Matt “I’ve been kicking up a speech. I’m going to make it funny. I never lied to you Jag, FOR REAL! FOR REAL!”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Bowie
Nominees: Felicia & Matt
POV Players: everyone
POV Winner: Jag
Veto Ceremony: Doesn’t matter
Havenots: No more havenots

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The Situation: As the veto holder Jag decides who is evicted, Matt or Felicia. The remaining person will be the 3rd member of the final 3.

7pm Kitchen – Matt and Bowie.
Matt – I’ve been kicking up a speech. Bowie – yeah you have to. Matt – I am going to make it funny. Bowie – yeah. Matt – but not too mean. I am going to say just slight stuff like … remember like comments like Cirie made to me? Bowie – oh what was that?? Matt – so I am going to be like, Jag.. what would Reilly do? I want you to think about Reilly here. I’m going to be like FOR REAL Man, I want you to think about it? Bowie laughs. Matt – I am going to say little comments and quotes here and there. Bowie – yes! Matt – I am going to be like I never lied to you Jag .. FOR REAL! FOR REAL FOR REAL! Bowie – dude that’s funny! Matt – I am going to do that. Bowie – yes definitely do that. Matt – and then I’ll be like there is not much I can offer but what I can offer is (put one leg on the thing) is one last veto dance! And then I will do a gritty. Bowie – perfect, that will be the ending will it? Matt – yeah.

7:20pm Kitchen – Felicia, Matt, Jag and Bowie.
Felicia – Well I guess we’re not gettting a video today!?? Maybe tomorrow? I hope we do something tomorrow! This house is too big for four people. Matt – yeah and we don’t have the backyard. Bowie – hopefully we get to sleep in tomorrow! Felicia – there would be no reason to wake us up. Bowie – yeah. Jag – veto ceremony. Matt – they’ll wake us up for DRs.

7:23pm – 7:59pm Big Brother blocks the feeds. The feeds return to Matt, Jag and Felicia reminiscing about the season. Felicia – 6 days… 5 days and a wake up. I wonder what that jury house is like. I wonder if they really are letting them drink wine and watch movies. Jag – probably, I don’t see why not. Felicia – are you guys coming back if they ask you? Jag – yeah of course! Felicia – YOU WOULD?! Matt – I probably would. Jag – dope yeah! Matt – not right away though. I would. Jag – you wouldn’t? Felicia – no, one and done. If I was 25/27 I might consider it. 63 .. NO! I am done! Jag – well we’re 25 and 27. Felicia – yeah, its been an experience but nothing I need to repeat. Jag – man. Felicia – they’re building out there whatever they’re doing ..well not right now but all day I heard them. Felicia leaves to go to the bathroom. Jag – are we trying to (drink) tonight? I am tired that’s all.

8:45pm HOH room – Bowie listening to music, Matt playing cards and Felicia trying to fall sleeping in the comic bedroom.

9:33pm Kitchen – Matt and Jag making food and talking about what past seasons are like at the end.

9:35pm Comic Bedroom – Felicia.
Felicia – those guys aren’t coming down to talk or engage. They’re doing exactly what I said they were going to do .. just nothing. And so, it is time for me to roll out of the house. I don’t even care to be here anymore. I know it ain’t 10pm and I don’t even care! Because there ain’t nothing for me to do. I want to sit in those final 2 chairs but I ain’t going to beg them. All I can do is feed information, they can take it, and trust it because I haven’t made up no lies. Jag will just have to follow his gut. Matt going to look up and he is going to land in the jury house. Matt going to be sitting there with Bowie Jane if he ain’t careful.

9:50pm – 10:15pm Kitchen – Matt and Jag sitting at the small table talking.
Matt – the longest standing alliance. Jag – everyone else turned on each other or we sent them home. Matt – because we came up with that name on day 30 or something. Also if I was trying to get you out, I probably would have talked about the Minute Men. Jag – yeah. Matt – if I was really going to do that because that’s what Cam did. Jag – Cam’s so dumb. Matt – I am going to prep for my speech tomorrow. I’ll let you know if they tell me in the DR. Or maybe its all live? Jag – Bowie said we can have it for breakfast. Matt – we can have what? Jag – the wine. Matt – oh god! They stand in front of the memory wall and reminisce / talk about the past house guests. Matt – we’re already doing the recap.

10:30pm – 10:45pm HOH room – Matt and Jag.
Matt is trying to convince Jag that lightening starts from the ground. He says his 5 grade teacher told him that so he believes it. They chat about random things.. restaurants/wine, etc.

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46 thoughts to “Matt “I’ve been kicking up a speech. I’m going to make it funny. I never lied to you Jag, FOR REAL! FOR REAL!””

    1. The plan is, Jag is going to send Felicia to Jury. Jag is planning on having Bowie be the one that sends Matt to Jury, Jag doesn’t want to have any responsibility for Matt being sent to the Jury House.

      Jag & Bowie talked about this a couple of days ago, some how Jag will throw the comp so Bowie evicts Matt, then it’s Bowie & Jag in the Final 2.

      Bowie said everyone in the Jury thinks she has not done anything, if Bowie wants to make some BIG points, let Jag throw a comp this late in the game, give her some power, thinking she’s going to evict Matt.

      Bowie then Evicts Jag, tells him on his way out the door, nothing personal, it’s all game, I just don’t think I would have a chance winning in Final 2, sitting next to you, I hope you can understand this Jag.

      If Bowie sends Jag to the Jury House, she will gain some serious respect from everyone in the Jury House. They will be floored finding out Bowie flipped the script, evicted Jag not Matt.

      But, does Bowie have it in her to make such a big move ? Or will she do as she was told by Jag, and evict Matt, I’d love to see Jag’s face if Bowie surprised him and evicted Jag.

      1. “Jag is planning on having Bowie be the one that sends Matt to Jury”

        ONLY BECAUSE MATT still, at this stage in the “game”, does not want to show “his hand”. LOL
        WHAT A MORON.

      2. I don’t see it. Bowie has more of a chance at winning sitting next to Jag than Matt. No matter who sits next to Matt, Matt wins. He has less blood on his hands than the other two. Bowie would get more respect from the jury voting Jag out over Matt.

        1. Cam and Cory will not vote based on personal. If anything, Cam was supporting BJ’s house position during the jury segment.

          Fe will never vote for BJ.

          Seems unlikely that Cerie would either, only bc she has so much disdain for BJ. So in any case, her vote is likely to be anti-BJ. Other than that, Matt has seriously let her down.

          America is spicy towards all three of them. If BJ were to backstab Jag, America could actually appreciate that. I could see a ‘serves them right’ vote for BJ, a statement that Jatt were stupid to trust BJ who could also actually win comps compared to other HGs at the end.

          Matt as evictee is voting for Jag, no mattter what.

          Jag as evictee, probably vote for Matt but that just means they null each other out in both scenarios.

          Hard to imagine Blue voting for BJ. So in any case, she’s going to lose. But she’s not in any better position by keeping Jag, and could gain the respect of Cory and Cam if she did evict him.

      3. The problem is that she and Jatt have convinced each other that blood on one’s hands is bad for jury management. So to her, blindsiding Jag is not a winning move.

        Jag seems to have some sense of owning his moves in the past week or so. Yet he is still too uneasy to betray Matt.

        They are all stuck in that mindset. It’s utterly pathetic.

        Cam and Cory should obviously be players who will assess game play, not vote for their social buddies. Hard to say when it comes to America and Cerie, but I feel they have logic in them to respect game moves. Fe will never vote for BJ in any case.

        Every season HGs worry about blood, whereas there’s much more than that to jury management.

  1. I have a question for all the Cam for AFP voters.What impact did Cam actually have on the game?What did he accomplish?

        1. it’s a low bar. but jared has earned a place in the worst houseguests hall of shame and cam does deserve a lot of credit for beating the production shenanigans that tried to keep jared around. other than that coming out on top in the jared vs. cameron feud, cameron did very little.

    1. He made the game interesting. After they played him with Red, he had no one in the house that was actually loyal to him and yet he still kept winning comps and making it impossible for them to send him home. Plus he sent Izzy and essentially Jared home. AND Jag, who is going to win this game. He evicted him early and Matt blew it.

      1. Thanks to prodo his 1st HOH was a wash so he gets no points there and he gets minimal credit for Izzy since it was America with an assist from Cory that evicted her.

    2. He broke the steamroller that was the Cirie team. He took the actual first shot that lead to the other team members to be targeted. Plus production was against Cam but Cam was still able to do some things enough to make it to jury even though most ppl thought he would be gone right after the Izzy eviction.

    3. Cam actually played Big Brother and competed. Getting out Izzy was huge, or that side of the house would have run through the house. Red turning on Cam, and Cam not being able to find out why, was very troubling to him. I can wait to see how that reunion plays out on finale night. Being evicted before jury was one thing he did not want, but battling Jared in the Zombie thing, which was so stupid, and competing and winning multiple times to get back in the BB house allowed him to make the jury house when he was evicted the second time. Being on BB was a childhood dream of his. Anything he gets in addition to that only adds to that dream.

      1. Cam had less than nothing to do with the izzyviction vote. Until America dog with a boned to Bowie and Jag, then Jared and Izzy acted the fool at Cory, flipping him against them, the evicted houseguest was Felicia.
        Part of big brother is social game. Cameron had zero social game, and zero social capital.
        Red flipped on Cameron because Jared exaggerated Cam’s betrayal. Not lied, exaggerated. Cam agreed when Jared said Red was the target (intent irrelevant, the other houseguests don’t live in intent land, they live in words land).

        This whole notion that comps mean a person is playing big brother well? It’s belying that social and strategic game matter.
        Strategically, Cam betrayed every alliance he entered, and did that so openly that his trust capital was diminished to less than nothing. Evidence: when not HOH, did anyone even game or socialize with him? no.
        Cam won some comps. Big deal considering he was a social and strategic dullard.

  2. Are the bratty assholes still trying to ‘good people’ their way through shunning and trashmouthing?
    Oh goodie, something else the episode edit will hide.

  3. Gee, how predictable, Matt is going to mention Reilly in his speech, asking Jag not to evict him. Matt is really hung up on Reilly, 2 weeks in the house with her, he’s whipped ! Has Matt ever had a girlfriend ? This dude is really sprung on Reilly, he doesn’t really know her.

    Run Reilly, Run, I think you have a real stalker getting ready to be released from the BB House. Oh yea Reilly, and he did not get 75k or 750k. Don’t worry. You better be glad that you don’t live in the same state as Matt.

    1. Um…think the feeling is mutual. Didn’t you see that Reilly went to see Matt’s Mom when she got out of the house? They took pictures together and when Matt won HOH, he got one of them and a note (not from his family) from Reilly. Who’s stalking who? Lol
      I think they both may be a little infatuated with one another.

    2. I think you are talking about Cam not Matt. Cam was the creepy one stalking Riley. Matt is only using Riley in his speech as a joke to what Cirie said to them in her campaigning.
      Matt is not hung up in Riley. In fact he was a little disappointed when he first got the letter from Rilley he even told Bowie later that he hopes in the family section he hopes he sees his family and not Riley because he knew Riley only for 2 weeks, he has known his family 27 years and he really wants to see and hear from them.

      1. “I think you are talking about Cam not Matt. ”
        Get off of it…….FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO YAP ABOUT…..

      1. “Reilly will have to yell those little love whispers from now on.”
        Voice travels easily and far across Appalachia…you don’t even have to tell….just whisper…

    3. Matt said early on that he has had many girlfriends. They were also athletes, and he had one girlfriend after another, I think he said.

    4. “Gee, how predictable, Matt is going to mention Reilly in his speech, asking Jag not to evict him”

      I think that guy swallowed too much chlorine water while trying to catch up to Michael Phelps from 3 miles behind…lol….

    1. “Me thinks Matt is pu**y- whipped.”

      YUP….. he’ll be all hellbent and all out of shape by the time he hits his mid to late 30’s as a result of all that whipping by different beeeaches. IF HE’S LUCKY, he won’t be tied up in the court system as a result of beeeaches trying to collect support from him (which usually occurs about 70% of the time when “love”goes South). NO DOUBT ABOUT IT…..LOL….

  4. Well, if you have been watching the feeds or you want to know if the feeds have given any updates, everything is as predicted. Jag and Bowie have planned for either one of them win HOH. Jag of course, controls Bowie, he knows it and she is comfortable allowing it. Then one of ttwo evicts Matt. Jag and Bowie are busy conniving Mat’s downfall and convincing themselves why it is a good thing. So, Jag will indeed win and Bowie comes in second and gets a nice amount of money, some celebrity and has broken Derrick L record . This should get her more DJ gigs that she loves. Man child Matt , like Cirie described, in one of her ” interviews is ” soft- strong”. He knows Jag will cut him, he is not good at comps( let’s face it the two he won were almost identical), and most likely would congratulate Jag for making the move to cut him. Ugh.
    We can wish for other outcomes but we all know Bowie will do just as Jag leads her and Jag will win. BowieGoing where the power is and letting those in power lead her is her comfort zone and as she told them, that was her game plan all along. I only wish, CBS had shown not only Felicia’s pot stirring but also Jag’s, Matt’s and Bowie’s. No more feeds for me,I can say( safe bet) Jag will ? percent win BB, Matt will lose comps because he is not good under pressure, and Bowie will happily party at last. I wish they would treat Me like a human being and even have general conversations with her and perhaps all leave with some shred of humanity, but there I go again because truth that would be like wishing Bowie had her own mind and got rid of both Matt and Jag. Neve going to happen. Thanks un autre nom, Tttomba , Gan, and countless others, especially Simon and Dawg( donate to this site!) for salvaging this BB anniversary season that has been a misfire from the beginning. Have healthy, peaceful and safe rest of the year!

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