Matt “Cory and America are working together, no brainer. Those two are very close!”

The Situation:

  • Jared and Cameron are living in the house as “Zombies”
  • No HOH, No Power of Veto, No Eviction. Jared or Cameron will get a chance to reenter the game.
  • Jared and Cameron compete in a 3 part comp to decide who gets to play in the puzzle comp to reenter the game
  • Jared lost the Zombie competition so Cameron gets to decide to do The puzzle competition to reenter the game

Lock your ranks in before midnight

7:15pm Hammock – Jared and Blue
Jared – Especially after being such a f**king hypocrite and telling me I needed to tell you sh*t. And I was like alright cool.. I got you, my bad! I did wrong and then you followed that up with that. Blue – oh yeah, absolutely. I absolutely agree. And that’s why too there is no point in me even saying this part and again if there was more time I definitely would have told you but it definitely happened the way it happened. Let the script script. But yeah I agree. I definitely told you. Jared – its like that thing .. like I always tell my friends if you’ve got problems with your parents just fix it because some times people take up more time than they actually have and one thing people have no control over is f**king time. People can’t predict the future, you don’t know what the f**k is going to happen. Even for the people that are very well versed in this game per say itself.. you still don’t know its going to be a double. You don’t know there’s going to be a battle back and bla bla bla .. you don’t know. Anybody .. if you care about somebody else.. don’t think that you got time. Treat that sh*t like you got no time because that’s what always kills people.. even with procrastinators.. you sure you got more time than you actually do. And that sh*t hit, don’t let that sh*t get where that sh*t get pushed up and now you definitely f**ked. And this is where I say goodnight. Go! Blue – why do I go? You were the one that said goodnight! Blue – have you talked to everyone at this point? Jared – yup, every single f**king person. I am sick of everybody!

Havenot Room – Matt and Felicia
Matt – who stays this week too takes a lot of play. Felicia – it really does. Matt – If Cam stays we’re going to have to gun for him. The majority of the house is going to want to gun for him. With Jared, I think it is still a wild card. Felicia – Do you think the house is going to want to go back after him again? Matt – I don’t know I think everyone is scared so maybe they do go after him. I am not sure because everyone is just saying different things you know. They say that they want to go after him and then they don’t. That’s the part because I don’t know who I really trust. I talked to Jared and he said that he wouldn’t go after me but he could be in a position to say that to anyone so I don’t know where his head is truly at. Cameron is a wild card so you don’t know who he is going to go after. I guess both options are scary. I am just thinking forward I think that we should probably still stick with the idea of nine of us. I think its a no brainer, Jag and I are really close. I trust him a lot. I trust Blue a good amount. I feel good about Meme. We haven’t done a lot of game talk. I feel like I can trust her. She hasn’t given me any reason not to trust her. So I have no reason to not want to work with that. Cory and America are working together, no brainer. Those two are very close. I don’t know what their angle is. I know they’re very smart players. I know they’re getting on good terms with everyone. Something that kind of hit my head when I was talking to Jared, they all of sudden got close to me last week. And I was like did they use me? Did they use me for this just so that I can play vetos and stuff. I am not sure. I feel like can trust them but I still have my suspicions. Just because of the whole America thing.. everyone didn’t trust America for the longest time. And like Cory is going out of his way to make sure she is safe. So I don’t know how I feel around them. I have to be careful navigating around them I think. Felicia – how do you feel about .. I am hoping that you trust me. Matt – no, sorry. You’re last. I put you last .. no you of course. I feel great with you. Solid with you. That’s like I don’t feel its always necessary to always talk. I feel good with you. I am just going with my gut feeling. I would say that more than half the house I feel good with. If Cory and America win I would be a little bit scared just because I don’t know what angle they’re going for. Cam or Jared which ever one stays. Bowie, whoever is in her hear. So I think those 4 are I would be scared if they win HOH because I don’t know what their end game is. Felicia – we’ll just see where this lands.

8:20pm Backyard – Matt and Jag working out.
Jag – Mama Fe, how much can you bench!? Felicia – Believe it or not at one time I used to be able to do the 135!

8:35pm Kitchen – Blue and Cirie.
Blue – did you talk to Cory today? Cirie – yeah, he told me we was good. He told me I was not his target. He told me to talk to America. He said that I would be better for his game in this house. I just don’t know why he would need to lie to me. Blue – I don’t think he is. I think he is trying to.. Cirie – sort it out? Blue – yeah. I was going to say its not like he can play but I think he will be able to. Cirie – yup! Blue – but I think next week is going to be luck (comp). Fair play for everyone kind of situation. Cirie – Sh*T! Blue – because the next one is guaranteed to jury. Cirie – yeah. I don’t know why Felicia said we are good but I guess not. We’ll see.. Blue – I don’t think she’s been hearing whispers. Cirie – I hope it is luck and I get lucky. I am usually mad lucky. Like ridiculous. Blue – I got lucky girl syndrome. Cirie – Cameron said something to me today.. when ya’ll in the jury house. Blue – oh god. Blue – he’s been manifesting hard. He is really saying it like he owns it or like he is going to get it. Like he is really embodying it.

9:14pm Backyard Pool – America, Cory and Bowie.
Cory – I am still wondering if there is something to pitch there? Bowie – where? Cory – Us three and Cam. I don’t even think we need to but in the event he wins HOH. America – I don’t think he would believe it. What do you mean? Cory – Why do you think it would stop him from believing it? Which one of us? America – because it doesn’t include Matt and Jag. He knows we’re tight. I think he sees that we’re tight. Cory – okay. America – I did talk to Meme. She is like you know I am a very straight forward person. I don’t want to be getting into anything that’s bullsh*t bla bla bla .. Bowie – six alliances later. Cory – and you were saying it doesn’t have to be bullsh*t. America – Meme, this isnt bullsh*t. I trust you. Cory trusts you and if he does then we’re good. Me and you have been talking all season. Bowie – so what is the pitch to her? The four of you and her? Cory – Us two, Felicia and her. Bowie – oh that’s right, yeah, yeah. Cory – I was talking to Felicia.. Meme I was talking to Felicia it can be real because we’re two of the four. And what I kept telling her.. I was like okay the person that comes back is the problem. She was like then you got to start worrying about some of these dudes. Matt and Jag. And what I was telling her was we don’t even have to win HOH as long as one of us is not on the block You, Me, Felicia, Meme.. we’re safe. Because we’ll have three votes and I think Bowie will vote with us. Bowie – Yeah I think that is a good sell. Cory – so then they would want you off the block so that you could vote with us. I don’t want it to be Matt or Jag but its fine for now. We need Meme and Felicia to feel comfortable about their position. Anything that will keep not all of us on the block at the same time. Bowie – right, yeah I like that. Cory to Bowie – Did Cirie promise not to put you up? Bowie – I feel like it was an on going understanding but I don’t know how good it is. Cory – I feel like Cirie and I keep renewing the contract. America – and then with Meme she also said that she feels uneasy about Jared .. she hasn’t talked to him since Friday.

9:43pm Backyard – Cory, America, Meme and Felicia.
Cory – An HOH for us would be amazing obviously. Meme – 100%! Cory – even if we don’t win HOH we are probably fine even if two of us are nominated it might be okay because if we win the veto we’re golden! Like if they’re targeting you (Meme), its going to be you and her (Felicia). If they’re targeting me, its going to be me and her (America). We know its going to be one of us pairs, I guess. But if one of us comes off the block… like if you come off the block it won’t be me. And then all of a sudden we’re going to have the votes no matter what because it will be the three of us not on the block plus Bowie. Again there isn’t much to do planning wise until the week actually starts and we know what we’re dealing with. But like I don’t think we’re going to rely on winning 4 back to back HOHs. I’d love it though, that would be sick… lets gun for it. Someone is going to come back into this house.. and I don’t know what that does for the game. Cameron is a little more straight forward whereas Jared is a little more connected and also Jared is also a very smart guy. Felicia – but I think with both of them with everybody there is a lot of mistrust. Everybody is saying everybody is okay but you don’t know what they really feel but you won’t know that till Friday. Nominations is going to be tell all. Matt joins them.

10:24pm Backyard – Matt, Cory, America and Meme.
Cory – I think we’ll still do goodbye messages this week. Matt – I wonder yeah. America – I don’t think so. Meme – I don’t know. I’m not sure.

10:40pm Hammock – Cory and Jag.
Cory – so then you throw in a Cameron there and Jared there.. it gets to be a lot harder because once the numbers get down we can’t survive two Cameron HOHs. We can’t survive two Jared HOHs. A Jared HOH next week might be okay, but a Jared HOH at the final 8 .. there is nothing to do there. Cameron at the final 9, it gets tough. We might have one okay week. In this end game situation do you feel fine with either of them? Jag – oh I guess I haven’t.. Jag runs through scenarios. Cory – our plan should be simple .. we put up Meme and Felicia and we can just choose whether we want to backdoor depending on the veto. Jag – the option is always there. Cory – I do not know if I can beat Cam in a lot of competitions. I just don’t know how many shots we’re going to get. Eventually it will come down to backdoors don’t work anymore.. like they barely work now. Jag – I feel that. I think that is something we just decide post veto. There is no reason to reveal our cards. Cory – the only reason would be if you want Meme and Felicia to feel comfortable. Like you don’t want them bugging out, like why did you just nominate me. I think our whole group of four as obvious as it is now the second we nominate Meme and Felicia its done.

12:25am Bedroom – Cory, Meme and America.
Cory – what if we made an alliance called the Three Deadly Sins? They laugh.

1:05am Bathroom – Blue and Matt.
Matt is talking about being the first deaf person to be on big brother and bringing awareness to it. It did not think it would be this hard but it is. But I think I am doing a good job. I am not giving up. Changing everyone’s first impressions. Everyone had very different first impressions of me… and realizing oh f**k you’re not the way we thought you would be. I am proud of myself. I would be proud of myself if I get 4th into Jury but I definitely want to get top five, top four you know. Obviously we all want to win.. I would just love to get to the final… you know like someone important for BB25. Than just being a person that got voted off week 5. You know?!

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74 thoughts to “Matt “Cory and America are working together, no brainer. Those two are very close!””

        1. The Jared I saw on the intro tape was the same Jared that started the game and the same Jared that was evicted but was carrying on an intelligent, calm conversation with Julie. It is like a switch went off inside of him when he lost his very first comp. He does not handle loss well. Now one could argue that no-one handles loss well but I disagree. I believe we do not like to lose but some of us handle our losses with grace. Jared handles his losses by becoming bitter, angry, paranoid and lashing out by cursing and continuously having the same negative conversations. This is not how he acted when he walked out of the house. He actually was accepting his defeat because he truly believed at that time that he was done. As long as Jared thinks he has a chance he will use all of the tools in his arsenal and, for him, one of his go-to moves is acting out…

          1. How he acts inside is how he is outside. Period. He forgets that the cameras are watching inside, and that’s why he acts his normal self. When he’s awake that he’s being watched (as in the interview with Julie), that when he puts on a mask and and act. BAD ACTOR.

  1. I cannot fathom the conversation with Jarat and Blue!!!!

    And this is where I say goodnight. Go! Blue – why do I go? You were the one that said goodnight! Blue – have you talked to everyone at this point? Jared – yup, every single f**king person. I am sick of everybody

    Such gross and ick and nasty this male is!

    1. To me Jared seem to make it sound like Blue was responsible for him being voted out. He’s such a big baby. He has a lot of growing up to do. If that’s the way he behaves with his mother around then ladies keep your distance.

    2. I really don’t like Blue but does that woman have no respect for herself???? She lets him belittle her, gets mad at her, blamed her for his eviction and she comes cuddling up to him, apoligizing. Does Jared not realize that if he hadn’t been voted out, she would have? Is she supposed to sacrifice herself for that whinny brat?

      1. Don’t forget…..Blew is a servant for him. Get me food, get me drink, get my towel, wash my sheets and clothes and make my bed. She waits on him hand and foot. Also he is withholding kisses until she earns his trust. She is trying hard.

        1. Sad for Blue. She doesn’t deserve to be treated like that by Jared or anyone. Or maybe she thinks he and his mom will make it to final three and take her as one of their final two? Maybe that’s the script she refers to from time to time? Who knows. Hard to understand what will happen next in this season.

      2. “I really don’t like Blue but does that woman have no respect for herself????”

        Asian females are traditionally submissive to males. They will work like an animal and crawl around the house if they perceive that to be their role. Ever read anything about Thailand?

  2. Currently in “position jockeying” week:
    Cory: America number 2. game talks with Bowie. deal with Me/Fe. non agression pact Cirie. thinks good with Ja/Ma/Bl, but also worried. Bl/Ma want someone else to take our Cory. Cory beat them to most of the someone elses. Possible bd target Cam. number 4 to Jared. possible Cirie pawntarget
    Jag: Matt number 2 shared position. Blue’s number 4/5 right now. With Am/Co but pulling away preferring a bro down. Number 3 to Cam. potential target to Jared. pawntarget to Me/Fe.
    Matt: Jag number 2. Cirie 3. Blue 4. plotting against Cory almost openly while also targeting Fe/Me while pushing alliance with all. Bowie’s number 3/4 as of today. He’s not maintainng her as well as Cory/America. with am/co if they win HOH, otherwise brolliance. thinks he has deal with Fe/Me. Cam’s number 2. Potential target Jared. pawntarget to Me/Fe. longshot but mentioned by Cirie too.

    Cam: setting up onion manson family. fugitive core with Jag/Matt. outer layer Blue. third layer Am/Co. Secret layers Cirie Bowie. targeting Fe/Me potentially Cory. maybe even third layer due to showergate jealousy.
    Jared: Cirie number 2. Blue number 3. Showmance alliance Cory/America semi fake.
    pretense with Jag/Matt and Me/Fe. could target combination or pair.

  3. the only people i wanna see in the final 2 chairs are corey and america. the rest of this cast is either lame, vile, creepy, or some combination of all 3.

  4. Fun fact:
    this season has comp winners, no comp beasts.
    Felicia: crapshoot win
    Jag: one head to head veto win. one ind time veto win (just accept they’re prodo decides)
    Matt: secret comp ind time win (prodo decides) one head to head veto win.
    Cory: trivia knockout
    Cam: stood in place for each of his comp wins. balance beam win against Jared (lowest bar)
    Jared: 2 default wins plus dubious wall ( let me count the ways that was sus).

    Comp beast implies winning performance in physical competitions. Multiple.

    1. Diminishing the comp wins sets up perfectly for a Cirie win.Oh,sorry,I had to knock that tinfoil hat off my head,don’t know where that came from.

      1. there’s no shot that Matt, Jag Cam or Jared would ever believe their comp wins don’t make them the only people playing the game. In jury they would vote as such.

        We the viewers, however, can and should analyze. yes, they have comp wins, but are any of them the ‘comp beasts’ they claim to be? No.

        We know from comments in past seasons, and comments this season that comps can be decided according to storyline. prime example: the fourth immunity comp night one malfunctioned, producers chose Cory to go to the nether region.

        1. Whereas I agree that none of them can claim to be “comp beasts” at this point in the game, some of the wins have been legitimate.

          Jag’s veto win in that chicken coup competition was a legit win, lapping the field while having to crawl through that slime/goo.

          Cam’s HOH win in the pressure cooker was also legit, lasting only 2 or 3 minutes less than the original comp from BB 6 (nearly 14 hours), and America and Meme were right there with him.

          I don’t like the tiny veto comp, but it’s become a tradition, and it’s pretty much the same comp year after year, so I don’t see how Cam’s win it that one can’t be listed as a legit win, especially since we pretty much know nobody was throwing it.

          Cam winning that BS colored fart comp to win HOH may not prove he’s a comp beast (it was a horrible comp and not BB’s finest hour), but he damn sure came through under pressure when he needed to do it, and it lead to the best week of the season thus far, so I think that’s a legitimate win too, although there may have been some luck involved.

          We all know Jared winning the wall was a total joke given most of the players that could have given him any competition threw (America, Meme, Cory, Matt, Bowie and possibly Jag), Cam wasn’t in it, and it was the shortest wall comp in the history of the show. His other HOH was defaulted to him in a knockout HOH, when Izzy (?) buzzed in with the wrong answer to lose. His only veto “win”, he actually finished 3rd in the comp, yet the 2 players that finished ahead of him opted to take a $5k prize and a damn punishment rather than deal with the responsibility and blood of taking the veto and deciding how to use it or not (Izzy vs. Felicia OTB). So, not much of a comp beast here at all!

          Matt’s last veto win in Jeff’s “clown shoe” comp was also very legitimate IMO, but it’s just his first. He’s far from being a comp beast with only one win.

          1. i noted the head to head wins as legit.
            Not once has someone been called a comp beast for trivia booth comp wins alone, so i grain of salt.
            The reason i looked at Cam’s and laughed when he called himself comp beast was: congratulations on winning three comps where you stand still. I find that funny because comp beast usually entails physicality.

            1. Yeah, I just re-read both of your posts, and I don’t see any such notation. You just call them comp wins with no further commentary other than to “diss” Cam’s wins (stood in place – lowest bar) and Jared’s (dubious wall), which I happen to agree with the second. You may have meant to note them as legit, but I don’t see it.

              As I stated above, I agree that none of them are comp beasts, but Cam is the closest of the group, and has the most legit wins, although maybe not in the most physical of comps. It’s not his fault BB chose different, less physical comps this season, or if he didn’t get to play in those particular comps (the wall for example). You can only play and win in the comps you have the opportunity to play in.

              1. okay. I have to actually be 100% literal apparently these days because this is the second or third time someone has commented on implied vs explicit language / concept in my commets. That’s not aimed at you, i’m not coming for you. i’m coming for myself
                head to heads races are legit. that’s why i’ve written at least three times this week that the default comp on Thursday could be fair if they both competed in a puzzle but cam’s had less/jared’s had more pieces to complete.

                Apologies if I’m coming off weird, Beef. It’s nothing to do with you in any way. Taking a break from a family issue and I should have decompressed before reading. sorry.

                1. And I’m not coming for you either. I enjoy reading your posts and getting your take on things, but I’m not always going to agree with you, and that’s okay. We should be able to disagree and discuss things like adults, without lowering ourselves to the point of name calling and insults.

                  I don’t think we’ve done that……yet. LOL

                  As for me interpreting your comments, all I can do is read what you post, and respond accordingly. I don’t know what’s in your head and thoughts, so I can’t respond to that. Had you said the “head to head” competitions were legit, my response would have been entirely different, but since that’s not what I “read” in the two posts on this thread, and they were the only ones I was responding too, I wrote what I wrote.

                  You say you’re coming for “you”, but you say that after you wrote “I have to actually be 100% literal apparently these days…in my comments” like others (me and the other person who questioned you) are forcing you to do something that is “wrong” or against what you want to do. I’M not asking you to do ANYTHING other than to stand behind what you say, when you say it, and if somebody has a different opinion than what you wrote and backs it up with facts, maybe you should just say, those are good points and move on. Nobody is right all the time, and opinions are just that – opinions. Besides – I actually AGREE with you that none of them are comp beasts BUT I disagree with the extent you are denigrating Cam’s wins. So I chose to express my opinion on that just because I can, not to pick a fight with you.

                  The same kind of thing happened last season with another poster who shall remain nameless because I don’t want to stir that back up. She and you are my two favorite posters on this site, because both of you bring the best takes, with the best writing and I enjoy reading both of you. Wasn’t my intention to hurt her feelings last season just like it wasn’t my intention to pick a fight or attack you here. I’m just putting my opinion out there like everybody else, and if somebody writes “but I said” and I go back and see that’s not what they said, then I’m going to call them on it. I fully expect anybody and everybody to do the same thing to me if I ever do that.

    2. The dubious wall comp, curious in what ways is it sus in your opinion? anything to do with the handle placement being at someone midsection? It seems it can be an advantage to certain people depending on their height where the handle bar is placed.

      1. I won’t nail everything here, Un Autre Nom, will be able to detail it better, but…

        -We know the ledge was the biggest ledge they’ve ever had (to help someone bigger like Jared stand on it easier)[This was mentioned by a houseguest recently (Cory? America?)]
        -We know that America, Meme, Cory, Matt, Bowie and possibly Jag all through it. Felicia and Cirie neve had a shot and Cam couldn’t play
        -It was the shortest Wall Comp in the history of Big Brother
        -If I recall correctly, another house guest (America? Blue?) recently hinted or flat out said it was rigged for Jared to win.

        That’s all I remember, I know there is more and I hope I didn’t mess up any of the details, but by all indications that thing was rigged for Jared to win.

  5. I have a confession to make. For I made a grave error. May the BB Gods(NOT YOU GROD!}forgive me. I voted for Matt to get the special power. I’m so so sorry.

    1. I did as well…. pretty much regretted it soon after when he became Matt the rat…. I’m on the fence about him now……strange things do happen bc I’m low key rooting for Cam now

    1. ME.

      And not sure why she became public enemy #1 real quickly in the house. She seemed like a relative nice person, but she was not there long enough to get a proper reading on her.
      Maybe REILLY was intimidated by KRISTEN’S nice pair of knockers, or ICKY was hungry for was she was not going to get, and therefore campaigned against her to avoid being tortured in the house….lol…YOU NEVER KNOW with these wackos…lol

      1. Jared was the reason Kirsten was voted out, he went running to his mother, blamed her for something, and then Cirie & Jared got to work, and they all voted her out.

        Her short lived time in the house was all because of sorry ass Jared.

        1. “Jared was the reason Kirsten was voted out, he went running to his mother, blamed her for something”

          Ah, so THAT explains it. No doubt the blame was a LIE.
          The CERIE and JARED boot to KRISTEN also detracts from the argument of “racism” in the house. Here we have Black on Black aggression (racism?) against themselves. Who’s to blame?
          And then JARED picks up an Asian in the house for a SHOWMANCE?
          Why it seems as if JARED’s “girlfriend” back home is some bubble-butted white trailer trash that’s in-and-out of rehab every 3 months, and that he picked up one weekend along the Appalachian trail? HUMM.

        2. Didn’t she say something about him and Cirie looking a like, or something like that and that is when they started targeting her?

  6. Since this week is basically a time out,I’m going to consider up to now the preseason and Thursday the start of the real season and just blindly hope for the best.Join me in my delusion.

  7. Right now Cory needs to shut up and listen to America’s warning about Matt and Jag working with Cam.She is right,you are in trouble.

    1. He’s having a difficult time with the realization that America is in the better position. His spreadsheet didn’t account for no game week completely arresting his momentum. If the game were still gaming, he’d have a better position because a week without threat altered the dynamic of his working relationships. The twist screwed him more than anyone else.
      Here’s the thing: Matt discusses someone else (Cam) taking out Cory. I think Matt avoids HOH thinking he’s veto-god now. As per Felicia / Cire / Jared talk, Jag and Matt are pushing their veto ability but avoiding making the big moves themselves.

      1. I am constantly amazed how winning one single competition changes a persons perception of themselves and their entire outlook on the game! Well, maybe not their ENTIRE outlook, but a big part of it, as they seem to think they become invincible or something by winning HOH or veto ONE time! Winning a single competition does not mean that you’re all of a sudden going to go on a winning streak and win six out of the next eight comps or something like that! It just doesn’t, and I don’t care how many deaf Olympic swimming events you’ve been to, these BS BB comps are just not the same thing if you haven’t noticed, so tamp down your ego and get over yourself Matt, Jag, Jared and Cam. None of you are that great – you’re just up against a couple of older ladies, a wimp, and 4 younger women, most of whom think it’s been better to lose up to this point in the game then it has been to win, so they haven’t been trying. Once they start trying they might just mop the floor with your ass, so don’t get cocky!

  8. Blue, Jag and Matt seem to now realize that Cory and America have been outplaying them.
    To be clear, that’s my wording: theirs is trashtalk.

    They’re behind on getting to Meme/Felicia. They’ve been dropping the ball on Bowie, while Cory / America have been including her in game talks.
    Even Cirie isn’t fully against them..
    It’s Tuesday. There’s lots of shifting to be done, but currently Matt has lost center and social capital. Blue is seen for who she is more (proposing working with people she only started speaking with four days ago is a problem on day 56/57). Even Jag’s tells are being picked up. He can’t look someone in the face and lie (without sunglasses).
    A couple vetoes and a brolliance talk with someone not currently fully in the game got their egos going.
    What happens if Jared stays? Blue’s gone. The two guys are in trouble with half the house. They’d better hope Cam stays as much as Cory better hope he goes.

    1. Let’s all remember, Blue is salty because Cory (at the urging of Matt, America and Jag) didn’t buy Blue’s won’t save Jared lie (that she acknowledged to Jag was a lie) and pawned her.
      Her America alliance wasn’t a test, it was Blue trying to get a loyal toadie. Her error was assumption. Blue was mad at her showmance so thought America should ditch her showmance too, and told her so.
      For Matt and Jag’s part: twofold answer. They’re gullible, and they’ve already turned on their last alliance and now they’re searching for justification that makes it the hero move.
      They’re upset that they are trying to turn the house against someone that has already gone to the house to gather support.

  9. If Cam leaves this week I think we can confirm this is rigged to keep Jared and Cirie in as long as possible. Doesn’t seem fair that his only advantage for winning the comp is to get to choose whether or not to do another comp. He should at least get to see what the comp is before deciding… If Jared weasels his way back in and Cam goes home I WILL stop watching until the finale, when hopefully Cam will win America’s Choice. I just don’t see how the show could be entertaining without him.

    1. Always sad to see a good poster like BB Fan go. You’ll be missed.

      Interesting you weren’t so upset when they rigged it for Nicole Franzel to win Season 18, but I guess it just depends on who the rigging is for or against that matters, and not just the fact that it’s rigged at all.

      They can’t let Cam see the comp because it’s a different puzzle for him than it is for Jared – you know that right? They’ll see you can’t “see” it because that would give you an advantage in working it, when in reality they don’t want him to see his puzzle is at least 3 times as difficult as the one Jared would have to complete.

      Their house – their rules. They know who they want back in there. Us peasants don’t know whats good for us.

    2. If Jared stays, I agree with you, it’s Production. I don’t understand what’s so special about Cirie and her idiot Son who can’t talk without saying bro, brah, Jared is not very intelligent.

      On top of that, Jared’s a straight up A-Hole, entitled, annoying, minimal vocabulary fool.

    3. I absolutely agree! I feel like he should be able to see what the comp is before deciding. I can’t help but believe that production has 2 puzzles, one for Cam, and one designed specifically with Jared in mind. I am so disappointed in what I perceive to be production spoon feeding and hand holding Jared…

  10. So Cirie was called a snake for having multiple alliances but it’s ok for everyone else? Is there anyone in the house who Cory isn’t allianged with? Hypocrisy much?

    1. I’m not really impressed with Corey, he just seems very child like and immature to me. I think America was really desperate and just wanted a showmance for air time.

      Corey thought his brother being on Survivor was something that was such a secret ? Why, what did that have to do with Corey playing BB ?

      Corey and all of the alliance’s that he’s in, it’s a waste of time, Corey is not a comp beast.

    2. To a certain extent you are right. This season has had more alliances than any other. The difference between Cirie and Corey are two things. Cirie formed the alliance and Corey was fully onboard. The only reason he broke that alliance is because of other actions that caused him to not trust it any longer. Additionally, Cirie was really only aligned with Jared. A secret that compounds things. It is level of snakiness. Both I agree are snakes…in fact everyone is because of the circumstances of the house and all the alliances. If you were in the house and someone comes to you and asks you to be in an alliance of course you agree. Cirie was the head of most alliances.

  11. Haha. Hisem’s ranking is really moving up on the grid. I think anyone is looking good over Jared. Bro gotta go.

    1. Steve: one upvote for Jared really tells ‘ya somethin’.

      There seems to be only a few people on the planet who likes him. Everybody is intitled to their own opinion, I’ll give you that.

  12. I’ve been paying attention to Blue’s playing her own game-isms.
    Guess what…
    they are all the things Jared said to do thurs-sat. Right down to wording in some cases.

    you go gilr. no, really. Go.

  13. Okay sp I read there were 3 competitions to win to stay in the house and Cameron won them all. Then all of a sudden there were 4 comps? What’s going on? Besides CBS trying to make Jarod the winner?!

      1. The post was in a form of a QUESTION, and
        I AM IN AGREEMENT with you.

        HOWEVER, there are SOME who’s prism of life only disperses a beam of light in either Black or White.

        1. Spot ON: Some of your comments are so stupid. I’m not saying you’re stupid; I just don’t get why you make them. However, I defend your right to do so.

  14. Tuesday Feeds
    Before bed the stooges plotted taking out Cory.
    Morining Fe told Jared to target fbj if he returns.
    Cam Cory talked. it was an ego circlejerk. Cory revealed a lot of his past game for no good reason.
    America Blue talked. America revealed a lot of her current game for no good reason.
    Prodo gave out scary week easter baskets for no good reason.

  15. BB25 should be named the season of JEALOUSY:

    Felicia jealous of Cirie (Fe clings to Cirie like a specter)

    Cameron jealous of Cory(Cam CANT believe America’s attention to Cory when in Cam’s mind Cam is the better catch)

    Blue jealous of America(Ugh Ick Blue can’t believe that America and Cory get more live feeds time when in Blue’s mind Blue thinks her showmance with Jared should have more attention (I turn off feeds EVERY time they show Jared or Blue) Hey Blue G*d don’t like ugly)

    Jared jealous of his mama (takes her ideas and pass them off as his own)

    Jared jealous of Cory (takes Cory’s ideas and pass them off as his own)

    Jared jealous of America (has no b*lls to talk to her directly so he overhears her ideas from Jag, Matt, Blue then passes them off as his own)

    Jared jealous of Cameron (Cameron actually WINS competitions instead of others like Matt and Jag winning for Jared then passes them as Jared’s own wins)

    Jared jealous of Matt (Because Cirie wishes Matt was her son instead of Jared since Matt uses the flossstick/toothpick and Matt is respectful of others because he doesn’t call America a ret*rd and blow up Cirie’s game like Jared did)

    Jared jealous of Jag (Cirie wishes Jag was her “Honey in the house” after that kiss Jag stole so then Jared would call him daddy)

    Me, myself and I because I am jealous for writing Jared’s name down so much. Naw I am angry because instead of the name “Jared” I want to replace name as Bag-O-Rocks-4-Brains instead.

    As for Meme and Bowie…..
    crickets just the sound of crickets because they are not there playing any game at all.

  16. Where my girl Bowie at? They never show her. I love that she’s a DJ, probably giving big Js too behind the booth, rockin that tight ace and those double troubles!

  17. Matt is now full steam ahead against Cory / America.
    Jared is telling Blue to take out Cory before jury.
    Continuing the week one tone of evict an ally, keep an enemy.

    Somehow Bowie is now the plus one of every camp. She’s in the know for every pairs plans and saying nothing so far.

    I’m going to be off feeds a lot more over the next couple of days due to family engagements, but given there’s no episode tomorrow…

    What to look out for:
    The declaration of social war, and who throws the first real punch come Friday.

  18. Matt lose the floss picks and mustache! What’s happening to the sweet baby bird. The lowlifes are rubbing off.

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