Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Makensy
Nominees: ?
POV Players: ?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: ?
Spoilers: Makensy is thinking of putting up Kimo and Angela. Her target is Angela (Surprise Surprise!)

8:47pm Bumper Pool Room – Leah and Makensy
Leah and Makensy celebrating – BACK TO BACK!! (Winning HOHs)
Leah – What did you do back to back? Makensy – Back to back to. Leah – I’m excited for you. Makensy – Thank you. Leah – How are you feeling? Makensy – Stressed because there’s fewer numbers. Leah – Yeah. Makensy – and I don’t want to get anybody like my bad side. So it’s like I want to go about …and I’ve told you this. I’m thinking about Angela. This is what I’m figuring out. I’m thinking we can because everybody is expecting me to put her up. Everybody will
expect me to put Angela and if I don’t it’s going to be confusing. So I know a lot of people want Kimo. And so I told her I was like, I understand that you were going to keep me tight and I want to keep her. But I think for this you have to be a pawn for me and she was like, I don’t really want to be that and I said I understand that. But I also have to think about myself in this. I’m not going to like that conversation. I feel like that’s just the way I have to go for me because we’re in so many few numbers and I think the next ones going to be a double. I know Angela loves us and she’s going to protect us but I just have to think about it in the long run too. Leah – I’m just worried about like I can’t control what everybody else does and like if they decide that this is a week to send her home you know what I mean.
Makensy – Oh my god, I’ve got 5 comps under my belt! Leah – 5 yeah! That’s nice. Makensy – I just need six. You know why? Because I don’t want Tucker to say that he was the comp beast of the season. Leah – Did he win 6? Makensy – yes. I need one more, maybe one more I go. Leah – I’m proud of you.
Bedroom – Chelsie telling the cameras she is going to go out and win the veto tomorrow.
9:18pm Rubina and Makensy
Makensy – I want Angela gone. I’ve been waiting! I’ve been waiting so long! But obviously I have to have people that I have to put up. Rubina – Yeah. Makensy – I need to take a shot. I want her to go. I know he’s probably not going to love it but I just need your help
and reassure him right now. I am going to tell Angela she is the pawn. I am going to tell everyone the same thing. She (Leah) thinks Angela is going to stay. She thinks Kimo is a bigger target. I am not playing both sides, I am not. I am just telling everyone the same thing. Just reassure him (Kimo) that he is fine. And all it takes is two votes. That is my plan, my target is Angela. I think Kimo will understand. I just don’t want him mad at me. I want him in the final four. I want it to be the least amount of blood. Rubina – I agree. I totally get it. We just have to make sure Angela doesn’t win the veto. Makensy – she won’t, she’ll be flustered. You’re safe, I am not putting you up obviously. And I told her before that I was going to put her up. I’m going to tell her I’m like look girl like I told you I put you up. Rubina – you needed this! You had a hard time in Jankie world. Again seeing your journey in here.. Makensy – its been a rough one but its been fun. I don’t want to tell him .. but I think he will understand. Rubina – I think he will understand.
9:31pm Bumper Pool Room – Kimo and Makensy
Kimo congratulates Makensy. Makensy – I want Angela gone. I want Leah gone too. I’ve been thinking about jury management and I thing for me I can’t be the one that does that. I am trying to think about who would have best chance of staying against her and I hate and I hate saying this but I think you.. you know I love you. I’ve talked to anybody before except you and Rubina. Everybody has your back. Rubina offered herself as well but I don’t really want to put her up for me now. I wanna give you opportunity to take yourself off and. I know that if I put you up against her she’s gonna think that it would be you more likely because you’ve been up. You get what I’m saying and so I’m trying to keep her as oblivious as possible. I hate doing this. You know I do, you know I have your back. Take yourself off and we’ll figure it out from there, but she’s going! I also think that I could convince Leah to vote her out. I’m gonna be honest with you. I hate doing this. I have such few numbers so we have your back. I have your back. It’s gonna be okay because everybody wants her gone and I’ve been waiting for this moment. I love you. You know I want you here. Chelsie does too and so does Rubina. Obviously, I’m telling you, you’re a pawn. She’s going to probably assume that she’s a pawn. So she’s like, I’m a pawn. What are you? Just be like, oh, I wasn’t told anything like, just don’t say anything. If she thinks you’re a pawn then she’s going to freak out. She’s going to freak out. And I don’t want any freak outs this week. You know what I’m saying? Just lay low ..like normal. Like you have no idea. Just know that we do have your back. You’ll be fine. You’ll be straight chilling this week. Kimo .. you know how long I’ve been waiting for this!!!
9:45pm Makensy tells Cam the same plan that she is putting up Kimo and Angela and that Angela is the target. She tells him that she wants Leah out too but that she can’t do it. Cam – I can do it. Makensy – if Angela asks just say that you don’t know what’s going on. Cam – yeah.
9:50pm Bathroom – Kimo, Rubina and Chelsie
Makensy comes dancing on saying I get to get her out! I get to get her out! I get to get her out!
10:05pm Kitchen – Leah, Makensy, Angela, Cam
Leah – I had fun in Jankie World. Makensy – I knew Ainsley was coming back though.
10:18pm Storage Room – Rubina and Makensy
Makensy – nothing but salads all week because my stomach feels like absolute a$$. Makensy talks quickly about what she will tell Angela.
Makensy – I want to keep it short and sweet. Rubina – Yeah. Don’t go into it. Makensy – You know where I stand. We want you here. Kimo has been up four times. Obviously, people want him out. I’m putting him up. You’re a pawn. Don’t even worry about it, I just have to do this for my own game because if I didn’t put you up I would have more blood on my hands and people would be looking at me sideways and trying to keep him our connection. BOOM!! Rubina – That’s really good. Makensy – and she will be like why not somebody else and I will be like Angela you are not going to convince me of this.
11:04pm The house guests are sitting around the table after eating dinner chatting about random things. They’re excited about real beds tonight and the HOH shower.
11:15pm Bathroom – Cam, Makensy and Chelsie
Chelsie – have you talked to her yet? Makensy – no and I don’t want to either. I’m going to need sleepand I just want to be in a good mindset when I get my room. I just worry that I’m going to have to be fucking worried about her and I’m saying like if I talk to her and then she gets pissed off and tries to blow up. I just don’t feel like it before. Chelsie – I think she knows blowing up will not help her at this point, it will only hurt. I just don’t feel like having like a negative conversation. Chelsie – I get you on that.
12:03am Bathroom – Cam, Chelsie and Makensy chatting. Big Brother calls Makensy to the diary room. She will be getting her HOH room soon.
12:05am – 12:15am Makensy comes out of the diary room “Who wants to see my HOH room?” They all head into the HOH room. They look at her HOH photos and then she reads her HOH letter.
Makensy – Hey, munchkin. If you’re reading this, you must have one. Hoh. Way to go. The fan fam is so very proud of you for taking on this crazy opportunity of a lifetime. Hope. more than anything you’re having fun playing the game and hopefully making a few friendships that can last outside. Keep your wits about you and stay the course for the marathon. We all miss you. But since you’re ready there, we don’t want to see you until sometime in October. We celebrated JT’s and Dad’s birthday. They missed you being there. We miss you more than we thought possible. We love you so very much. Stay strong and keep being you MJ. Love you tons little
bit. Dad and Momma.
Makensy then starts going through her HOH basket.
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The smart move is Chelsie and Cam with whoever doesn’t win POV going home.
This would put her in a great position to win the game.
The dumb move is wasting one of these last few HOH on Kimo/Rubina/Angela.
Like seriously, if she got rid of Chelsie, given who’s left, mackenzie’s chances of winning the game are sky high
That would be cruel. Cam has already broken Chelsie’s heart because of Makensy. I know how it feels to be rejected. Just go ahead and put up Rubina and Kimo. Chelsie will have to be the renom.
Chelsie’s heart is not broken by Cam. Chelsie wants to win 750k not Cam’s heart. I know people want to make some telenovela BS out of this situation but Chelsie keeping MJ close is her main objective. Chels is smart and she knows keeping MJ close to her and not Cam is her pathway to the end.
Too early. They are a good sheild AND loyal to her. Yes angela is loyal to her but she proved she can go off on someone close to her. She can beat cam and i dont see him going against her
Seriously, the target is Angela??? Soo lame, what a waste of an HOH..shes annoying but a complete non threat, there’s bigger fish to fry
Two HOH wins. One veto win. Had 3 vetoes used to save her. Oldest houseguest.
In MOST seasons that is a good game resume to take to a jury.
Her SOCIAL GAME is so horrible that soon people will be thinking drag her carcass to the end as and easy win.
EVERYONE has said Angela is a waste of an HOH. The same thing was said about the Godot Trio. THEN Angela becomes the swing vote and the Trio are still together when it takes three votes to control the board.
EVERYONE IS A THREAT. No eviction is a waste because it gets a houseguest one step closer to winning the game.
IS Angela the SMART target for Makensy? Absolutely not. Is she a Wasted HOH target? Not at all.
yeah, angela’s resume really is surprisingly good on paper, but then you have to factor in that she’s angela and whoever she’s sitting next to in final 2 would have to actively try to burn bridges as they vote people out to lose.
I don’t think it would be a good move for Mak but I imagine if there were a tie and she did evict Angela it would feel very satisfying. I don’t expect much from a blindfolded giraffe.
I agree. This game is about eliminating those stronger than you and making it to the finals with those weaker than you to win.
But also to set up yourself in the best position to get to the end.
Angela might be dragged on her exspense and also she isnt weak. Kimo and rubina are weaker in challanges.
She should have been gone a while ago but people keep saving her. Remember she wins stuff she’s not a floater.
Double eviction this week, a juicy thought.
From *day one* Angela was a target simply because she was clueless (aka: stupid) about a winning strategy. Being obnoxious, loud and accusatory would make fellow housemates want you g-o-n-e. She’s lasted a long time—shows ‘ya what I know !
It is Kimo’s time to go home. Get rid of him and bring Rubina in as a number!
She get’s rid of Angela because she know the trio will be 3 votes in Jury
And all 3 of them will vote exactly how T’Kor tells them to. If it’s Mak against Chelsie, how do you think T’Kor will tell them to vote? How about Mak against Cam? Maybe one of the Godots makes it to final 2 against Makensy – who do you think the other 2 Godots are voting to win in that scenario – Mak or the Godot?
I can tell you, Mak doesn’t get a single Godot vote in any of those 4 scenarios. The only chance she has of picking up any of there votes is against Angela or Leah, and that’s just a fact based on what we’ve heard on feeds.
THEIR votes…
Yeah Makensy! She needs to backdoor Chelsea.
Not happening! Chelsie’s gonna be around for the full Double Eviction night at least.
But if things go awry, Cam may not make it past this first part of Double Eviction.
Oh thank you merciful God!!
I’m glad Angela’s the target, but Leah must go OTB with her or else she will use the Veto to save Angela. Seriously, did Makensy learn nothing from her time in Jankie World?!
Angela won’t win, but her eviction would guarantee Leah doesn’t win the game.
Kimo can be a renom, but don’t put him up immediately.
I acknowledge Chelsie’s social skills, but if she just ends up winning without ever being on the chopping block, this season will be very boring. She needs to face elimination and show how she overcomes the crisis for the viewers to cheer for her.
She’s been on the chopping block. It was when they 3 to go up.
Was Tucker putting her up and then winning the A.I. Comp not enough?
You’re talking about that one time, right? Haha!
In season 24, Taylor escaped the chopping block multiple times. Viewers want to see that kind of action; they don’t want to watch a woman who survives once and then stays safe without anyone putting her on the chopping block to win.
Tucker put on the block and she won in the arena and took herself off
Chelsie has been on the “chopping block ” and won the AI, took herself down.
Errr, didn’t Chelsie win her way off the block in the AI Arena?
Chelsie has been OTB …
kimo and rubina for initial noms, then maybe backdoor chelsie/cam depending on how veto goes should be the plan. angela is an ally to makensy and not worth putting up. leah, angela, and makensy (tiebreak) should control the vote. at this point, makensy should probably target the biggest comp threats.
That would be the best way to do it, without getting too bloody and without them knowing about it should things go awry in the veto competition and the wrong person win (Chelsie or Cam). If that happened she would just have to move on with her game, but at least she could still maintain she hadn’t shot at either of those two in doing so, plus she’d still have the option of working with Angela and Leah.
I guess it’s the Chelsie fans down-voting you, but all you’re doing is analyzing her game options and what’s best for Makensey’s game. Clearly she needs to get Chelsie and Cam both out to win, or she’s likely going to lose to them in the jury vote.
Especially because we all KNOW that any POCs in the jury will only vote for another POC. Her only hope of winning is sitting next to Angela or Leah, so they’d be forced to vote for a big bad whitey.
Who is Makensy lying to? I think Kimo is the target this week. If Chelsie/Cam have their way but Cam is the one who has to push it, will he?
She blames Angela for Matt’s eviction. This a revenge move
I thought they said Kimo too. Wednesday one on one.
But apparently Angela has come back up as target number one to Mak.
It makes as much sense as Mak using veto on her did.
In other words, it doesn’t.
As of end of episode Kimo had 10-12 pieces on his stack.
At the end of the comp he had 8.
OH NO, I just realized, Kimo eats his feelings and the bowls and spoons are available again for his game talks.
Why would Leah think Makensy would do what she didn’t last week and take a shot at Chelsie and Cam? Will it have to be done? Yes, but not by Mak this week. Chelsie/Cam should be the most in danger in the double but have the best chance of winning HOH/Veto. At least Cam should win one.
What’s the difference between Cam and a cardboard cutout of Cam? I don’t have a joke, I’m just wondering.
That mounted Leah hug on Makensy was hot.
To me the target should be Chelsie not Angela. Because Chelsie is going to use Rubina, Cam and Kimo to get rid of Leah and Makensy.. But then not much that goes on this season makes any sense.
Chelsie’s connection with Makensy goes back to Week 2.
She kept MJ safe for having America’s Veto. Then they both switched their votes to evict Joseph at the last second. On Chelsie’s 2nd HOH, she coordinated with MJ to save Angela with the Veto and get Quinn evicted. MJ’s talks with Leah played a role in getting T’kor evicted.
There’s no scenario where Chelsie gets evicted by Makensy this week.
Hey! We can dream!
If past is prologue, expect the veto to be used on Angela.
haha watch Leah win it and use in on Angela again..
I don’t like Leah, but if it comes to that, I might end up cheering for her as the winner. I hope there will be an unpredictable elimination. Please!
If so saith the Grod.
If that happens plenty of people on your website will be disappointed when she doesn’t put up Chelsea who I hope wins
It’s not because I’m supporting Angela, but for Makensy to win, she needs to put strong players like Chelsie and Cam on the chopping block. Angela is a participant who will never win, so there’s no need to waste energy on her.
Cam is a strong player? Angela has won 2 HOHS, a Veto and has manipulated situations to have 3 Vetos used on her but Chelsie and pathetic useless Cam are big threats? The only person Angela will take to f2 is Cam. Nobody in jury, including Chelsie will vote for him. He has been absolutely useless and disappointing the whole season. KarAngela will not take Leah or MacKenzie if she wants the big win.
I’m not saying Cam is strong because I think he will win. I’m saying this because he is definitely not someone who will take MJ to the finals. Chelsie and Cam are strong players who will never bring MJ to the finals. However, if MJ, Rubina, and Angela make it to the top 3, it means MJ will have the choice of who to take to the finals.
Cam has done absolutely nothing, but be a vote! Angela is a threat in my opinion. She has proven she can win comps and she’s had the VETO used on her by so many different people. While she blew up on Matt first week, she has settled down. She sees/saw the trio(s). In my opinion, it was Angela who convinced Leah to renom T’kor!
Honestly, I was not a fan of Angela’s, but if I were in jury and Angela was F2, I’d vote for her to win it.
Cam has been window dressing.
More like a pile of junk mail that’s an eyesore. He is quite unpleasant to look at.
Hahaha, true that.
T’kor tells Kimo and Rubina to trust and follow Chelsie when she goes.
They do.
Kimo and Rubina know Chelsie is most likely to win.
Don’t care. T’kor said.
Mak knows she’s number 3 to Cam and Chelsie.
Mak knows she’s number 2 to Leah.
Mak knows she’s number 2 or 3 to Angela.
Mak going to piss off Leah and target Angela…
Because Chelsie says she wants Mak in her final 5.
Hell, Chelsie probably told every reader of this post that THEY are in her final 5.
Cam knows Chelsie is full of control issues and ego and jealousy that endangers him.
Cam says yes dear.
Cam knows the girl alliance was ALMOST a thing (heard it last week), and Chelsie never told him about it.
Cam says yes dear.
Chelsie is saying Quinn would still be there if he’d bent to her will and hated who she hated. She’s saying this to the people she previously told that Quinn was always the target because he was weasely. She’s saying this to the person that was on the block with Quinn.
She’s saying this and Rubina and Kimo absorb none of the logic deficiency because Chelsie is now blaming everything on Leah. Fist person that pushed a T’kor nom to Leah…. Chelsie.
Zingbot…. if you don’t incinerate these care bear loving logically impaired asshats….
You mean I’m NOT in final 5?
oh no, I was sure she pulled you aside two days ago.
I mean… we all know her real final five is her, the devil on her left shoulder, and the holy trinity…. but it’s nice to feel included even if it’s crap.
If I stand by her right shoulder maybe she won’t notice me.
Blind giraffe one on ones.
let’s do a sleepover this week. Kimo and Angela… well everyone expects Angela to be the pawn…. don’t worry I don’t think anyone would pull anything.
i just lied to Leah, cus i want Angela gone but I”m going to have to use Kimo as a pawn.
Man part of me wants a split vote so i can put the nail in the coffin.
Anglea gotta go. Burn the witch. I need a pawn and i hate to do it but you’re the pawn and everyone wants her gone. Kimo agrees.
I think a double is coming, I want Leah to go as much as everyone but if I made finals that would kill my jury management. Cam says he’ll do it.
Any minute now she’s going to start telling them to address her as queen Comp beast. Once she gets the room she’s probably going to HOHITIS out.
Expectation: five people would likely use veto this week to attempt to control this HOIH.
Mak is afraid to one on one with Angela.
She’s going to freak anyway. It’s Angela. She freaks.
I think we talked about the whole “giraffe” thing, don’t be a ANGELA
I gave you reasons for Giraffe. Yeah, she’s tall, it’s a defining feature, but also…
A Giraffe has always struck me as a gangly and odd creature in terms of the world of hunter and prey. IN a house full of carnivores, she’s eating leaves.
Has the game even begun yet? I feel like for it to get at all cut throat floaters need to go mainly Angela and Kimo. Then we will see who’s got each other back. The smart move is to back door Chelsie really though but I don’t think she has the guts to do it. I already see Chelsie is planning on getting Mackenzie out real soon! Even rubina or Kimo is better this though than Angela. She’s really the weakest one both with social and comps.
Quinn walked in with superfan dreams. He won the first Ainsley comp (along with Mak) and was fan voted to receive the deep fake HOH power. An invisible HOH.
What does he do? Tells someone he has the invisible HOH power. ANGELA.
He compounds the error by telling ANOTHER houseguest: Kimo.
Quinn pulled a Tyler and overplayed early game. My early season charts had him in 5 alliances and 4 final 2 deals by day 6, and he was trying to pull together his dream alliance that day as well. He never did finalize that alliance.
Quinn became the Charlie Brown of Big Brother 26. For every problem that arose, there was someone pointing a finger at Quinn as the cause (he deserved it 25% of the time).
Quinn overplayed, and truly did not understand the consequences of his actions, nor did he understand the motivations of others.
When faced with adversity, Quinn would pretend it didn’t exist, keep trying to over-alliance, and continue trusting people he liked personally that were CONSTANTLY in the process of SANDBAGGING him. AND HE KNEW IT.
So at most times, Quinn was trying to form a side alliance so that he was in alliances with everyone in the house. Problem… Quinn is not a closer. He came up with 9 different alliance plans in 4 days during his second HOH… and ratified NONE of them.
Strategically, Quinn was using the chess board to set up his tiddlywinks.
His game got blown up repeatedly due to Kimo. He lost T’kor’s trust because he didn’t put her friends above his game… and he still kept running back begging for their alliance.
IF YOU FIND YOURSELF WITHOUT ANY ALLIES AND AN ALLIANCE FALLS INTO YOUR LAP…. CLOSE THE DEAL AND DON’T TRY TO MAKE A SIDE ALLIANCE WITH THE OTHER HALF OF THE HOUSE. Don’t be greedy. Don’t showboat. Stand up. Play the game you’ve got not the game you wish you had. These are lessons in Strategic gamesmanship that QUINN failed to grasp.
Quinn was responsible for the eviction of two of his allies. He had final 2 deals with both Cedric and Joseph. SO WHY NOM THEM????
He nom’d them because Quinn was a simp for a pretty girl. To keep Leah and T’kor safe, he used Cedric as a volunteer and renom’d Jospeh. Now to be honest, his overalliancing CAUSED the messes… but his belief that he had sway even after his game was revealed and sandbagged repeatedly, while maintainting trust in the people holding the sandbags…
How did Quinn amass and use social capital? You’d think a guy with…7 final 2 deals that was a member of overlapping alliances would HAVE social capital.
Nope. Charlie Brown of bb26 kept getting his game and his character assassinated as of the end of week one. His response was…. to do nothing and pretend the problems didn’t exist while trying to keep forming that dream alliance with his two best frienemies, his crush that was burying him who DIDN’T WANT TO WORK TOGETHER.
QUINN HAD THE GUMPTION… lacked the closing skills, lacked the ability to pivot.
WHY? Because he was gullible and was ALWAYS trying to be in the middle of the house.
THAT COVETED MIDDLE BETWEEN 2 SIDES…. Only EVERY time he found himself in the middle… his foolishness of past errors recurring would COMPOUND and BLOW up his SPOT AGAIN.
a) keep the power a secret, use it if shit hits fan.
b) don’t pawn a final 2. Backdoor the compbeast target.
c) Scrutinize your backstabbers, don’t just say…. that’s fina and continue trying to protect them. Call OUT your character assassins, or at LEAST don’t pander and beg to them while the knife is STILL in your back.
d) form the damn alliance you were handed when you had nothing.
Mack even if you tie Tucker in comp wins he is still better. He had to go against mote people. Mack is an idiot if she doesn’t take out Chelsie. You can take out Angela anytime. Come o n you Amazon do the right thing.
Worst time for Mak to win. Whatever she does will be held against her in second eviction. Only people voting Chelsea out are Angela and Leah so they can’t be on the block. No one had Mak on their radar. Chelsea may have used Rubina and Kimo to get her out because Mak is a strong competitor and her relationship with Cam.
I don’t like that Julie Chen wearing that tiger tooth necklace. That means a tiger got killed for that tooth.
Or that she spent 1.50 at a dollarama…
Are Kimo and Angela really her targets???? I think she has other plans.
As much as I want her to target Chelsie, ruining the relationship with her and Cam before a double probably would not be smart.
This is the most boring collective of top 8 (now 7) I can remember. It is hard for me to root for any of them at this point. As much as I hate to say it, because I find her to be one of the three most annoying contestants ever on this show, I hope Angela survives the next couple of weeks. The only thing that will salvage this season for me at this point is to see her voted as the last jury member. Something about her being that close to ‘her dream’ and having it snatched away and not even getting to enjoy the perks of the jury house somehow brings a smile to my face. I think it is the fact that she has not had one ‘real’ moment since she has been in the house. She is ‘ON’ 24/7 – always aware of the cameras. She is definitely a different kind of crazy!
I have enjoyed this show (mostly) for 20 years but it may have run its course.
If they don’t get rid of Angela, she will win the game
angela can maybe beat kimo, but i think that’s it. leah and makensy are the only two who even remotely like her and makensy likes most of the house more.
MAKENSY, MAKENSY, MAKENSYYou will never be the cop Beast that Tucker was. Look at the time frame he won six compared to how long it’s taking you to maybe get there