2:46am Victor and Paulie
Victor – it’s solely hitting me the Sleepies
Victor mentions Bridgette is in the jury with Da’Vonne and Zakiyah.
Paulie says Bridgette would make feminist progressive comments.
Victor misses girls to cuddle with.
Paulie isn’t going to watch the live feeds or the TV show edits.
3:23am they have been chit chatting and eating pizza.
Victor brings up Nicole’s Zing went something like this
“You tossed the game for a showmance you had no chance of winning at all ohh wait that twas this season”
3:27am Paulie saying he’s trying anything he can to get his eyes to shut
3:33am Paul and Natalie have been chatting in the London room for the past 30 minutes talkign about home, the Paulie fights, family etc..
Natalie says Corey is so against Immigration, “his view on immigrates” when they were first in the house all he would talk about was partying
Paul – the way he was preaching .. (Feeds cut)
When we’re back they are talking about Corey not being serious with Nicole.
Natalie says she’s been real with Jame, “James is the first guy I’ve really opened up with.. Modified because we’re on tv”
“He makes me feel good about myself and my experiences in life I trust him”
“He’s guided me through this game.. a lot of people have shunned me and made fun of me I’ve seen them make fun of me behind my back.. I know people talk about me and sometimes I don’t feel good about it I talk to him he makes me feel good ”
“He’s always motivating me.. I knew how real he was and that he always had my back when no one else did So I felt an emotional connection with him”
“I started liking him, I’m not ready for a real relationship. I was open to a showmance because that’s fun for me. I know our personalities are compatible adn we like each other we’re attracted to each other ”
“he lives in Texas I live in New Jersey”
“I work 6 and 7 days a week every week.. ”
Talking about Corey not being able to hold a conversation
Paul – there’s no substance”
Paul says he’s developed relationships with Natalie, Victor, James
Natalie – They were trying to get James to Blindside me
Natalie brings up how they were going to get picked off by Paulie’s side of the house they were almost evicted. But somehow Paul integrated with Paul and Natalie got with James and here they are back togeether.
Paul explains the “Next week” thing him and Victor say in front of Paulie and Corey, Nicole. All season they were targets but there was always a bigger target ahead of them so they were going to be evicted “Next week.. ” Paul says he feels Natalie was a “next week” person to.
Natalie – she didn’t ask to wear my skirt... she was goign to wear my skirt on eviction night
Paul says there’s something he knows about Paulie and Zakiyah that he’ll tell her when the music is on.
Natalie says she knows what it is.
Natalie- home run
Paul – ya
Natalie – ya I knew
They talk about how horrible Paulie was was Zakiyah.
Paul – if we win next week we’re cruising to that last spot the fact we made it to that spot is phenomenal
Natalie – I know Meech isn’t goign to backstab us right now she wants them out (Nicole/Corey)
they agree not to tell Michelle anything important
Paul says she’s a good girl she’s not sneaky she’s like a dead fish on the floor
Paul- she’s so innocent and gullible
Natalie says she’s not goign to be friends with Paulie after this. She’s going to give it a year before watching the season.
Paul – I loved what Zingbot said about Nicole
Natalie – I’m not the brightest bulb in the this house
Paul – I know people think I’m annoying that’s why he told me to shut the f** up
Paul says when Paulie comes out and finds out that Natalie was the person behind the house flip he’s goign to throw up.
Natalie says all it took was for her to tell Bridgette that paulie was targeting her and she as in fight mode.
7:17am zzzzzzz
8:08am Camera pans sowing some of the Zingbot check points
9:30am zzzzzzzz
9:50am ZZZZzzzzzzz
10:35am They’re all still sleeping..
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WEEK 4 – August 14th to August 19th
This winner automatically becomes Co-HOH, sharing all HOH perks and responsibilities for the duration of the week, including choosing 1 of the 2 nominees.
[polldaddy poll=9496376]
I hate Michelle
Well Paulie has two chances left. He has to hope he has the round trip ticket or he needs to make the case to the people voting that he controls four jury votes ( His,Z,Nicole,Corey) that he will use to make sure they don’t win the game.
The girls should just sit back and let Victor,James,Corey,Paul, and Paulie target each other and then team up to take control of the house.
True but the only problem is the girls gotta win something eventually do u truly have faith in them. Rachel Reilly rolling over in her grave watching this season
You are correct in that these girls are no Rachel but if the guys keep picking each other off and they can’t have back to back HOH sooner or later the girls will get their chance.
These girls are weak, naive, gullible… but Rachel was a hideous troll who happened to make it to the end of a game of circumstance – big whoop! if you look up to Rachel, please medicate yourself immediately
Rachael won this game and the 500K prize. Your best work was smacking people with a paddle while you played an internet troll in the HOH competition.
You know the Inquisitor mention OBB on Paulie’s meltdown and his past mental health problems, gave a shout out on breaking news.
They also said they have Paulie sedated and say not wanting him self evict, or making it to Thursday but skipping jury.
I guess it’s a real possibility he’ll quit in some form or another
Rachel was, is and will always be a pompous, entitled, whiny, ugly bug-looking emotional wreck. Then, I had to see her double down her douchery on the Amazing Race. I do no trolling, I just call it like it is. So, like it also is… is that you are probably so offended by my comment because your pea brain has probably guided you to worship Queen Stankness, and now you’re so upset to realize how utterly pathetic you truly are, so in retaliation, you try to throw a tantrum bomb on my freedom of speech thinking you may stifle me. Well, little Miss Plumpmuffin, it’s time for you to sit on a cactus and hug a porcupine while licking a hairy lollipop. Oh, and have a nice day.
Rachel is alive, she can’t be rolling over in her grave…smh
Rachel Reilly’s in her grave? FIIIIINALY!!!
I looked at the last post I wrote to see any responses. I was talking about Paulie’s instability and someone then took my screen name and started saying the exact opposite and defending Paulie. Wow people are really coming on here to do PR spins CRAZY…. FYI It is not my post if it defends Paulie His behavior is cruel and that is not ok even for a game to me at least. I still want to THANK Simon and Dawg again this is the BEST Blog / forum out there.
With next week care package being cohoh does that mean they won’t be able to vote also
That is a great question. I would think yes.
So if 2 HOHs and 2 Noms can’t vote then it only takes 2 votes to send someone home!
I like Paulie’s supposed reasoning for Vic to use the veto…”please give me someone I can campaign against….hmm. Don’t know….Natalie. Yeah, give me a chance”. He is saying this in the most sincere fake way, so comical. So you want Victor to take Corey off the block, which will add a vote to you. And Then for Vic to put Nat up, which will remove a vote against you…I think you are asking for a bit more than a chance to campaign there paulie boy. Delusional much?
paulie telling michelle he wants an alliance, him, her, nicole and corey.
michelle telling paulie, weren’t we in that alliance last week? and corey put me up in DE, and you guys had your 5 or die and put me up to go out same way?
in other words, maybe being in an alliance with paulie is the same as telling paulie you want to be evicted next?
he overstepped and overthought all his moves. he gets zak on the block and saying he wants her out because others want her out and she’s a dreaded girl. corey is saying ‘i don’t like her, happy to do that’ then one thing happens and he’s gung ho for michelle out and acts like he NEVER once said he actually wanted zak out to free him up
well he free now, dude bro
Paulie just needs to STFU. He can’t let anything go: Nat has FT, Nat is fake, Bridgette said feminst things (whatis wrong with equality?). James backstabbed him (after he made personal attacks on Nat)
He is like a broken record!!!!! Net-Net- if he can’t manipulate you and do what he tells you to do OR if you are a women then you are scheming or disloyal if you are a man.
Today, these FT comments are out of line. Medical procedures are not only just to help you function, but many are for self esteem and to make a person feel better. She has nothing to be ashamed about, because she mentioned early in the season she felt lacking in that area.
I am willing to bet, that Paulie or Corey, or anyone that is joking about her FT’s, EVEN VICTOR has, that they have some kind of Dental work or something done. Maybe a crown, some type of work be it braces at some point in their life to fix not only function but self esteem. These comments just make no sense in today’s age. If you are missing a leg, and you want to look normal, you get a prosthetic. Missing hair, get extensions, or a wig. This is not uncommon. Mental doctoring is just as valuable as functional doctoring in that sense if it makes a person live a better life. My 2 cents.
I love you for that kind and thoughtful post…..
So getting dental work is the same as getting breast implants? Losing a leg and getting a prosthetic is the same as cosmetic enhancement of your boobs?
Listen up: Natalie has EVERY RIGHT TO GET A BREAST AUGMENTATION FOR ANY REASON SHE WANTS!! However, her doing so is an act of VANITY- not necessity.
By comparison, I was mugged years ago, and the criminal bashed me in the face with a club, which broke out my teeth. Getting crowns/implants was required just to get my mouth back to a similar state to before the attack.
A war vet who loses a leg in combat has ZERO good choices and has to settle for the least painful and most functional option available to him/her.
I had a hair stylist who got implants. She was already beautiful, inside and out, and I was surprised that she did it. But since I had already been going to her for many years, she opened up to me about her reasons. She was so embarrassed by the shape of them, that she never even took her top off in front of her mother, let alone any boyfriend she ever had. For her, breast augmentation was needed for her to have confidence and to get over the humiliation she felt. She told me the story about the day she had the surgery. Her mother went with her for the surgery, and it wasn’t until the final consultation with the doctor that her mother saw why her daughter was about to have the surgery. Until that point, she thought her daughter was doing it for vanity. Once she realized the truth, her mother started to cry and apologize to her daughter. They cried together, overwhelmed with emotion. And so did I when she told me the story.
CALM DOWN……………jeez
Wow….a bit judgie! Also hypocritical. So it’s ok for you because you feel your reason trumps her reason? How do you know her “natural” breast weren’t malformed? Ya don’t do find another soapbox to pontificate from. Big brother doesn’t seem like the blog you really need to be on.
Yes, my reason did trump hers. I wasn’t envious of anyone when I had my mouth surgically repaired, or my teeth replaced. It was necessary – not vanity or envy. Sorry you don’t see the difference, but there is a difference.
Also, I have seen Natalie’s pics in a variety of bikinis. Her chest was small, not malformed.
Glad your hairstylist got your approval. You sound like a real a#hole
Huh? Sorry you can’t handle the truth. And for the record, you sound like a bigger, vulgar ahole.
So Nic didn’t know if Hawaii is part of USA. You have to love that Meeesheegun educational system. And she made it through nursing school. Go Bucks!!!
Nichole might be wondering if the vacation is only for the continental United States. Which would rule Hawaii out.
Nicole is a style setter. These synchronized swimmers are wearing hooks in their noses that pull their nostrils up and make them look like Nicole. And I thought she got that look from wearing Bondage nose hooks. But she probably just did synchronized swimming and forgot to take the hooks out when practice was over.
And how are you different from Paulie or any other bully attacking Nichole on a personal level. There’s enough game play mistakes you can comment on.
Don’t you recognize a compliment when you see one? I like Nicole.
James has now joined Andy Herren in the Rat Hall of Fame.
So how is James a rat? There never was a legitimate alliance with paulie. Paulies ride or die has always been Corey. ALL his “alliances” we’re just in place to keep his ass covered. Everyone knows this. James helped get paulie before paulie could get him. It’s that simple.
Ever heard of PP?
And last week he was ratting Natalie out to Paulie. Like many people, I used to like James and can no longer stand him.
Is this week the last chance to use the Round Trip Ticket?
I believe so
Thanks Simon.
What if the actual hoh is the winner of acp cohoh ?
Then would it be like a normal hoh
What a difference a week makes. BB18 is no longer boring.
Well it looks like I’m voting for Paul to get the package now
*Michelle’s thoughts: “Man it’s really sad to see Paulie so beaten down and defeated. I mean when I threatened to blow up his game…and revealed all his lies…and went off on him in my speech..and again before veto… I didn’t think they would record that!…wait…is that why all these cameras are in here?…no, don’t record me, I’m hideous!..Maybe if I give Paulie a sympathy vote he will cuddle with me..**cries hysterically***…I miss you Frank!!!
That’s funny! I DO think that because she is an emotional person she has a lot of empathy and she really does feel badly for Paulie. She won’t flip her vote for him, but it’s easier to hate on someone while they are being a jerk than when they are crying and She understands how it feels the moment you lose all hope of staying in the house.
After this conversation I am now voting for Victor for the Care Package to be on the safe side.
Right now I do not think Michelle has flipped but could be biting. I hope someone asks Michelle what Paulie said to her to get her report so we can see if she is sliding… I am wondering if Michelle is still trying to rebrand herself from being #meangirl to the public? Paulie playing hard with her buttering up the sympathy card hoping for a new alliance. He wanting Corey down was for 2 votes, was only to save his neck, nothing to do with keeping Corey safe (Corey most likely thinks he is doing it to protect him). Paulie is still in full on gameplay mode like he should be.
We have a lot of time before Thursday, Victor, Natalie, James, Paul, Michelle have to relay all chats they have with Paulie.
Paul would be a fool not to fight for his life. There have been MANY houseguests over the years that were down and out but able to pull themselves up. I actually hope Paulie does make it. I hope Victor uses the VETO and puts someone else up who leaves. This game has been boring and now they want a Paul, Victor, Natalie and James final four……boring and gross as none of them deserve it. Victor a little for coming back but that is it really. Natalie is a horrible person. Paul is a snake and James is a dunce who follows the crowd.
*Victor’s thoughts: Me.. The Puerto Rican Sensation is close to 10 comp wins!..I will be the best BB competitor this season..no wait, this decade…maybe ever!..Paulie thinks I would take Corey off the block, so he can campaign against someone else…HA!!…never cared…he doesnt count my Battle back wins…he’s telling everyone he threw HOH..well he’s done…I wonder if the fans will be able to Google me yet…ladies hit me #PuertoRican Sensation BB18
LOL that’s her 🙂 I started the seaSon loving Michelle, then couldn’t stand her for being mean for no reason, and now I’m back to loving her again. She is flawed, but she totally owns it and is very self aware of her mistakes and was eventually open enough to get to know Natalie.
Paulie keeps saying he squashed it with Natalie, but he’s still calling her fake and maligning the entire state of Jersey. He takes absolutely no ownership in being a misogynistic pig, a bully, and he was NEVER loyal to James. He believes his own press release.
Let’s give it to Victor. He can’t play in the next HoH and will make the right choice. I hope Paul wins the HoH though, Paul and Victor combo would be awesome!
Vote for whoever you want to win! It isn’t a “group” vote like “voting with the house.” Vote for who YOU want to win. With that said, Michele would be fun to watch by probably irritating the HoH winner, Victor would need it to be safe because he doesn’t have a chance and Cory/Nichole will be gunning for him if they are really playing, and Jame/Natalie just to get a letter, (I believe they are safe next week).
Dawg/Simon you were right about this season being better than the past several. Love the house flipping when the underdogs finally aren’t scared and start sharing conversations.
Paulie-I am so sorry you are on the block and acting defeated. lololololololo (sorry I couldn’t stop laughing) You are a tool and have never shut up about people. I hate the way he treated Zak even though I really didn’t like her meanness. I feel bad for her and the “things” she has done on camera are there for ever. As a teacher, she could be fired for having sex on camera and it being on the internet. We sign a contract that we will act responsibly on social media. This could harm her career, not to mention her professional reputation. Her students are young, but they have parents. Students Google their teachers in high school to see what they can find. I have a teacher friend that got called into the admin office because a student saw a wine glass on her Facebook page and told his rich mom she was an alcoholic drinking all the time and coming to class the next morning smelling of alcohol. Hopefully Paulie’s parents will get him a PR person to clean up their family name now and for him take responsibility for his unattractive behavior.
Simon Dawg, you need to add Mr. Jenkins to that poll, because its popularity is just as good as most of those house guests. From the looks of the poor thing, they going to let it die, so they are essentially evicting it. Care package for Mr. Jenkins
What about Bobby?
Who is Bobby?
It would be funny to add Mr. Jenkins to the poll and see where he stands.
Well Paulie, someone had to make progressive feminist comments to balance out the total sh*tbag comments falling out of your mouth every two minutes. There are many reasons I don’t want you to have the RT ticket, but the biggest reason is I think the jury house will be good for you. Bridgette can talk to you like a normal human being, you can accuse her of feminism, she’ll say “duh,” you’ll (hopefully) stomp home early because you can’t handle the things you dish out and we don’t have to hear your voice anymore.
Who’d have thought of all the things he fears, it’s feminists that get to Paulie the most.
Feminism is supporting equal rights for women, and Paulie honestly thinks it is a terrible thing. Nice job Mrs. Califiore, you should be proud. That is, if females are even allowed to have an opinion in the Califiore household.
Has Paulie ever even mentioned his mom? Most of the other guys are always talking about their moms or giving shout outs to their moms but only remember Paulie talking about his dad, Cory and a couple of times his sister.
As to him making statements about maybe taking penalties instead of baking pies, I think in his mind he is thinking that is beneath him because that is women’s work.
In Paulies defense what would he talk about his mom? With all the French kissing he does with his tank top wearing dad he’s got no time for her
Agreed. Pauline makes this season hard to watch. I don’t know about BB Canada (Simon/Dawg?) but in BB UK and BB Australia people have been ejected for less offensive comments and less threatening behavior than Pauline’s.
So true that Paulie does appear to be afraid of strong women and this is why he was able to manipulate Zakiyah…and currently attempting to manipulate Michelle (unfortunately he may be succesful).
Since Paulie has to bake perhaps Big brother has slipped in the recipe for “Humble Pie” ..he needs it.
Between Corey’s flag costume and Nicole’s safety outfit…together they are a soar for sight eyes!
I think Paulie is intimidated by not just strong women but anyone who is stronger than him. Both physically and mentally. He is a controller and can’t deal with not getting his way. He has no humility. The world revolves around him. He is a true martyr.
Or a patholigical narcissist maybe?? . He lashes out in anger if he cant control you and attacks anyone that figures out his game and tries to get others to attack them
I still find it hilarious and ironic that Paulie makes Nasty comments to Nat about being a Jersey girl when she is Venezuelan by birth . Most funny to me isn’t his Mother and sister JERSEY GIRLS ? I guess with a low I Q he cant comprehend that situation
Paulie really reminds me of not just 1, but 2 tv personalities – Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde: could be the reasons he’s seeing a Psychiatrist? I think he is a real threat to women. He has so much anger in him. I still think he’s in the closet fighting urges.
So Paulie also said Zak is s shit stain? That’s funny coming from someone full of shit. Lol well paulie you licked shit stain, hugged, kissed, and boned, you peace of shit!!!!!
Paul, not Paulie, said it, but Paulie probably would be in agreement
Meech face turn was too good to be true.
Victor cannot compete for HOH. It makes the most sense to give this one to him. This one is too important to trust Meech with. She is easily swayed.
That seals it. I completely forgot that Victor wasn’t going to be able to play in the H.O.H.
Victor for Care Package it is then.
You know….I was 1000% for Michele before this conversation with Paulie. Now………….
Victor for ACP!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really don’t see Meech being influenced by Paulie, It’s probably just the same thing as the bathroom conversation. She’s just using Paulie’s ability to blab to get info to sink his own ship. In the Kitchen fight she was constantly piping up with sh!t he would say in the bathroom convo the day before that didn’t match what he was claiming in the moment.
That being said, I’m still voting Vic for ACP. He’s strategic, measured, calm in the face of Paulie’s constant narcissistic badgering AND he can’t compete for HOH next week, which leaves him vulnerable. Yes to VIC for ACP!
I think Michelle is indeed falling for Paulie’s lies again, who in their right mind would vote for Paulie to stay? Even as a “sympathy” vote that’s too much of a risk, plus the Roundtrip ticket is still in play. Michelle is truly Mentally unstable to suggest a sympathy vote.
What I am afraid of is that all this splitting of votes between Vic, Meech and Paul will result in a Corey win. It seems to me that on twitter I see a higher % of people posting for Vic versus Meech to win it so I may go with Vic.
Gotta’ agree – VICTOR FOR ACP!
The conversation Michelle had with Paulie will likely hurt her in the eyes of Paul, Nat, James and Vic, but won’t have an effect on this weeks eviction. However, I don’t think she should be entrusted with such an important ACP.
Oh, and Paulie – thank you for acting like such a spoiled child who doesn’t get his way. Watching you suffer is an awesome reward for being forced to watch your egotistical BS this season!!
I think you should copy and paste this often.
Vic may not be the brightest bulb, but he acted with calm and maturity when he was backdoored.
Vic for America’s player & ACP!
It might be better if victor can vote? If co hoh can’t vote maybe mich should be the one
Looking at the Care Packages left, I think the next one would be the most beneficial over the last. Now, we’re going to have to follow O.B.B all day to determine what the hell Michelle is doing. Is she too flaky to give this much power too? My gut tells me yes. So Victor or Paul for this week? And whoever doesn’t get it this week out of this week’s option, gets it next week. No soup for Corey or Paulie.
Here’s hoping Paulie doesn’t have the return ticket.
Agreed, Victor or Paul would be the safe bet to vote for the care package. But think of all the possibilities, Michelle could potentially make it a full-filled week of drama to watch on the feeds!!!!
I’m voting for Victor to receive America’s Care Package, after this week he earned it…he followed thru and put Paulie on the block, and it may keep him safe since he can’t play HOH.
Watching Paulie’s transition has been interesting, he went from being cocky and manipulative…to claiming to be mentally unstable.. in need of the money (he bragged about his money/ businesses this entire game)..claustrophobic (so he won’t be forced to stay in jury, and face all the women he evicted/ degraded)… But then always refers back to Cody and Derrick and loyalty/honor…
If he is unstable, I hope he continues therapy.
I have little sympathy for his current circumstance, and believe he is being a sore loser, poor sportsman.
20 bucks says Palsy’s psychiatrist appointments are simply him watching old episodes of Dr. Phil.
Voting for Victor. He needs to be kept safe and he was rock solid this week.
Has it occurred to anyone that Paulie is trying to Dan Gheesling the hell out of this?
I don’t believe him for a second.
Seems like Meech has a case of PauliTITIS – Doesn’t know when to shut up or stop listening !!!!
So if everything goes according to plan they’re will be no more moves this week.
It’s a done deal. Right? Paulie is out for sure. Right?
Ach I doubt it somehow.
Don’t forget Productions plan.
It is absolutely ridiculous to think that Production wants to keep Paulie in the house after everything that has happened in the past week.
I wold rather PAulie stay than Corey to be honest. Paulie will cause another week of Drama Corey will be a week of “Honestly.. honestly.. dude.. bro.. “
To see Nichole’s face if Cory left, priceless. I really don’t care for the girl this season. I tho0u0ght she was stronger and her whininnnnnnng. uck. I just can’t!!
This season?? She’s the same whiny childish snot that she was the first time around! ????
Michelle, don’t you dare fall for Paulie’s bullshit!!!!
I think the only way it matters is if he has the return ticket. And who knows, maybe she’s just playing him for a jury vote.
This is why Michelle cant have ACP4 co-hoh. She is too easilty manipulated. Vote Victor!
Well they were bonding over their hatred of Hillary Clinton (before BB decided we shouldn’t be hearing that apparently) so who knows.
Seriously listeming to Paulie lying, complaining, not taking responsability for his own actions, attacking women and crying like a baby reminds the orange guy the one who wants to make russia great again lol i was planning to vote for meech To get the co hoh but now i would vote for victor. My fav to win vic, natalie or james.
If they don’t start to target the couples I think James has a good shot at winning this.
Really? You like women haters?
Paulie was head over heels for Zakiyah who knew? Give me a break she was a piece of ass he could manipulate and control
I agree. He’s just grasping at straws now trying anything he can to mess with everyone’s head. But it seems to me his upstairs is a padded room and he is in need of a staight jacket.
paulie trying to play a Derek’s game and a Cody’s game but it didn’t work so now he’s gonna tried play a Dan’s game. Not going to work I hope.
If Paulie leaves so do I. He is hot
This is a joke….right?
Bye! Never cared.
*sniff sob* Me too!
He looks like Homer Simpson since he shaved.
Pauline hot? Sorry to break your heart he’s gay lol
Paulie is hot……Hot headed.
Girl, bye!
“Paulie – I’m petrified of being in Jury and being closed in”
But he isn’t terrified of being closed in the BB house itself?
…. Or by sleeping with Z on those tiny bumper cars? Not buying it Paulie !
Or when Z was wrapped around him like a kudzu vine humping like a Missouri leg hound?
That lame excuse is the best he could come up with?
Paulie’s ego cannot tolerate being evicted ahead of any of the people left in the house and certainly not ahead of Natalie… oh, and to have to live the rest of his life with Cody thoroughly kicking his butt at this game is going to destroy him.
Pathetic. He is always counting and comparing… points out he and Cody are tied for wins… he’ll try to spin it that getting booted earlier while having won the same number of competitions as Cody makes his accomplishment better… Imagine how many I would have won if I had stayed in the game to the end like you did, Cody… I’d have won way more than you.
BUT you got evicted, Paulie…. screw the what ifs the coulda happens… the object of the game is to not get evicted and in this Cody destroyed you.
P.S. ever consider the possibility you are NOT being competitive, you are being narcissistic?
Dude, you can spin it all you want but no one gets a free pass on misogyny. Your behaviour is not defensible under the guise of game play. It isn’t haters… dude you turned people off who had you as the favourite; people who didn’t like you still respected you playing the game but, in the end, even as you employ a great tactical move to spin the house flip that gives you an extra vote to stay with Corey off the block… you continue to turn us off. I’m not a hater. I just don’t respect your behaviour. You have insufficient redeeming qualities.
After all he’s been through, to come back into the house and make THE most important move of the season, Victor has truly EARNED the next care package.
Natalie is truly fake and is playing for America’s favourite, when the show is over you’ll see her true colours come out. It’s funny how she has to reiterate that she is a ‘good person’ time and time again, narcissistic much?
It doesn’t matter what you think, she is HUGELY popular and beloved. She probably will win America’s Fav, and you’ll still be bitching on the internet.
Sounds like you’ve been drinking Paulie’s kool-aid. Nat is a sweet girl.
Do you know her personally? Or any of these guys personally…I think not, BYE!
Well, she got implants because she saw the attention paid to all of her cheerleader and beauty pageant friends with bigger boobs…
She also has admitted to deliberately acting one way when she came in the house, and is now acting more like herself…
Early in the season, she openly admitted that she doesn’t want to drink in the house because she has a bad habit of dancing on tables and kissing guys in bars…
Also – last night, she said to Paul: “I’m don’t like how you said you didn’t like older women (attracted to older women). I still feel like I’m 23” (she’s 26).
Paul said: “But you’re not (23)!”
—-So Natalie does not like it that Paul is not attracted to her because she’s older? Why is Natalie thinking or worrying about Paul being attracted to her in the first place?!?!?!?!
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think Natalie is a bad person, but I also do not think she is exactly as she tries to appear…
They may read this in 30 years and realize how stupid it sounds arguing 23 vs. 26.
Should I feel bad that I would enjoy seeing her dance on the tables?
Her big problem is female insecurity other than that I’m a really good person lol
Everyone keeps forgetting the actual words that came out of her (Nat) mouth when Victor rejected her weeeks ago! And I quote “I can have any guy I want”. That screams shallow narcissistic fake slor……Chics like her are a dime a dozen and for some reason they think they are so special. And they are special, to all the slor trolling bar boys whose main purpose in life is to have as many drunk naked passed out slors pictures in their phones to show all the other bar boys!
How can Palsy feel closed in at the jury house? When they show the evicted HG arriving the house looks huge with a fabulous swimming pool.
closed in because of the women
He is claustrophobic at the thought of being trapped in a house with three strong women he disrespected and evicted who probably hold him largely responsible and whom in the case of Da’ and Zakiyah was in an alliance with. Bridgette he merely promised to “protect” I don’t think he ever made an actual alliance. I guess I really can’t call Z a strong woman…and knowing her past behavior instead of giving him the cold shoulder in jury she will probably throw herself on him….
He is saying that to try and manipulate production to throw him some favors to help stay in the game. It’s a pussy move but he clearly has issues. I think he should be removed from the show for lying about his mental issues (he said it not me) this kid is very used to getting his way. I have zero sympathy for this a#hole. And this is just my opinion.
I’m not sure who’s pu$$y stinks worse, Paulies or Nicole’s? I mean doesn’t Nicole look like she stinks? And James being the reason Z left and this whole thing started. Didn’t they all know from the beginning he was going to cancel out Paul and Corey’s vote? Didn’t they volunteer bc they all thought it was going to be a landslide that Michelle would be voted out? James sucks d$cks and didn’t do shit. It was Nat and Bridge who made this shit happen. Corey needs to wash the a-hole, Nicole that nasty puss and Paulie his lips bc he’s coming home daddy!
And Frank sits at home.
Paulie is playing crazy with these HGS. He knows exactly whats hes doing. He is still playing this game. He keeps telling Vic to take Corey off because he don’t want to campaign against him and put someone else up, so he can try to save himself. He’s still trying to dictate play. Im hoping Vic doesn’t fall it. Michelle is on my radar.
Paulie is for sure gone. I think next week will be either Corey or Nicole. (Because of CoHOH one of them will be gone) If Corey stays I can see him winning an HOH and taking out Victor.
I think Natalie is definitely got the best shot at going final two, I just don’t see the jury giving her the money except for Bridgette and James.
Paul and Vic got a really good shot at winning the game. Rooting for Vic just because I think it would be cool for an evicted HG to win.
Paulie is starting to remind of Travis Bickle. The character from Taxi Driver. So I guess he’s going try and kill Cory (Uncle Sam) and Paul (Secret Service) has to stop him.
Michelle broke the fundamental rule–never show your preference regarding presidential politics. She just ended up losing half her voters for ACP. [Plus, I have no idea why she is spilling all this stuff to Paulie.] I’m now voting for Victor for co-HOH.
Also, Simon, you have Paul saying something bad about Clinton, but it was Paulie, right?
Right. Seemed to me Paul wasn’t saying anything.
Why is it that people cannot allow and respect the opinions of others. There is no ideal candidate… there is no consensus rank of variables by priority that represents a universal truth. Who is the best candidate is entirely subjective but you are compelled to punish someone in the game for having a different opinion than you on a subject that has nothing to do with the game… Wow.
No, you’re wrong. I couldn’t care less about Michelle’s political views. She can support whomever she wants. However, she said the following: “Michelle – why do you want a liar that is funded by wall street it blows my mind.” She insulted MY political views–as though I must be stupid for supporting Hillary (yeah, I know, some of you think that I am). But, you want me to ignore that and give Michelle a reward even though she insulted me? No thank you. I’m voting for Victor, who is smart enough to keep his political views to himself.
Michelle would not like Trudeau if she knew the amount of “mayonnaise” he has consumed during his life.
Whoa…you saying Trudeau is on the down low? They say its common knowledge that Obama was a frequent visitor to Chicago’s bath houses prior to his presidency.
They are part of The New World which is a cult and most of them are homosexuals serving the Dark side. Justin’s father was a part of it also. John F. Kennedy realized what the Government was all about and even did a speech to the public about the secret society. He went against them and they got rid of him. Bobby went against them also.
Jfk was the last true American president. There will never be another. As anyone that takes the office will either do what “they” want or will meet the same fate as jfk did when he tried to strike against them regarding the “federal” reserve. I’m glad more people are seeing the truth.
Aliens. Plain and simple. It’s alien lizard people.
Actually good ol Reagan was!
Meant to write New World Order not New World.
What about her believing in the Ted Cruz/Zodiac killer rumor? Pitiful..I don’t even think Cruz was even born when those killings started.
Don’t worry FLOTUS I wasn’t going to bring up that you’re really a man named Michael who played college football…
What’s wrong with mayo?! You can make it at home with olive (or canola) oil, 1 egg yolk, a little white wine vinegar, dry mustard, lemon juice and a little salt and pepper, whip it up with a stick blender! Simple and delicious!
Any other “mayo” that you might be referring to is disgusting and should be used sparingly.
“Paulie didn’t expect the strong players to be targeted”
This is why smart players say “too soon” about taking out a strong player like Frank. A smart player would have walked the anti-Frank talk back, keep it on the back burner, not stoke the flame. A smart player knows that if a majority feels threats, then eliminating one will cause them to need to find another….and it’s likely to be you.
And a smart player would avoid the very behavior that opened to door to vilify other strong players.
Since Vic can’t compete in the next HOH I think James and Natalie should team up with Corey and Nicole. Those four votes will be a majority of the house after this weeks eviction and if I’m James and Natalie I would much rather have to beat Corey and Nicole than Paul and Victor and they would get credit for making a big move.
Hi Guys,
I seem to be having issues getting CBS All Access in Australia. I have purchased a prepaid visa and a VPN and yet I still get errors trying to purchase the early access. Funny thing is I have logged into CBS and watching its episodes, therefore the VPN is not an issue.
Moreover, the Visa works internationally, on my US PayPal and on stuck such as Netflix and Hulu, so can some please explain what the fuck I can do?
Care we share an account, like netflix? I obviously would pay for the damn thing.
Thanks in advance.
I think you need to use a prepaid American Express, not Visa.
You’re right, Visa won’t work I found this out the hard way.
Ignore what I said above, I got about 7-8 CBS ALL Access accounts. Finally, I can watch All Access its just a shame they are all sleeping now. If anyone needs a free account let me know (must have skype or youtube, can not send private message here).
I hope you got those through this site, I’m sure Simon and Dawg would appreciate the tips.
What a big change from that smug smile on Paulie’s face as he belittled women to tears running down his face as he realizes he is no longer in control of everybody. Bully to baby.
His pride and basic beliefs were hurt that the women working together blew up his game and is sending him home- with the crucial help of Victor winning HOH/POV.
I don’t think Meech is falling for what Paulie is saying. It seems like she’s just covering herself should he have the round trip ticket or get the jury buy back.
I’m inclined to agree. However, Michelle is failing to manage how her time spent with Paulie can appear to her paranoid house mates… in failing to manage and inform her alliance she is coming across as sketch…
If paulie want to stay, he need to wake up..you won’t campaign against corey and you want to get natalie out,pffffttt, make no sense ,of course from our prespective you know who flip the house and you want her out, but the house is already flipped ,thanks to Nat,and you are on the block so i think it won’t work, the only way is to campaign against corey because he’s the only reason you can stay since they’re power couple and tall and sometimes good at challanges and he also on the block. if Nat goes on the block it wont affect anything , she has number…is he become dumb or what,, sorry
Did I miss something or did everybody forget it was Paul who told vic to put up Paulie and Corey vic is a great robot but needs computing. Natalie just caused an argument. Paul saw an opportunity to get the better player on his side fully with the others support this all would have been nixed if vic knew the game, because if Paul doesn’t get hoh or vic win veto he will be next
Agree that Paul was instrumental in Paulie and Corey being nominated but Natalie swung Bridgette and laid the groundwork for this eviction a week ago… before Vic won HOH.
I don’t think Meech is falling for what Paulie is saying. It seems like she is covering herself should he have the round trip ticket or a jury buyback.
I do not like Paulie but he is playing hard!
I’ll probably get a lot of thumbs down for this, but I want Pailie to stay. He’s an asshole and deserves to go, but with Cory out Paulie and Nicole will scramble to make new alliances and it will make better TV. In past seasons, such as bb15 with Amanda, when the villain was voted out we all rejoiced but then the show became dull. I’m telling ya, as much as I don’t like Paulie- he’s more entertaining to keep in the house. Thanks for reading, go ahead and click thumbs down.
I actually feel bad for Paulie. It sucks to get ganged up on like that. Those other people in that house are not any better. Yeah some of the stuff Paulie said was pretty abrasive and made hime look like a royal douche, but Paul has said some pretty crappy things too and I don’t see anyone on here up in arms about it. That Natalie girl rubs me the wrong way, I don’t think she is as “nice” as she claims to be. Any person who has to constantly remind everyone how nice they are is pretty sketchy, I’m not buying it. After watching her for the past few days she hasn’t exactly coming off as nice. She has hopped on the crap stirring, mean girl talk with none other than Paul…who, let’s face it, loves a good mean girl talk. Paul has been my pick to win this thing since day one, however, I kinda don’t want him to because he is just as guilty as Paulie the only difference is he knows when to keep his mouth shut. I really do hope meech teams back up with Corey and Nicole after Paulie is gone. The side she is with now isn’t going to keep her around. Her only realy chance after Paulie leaves is try to win crap with those two. We all have our favorites but if we take the emotions out of it and see it strategically from Michelle’s point of view. She would be next to go after Corey and Nicole anyway. Her best bet is to take out Victor and Paul will scramble. I’m really rallying for Meech because even though she’s annoying as hell she has proven to be a survivor and she’s got some balls on her.
Natalie reminds me of Mary Ann from Gilligans Island!!!!
My gosh…you are right!!!!
I don’t know if giving Michelle the care package is such a good idea anymore..like C’mon girl..he’s just manipulating you AGAIN!! If she’s that easily manipulated then this care package should not be in her hands..especially if Paulie comes back!
I am hoping that someone asks her about the chat so we if she is slipping. Right now we have people wanting Vic, Michelle (high in polls) and Paul. Paulie fans will be in full force voting for him they think he will get out of his fix.
We do not want the votes to get split just in case Paulie comes back. I was voting for Michelle – will see what happens today in the house. If no one asks what was Paulie selling I will vote Victor when the polls open.
Maybe this was sympathy for Paulie she or she could be rallying for a jury vote or trying to rebrand her image. I am just a little cautious like the HG’s if this was a whispered convo. I do not have the feeds and did not hear it.
any input?
I think Paulie has Jozea’s BB Messiah complex. He constantly refers to Cory and Derrick, made multiple deals (PP, the Execs, Final 5, etc.). several HOH and POV wins, targeting the weaker players, and thinking himself untouchable. It never occurred to him that HGs would talk and realize he was playing all of them. Paulie only sees himself as the victim. He is one messed up dude.
Please explain how that is any different than all the deals James has had?
James doesn’t think he’s untouchable or that he’s a victim. He’s spineless, but he’s not a delusional crybaby like Paulie.
Its not a difference in game play from James or any other HG. It’s Paulie’s reaction to being on the block. He never expected it and can’t comprehend it. Even now he thinks that Nicole only got a package because America likes him best and they are saving the best package for him. He is devastated and only hurt himself by lying to production about his psychiatrist.
Maybe you guys were right about Natalie using James. He said he is going to need her address and she just blew him off.
She’s being realistic. And it seems like she’s trying her best to not make any promises while not hurting his feelings. I think she honestly doesn’t know what will happen afterwards when they get out and she doesn’t really want to think about it or discuss it till then. She’s all business.
Why would Natalie give her address out on live tv?! Lol!
What is she supposed to write it down with, mascara? on toilet paper?
Omg…..Michelle is not stable. Please vote for Paul to get the care package. Vic or Paul.
Love how Natalie is already setting up the lets just be friends talk with James after the shows over…. I’m not ready for a real relationship…..I work 6-7 days a week…..we live too far apart…..
Guess Paulie wasn’t too far off in his comments about her
I was thinking about Michelle and thinking that there was no consistency this year…but there definitely is.
Corey is consistently gay. And useless.
Nicole is consistently annoying (and she was my favorite before)
Paulie is consistently a big ball of testosterone who turned out to be the biggest bitch in the house.
Paul is consistently annoying with the occasional points of humor.
James is consistently whipped.
Natalie is consistently…there.
The only two I’ve been surprised by are:
Victor–couldn’t stand him….still can’t. But he’s the only one in the house with any balls.
Michelle is so bipolar that I can’t even deal. Paul, I hate you, I mean I love you, I mean I hate you. She is a loose cannon and I really hope that they aren’t counting on her to play her part. I really hope that America wakes up and gives to co-HOH to Victor.
It’s official I will vote Paul for the co hoh care package and the last package will be for Vic.
and then there is Cody’s reaction to last night..
Cody is very arrogant and smug when he talks as well, so when I read this I literally picture the two of their smug looking faces and it makes me dislike them more! I couldn’t stand him on his season. Was way too cocky for my liking..
I wonder if Pauli can’t sleep because he keeps going back to when he was basically taunting Nat and saying “Michelle is going home this week & you are next”..that must haunt him..poor guy! that he really thought that was going to happen and he was such a smug asshole about it and then a GIRL (of all people) is the reason he’s going home!
I hope people aren’t falling for his apology tour b/c he goes and apologizes and then talks shit about that person to Nicole & Corey for an hour and then on to the next person. I can’t believe Corey can’t see what is happening right under his nose.
Don’t agree with Paulie’s comments to Nat, and that he keeps bringing it up after apologizing, but Nat is no better. She keeps whining about people talking about her behind her back, but she’s doing the same thing. I liked that girl for a few weeks. Now I can’t stand her. She’s done absolutely nothing in this game except play the victim and lead James on.
At the moment, the person I feel the most sorry for is Bridgette.
Can you imagine being her and being stuck in the jury house with DaVonne, Zakiyah, and Paulie.
Hopefully DaVonne acts like an adult and keeps Paulie and Zakiyah from ganging up on Bridgette.
I honestly think that Paulie is physically incapable to stop talking. He just doesn’t shut up. Zip your lip, little man, nobody’s buying what you’re selling.
So if they have TWO HOH’s next week NEITHER can play the following week?!?! So if two from the 5 side get it then there is a buyback it leaves them really week the next HOH?!? I think the voting should be for 24 hours only after you have all the info about who is HOH. This blind voting screws it up if the person leaves or becomes the HOH. Need new rules.
OMG..I didn’t think about the fact that normally the HOH can’t play the next week. Maybe they will make an exception in this case but if not I vote to cancel ACP4 in its entirety.
I’m thinking the care package is outside the rules. Natalie was still technically supposed to be a have not but is protected by hers. I’m thinking the Co-HoH doesn’t prevent the care package winner from competing the following week.
ACP4 should go to Paul. Michelle and Vic can be influenced and manipulated. Remember how Vic was dead set on seeking revenge on Paulie if he returned to the house, he then became Paulie’s dog when he did actually return. In the last week, Paul got in his ear and made Paulie the target. Vic is not taking any decisions of his own, he’s too easily manipulated. Paul for ACP.
Less then 2 weeks ago..lounging in the sun with Bridgette they were watching Paulie workout and Natalie said “there’s my future husband”
So is Natalie playing James?
1000000HUNDO % YES!!!
and if she gets back into cheerleading…She will only be harmless flirting around the NFL locker rooms i guess eh?…James is in for a world of hurt…cut ties now!
Hey yo Paulie Why you had to be so disrespectful to the women huh? Hey yo Paulie it’s just a game, Why do you want Natalie put up for you to campaign against? Yo Paulie can’t you campaign against Cory? or does it make you feel more like a man to go against a girl?
The thing here is you came into the house trying to make a name for yourself Paulie because deep down you know Cody played a much better social game than you ever could. It’s not all about comps Cody made his deal with Derrik on day one that they would take each other to the end and both Derrik and Cody never let on they were working together thats why they won their season
You may have been coached before coming into the big Brother house but I think you entered the wrong classroom, instead of Derriks how to play and win Big Brother you took how to be a douchebag 101.
Yo Paulie one last thing threatening your fellow houseguests that you can controle the jury votes if they evict you… that’s been tried every season and it never happens. Everyone knows you for the douchebag you are now and each jury member sees tapes…so your game is blown up…It’s round 15 and lights out for you Paulie unless you got that Round trip ticket.
Wish Paulie was gone already. Can’t stand to look at his face. Thursday needs to get here fast.
Those that are thinking Michelle is a ticking time bomb and can’t hold water and will go on a crying fake crying tantrum and flow to Paulie Nicole and Cory got her twisted. Michelle is mildly giving Paulie false hope while calming him down because that whole head turning event was exhausting! I done saw seen and saw some more of this Paulie madness whose not mentally fit and it’s driving me nuts, like i was being enlightened in that house right with them even through i am here with the Simon and Dawg gang watching it all unfold every step of the way! Give Big Meech a break…..girlfriend ain’t no fool
Paulie, is a spoiled brat. And if he doesn’t get his way, he resorts to different forms of manipulation.
I can only imagine how it all would have went if they’ve kept Da. She would have totally been onboard with James Natalie Michelle Paul and Vic. They were too scared of making a big move and trying to save the showmances while being a puppet to Paulie. Smh
So Paulie wants Victor to take Corey off the block and put Natalie up so he has someone to campaign against?? Ummm… Paulie, you do have someone to campaign against. You are CHOOSING not to campaign against him. That’s all on you bud!!
no doubt …
Corey’s been a wallflower all season. He’s sat there gazing into the abyss. Paulie has nothing to work with in terms of campaigning against him!!! That’s why he wants Nat up, he has a personal vendetta.
strategic, he wants Nat up there so he can he can count on Nicole and Corey to be two out of three votes
he is working on Michelle to get her vote – he knows he is not going to get Paul, Victor or James vote. He wants Nat for many reasons, he wants to maintain he had the bros back all along, to weaken James if he can flip a vote.
I think it’s more that Corey and Nicole will keep him and then he’d just have to flip one person and they all stay. Victor isn’t stupid though.
If Paul or Meech win HOH, then does 2nd place get co-hoh? Definitely vote for Victor!!!!!!!!! We cannot afford it defaulting to Corey, particularly with buy back. Victor cannot play HOH so we need to help. Meech or Paul can get the next one. Don’t screw this up!
Have you heard from any inside sources if BB-ONLINE
will be available to get from Canada yet?
Will CBS open AllAccess back up to us. (prob $cost more but would be nice)
If youz do hear..Can you post it here sometime?
most likely you’ll need to use a VPN
Canadians always stealing our internets!
yes we are a real threat to your nation watching BB! Canadians always welcome USA viewers on our feeds.
Honestly, bro, there is some honest strategery going on in that house. We can’t let that fall into Canadian Big Brother hands…pissed!
So when does ACP voting start? CBS still has week 3 site up.
Never mind
Went to the website and answered my own ? But didn’t see any rule on if winner of ACP4 can’t play for HOH the next week. Anyone know?
Paulerizing, appalling Paulie looks like Barney Rubble and Bridgette looks like Betty
if Paulie has Round-Trip Ticket….
it clearly is NOT fixed..so stop with that $hit.
We know BB knows what envelope # it is..that’s common sense…I think that is why they announced another Friday show..as it will focus on the Jury House and a “BuyBack”
also so much $hit has gone down they are going to show it all..therefore the need for an extra show!
Ya gotta admit…its been entertaining for us!
Nicole told Corey she had envelope #9 and she told Michelle she had envelope #12… Nicole only has one envelope but she claimed to have a different envelope # to 2 different people. Could there have been a switch? Is this a conspiracy theory ploy Nicole is feeding? Is Nicole just oblivious as to what # she actually has?
When does voting start
8 PM eastern time tonight.
For those voting next ACP to Michelle…its risky! She’s unstable. Paulie will be trying to manipulate her hard and then Corey and Nicole will try. Victor and Paul need ACP. I think Michelle will not flip now but I don’t know…she’s too high of a risk.
They are all nuts! I can’t believe Paulie, Cory and Nichole actually believes their own lies. I am seriously struggling for someone who I want to win. I think fans need to accept this is not the end of Paulie. His is ratings gold! I am sure they want to show his demise and entry into jury house. Then his return into the game on Friday. All is great for ratings but not good for Paulie’s emotional health. They also need to get Meech out she needs professional help as well.
Anybody know what Paul was talking about to Nat when he said he wanted to tell her something about Paulie and Z when the music turns on and she said she already knows?
I think it is that Paulie and Z had actual full blown intercourse
That Paulie smashed Z.
WOW apparently Paulie had asked a young woman in New Jersey to marry him an gave her a ring but she gave it back to his mom because he cheated with over five women, an the reason he hates Natalie so much is because they all were cheerleaders together an she knows all of his dirty laundry. UGH scum bag is an understatement. Cody, his brother, claims he knows Paulie has the RT ticket. Makes you go hummmm if it turns out to be true. With him lying about his mental stability an lying on his application love to see CBS explanation as to why still on show. If his problems are not serious why lie because just seeing a psychiatrist is nothing to be ashamed of an all CBS would of done would of been investigate it a little further to make sure nothing serious unless serious mental stability an really bad an trying to hide it to be on show. The more you hear about him the worse it gets, an do not think douche is a bad enough word for him.
When Paulie decided to put it out there that his psychiatrist said that, all I could think was if that were true then you would be getting pulled out right now. They go through a pretty extensive check to be on the show because of shit like that. Recall Season 13 Evel Dick getting pulled out because his BLOOD TEST came back positive for HIV. They do BLOOD TESTS for this show. I’m sure they sign release forms for the CBS to complete a full medical background check on them, that being said, if Paulie’s psychiatrist truly said that then it would have been released to big brought. This is National Television we can’t honestly think they just say yea you’re cool come on in!! Absolutely not, that’s just a law suit waiting to happen. No doubt he may be seeing a psychiatrist, but I personally think him saying that was strictly for people to feel sorry for him.
NOW! I am curious why the feeds kept cutting when Paulie would bring that up in his conversations with Meech. I’m sure it’s because that big voice comes on and says “Paulie STOP SAYING THAT” lol.
Words for Paulie – Maybe 2+2 truly does equal 5 and quite maybe you are the power that was of pretend existence or perhaps you were real? Big Brother… Pick up 1984 when you leave the house, you narcissistic piece of trash!
“Paulie isn’t going to watch the live feeds or the TV show edits.”
Wow, no shit dude. I wouldn’t want to watch myself be a manipulative, sexist, egotistical, psychopath either. Have fun with your garbage reputation after the show.
He said Cody didnt either and Nicole said she never watched her season or looked at social media. Too bad. A little self awareness might have helped them grow up a bit, although social media can be brutal.
Easier to just label critics / detractors haters than to actually own our $hi!…
In the jury house, Z is waiting for Paulie with open legs, I mean open arms.
Paulie is going to Jury…possibly Home, in actuality he admitted to lying about if he had seen psychiatrist and then saying that the psychiatrist said he was playing with fire should have had him removed from the game as a breach of the rules… but this is CBS and Big Brother, they are always slack on things of that nature and really could care less about the safety of the houseguests. Oh well.
A few things: they got Frank out when they needed to get out Frank. When it comes to a player like Frank you have to do it when you get a chance. It would have been foolish at the time to not get him out. Evicting Tiffany was a huge mistake for most people in the game. Da’Vonne was an even bigger mistake. Oh well.
A this point I am hoping that Paul wins. Yes he is a total loud mouth douche bag and an almost odious person. At this point he is the only one that has worked to stay in the house. He lost Jozea, then Victor… he was supposed to be the next to go but he saw the cracks in Paulies ego and slid right in. During the hole Zak eviction he noticed that it was Nicole/Corey and Paulie. I think a major shift was Paulie not using the veto on Zak… so cocky that Zak was safe after they agreed that she should go. Paul then seized his opportunities and switched again. Now Paulie is going home before disposable Paul. From the bottom to the top. I am voting for Paul for CoHoH. I trust that he will do the right moves. Corey and Nicole need to go next or if the opportunity comes up… put James Up.
Why would they have this return ticket thing than end it now to bring back someone from jury? It’s not fair. I certainly don’t want Paulie to have it. I want him gone for good. He’s a brat and the way he behaved was outrageous.
I’m having another tinfoil hat feeling. Corey said his favorite house guest was Cody…So we have Nicole who knows and still talks to Cody, Corey who liked Cody, James who is tight with Derrick’s dad, and Paulie…
maybe we get to see him as the ghost of Audrey with the sunglasses , blanket wandering around aimlessly and mumbling softly , pp , friendship , Z , cody and derrick cody and derrick clip clip clip
His ego is insane. When he says it’s James fault that Z was voted out. Why doesn’t someone make him own it. He “gave them his blessing” to put her up. Then he could have saved her with the veto but he chose not to. He is responsible for putting her in harms way to begin with. Does he truly believe his own crap ?!!! I want to smack him through the tv screen every time I hear him say how it’s James fault. I just wish someone would point that out to him when he mentions it. I know I would.
Paul looks good in the suit.
You need to get out more.
So funny how Corey jumped at the chance to offer up to sleep with Paulie. His wish came true. They are snuggled up together in bed. Sweet dreams Corey:)
Do you think Production throws a Pandora’s Box or a Coup d’ etat at us in the near future?
I doubt it but they definitely should.
Thanks Dawg.
I am a BB follower and to be honest Paulie is hard to watch. His attitude is too much to watch. Now that he is at the bottom, he acts like he never done wring to people. I was rooting for him on the first week but I saw how he can manipulate and be mean to people. Derrick manipulated people but NEVER mean to them. I am not a Cody or Derrick fan neither.
1. With Zakiyah – poor girl! She is so in love with Paulie who wanted her out, the one who said on national tv that he boned her 6 times, Paulie that didn’t use the veto on her. I don’t think she will still have a career after the show after putting his sanitary pad in front of people and humping on Paulie showing her behind.
2. With Paul – who is his PP friendship and Paulie wants him gone.
3. With Vic – who he made fun of coming back, he made him look like a fool for being in a fake alliance with him, KUDOS to Vic for having the balls in nominating him. ACP package for you.
4. With Corey – who is so loyal to him but only want to take him to the end because he can’t win competitions. Poor Nicole because Corey is choosing Paulie over her!
5. With Nicole – who Paulie will clipped soon because he doesn’t want any girls and kept saying the guys on F5. Nicole is kissing his b??? coz’ Paulie is protecting her and his dream man but not into her Corey. I used to like you Nicole and was so happy that you are back but you are such a dissapointment. You just want a man and sorry to say he is not gonna date you in real world.
6. With James – Paulie was so mad at him because he didn’t follow what Paulie wanted to keep Zakiyah. James clipped you before you clipped him who you was wanting gone even before DE. My feelings of liking and not liking James in BB18 is like a roller coaster. As of now, I really like him because he finally woke up!!!
7. With Natalie – his comments to her are so personal. Why in the world he keeps calling out on her fake boobs??!!! I don’t get it! KUDOS to Natalie because she had no idea what is BB but hey, she was the one who found out about how Paulie manipulates the house and how mean he is to people.
8. With Michelle – Paulie wanted her gone. Paulie was behind her nominations on Vic’s HOH. Now, that Meech called him out for his dirty works he is so mad. Paulie just make a fool of himself on national tv by arguing with the girls expecially with Meech who was on the other side of the room and they kept talking back at each other.
I watch the livefeeds and I can see whats going on and how these people actually do inside the house that we don’t see on TV plus thanks to Simon/Dawg for the things I missed while I am at work and asleep.
I would never imagine saying this but Paul and Victor for F2. Please vote for Vic for ACP because he needs it. I am afraid of Meech after she and Paulie whispers last night.
Re point 7… some insight might come from the recent revelation that Natalie might have cheerleading friends with intimate knowledge of Paulie’s real life cheating (multiple times… rumour was with 5 different women) on the woman he asked to marry him. So Paulie might just be hyper motivated to discredit Natalie in case she knows anything about his real life b.s.
PAULIE … trying to get Michelle to flip and Vic to pull down Corey and put up Natalie is good game play (will not work on Vic but at least you are playing) …. all your psychiatrist says “you are playing with fire” crap, your threatening to self-evict crap, your threatening to walk out of the jury house crap, your “James stabbed me in the back” pity me crap, your women bashing crap … only shows more of your mega-ego, delusional, insecure personality …. but I guess if all works to get Michelle to flip, you may be able to play some of it off as just “game play”.
IF YOU CAN GO FROM DEVICE TO DEVICE VOTING 80 TIMES FOR MICHELLE AND NATALIE AND JAMES, then I’m sure you’re going from user name to different user name to trash Paulie and Nicole. One person trying so hard to do damage, to ruin reputations… will come back around to you.
Would you like people online trashing you and your family?
Paulie and Nicole are decent people. If Michelle and Natalie were decent they’d win without you going from device to device voting 80 times and creating so many nasty comments. You’re no better than the people you talk about.
Michelle is comforting the person she vowed to expose their lies and evict. Now she is pledging to give him a sympathy vote. For the love of all that is real America, DO NOT GIVE MICHELLE THE CARE PACKAGE. Michelle is too random and clearly MENTALLY UNSTABLE. Please Vote for Victor and/or Paul, these are the only 2 Logical votes.
Whatever chance Paulie had of getting back in the house went out the window with the Psychatrist revelation. He lied about a serious issue on his BB application and screening process. CBS will up Bleep Creek is he has an incident with himself or anyone else. Now that they are aware, I am stunned that they did not pull him out of the house, as he may pose a danger to himself or someone else.
PAUL …. as an agent of the Secret Service, you are detailed to follow, observe and protect Michelle from a dangerous threat all week …. Paulie
Okay so I need someone to help me understand the logic in Paulie’s comment about the ACP going to Nicole…
Maybe Nicole got the package because they know who has the number and they figure if I was the target I would be safe…
erm, how, in any way what-so-ever, does Paulie end up safe by Nicole getting the ACP?
I believe Paulie is saying America gave the ACP to Nichole and not him because he thinks America may know that he has the round trip ticket …. once again … Egomaniac and Delusional
I *think* it’s because Paulie thinks he’ll be getting one of the next ACP’s. Of course, only the next one is truly powerful, whereas the last one ($5000 bribe) has no power, only a little influence.
Only in that she would be a vote to save him.
Paulie is thinking America wanted to save Nicole via care package, and he did not get it because America thinks he has the round trip ticket. Therefore, he thinks America wants them both safe. Thats my thought. But, I due to Paulie’s actions I do not want him to reenter the house once evicted. He has major issues, who was more than cocky, and suddenly things are not going his way and he is unable to handle his current situation. Such a baby due to not going to the end at this point in time – sore loser!
Are you watching the feeds right now?
Paulie is begging Victor to use the veto on Corey and put up Natalie (anyone but Michelle, who Paulie already thinks he may have swayed).
Victor is arguing like a champ!! He’s calm, logical and firm!