Loco – I’m going to ask him to Honour the alliance that was broken

10:00am Wake up

10:14am LOCO and Ricky Natalie Whispering hard to hear
LOLO – Kandi wants to talk.. Defense.. Defense..
LOLO – “I’m so happy we kept her”
LOLO – she’ll put her makeup on for 3 hours then we’ll talk to her..
LOLO – we don’t have much time homie.. We gotta get rolling.. The noms are going to be early probably in two hours
LOLO is going on about who Tom will put up, “If I go up and you go up he still might backdoor” (to ricky)
LOLO – I told Tom not to try and backdoor anybody he tried to backdoor my people .. just let the people play

10:54am LOLO and Ricky
R – how are you doing this morning
LOCO – I don’t know .. how about you? You look in good spirits
R – I am. I am in very good spirits.. You gotta be.. You have a chance.. Tom was in a worse position than we are and he’s still here.
Lo – mmmhhmmm
Lo – The thing that hurts us now is numbers.. There’s so many of us and I feel like if it was just me fighting for my life I would be fine. I just don’t want to lose anyone.
LOLO – we can be honest with each other if we’re all going to go the single route..
Ricky – I’m not going that mode until I actually see him nominate two of us.. Obviously that would be the smart thing to do..
Lo – I wish I could have spoken to him last night .. I’m better at night I had thing that were fresh and clear
LOO mentions that Kandi and Dina were up there all night
LO – he’s a leo.. Play to his emotions..
Lo – I am just such a honest person IF I am going out I’m going out with my head held high.. Just the truth..
Lo – what transpired.. He really did hurt me that’s the truth.. I’m sure he thinks on our side there was some betrayal. WE definitely would have rolled with him to the end.. He blew up the alliance.
Lo – it was so much clearer last night..
Lo will say to Tom “you broke the alliance I’m asking you to amend the alliance”
Natalie starts to open the door
Lo will then tell Tom that if he doesn’t want to amend the alliance he’ll end up on the block next because he can’t play. (wait is that a threat?)
Lo – But if you do decide to honour what was broken.. You have a chance to stay here a long time maybe even to the end.
Lo – I want to bring up the fact.. Ricky did have a conversation with all of us Before you won HOH to not send you home but to keep you and put up Kandi. (during the Tom/Kato noms)
Lo – your HOH you put her up on your own..
Ricky suggests compliments “his back was against the wall and he’s still here”
Ricky adds that LO should remind TOm about the original plan “he was the one that went off”
Lo – he doesn’t think he did that’s the problem
R – just don’t be accusatory..
LO – he went crazy with the interrogation.. He continues to think there was something between us (Ricky, Nat and LO) there was but there also was a strong alliance. It didn’t matter..

R – we had enough votes between us three to evict regardless of what the other ones did..
Nat – WOW…
R – he even said e knows I had a part in him staying
Lo – I’m going to ask him to Honour the alliance that is broken

LO with more tidbits for Tom – you can’t beat us.. 2 of us will stay here.. Umm so you can’t evict everybody..
LO – you went from zero to the top.. The same thing can happen top to bottom..
R – you don’t have to add anything to what you’ve already said..
Lo says she doesn’t want to tell Tom we can guarantee your safety”
Rickey – we can’t
Ricky – we’ll do everything we can do to keep him safe final 4..
LOLO keeps going back to Alliance with Tom. Ricky tells her not to use that word.

Ricky says she’s got this she’s made some “beautiful points”
R – the truth is we have the most to offer..
Lo – I wanted you to have the talk because you are super smooth.. but you said the relationship isn’t there
R – exactly .. you got this.. just know you do this is the best chance to keep us here for you to have that conversation.

11:45am Kandi and Tom
Tom – I’m thinking about approaching LOLO telling her I want to use her as a pawn make everyone think she’s my target.. Put LOLO and Ricky on the block not backdooring Ricky.. we fight for the veto we don’t use the veto we vote out Ricky.
Kandi – ok.. I don’t think you should put her up.. what if none of us win the veto.
Tom – If Ricky wins the veto he’ll pull himself off and I put Natalie up..
Tom – if LOLO wins the veto I’ll put Natalie up and we’ll vote out Ricky
Kandi – ok.. I dn’t know who Tamar will vote out..
Tom – will Tamar vote to evict Ricky
Kandi – she’ll vote out Natalie before Ricky
Tom – well not me.. I need to be able to relax.. Ricky is always up in my face and Stuff.. one minute he’s super nice the next he’s not I can’t take it anymore I like the guy when he’s being nice..
Tom – he’s so competitive it’s hard to deal with he whip lash”
Tom – lets say LOLO and Ricky are on the block and neither get veto..
Tom counts the vote.. thinks everyone other than Tamar will vote out Ricky.
Tom – I am going to try and approach lolo and tell her she’s a pawn.. and tell her it’s a trick to make everyone including Natalie and Tamar I want to get rid of LOLO because she yelled at me..
Tom – I want them to think that so it’s easier to get Natalie out next week.
Kandi – just do what you think…
Tom – what do yo uthink of this.. LOLO and Ricky are on the block neither get veto.. you vote Ricky.. I vote Ricky.. Dina votes Ricky.. there’s no way Ricky can win ..
Tom – If Ricky and Natalie on the block..
Kandi – I always go for who is the better player.. Natalie knows the most.. she’s strong..

Tom – the fact, there is three of them I’ll put 2 of them on the block..
Tom – the main thing is I want LOLO to stay..
Kandi – I like LOLO..
Tom – me to .. we’ll talk about next steps later.. I don’t think Tamar really needs to know right now..
They are both agreeing one of Ricky, LOCO, Nat need to go.

Tom is going to talk to everyone before the nominations.

1:47pm LOLO and Tom
T – I have a proposal for you it’s not going to be easy to absorb.. It’s not going to sound like the best proposal at first..
T – I would like to ask you if we can keep this confidential.. I won’t tell anybody
L – I appreciate that
LOLO goes on about being true to the alliance until it all blew up.
T – I want to put you on the block I want to keep you safe. I don’t want you to go home. I want you to win the VETO and I want you to use the VETO on yourself
T – you’re not the target.. There will be votes to vote off the other person and even if you are on the block we can use that to our advantage.. People would think we are not happy with each other anymore..
L – Do you know who the target is?
T – It a bit of a fluctuating scale.. I’m pretty sure I do..
Tom proposes if she keeps this a secret this should work. Next week they can work together behind the scenes. “In a believable way”
T – part of the deal .. the main part of the deal in exchange for him making sure she stays if she wins HOH she doesn’t put him up.
L – OK.. umm all this sounds great. Well not the part about going on the block
T – it’s not an impossible thing to get off the block
Lo – I don’t understand with all the people left in the house
Lo – you really hurt me TOM .. that was really hard for me because you said Natalie and I betrayed you and that was not the case. We thought we were going to be till the end with you
T – yeah
LO – 24 hours later. . I understands the power came into play.. You accused me then you wanted to backdoor ricky.. You guys got close to Dina.
Lo – I slept that whole day you guys used that against me..
Lo – it was very hurtful Tom.. .. You and Kato blamed me and Natalie for dismantling it all and that was not the case.
Lo – You’re a hell of a thinker Tom.. at the same time I got caught in the middle
Lo – for me you broke the team alliance..
Tom – I am being honest and truthful that you are not the target..
Tom reassures her the person she’s going up against has more votes to evict and if that person win the veto the person he replaces them with will also have more votes to evict than LOLO
T – I want you to win the veto. I am not purposely backdooring anybody
T – the reason you are not the target.. Although we’ve ad some tense moment I do feel that we get each other..
Lo says that last night her, Nat and Rick had the votes to evict Kato or Tom. Energy wise they wanted to keep Tom.
Lo – why not have Kandi and Dina go up ..
Lo – I feel like i’m getting hit with a double whammy.. You hurt me with the alliance and you put me on the block..
Lo – I didn’t break the alliance you know..

Lo – if you save me this week I will 100% save you next week.. I look forward to playing .. lets fix what’s broken..
Lo – you as HOH has the ability to set up till the end.
T – I’ll be happy if I get to final 4 .. and if I happen to make it to final 2 that’s cool.. I’m not really thinking about the vote in the end.
Lo – if you are thinking about final 4 we had a team.. Please go back to read the tweets.. I thought we had a team.
Tom admits that he might have interrupted a few things wrong.
LO – Kandi and Dina have done nothing in this competition I feel they should be the ones to fight it out.. None of them have won anything.. Why should I have to fight it out to win a Power of Veto
Lo – I’ve come on here to play and work in a team.. I was loyal.. I’m still going to be loyal..

T – If this week one person is gone then there’s 2 people.. You are one of them (nat/LO Ricky being the one gone)
T – you’re on my side.. There’s only 1 person so what numbers am I up against? No numbers..
T – its me you Kandi and Dina.. potentially just one person.. It just flips..
T – the people now on yours and my side have never won a competition.
T – when we get to final 4 your odds of winning the whole thing go up exponentially
Lo disagrees says she’s not going to win up against Kandi or Dina She’s gotten in too many arguments with people.

Tom says his problem was early on he allied with THE MOOCH and Kato. then the mooch left and he was scrambling

Tom says LOLO is “an American hero”
Lo – are you kidding me.. They hate me I get teased all the time for not winning an olympic medal
T – you are an Olympian.. You have a dream
Lo – America doesn’t vote .. I’ve made a lot of people upset.. You’ve seen the arguments i’ve had in this house.
Tom – I don’t like talking about money but Dina and Kandi are pretty wealthy people..
Lo – they are..
Tom mentions when people are voting and one person is wealthy the other is not with dreams that might come into play
T – you’re trying to get health insurance.. You’ve told me..
Lo – do you think the panel of 12 will remember that
T – put that in your speech. You get a speech..
Lo – why are you telling me this information
Tom sighs.. “I’m not doing this for the money I’m doing it for the challenge.. The exposure
Tom – i don’t like talking about money I make from the exposures I get from the show I do pretty well doing the stand up
Lo – the prize money would help me train for the next Olympics
Tom – I would be happy if you won that
Lo – you’re not joking about that..
T – no.. I just want to get to the end..
LoLo crying “i’m trying to trust you tom.. It’s been hard these last few days
T – hard for me to
Lo – I’ll fight like hell for the Veto..
T – I’ll make sure you get the votes you need if you don’t win the veto..
LOLO crying “I really hope this is a true conversation it would be like somebody using my dreams.. It would double hurt”
Tom says it is “it would be the worst kind of lie somebody could tell”

2:11pm Tom and Dina
Dina asks what happened because loco is bawling.
Tom – she’s very passionate Olympic athlete
Tom – the agreement first of all we don’t talk about anything we talk about to anybody..
Dina – of course
T – I have a plan ..
Dina – Finally i’m in on a plan
T – I would like to start by saying .. you’re probably going to win HOH soon .. netx week so if you win HOH next week I won’t put you on the block and you won’t put me on the block.

Dina agrees says it’s her, Kandi and Tom they just need to find someone else to work with them. Dina warns that Natalie is the biggest threat right now.
Tom – yeah well..
Dina goes on about the need to break up Natalie and LOLO
Dina – Ricky’s just floating.. he can’t be trusted at all..
Dina mentions how LOLO and Nat are always saying “we’re together till the end
Tom – we’ll take care of Natalie this week
Dina doesn’t think they should wait “she might win stuff”
Dina says LOLO is too emotional “Natalie is the shark.. she’s ruthless”
Dina – since day 1 rude.. disrespectful not looking me in the eye.. my girls would never ever.. if there was a women in the house regardless of their thoughts..
Dina – Linsday is 32 she’s 34 she could be my daughter..
Dina – you have a husband get your shit together if she was my daughter I wold be scolding her.. (this is rich)
Tom – yup OK..
Dina going on that Tom should keep Ricky over Natalie..
T – I think I have already divided Natalie and LOLO without voting one off
T – we get Ricky out this week..
Dina – I can’t…
T – LOLO will work with us.. we will have final 4 you, Kandi, LOLO and Me.. no one will expect it..
D – lolo will you think? I dunno those two ..
T – she wants to win..
D – She’s not going to win with her.. (Natalie)
T – I’m thinking of putting LOLO and Him on the block
T – and I’m thinking of protecting lolo even if Ricky wins the veto I’ll put Natalie up in his place and we’ll vote Natalie out
D – that’s perfect.
Dina says Nat/Lo were trying to form a five using Ricky, Tamar and Kandi

Tom nominates Natalie and Ricky
There was a conversation with Tom and Kandi right before the nominations where they talked about Natalie vs Lolo as a nomination. this conversation is what swayed Tom.

4:45pm Feeds back

5:55pm LOLO and Natalie Storage room
LOLO about Tom “He’s such a piece of sh1t .. He’s one of the best competitors in the house and you want to keep Dina and Kandi.. I mean it’s good game play wise.. lets say his strategy works, Kandi and Dina manage not to win and Tom makes it to the win.. I Hope Dina gets all the votes.. You dirty Greasy old man.. like literally”
They agree nobdy will vote for Tom to win “you’ve pissed off everyone in the house”
Natalie – At the finale I’ll have no problem Tom you’re a dirt bag my vote is for Dina
LOLO – I will have no problem because he’s still locked up in this house and I’ll be back stage mingling with everybody being no Tom was awful .. AWFUL.. (lol these two are some real gems )
Feeds cut..

When the feeds come back It’s Dina, Natalie and LOLO in the bedroom. Dina is being as whimsical as ever. Natalie says “DINA FOCUS we’re trying to talk to you”
LOLO says Tom is going to pick her as the replacement nomination.
LOLO – if you vote with the house you are safe the next HOH no one wants you to go home.. we want TOM to go home.. he can’t play
Natalie – he’s a threat
LOLO – he can’t play so he goes Dina.. all we’re asking is you vote with Ta, Me .. I don’t know what side Kandi is on.. Kandi is on Tom’s side..
Dina- I don’t know one way or the other
LO – if you promise us the numbers are on our side becuase he can’t compete..

7:30pm Ricky Natalie and LOLO studying





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22 thoughts to “Loco – I’m going to ask him to Honour the alliance that was broken”

  1. wish lolo will go she reminds me of Vanessa of BB17…argh
    Go Tom Go
    Hey Simon n Dawg you guys gonna do a more thorough job on BBCan7 this year?
    you still have the best site on the web for BB coverage

    1. vanessa was an emotional wreck with good gameplay once you got past the fact that she frustratingly didn’t own her game or clue in the cameras. lolo is just cray.

    2. I don’t know if Simon and Dawg still handle this site during CBBUS. It’s very minimal coverage. Just popping I’m for 15 minutes every 4 hours or so. I think they reserve the good coverage for Summer BB

    3. Hey bb90000. That’s a good question I’ve said earlier that we won’t do bbcan7 but now were talking like we will do limited coverage. the only season that will get 24 7 coverage will be the summer version. The rest of the shows will get something like what we do now.

  2. I can’t wait to see this play out. If Tom can use Kandi and Dina to get loco-lolo, nat, or tricky ricki out of the game, he may have a shot. Only problem is, Kandi and Dina will probably only be able to win a “Chance” competition for HOH since neither of them are very good at competitions. Only 3 episodes before finale.

  3. I was not particularly cheering for Tom, but every time Lolo talks (which is often), I start rooting more and more for Tom.

  4. LMFAO @ Loco ! She wants him to “ honor” their former, broken alliance, like wtf? Please, please BB gods, I wanna see that trio gone, Loco first then Snakey/Nat…. then Cray-mar!

  5. After this eviction, I believe everyone plays in the veto. I could be wrong but if that’s the case, the veto becomes extremely important. Tom has done well in the comps so he may have some leverage going forward.

  6. Even if Lolo isn’t tom’s target, i just hope he at least nominates her and maybe the gods will send her packing

  7. Tom needs to stop obsessing over getting Ricky out. That’s what did him and Kato in before. The goal should be to break up the three (Loco, Nat, Ricky). He needs to talk less and just listen. That’s what the Hoh’s job is. See what kind of deals everybody is willing to make that benefit you and gather Intel you can use at a later time. I think making a deal with Lolo could be a good thing down the line. Not that he could ever trust her to uphold her end. But he might be able to use it against her. Her alliance might not be happy to know she’s making deals with Tom behind their back. I just hope he isn’t buying the crying and bs she’s giving him . If he doesn’t put two of the three up then he deserves to lose.

  8. Loco has some major BALLS telling Tom HE broke up the alliance and he should amend things and honor the alliance!!! #CrocodileTears

  9. Loco the hypocrite calls Tom a “ dirty greasy old man”…… man, can this woman (?) get anymore despicable? Wouldn’t mind Rickey ( puke) winning veto, Loco goes up…. then let her campaign against her “ homie” …..Craymar bitching about Kandi to Noco playing both sides when she’s doing the exact same thing?

    1. Yep, Loco seems to forget that “dirty, greasy old man” is only 10 yrs older than her old virgin a**!!! She is really a piece of work – such a sore loser and not a good example of how a true Olympian should behave. Her desperation to win by belittling others is actually quite sad…

  10. The way Loco, Natalie and Tamar talk about Tom is really despicable. He has not said anything unkind about them personally. The more I hear Loco speak, the more I realize why she’s still alone and a virgin at 36 yrs old. The three of them are mean girls. I never thought I’d say this, but Kandi is the level headed one actually thinking game and helping Tom pick the correct two to nominate. Kudos to her for showing she can play the game logically. She hasn’t stooped to the level that the other three “ladies” have. Where is Tamar with her “let’s be Christian” attitude now??? Oh right, that is only when she had control as HOH. Now Tom is a “dictator”….please. Go somewhere else with your fake a** “Christian” talk. I hate when people use the Christian card to suit their needs and act ugly when they don’t get their way.

  11. Tom is not smart at all. lets get this straight, LOCO blows up his alliance and they choose ricky over tom and kato. so instead of going after the head honcho WHO blew up his alliance he is going after a none target ricky? Tom…. I hope LOCO wins HOH next and evicts his DUMBASS.

    1. Ricky is a sleeper cell. He’s trying to stay under the radar but Tom knows he’s doing skullduggery behind the scenes. Ricky will make sure he wins the necessary comps at the end. That’s why Tom wants him gone now.

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