Matt “She [Felicia] can play games and find out. She can f**k around and find out!”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Jag
Nominees: America and Blue
POV Players: Blue, America, Jag, Matt, Felicia, Bowie
POV Winner: Jag
Veto Ceremony: Veto was not used.
Havenots: ?

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The Situation: Blue is the target this week. No Flip in sight.

7pm Comic Bedroom – Matt and Cirie.
Cirie – I know she is lying but he didn’t tell me until today… everything that she said. Matt – everything? Cirie – yeah. So he don’t believe her at all. Matt – okay good. Cirie – she played herself. At first she was like Cirie, Cirie, Cirie and then when I said okay lets do it unanimous then she was like well I can’t because of my spirit. And now she goes back to okay I can do unanimous because of what Bowie said. Matt – because she thought it would benefit me. Cirie – so he don’t believe anything she says. Matt – I am not telling her sh*t! Cirie – NOTHING!! NOTHING!!

Bathroom – Cirie and Matt.
Cirie – Now I have to BEAT Felicia tomorrow. I can’t have her win or America win. Matt – I know, those two can’t win which is fine. Cirie – she told Bowie that she would put me up. I don’t want her putting you up either so I got to win! I don’t think she will do it. I think America and Bowie .. I know I’m good. I am going to tell her I let Jag take you down last time and I stayed on the block so help me out and just be a pawn for me. Please.

7:40pm Comic Bedroom – Cirie and Felicia.
Felicia – a part of me feels like for as much as we know Blue is a threat, she deserves to be here … more than this girl (America) right here. Cirie – well you got no control over it. Felicia – I know. Cirie – we have no control over it. Felicia – I could win HOH and put up Matt and Jag. Its like if you guys can play that road and just knock out somebody you supposed to be partnered with .. she’s been rolling with you since the beginning. And I know I need to watch out.. its like well.. I know we had a plan but we had to take advantage of the opportunity. We need one of you to be gone. Don’t really matter which one. Cirie – that’s crazy, she is going to be so upset. Felicia – Mmmhmmm.. so upset. She going to do like America did last week. Cirie – Or like Bowie Jane when she knew ahead of time. It will be just like Bowie Jane. She trusts her people, that’s why she is going to be so upset. Like you said she’s been with them since the beginning. Felicia – so they’re the last two she would have expected her to do her that way. Cirie – its like me and you. Like I would be like what!?? That is why she is so trusting of them because she ride with them. Felicia – Matt and Jag.. even though they don’t want to be the ones to put each other up .. if someone else does it are they going to be upset.. HELL NO! You can’t make me believe that! Inside they’re going to be screaming because they’re going to see themselves going all the way to the end because they figure they got out their biggest competition.. each other! Cirie – is friendship more.. what’s more important to them. Friendship and Game. Felicia – I still say when push come to shove the game will become more important when they get closer the the 750K.

7:50pm The house guests are sitting around chatting about random things.

8pm – 8:18pm Comic Bedroom – Matt and Cirie.
Matt – just got to be ready when it comes. Cirie – Felicia says she is going to vote 4 too. Matt – she can play games and find out. She can f**k around and find out. I hope she does actually. I hope she does that. But then that just makes it obvious. Cirie – I want it to be over with! Felicia joins them. The chat about random things. Cirie leaves. Felicia – Oh I want to win this HOH so bad! Matt – I wonder what it will be though. Felicia – the worst thing that could happen next week is if Bowie Jane wins. She is putting up me and Cirie. Matt – it will either be me and Jag or you and Cirie. We just can’t let her win.

8:22pm Comic Bedroom – Felicia, Jag and Matt
Felicia – Maybe you let Bowie Jane win the first HOH? Jag – for the double? Because she takes a shot at America? Felicia – yeah she takes a shot at America. And then she can’t play in the second one. Jag – WAIT! Now we’re cooking! Felicia – now we’re cooking! Jag – Bowie is for sure taking a shot at America. BUT we can’t let America win. Felicia – I know. Jag – so get America out and then.. Because then its all four of us in the next HOH. That’s 100% chance that we survive. Matt – we’ll have Halloween now. They laugh. Jag – Ya’ll have been cooking in here! Felicia – we in here cooking! Jag – all of us playing in the next HOH is perfect because it doesn’t matter who wins.

8:46pm Bedroom – America and Bowie
America – Jag just came out .. he said that Felicia is on board now. Its going to be 4 – 0. Bowie – Okay good! America – allegedly. Bowie – I think that’s better. No time for funny business. America – you’re telling me! I really hope we win tomorrow too. Its 3 against 2 .. Bowie – wait, who’s playing again? America – You, me and Matt .. Cirie and Felicia. Bowie – that’s crazy 1 in 5 chances of winning. America – 20%!

9:14pm Bathroom – Bowie and Matt.
Matt – So they want to play in the comp .. the second comp. Bowie – are you sure? Matt – yes. They’re like sold! When I told Cirie she was like yes! Felicia isn’t going to win the second comp. Bowie – no. Matt – She is going to let you win it. Bowie – is this real? So I’m going to win the first one? Matt – yeah, and Me and Jag win the second one. Bowie – PERFECT! Matt – its not going to be a quiz, its going to be movement. Bowie – so we’ll vote Felicia out? Matt – we’ll vote America out. Bowie – oh I see. Matt – you can put up whoever else you want. Then we play the second comp and we put Felicia up. Bowie – okay. I’ll have to say to America.. that I need a pawn next to Felicia. Matt – yeah.. don’t even say that now. Bowie – no no no .. that would be awkward. If you win the first one, me and Jag will definitely win the second one. You’re not supposed to know that we’re throwing it to you because then she will get suspicious. Bowie – no, right. okay! Good work. Matt – I just thought of it off the batt.

9:44pm Bedroom – Blue and Jag lock toes… Jag – that sh*t just slid right in! Felicia – How do you even do that? I’ve never seen someone do that before! That is so disgusting!

10:13pm Cleaning for tomorrows show. Jag to Matt – that’s fire the plan. Matt – yeah.

10:44pm HOH room – Matt and Jag studying the days / events of the season. Bowie joins them and they quickly chat about the double eviction. Jag – just be in the zone to win! Bowie – yeah.

12am All the house guests are sleeping.

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48 thoughts to “Matt “She [Felicia] can play games and find out. She can f**k around and find out!””

  1. Matt to Felicia: throw to Bowie, then we all play in the second HOH.
    Matt to Bowie: we’re all throwing to you. Tells her who to target, who they’ll evict like it would be his HOH (that he doesn’t want to win himself).
    Bowie: I don’t want to win HOH. plethora of excuses.

    So HOH might end up being Cirie vs. America vs. three people throwing?

    Cirie mentioned throwing before Fe became the official bb bus driver…

    oh this could turn out to be a comedy of errors.

      1. Wait until people in the fanbase realize Matt only told Cirie the Felicia dirt because Felicia said HIS name, and he needed her to help him clean that up a bit.
        whistles sing song while looking upward and walking away… i said nothing.

    1. Jag was trying to think of a way to get America to throw.
      Matt was trying to suggest throwing to Cirie.
      Matt will now stay in comp until Am and Fe are out, then throw to Bowie.
      Bowie still doesn’t really want to win.
      (she preferred winning if Fe was the target, not Am imo).

      They’re really going to overcomplicate a double, aren’t they?

    2. i hope this is the case. throwing challenges, especially this late, i usually consider a mistake. if your social game is good enough, you should be able to shake off any negatives associated with winning a challenge.

    3. I’m hoping they are just trying that other people would throw, so they can win. Make no sense matt would throw. Maybe cirie would. Felicia won’t. (They are so sure America can’t win veto ? In that plan of a mams and guys final 4 . If they are really true to that they should throw to cirie/Felicia and have the guys compete in the 5, but having bowie as hoh is risky for Felicia)

      1. America is a smart cookie. She threw many comps early on. She knows that she needs to lay low as she is a target. America will shine during the double. Win veto and then win the next HOH. Enough to win over a jury of Cam, Cory etc if she makes it to Final 2 ;o)

    4. They should just allow Jag to continue to win HOH until he is beaten. Call it the king of the hill twist.

      This season is already lost so might as well give it to the guy who wants to win stuff.

  2. For future seasons of bb, they should discontinue letting them have bibles in the house, they are just using it as more or less a prop to help strengthen their lies… like some bb oxymoron

    1. Nazis got rid of bibles too, and Republican are now trying to rewrite the history of slavery by eliminating Black History books from the library. Censorship is nothing new in the history of mankind.

  3. Why do they say the want to play in the 2nd HOH? Thursday night, Blue is evicted. Now it’s a Double, so there is a HOH competition, and a Veto competition.

    Someone is evicted, are they saying they want to throw the HOH Competition during the double Eviction, so they can play in the HOH competition on Friday or Saturday, where you actually get the HOH room for 1 week?

    I’m really getting tired of these idiots being so afraid to play the game. I don’t remember people throwing HOH comps this late in the game, because a person is afraid to expose their hand.

    Matt & Bowie better be careful throwing HOH competitions, let’s say they mess up, and they end up throwing the HOH competition, and America, Cirie or Felicia win.

    I think Matt is covering his butt, saying he’s throwing the HOH Competition, just in case he does as he normally does, lose another HOH competition !! You don’t throw competitions this late in the game.

    i’m soooooooooo over this season of cowards, they are so damn afraid to play the game.

    1. I think the 2nd HOH they are referring to is the one that should start after the double eviction. They will still need to play another HOH to determine the winner for the rest of the week.

    2. I think at this point they are just doing what they have done so far. I’m trying to figure out based on their conversations if they are aware of a DE this week or if they are planning in anticipation of one this week or next week. The only person that really needs to win something is America b/c she is by herself and in the middle. If Matt wins he and Jag are going to be forced to show their hand on who their “true” alliance is: Final 4 w/ Cirie & Fe or Final 3 w/ Bowie. That might actually be fun to see, but somehow with the way this season is going it is going to fall flat again.

  4. I hope Matt’s cocky ass throws it thinking Bowie will win for Jag and him and she fails (either on purpose or not).

    She should really throw it too. She isn’t going in any scenario really if Matt/Jag are both available as nominees.

    I hope America, Cirie, or Felicia wins it and breaks up Matt/Jag.

  5. I never thought I’d say this, but I’m hoping for an America or Felicia win for this HOH for DE. I know this doesn’t guarantee one of the guys gone, but it does increase the chances.

    I would hope both go up. If one wins veto, replace with Bowie. The other is voted out. Only way that works is if two of the three are on the block.

  6. The smart thing for Cirie to do is to tell Blue she is the real target and to tell Blue say it was Felicia that told her because when Blue gets blindsided after asking Cirie all week, she could expose Cirie and tell everyone that Jared is her son

      1. No one seemed to care when Julie told them. I think once they have a chance to think about it, some will be upset about it. Wait until everyone finds out Izzy & Blue knew about it.

        1. Those in the jury house are the ones who need to know, if Cirie makes it to the Final 2; however, I don’t think Blue would expose that secret because of her allegiance to Jared. I agree that knowing Izzy and Blue knew about it will make Julie’s telling of it on finale night after the votes are in very interesting. Those on the jury will be pissed that Blue did not reveal that before the vote. I know Julie will tell of that on finale night, but I wonder if she will tell that Izzy and Blue knew.

    1. Yes blue could expose them but cirie doesn’t know that blue knows Jared is her son. She’ll be pissed when she finds out Jared exposed their secret.

  7. America is a smart cookie. She threw many comps early on. She knows that she needs to lay low as she is a target. America will shine during the double. Win veto and then win the next HOH. Enough to win over a jury of Cam, Cory etc if she makes it to Final 2 ;o)

    1. yeah, even when cory was in the house, i thought it helped her game more than hurt it if he left. he becomes an advocate for her in jury plus she gets the opportunity to distinguish her game from his in a way that if it leads to a path to the end probably gives her a strong case to make to the jury.

  8. I wonder if Matt is really as dumb as he sounds? This whole season has been a snoozer. Hopefully America wins HOH and puts up Jag and Matt and Jag doesn’t win veto then Jag gets evicted.

    1. Honestly, I’m ready for dumbass Matt to go; FBJ is a fool to bow down to the altar of Matt & Jag…. Matt is hoping for Cirie, Felicia or ‘ Merica to dispose of his “ best’” buddy Jag…. Would love to see the tables turn. Besides, Matt is more focused on taking Reilly out on their first date to the all -you-can-eat buffet

    1. The one with JAG and MATT are “locked” and JAG also says: “that sh*t just slid right in!” is not a publishable picture.

  9. Its official. I just deleted the last 6 episodes off my DVR. This season officially broke me. I just cant watch. Ive even come here less and less. Stop bringing family members, past contestants, people from other shows etc etc.

    WTF happened to this show. The only strategy that seems to be played anymore is “float until jury then try to win HOH, listen to what everyone else wants and then get eliminated by not being able to have any true allies”

    I think the feeds may actually be the problem. That and production pushing certain people or storylines. The fact that no one wants to say anything that ruins their life outside the game causes people to not actually play the game.

    My suggestion for a fix: Get contestants who dont have a social media following, who arent interested in gaining one either, people who arent superfans and ones who need the money. Thats going to have people who compete more, stab each other in the back more and are way more entertaining. Also i would love it if production would mess with everyone and not allow a unanimous vote. Like even if it was unanimous they would say that the vote was 6-1 just to cause some chaos.

    Idk but this show has lost my interest

    1. It’s a really interesting point about the downside of having superfans in the house who are aware of live feeds, forums like this and the influence of social media. However, the idea that they tread carefully, in the fear of cancel culture, is perhaps at odds with the fact that we have not seen a decrease in the amount of hateful language towards fellow houseguests in recent seasons.

  10. I don’t watch the feeds so I genuinely don’t know…when they say they’re “studying”, what are they using as reference? Aren’t they not allowed to write things down? Does production provide them with ways to study? Or is it just conversations they have and things they start memorizing from day one?

    1. They cannot write things down as they are not allowed paper or pens/pencils. That’s why you see them repeating things over & over. It’s all memorization & I’m impressed by how well they do. In past shows they have used colored candies to help with memorization. I think that is allowed.
      I wish, however, that they weren’t so helpful with each other. It is a competition.

    tonight: 7-5 double eviction
    nov 2: 5-4 eviction
    nov.5 sun special 4-3 eviction
    nov. 7 season recap episode
    nov. 9 finale episode

    following betatest, we should be looking at a comps mean everything win, however, the betatest didn’t have a stuntcast a la season 19.

    Potential Juror assessment:
    Cam: comp wins are important for his vote
    Cory: social manipulation is key for his vote.
    Blue: personal bias is key for her vote
    America: personal bias but tempered with rounded player view (mix the other 3)
    Felicia: bitter af mic drop period bagofcats crazy juror question.
    Bowie: some bizarre moral / loyal game view. who was on her team. was she betrayed.
    Jag: sitting at a table mixing Cam, Blue Fe and Bowie views but calling it ‘best game’
    Matt: personal bias big time.
    Cirie: personal bias but couched as ‘best game’


    In the future this season will not hold up to scrutiny as a ‘good’ season. Whether because of twists, stuntcasting, inequitable comp design, length of season being unsustainable for some game strategies and a month where 3 evicted houseguests didn’t leave… or just because the season is patterned too closely on another season (19 with ‘nicer’ people), this season will end up in the meh pile except to Ciriephiles that aren’t exactly objective if bbtwitter is any indication.

    What we have learned:
    Stuntcast secrets are plot device protected by production.
    The show, company, and network zero tolerance policies don’t apply if prodo can get away with hiding it.
    The show will cover bad behavior with feed blocks, even covering retells of that behavior.
    It’s reality entertainment programming that hides the reality part whenever they can get away with it: not a gameshow.
    (we already knew most of this).

  12. Dear bb25 house asshats,

    throwing a double at 7-5? stupid.
    wanting to win final 5 HOH? stupid.
    Final 4 HOH. want to sit out? Unless they change the rules again, final 5 HOH can’t play, has to rely on veto.

    what would be smart for the strategically impaired minutemen (i doubt they last that long),
    Matt should WANT this HOH. Jag / Matt should throw f5 to Bowie. f4HOH is then the boys vs one of Cirie / Fe. STRATEGICALLY THAT’S HOW THEY REACH THEIR SUPPOSED GOAL.
    Matt and Jag strategy sessions are tweedle dee and tweedle dum level cognitive impairment regarding how to big brother efficiently.

  13. Recent History endgame double
    24 HOH: color repitition (already done this season. Cam 2nd hoh). turner
    24 veto: harnesses untangle wire to plug in light. monte
    23 HOH: roll ball up hill azah
    23 veto: true/false booth kyland
    22 triple HOH both booth comps memphis/tyler
    22 triple veto both balance beam to complete puzzle christmas/tyler
    21 hoh puzzle ice rink shoot goal nicole
    21 veto what the bleep booth cliff

    Compiled to show pattern regarding what to expect tonight.

  14. Not going to get my hopes up for tonight’s double eviction, it’s always a let down. Hoping for an Anerica HOH because she will be the only who will put up Jag and Matt. Anyone else wins it will be a Felicia/America/Bowie nomination.

  15. Feed roundup Thursday
    -last night America refused tuck in service by Jag.
    -last night Matt (with Bowie laundry service and bed making and Fe/Ci/Bl cooking services) was mad America won’t cook or clean (for him, like all of the acceptable women in the house do). Reminder, Matt’s office was swept and cleaned the first time on week 7…not by Matt. he slept there how much? didn’t clean it up until after Fe cleaned it for him.
    -Cirie in shower whispered with Blue. Something about Bowie’s vote.
    -Felicia no longer down to throw she tells Ci she’d put up Ja/Ma. or baiting Cirie so she can run to Jag. not sure which.
    -Bowie whispered to Cirie she’d rather get Felicia out and use America as a pawn.
    -Felicia pushed final 5 talk in comic room to Ja/Ma/Ci/Bo. Directed shade at Bowie
    -Matt confirmed Blue is leaving to America.
    -Matt / Cirie whispered about hiding how close they are.
    -everyone is icing Fe. she doesn’t realize.
    -Fe says god is telling her Bowie gotta go because she won’t shoot at Ja/Ma, and she should tell Blue she’s going. Mrooow hissss fft fft grrrrr.
    -Jag told Am to wear her eyelashes, she won’t be crying tonight. He’s surprised she never totally unpacked from last week. Am wants hoh to cook jag.
    -Blue wonders what to wear. Jag says 2 of the 3 comps might be casual with 3rd being physical ( thinks f5 HOH is tonight).
    -Blue packing includes blanket that is, i think, set dressing/prodo property..
    -Fe plans to occupy a seat in every room next week.
    -Ci has given up hinting to Blue. determined to blindside herself.
    -might be indication to house to dress active / athletic not casual.
    2:40 bbtime everyone dressing for episode and comps.
    America looking for athletic gear isn’t a clue to Blue.

    That’s all I got, Time to prep dinner

  16. “9:44pm Bedroom – Blue and Jag lock toes… Jag – that sh*t just slid right in!”
    8=====================) ~ ~

    So now we know JAG gets off from BLEW’S toes. “…just slid right in!”

    Could be argued that JAG is about as slow as CORY when it comes to women given that it took 70+ days for JAG to get off on BLEW’S toes while it only took less than a week for JARED to get off in BLEW’S bifold. Blame it on culture? Both freakish.

    If JAG survives tonight, maybe his next target might be BOWIE, but she is “nonbinary” (according to BOWIE). So don’t know what are JAG’S “options” in THAT situation. Freakish too.

  17. FYI. They have not told Blue that she’s the one leaving yet not America. We shall see if they do it when the feeds are down

    1. It won’t matter. Nobody in the house or jury likes her. Her vote doesn’t matter. But they will probably tell her anyway being the cowards that they are.

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