Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Angela
Nominees: Kimo, Lisa, Kenney
POV Players: Kimo, Lisa, Kenny, Brooklyn, Angela, Joseph (Tucker is the host)
POV Winner: Lisa
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: ?
DEEP FAKE HOH Upgrade: Quinn
AMERICA’S VETO Upgrade: Makensy
MASCOT: Cedric & Chelsie
6:20pm Chelsie and Matt
Matt – I know you’re trying to use it and put me up. I know. Put me up because everybody’s like, I mean, that’s more people that are just
like, what are you doing? And like, think about though. I don’t know if she’s thinking about next week. If she puts me up, I’m telling you right now, my speech is going to shatter the glass in this house. We have an alliance its the Barber Shop. Its me, you, Makensy, Cedric, Brooklyn, Leah, Cam.. we could do Kenny, Tkor. They agree it would be good to keep Tucker close.
6:55pm Bedroom – Tkor and Joseph
Tkor – I definitely feel for Angela. It’s hard to see her struggling so much. Joseph – I know. Tkor – I wish she understood that she doesn’t have to be as paranoid as she is, and she’s not alone. Joseph – I know. Tkor – But I think it’s the pressure that’s triggering her as well as like, you know, its like the things that we saw. Joseph – yeah, like you were saying there’s like people’s life experiences and
stuff like that they bring into here that make them feel certain
type of way. Tkor – you know for sure. Joseph – I know. Mad respect to the people that have played this game. Mad respect.
7:35pm Storage Room – Kimo and Lisa
Lisa – I would encourage you to do whatever you need to do against like race against the clock because you don’t know if it’s tonight or tomorrow and today I was like, thank God I did what I did, what I how I decided to handle my business yesterday. Because today I entered it with, I need to do. I did my best. I put my best game face forward and I handled my business. And you know what I mean. So I would say talk to people like you’re you have to play the game now. That’s true. If you haven’t already or carry on what you’re doing. Kimo –
Yeah, I’m trying to talk to people right now, just to kind of see. Lisa – I think it feels like most people didn’t really know because there’s too many, like, unknown factors. Kimo – I know we’ve discussed things before, but where does your head sit when it comes to if for whatever reason, I’m on the block with someone else. And you can be as honest or not as you want. Am I good for your game? Lisa – Yeah for sure. Same. I think we’ve been like transparent with them. I don’t have an idea. Like, I need to talk to Angela before I can give you the situation to figure that stuff out because she holds the power, but it’s still part of the game this week. You know, she has to be factored into somehow. And then once I have that information, I’ll be able to see a clear picture. I’m just missing one piece of the puzzle right now and then I will circle back to you. I hate that you’re in this position. It’s just like a really crappy position that you’re in and I hate that for you. Kimo – Me too. Lisa – I hate that for you. I want you to be here. It think you’re
great. I think you’re valuable. I love the relationship that we’ve built. Kimo – Thank you.
8pm Bedroom – Chelsie and Kim.
Kimo – I would like to work with you if I can benefit your game at all. Chelsie – for sure. I’m close to to Tkor and I know you, I believe you trust hers much as I do and so I would love to work with both of you guys. I would love to work with you. You are not remotely on my radar. Not even close. I honestly hope a big a bigger target goes up on the block this week to deviate any attention from you but I really like you. And even if I have power next week or have a
say so you’re not on my list. Kimo – Yeah. Your last person thinking about so how can I help you this week? Chelsie – I think you’re good this week.
8:18pm Kitchen – The house guests are eating / chatting about random things.
8:20pm – 8:30pm HOH Room – Angela, Tkor, CHelsie, Brooklyn
Angela – the hell that is a huge. He’s got the whole house right now. Nobody can tell me different. Like he does. I know that there’s individual things going on and I’m not into that. I tried to do that and you know it kind of don’t know where that’s going and so I
probably you know, I don’t know like I just wanted to do this with
the collective fewer people to get the majority that would do it
with. And I know there’s a power in play that was brought into his
big group and that’s why he’s so protective like you and he’s aware
of it. I mean honestly he’s kind of like thinking he’s like this crowd favorite right now I would love to freaking rip the rug out from underneath him and he was concerned about these women. What if he wins Al arena then you’re like it is what it is and then it is
what it is I’ll take what is contagious on that then because I’m not really big on strategy at this exact moment because I am have been sleep deprived. You can see, but if I have strong people around me can make those decisions. So that way this has all been a collective efforts when you’re standing up on that stage and you’re saying what your big move was, this is going to be the gosh darn biggest one of the season. I swear to God, I have sat there and thought of every scenario possible and I’m not a very good strategist. As you can see.
8:30pm – 8:40pm HOH room talk continued…
Angela – I’m going to. That’s my plan to apologise to her (Makensy) like early, you know, and nothing more needs to be said other than, hey, sorry for bringing you into that. She didn’t deserve it. I will plan to do that, and it’ll probably be tonight because she is a great girl. I want to just do that. And then that way she knows that, you know, and we’ll talk nothing else with her other than the apology. Great. That’s good. I’m going to keep it just like that. It doesn’t need to be long. Either way he stays and he pulls himself back off. Is anyone really going to be pissed if he goes? Who’s the target? He’s already said yeah, I am. And I swear to everything, I will not tell him, reveal to him. I mean, why would I who it wasn’t that I orchestrated this way and leave him guessing. And now he’s going to be humbled and as vendetta is on me once I’m gone. He’s cool again. That’s what’s going to happen. Okay. Do you think this would be a huge move? Chelsie, Brooklyn and Tkor say yes. Tkor – you’ve said it so just do it. Brooklyn – we can’t all work with everybody! Give yourself grace. When people as me how I am doing I say my best.. and your best looks different every day. Angela – I like that. I am going to use that. Those words are resonating with me. I really need to play a lot smarter.
8:55pm Kitchen – Makensy and Matt
Makensy – She said she is putting you up. She said she wants to apologize to me. Why do I need an apology? It’s going to be like, honestly, like you should not be apologizing to me. Like at all. I was like, I don’t care because I’m just so honest with I play an honest fucking game. I told her I put on the box literally this morning or this afternoon, and she came and talked to me after all. It just happened to be in the room. She fucking walked there and
she was like, just, I’m sorry. Like I had to do it. And I was like, uh-huh. I am not scared. Oh yeah. She’s fucked. She fucked. She fell out. I don’t know what was going through her head. I don’t get. I’m like, who thinks it’s a good idea to publicly address someone like that. That has never gone well for any person in Big Brother unless it truly is like a massive, like, like alliance.
9:35pm Bedroom – Lisa and Chelsie
Lisa – It seems like a weekly thing. Chelsie – Yeah. Lisa – I actually wonder if it’s like there’s a possibility for upgrades
once a week and it only applies to that week. That it seems that way
because if we’re going to be doing the downgrade thing also and
I don’t know cuz I don’t know if they’ve ever done a downgrade or
what they did they always do with a polar opposite you like but
because it would seem that after eviction it resets right. Chelsie – Yeah, yeah that makes sense. I think that’s how it’s gonna play off but also I know nothing. I know I tell you we don’t know sh*t. No one knows anything like we’re all just trying to figure it out.
9:40pm Kitchen – Makensy and Angela
Angela – I wanted to say I am sorry. I should not have named and your named. It shouldn’t come out of my mouth this morning. You don’t deserve it. My feelings weren’t toward you. It was silly for me to do that, and I shouldn’t have done that. But again, that sleep deprivation. And just like everything going on. But that’s still no excuse for bringing your name into something. There was no reason to. So I really, truly am sorry. And I’m wanting nothing from this. I just want to go ahead and say I am sorry. I truly am because I’ve been telling everybody. Makensy – Well, I appreciate the apology. Seriously, I know that’s not you. I know it’s been a stressful week. And I was a little shocked when that happened.
Makensy – I was like look like mom, Angela you are a big threat. Yes I have spoke about like what’s going to happen whenever we need to put you on the block ..like I’ve thought about it because I’m like if I want to win if I want to win like you at least I’m going to tell you right now a hundred percent. Angela – I believe you that does make more sense yes than the way that it was brought to me.
10pm Bathroom – Leah, Matt, Lisa, Chelsie, Tkor and Quinn hanging out.
10:55pm The house guests are just hanging out in the kitchen and bumper pool room chatting about random things.
11pm Storage Room – Makensy and Leah.
Makensy tells Leah about the Angela apology – Look like apology accepted. Like I appreciate you coming to me with this because I really was thrown off and have like you got to even like went off on either of us. But, I mean, at the same time, like, you know your game, I don’t. I said, I will say the only thing that like, after getting to know you, I think I was really just kind of caught off guard and really upset with how you presented your own character and look towards Matt. Leah – I’m going to warn you right now. I don’t want to spend too much time in here because I’ve been with you guys all day but I also don’t want you to think that I don’t care. Like, I care so much. And I’m like, I’m really happy she did that. But at the same time, it’s like, do a public apology. Makensy – Yeah. Like, why are you like hiding it? Cedric and Matt joins them.
Matt – I don’t. I’m almost like, I don’t know why she put me up and knowing like I have the votes. Why would she? That’s what I’m saying like. But I wonder if people can play into her. But I’m kind of curious, like if it’s not one of us who she chooses and gets more blood on her hands?
11:16pm Big Brother opens up the backyard..

11:40pm Backyard – The house guests are enjoying the backyard. Playing games / laying in the hammock chatting.
2am Bedroom – Tkor, Chelsie and Cedric
Cedric – what is Angela thinking? Ktor – she wants to nominate Matt. Cedric – yeah. Tkor – what I am finding is that I don’t know if people are actually going to take the opportunity to vote him out. Cedric – yeah. Ktor – So she might just make like the best case scenario that dynamic doesn’t change. Otherwise I think Kimo could potentially go home if he’s sitting next to Matt. Cedric – you think so? Ktor – I don’t think that is the right move. Cedric – yeah I am not saying that is the right move. Ktor – that is the vibe. Cedric – the best case scenario is Kimo wins and comes down. Ktor – And if Matt is here next week, he is targeting Angela. Cedric – naturally.
2:40am Backyard – Quinn and Lisa
Quinn is talking about how much he misses food being on slop. Quinn – do you think you guys could co-write like a or there could be like an online article about like… Lisa – I would love that culinary skills on Big Brother 26 feel free to write an article on the Kings and Queens that are running the food of this House please. Quinn – The Kings and Queens of culinary expertise on reality T. V. And then like I can talk about you. I can talk about like creative like do you have intentionality when you’re cooking for everyone or are you just such a passionate chef like I think that would be a cool article. I’d read that.
2:45am Makensy and Matt chatting while laying in bed
3:03am Storage Room – Quinn, Leah and Lisa.
They’re talking about the veto comp. Leah – when I saw that it was a spelling comp. I knew you were going to slay it being a doctor. I just want to say I am really f**king proud of you. You took yourself off that block You’re safe this week. No one can change that And that’s f**king cool. Lisa – No one really wants to mess with me right?!
Backyard – Quinn, Lisa, Leah
They perform a ceremony to use the moons energy to charge their water and the veto.
Lisa – Welcome to the full moon veto ceremony with this golden power of Vito. My place here in the centre I make the intention to charge it with strength and charge and charge it with honor and charge it with integrity and charge it with some really strong game play and now I encourage you as we open this circle in this new cycle to take your moon water. Yes, that we will charge as we honor the moon.
and honor it in all its glory in all of the power that it has and holds for us. And I invite you to set your intention for this next chapter and next phase of the moon that it will enter into your water that you want that you want to carry you through what you need to get through. And how your doing? Make sure you’re inhaling and exhaling into your 3rd eye and putting the power that you will charge into your water. I’m ready. Pull it up then. Take a big inhale. Hold. Bring your hands here. Heart centre with your moonwater at your heart centre. We seal the ceremony with gratitude for each other and sharing in this moment. Gratitude. gratitude for Mother Nature for a beautiful air that we are able to breathe, to rejuvenate our souls and the moon whose cycle we honor. God honors us. Namaste. Namaste. And cheers to our beautiful moon. Moon and each other. The warm moon water added to
When I first saw all the pictures of this seasons contestants I looked at Angela and thought it would be great to watch a smart mature woman play this game. Yikes! Wow. I hope they show this on the episode without too much manipulation.
When I heard her interview I had the impression of potential 1st boot
First time visiting this season and I tried to donate but got a message saying: “This organization can’t accept donations right now.” ???
Thank you for trying to send a donation! We really appreciate it. And thank you for telling me about the error message. I’ve fixed the error. It should work now. Let me know if its still coming up with that message for you.
Cedric / Chelsie Rock room convo.
Cedric reveals the Barbershop idea to Chelsie who at first isn’t really so hype.
Cedric reveals Angela doesn’t trust Chelsie and the Collective isn’t real because Chelsie is in it.
Chelsie acts innocent saying she hasn’t been pushing Angela to target anyone (biiiiig lie) and she’s only been supportive.
The two try to figure out who is feeding Angela bad intel (the voices in her head).
Chelsie believes it to be Lisa (nope, just the deluaions of a Karen that can’t find a manager).
Now the Pentagon is the priority (rock room Cam, Ced, Chels, Quinn and Brooklin) but Joseph knows about it and thought he was in it. They forget that part.
They worry Brooklin and Quinn may feel on the outs.
Chelsie is pissed that Angela is burning bridges all over the place, and says she won’t have a side at all next week.
She plans to confront Angela tomorrow before the veto ceremony…. that normally occurs on Monday….. but the house thinks it’s on Sunday.
Conclusions when I got too tired and turned off feed (grain of salt)
the Collective can’t continue without Angela because she’ll blow up their games.
The barbershop might have to do for now…. but it’s not optimal.
Pentatgon is priority (why do they forget Joseph was in the room when they discussed membership so it’s really a Hexagon, so he can blow them up too.
Perhaps they will try to double dip as barbershop AND collective without Angela. This is more Chelsie than Cedric of course. He wants to pick a side and do it. Chelsie wants to be on all sides.
They. Have. No. Votes. This. Week.
The Other Problems: Chelsie ratfloating and denying ratfloating is already becoming an issue because she’s been sloppy. It’s her pushing Matt at Angela. She revealed MJ was badmouthing. She’s the one that told Joseph too much. By playing innocent to her allies while leaking all over the place…. is Chelsie flatfloating to optimum standard? No because she’s leaving WAY too many crumbs on way too many people’s plates that can be used to blow her up. Rat floaters can’t lead alliances, and she’s trying to create and lead and control both sides at the same time. What. Could. Go. Wrong?
Not very mature of 50 year old Angela to call 25 year old Matt “crazy eyes”. I don’t care how sleep deprived she is.