Mayonnaise and the Anteater “which I might add is untrained and from the wild “


11:30pm Playing would you rather. Godfrey is very animated.
“Says would you rather lick off the whip cream from a anteaters n** $@ck or have whip cream put on your n*t $@ck and the anteater which I might add is untrained from the wild lick…
Johnny tells him that is F*** up and Godfrey is f**** up.
johnny tells Godfrey what he thinks of teh aneater

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12:00am Backyard TV Chit Chat..
They joke that Godfrey says Yo and bro a thousand times a day.

They chat about their Twitter accounts

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12:17am Living room Willow, Bobby and Sarah
Lots of family talk.. Sarah in tears at one point because she needs to find a real job and contribute more to Scott. Says Scott hates his job.
Willow – I’m so over slop
Willow – Godfrey is our biggest fan he wants us to call him next time when we work out.. He was like YO MAN you look like a hot lesbian couple.
Willow mentions when Godfrey told her she’s the man and Sarah is the girl and they are a hot lesbian couple. Willow is dressed like a a man tonight.
Willow – If Risha cam in here calling me a lesbian I would lose it on her
Bobby – she was kinda
Willow – she did straight up said.. It’s because I didn’t want her.. sorry Risha.. Patricia..
Willow says for the first two weeks she didn’t know what to call Pilar.. Pila.. pils…
They head to the backyard..


12:35am Ashleigh and Kevin
Talking about how stressful the POV Ceremony was
Ashleigh – Try being tipsy during that thing .. I was freaked right out..
Pilar joins them.,
Kevin says they are lucky the Diapers didn’t get f***d today.
Ashleigh – it could have been really bad for us
Pilar – well duh
talking about how lucky they were with the power going to wau it did. AShleigh mentions if Johnny had won POV Kevin and Who knows would have gone up.
Pilar – who knows
Ashleigh – who knows.. Freaky eh
Pilar leaves.
Kevin – that will thing was pretty crazy eh.. why would she even say stuff like that.
Ashleigh – why would she.. she already asked JP for a final 2 ..
Kevin – we’re weeks to week players.. sometimes day to day
Ashleigh laughs when the second night Bobby was talking final 2 “what’s your name again”
AShleigh saying the people that went home already where the players that thought way too far ahead and got super paranoid.
Asheligh – In this game with this cast you can’t do that you need to chill the fuck out.
Pilar – You’re so smart Ash
Kevin – that is why the 5 of us gravitated together.

1:04am Ashleigh and Zach
Asheligh says the one type of Comp she cannot do is the dates But JP will be really good at that. She tells him to study with JP she doesn’t ‘Know this sh1t”
JP joins them they plan to having a meet in the backyard in a bit to study. just the three of them.

1:11am Kevin and Johnny
Johnny – Looking pretty grim for me eh
Kevin – I mean… ahhh.. have you talk to JP more
Johnny – If I don’t have Pili, Ashleigh and or B
Kevin says B is close to Sarah
Johnny – I made my pitch to them.
johnny warns him about this ‘Couple thing is getting out of control it’s all I hear around here now”
Johnny – Bruno and whoever he’s with are gunning for the couples
Kevin – for sure
Johnny says if Sarah was smart she would go with Bruno’s side unless you guys win then stays with you, “Thats the smart play”
Kevin says right now it looks really grim, “I wish I could lie to and say.. I just can’t”
Johnny – it is what it is..
Kevin – we got off to a shitty start in this game.. anyways I’m going to grab some sleep love ya

1:26am Backyard Zach, Ashleigh and Jordan
Studying. Jordan says anyone that isn’t studying is a idiot and he knows for a fact some people are not.
Ashleigh brings up Bobby telling her that Zach Snuggling with Brittnee and Jordan and the rest of the house knows Kevin is the b@ckdoor target next week.
Jordan – Bobby is so stupid
Ashleigh adds Bobby was asking her who she will put up. (She explains her conversation with Kevin it’s covered here)
They start talking about who the pawns will be
Zach – Pilar for sure
Jordan – I think Godfrey..
Zach – I could do that.. I’m thinking Sarah
Jordan – if you put up Sarah she’ll be so pissed at you…
Jordan asks Ashleigh if they explain what being a pawn will she understand?
Zach says but putting her up they’re protecting Kevin becuase the Chop shop wants Kevin gone.
Ashleigh says they have to just repeat Kev’s name after everything they say and she’ll understand.
They agree when POV is played they take Pilar off the block and put up Bobby.
Jordan says when he backdoors Bobby he’ll break down and cry
Zach – it will be so ideal if I put up Sarah and Pilar
Jordan – don’t do it
Jordan saying he’s super close with Godfrey he can do damage control for Zach.
Jordan says Godfrey is going to sleep all season his this years pawn.
Ashleigh about Godfrey – “He’s so easy to manipulate”

They agree they dodged a bullet today if someone other than Bruno won that POV and Sarah/Johnny cam off the block Pilar and Kevin would have been out up and they would have been f***d

(part 2 video uploading it’s long)

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2:11am Johnny and Zach
Johnny tells Zach about his strategy session with Sarah last night and how Sarah’s and Brittnee’s plan is to flip top the other side if they win power. Johnny says Brittnee’s made a deal with Bruno, stresses the girls will not vote another girl out.
Johnny – You gotta watch for the flip cause it’s going to happen
Zach – you htink so
Johnny – I know so we were down here last night really late (Read the post here )
Johnny – I know Sarah will flip if they get the power this week.. SHE’S PISSED
Johnny thinks it’s super interesting that Bruno talks about a couples alliance and the next day Willow is.
Johnny says Brittnee is SUPER Jealous of Asheligh and Zach, “You can tell”.
Zach says Brittnee would be a sitting duck in this game.
johhnny – Float.. Float back and forth
Zach – she’ll do that anyways
Johnny – Float like Willow
Zach – I wish we would get them out earlier.. they let the big targets fight it out.
Johnny warns Willow, Brittnee are going to float “That angle works”.
Zach says a lot of people have seen through Willow’s game, says He does and so does JP.

Johnny says Bruno is sitting pretty none of the girls will put him up.
Johnny thinks the only players ready to make a big move are Bruno and Bobby vs Zach and Kevin.
Johnny – Do you have Ashleigh 100%
Zach – I have her if I need her

They both would “Die” if Godfrey made it to the end.
Zach – I just need some fricking Chicken man
Johnny scoffs.. “Seriously”

Johnny – we spent a hour out there with Gummy bears.. you and Kevin were green Ashleigh and Pilar were red. Bobby, Godfrey and Bruno where white ones.
Stresses all the scenarios Sarah went over were her flipping to the other side.
Johnny thinks Naeha was right Bobby and Willow have something.
Johnny tells him if he wins he’ll have fire under his a$$ to taek out Bobby.
Zach – he wants me out so bad right now.. cause he loves Ashleigh.
Johnny says Sarah was thinking of going to Bruno before the veto meeting to take out one of them
Zach – everyone is playing the whole field in here it’s a disaster.. I had no idea there was so much flip flopping.

2:56am Everyone sleeping
Before Zach heads to bed a couple paces around the bathroom wondering what to do with what Johnny told him.

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Week One there’s a lot of Alliance but we’ve tried to make sense of it all.. Read our alliance help guide

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43 thoughts to “Mayonnaise and the Anteater “which I might add is untrained and from the wild “”

    1. Players like Pilar or Victoria (BBUS16) are a sheer embarrassment and should never be picked to play in this game.At least Victoria showed a little bit of personality and, at times, she was fun to watch. Whereas Pilar …

  1. What if robyn kass actually got older players and not young ones. It has been proven that older players make wiser desicions, are smarter, and arnt soo arrogant, hence donny, bruno, derrick, and all the casts before bb9

    1. Look at the target demographic for Big Brother. It’s mainly younger women. A cast full of Derrick’s would lead to cancellation, I promise you that. This cast may be on the young side, and I’m not against a more balanced cast, but if they were all in their thirties, no one would watch that. No matter how wild and zany they are.

      1. That’s not true at all. Have you seen the ratings for this show? They’re in the toilet. A house full of Derricks and 30-somethings would provide an intelligent game. The “target audience” you talk about only care about “hawt guys,” romances and booze-filled parties. Pathetic.

        1. not true. i’m a younger woman and would prefer a cast of thirtysomethings because that makes for much more interesting season. i’m an avid watcher of all english language big brothers and i’ve noticed the most riveting seasons are usually filled with older houseguests. give me real strategists and game any day over ‘hawt boys & hook ups’.

  2. I’m so lost as to who is loyal to who. Everyone seems to want their own alliance members out. So confused.

    1. Most are playing more than one side or angle. The only one not so far is Godfrey…and maybe Pillar (but most don’t know if she is aware a game is going on).

  3. Bobby is such an idiot, he somehow managed to talk Bruno out of making such a big move and it’s gonna bite him in the ass next week, I can’t wait to watch his reaction when they nominate him. Bruno is making all valid points about Zack and Jp constantly talking and Zack having all these allies, and yet he doesn’t think he needs to get him out yet? And what is all this nonsense Bobby is spurting about how epic it would be to make it to the end? You’re not the Brigade stop trying to be, he better go next week he is probably a dumber player then Pili, and that isn’t easy to do. I want Naeha back in this house on Wednesday, want her to win HOH, make an alliance with her Sarah, Brittnee, Bruno, and Godfrey and get out everyone else. Probably won’t happen but hey, a guy can dream.

    1. It’s a good dream. At least it would potentially give the diapers and the bro-triangle a bit of a run.

  4. Zach, listen to Johnny, you have the numbers. I don’t like the diaper alliance, however at least this would shake up the house!

    1. I’m not seeing how it would shake up the house. Newport presently has the house on lock and they will just proceed with their in the middle plan.

  5. The Bromudas are underestimating Sarah so much, not that she is a threat with her competition record but she is really good at reading the house dynamics. Same with Bruno, but he is aligned to one of the stupidest person in the game right now.

    Next week is a toss up on who will go, it could either be Bobby, Kevin, Zach, Sarah or Godfrey. Either way the person who’ll come back (hopefully Naeha) will bring so much chaos in the house dynamics.I just hope it’s not Cindy with an S (she’ll just blindly join the diaper alliance) or Graig (who’ll send Sarah and Brit out).

  6. I wonder how Big Brother would affect job opportunities after? Like i’m a student and although BB seems really really cool, the fact that potential employers could see me say things that i’d rather them not. For example: I don’t normally swear, but after some wine and when I hang out with friends I can talk like a sailor- which is fine in private but not for employers haha.

    1. I guess it would depend on the industry. If you want to work somewhere where your (future) boss is likely to watch big brother, maybe it would affect it. I would bet for 95% of all jobs though that wouldn’t be the case, and they would place more emphasis on how you were in the interview and other contact with them instead.

    2. No worries. BBCan seems scared to inject a lot of booze into the game after the Allison melt down last season.

  7. Why oh why is this whole cast so stupid? When in the fuck did BB become such a fucking G rated Disney clubhouse that all just votes cutely together? Time to make some moves!!! Especially on the arrogant giraffe (Zach) and his little sarcastic weasel wannabe BB legend Jordan.

    It’s just getting so ridiculous with that floating waste of space PILI hanging off of Kevy Wevy… Barf spare me and the giggling is just the beyond pathetic.

    All in all this cast is by far the MOST DISAPPOINTING and COWARDLY of all…This BB fan is tuning out and could give two fucks who wins because it’s all a huge joke this year.

  8. Who the hell is there to root for after this week?
    Sarah throws her only real ally (Britt) under the bus multiple times a day now, for no legitimate reason other than jealousy. Britt worked her social relationships while Sarah didn’t, and they happened to pay off this week. Sarah keeps crying about how it’s not fair and how no one is playing for her like this is some sort of team game. I’m getting increasingly frustrated with her. And her sanctimonious attitude isn’t helping anything.
    Britt had a breakdown over a lack of male attention today, after being hypocritical and hating on Ash/Pilar for “thinking they’re on the bachelor”. She’s proven herself to be super petty, kind of catty, and bitter. But I still think she has it in her to at least target JP/Kevin/Zach.
    Johnny is decent, blinded by his love for Kevin, but he’s gone this week anyway.
    Kevin is an enigma to me. I keep thinking he’s smarter than he’s proving to be. He doesn’t seem particularly worried about anything and it’s confusing. At this point he’s just playing for JP and Zach, just like Pilar and Ashleigh.
    Willow, Bobby, and Godfrey are straight up messy.
    Bruno could have made a HUGE move this week and didn’t. He’s a flop.
    And as far as players coming back, I never had a hard-on for Naeha like a majority of the BB fandom. She had a couple hours of good strategy one night where she tried to flip the house and it proved fruitless, but other than that, she just sat around looking grumpy not contributing to pretty much anything. Her social game was terrible and that was the reason she was a target so early on.
    Risha and Graig are automatic no’s for me.
    And I feel like Sindy would just become the sixth member of the Diaper Alliance before being voted out again.
    Why is no one in this cast entertaining on a personal level and also intelligent on a strategic level? I’m trying to stay positive about this season but damn, it’s getting hard.

    1. your 97% right, but you forgot to mention how spiteful and petty Johnny is (that little freebie is on me).
      I have faith in bruno and Godfrey because it takes a good player to know when their are beat…Give bruno and god some credit they figured out the diaper alliance and that, they don’t have the numbers to take out a big player like zac. The best part is that bromuda/diaper alliance have no clue that they are on to them and thats good game play. You better know when to hold and when to fold them and bruno and god do .

  9. I don’t feel bad that Johnny spilled the beans to Zach to save himself. Good for him. I blame Sarah, who told her entire game plan to Johnny (the guy who is on the block with her). tsk tsk tsk Sarah. The sad reality is Zach knows Johnny is telling the truth, b/c Johnny’s story was too detailed, gummy bears and all.

  10. Really good play by Johnny, wonder if it’s enough to get rid of Sarah. Having said so, the disadvantages that they will get by keeping Johnny is greater than the advantages. They will definitely expose their diaper alliance because only those in that alliance will vote to keep Johnny. Also is it really worth it to switch the votes right now? Sarah is one hell of a weak player in competition in comparison to johnny. In theory if they decide to switch the votes Sarah is a complete goner.

    Votes to evict Johnny: Britnee, Godfrey, Bobby, Willow (?)
    Votes to evict Sarah: Kevin, Jordan, Pilar, Ashleigh, Zach

    1. While Johnny was giving good intel, he was digging his own grave deeper. Although he was trying to exhibit allegiance to Zach he illustrated that he is willing to sell out his closest allegiances to stay. Dangerous player to have in the house.

  11. I hate how everyone is so quick to just think Godfrey is effed up for being goofy. God, his “would you rather” game pales in comparison to how strange and messed up the options are when my male friends play that game. It sucks that all these house guests just write him off as being too out there. I for one think he sounds like a fun loving guy! I hope he gets his moment to shine!

  12. okay. I don’t blame jonny for running to kevin and Zach to try to save his skin. that’s part of the game, so I appreciate it. but on a human level, I lost a lot of respect. if he stays, his situation doesn’t improve. he’s still the sixth in a five person alliance. he didn’t just sell out sarah (all’s fair, they’re both on the block), but also britt. so when britt does run to the other side, there’s another group that won’t protect him. so short term you get to stay, as the completely expendable person on one side, and a target on the other. and now, he can’t use the plan sarah shared with him.
    way to improve Zach and kevin’s games.

  13. I really like Kevin. I also like the weasel Jordon haha (good name) But I think *the giraffe* is taken by Risha. Also I like Zach. I like to watch people who can acutally compete. If we get rid of all the people we want to see, we will be stuck with people like Godfrey (I don’t want him winning this game at all…..Ant eaters and them licking ball sacs jeez man ) and Willow even though I don’t mind her I don’t want her winning. Ashliegh or how ever you spell it bugs me too. Im glad people want Johnny out because they think hes a good player and not annoying. Poor blindsided Bobby, its funny but I feel bad for the jealous little puppy.(Ick that kiss)
    I would really rather no one come back in but if it has to be one of those lame shits that have already played their game, I hope its nae too. A little aggressive but we like that 🙂 .
    I think Bruno could win this whole game if they are not careful with him.

    *What? Y’all the second team?*

  14. Great. Now Bruno and Bobby are trying to come up with a name for their new, two-man alliance. I think every people combination in the house has now been covered by an alliance.

    I’m finding Jordan more and more annoying with his talk of, “I’M going to win HOH and I’M going to backdoor Bobby, so YOU just wait and watch ME do it.” Jordan actually makes me LIKE Bobby and I hate him for that.

    Godfrey or Bobby had BETTER win HOH and they had BETTER get over their cowardice and go after Zach next. Bruno was right (and that kills me to say about the coward) when he said that if they take Zach out, Jordan will come crawling to them. And I want to see Jordan crawl.

  15. Well, I’m finally up to Gold Status on Global’s BB site. It wasn’t easy because I can’t watch the clips, even though I can watch full episodes and Live Feeds. And it won’t let me vote on Fan Feed cameras, but I can vote on furniture, vetoes, and other things. Something is wrong with those parts of the site for me. Even though I live in the U.S., I access the site with Hola, so I have the permissions. I just can’t enter the contest to go into the house, which stinks. Let me in for five minutes so I can throw my own grenade into the game. (One that Bruno can’t mess up!)

    By the way, does anyone know what “You have earned points for SECRET 1x today” means? I get that every day but have no clue what it means or if I can do something with it. Thanks.

    1. Fred, the secret points are hidden around the different point grabbing segments. I’m not sure how many you get when you hit the site where they are hidden. They mostly seem to be hidden in the photos, blogs and live feeds. But basically you gain points if it pops up.

      And voting is sometimes messed up for those residing in Canada, so I think it is a site fault and not the means of getting to the site.

      1. Thank you very much, Anonymous, for taking the time to explain all of that to me. I appreciate your kindness. It makes sense now that the Secret Points are just random points you happen on. I’ve gotten the Secret Points every day, so I know they’re NEVER hidden in the video clips because I can’t watch them for some reason. It’s ridiculous how the voting is so screwed up. I haven’t been able to vote for Fan Feeds except in the first week. Thank God the Live Feeds are free because if I had to pay for them, I’d be requesting a refund. Thanks again!

  16. This is so frustrating! We keep getting teased with game changing moves, but they never work out. Naeha has a plan to backdoor Bobby, but the instant eviction messes it up. The double veto could have shaken up things, but it flops. Now Johnny is derailing Sara’s plan to take on the diapers before it starts. I guess watching Bobby get backdoored next week will be good. (If it actually happens.)

    Johnny……I know he’s just trying to do whatever he can to stay in the house, but I’m ticked off at him anyway. Bad move on Sarah’s part, I guess, for trusting her plan with someone who is fighting to stay in the house.

  17. I made a comment earlier. a comment about jonny selling out sarah and britt to hopefully stay in the house. it doesn’t fit with my usual concept that if ur on the way out the door, scorch the earth. I totally endorse the idea of selling out the people that betray you to their enemies. but that’s not what jonny did. jonny sold out the loyal to the betrayers. that’s why I feel like I lost respect for him. sorry for rambling, it bothered me why jonny’s spilling the beans didn’t make me like jonny more. just figured it out.

    1. Exactly….if he wanted to do a scorch the earth fine..but he is just dumping on his only allys and helping peeps who do nothing for him…its ridiculous…hes a moron

      1. He’s probably counting the numbers differently than you are. If the Diapers have Brit’s vote, which is pretty certain, then they have six to four. He doesn’t know what Willow would do either. He doesn’t have the votes to flip with Bruno at least in his mind.

  18. Johnny really disappointed me. Instead of taking the info Sarah was strategizing with him about to SAVE HIMSELF he chose to not even try and then went to Zach and completely blew up Sarah and Britt’s game. What a dick.

    If he really was a super fan he would have seen that the Bromuda Zach/JP/Kevin did NOTHING to save his ass this week, but his ally Sarah (who WAS on the block beside him) spent all night trying to figure out a way to save him.

    IMO he’s no better than the love struck Ash/Pilar for pulling this move and he deserves to leave just for that move alone. It justs feels like the whole thing has production behind it, b/c WHY would Johnny tell Zach that but not use the same intel with Bruno in an effort to save himself.

    So incredibly disappointed by the lack of good game play in the house. Just hand Zach and JP the money b/c obviously anyone with a brain (Naeha, Sarah, Britt) are going to get the shaft by TPTB (the powers that be) to make sure their golden boy wins.

    What do you want to bet TPTB don’t do a Canada nomination this season b/c it would put Zach/JP in jeopardy.

    I’m so mad … Johnny: hope you come to this forum and read what an asshole move that was and you ARE NOT a super fan player b/c taking down your ally’s game who tried to help you is the lowest of lows! Glad you won’t make jury now b/c THIS SELL OUT is what you need to be remembered for! BOOOOOOOOOOOO

    1. Spot on…he’s a sell out lil bitch…scorch the earth if you want…instead he scorches the only peep trying to think of how to save them both….hes a freaking moron

      1. People do desperate things in desperate times. As smart as Johnny is credited with he should have known that this would not save him. This proved that his read on people is not as good as Sarah’s b/c he should have been able to read through all the placating he has been getting from Jordan, Zach and Kevin. It also illustrated that he is not trustworthy.

        Oh well.

  19. If I was Johnny I would have run with those gummy bears to bru/ god/bob/will and told them the plan. Then I would have asked kev n pilli so throw me a pity vote coz I dont want go out like G. BAM! He would have stayed….

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