MAKENSY WON HOH! Chelsie “Cam you were super close!” Cam “Story of my life!”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Makensy
Nominees: ?
POV Players: ?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: ?

The Plan: Makensy plans to nominate Kimo and Rubina, with Kimo as the target. Makensy tells Chelsie if one of them come down she might have to put Chelsie up so they don’t look like a pair.

8:55pm The live feeds return and X has won the head of household competition. They’re talking about the HOH comp. It was the micro comp using tweezers and building or stacking something. The HOH key Makensy received is also micro.
Chelsie – Cam you were super close! Cam – Story of my life! Rubina – Iconic! Now we just wait! Cam – for what? Chelsie – for the HOH room. They talk about how far they’ve come. Makensy – look at us! Chelsie – what an accomplishment.

Makensy – I am just blessed that I do believe this week everyone will get something. They talk about when it (messages from family members) usually happens in top five. Chelsie – do you think the top five will get like a… Rubina – PARTY!?!! Makensy – can somebody get in the damn DR and let me answer questions? Makensy complains that her weave is painful and how she wants to get the DR session over with so that she can take it out. She takes it out anyway and puts it on Rubina. Rubina – I kind of like it! I want to do this now when I get out. Makensy – I am kind of upset right now. Rubina – why? Makensy – My head hurts and I don’t want to move my stuff back upstairs. (Aww is so hard! lol)

9:25pm Big Brother calls Makensy to the diary room.. she grabs her tiny HOH key and heads to the diary room.

9:33pm Bathroom. Rubina – I was moving at a glacial pace. Ah its okay.
9:33pm Bedroom – Chelsie talking to the cameras.
Get out of here! Top 5!! Listen, Chelsea Bam from Rancho Cucamonga, CA. Top 5 on Big Brother. Get out of here. Shoot the three HOHs! What are you kidding me? And who? My girl just WON HOH and it’s just crazy. It’s just absolutely crazy. So pray for your girl. You know what I’m saying. I’ll process more Chelsea’s cheese may later because there’s a lot that I just want us to catch up on as a family. OK, we talk about aunting Julie. Yeah, I got Angela out! Life is good. Anything can happen to Big Brother expect the unexpected but surviving a double eviction and making it top 5 is something! I never thought that I would be the one and can we talk about I messed up on my number. I won because somebody else just did worse. You know what I’m saying? I forgot to put a zero I was shaking and then Auntie Julie was just like and he’s answering and I’m not. I’m not about to be that one on Big Brother. So top 5. I hope you love who the top five are. I hope that we’re not going to be boring those last couple weeks and I hope I get to see you guys finale tonight. Love y’all peace and blessings. Chelsea out!

9:47pm Kitchen – Cam, Kimo, Rubina and Chelsie.
Chelsie – I don’t know how we can be any more entertaining. Kimo – I think if anything, some of the most interesting people are still here. (Hmmm Ok!) Soon after Kimo starts burping..

10pm They head to the living room to wait for Makensy to come out of the diary room.

10:30pm Chelsie gets her HOH basket / HOH letter and photos, etc.
Chelsie reads her HOH letter:
Dear Chelsea, it’s your favorite Big Brother and only I have the biggest smile on my face as I write you this letter. I am so immensely proud of how far you’ve come and how far you have yet to go. I miss your loud mouth and huge heart. And I know every single day that you miss junior more than all of us. Pretty true. True. Parentheses. He misses you too. Keep being yourself and continue to let your amazing heart shine through because it’s an inspiration to me more than you know. Push forward and fight for what’s yours because we all know you’re a fighter and will change people’s lives no matter where you go in life. I love you so much and I am honored to call you my sister so proud of you forever and always your brother Jalen

10:49pm The house guests are going through the kitchen fridge/storage room fridge to clean it them out and get ready to be restocked tomorrow.

11pm Bedroom – Makensy and Chelsie
Chelsie – here’s the thing. Angela lied straight to my freaking face straight and I’m glad that I put them both next to each other. If its BB comics, we should be good. Me or Cam should be able to win that and keep noms the same. But yeah, we’re going to be seen as huge threats. Makensy – What do I tell Rubina? Chelsie – I told her this. I was just like, hey, I need you as my replacement. I was like, you know, at the end of the day, I want you in final five. You’re just a pawn. Angela is going home. The issue is.. well at this point she is going to be desperate. Its either her or Kimo. Makensy – I just don’t want her mad at me and then next week ..because … I didn’t want to win this week. I wanted Cam to. Was he even close. Chelsie – he was on the bottom row of the bottom cloud. Makensy – Hmmm so no. Chelsie – he was second place though. But they were not, they were terrible. Makensy – so I was going fast! Chelsie – you busted right through it. The thing is Rubina and Kimo really aren’t the best at comps. I want to keep her too. Just say that. Makensy – I’m going to tell her, I want three girls in the end. I’ll tell her I don’t want to put two boys up to make it seem like.. my target this week is Kimo. Chelsie – and for me just say Chelsie kept me safe during the double evict so I am not going to touch her. Makensy – if he (Cam) is at the end you’re not taking his a$$ and I am not. Chelsie – NA, I want two girls sitting at the end. Makensy – we have worked our a$$ off. Chelsie – we have worked our a$$es off to get to this point. They agree next week Chelsie or Cam HAVE to win HOH. Chelsie – we can make it to final two, we just have to stick together because we are seen as the biggest targets. At this point we have to win to get to final two. Cam will be carried because they don’t see him as a threat. Cam joins them.

11:30pm – 12am The house guests are eating in the kitchen and hanging out.

12:10 am Makensy gets her HOH room

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my makeshift flashback setup failed last night so I lost the reordering’s. there will be no late night update.

From what I gather, Makensy and Chelsie are bosom buddies. Kimo and Rubina are going up. Kimo target, if he wins veto Rubina target.


Kimo/Rubina win veto then Chelsie could go up as the replacement. That would be fun.

Moaning murtle

Thanks again for all you both do! Anyone reading this or other posts on this site, if you can contribute to OBB please try to!
Yup, MJ is full of herself again. It is really Chelsie’s HOH and she is smart enough to know how to make MJ think the way she wants her to. Chelsie is safe if MJ does put her otb( unlikely). In fact, Chelsie agree it was the right thing to do. Chelsie is not in danger
of MJ turning on her. Chelsie is confident because MJ can hardly contain her excitement that she and Chelsie will be F2. Chelsie knows MJ will not backstab her if anything, Chelsie will get rid of MJ! As for the rest, Chelsie is right, neither Cam nor Rubina nor Kimo have the skills nor want to get into MJ’s head. Rubina and Kimo are, forgive me, useless. They will sit around and talk but do nothing other than sing and dance. Cam realizes he can’t get to MJ like Chelsie can so before Chelsie and MJ clip him( they talked about it last night) Cam will continue his role of chiming in agreement with whatever Chelsie is saying. Many in X fandom are hailing Chelsie as a BB legend because the game is hers to loose. This is the week to catch up on your rest or skip as it’s very very unlikely Kimo or Rubina will do anything to save themselves.


Thanks Moaning Murtle.


still requires cam or makensy to flip on chelsie, and i don’t see that happening.

Game fan

Wouldnt cam be going up?
Get him OUT ! Robina never beat her llike neeevveer in even one comp

un autre nom

Late late night convo in bathroom after Mak and Chelsie took a bath together.
Downstairs bathroom.
Chelsie and Mak discuss exactly when Leah became an issue.
After that, They discuss the tiny HOH comp.
Chelsie is feeding Mak’s ego to get her more pumped at being a comp beast and is basically telling her at this point win out in comps, and the two of them will get to finals.
They discuss Cam not really pulling his weight (how his comp run to finals once Quinn was taken out never materialized).
Makensy considers if she wins veto using it on Rubina to keep her trust, renomming Cam with no intention of evicting Cam. She would talk to Cam first about the whole thing saying it isn’t a Cam thing, it’s a Mak can’t play final 4 HOH thing and Cam is 100% safe. (thiaaat should go wellllll).
Chelsie vows to use veto however Mak wants if she wins it. Guess that comment earlier where Mak said maybe renom Chelsie so they don’t look like a pair got in Chelsie’s head, because she’s really bff-ing most of the night.
Much of Chelsie’s face game in the bathroom convo makes me think Chelsie is not so happy that Mak won HOH, and she’s already tired of having to kiss up… while she’s puckering.
Then I went back to sleep.

un autre nom


Rubina: Makensy and Rubina discuss Mak’s period. Mak tells Rubina about her Kimo concerns in light of Angela’s comments last night and Angela’s words not matching up (saying she’d target Kimo then she’d never touch Kimo). She really wanted the final 4 and the final 3 with Rubina and Chelsie, but now she’s concerned about Kimo more than she is about Cam. Mak says she will likely nom Kimo and Rubina pawn. This is JUST because she can’t risk Kimo coming off the block. She wants Rubina there and is willing to use veto on Rubina if she wins it, but also wants Rubina to gun for it. Mak has no problem using veto on her and taking any heat.
Mak and Rubina *no idea of veracity from either, share their concern that Cam wasn’t even a renom option last night… is it a Chelsie Cam final 2? They discuss Kimo. who would Schemo nom… nobody knows he shares nothing. That Angela Kimo final 2 and Mak saying it 2 weeks ago and Leah saying it, and Angela saying she wanted Kimo or Angela to win double HOH…. this is weird. More worried about Kimo than Chels because Cam is around her finger. Mak says Cam should have been renom last night, why is he never the pawn volunteer. That duo is problematic but Kimo is MORE problematic. She doesn’t want BOTH guys mad at her ALL week. Rubina is saying Chelsie is in a prime position. Rubina says she would make the move for the women if she had to… because the women in the end is her priority. Mak says she’s not afraid of nomming Chels in order to put her in check, but it would be renom. Kimo will be more nervous if on the block with Rubina. Tread lightly with Chels and Cam Rubina warns. 3 women is still the goal.
Chelsie volunteering she’ll do what Mak says with veto is mentioned to Rubina.
RUBINA IS AFRAID BUT HAS TO BUS: the back up choices are more right.
NIGHT BEFORE EVICTION: Chelsie came to Rubina saying if Rubina won Chelsie wanted Rubina to target Makensy. Get out the big threats. No campaign timing, but Chelsie didn’t want to be the one to do it…. wanted Rubina to do her dirty work. While she thinks Chelsie wants 2 women at the end…. she did mention it.
Kimo was shitting bricks last nights after Angela left. She’s aware Chels and Cam are a pair. Rubina councils not to bring up the Angela thing.

Kimo: After Kimo gushes about her brother, she tells him to give her any information that can help her make noms. Kimo says close to Rubina, but Cam and Chelsie are close too.
She’s aware. He offered to be a pawn last week showing trust with her. Why wasn’t Cam an option for renom when Rubina went up? Chelsie has a good game. Mak can’t play next week, and she’s terrified. Kimo owes her a shit ton he says, so she’s safe with him.
She’s hearing last week that people were saying (finger across throat). Getting rid of Leah was a move for the house not Mak, she was thinking of everyone else. Who is going to support Mak. Kimo says he will protect her. Mak doesn’t know. She isn’t making ANY promises to anyone, she doesn’t want to get played.
They discuss her HOH performance in depth (I heard this to Chelsie last night). Mak didn’t want to win. Mak thinks getting past week 2 is her biggest accomplishment. Kimo knows Chelsie and Kimo and Rubina are close. Kimo says she could be part of that too.
Mak is saying too much, Kimo isn’t saying enough.
Kimo will support and protect Mak. He’s won a comp, if he won next HOH he’d prove to her that she was protected. Mak hates being HOH 2 times in a row, she feels horrible having to do this all over again (nom 2 other people). She makes no promises because she doesn’t want to lie. Mak respects that Chels didn’t put Mak up during double. Kimo lies about his one on one content with Chelsie (he didn’t want Rubina as renom he states, pushing Mak he hides)…. both say they thought Cam was renom.

LOTS OF YAWNS THROUGHOUT, but not sure if Mak’s tell (lack of interest) or because they woke them up extra early for one on ones.


She better backdoor Chelsie or Cam.
We’re going to have a backstabbing week. Going to be full of lies, deceit, and betrayal. She better split cam or Chelsie. Kimo and Rubina have a chance to win this game. Anyone but Chelsie. She’s too bossy and mean.

orwell the out of work bbad owl

Makensy’s too dumb to get rid of Chelsie. I wish she would but she won’t. Chelsie will just boss her around and get her way again. Pour me a Kraken we all need one!

Moaning murtle

Perhaps this is the denial stage for most folks but most know what you are saying is true. Chelsie must be evicted in order NOT TO WIN.That will not happen. Rubina and Kimo can’t win anything and have no strategy to get to the end. Rubina/ Kimo will not vote against Chelsie because Chelsie has them both misted with the good people.. the cause.. T’ Kor would be so proud treatment. Cam is just riding Chelsie’s coattails. He will do whatever to stay there. Cam has been wanting Kimo gone for awhile. Cam isn’t the bulldozer Chelsie is and will NEVER convince MJ or Rubina to turn on Chelsie. MJ is now more than ever devoted to Chelsie’s dream of the two of them being the last two standing. It’s just that simple. Chelsie may not be a fan favorite, but we all know she’s the winner. Pour some Kraken and get used to it.


Cam was a waste of space this year. Chelsie as hated as she is has played this game well. Rubina & Kimo….what can anyone say!


I agree with you on what should happen but it wont…makensy is too scared to make a big move..this will be a boring week, Kimo or Rubina will go home..they probably won’t even campaign vs each other


The BIG play would be to put up Chelsie & Cam…..that would get her points!!! Play the game.


glad makensy won as i think she’s otherwise the target, but she probably puts up kimo and rubina and one of them gets voted out regardless of the veto results for a boring week.


However, if one wins veto, she becomes a tie-breaking vote. And she changes her mind faster than a cheetah on a raceway.


she changes her mind to whatever chelsie tells her to do. cam and chelsie aren’t going anywhere.

Gan ainm

So, will Makensy now start playing to win and nom Chelsie and Cam? Somehow, it’s more believable she noms and evicts herself. Most likely evicted this week, Kimo.


nah, rubina is more likely to get voted out than kimo if she doesn’t win veto methinks. people actually think she’s playing the game and perceive her as a threat.

Gan ainm

That was all of them just blowing smoke, Rubina was just being bused.

un autre nom

I thought we’d get a Mak veto at most with BBCOMICS coming. Not another Muppet HOH.
Please. She’s a muppet when she gets power.
The Trio. Do Kimo or Rubina rat out Chels and Cam’s push to get rid of Mak to save themselves? Would Mak believe it? Would Chels or cam try to twist that narrative knowing one of the 4 will be leaving?
The girl thing. Does Mak still believe in that or does she believe Leah about Rubina lying and Kimo planting seeds?
Independent thought. Bwahahahaha. Suuuure.
Did the argument as she called it with Cam leave tread marks?
Does Mak think Kimo is the seed planter?
What did Chels say to Mak during double about renom. If a suggestion was made…. does that leave a stain?

Mountain Man’s Island Girl

Inquiring minds want to know, indeed!

Best case scenario is she nominates Rubina and Kimo. They all play for the veto anyhow, so if she was smart she’d tell them both that they each have the same odds as everyone else in winning and taking themselves off, or if she wins she uses it and puts up Chelsea. The vote would be split and she votes out Chelsea.

If Chelsea or Cam win veto and keep the noms the same, no harm, no foul with her “secret alliance” with Chelsea. In that case it would then be either Rubina or Kimo fighting for HOH against Chelsea and Cam.

Gan ainm

I’m afraid Mak is a true believer.


If she doesn’t nominate Chelsea and Cam then she deserves to go home next because there is NO way they are letting her get to F4/F3.


Mak is already F4.


Chelsie will take out makensy next week if she gets a chance, guaranteed..makensy is an idiot, wasted hoh taking out kimo

Team Taylor

Chelsie beats Cam and MJ at Final Two.

She would have votes from The Trio – T’kor, Kimo, Rubina – plus Cam/MJ.

She could lose against Kimo or Rubina. Here’s how:

Chelsie – Cam, MJ, Quinn

Kimo/Rubina – Rubina/Kimo, T’kor, Angela

Leah is the deciding vote!

Tuck Tuck

Angela would vote for Kimo but I don’t think she would Rubina. Also, Tkor would vote Chelsie if she is sitting next to Rubina.


Hopefully Makensy will play for her game not Chelsea’s. She needs to get Chelsea out.

Butters Mom

I kind of hope she nominates Kimo and Cam leaving Mc in the middle not choosing sides but if one comes off, I hope she puts chelsea up as the renom. By putting up Kimo and Cam it makes it appear at least up front that she’s siding with the girls.


She will not nominate her boyfriend.

un autre nom

no matter who is evicted on THIS HOH…
It’s somebody targeting Makensy so she can’t really screw it up.
No really.
EVERY ONE of the remaining houseguests would be targeting her this week.
Usually final 5 HOH is the WORST one to win. It means you rely completely on final 4 veto. Unless you are Jag, and then they break their own rules so that you can be HOH twice in a row (previous invisibles had to throw the next HOH comp… Not Jag, they changed the rules for him).
BUT… with 4 people saying she was their target… she can’t screw this up technically.
Well…. she could win bbcomics veto and backstab everyone…. but since they are all out to get her anyway, that’s not even a BAD thing.

I think, on some level she knows that Chelsie and Cam used her last week to worsen her own game and improve their own. This means she COULD throw a curveball at some point.
Until recently, Mak seemed the most legitimately interested in the all female final 3. Rubina only wanted it if Kimo was given girl card membership as a 4. Chelsie SAYS she wants it… but Chelsie says she wants ANY-thing that puts her ass in a final 2 chair. Hell, If Kimo said he wanted a broadway cannibal final 2….. Chelsie would tie a napkin around her throat, take a bite out of Rubina while doing jazz hands. You know it’s true.

Gan ainm

Love the visual.


Makenzie need to backdoor Chelsie asap! Time to eliminate the only competition she has. Time to join forces with Kimo and Rubina even if it’s only for a week. It would be a waste getting rid of Kimo.


Angela’s speech was delusional LOL And, it’s the script from the end of the Wizard Of Oz. After searching the whole movie for courage, brains and a heart (Angela figuring out who she is). Dorothy says, “They’ve had what they’ve been searching for in them all along”. Angela says she’s discovered she is strong and powerful and it was in her all along! Insert Eye Roll LOL I was like, wait, I’ve heard this speech before… So glad that’s over.
Now let’s all sit back and watch Mackenzie nominate herself to go up as a pawn so she can please Chelsie.

Gan ainm

Copyright infringement.

Another Dixie

Playing up to the viewers so she can get America’s Favorite. Not a chance in Oz but she doesn’t realize how she’s come across to us.


Makensy needs to nominate Chelsie and Cam. Kimo and Rubina will be slightly easier to beat in next week’s veto.

un autre nom

Just occurred to me…. I haven’t noped anyone since about week 2 or 3. All of my nopes are gone. My nope got evicted.
Sure, Rubina only saved herself from nope with 4 hours to spare.
Sure, I don’t really like any of them as people….
But going into endgame I have no declared nopes.
This feels odd. I have no favorites and nobody left to loathe.

This house has deplorable jury management. But in a game bereft of strategic theory for the most part where the jurors seem to want big friendship or big cause…. what am I expecting.
Chelsie lies to jurors up to the moment they leave. Makensy… no better. Cam? avoids the soon to be evicted like the scent of defeat disgusts him (which given his comp record must be difficult for him to live in his own skin). Rubina… she does so little to engage with the soon to be evicted if she wasn’t already best buddies with them. Kimo…. acts like the intensive care unit death cat that curls up on the beds of the soon to be departed… but does NOTHING to promote his game to them, just tries to out depress them.

The strategic analyst in me has to wonder HOW a jury like THIS votes. Quinn? mix of game and who he thought was playing a better version of his own game? T’kor? who was the nicer more genuine POC female in the house that would represent the cause best? Leah? Opposite of how Quinn votes for shits and giggles? I have no clue.
Angela? Tries to make a fake key with her own name on it?

Team Taylor

Congrats Makensy!! She wins comps when she needs them most.

With that said, gotta go Kimo. Otherwise, as much as I hate to say this, see ya Rubina.

Tucker For AFP

Get Chelsie out smh


Question of the day – does Makensy have the balls to play her own game or is she going to ride Chelsie’s game to a Chelsie win?


a chelsie/cam/makensy final 3 is somewhat interesting as i feel there’s a good chance cam and makensy win parts 1 and 2 of the final hoh, and do either take her? they must know she wins if they do, and making her the last jury member means she can’t pull the rest of the jury to be bitter with her.


what do you think!

Another Dixie

In my opinion, after reading the above & remarks, I think this year, as much as I detest the house guests, is way more like early BB seasons now. Recent years, at around this point, people just got really mean and one person separates themselves while the rest party & celebrate. This year, at this point, they all at least pretend to be one big happy family, even though that isn’t true. I’m not fooling myself that I believe they will continue but I think it will be a lot of back stabbing of each other but not just one person. Now, I’m pretty sure it would have been different if MK had not won HOH. Those other 4 (or at least 3) have her out the door.
This is the point where BB gets very, very boring for me & I wonder if I even want to spend my time watching & reading about it. I just want it done.

Omega BB

Early BB wasn’t afraid to target people because of what they POC represented, early BB didn’t get moved by representation speeches either.

Big Daddy 66

As much as I would love to see Chelsie sent packing, the group has no choice but to get rid of Kimo. Angela did him no favors heading out the door making it clear he already has 4 Jury votes in his pocket.

Game fan

Three. Tkor , rubina and her. Who is 4th?

More Whine, please

The Black Kiss of Angela lingers on in the BB house.

Game fan

Thats like the worst hoh result possible. At least cam would of maybe tried to get mackenzie out.
We are in to chelsea 5th hoh.

Hate is Evil

Can we address the dark horse in the room? Oops I mean the 4 dark horses? Yeah I said it. Cookout 2.0. And just like the original, if more players had remained instead of the floaters, we wouldn’t have such a obvious win, with let’s be honest, just like the first cookout….didn’t really EARN the win. Instead of playing for your “color”, to really earn it…play as just a human being.


They haven’t shown the jury this year….usually when someone shows up to the house they show the new person arriving. What’s with that?

Mean Jean

This is going to be a long week listening to MJ going over the same scenario until next Thursday.