Makensy wins Part 2 of the Final HOH

Noon Makensy wins part 2 of the final HOH. On finale night Chelsie and Makensy will compete in the final HOH competition. Winner of that contest gets to decide who to take to the end with them. The two girls speculated that Cam threw the HOH thinking that they will both take him to the end.

Houseguests enjoying champagne and playing CARDS! (Mother f***ing cards yo) Some talk about family members. Feeds cut to fish.

When the feeds come back They are talking about how many people watch the live show. Chelsie thinks 10 million. THey go on about how large the fan base is.

12:45 pm Chelsie and Makensy talking about the HOH competition. Cam is sleeping.
Chelsie says that Cam does think they deserve first and second. Makensy says when she saw the competition had a button made her very nervous. (because of her visions)
Chelsie goes on about how there’s never before been a final 2 with true believers.
Makensy now saying she is the youngest person girl to ever sit in the final 2. Chelsie says she might be the oldest female.. (LOL do these people not know about the first 20 seasons of the show?)

They talk about Rubina and how she was trying to get Chelsie to take the shot on Makensy during the double.

Makensy says she’s glad she killed the AI during the HOH competition this morning. They fist bump.

1:50 pm everyone from what I can tell is sleeping.

2:00 pm – 4:35 pm Zzzzzz

5:20pm Kitchen – Chelsie and Makensy
Makensy is cleaning. Makensy to Chelsie – I just want it to be pretty when we leave. You know, I want to feel like you know .. WOW. I’ve enjoyed living here. Doesn’t look like a pigsty. These white floors are something else. Never do these again!

5:30pm The live feeds switch to the pound cams.. They’re probably getting a final 3 dinner.

6:42pm The live feeds return. It looks like they were brought take out.

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Haha. Kinda figured makensy would win part 1 and Chelsie would win part 2, but let’s face it, we all knew cam wasn’t gonna win anything


Chelsie should and will win BB. 2nd place wins $75,000. that’s why I want Cam to come in 2nd, not Mak.


Cam has literally done nothing and you want him second place? Yeah, keep your opinion to yourself.

un autre nom

And of course both Mak and Chels believe Cam threw the second part of HOH.
Their theory… Cam believes both would cut each other and take him.
It sounds to me like individual time. What I don’t understand is why Chels was in a costume. Past, the winner of Part One didn’t even SEE the comp that was part II because it was individual time, so they were always in regular clothes.
Given season tone it was quite obvious that Chelsie would win Part I (the faced no adversity sanitized winner edit would preclude any danger befalling her).
Given season tone it was quite obvious that Mak would win Part II (the always facing adversity and having to rise to battle through edit. Think of Part II as a veto. Who is the veto winner of the season? Mak).
The predictability had me make up the chart for final 3 HOH up to who would be evicted as Juror 7. My stumbling block in that is that pesky d/r of Chelsie saying Mak final 2 is real vs. the feeds.

Gan ainm

What makes a better scripted finale from the production point of view? Chelsie choosing to take Mak or Cam? Which is the better storyline ending? I always thought for sure she would take Cam but the way she hypes up Mak makes that choice more problematic, but that’s how she’s been working Mak the whole time.


do we know the order they finished in part 1? i think chelsie should have thrown it to cam if possible, but probably needed to stay in if cam was out and makensy was still in.

the conversation between chelsie and makensy is interesting because it’s more mist from chelsie convincing to makensy to work against makensy’s own interest where if makensy was a more savvy player she’d probably be realizing oh right, cam is the easiest player to beat since danielle on bb14, but ian won that season and he made the wrong choice on who to take to the final so i can make that wrong choice too. never mind the boneheaded decision cody made in bb17 of taking derrick over the super easy to beat victoria.


Chelsie should’ve thrown then imo

Moaning murtle

I can only suggest that Chelsie may have been in costume for part 2 because perhaps she hosted. Even now while Cam and MJ nap Chelsie is creating her answers for questions from the jury and they are good answers ( by that I mean her preaching skills really kicked in) Chelsie stays in game mode which may be the new way to win.

Team Taylor

Makensy vs. Chelsie on Final HOH

Makensy must win to get to Final 2 or else Chelsie will evict her. And the sad part is MJ would be blindsided by Chelsie.

As we wait for Finale Night, here is my assessment of the Final 3:

1. Chelsie – her first week was spent as an NPC and she still made connections in the house to further her game. Keeping communication open is how she’s got Cam and Makensy to take her to Final Two for now. Every HOH reign resulted in getting her targets evicted — Lisa, Quinn, Angela, Rubina. She led the Tucker blindside and was a major factor in Joseph’s blindside. She even used Makensy to get Leah, her closest ally, out the house. She lost her two closest allies early on — Cedric and Brooklyn — and easily replaced them with Cam and Makensy (with T’kor on the side). The one time she was OTB, she won safety in the A.I. Comp. Her biggest weakness may be jury management. She is the most deserving winner this season. I believe she’s got T’kor and Kimo in her corner — the question is can she convince 2 more jurors to vote for social game rather than for the underdog who became a Comp Beast?

2. Makensy – someone who would have followed Matt out the door Week 2 had it not been for America’s Veto extending her time. She clutched comp wins every time her BB life was on the line: the 2 A.I. Comps, her 2 HOH wins, the Final Veto comp. She is this season’s Comp Beast. She was a major player in Joseph’s blindside too. Her weakness is her inability to make the best strategic decisions for herself. Overall, she went from someone who I wanted out ASAP to someone whose grit I respect. She would make a great winner this season. She has Leah and Angela in her corner — the question is can she get 2 more votes to beat Chelsie?

3. Cam – he turned out to be a very underwhelming player. He had good allies and he did win Veto to save himself the week Tucker was evicted, but that’s the extent of his gameplay. There’s no way he can beat Chelsie or MJ. Perhaps he’ll have better luck going on “The Challenge.”

Moaning murtle

You must know that Chelsie has dominated this game. She did all you mentioned but surely as a fan of the show or feeds you know that Chelsie has controlled MJ to do what Chelsie wanted. Chelsie positioned herself so no matter who takes her, she is clearly the winner. She admitted it herself hours ago. She’s won the game, no matter how hard it is to swallow. Many don’t find her likeable but she doesn’t need to be, she came to win not ” play for a cause” . She’ s not afraid or uncomfortable about lying or manipulating others. For example, moments ago, she just told Cam , after he asked, that she never, spoke badly about anyone in the game. MJ, is so loyal she told her she wanted to win round 2 ” for Chelsie. ” Keep in mind Chelsie has had a F2 with Cam since week one. In the jury, Quinn admires good game play so his vote is a lock, Rubina won’t vote for MJ because MJ just evicted her because ” her game was a threat” Rubina in her post interviews still can’t SMH over that one! Kimo and T’ kor like Chelsie and will vote for her. No jury votes to worry about for Chelsie. Chelsie has done a good job in establishing and ( here’s the key) maintaining good relationships with whomever went to jury. Yup, Chelsie got the job done. Have a cup of something you enjoy and look forward to next season as this one is essential over and we all know how it ends.


If MJ can actually make a winning decision now by bringing cam. She gots this. Frustrating. Chelsie hasn’t been a fan favorite. We all wanted her blindsided. Leah getting voted out was the worst decision in the game. She will look back and realize that.


Yeah, Chelsie would have to have a spectacularly bad response to jury questions at this point. Not that it can’t happen, Amanda on survivor china springs to mind (I think Todd still wins but oh my god was Amanda terrible), but such a performance seems unlikely


On point ??

Game fan

Cam in the challange .?
The only game reality i can see cam winning is the traitors, and only as a paithful, who other faithfuls helped him get to the end and win as a group.

  1. being immune to being evicted week one is HUGE. so don’t downplay her negotiating that immunity as a big part of her game. first hoh’s win a disproportionate amount of the time (i think it’s like 20% compared to the 10% a random chance would dictate), and it’s a big thing returnees frequently try to negotiate because they know how big it is. think of the coaches season or even cirie last season. it’s bs. the houseguests shouldn’t have fallen for it and it’s a big part of her deep run. cedric was in a good spot too until he nominated makensy putting every houseguest at risk to the whims of america’s vote and torpedoing his game in the process.
  2. makensy did indeed turn her game around. if she can win the third part of the final hoh and actually boot chelsie, i think everyone would have mad respect for her game, but unless she does that people will really think down on her. she does deserve more credit than she gets for sticking to chelsie though. she wasn’t immune at all in the second part of the double eviction and with worse allies that would spell certain doom for someone who’s done as well in comps as she has (think victor in bb18), so i don’t think keeping chelsie is as bad a move as people think, though it will be if she takes her to final 2.
  3. yeah, seeing if cam’s losing streak can extend to the challenge might be fun to watch.
Team Taylor

Chelsie wasn’t immune when she was an NPC. Both her and Cedric could not compete in any comps except for A.I. Comp if nominated. They were sitting ducks and Angela let them stay.

The Beef

Go back and re-read what he said. He said “so don’t downplay NEGOTIATING that immunity as part of her game”, which she did with Angela that first week.


yeah, if i were angela week one when i know almost no one, i nominate cedric and chelsie. they’ve proven they suck at comps so likelihood of retaliation is low, their comp performance should make them undesirable to build an alliance with, and it puts very little blood on my hands as their comp performance is dictating their fate rather than having crazy eyes.

soon as they were declared as immune chelsie became my pick to win the season (you can go back to read early comments saying this), but i’ll admit i figured cedric to be in the position cam is currently occupying.

i wonder if being right about chelsie is why i’m not particularly bothered that she’s the clear frontrunner to win.


The real comp beast is tucker. Just think if tkor wasn’t so dumb how many more comps would tucker have won.


I agree with almost everything. The only thing I think you didn’t give much thought to, is T’kor ability to convince Kimo and Rubina, I think she will convince them to vote for Chelsie, and Quinn loves Chelsie’s game, I believe she has his vote if he’s not still Love struck by Leah and she convince him to vote for MJ, which I doubt. We’ll just have to wait and see Sunday.


dang… Cam can’t win anything… sigh

Facts Only

Is this Dude losing on purpose just so he gets taken to the end? How can he suck this bad?

Team MJ(even if she is brainwashed)

lol the script is going exactly as written

Casting Couch

Everyone’s getting mad. Big Brother is nothing more than a script. I believe it’s been scripted for sometime now. I mean Chelsie’s aunt is Niecy Nash. Rubina was on an episode of Don’t Forget the Lyrics! And Niecy Nash is the host of that show.
From Angela, Leah, Chelsie, Rubina, Tucker, Mak; they all seem like wanna be “D” actors. I’ve never seen in the history of Big Brother that the OTEV game ended after just one question.
It will never be the same game. You would maybe have to fire everyone behind the scenes; including Julie. But that’s not happening.


I think if Chelsie wins part 3 she has the strongest resume with the jury to beat Cam and Makensy. If Makensy wins part 3, I think it would be best for her game to take Cam to the final 2. Cam didn’t win any comps, he has shown that he has blown them off, he never made any big game moves. Makensy’s resume is better than Cam’s for sure, but Makensy, unfortunately, doesn’t have a better one than Chelsie. If Chelsie makes it to final 2, she will win! If Makensy makes it to final two with Cam, Makensy will win. Cam won’t win. The best he may get will be runner up.

un autre nom

at the end of the final 4 eviction episode.
Rubina has left.
Makensy says to Chelsie and Cam “I knew what was going to happen before the people told me.”
Anyone asking WHY i have been saying the d/r has been informing veto holders what they will do with the veto…. this.
Leah told Quinn she was being urged to save Angela.
Mak was pushing to save Kimo not Angela over and over until she had a 2.5 hour d/r then she agreed with Chelsie.
Mak again was going to use veto and renom Cam UNTIL she had a 3.5 hour d/r and the moment she left that d/r she was 180 and now wanted to keep Cam.
Mak was going to vote out Cam had a d/r and saw the wisdom of Chelsie’s opinion. Then… had another d/r that informed her of her vote this week…. and SHE SAYS I knew before the people told me.

The Beef

I heard her say it too, and knew immediately what she was talking about. It’s sad they can’t just leave them alone and let them play the damn game.

Tyler & Jeff are my faves

Maybe there’s still hope for a “Princess Bride” sort of ending: underdog overcomes adversity, wins battles when back’s against the wall and prevails in the end. What if production set this all up from the very beginning to be an “expect the unexpected” season. Everyone’s already handed the $750k to Chelsie. But what if the fix was actually in for Mak? That would explain the inexplicable: why prodoplant Karengela went so viciously after Mak’s week one sweetheart, “crazy eyes” Matt, leaving Mak vulnerable, alone & virtually dead-in-the-water going into week 2. What if production sets up part 3 to be a Mak win & has a 3 hr d/r with Mak right b4 the live finale starts, brainwashing Mak to cut Chelsie & take Cam to final 2, setting up possibly the biggest underdog story in 26 seasons of BB? It’s possible, isn’t it? It(& your consistently brilliant analysis, of course!)are the only reasons I’m still watching. Expect the unexpected!

un autre nom

What would be required to flip the final vote is a respected juror spearheading a bitter jury flip.
Do we have the Spicy V of this jury? No.
In terms of third part….
a booth comp. Who has been getting the booth comp specialist edit?
So it would be a shock if Mak won that. Not OUT of the REALM of possible… but not a probable thing. The only thing it WOULD be… roundabout circle of first and last comp wins.
Since part 2 was the climb stairs make puzzle comp we haven’t seen in a couple of years…. and the puzzle component favored Mak… again, nothing is in stone. But…

Now what we have to consider: Cam’s reaction if Chelsie were to cut him.
While Rubina will not be sequestered with jury (she will appear at round table but will be held in a hotel separately historically)…. who knows.
There IS a world where Cam is the swing vote.
Do i put much stock in that theory? No.
Would I have to do more mental gymnastics to try to justify a Mak win? um… yeah.


Gan ainm

This is why it’s hard to genuinely evaluate Chelsie’s gameplay, she gets the edit credit but how much of these moves were driven by the d/r rather than her influence.


Did the dr get Leah eliminated b/c THAT is the move with the biggest impact

The Beef

The real question is who does the jury believe gets the credit for making the move? That’s all that matters, and I’m pretty sure after their little sit down with Taylor Hale, she’ll make sure they ALL believe it was Chelsie’s idea and influence that made that move happen. Just my opinion.


Looking forward to seeing how this turns out Sunday


This F3 Reminds Me Of BB16. Derrick and Cody Were In An Alliance But Derrick Dragged Victoria Along And She Had 1 Comp Win. If Derrick Had Won The Last HOH, He Was Going To Choose Victoria Over Cody, But Cody Won The Final HOH And Chose Derrick And Derrick Won The Game. Victoria Did Absolutely Nothing That Season But Win 1 Comp. People Had All Kinds Of Names For Victoria Such As Furniture, Veronica, And Other Names I Can’t Remember. Wonder How This Is Going To Play Out

un autre nom

RECAP OF FRIDAY RECAP SHOW I’m watching this so you don’t have to…. ugh.
Recap of recap of recap episode: how meta.
so they are back to calling Mak Chelsie’s ally.
They credit Chelsie and Cam equally for Mak’s decision…. that the people told her to make.
Mak gets rid of Rubina.
Sgt Porkchop returns…. swine.
Post Eviction d/r
Mak chose loyalty.
Cam is saying he’s loyal to Mak and Chelsie… but but but…. he has been targeting Mak for weeks.
Chelsie is in the perfect position to be protected by everyone. Why change the season long theme from when Angela the prodopet made downgrade a safety reward with NO shown input or work from Chelsie or Cedric. Don’t even think of crediting Chelsie with the Angela decision to protect the people she slept in a room with night one because that doesn’t wash.
Angela does impression of Jennifer Coolige.
Tucker is abnormal clips. his posture was insulting to whoever he spoke with notsorry, he had a gametalk while flossing in the back yard. That’s just…. head shake.
Veto ceremony usage.
Tucker claims blindside and he was wrong. Tucker wanted what he wanted and didn’t accept anyone doing what they wanted not what Tucker wanted. This was part of the intimidation game that annoyed.
Brooklyn is a conspiracy theorist. Moon landing denier. Where hamsters come from?
(europe and western asia).
Cedric gets the young cedric clip. Joseph sings… stawp it.


Joseph says he was dr. will of the season. He’s delusionoid I’m controlling the game…. this guy was… he didn’t have his finger on a pulse… any pulse. Mastermind ring leader.
D/R clips.
including toenails. Angela turns on fake tears. Every third crying clip has no tears and was just for dramatic effect. oy fukety vey. Does Angela not have actual tear ducts? I see cry face and cry voice and i see tissues… no tears. WE KNOW SHE CAN’T WATERWORK ON COMMAND… we learned this when Brook and Angela had their passive agressive mom off. Angela looked at the camera and bitched she couldn’t turn on tears.


PRANKS AND SCARES. CLUMSINESS. SNORING. Wow, Mak really falls HARD. Personal experience… falling UP stairs is a talent.

THIS RECAP EPISODE IS PAINFUL. Don’t do showmances segment… for all that’s holy… don’t.
Damn. mance segment.
Mak / Matt mance clip.
Tucker / Rubina mance clip… but don’t define her by her mance big brother… she tooold you soooo many times she didn’t want to be defined by… oh yeah the leak. oops.
Music segment…. i’ve never prayed to be struck deaf….. until now.
killlllll meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. oh gawd. dammit, now my face is stuck that way…. my second grade teacher was right.

SGT PORKCHOP…. now my face is stuck that way and I’m sneering……
It’s part one of season 20 final HOH, as projected from Mak’s description. Kaycee was injured in this comp (shoulder). Tyler was injured in this comp (back). JC who cares he was a troll. They had to hold part 2 a day late that season.
Mak needs her 10th win. If she doesn’t she thinks she is evicted.
Cam needs to comp it out….. with 3 comps remaining…
NOTE EACH OF THE THREE Stations move independently NOT ALL AT THE SAME TIME AND SAME ANGLE OR ROTATION. If i were a comp producer working to guarantee an objective… that’s how I DO IT.


Did anyone else catch how low Chelsie’s handles were for part one HOH comp compared to Cam and MJs? So very obvious.

Gan ainm

Yup,she had a completely different arm position.

un autre nom

Somewhat TINFOIL… BUT.
We know, and we’ve known for years that Jury Questions are written by Production, and assigned.
One houseguest is practicing answers to jury questions.
If the questions match the answers she is prepping it’s a SHENANIGAN.


Simon….Chelsie is 27. Nicole in BB 2 was 31. AT the time Chelsie was what? 3? No way she could have started watching BB until maybe season 10 and I doubt she started then. I do believe that she considers herself a superfan. They seem to have discounted Season 6 where the final 4 were women.


Tucker for America’s Favorite Houseguest!