2:45am – 3:25am Johnny Mac comes up to the HOH room to talk. Vanessa says I came into tonight thinking I was going to 100% put Austin and Liz up and then I started to think about it and I am beginning to feel a bit foolish. I’ve now won another HOH and people are less likely to take me to the finals. I have a couple Austin and Liz on one side and you and Steve on the other side who have been working together for god knows how long. He’s never f**Ked you and you’ve never f**ked him. I know Steve will always take you to finals over me. I’m not a dumba$$. I need to maximize my chances of getting to finals. If I put you and Steve on the block and break you guys up who have won less then I have a better shot at being pulled to final 3. I would love to hear how you perceive what I am saying. Johnny Mac says I came back in here pretty much saying I would stab anyone in the back. I hate all of you. I hate you the least though. You know I hate you. Vanessa says oh my god I love your style Johnny Mac. Can you tell me you would take me to the finals over Steve. Vanessa asks why do you hate Steve? Johnny says he outed me. Vanessa says he did out Rockstars. Johnny says I don’t hate Steve but it ticked me off when we were sitting in the comic room and he was out there playing pot ball with everyone. Johnny Mac says if you want to put Steve and me up .. then out us up! If that’s what its got to be then I’ll risk it and hopefully he doesn’t pull himself down. It sounds like you’re concerned with winning final 4 veto and I’m going to give you a run for your money .. but can I win it .. I don’t know. Who do you feel like you can beat? If you don’t think you can beat me then put me up. Vanessa says if you win final 4 veto .. everyone is taking you to finals you. I think if you make it to the end I think you could make a great case to win. You’re a lot more strategic then you let on. You could have won a lot more sh*t. Bro I really have no idea. I have been planted a sever wedge of doubt in the plan that I thought I was going to do. I don’t know what I’m going to do. If you have any arguments you should tell me because everyone else has. Johnny Mac says I don’t know what arguments I would make. My goodbye message today wasn’t very nice to Julia. Vanessa says if I know what I’m doing I will let you know. Johnny says you don’t have to let me know. Its just better to be like oh I’m on the block. Just do it. Vanessa asks if Noms stay the same and you’re off the block will you vote the way I ask? Johnny says I’ll put the stake in it right now. Take out which ever pair you want. Vanessa says you and Steve are a cute pair. You might as well be making out. Vanessa says everyone needs to be ready for 9:45am tomorrow morning. Johnny mac leaves.
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3:25am – 3:30am Steve comes back up to talk to Vanessa. Steve says I want you to do what is best for your game. I would never want you to do anything else. Vanessa says even if you did, I wouldn’t listen to you. Steve says secondly you have to do what you have to do. I get it and if that’s what I have to do I am willing to do I will do that. Vanessa says and just so you know Johnny Mac doesn’t know he’s the target. Vanessa says Johnny Mac says I hate all of you. You can’t trust me word. So I have no point in asking for his word because it’s no good. He has me convinced I can’t win with the jury. Vanessa says he knows about our alliance (Scamper Squad) but he doesn’t know the name. Steve says Liz outed it in her speech. Steve says he doesn’t mind telling Johnny the name but doesn’t want to be the one to do it. Steve starts laying out scenarios with M&M’s. Austin joins them. Steve leaves.

3:35am – 4:15am Austin and Vanessa talk. Vanessa tells Austin that Johnny knows about the alliance (Scamper Squad). Austin says Steve told me he told Johnny Mac. Vanessa says whatever its irrelevant. Basically now I’m in a house with two alliances Liztin & the Rockstars. Vanessa says that Johnny Mac told her he didn’t have any reasoning why he shouldn’t go up and that his word is not good. He said he hates all of us because we evicted him but that he hates me the least. Austin says I thought he hated you the most. Vanessa says he has me convinced I can’t win the game. He was basically laughing at me. He actually has me convinced of it too. He has very convincing reasons, you should go talk to him. Vanessa says there is one spot where you can’t throw veto, if Liz wins HOH. Austin says oh yeah I didn’t think about that but I would still keep you over Steve. Vanessa says I think its probably the best way to go (to put up Johnny Mac & Steve). Vanessa explains how she thinks he could beat almost anyone in the finals.. Liz would give Austin a run for his money. She has her twin and its a mostly female jury. Vanessa says Steve doesn’t want to go on the block and his biggest concern is not knowing if he has your vote. He’s just going to have to go on the block. Vanessa says Johnny Mac admits he and Steve is a showmance. That I’m in a house with two shomances. He is ready to play rock paper scissors for it. Austin says he is Taxi Driver. Vanessa tells Austin to win the veto tomorrow.
4:15am HOH room – Vanessa starts going through scenarios with M&M’s in silence.
4:30am All the house guests are sleeping..
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I’m sure production did not tell her that there will be an eviction Tuesday, I’m also sure Austin would sell his soul for a 12 pack of Schlitz beer
Good one squabble! He is the opposite of one of my favorite movie quotes: “I’m not cheap, but I can haved.” From the movie Romancing The Stone, He and Liz will never honor these ridiculous demands. If they do then they are more batsh*t crazy than Vanessa.
The quote is “I may be cheap but I can be Had”. Not Haved. Typed too fast.
Vanessa insults everybody’s intelligence by “teaching” them on what to do for “their” game. Hopefully the remaining HGs are not all “Victorias”.
I hope JMac wins and punches Vanessa in the tit.
I swear Austin is attached to Vanessa’s hip.
And Liz’s mouth.
Can we please have a post that doesn’t have Austin all over it?
This guy is everywhere – whining, and crying and pleading. This is supposed to help his Wrestling career? I hope he plans on wearing a diaper int he ring.
I hope JMac wins – if only because he’s been straight up, and not begging like a dog to be given a treat.
I am SO over JMac and how he talks to Julie. Have some respect! I do not think he’s funny at all! With his stupid and fake RWHWHHRHHRHHrhrhrhhahahhhahahrrahhrhawwrhaehrahr!
JMac isn’t as fake as the twits ” Hiiiiii Jooooolieeee!” with their perky fake smile and heads tilted to once side. All the rest of the time they’re whiny and crying and drawing out every last word ad nauseum like a pair of demented Valley Girls.
Van has done mentioned that she has been told her HOH would end on Tuesday. That in itself should tell them that their will be an eviction Tuesday. But i forgot, this cast has no common sense…
Dumbass move targeting JMac and leaving the showmance in the game.
Just when you start to think Vanessa is a smart player she does something stupid to prove you wrong.
She started off this week being dumb by winning the HOH. This is one she should have thrown. You let Jmac win and split up the showmance. You get no blood on your hands and you get to play in the next HOH. Complete dumbass move by Vanessa all around.
I agree she should of let John win. She has to realize these ridiculous deals don’t mean sh-t. You cannot bargain buy or deal your way to F2.
Vanessa puts up John and Steve, winning the loyalty of Austin and Liz.
The rewind button that production has told her about happens, she throws the re-HOH to Johnny who puts up Austin and Liz to break them up.
Vanessa has it both ways, again.
I hope you’re wrong. Production needs to let the game run its natural course and stop messing with it and trying to influence who wins!
Guess Vanessa forgot when Austin won Veto last week he said Judas is now playing the game Austin is GONE!
He’s going to screw over Vanessa. and I think Steve will be voted out because he sent Julia out & Liz is after him this will blow up in Vanessa face.
Hello!!! Van is beating the crap outa these turds, they are blind, except maybe JMac knows or see the light!
The veto comp winner has all the power this week.
No. The final 4 veto.winner has all the power. Hoh breaks the tie this week. Even if Steve or JM comes down and Liz goes up Vanessa gets to decide which one goes home. The veto only keeps u safe and gives u one out of a possible 3 votes. Vanessa controls this HOH 100%
She doesn’t control who win the POV though
I guess she’s thinking that whoevers left will have to after the couple, and keep her safe? But that doesn’t make sense because next week is all about the veto. I guess she thinks Liz and Austin will honour these ridiculous deals- which are actually quite insulting. I guess she really wants the Austwins vote.
I’m sure she’s going to change her mind, has she ever stuck with the samew target for a full week?
She is f*cked either way. Jmac and Steve never had any intentions of taking Vanessa. At least with Austin/Liz they are dumb enough to actually follow through with final 3 part of the deal. Also both Aus/Liz will always want Steve out.
It actually is her best play, to keep Steve and force him to take Van to final 3 by eliminating Jmac. Steve is the most untrustworthy person in the house. He needs incentive to take her. You saw his DR’s, he had no intentions of taking her.
Yes because Vanessa always keeps her word. Everyone in the house is “untrustworthy ” @ final 5. People will go with whatever they think gets them further. Whatever deal lines up with that is the one they’ ll go with. The other deals just end up being contingency plans.
I disagree jmac and Steve are just as much of a couple that won’t take her to the finals and Austin and Liz have proven their trust to her all season while the other two not so much
Vanessa has to put up Austin and Liz. Alliances have to be broken up, everybody should be playing for themselves.
“Incentives… ambivalent… target… incentives… deal… instinct… ambivalent… incentives… conflicting… paranoid… incentives…” – Vanessa
Van keeps mentioning incentives!!! She has been warned about offering $, cars etc. to others for incentives to play her way. Now she asking them, by saying incentives??? She will save the person ( which Austin just did) who says he will invest money in her poker or business deals.. She will save the person who agrees to give her half of what they win.. Incentives = bribes to keep you safe in her HOH.. What a cheat!!!!
don’t forget, integrity!
OMG! Where to begin. Vanessa (AKA the Godfather) interrogating everyone. Based on their reactions Johnny Mac should get favorite player. His response to crazy “I hate you all. Whatevs bitch (implied). See ya after the comps”. I finally get the Jmac Love. Unlike James he did not blink when looking into the dead eyes of crazy. He is a rockstar.
Absolutely LOVED that convo between JMac and Vanessa. The lowest key possible F**K you! And she says she loves his style…which makes me a bit concerned because if SHE loves his style, then she likely thinks Jury will love his style. I think Van secretly wants JMac to win Veto so Austin goes up and out. If Steve and JMac stay on the block, my best hope is that Steve goes, but it’s unlikely. One thing for certain – JMac absolutely has to win the next HOH or he’s done.
Is Jmac’s thinking patience is a virtue, but could be a death wish.
I think Vanessa will win but i do hope JMac steals it from her.
Jmac knows the emperor has no clothes at this point. It’s great to be HOH for safety for a week there’s not much else there. It’s about Veto and votes.
For all the brilliant manipulating and maneuvering Vanessa did she really didn’t think ahead when it came to this point. She left herself in the game as the 3rd wheel for two different showmances/teams. This is exactly why Julia should have gone yesterday. She could have slid right in there with Austin and Liz and at least tried to get both of them to take her to the end. While it might not have worked it was a better option than (eeew gross thought) getting in between Austin and Liz.
I always thought if I played a game like this or Survivor that if at all possible I would want to be in a series of expanding alliances that never involved me being the odd man out. Have a final 2, 3, 5, 9, etc (involving the same people) and always position you and your closest ally as the top in order to keep the numbers and make sure the rest don’t take you out and don’t know there are other sub alliances within the alliance.
oops! I meant Vanessa could have slipped in there with Austin and Julia (not Austin and Liz).
Why does Vanessa need to dig and dig for reasons to put people up. Just put them up you have to its part of the game ni honestly couldn’t even read all the stuff because it’s just her rambling. Taking out jmac is the dumbest decision she has made all season. Liz and Austin won’t throw shit to her in final three
And she was the one last week telling Julia “do you really think they were gonna throw it to you?”
So she thinks putting up Johnny and Steve because they won’t take her to the final two but Liz and Austin would! Not the best move heres a incentive for you….. Umm Liz and Austin will be the final two thanks to your great thinking
Liz told Vanessa that she will bring her on the trip (luxury award thing) away from the House lol…Austin is going to flip! How does Vanessa brainwash these people? WOW!
They will definitely honor their F1,2,3 deal with her if they make it. Firstly, because they are stupid, and afraid of her, and secondly, because their egos won’t allow them to go with The Boy!! I’m calling it now! Austin will win this game!!
“Liz says I feel like she wants me out because I’m her biggest competition and she probably wants you all to herself for final 4.” ~Liz has an ego. Holy cow. I want to slap her… Why do you think Van is thanking you for Becky and James… She is thanking you for playing HER game.
“Austin says she(Liz) asked me what to do too in all of that (Liz HOH). Vanessa says yeah you should take credit where credit is due. ~ This probably sent Austin to jury this week. Austin telling her, he controls Liz more… Ya, nope.
“Vanessa says that’s it. Liz says that’s not too much to ask. If Austin goes home for some reason I have no one but you.” ~Reiterating Austin going home.
“Steve says I don’t see what you’re saying he’s loved in jury and you’re not.” ~ I think he is target #1, he has called her out, 1 too many times. Austin is target #2
Jmac is the only safe one. Just a smoke screen.
That was my thought. Jmac was actually the only one who was straight with her. I think she wanted to see Austin react to Jmac saying Van would have been his target.
We will see, but she knows a poker face when she sees it.
NOT NOW STEVE! …..GO STEVE! …..GET OUT STEVE..WE ARE TALKING STEVE….LOL…how many times as he heard this throughout the summer…?
Hey Austin! Of course Vanessa is garanteed final 4! She’s the HOH and there are 5 of you right now! He’s so brilliant.
Really…. not targeting the showmance STILL. But i thought vanessa was such a brilliant game player????
She’s so smart she paid them off.
Bet Frankie wish’s he thought of that.
Please end this season, so I don’t have to see that disgusting troll Vanessa on TV anymore!
Vanessa has been out OUTRIGHT bully and manipulator, whereas Austin has been there all along by her side, doing things in an opposite way. Think about it! Austin has done a great job convincing Van that his lie or game move or Judas/Jason snitching whatevers, meant nothing. Or that he was really, really sorry. He talked himself off of her back-dooring him, won HOH when he needed to, and he removed himself from the block last week. The dude has been the quiet (albeit nasty and hairy) version of Vanessa without having to bully or cry to people and has ZERO enemies in the jury. I still can’t believe I have become an Austin supporter, but in my head, it is better than HER. It doesn’t even matter if Jiz and Austin honor their word about the Final 1/2/3 HOH – that is, if they make it there. They are assuming Steve will not win…– Because I, MYSELF RAN THE NUMBERS and if Austin is in the finals, he has a good chance of winning the 2 out of 3 of final HOH winning this whole thing. Vanessa should not take either one of them… but, I am glad she is! But, this girl could be fooling us, knowing Steve will win next HOH and take a strike at Jiz… or Austin… AAAAAARHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Just when I think I am done… BB sucks me back in…
Alas, an assessment I agree with about F5 positioning. If you watch the live feeds I think you would give Austin more credit than most fans will acknowledge. After Vanessa won HOH she was set on putting up Austin/Liz but Austin came to her hard and frequent to get her to not even nominate Liztin. Vanessa does not tolerate being manipulated or bullied so for Austin to have her completely shift the script with noms – that is masterful game play! He had at least 3 one-on-one compassionate convos with Vanessa last night and used rationale/language that V respects. Since noms will happen this AM that gives even better odds for keeping target on Steve/J-Mac.
I give kudos to J-Mac for his honesty with her. He seems fearless and if he stays – I think he will win..
Vanessa Ummmmmmm……..You wont win this game if you don’t put up Austin and Liz. You just wont. I HOPE YOU DONT!!!
Well what do you believe? 7 questions Steve’s the target which I praised multiple times in the last week as superior BB strategy to win the game. Or last nights plan take out J Mac to get Steve all alone with Mommy dearest. If the skankmance is real leaving them in the game is so dangerous. She has them promising their 1st born plus a free walk to the finals. Surely to GOD they won’t honour that crap fest?( I think they will)
The beauty of this is she can/will likely change her bat shit crazy mind on her target before the eviction. One thing I do believe is Steve will not take her out F4. He’d evict Liztin breaking up the pair. If Austin throws anything from here on he deserve to lose. It would be funny if Steve won 7 questions and took Liz over Vanessa.
Johnnie Mac though likable is such a disappointment. The BOB wins are throw away he just simply isn’t a decent player. Trusting Vanessa did get him this far but no farther. Win the POV or go to jury……unless Van changes targets to Steve at some point.
PS…… Last nights comp was geared to Vanessa clearly. I said this a couple times over the season, AG has been pushing Vanessa for the win all season. The reason’s have been written here by several no need to repeat them all.
Ok, so i skipped reading most of this Vanessa rambling..ugh… it looks like she’s going to target JMac.. what a huge mistake. I really thought she of all people would have the balls to put up Austin/Liz when the time came and that time is NOW; they are not taking her to the finals.. final 3 at best. After all this crazy psycho woman has done this season she is screwing herself over big time!
This move is maximizing her chances of getting to final 3. Steve/Jmac were never taking her either.
Steve is a snake. Getting rid of Jmac forces him to work with her.
Vanessa man she is all over the board….is she seriously think Austin will take her over Liz no way and no how. This mistake is going to cost her $500,000 dollars. She evicts Johnny Mac and Austin or Liz win HoH they are taking out her! Also is she goes through with this plan it’s going to be Steve, Austin, and Liz in final 3. No way is any of those 3 taking her. Game over Vanessa. She should put Austin and Liz on the block and if one wins take one off and put up Steve. However, no one ever knows what Vanessa’s thinking. Is she thinking to backdoor Austin or Liz if one wins veto I’m thinking she might want Liz out.
Both Liz & Austin have said they just want TV time and fame they never wanted to win.
Thats why they made the plan with Van because she’s Rich and famous and promised to spilt the winnings and help them after the show.
So I could see them throwing it to her they do seem that dumb to me.
I just hope Van was lying to them and doesn’t give them shit after the show lol It wouldn’t surprise me.
I wish they gave her a Pandora’s with a “punishment”.
Before one could defend her game. but from evicting Julia, to not throwing the easiest to throw HOH you can ask for to a guy right behind you about to win, to now taking out MAC…its all bad decision making, and I am beginning to wonder if she is so full of her game that she doesn’t think it matters who she sits next to.
leaving liz and Austin in the game is terrible
Most Boring Season EVER!! I feel like nothing happens every week and no one on the show even cares about the game except Vanessa and even she is boring and annoying. No twists that stayed this season. No true fight to win. Please revive my favorite show next season CBS, I’m so dissapointed.
Just out of curiosity I would like to know a BB season you felt was riveting to watch. People seem to say same thing every year but keep coming back. I feel this season has at least created entertainment/games to pass the time.
So if JMac is the target now, we can assume by Tuesday he will be last on Vanessa’s radar. God her constant wishy-wash is gonna come to bite her in the ass finale night
Bad move Vanessa not throwing HOH to Jmac. Then Venassa asking for those ridiculously outrageous demands if Liztin, if she thinks they’all honor thatvthan she’s not as smart as we thought, she’s just dealing with the dumbest cast since season 15. I think somehow Liz ends up winning.
OMG Venessa, I wish YOU are the Next one to be evicted if you are targeting JMac !!!
Vanessa changes her mind A lot. Will not surprise me if production influences her to target Liztin by tomorrow.
It is painful watching everyone grovel at Vandemort’s feet. At least Johnny Mac has some true integrity by point blank stating that he hates everyone. AusWimp, with all his Judas bluster, is just a ridiculous wuss.
So, the lesbian won the endurance fingering the eggs competition…
Austin should ask for some tips.
At this point we can be mad about alliances all we want. Best case scenario is only John or Steve go up not together – the other wins veto sending yet another Austwin home. If they both go up, one has to win veto. And if one does we are in for an interesting week because then Vanessa is forced to break a tie live. That is a tough thing to swallow for whoever she votes out and she will most likely lose their jury vote. Nessa better be super careful about her nominations because competitions at this point in the game really begin to hinder the HOHs power and chances for jury votes. I have ALWAYS said to my friends and family who also watch, if I were to ever play the game I would NEVER be final 5 HOH – the veto has so much power, many times you are forced to break a tie, and you are rendered helpless at the final 4 since you can’t play for HOH. Trust me, I LOATHE Vanessa, but I appreciated her gameplay. If you are a fan of the show, love her or hate her, she has done great up until this point. Now, her game is kinda left in the hands of the remaining players. If there was ever an HOH for her to throw it would have been this one…she was safe all the way around. She completely shot herself in the foot her and may have really hurt her chances at winning the 500K.
At this stage of the game PoV’s are more important than HoH’s. Vanessa’s best move in all honesty is to put up Liz vs Steve. Tell Austin this is to insure that both of them are safe if Austin wins the PoV and tells Johnny Mac and Steve the same thing it would force her to use Austin as a replacement. She just has t throw the PoV. If Steve or Liz won the PoV she could then pick a side at that moment. Splitting things up benefits her much more.
She is screwed no matter what she doe because she made deals with ALL of them. She really should have backdoored Austin when she backdoored, blindsided Jason. They should have kept Meg over James and Liz should have gone last week. She should have teamed up with Shelli, Jackie and Becky with Johnny Mac… she would have been in a much better place. The twins and Austin have just been a 500 lb weight around her neck… with Steve dragging her down more.
If vanessa puts up Steve and jmac. Noms stay the same. They vote out Steve against their deal to vote out jmac. Liztin wins hoh. Vanessa don’t win pov and liztin and jmac go to final three. The blow up vanessa would have would be priceless.
Is Vanessa writing all this down? She like that Guy in the movie step father. He has so many lies with different families that he starts to lose it and says “wait a minute, who am I again?” Looks like she’ll be going down that rabbit hole soon if she doesn’t slow down on all those deals she’s making. She already said she might change her mind by morning. I wonder what she would do if while she was on that trip with Liz the guys hit a reset button? Someone mentioned the reset was on September 10 last year. Maybe it will be September 11th this year. Wishful thinking on my part.
In order for Vanessa to increase her chances of making Final 2, she has to increase her chances of making it to Final 3 (even if that means leaving Liztin in the game this week). If she leaves both Steve and JMac in the game and breaks up Liztin, I think both Steve and JMac would want Vanessa out next week. If she keeps Liztin, there are less chances she goes next week as whoever stays between Steve/JMac will want one of Liztin out and Liztin will want whoever stays between Steve/JMac out (well, that’s the theory anyway).
Obviously, you could argue that she has a good chance at the final 4 veto which is usually the “connect the houseguests” one and hence a good shot at making Final 3 on her own (regardless of who she targets this week). But, Steve is probably her biggest competition in that veto – and if Steve wins and JMac is still in the game (but not HOH), I think Steve votes to save JMac at Final 4 over Vanessa. However, if JMac is out, then Steve would vote out one of Liztin or keep noms the same and have Vanessa vote one of them out (if Steve is also HOH).
I think given what will likely be the Final 4 veto comp, Vanessa’s best bet is to try to get JMac out this week – whether we like the move or not, it’s her best shot at Final 3.
And, I believe Vanessa has to win Final 3 HOH as I don’t believe anyone else would take her to F2. If it was Steve/Austin/Vanessa, I think both Steve and Austin would take each other over Vanessa. If it was Steve/Liz/Vanessa, I think that could be her best shot as I think Liz would take Vanessa over Steve, but Steve would probably take Liz, I think. And, of course, Austin/Liz/Vanessa final 3, no-brainer, Austin and Liz would take each other.
Vanessa is a cheater. A business loan for “incentive” to Liz if she throws a competition. And it is not the first time. I don’t want to watch someone who buys competitions and wins.
Life is too precious to reward people who CHEAT.
Big brother should yank her.
P.S. Didn’t anyone else notice how Vanessa went from someone who had “studied” game theory to declaring herself an “expert” a day latter when defending herself for giving bad game advice to Julia. 12 people have won the nobel prize for contributions to game theory since 1970. To have read a book and entered snipets in a writing program is not to be an expert.
And along those same lines, I’ll bet she did more harm that good (pissing off doctors with no change in treatment or prognosis) when she became a cancer “expert” during her ex-husband’s illness.
Yeah it sucks she has been doing all season and BB has warned her but she keeps doing it.
She should be kicked from the game any other season she would’ve been gone weeks a go.
The saddest thing is most people don’t watch anything other than the main show and they give her the best edit ever. So people love her and think she one of the greatest players when she’s a cheating lunatic.
It has really made this year a total joke.
BB grow some balls and punish the ones who are playing up..
Regarding Asstin and Gizzard’s argument and his statement “I ruined my life for you!” Is that a Siegfried and Roydian slip?!
Sorry if this is a repeat question, but does anyone know that JMac actually does rock it out?
Not sure if he shared that with anyone or just that he was a dentist.
Yes he does. The family clip stuffed him up tho because they said he’s doing great and when they did the air guitar it made Van think he was with the rock stars to the end.
The clip to Van was also a message she said no matter what happens I will always love you. I would take that as people hate you outside if I was Van.
BB should of never done the family clips
Kayla you are so right it’s going to blow up in her face because she can’t play HOH next week LOL BOOOM!
Vanessa is just going to gamble the money away which is sad when other players like Day James & Jason really needed the money sad season
Yeah but Jmac has 250k in student loans to pay off so i’m hoping he wins veto and goes on to win the whole game.