Quick Big Brother Spoilers
HOH Part 1: Bowie, Jag, Matt
Part 1 Winner: Matt
HOH Part 2: Jag vs Bowie
Part 2 Winner: ?
HOH Part 3 ?
Part 3 Winner: ?
Lock your ranks in before midnight
The Situation: Matt wins part one of the final HOH. Jag and Bowie will now compete in part 2. The winner of Part 2 competes against Matt in in Part 3. The winner of Part 3 is the final HOH and gets to decide who they will take to the finale.
5:00 am Zzzzz
9:20 am Feeds cut to pound
2:39 pm Feeds return. They didn’t play part 2 final HOH yet.
Feeds return showing Matt and Bowie making food.
Matt – we were in there for awhile.
Bowie – 3 and a half hours
Matt – Four
2:41 pm Feeds cut to pound
3:15 pm Feeds return to cards and Chit chat.
Jag to Matt – if it’s the final comp and just me and you that’s crazy!
Jag – I don’t give a f***
They agree neither of them cared who was going win last night.
Jag – the goal was to beat her.
Jag feels like he has a solid shot at part 2.
Matt – you do
4:30 pm Cards and chit chat. They’re talking about who has higher alcohol tolerance Jag, Bowie or Matt.
Jag – what’s the point in having one drink?
Bowie – calories for no reason and it does nothing
Jag – Exactly
Matt – YEah
Bowie – I would rather have 5 drinks (Bowie for the win 😉 )
Jag – 4 is the minimum.. 4 to get out the door
Matt – 10 is minimum
Matt says he breaks records when he’s drunk and hungover, “My last world record was when I was hungover”
Jag – I’ll never forget I beat a Olympian at a water sport
Matt – yeah you did..
Matt bring sup Felicia telling him “Jag was making fun of you he was bragging about how he beat a Olympian he was doing it in front of your face and you didn’t even know that”
Matt – I was like… He f***ing did.. I was hyping him up for it.
Bowie – that’s crazy
Jag – WOW
Feeds cut.
5:45 pm Chit chats and feed blocks.
5:32 pm
They’re wondering what they should have for dinner.
Matt – mac and Cheese
Bowie – we need a plan.
Matt – damn we really need momma Fe.. that is why we kept her till the last second.. I don’t think other seasons they had someone cooking all season long.
6:53 pm Stumbling around making Dinner
7:56pm – 8:30pm Bowie and Jag playing max power bumper pool.
8:34pm – 8:44pm Big Brother blocks the feeds.
8:45pm Games Room – Matt, Jag and Bowie.
Matt – I was really happy when Cory and America both left because she said f**k them. She said f**k Cory and America. And it took us that long to get them out. Reilly’s justice! Jag – we had to do it our way. Matt – we had to do it slowly. We couldn’t do it right away and I am sure she was happy about it. I mean she knows the truth of what happened the first week with the votes… who really flipped. Jag – she knew that Cirie was never going to vote for Reilly. Bowie – Cirie was never going to vote for Reilly. Jag – why did she even play that game? She literally could have been like I am down if we have the votes but I really don’t think we do. Or she could have just been like we don’t have the votes to keep her. BB blocks the feeds.. Matt – for me the most hyped was the double evictions. Jag – the first double was when we first made a move and we were like we don’t give a f**k.
9:02pm – 9:20pm Big Brother blocks the feeds.
9:30pm – 9:48pm Bowie and Matt laughing and reminiscing about past events of the season. Bowie – I’m going to get us t-shirts made up. Mafia BB25. Matt – with the “M”. Bowie – yeah and BB25.
Matt – I wonder what inspired Cory to grow is mustache out? Maybe to looks older for America because he is 21 and she is 27. Bowie – yeah.
10:40pm – 10:53pm Matt, Jag and Bowie head to bed. Jag to Bowie – good luck tomorrow, you’re going to need it. Bowie – yeah. Jag – it could be mental it could be anything. Bowie – I know. its a catch 22. I am going to try and win but if I win then I am worried. Jag – what do you mean you’re worried? Bowie – you put your best teammate out .. do you know what I mean? But at this stage of the game its too scary to do anything like that. Jag – because I feel confident regardless of what the comp is to go against Matt but I would feel a lot of pressure. And I wouldn’t ask you to .. Bowie – no, and deep down I know that’s the smarter decision. Jag – I don’t care what the comp is.. whatever it is I know I have to beat him. I know that’s what needs to happen so I am going to beat him. I feel confident in mental. If its a mix, perfect. I am not even worried about what the comp is.
10:55pm The final 3 are sleeping.
Thanks Dawg
The comp was freezing????
Matt won???
Where did the name Matty Ice come from????
matty ice is a common nickname for quarterback matt ryan. i guess it dates back to his high school days. espn has an underwhelming article discussing the nickname’s supposed origins, though personally i think it’s cuz matt ryan was a bit of a frat boy partier and natty ice is a common nickname for natural light, an extremely cheap and low quality beer often found at fraternity events. with matt klotz and matt ryan both being athletes i guess it just kinda stuck for klotz.
Thanks, I’ve been wondering the same thing. 🙂
Natural ice, not natty light….
Matt will take Jag to the end, securing the win for Jag and blowing his shot with Reilly…
Why does that blow his shot with Reilly?
Because he thinks Reilly might be a goldigger?
their all gold diggers.
Hey sexist Einstein, it’s they’re, not their.
fortunately this is a comment section and not a paper I need to hand in for english class. stay mad karen.
They’re* all … lol … might want to get it together if you’re going to talk crap about someone .. lol
Now let’s work on:
“He be like….I be like…
She be like…..They be like…”
Using “be” instead of “are”…lol
“yeah yeah. YEAH YEAH”
i think matt’s borderline creepy obsession with her already blew his shot with reilly.
She might be the same.
“matt’s borderline creepy obsession…blew his shot with reilly”
UNTIL THEN, it will be nothing but: “yeah yeah YEAH YEAH”
Jag will not win regardless of who is in the Final 2.
Let’s hope.
That is a huge assumption. At this point Jag and Matt could lose to the other. Jag had wins and strategy, but Matt a heck of a social game, and a few wins. I think they each have a 50/50 chance, so their final speech will make the difference.
Which one will be the least distasteful to the Jury?
I thought Jag’s goodbye message to Felicia was so cold and calculating, and Felicia saw right through it. Jag threw both Matt and Bowie under the bus saying they both wanted Cirie to stay, and he had talk them into evicting her so Felicia could stay. Matt clearly wanted Cirie to stay, but Bowie never said she wanted that. Jag is putting more nails in his coffin. He won’t win regardless of who is in the Final 2.
I hope you’re right. I really don’t want him to win!!
His message to Cirie was kind of mean too. The others were all sweetness & light & then Jag gets all puffed up & lets her know she didn’t have a chance to get through. Not a very good message to someone in the jury but, oh well.
What’s the point of being sweet when you’re being fake? I’d rather get a dose of reality than fake-sweet.
Goodbye messages to jurors should be designed to help you get their vote on finale night.
They’ll see right through it. At this stage, they are all expert liars and can tell when someone is not being sincere.
Telling Felicia you couldn’t stand her for another minute might be the truth, but it won’t get her to vote for you.
Telling her, I know that if I have to sit next to you on finale night many of the jurors would vote for you and I would probably lose, might get her to vote for you.
It’s at least worth a shot for $750k.
Yeah! That, too. Jag is a jerk.
it doesn’t matter what he said. she will vote bitter because he evicted her.
Hoping Bowie can pull off a win in round 2. I think she stands a high chance of beating both boys in part 3.
“. I think she stands a high chance of beating both boys in part 3”
No worries. She/He/IT has been reserving all of her maleness for the F3 comps. NO WORRIES.
Yeah yeah. YGEAH YEAH.
A little sexist much?
“A little sexist much?”
prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically AGAINST WOMEN (emphasis mine), on the basis of sex”
BUT he/she/IT identifies as “nonbinary”. So, to take it to it’s logical conclusion, no “sexism” can occur against a “nonbinary” IT.
BUT, if it will make you happy, “yeah yeah YEAH YEAH….LOL
Sex is the biological, whereas gender is the social construct. So actually, you meet the criteria, but far worse is your hatred towards gender fluid individuals.
Shrinky….explain and PROVE, in biological and psychobabble terms, the existence of “gender fluid individuals” that is not pushed by other psychobabblers and those in the lgtyxyzwtf community, or some other nutheads who want to be “politically correct” notwithstanding their true convictions. I have all day, week, month, year, decades, etc.
Here is my premise: A person’s sex is determined by their X and Y chromosomes.
They don’t know that BJ is a lawyer. She certainly hasn’t shown any verbal skills this season, maybe by design. She may make a very persuasive argument if she makes the final 2, just like Taylor did last year.
It’s hard to say that “vote for me because I’m a black female” is not a very persuasive argument because Taylor did say it last season and won. However, I still think most people prefer the winner be chosen based on how they actually played the game, and not their race, gender, age, religion, disability, or any other factor or agenda someone may try to use to gain an advantage to win.
Jag pulled out “the first sikh” winner card on last nights show, and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Bowie pulled out “the first non-binary” winner card, if she makes it to final 2. Matt could of course play “the first deaf” winner card as well. When’s it going to end? Can’t they just be winners, and not have to try to get sympathy votes because of something that has nothing to do with the game they’ve been playing? Hell, if Matt is/was good enough to swim for an SEC university (LSU), and good enough to try to make it to the Olympic Games for whatever country he ends up swimming for (somebody said maybe Hungary), he’s already better athletically than 99.5% of the US population, even with his disability! A big strong athlete like him just looks foolish trying to gain sympathy votes, by playing that card, when it really has nothing to do with how the game was played. I hope none of them do it.
World has to wake up and get used to it, its here to stay and grow
No we dont
Did Matt do that? Are you referring to the throw out to the deaf community in his veto speech? I think he did that then because he thought he might no have another chance. He had no way of knowing that Jag would not evict him.
MiMo, I said he COULD do it, not that he had done it yet. I also said I wouldn’t be surprised if Bowie did it, not that she’s already done it. But apparently both Matt and Jag have talked about being “the first” of their chosen group (not that Matt chose to be deaf obviously) to be the winner of Big Brother, so it’s clearly on their minds.
Okay, The Beef. I accept that.
Well said!!!
And he’s not even deaf, he’s hearing impaired with his hearing aids in… construction people that work around jack hammers are probably more deaf than he is
I am wondering if they meant a A barista. (works in coffee shop) I she is a lawyer she has hid it extremely well lol
She has won several memory related comps. I don’t think she is stupid. She has played a fairly smart game so far and has a good chance at the end. Didn’t float her way to the end.
“She certainly hasn’t shown any verbal skills this season”
Maybe he/she/IT did already, and may have been off cameras…
yep any questions that require dumb luck are made for her.
Pretty sure Part 2 is today.
Ok, ok, I guess it’s tomorrow. But definitely not on finale night.
I’ll be honest: I can’t believe Jag didn’t evict Matt last night. We’ll see if that decision comes back to haunt him on Finale Night.
Personally, I would vote Jag to win since he’s the one who’s controlled the second half of this game.
Bowie Jane – ZERO chance of winning! Even if she evicts Matt, it will be perceived by the Jury that she is only playing Jag’s game and Jag will win.
Jag – he must win Final HOH and evict Matt to win.
Matt – he must win Final HOH. Doesn’t matter who he takes to Final 2.
Not familiar with BB and the process. Can someone give me a tutorial? So winner of HOH 2 faces off with winner of HOH 1? What happens to the loser of HOH2? Does that person stick around? Who plays in HOH3? Does the winner of HOH3 pick final 2? Thanks just not clear how the process works.
Ok so The winner of Part 1 goes straight to Part 3 and skips Part 2. Then the other 2 Houseguests go against each other in Part 2 , Whoever wins goes and faces Part 1 winner in Part 3. The loser of Part 2 is automatically up for the final eviction. The winner of Part 3 is the true Final HOH and decides to goes with them for the Final 2 between the Part 2 loser and the Part 3 loser. Hope that helps
Yes. That is very helpful. Thank you.
Great explanation.
it wont haunt him because a majority of the jury is emotional and will not vote based on game and will vote on bitter emotion. Cory and Cam are the only ones I can see voting on game. But even then I think America will sway Cory to vote same as her. So I believe it is their best bet to be against each other.
The best gamer has to have a social game as well as be good at comps. I think it will come down to who can make their case the best to the Jury.
Just my opinion…I would like for Matt to win the final HOH and bring Jag to the F2 because Jag did the right thing and evicted Mama Fe. I believe Matt has the best social game/comp game combo. Jag has proven himself a comp beast but his social game was sinister. I’m sorry to all the BJ fans out there but despite the fact that Bowie won 3 HOH’s I consider her spineless. I make no secret that I voted for Cam for AFP, so I am still irked with both the Bowie and Jag betrayals. May the best HG win BB25 and for me, out of these final 3, that is Matt.
Final 3 match-ups & my opinion of who would win.
Jag & Matt – it’s really 50/50. Jag strong in comps, not so good socially didn’t really do much strategically. Matt strong socially, ok in comps didn’t really do much strategically
Jag & Bowie – 70/30 to Jag. Bowie got 2 of her HOH’s by luck, not strong competitively & social game was not strong. Best strategic move was being Jag’s minion
Matt & Bowie – 60/40 to Matt. They are pretty even in comps, neither one was very strategic except in aligning with Jag, but Matt has a little bit of an edge socially
I really believe Matt & Jag will take each other, Bowie was a late edition tag along that they needed for numbers at the time & then became useful & b/c she won an HOH at an opportune time they had no choice but to keep her around and keep in good with her. It will be interesting to see how things shake out and who will ultimately have the final say.
Sounds like you are better off watching The Challange..
I do watch The Challenge but thank you.
Cam for AFP! HooRAH!
SOOOOOO GLAD that this pathetic study on human psychological behavior will be DONE AND OVER WITH in 4 more days!
And best way to avoid the temptation next Summer is to AVOID the first show (Day 1) in the first place.
A total waste of 13 weeks!
Yeah yeah. Yeah yeah.
Bowie Jane once in a blue moon says something other than ‘yeah’.
Remind me not to use her as a lawyer.
Exactly what you should do!!
I do hope you avoid this show next year as it appears your mental health has deteriorated while watching this season with your often mean and nasty personal comments.I hope you find someone to talk to and will feel better.
Apparently the comp took 2 hours (?), involved some kind of spin, and was wet and cold.
Took Jag about five minutes to whine about keeping Matt being a mistake.
(gee, ya think?).
Imagine you’re a juror. You were backstabbed by Jag for being a possible comp threat, so were the other jurors. You see Felicia walk in. and learn Jag kept Matt over Felicia right before the physical / endurance part of the final HOH.
Does that effect your vote?
Why / why not?
SOP for part 2 is individual timed comp that takes place Tuesday. There’s ‘usually’ a full day for changeover build for the second comp: usually involves event knowledge in some kind of physical/skill comp.
What is SOP?
Standard Operating Procedure
Standard Operating Procedure?
Standard Operating Procedure
un, Do you think there will be a holiday Big Brother
Jag proved me wrong. Jag does in fact have honor, integrity, loyalty and credibility. He is bringing Matt to the final 3 Mafia that he swore allegiance to. I respect that and I apologize for
my emotionally charged rant that posted on a thread yesterday. May the best HG win…
Honor, integrity, loyalty, and credibility are not earned by one move alone.
Agree, I am strictly referring to these qualities in reference to my rant where I basically accused him of not having those qualities based on one move alone…
Nobody is mentioning the fact that if not for Matt, Jag would NOT BE THERE. I still think it was a bad game move for Matt to use that power on Jag, but either way I think Matt wins!?
Yeah, but that was so long ago that Matt saved Jag, and Jag has repaid Matt a million times over by dragging Matt all the way to the end and then even staying true to the final 3 and evicting Felicia and not Matt. Matt is not at all smart, not to be mean, but he really lost out in the brains department. Even Cirie called him an airhead!! Jag doesn’t owe Matt anything any more. Jag is the best player and I’m not sure why everyone hates him so much, I truly hope it’s not because of racism but I can’t figure out why else why. He’s a nice enough person, but remember the whole point of big brother is to be all backstabby and lying to get all the way to the end. It’s a horrible game when you think aboit how it pits people against each other. But such is the nature of the beast, and it still makes me watch. Lol
Cirie calls him an airhead!
I think she meant Bowie when she said airhead and then she said idiot for Jag/Matt?
bowie is the idiot. pretty sure . jag cant be cause she said jag was competing against an idiot. she wont call matt an idiot
At the time, I think most viewers supported his decision. What’s the saying? “Hindsight is 20/20.
Perfect. Jag for part 2. Then hopefully take each other to the end. Don’t care who wins as long as it is Matt or Jag. We need something to send BB back in the right direction after the recent 2 rigged seasons.
I get a little annoyed with folks discounting women’s games when they make alliances with men (e.g. BJ with Jag and Matt) or are in a showmance (America). I came of age in the 60’s and 70’s (yes, I’m older than Mama Fe), before the women’s movement. Back then, you learned the skill of influencing a man to do what you wanted in such a way that he thinks it’s his idea. That skill is still alive and well.
Won 3 HOH whether purposefully or not.
Stayed under the radar enough to never be nominated or socially manipulated enough to keep herself off the block.
Only person in the game that didn’t tell the chaoscoven her entire game strategy and targets, and didn’t act as an intel asset for them.
Adaptive strategically when targeting to maintain position with the numbers advantage.
If she was a male, would she be the coat tail rider, or would she be an equal to the males playing with her? We know the answer.
There’s an element of different yardstick at work.
Part of that is production. She has 1/3 the d/r of Ja/Ca/Ci/Fe and 1/2 the d/r of Matt. A significant portion of her d/r is comp explanation script. Prodo didn’t want viewers to know her game or strategy until they HAD to include her when she won HOH.
For 6 weeks viewers asked strategy or anchor. A few d/r would have told us. We were informed more about Meme and Red’s strategies. We learned more about Kirsten’s game in week one d/r than we did about Bowie in six weeks. That’s a production choice.
we saw bowie on the feeds. she never came up with a plan , idea.. never convice anyone to do anything.. was very menipulated to get america and cameron out even tho her targets were cirie and fe.. even the alliances she was in, she was never the one forming those or been a decion maker . its not about her being a women. its about her not being a true player. she even says loudly she doesnt really care about winning as much as being loyal and true. what she doesnt get- she wasnt loyal to cam , cory and america. jag manipulated her to believe they are after her and she bought it right away .
Maybe thats because she doesnt talk much or have much to say, or not much going on in her head to express a plan or opinion of anything….
Yeah, we saw Taylor use that “skill of influencing a man” on Monte last season during the F4 week. Funny how Julie didn’t ask Taylor about how her and Monte were doing, even though that “encounter” happened AFTER her and Joseph had started their “showmance”. LOL
It’s very reductive to say that manipulating others in that way is a women’s strategy. That sort of misting has been used in BB by both men and women.
You aren’t aiding in perceptions of women by framing it that way. I have to assume it’s a generational thing, older boomer.
I’m age 60, subcategory of boomers, not bound down by the 50s at all. I have never, ever behaved that way to accomplish my goals, nor have the women in my social spheres. I’d rather eat my shirt.
I’ll add, that within my immigrant family’s patriarchal culture, the women were often very direct and even confrontational; so, it’s not an across the board behavior even when the women are culturally oppressed, and my mom always told my sister and I that we could achieve as much power and control as any man, given the opportunities and privilege we had.
I agree. Don’t clump all women into this category. I’m 64 and never tried using “feminine whiles” to get a man to do something I wanted, it’s degrading and should not be used by any generation
I believe if manipulating the opposite sex to gain favor in any aspect of life, women have the advantage. Taylor used it to her advantage.
That’s a horrifyingly archaic perspective. You’re reducing everyone to their sexuality. It’s nothing more than stereotypical bias.
I call it like I see it. Women do a better job of using their sexuality to get what they want than men do. Stereotypical bias? Probably.
Yes, it’s how YOU see it, all bias, not based on actual reality. Thanks for admitting that!
Why does someone always got to make it a gender thing. It’s just weak excuses. If guys win more, it is because they play the game better. Plain and simple.
Does it work like this? Matt won 1st comp, leaving BJ and Jag to face off and the winner of that automatically face Matt for the final 2? TYIA
No. F2 is the choice of the last HOH. BJ and Jag face off in the part 2 HOH for the privilege of facing Matt in part 3. Whoever wins part 3 is the final HOH and picks who goes to F2 with them.
I would like to see Matt and Jag in the Final 2 just to see how the vote goes.
They need to have cameras in the jury house…it would be so much more entertaining the what’s happening the the BB house!
Jag has done the best he can to get where he is in the game. He’s probably been mistreated his whole life because of his nationality & choice of beliefs. That has a big impact on how he treats others, it’s all he knows. You can tell he’s a genuine stand up guy by his affection towards the other houseguest throughout the season. Whether it’s jumping in the bed with them or the hammock cuddling up with them or the affectionate bear hugs that he nondiscriminatly passes out he’s a good guy & played the game all the way to the finals to the best of his ability . He deserves the win & also our votes for AFP, so go vote now for Jag……you too Simon & Dawg make your voices heard and go vote.
I agree with most of this, but not AFP. If Jag wins the game, that’s enough for one player. And even if he loses, there are other guests that many of us prefer. I’d like for America or Cory to win AFP, although I’m fine with Cam as well just to mess with the heads of Cerie and Fe.
Cam winning favourite would piss off everyone. That sounds great to me.
Production made the houseguests hate him. They made him pie the faces of everyone he wasn’t putting up, thereby pissing off everyone not just the ones he put up. Pies to the face aren’t to used to make peace. They did everything they could to get him out. He deserves this for surviving production for so long.
If production was behind it , I doubt they’d allow him to win AFP even if he did get the most votes.
On top of forcing Cam to pie all the HG’s, (except the 2 nominees) they all were Havenots for the week except Cam. He took note when HG’s mentioned their favorite snacks in conversations and asked for them in his HOH basket. He was so disappointed that everyone was a HN because he couldn’t share his snacks with them. He was miserable that HOH, and really shook the house up with eviction of Izzy. That was the beginning of the end of Cirie’s reign.
Hell no!
Only in America!!
It is Big Brother not Miss America. You are there to win not be Miss Congeniality.
Are we watching the same season of BB25USA?
Umm, No..
Haha. The feeds come back and everyone is hungry, there’s nothing to eat and BJ has no clothes to wear. lol
I called it.. good thing there’s only a few days left or they might starve. I don’t think production supplies microwaveable food. I’m not entirely sure they even know how to work the microwave.
I guess they’ll live. Matt cooked the only thing he’s cooked in the last 96 days… Eggs
BJ made bacon but it looked like it was her first time. Like she didn’t even know how to separate the slices. Then she put the whole package in that tiny pan about 4 slices deep and served it half raw.
OMG… How did these people make it to adulthood?
They must have uber eats on speed dial.
Winning the HOH – – –
Pay To The Order of: Who cares
In her exit interview, Fe says she never fully understood why Cerie and Jared betrayed her.
Although they told her it was bc she had reached to to Jared for a F2 when she already had that deal with Cerie, that just doesn’t ring true as a fully justifiable reason at that point in the game.
She’s going to have a real ‘oh, now I get it’ moment when she finds out they are related.
Fe could really be off on her overall house reads, but when it came to interpersonal relationships her instincts were pretty good.
Will someone photoshop a pic of Felicia and put hair on her & post it on here? I want to see what she looks like without the bald newborn baby look.
I don’t mind bald but the shine is a bit too much, very distracting.
HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO MATTY ICE!!
Love how BB twitter is treating Cirie like some mastermind player with the mist and all that sh1t. UGH.. she’s going to win america’s favorite.
From what I saw Cirie reeked at this game.
All Cirie’s Survivor & Traitor fans will be voting for her. So I won’t be surprised if Cam doesn’t win and Cirie does instead. That’s okay. I think we’ll be seeing more of Cam in some sort of fashion. He’s a great looking Cowboy. Shout out #TaylorSheridan
Not Traitors fans. I think she had very few fans after Traitors. She was low-down and back-stabbing her closest allies in order to win.
And The Traitors was REALLY GOOD TV! Watch it on Peacock+.
Very entertaining. Cirie stole the Traitor Cookout’s BBQ and it was so tasty to her! The reunion episode was also a hoot!
I don’t have peacock but I’m going to check out the first show she won, in 2022 called ‘Snake in the Grass’. It’s on demand on USA network.
Btw, both shows titles are apropo for their winner, Cirie.
I think you can sometimes get a 7 day free trial of Peacock+ – easy binge. Also features Reality Star Snarkstress, Kate Chastain, it’s worth the watch. Will have to check out “Snake in the Grass!”
She reeked at Survivor too. Don’t know why they call her the Queen
because her game’s the same as sandra’s minus the actually winning twice part.
Plus she hated it.
When it’s all said and done Cirie was a non factor. Cam should win AFP, I don’t actually think Cirie will.
she was always gonna win it. too many people jumping over from survivor. like survivor she’s… i guess fine at this game. she makes deep runs at least but i think it’s in large part because she’s such a non-threat in competitions. she consistently can’t get over the final hurdle to actually be in front of the jury on finale night instead of sitting on the jury on finale night.
Does anyone think Matt’s obsession with Reilly and disdain for Cory/America will affect anyones vote? He was so jealous of their showmance and called America vulgar names. He also said different times that he hated her, she’d cheat on Cory and she does one night stands. Matt came across as misogynistic to me.
The whole issue and the one night stands thing came from America’s own mouth. They were talking in the kitchen and the subject of one night stands came up. America said, “One night stands? I’ve had multiple” <— her exact words.
After that, Matt’s attitude toward her completely changed. All he saw was a ho.
He treated her like a ho, cause she acts like one.
Talk about toxic.
She’s all talk and no action. She immaturely says many things for shock value..go figure.
Plus, isn’t that what our twenties are for- one night stands?
If Matt judged her for having one night stands, that is beyond reprehensible! I’m sure he thinks it’s ok for a guy, though…
nope you are wrong on all of this
He said all that behind their backs so they are likely to vote for him if he makes it to finals.
If it is Jag vs Matt, Jag’s plea should include that he came to play BB to win not to avenge some girl who was evicted unanimously Week 2…
Like seriously who is voted out Week 2 yet is still spoken about so often in the game? It’s not normal and Matt needs help..
swaggy was a week 2 boot
I thought that Swaggy was a loser. Always talked about himself as the 3rd person, I for one very happy to see him evicted.
I believe Swaggy was evicted week 2 and he and Bayleigh ended up getting married.
And they have a BB baby! Who would’ve thunk it..lol
And the look on Reilly’s face when Matt confessed his crush on her was priceless. Awkward! It was pretty much a “bless your heart” and “thank you, that’s nice – let’s just be friends” reaction. Ochie. But he doesn’t remember it like that, does he? And, production must have coached (or bullied her) into playing up to him AFTER her ousting to egg him on. Kinda weird.
Reilly might want to look up two words. “Restraining Order”! Jag seems just as obsessed also. Two men feigning over a 2 week houseguest. Very strange those two are.
I agree, Matt acts like he’s never had a girlfriend. If he can act this way after being around someone for 2 weeks, I’d hate to stalks his prey when he’s able to see them every day.
Jag also is strange, he always has to express how tight he and Reilly were, whenever Matt talks about her, or says he misses her, I’m sorry, I just don’t get all the Reilly love.
She played a horrible game, and was always crying. What did she really do ? I also felt that Reilly might have been leaning more towards Jared (Yuck), over Matt.
Her reciprocation is what has kept it alive in Matt’s head. Her letter to him on his first HOH saying she feels the same way, didn’t help.
If its Matt v Jag f2 anyone think this might happen…
Cirie, Felicia, Blue vote for Matt to win
Cam, Bowie, Cory vote for Jag to win
America is swing vote…logical Cory unsuccessful in getting bitter America to vote for Jag, and she wants revenge for Jag clowning her with the double veto blindside and she sides with the 3 ladies to vote for Matt to win 4-3
Cory will vote for Matt just like Grod wants.
Realistic scenario.
Is Julie gonna confirm a legends or celeb short winter season during the Thursday finale?
probably the celeb season
I think the Celebrity BB is kind of boring.
Yes Matt,
You’re right. America and Cory have been together, seen each other, touched, talked just about every day.
They’re going to be SO jealous you got a letter from that girl that left over 80 days ago.
blink blink sideye.
really. when they feedcut because the petty obsessive dragging’s getting creepy… oy.
Maybe he’s used to getting a lot of attention from women and America falling all over itty bitty Cory, bruised his over inflated ego. Matt has a nice body but his looks are average and his mouth is disrespectful. So he’s a Nope in my book. Jmo…
While I honestly really liked America and her game, I get the impression that she was a bit of a late bloomer when it came to her social/emotional life. I’m sure she was always a busy studious girl who didn’t get the normal exposure to certain things until her 20s, which is probably a reason she gravitated to Cory. She’s an emotionally immature 27 and he’s pretty mature for a 21yr old. I mean, who else doesn’t know how to kiss until they’re 26?!?
Astute observation.
Matt’s jealously/hatred of America/Cory is immature and unreasonable. I can see being bummed because the girl he liked got evicted but the vulgar names and disrespectfulness shown towards America/Cory was extremely excessive. Maybe Matt thought belittling them to Bowie/Jag made him look like a tough guy. If he was my son I’d be disappointed and embarrassed by his behavior. I’m hoping he doesn’t act like that when the shows over.
His mouth is disrespectful but the shape of his full lips is not lol
He’s a nice looking young man. Just wish his maturity level would go up a few notches.
His looks are actually below average.
This is why I keep saying, Matt get’s a good edit because of his hearing disability. I’m sorry, but I just can’t give him a pass on how nasty he talks about Cory & America.
I think Matt is very jealous, he thought that he was going to be the Star Showmance. I think he’s in for a rude awakening when he is out of the house, I don’t know these people, but I did not get the feeling Reilly was into Matt as a Showmance, they never kissed in 2 weeks.
I think Reilly was being nice to him, making sure that he knew what was being said when they were in group settings, she was just being nice and making sure he felt included.
I also think Production is playing this up, having her go and visit his parents. Maybe Reilly has a desire to get into acting, or other possibilities that might from from being associated with CBS. I don’t think Reilly is that into Matt !!
Matt gets a good edit because he’s Grods type.
Totally agree. Way back when, Matt told Reilly he thought she was attractive, her response was lukewarm. That’s when I knew she just wasn’t into him.
Maybe he’s grown on her as she watches him on the feeds/tv. It’s like all of a sudden she came out of the woodwork when she saw how well he was doing on the show.
Double oy!
Jag has talked about Reilly all season maybe more than Matt has. He doesn’t know that she’s been hanging out with his family and his own brother isn’t proud of the way he’s playing. Maybe that’s why she didn’t mention him in Matt’s letter. Jag low key wants BJ to win HOH so she can be the one to evict Matt.But BJ said she knows you’re supposed to evict the best player.
Reilly has met Jag’s family ? I don’t get it, why would she go and visit Jag or Matt’s family?
Is CBS trying to make Reilly the next Jeff ?
I don’t blame Jag’s brother for not being proud of Jag’s game play. Jag has said some really crappy personal things about several people in the house, of course behind their back.
How do you know R visited Jag’s family as well?
It was on another site
I just don’t get it ? Wonder what the catch is ?
Did houseguests from previous seasons, who were evicted from the house, other than Swaggy, visit family members of various houseguests ?
Either CBS is pushing this up, or Reilly is covering her bases, wants to meet a man who is financially stable.
Matt better hope he makes it to Final 2, wins BB26, he will need more than 75k.
After taxes, 75k may be cut down to 30k – 35k. Matt needs 750k LOL…..
What a misogynist Matt is. Keeping Felicia to the end so she can cook for him. I hope Reilly is reading these comments!
The grannies has no right to bad mouth Jag or Matt. They wanted them out a long time ago and they play like they are their best friends. All the grannies did was sit around and you don’t win BB sitting around.
hated the Auguest big brother start.
I hate Buddy Games
I hate Yellowstone
I do enjoy Big Brother. Watched from season 1. I’m older then Felicia.
I must admit, I liked the older big brother’s. Last 3 4 years, not so much.
I want Cameron to win – oh he’s gone. Don’t care who wins. CBS and Production will sway the jury and the diary room who they want to win.
I agree, I also have been watching BB since season 1. I thought the show was so much better back then, now I am so tired of the interference from production, and the people coming to play after only watching 1 or 2 seasons, people who want to be a celebrity.
I laugh at so many of these houseguest from this season and past seasons, who bragged about how much their lives were going to change after being on BB, they were going to be paid for making appearances at various places, they were going to be so famous.
Have we seen anyone other than Jeff, who really lucked out and had the opportunity to be hired by CBS, and also has a TV Career now on the “Daily Blast” everyday.
But Jeff never once said when he was playing BB, how much he was going to be famous, or how his life was going to change just because he was on BB.
Happy for Jeff, however, I never understood the Jeff fascination. I never particularly cared for him or Jordan.
I think the fascination with Jeff and Jordan was, they were 2 nice looking people, and everyone felt bad about how Jessie, Nasty Natalie, Russell & Shema, all ganged up and treated them like crap.
Matt WILL win if he makes it to the final two
First, thanks Simon for another great year of your website, it’s the only one I follow. Second, the posters were on the whole pretty respectful to eachother and made the experience very enjoyable all season. Finally, America gets my vote for favorite, she didn’t win anything which would have really helped her game but she was the first person to sniff out the cirie running the house and setting up the whole alliance that put Matt and jag in the final three. She was a fan favorite for sure.
You’re very welcome ameri-can
When America (the people) voted on their favorites to play in the secret power, I think America (HG) was robbed. I don’t think Cirie was popular enough according to the polls to have played in that competition that Matt won and saved Jag.
I want Bj to win Part 2 only to see Jag realize his game is no longer in his hands and he has to wait to see if Matt or Bj (who ever win Part 3) will actually take him.
I love this idea!
I would love to see Jag sweating, he is just too damn cocky for me. In his mind, he has already won this season.
I hope Matt & Bowie end up in the final 2, to be honest, I really don’t like any of them, but I just want Jag sent packing. Jag & Matt both were always talking crap about the people they were going to vote out.
Bowie has talked crap, but not on the level like Jag & Matt. Bowie Jane played the victim most of the time, but I will give her credit for the comps that she won, so I would not mind if Bowie won over Matt and Jag.
Bowie laid low, turned up her game at the end, and showed that she was also kind of good at competitions, some was also just pure luck.
This season of BB has been like a really awful movie, but you need to see how it ends
I think that it would be a shame if Jag didn’t win. I don’t know where some get that he didn’t make some of the big moves. He controlled about every HOH for the second half of the game, but I do see cases to be made for both BJ and Matt of course. I do believe that most of these voters will vote based on emotion, unfortunately, and they don’t seem too impressed by Jag and BJ so Matt will likely win if he is in the F-2. He did play a good social game by playing naive, which is a strategy and it’s hard to be mad at someone who is playing that game although they helped you be sent off to the jury house, but he was protected. BJ will have an uphill battle as she doesn’t seem to have many friends, wasted an HoH on America but she did blindside Cam. I think that her strategy was to play useless and convince everyone that she was a guaranteed vote so worth keeping around and did vote with the house every time. Will be interesting to see who wins this one. I would guess that Matt would edge Jag and Jag would edge BJ but we will see…
Came in playing under the radar, but wanting loyal alliance go team strategy.
Won three comps.
In power, her inclination was not get rid of the house greatest threat, it was to target HER greatest threat (the other layups). She was unsuccessful in HER strategic targeting because she didn’t have the social charisma to achieve her goal. Instead she is the HOH that got the house targets out.
No episode edit. That means no shot.
Walked in saying honor / loyalty. Bullshit a la Paul s 19. Can’t be loyalty if you intentionally onion (handful / family style) meaning hierarchy of disposability.
By week 3 he was still saying loyalty while in alliances with 11 of 14 houseguests.
Always wanted a group within a group with everyone vs 3 people.
Suffered socially because he only spoke to four people for a week and a half. This social blindspotting led to his errors week 1-5.
He was voted out.
Became the ind time comp beast.
Horrible jury management due to backstabbing and lack of game ownership. Trying to push game reasons in gbm’s to emotives not logic driven evictees is lack of understanding the motivations of others. ESSENTIALLY THIS IS THE ACHILES HEEL FOR JAG. He has zero understanding of the motivation of others, but expects everyone respect his self interest over their own motivation.
In power, he was about targeting his allies and not owning it.
Blind to the feelings of others, and lack of game ownership.
So he’s a comp guy that thinks he should win because he won comps, and if he doesn’t win, it’s not his fault.
Episode edit: he’s the focus of d/r inclusion, meaning storyline star. According to edit he’s odds on favorite.
Walked in saying he just wanted to Bro-down. He was always calculating. When ‘love of his game’ Reilly was nom’d, did he try to save her by lifting a finger? No, he saw the social value of sympathy with her leaving. He used sympathy in multiple ways to be liked. Poor deaf guy social strategy became poor deaf guy lost his nomance… poor boy. It was intentional social strategy.
Saved Jag as a shield. He was always saving Jag to have someone gullible totally loyal to him that he could bro-down with.
Because he was a social manipulator, he ran Jag’s game from week 4-9 (though both were so strategically impaired, they could only ape Cory’s strategic ideas while simultaneously taking credit for the strategy AND blaming Cory for the targeting).
End game that dynamic flipped. In power, he took out his own parachute, leaving his biggest ally/competitor with 2 parachutes.
Social manipulator with little strategic ability.
Episode edit: Petty douche getting good boy edit. He’s got sympathy and social game d/r content… but it’s 3/5 the inclusion of Jag. They’re pushing for the sentimental dark horse, but odds are greater with 2nd place d/r and episode says.
So now they have to actually cook and clean for themselves. Yes um. Amazing.