Mastermind trusts Shelly when she Shoots her A Straight Answer. Dani says ENOUGH it’s time for a Commitment from Shelly

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5:30pm HOH Kalia, porsche and Dani They start chatting about Lawon acting so strange. They wonder why he still acts like he has no clue he was going up. Kalia thinks is funny how he’s telling them that he never though he would go up even though he was the one that volunteered to kalia.

Kalia talks about how annoying Rachel is and how she so wants her out of the house. Kalia wishes that the twist was next week. (LOL you could of taken Rachel out you were so close now you’re laying around wishing she was out of the house…man) POrsche brings up how rachel told her she’s the prime suspect for taking the chess pieces, “Why the BLANK would I take the pieces I like playing chess… life sucks in this house without the chess game”. Kalia mentions her and Porsche were pretty much the only 2 people that played. Dani sys that Brendon stole the chess pieces.. Kalia agrees (DK stole them because there game is so tight). Porsche: “Why do I feel like all I want to do in this house is eat”

Porsche leaves..

Kalia says she was talking to Shelly and shelly told her that she’s going to vote out Lawon if he really means he’s going to put Kalia and dani up. kalia adds that Shelly will not vote out Lawon otherwise. kalia trust Shelly thinks she’s really looking out for DK.
Dani: “have you actually found out who Shelly will put up next week.. we need to ask her none of this running around the bush crap” (Yes please someone find out what straight shooter is doing maybe kalia should of done this before she threw the game)
Dani says Shelly promise Porsche she would not put her up.. Dani wonders whose left in the house out of the the “Floaters”

Kalia is thinking they try to cut that deal with rachel she cannot come after us next week and we won’t send her home this week.. Dani: “Well i’ll still come after her” Kalia knows she says the deal will only be for one week and only includes me. Kalia asks if dani thinks rachel will still come after them, dani doesn’t know assumes that Rachel will if she wins the HOH.
Kalia: “If lawon leaves and doesn’t come back i’ll be so piseed… ”
Dani: “If Lawon leaves and nobody puts rachel up next week i’ll be pissed”
Kalia mentions that this this whole thing with porsche and shelly is getting on my nerves. Kalia trust Shelly and Dani trust Porsche and she needs to figure it out. Dani acts surprised, “when did you start trusting shelly?”
Kalia says she sort of trusts Shelly but when kalia asks shelly a question and she shoots a straight answer kalia beleives her. dani: “Well you should go find out who Shelly will put up”

Dani has had enough of shelly she needs kalia to find out who she will put up it’s time for shelly to pick a side, “We need names and commitments..for all they know it’s porsche and lawon. and what good does that do for us”.

Dani is getting a little pissed because it’s starting to look like people are not targeting the big players.. (LOL well you alliances just put up their own and the weakest player in the game WTF yo WTF) dani leaves..

(The funny thing is Kalia/dani talks about how badly they want Rachel gone..)

6:00pm Boy George putting on his face

6:05pm Havenots Jeff and Jordan briefly talk about lawon acting strange. Jeff is sure something is up because there’s no way he was that surprised. Jordan thinks it’s acting cause it doesn’t look very sincere..

6:28pm Kitchen Kalia, Dani and POrsche before POrsche comes in Dani and Kalia are talking about catfish. Kalia is thinking that this week was suppose to be so perfect they would of had Brendon and rachel both out right after the other. POrsche joins says that she’s talked to lawon and he told her how he thinks he’s nailed it.. They all looked puzzled, Porsche adds that Lawon sys he’s had a revelation but won’t tell them what it is yet. More puzzled looks.

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6:50pm Jeff and Adam working out Kalia on the hammock and Shelly, lawon and Jordan on the couch chit chatting

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159 thoughts to “Mastermind trusts Shelly when she Shoots her A Straight Answer. Dani says ENOUGH it’s time for a Commitment from Shelly”

    1. By her not stopping Kalia from shooting their alliance in the head, I would honestly say she wants herself out.

      1. Well she did try to convice her for a while last night, but Kalia really trusts Shelly. Meanwhile Shelly, Jeff, and Jordan are laughing that this shit is actually working. Kalia is a lot dumber than I thought. And I don’t know what Lawon is smoking. I’m interested to know about his revelation.

    1. I like the dunce hat on Kalia, that is exactly what she is. Cannot believe she screwed up her chance at possibly getting rid of Rachel, and believes she is safe! Seems like she has never watched this show. She will be leaving soon.

      1. kalia is a victim of her own mind. over thinking has led her to multiple wrong conclusions. Mostly, she settles on what reinforces her base belief that she is smarter than everyone else. She is not. Ultimately she offs herself, from too much thinking. They get in hoh and become blinded by their own self image. HOH needs to stay outside more and in their room less.

      1. Impressive achievements for a woman in a male dominated industry. Very strong sales and marketing. No wonder she can manipulate those pea-brained idiots in the house.

      2. WOW!!! Shelly doesn’t need the money but I could see why she is so successful and why she would think she could win BB13…BECAUSE SHE IS A STRAIGHT SHOOTER!!! hahahaha

      3. I’d say the following line in S’s bio is very telling: “proven sales and marketing executive with excellent strategic and management skills focused on net profit”. So the snake has an education and successful business career. They left out that she’s immoral and willing to do whatever it takes in her pursuit of “The Almighty Dollar”. Impressive?

        1. Ummmm . . . correct me if I am wrong but they are here to compete for money right? Not for best friends and win a prize for best moral compass. Jeez . . .get over it. It is a game and Shelly is out maneuvering all these dummies! She may not be play the best physical game but she is kicking some mental ass for sure.

    1. Shelly is definitely bringing home a big paycheck. Depending on NBfog’s sales, I’d estimate she earns between $100,000-$200,000 per year and then receives bonuses of another $100,000 or more on top of that.

    2. How do you go from a BS in Education to being the Vice President, President or COO of companies? I guess that BS degree goes pretty far 😉

    3. Why is she in this game? She doesn’t need the money!!!! Leave NOW!! I’m so annoyed by her manipulative tactics. Leave the money for someone who really needs it, I’m sure she has collected enough data for her “research/experiment” as she mentioned earlier

    4. I’m impressed, however I barely recognized her from the photo.
      No Cigarette. No Horns. No Pointed Nose. No Tail. No Claws.

    1. I think Shelly, Adam &JJ will vote out Lawon, and Dani+Porsh vote out Rachel. In the End Rachel gets to stay

      Since Lawon doesnt have the backbone of a man or woman America’s vote(hopefully Cassi or Brendon) will beat him and return to the house

    2. Kalia and Danielle made a secret alliance with Rachel. Therefore Rachel will stay. Kalia is the best HOH ever!

      Votes to KEEP RACHEL SAFE:

      Votes to Keep Lawon SAFE:

      Tiebreak – Kalua keeps Rachel

      Rachel stays!

      1. Your dillusional…she was staying no matter what,JJ has the votes to keep her,Kahlia and Dani are just trying to cover their ass’s now…Lawanda might get 1 vote,if that!!!!!!!!!!!!

      2. haven’t you been following? Jeff and Rachel both said that they would put her ass up next week…so Jordan would too, and probably Shelly also. They were all laughing at her for believingall of Shelly’s BS. I say Kalia is the worst HOH and is one of the worst players in the history of the game.

  1. I can’t wait to see Dani’s face when her boy-man (Dom) comes back in the house. She will dump Kaila because of her crappy nominations, and restart her 2 person alliance. And Dom will be really good at the challenges and the rest of the house better watch out. The Gruesome 2’some is back. (Also, Dani will get her chance for another showmance, but unfortunately she will find out that Dom is GAY)

    1. That’s funny cause I can’t wait to see Dani’s face when Brendan walks back in the door after demolishing lawn… Will be priceless!

  2. I can’t figure out why in the world Kalia did what she did…. how does she possibly think getting one of her alliance members out of the house will help her game in the long run???

    1. K screwed herself and her alliance by:
      1) Forgetting this is a game and not a popularity contest (wants JJ to like her)
      2) Listened too much to, and trusting, S (even though she acknowledged & Dani told her S was playing both sides)
      3) OVER THINKING the DK original plan to get R out and,
      4) Being a TOTAL MORON!!

  3. I couldn’t believe how many people voted for brendon in Simon’s poll. CBS will never reveal the results they can put whoever they want back in the house. If they let Brendon come back and beat the shit out of Lawon in a comp then kalia is going to switch sides and poor Dani will be all alone.

    1. Kalua is team jordan. She just wants to munch on her carpet. And she doesn’t mind Dani’s either.

  4. WOW…..First the dunce hat…awesome!

    Kalia had her chance…and blew it. Lawan is a great person to get out, but not for votes….because she put him up Rachael stays…not smart…

    putting lawon up they loose a vote….since adam and shelly are with JJ they will all voee thim chance for him to stay and no chance hell win the challenge…….

    Since I am team Dani (not really thecurrent newb alliance but that is all she has to work with) here are my best case scenereos (sp)

    1) Lawan goes up, goes home….Cassi or dom comes back
    2) Rachael goes home but is against brendon and brendon goes home agian
    3)Dom wins against lawan…dani is on fire again

    I really really hope america doesnt vote for Brendon…and CBS doesnt tamper with the votes..cuz my 10 bux i spent on it will piss me off. Kalia made a game canging blunder and I want Dani to tell her that she made the error and how does it feel ?

    now for what needs to happen….Shelly to be caled out on her lies…..Jeff and Jordan to be called out on thier bullyiing, jeff to be called out on his floating, kalia called out on her dunce cap, and ..yes this is a long shot, rachael to go to team dani…..

    This thursday will be HUGE…..I cant wait!!!!

    1. Totally agreed VMan: WOW…..First the dunce hat…awesome!

      Kalia had her chance…and blew it. Lawan is a great person to get out, but not for votes….because she put him up Rachael stays…not smart…

      putting lawon up they loose a vote….since adam and shelly are with JJ they will all voee thim chance for him to stay and no chance hell win the challenge…….

      Since I am team JJ (Rockstar recruited me) here are my best case scenereos (sp)

      1) Lawan goes up, goes home….Cassi or dom comes back
      2) Rachael goes home but is against brendon and brendon goes home agian
      3)Dom wins against lawan…dani is big trouble

      I really really hope america doesnt vote for Brendon…and CBS doesnt tamper with the votes..cuz my 10 bux i spent on it will piss me off. Kalia made a game canging blunder and I want Dani to tell her that she made the error and how does it feel ?

      now for what needs to happen….Shelly to be caled out on her lies…..Jeff and Jordan to be called out on thier bullyiing, jeff to be called out on his floating, kalia called out on her dunce cap, and ..yes this is a long shot, rachael to go to team dani…..

      This thursday will be HUGE…..I cant wait!!!!

  5. I have a feeling that Shelly may be called out before the end of this week..

    I sure hope so.

      1. She needs to lay low and know when to be quiet. She is becoming overzealous and it will get her sent home.

  6. Kalia talks so much she confuses herself. Talking to Skeletor Crypt Keeper Shelly will not net them any straight answers. She’ll weasle out of it. They just need to get her in a room and bombard her with questions, or better yet, EAVESDROP. I keep saying it’s a lost art in the BB House.

    Poor Lawon, he is really clueless. He can’t even get his cues from Production correct.

    1. Totally agreed more james: What a bunch of dumb jack-wagons yo. Dani better hope Dom/Cassi/Brendon or Rachel walks through that door.

      TEAM JJ YO!!-Rockstar (Member of Team JJ)

  7. Lawon is definitely going home. I’ve seen some stupid BB moves and this one isn’t the dumbest but it’s right up there. You don’t play the game based on what you don’t know.

  8. Is BB supplying PCP to the houseguests now? I mean seriously it’s like they’re all on a different planet

  9. Wow. I am embarrassed to be black…can we please put some smart black people on the show…please.
    First, Keith acts like a jack ass, then Kalia just wants to be liked, now Lawon “volunteers” to get chopped up? WTF?!?

    1. well, they cast her because they thought kalia was smart based on her education and profession. she has book sense and not common sense.

      1. I agree Chessie. I have an aunt who is so smart she is actually mentioned in an encyclopaedia yet she does not have a clue about human interaction. Kalia professes to be smart but I’m not seeing it. She has to know that if Dani does not win HOH, she will be going up on the block and Dani will win the POV. Before I made a decision I would have had to weigh the risks

        1. Me 2 Rockstar: I agree Chessie. I have an aunt who is so smart she is actually mentioned in an encyclopaedia yet she does not have a clue about human interaction. Kalia professes to be smart but I’m not seeing it. She has to know that if Dani does not win HOH, she will be going up on the block and Jeff will win the POV. Before I made a decision I would have had to weigh the risks

  10. If Lawon doesn’t come back you’ll be pissed WTF you just wasted your HOH! You accomplished nothing Kalia. Why would you think Raquel would keep you safe. Team Stupid Yo!!!

      1. Aw Rockstar I waited all day for you to fly over the house dragging a big ole banner!!! Obviously it never happened 😉

  11. If Rachel is evicted (won’t happen) a newbie will win the vote and Rachel will wipe the floor with them to get back in. When lawlon get’ s evicted Brenda will be the winner of the poll and he’ll get back in. It’s a game, but it’s reality tv folks…’s about ratings and this tv show needs it’s villans….we hate brenchel…but we watch every episode and comment on them all the time. We’re not watching for Adam and kalia….I would love to see JJ nominate kalia next week.

  12. I have a question simon. Lets say a plane wrote certain words over the house.
    Would that be a reason the house goes on lockdown? This house has been on lockdown more than usual from the past.
    We all talk about it, do you think production wants to control the house that much?

  13. I was cracking up reading that because that is all she does and it is obvious! She needs to go on slop to loose weight.

  14. You all are freaking out over nothing.

    Kalia knows what she’s doing, you all just can’t see the big picture.

    She is playing for herself……not Dani.

    Kalia is going to end up going farther in this game because of this move.

    Danielle……………not so much.

    1. Well, let’s hope that they spill the beans all over the house! We need a major switch-up because this is going nowhere fast.

  15. How do all of the posters who jumped ship to team D/K feel now? Yesterday they were 2 geniuses, now they are 2 idiot, schmucks?? What the hell or who the hell would possess that dirty rag Lawon to volunteer to go on the block? A HG one goal each week is to do anything and everything he/she can to stay off the block at all costs!! Is the diary room aka: production, that influential? Has he ever watched this show? This is Dustin re-do from BB8–the dumb ass deserves to go home for being so stupid!! Bye-bye Lawon and bye-bye to team D/K as this will be their major mistake and lead directly to their downfall!! Hooray, next let’s see Dani walk out the door followed by that dumbass Kalia!! I am thrilled! GO RACHEL!!!!!

    1. they cast people all the time that don’t know anything about BB. Jordan had never heard of BB and she won

  16. when u really look at it, she’s playing 1 side. she tells JJ the truth and lie to everybody else. she reminds me of ronnie the rat BB11

  17. “Kalia and Danielle made a secret alliance with Rachel. Therefore Rachel will stay. Kalia is the best HOH ever!

    Votes to KEEP RACHEL SAFE:

    Votes to Keep Lawon SAFE:

    Tiebreak – Kalua keeps Rachel”

    Rachel stays!


    Somebody is seriously NOT keeping up and I’ve been playing POTC online for the last 4 days non-stop. Rachel has EVERY VOTE at this point.

    Adam is going to do what Shelly says (also has crush on Rachel) and Pinto (no matter what she’s said to others) has never left Rachel’s side.

    Rachel STAYS and by a unanimous vote (with MAYBE exception of Dani–doubt that too).

    KEEP UP!!!!!

    BTW–Brendon is COMING BACK. OUTSIDE CHANCE of Cassi. Dom never even makes the cut IMO. If I am wrong, I’ll eat my crow.

    1. LOve Love Love this theory!! LETS GET BR AND JJ back on track. I cant wait to see Kalia and Dani shit their pants

    2. Your 1000% correct…come Thursday night JJ will have twice as many fans on here.Dani fans are about as loyal as the ppl playing this game,lololol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      1. Totally agreed more H8ter: Your 1000% correct…come Thursday night JJ will have twice as many fans on here. JJ fans are about as loyal as the ppl playing this game,lololol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        You Rock H8ter: Team JJ member. Rockstar love it 2.

  18. “I really really hope america doesnt vote for Brendon…and CBS doesnt tamper with the votes..”

    What world do you live in? Absolutely Brendon is coming back in BECAUSE OF CBS. Outside Chance for Cassi. Dom IS NOT walking thruugh that door.

    I’ll eat my crow if I’m wrong.

  19. “What cracks me up is that DK think they have Rachel over a barrel and control her fate.”

    Perfect analyses.

  20. “Holy shit I think Lawon and POrsche together have shelly adam and JJ figured out”

    NO, they don’t. They are grasping at straws. Shelly is leading the way. IF, IF, IF Shelly gets caught up in shit, JJ have no blood or no lies on THEIR hands.

    I don’t think she gets caught AND I think (No, predict) that Kalia goes home NEXT WEEK. I said two weeks. She won’t last ONE MORE.

  21. Okay, so let me get this straight. Kalia and Dani want to keep Rachel now in case she comes back and vote Lawon out in hopes that he returns, yet the house wants to keep Rachel anyway. So there so called deal is really a flop. Am I correct? Are they really that dumb?

  22. I agree! If Evil Dick were still in the game, you can bet your ass that he’d have called her out by now. I just hope someone does before too long. Perhaps Dani or Jeff will?

  23. I think it’s safe to say that Dani plays hitting without Evel Dick. She has tried so hard to get from up under his shadow now look at her. Stuck in a weak alliance with two of the stupidest BB players ever. I sure hope Dom replaces Lawon.

      1. I don’t think Dom can save them either unless Dani goes into kill or be killed mode and she lost it when she allowed Kalia to nominate Lawon. I would have put Kalia in her damn place.

      1. this is the reason why there are so many Jeff and Jordon lovers. They don’t know the difference. You can tell when they post here. They don’t post strategy only Jeff and Jordon are perfect and the rest of us who disagree are haters or jealous

        1. And you do Rockstar? most your posts are about either dogging JJ fans or telling us how great and smart Dani and her Alliance are.I’ll be handing out the crying towels on Thursday for the Dani fans… got got!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          1. I totally agreed with H8ters. And you do Rockstar? most your posts are about either dogging Danis fans or telling us how great and smart Jeff and Jordan and There Alliance are.I’ll be handing out the crying towels on Thursday for the Jeff and Jordan fans… got got!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      2. Watched every season but one.

        Never once have I seen a live feed.

        There is a lot of people that follow BB online, but don’t watch the feeds.

      3. Kalia’s mistake hasn’t changed the game yet. It all depends on who wins HOH Thur and who comes back in the house.

        Dani wins HOH, power switches back. One of JJR would 100% go home.

    1. Ya, what’s up with her constantly pulling on, and fussing with, those front pieces of her hair. Perhaps she thinks if she pulls on them often enough, they’ll grow faster. It wouldn’t be outside the realms of possibility, given the way her brain works! 😉

  24. I don’t think Dick would have had the patience for BR and JJ. I don’t think and he can call Dani and idiot and say she played her hand too fast BUT you have to give credit where credit is due. Dani got out a vet. She sent Brenden packing and it was awesome. Non of the other vets picked off a strong player yet. Dani did and even if she is sent home in a few weeks she still got rid of Brenden and stepped up when she needed too and if Dick wasn’t such a dick he would see that she made a great move, she didn’t have anyone else to turn too or be on her side. After two weeks with BR and JJ, Dick would have wanted to squash them too.

    1. Absolutely! Kudos to Dani for getting B out. Let’s hope he stays out. Also, Dick in the house with R and her daily emotional breakdowns would have been great to watch. He wouldn’t have put up with her shit and, would have chewed her up and spit her out within the first few weeks, which would probably have pushed her over the edge. In addition, Shelly would have been called out and then raked over the coals for playing both sides. For those reasons alone, I wish to hell Dick had stayed in the game.

  25. I figured it was coming soon. But I still think Shelly is in a good place. Even if she is figured out, Dani is going to focus on Rachel and Jeff first. And Porsche is going to do whatever Dani tells her to, plus Porsche hates Jeff. I still see the straight shooter sailing through a few more weeks. But then she is going to have to win an HOH…she can’t straight shoot all the way ha, she needs to win at some point

  26. why is she even on BB if she doesn’t want people gunning for her. Big Jeff really put the fear in her, i guess.

  27. Rachel was the lead actor in a movie called “Ticked off Trannies with Knifes” she plays the role of “Bubbles”. If you want a good laugh google it.

  28. believe me Kathie if I could, I would. I would throw notes over the fence. something to tell Kalia to smarten up

  29. I agree BB Fan. Maybe Kalia is star struck. I would never allow a man to speak to me like Jeff did to her. I’d have layed him and his smug face out in the HOH. I could always say it was my period and then maybe cry a little .

  30. Don’t get the infatuation with Dom. He wasn’t an interesting person, he wasn’t that great at comps and he was a poor game player. I understand dani fans want him to be back for her but he really is kinda boring and overrated. And I actually think it won’t help dani that much…she’s better off and more focused without him. But if lawon leaves I think bb will bring him back in if not the house is one sided again. I still think we haven’t seen the last of brendon tho. If he somehow gets voted in and comes back on the, game well and truly over for kalia and dani. Personally I think CBS wants a brenchel vs Jeff and Jordan show down.

  31. CBS did show Jeff and Jordon bossing Kalia which was surprising. Of course, this was the only negative JJ stuff they did show.

    1. How did JJ bully Kahlia? by being pissed she put Jeff up and then tried to lie by saying he wasn’t the target? or by telling her to her face she was public enemy no.1.If this is bullying,you all must live a sheltered life.But it’s ok for DK to hide things and make the other HG’s look like thieves and lie right to thier face,they know nothing about the missing items.Yeah DK sure play this game with honesty and integrity.

  32. just watched last nights AD show ( took me bout 5 mins) all they showed was mostly kaka and monster ( my least favourite to watch). especially monster aka sHELL
    i noticed kaka hair was really long. is it hers or extensions? hair doesn’t grow that fast overnight. 🙂


  34. I hope that all the JJ fans are voting for Brenden. Even though I cannot stand listening to BRenden cry, whine, argue and yell I think the look on Dani’s face would be worth it!


    (oh, and I agree with Bacon. If you are going to volunteer yourself as a pawn…you deserve to go home!!)

  35. How amazing would it be that the person evicted this week and America’s vote didn’t know who they were playing? I’ve only watched BB for 3 seasons, so I don’t know IF that could be done, but I think that would make it really exciting…

    In that case, if Brendon is brought back, do you think he’d play harder or throw it, knowing it may be rachael????

  36. CBS what’s wrong with you. shelley dosn’t need the $500,000 chump change. Of all the people who tried out you picked her. JJ is dumb, did anyone watch them on Amazing race. DUMB as a Doorknob

  37. Is it me or does Kalia just gross you out!! She shaves her bikini line on BBAD!porche is a fat kid that loves to eat cake and cookies they are going to have to forklift her ass of the set!

    1. At least Kali shaved her bikini line in the HOH bathroom and she has no
      control over what the BB cameras show.
      Don’t forget that earlier Jordan did the same thing in the BY
      in front of the other HGs AND BB cameras.
      Perhaps you missed Jordan’s public pubic display ……….. Gross!!
      There is a photo here on one of the earlier posts.

  38. DR you are an idiot!! Shelly is mo more immoral than you are. This is a game and just maybe one day you will get the concept. Do yo think you will win this game by not being under handed. If so, I would love to see you play the game. There is not a person playing that is being honest. Shelly just know how to manipulate people. I have to admire her for turning this game around. I suppose you are one of the people who think that Dom will come back and change everything. HE is a wmply little boy!! and Dani feeds on them.

  39. Oh man!! If Lawon leaves and Brendon come back for a BR reunion, I will die laughing!! 10 votes to Brendon from me! Kalia and Dani will choke!

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