control and made a fool of, especially by someone who was a basket case a few weeks ago

jackson told jack that he knows hollie/kat…christie overheard the 3 discussing it the other day


At least a flip would lead to some drama!!!! And kinda shocked tommy is all for it he usually wants to please everyone


Yea but now Jackson is coming after his baby and he knows that would ruin him too


Holy shit if they actually flip and Sam wins HOH next I hope I wish he backdoors jack or Christie

Summer Gowen

That would be so pleasing to watch…

Hoping for a flip

They should just throw the hoh to Christine because she still has her power. In fact, why bother with the effort of having an hoh she’s had the last 5.

Guy From Canada

Holy hell, Did Crusty really just in intentionally orchestrate keeping Sam? Is Jackson really have his head in the game instead of a rashy crotch(s) and did Christie/Tommy just flip the script so send Kat out cause she is a number for Holly/Jackson? Big brother 101, never put your ally on the block….,if any of these douf-@sses have watched BBCan you should know this from some recent seasons….. If Kat goes I’m sad, if Sam stays I’m less sad?




They will! Who cares ! at least the 6 is broken now
No matter what


Thats what I’m saying!! I’m so frickin anti- Christy, Tommy, and now apparently Jack lol


It will be crazy if Sam were to stay, win hoh put crusty up beside jack nick win POV and not change any thing. Tommy Jackson and Jess go on field trip and Jackson get penalized to have no shot at hoh next week.


Oh if we could only hope. Talk about a blindside lol I would love to see Sam stay and then Christie go home next week.

Not getting my hopes up though. I expect Sam will leave.

Feeds Gold

christie filled in, is fuming about kat the rat, and jackson dodginess

all the points i brought up earlier for a potential flip are being discussed by six shooters including kat/jackson/hollie knowing each other

flip in the works…i had a gut feeling it may happen in my post in the previous thread, but thought it was a 1% chance

looks likely now!

if sis/jack/tommie/christie join nick to save sam, sam/nick i think will be loyal(i dont think they flip back to jackson/hollie as hollie put them up and wanted sam gone)

Kathie from Canada

Looks like the bromance between Jack and Jackson may be winding down!

Ungr8ful Bottom Feeder

They both screwed up.Jackson in trusting Jack and Jack in exposing his loyalty to Christie.

Feeds Gold

doing this flip, if the new six with sam/nick included stay together, even if they dont win this hoh, they have christies power one more week, so if two of them are up, if they win veto and use the power to get jackson on the block(or holly/cliff) and they have 5 votes they need

i dont want them to tell nicole as it would kinda ruin the blindside as nicole would tell cliff/jess, who would tell kat, who would tell jackson/hollie…i really want to see this blindside happen just to see the look on jackson/holllies face


Oh Jack you brainless lug. For the first time in this game you are hearing the truth but since Crusty looks like your ex you don’t want to face it. Well all the better for us…we get to see the glorious look of betrayal on your face when Crusty puts you on the block

Jon Bon Ovi

Would love to see Jackson’s behavior if they flipped. He would probably lose it and show his true colors lol


Jack and Jackson are at the beginning of end of the bromance even if they do vote out Sam. This talk will eventually get back to Jackson and it will be world war 2 between the 6. Jackson is pretty much telling the truth Christie was going to come after the couples she said that I don’t care what she says. Jackson underestimated how close Jack is close to Christie, Jack just ran and told Christie everything. Once this shift happens the people in the middle are going to be super important to get their votes Nick, Cliff and Sam(if he stays). It’s going to be interesting to see how it plays out…I think Nick will work with whoever is willing he needs a lifeline so does Sam. I don’t care as long as Christie leaves soon!!

Club H.O.H

If this flip happens dammit I’m going to have to rebuy my subscription since I canceled it hahah.

I'm Holly, but Not Jason or Michie's Holly

While I would love to see Sam stay, I’d rather see Hollie, Jackson, Nicole, Jess, Cliff, Nick, and Sam team up. However, Jess is so far up Jack’s backside, I don’t see her teaming up with that side. Jack, Christy, Tommy need to go! The only person I don’t see ever winning a comp is Jess. I think Nicole can win some of the smart ones, if she focuses on it and doesn’t freak out. Unfortunately, production is probably planting those seeds to only disappoint us again.


I agree…the cat’s outta the bag…the 6 is over, so it doesn’t matter who stays. We just need it to get back to Holly and Jackson so that side is fired up. The only concern I have is that Christy has misted enough of the floaters so I don’t know if they will be thinking right when the time comes to pick a side.


Actually now that you bring it up didn’t Jess almost win HOH (questions) but came in 2nd to Jack?



another name

Jess did come in second. In the what color are the fireworks pattern recognition hoh.


If the vote flips, this season may just become semi-interesting. I would love to see Sam stay and win an HOH.


The last time they did the flip with Cliff and Nicole on the block, it didn’t really work well for them. Cliff ended up coming back and then one of them would’ve likely gone home, except Christie’s power saved them. I’m not a fan of the alliance of 6 but I’m all for their silly moves. It breaks them apart and makes this a brand new game. I’d hate to see Kat go at this point but I would rather see Sam stay in this game over her. It’ll be interesting to see what happens tonight and who wins HOH.


OMG, Do I dare hope this is real ? Come on BB Gods , make this happen ! Jackson getting his game blown….priceless!

Feeds Gold

if it happens i actually prefer this scenario of sam staying as it will be 6 on 5, a nicely balanced side v side with cliff exposed playing both sides…if it went the other way i think the southerners and cliffs angels would steam roll too easily

this will really pull nick in, showing him they want to work with him again, and sam(unlike ungrateful nicole when she was saved) i think will remain loyal for a while, and perhaps he is officially included in their alliance now

the biggest winners of this other than sam who survives are nick and sis, both close to sam

sis will go from losing a close ally to keeping him, plus kat going who was after sis…and hollie and christie, both lose their side piece kat, which brings them both closer to sis…jackson who was considering nominating sis is now on big time defense

the key point of not wanting 3 people that know each other in jury was huge…also getting someone like kat out is kinda difficult with so many big targets, so its the perfect time

im happy to see good gameplay – good reads from jack/tommie/sis on jackson/hollie, and even though christie was making alliances all over the place, she is loyal to those 3…just need christie to make up with sam with the help of sis/nick…sam did well to hug christie and say its just a game earlier…and the fact sam v christie blowup didnt occur and they kept christie calm will majorly help sam/christie repair their game relationship

i really hope it goes through…i wanna see jackson go apesh!t, and fake hollie turn into full superb!tch mode

this is the move i would have done if i was in there in their position


But everyone is forgetting that Jackson wanted Kat to go as of last night and I haven’t read anything different today, It was Holly that insisted Kat stays. If this goes through Jackson will get what he wanted – today.

Feeds Gold

he wanted nicole gone…he prefers kat to stay as she is more of a number to him than sam, who is closer to nick and sis


I knew it would be TOMMY that would be the one who really pushed this we could see it brewing last night when he kept dropping those subtle hints.

And by the way — how OBVIOUS is it that all of Tommy, Christie & Jack all suddenly know the girls knew each other. Granted Another Name made the point Tommy overheard something so he could’ve told Christie but Tommy never told Jack & then acted dumb when Jack confirmed that info. ONLY reason this DR leak feels okay is b/c it could end up with Sam staying. TPTB must recognize if Sam leaves the season is lost.

Now PLEASE Sam/Nick/Cliff RECOGNIZE THIS is your chance to break up the six & don’t be dumb by going right back to letting the six dictate. Keep the focus of Christie/Jack/Tommy on taking out Jackson/Holly & vice versa. Then once one is gone try to win DE (presumably) to take out another big fish and OWN the numbers in the house.

Please oh please let this happen — could we still get this season saved?

The audience is going to have a heart attack if it happens with people likely being upset for Kat but thrilled for Sam.

AND so will I — sorry Kat BB 101 NEVER EVER VOLUNTEER to go on the block (especially as a renom). Likewise Holly — you don’t put your ride or die on the block especially when your gut told you all week not to put up Sam (that alone should’ve made you cautious about putting up Kat too).

Feeds Gold

cliff now exposed playing both sides i think he gets too badly sewered for nick/sam to join him

should the blindside take place i predict nick/sam to stick with the 4 that save sam for a while for safety but you never know

Feeds Gold

if sam stays and kat goes home as a willing pawn on her final 2 hollies hoh it will be shades of bbcan 3 godfrey epic blindside when jordan went home on the hoh of zac

that was 5-4…perhaps the same as tonight haha

Feeds Gold

the lady pleazer epicly blindsides jordan…


Summer Gowen

Do you ever think, when people like Jack, go home and watch the tapes if live feeds and etc, what they must be thinking? Jackson is telling Jack the truth and yet Jack believes Christie’s and Tommy’s lies….can’t wait to see her back doored…

Feeds Gold

even though christie made other moves to protect herself, she made a deal with cliff to ensure she kept the jacks safe…she is right to be targeting jackson as he has been sus of her for a while too

as of right now christie/tommie are loyal to jack so for me jack made the correct play for his game…and he will have alot more control than he would going to jacksons side, who have many other alliances that arent including jack in what they are doing(southerners, cliffs angels) and most of them want him evicted


For some reason I do think Jack DOES know there are at least partial truth’s at least, in what Jackson is saying. Look at Jack’s body language while Michie is pointing out the obvious things such as how far back this goes that it couldn’t possibly be a plot of JFK assassination proportions or that so many different people have the same stories over weeks while still voting out people they wouldn’t have if there was a plot in place.

Jack sits hunched with his head hanging while Jackson tells him all these things & the drive it home points of their knowledge of his hinky vote plus Holly telling them prior to all this about Christie wanting to take out the J’s. There is just far too many facts to ignore.

I’d say this is more accurately about Jack wanting to keep the 6S together & all the people he knows had him ahead of the others in the group. None of Jack/Sis/Tommy or Christie would’ve put up Jack first when they got to six — only Holly would’ve (maybe). As much as Jack has been working Nick/Sam/Jess/Nicole & Cliff he felt closer/tighter with 4 of the other 5 members of the 6S. But as soon as Jack told Tommy about the girls knowing each other & Jackson sexing both I think that was the exact moment he made the choice to flip.

another name

If Kat goes home: it’s because of her live vote that necessitated back story on why she would vote for Jackson to leave. You gotta know tptb didn’t want to even hint about it in the edit, but felt there was no choice.
If Sam goes home: it’s because tptb want to keep Kat who is connected to Holly who is connected to Jackson (by more than just instagram i still believe) in play.


I am all for Christie being evicted soon but not before both Jacks (hopefully Michie 1st) get the boot

Red in Blue

Just wondering. If the house flips and Sam stays, who is the real winner here? My guess, it would be us. Who knows, it might even result in either the cry on cue Christie or Fessy leaving. Oops, make that Jack.


I think after this whole 6 breaks up they should take out Christie, Jack and Jackson in no particular order. They are all 3 jerks.

Red in Blue

I know a few LBGTQ members, not one acts so over the top as did Frankie or this year, Tommie and to some extent Christie. I can almost understand Frankie and Tommie since they are show business “stars” (in their own minds).

another name

Or maybe there will be a luck comp hoh… and Jessica will win and we’ll be kraken for a whole other set of reasons.

Feeds Gold

the power of christie still has one more week so veto is key

Feeds Gold

six shooters have broken up into 2 groups for a while i think

christie/jackson have been after each other for a few weeks

jack/christie/tommie/sis have been kinda split from jackson/hollie who have their others they were planning on flipping to (the cliff alliances) fully when the time was right

jack/christie/tommie/sis looks like have beaten them to the punch…taking away one of their key pieces and potentially gaining 2 strong players and rickrolling the hoh should the blindside happen tonight


Actually the more I think about it the more it makes sense, or should I say “Christie sense” that she would flip to keep Sam instead of Kat.

Think about how long Kat & Christie have been talking about back dooring Jackson. As fans we have no idea if Kat really would’ve taken him out or if it was all just her playing with the audience/cameras. Regardless, with Christie learning Holly/Kat knew each other prior & the three are a trio it means Christie can’t just spin this to say it was Sam lying or Cliff plotting b/c she knows if Kat is in tight with Jackson then he’s known about her plotting for several weeks!

It all STILL feels production driven albeit – but I don’t care as long as Sam stays & this is the beginning of the demise of 6S (and ESPECIALLY if Christie/Jackson/Jack/Tommy all leave hopefully 4 weeks in a row. Could be fool’s gold — but I’m investing in this happening big time!

Feeds Gold

same…ive actually enjoyed the season and if the blindside happens it has potential for some really fun feeds

Miss Conception

Remember,vote early and vote often for Christie,Tommy and Jack to go on the field trip and maybe lose one of them in the process(unless the old Grodner fixaroo is in play).

Amanda Knight

I can’t believe Jackson is now somehow a voice of reason. How far we have fallen


A Kat blindside tonight would put a smile on my face for days. Please!

another name

The more i see of the 6, the more i wish the camp theme was camp crystal lake, and we’re all just waiting with our popcorn for jason or his mother to arrive.

Franks fumes

Everybody playing productions game….no flip just talk….they could have a 2 hour documentary of Crusty’s bull$hit playing on a loop on every tv in the house and they would still protect Golden girl.


No kidding – funny how they completely left out the fact she was willing to call Jack’s bullies if they stayed on block re not using DPOV & then flipped it toward Nick/Sam. I’m doing forehead slaps over her edit UGH.


BOOOO Sam is leaving (only 3 votes in but Christie AND Nicole voting out Sam confirms it already).


This sucks.

P.S. On the bright side – I do like Kat (and I liked her speech). Still boo though


Hmmmmmmmmmm safety vs punishment vs nominee — How much does this shift our thinking?

Obviously who wins HOH/is on block this week will affect voting as well. I’m still leaning to Christie/Tommy/Jack to make sure we get one on the block (and also shows the house those 3 are tighter than tight). & Jackson as a security vote if two of the others end up on block this week.

BUT— some on Twitter are suggesting Jack’s & Tommy b/c otherwise Grodner will rig it to be a comp Christie could win.


another name

julie announces the hour and a half since feeds cut have been wild, and they don’t know what’s going to happen.
Well that’s interesting. I wonder who went craaazy. Did Sam and Christie have it out? Did the Holly Kat situation come out? Who cracked?
It’s time for the eviciton episode of Evil Fairy Godmother…..
Another jab at the unsure result to come.
Post nominations… Both Kat and Sam plead their cases. There’s a Pillowcase d/r about saving a guy over a girl. who’d have thunk it.
Gee. in episode time they had poison ivy for about twenty minutes if you add the two episodes together.
Kat in edit admit she is conspiring to break the 6. We been knew. She’s said she didn’t want to be #7 for a week.
Holly edit that Christie has side alliances ummm… Holly and Sis are in one of those side alliances.
Christie exposed. Yay. Followed by Cliff seed planting. Her d/r about the six breakup is from yesterday. huh.
If Holly and Jackson were so worried about Christie and Tommy feel like outsiders…. Jackson’s vocal tone for a couple days did enough to make the prophesy self fulfilling if it hadn’t been true.
Jackson finally gets a d/r. It doesn’t include any of his commentary about feeling personally injured by her comments about being disrespectful to women… so we got some small mercy there. Again by outfit, the d/r is from yesterday.
16 minutes into episode and they’ve yet to explain the field trip. Are they still writing the rules or what???
Sam is going to go after Christie to break the six segment.Christie was never on the bottom of Jackson’s list, despite what he says in d/r. He’s been making comments since she wouldn’t renom Kemi. Just for the sake of reality.
Jack and Jackson talk one. Of four. or is it five… could be eleven by now.
Holly and Jackson’s faces during the talk with Julie seem… off. Of course Tommy has to become mr. centre of attention. all that’s missing is the crosshairs. Yuck.
My read of body language definitely says Jackson is cranky af. like somebody went into the fridge without permission cranky. like they’re out of peanut butter already cranky. yeesh.
33 minutes in… still no field trip info. dang.
The speeches… um well Sam did his prepared speech adding ‘daddy’s coming home’ he’d only add if he was sure he was going. and adding he stayed out of the drama… so it wasn’t sam and christie that went at each other. Maybe it was Christie and Jackson… both look pretty rough.
votes to evict Sam: christie/nicole/jackson/ commercial break..so drama has all been for naught?/jack/Nick/Sis/Jess/Cliff/Tommy
votes to evict Kat: CRICKETS
Why is Kat crying in Jack and Christie’s and Tommy’s arms????? ummmm…. wth… no really wth?
So the vote flipped, flipped back according to Julie to Sam? Goodbye messages are… ummm. blah. sorry i couldn’t save you messages.
Field trip is one nominee gets safety. One of them is a third nominee. ummm. damn. can’t they just be third, fourth and fifth nominee? c’mon. I’ll eat my brussels sprouts. voting lasts longer than a week. what if one of the three highest gets evicted before the field trip??? oh miss congeniality in fourth gets screwed? oh. okay. Whichever of the evildoers disappears for a long time to practice for the comp… grrr.
Head of Household comp: Jury begins. study the images. detail oriented mental comp. We don’t get to see who won.
We get to see that the the six had a sixplosion involving Crusty and Jawson. So are they they sixploded now????


Moved to next page


I hope this is right but seeing NICOLE is the new HOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!