POV Holder: | ? | Next POV | July 25th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | July 27th |
HOH Winner Team 1: | Jackie | HOH Winner Team 2: | Vanessa |
Nominations 1 : | James & LIz | Nominations 2: | Clay & Becky |
Battle of the Block Winner | James and Liz | Next HOH/ Next BOB | July 30th / July 24th |
Original Nominations: | Clay and Becky | ||
Current Nominations: | ? | ||
Have Nots | ? |
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12:35am Austin, Clay, James, Meg, Jason. Liz and Johnny Mac are all in th kitchen eating cookies and ice cream. Shelli says I just looked up and noticed that Clay’s key is gone and I wanted to vomit! Jason says trust me its worse when you see your’s gone. Jason, James, Johnny Mac, Shelli and Meg come up alternate names for everyone based off their memory wall photos.
DaVonne = Erica
Austin = Dave
Steve = Keith
Liz = Courtney
Audrey = Jessica
James = George
Jeff = Brent
Shelli = Caroline
Vanessa = Kira
Clay = Chad
Jason = Petri
Meg = Krissi
Becky = Samantha
Jace = Aj
Johnny = Scott
Jackie = Nikki
12:40am – 1am Comic bedroom – Liz, Austin, James and Becky are talking about the battle of the block competition. Liz asks so lets get to the bottom of this the clothes were nothing right!? Bekcy says they were supposed to be something but. Liz says it didn’t work! James says yeah because we slung paint on each other and we didn’t see sh*t. Becky says they.. bombed the comp.. Like Production. Liz says that side wall was a disaster. James would put more paint and then nothing would come up still. Becky says the “b” soaked up the paint but the “Q” didn’t. By the time we replaced Cody with Christine you guys had buzzed in. Becky says we were off my seconds. Steve says so you guys were off by like 10 seconds roughly. Becky says the fairies are going to buzz me. We weren’t allowed to even describe the competition because we f**ked up so badly. It will not be shown on tv. They will walk us to the middle of it because they messed up so badly .. it will not be shown. Austin asks what won’t be shown? Becky says the middle of the comp because they f**ked up the comp. Austin says oh when they walked you through it? Becky says yup because we couldn’t walk through the center. When we walked through they asked how did you figure it out and we said we didn’t. And they said what about the letters and we said the V soaked up paint and the q .. Big Brother blocks the feeds. When the feeds come back – Liz says I hope she (Becky) doesn’t raise hell about it and then they have to re-do it or something. Austin says there’s no way, accidents happen. Janelle in season 7 ran over James in a competition and they tried to call that she physically interrupted him and they didn’t.. Liz asks re-do it? Austin says nope, and she won. Liz says that she (Jackie) didn’t think she was going to get overthrown either .. like get the hell out of the HOH room.
1:20am Jason, Becky and Shelli are talking about the BOB comp in the bathroom. Becky says that Liz for got the “i” in Christine and James told her. Its just hard knowing that we asked James to volunteer for the spot (to throw the BOB comp). It just sucks. If I’m the one to win veto I am going to do everything .. Clay is not going home. Even if I send myself, Clay is not going home. Jason says there’s no way. All we need is 5 votes this week and we have at least 6! Even if America’s Player was in here .. we would still have enough. He would have me, Meg, Shelli, Jackie, and whoever comes down. And plus Johnny Mac seems like he’s heading that way too. James is the only one that still has a relationship with Austin. I don’t think he would but.. people in this house hear one thing and change their mind. We have no reason to be worried and I don’t even think James would do that. Big Brother blocks the feeds.
1:30am – 2:15am When the feeds return – Becky says you know when we were sitting on your bed and you asked I don’t know who to put up what would you do? When I start talking about him (Steve) I notice the camera’s zoom in. The camera’s really react to him when I brought up his name to you. I noticed it but didn’t know if I was just being paranoid. I got called right to the DR right after I talked to you. They wanted to know what our conversation was. I was going over the basis and they kept asking what else, what else, what else. Shelli says interesting .. he’s next. Becky says its a situation like this where it could be a swing vote if Clay and I are on the block. Its a swing vote, like we have a strong competitor. Steve is not going to go with the house. He was sh*tting bricks that day when Audrey walked out the door. When I went through the list and I’ve been thinking its him (America’s Player). I haven’t been thinking its Audrey.. I’ve been thinking its Steve. Shelli says when I was HOH he came in and he was so awkward. He pointed out to me that he was getting blamed for everything. Becky says he was so stressed out when Audrey let. I’ve never seen him so stressed out. Jason joins them and says that Steve is a magnet to anyone he sees is talking. Jason says that Steve said we’ve all been able to hide behind Audrey and now that she’s gone, new targets are going to arise. Shelli says if anything you say to him (Steve) .. loose lips. When he walks into a room I stop talking. They talk about how James goes with who ever talks with him last.
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2am Austin and Liz are laying in bed. He’s rubbing her face and she’s rubbing his arm. He then goes in for a kiss. She says I hate you and pushes him away. Liz tells Austin you make me all flustered to go to sleep. Austin says hey now.

Austin kisses Liz https://t.co/auisvSHA0M @bigbspoilers #bb17 pic.twitter.com/pTS7WB9KB7
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) July 25, 2015
2:15am – 2:25am Steve asks Clay how he’s doing. Clay says as good as I can feel. Steve says I know how you feel. Freaking out is never a good idea and neither is campaigning before the veto. Clay says I volunteered to go up on the block and .. Steve asks you did? Can I ask what the plan is this week. Clay says I am close to Vanessa and she was freaking out about who to put up so I told her I would go up. I asked to go up next to someone strong so she put up Becky. Steve asks did Becky volunteer? Clay says yes. Clay says from my talks up there you were never a target. I don’t want to say who was. Clay asks if you get drawn to play (in the veto) can I count on you being on my side? Steve says if Vanessa’s okay with it then yes. Steve asks if you get house guest choice are you going to pick me? Clay says if you want me to .. you or Shelli.
2:25am Austin tells Clay he got one (kiss) under the covers with Liz. She’s still denying me. Clay asks just before I came in there? Austin says yeah 10 minutes before you came in. We were fooling around and stuff and then I turned her face and kissed her on the lips for like 3 seconds. It was for like 3 seconds. She asked why I didn’t do it under the covers. There will be more where that came from. It will totally be on tv, they got it. Now its open season! She liked it too!
Austin tells Clay he kissed Liz @bigbspoilers #bb17 pic.twitter.com/J6zOY2egUK
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) July 25, 2015
2:45am Steve is in the cabana room and tells the camera that he would like to officially apologize for what he said about the competition in the purple room. “I would like to officially apologize for any comments I made about the competition earlier. And I am now feeling bad about it. For what I said in the purple room. It was inappropriate. What I said about the competition was inappropriate and I will apologize again in the diary room the next time I’m in there but what I had said I think was uncalled for and I apologize. I am feeling bad about what I said about the competition and I shouldn’t have told Becky what I thought about it. I threw the people I’m not allowed to talk about under the bus and that was not okay. I shouldn’t have done that. I apologize for that statement.. well many statements that I had regarding the BOB today. That was not called for and highly inappropriate.”
Steve says this game is not for me .. and I am not doing All-Stars. Season 17 is the only season for me ….so I might as well make it count.
2:35am – 3:30am Shelli and Clay talk about how Austin and Liz kissed. Shelli says that Becky is worried that you might not use it. Do you think he (Steve) would use it on me? Then he can’t be backdoored. Shelli says we can’t tell Liz anything. Clay says we can’t tell anyone anything till we find out who wins POV. If he wins he (Stve(will use it on me. If he doesn’t find out anything. Shelli says if he didn’t go up then you would have to target Austin again next week. It would be drama city! He could possibly win HOH. Clay says next week could possibly be double eviction. We have 2 chances to get them out. They have 3 chances to win. Shelli says if you’re up on the block come Thursday I am going to throw up all over the place. Clay says I’ll be fine. Clay says there isnt anyone really that we don’t want to get drawn other than Austin. Clay tells SHelli that he is going to ask her something when this is all over. He tells her that last week he knew. And it has nothing to do with the L word so get that out of your mind. Shelli asks why can’t you ask me now? Clay says because I want to know when you feel it .. it could be this week, next week. Its nothing serious.
3:40am All the house guests are sleeping..
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How does James look like a George?
George Takei
They named him after Lt. Sulu from Star Trek…wtf…those bastards lmao
austin running to clay bragging how he managed to kiss liz for 3 seconds and the cameras got it and so they could play it in slow motion. eeewww. i just can’t stand this immature fool. makes me sick. austin and liz have to be the most disgusting showmance in big brother history now. wish julia could be in there full time. she is so much smarter than liz and is getting close to the right people (steve and johnny mac). hope austin still goes this week…
No, actually Amanda & McCrae from BB 15 are the most disgusting showmance in Big Brother history. They were lazy slobs. They didn’t clean up after themselves. They didn’t take baths. They had sex everywhere in the Big Brother house knowing they were on camera and knowing they both were dirty from not bathing. They took nasty to an extreme level that left America vomiting. The second most disgusting showmance was Brenden & Racheal. They had sex in the Big Brother house knowing they were on camera. They didn’t wash their sheets after having sex. The other houseguests had to wash Brenden and Racheal’s sheets before they could sleep in a bed they had been in. What Austin & Liz are doing pales in comparison to this. Austin is gross because he forgets to wash his hands sometimes after using the bathroom, but the only gross thing Liz has done is let Austin touch her and kiss her. If Liz had known Austin forgets to wash his hands sometimes after using the bathroom, she wouldn’t let him anywhere near her.
They may have done things differently and were a little over the top, but they were definitely the most powerful couple in BB History!
Amanda & McCrae were the most disgusting showmance on Big Brother.
Amanda and McPussy were definitely ?the worst agree 100%
Do you think Austin’s kisses are the only thing that lasts 3 seconds?
Snoochie Boochies!
I bet Judas only lasts two….
I want to throw up!!!!
Steve is just too smart and maybe for his own good. He knows what questions to ask. Clay thinks he’s smart. Shelly isn’t as good a teacher to her little toy as she think. Clay has been trying to use what strategy he learned from his teacher shelly. But now that he’s on the block his true game play will show which is truly Wack StreEeeet!!!
Wtf Liz?! I can’t tell if she is playing him or if she likes him. And furthermore why does it piss me off if she likes him? If she is just playing him she’s a good actress. How does she do it?
Austin is pathetic. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a houseguest so interested in being romantic inside the house. He reeks of desperation. According to him, Liz, Julia, Jackie and Jason were all interested in him. The twins even had to decide between themselves which one got the honor of being with him. He thinks he’s so wanted when really everyone thinks he’s kinda creepy and possessive. And now he’s all excited that the cameras caught him kissing Liz. Like high fives all around! He thinks America is going to love it! In reality he just comes off as dumb and trashy. He has a shot at a half a million bucks but he mistakenly thinks he’s on the Bachelor or something. LOL and that long hair, he said he has it because “it looked cool on that barbarian guy in Game of Thrones,” and since he’s the man it’ll look cool on him as well. Hey Austin, if you’re going to emulate somebody’s hairstyle you should at least learn their name. It’s Khal Drogo you big dummy, and he thinks you’re weak as well! A mac truck is about to crush his Big Brother game and if he had his head in the game he’d see it from a mile away. What an idiot.
Did you watch last year? BEASTMODE COWBOY?
Caleb was more like a dumbstruck puppy over Amber. Austin is way worse.
The only difference is Liz is “playing ” along
All I’m saying is that Austin thinks everyone wants to have sex with him, and if they don’t want to have sex with him per se, then they can always have sex with his alter ego, JUDAS.
Steve has a major target on his back despite being “sort of” alone in the house because he has a weak social game, and blatantly throws comps (you killed the first POV comp Steve! Everyone knows you can play). Nobody knows where he’s at in the game, and the people he thinks he’s working with view him as an expendable causality.
He’s tried playing the Rat Floater strategy (first with Da, then Audrey, then Vanessa, now JMac?), but does not have Andy’s social skills. Instead he creeps on people’s conversation so blatantly that they know what he’s doing.
I was really hoping to see the twins go. That would have been the most strategic route to go because you’d knock out two players in one week without there even being a DE. The target on them is only going to get bigger when both are in the house. But they seem to be on different pages if Liz is attached to Austin and Julia is trying to get closer to JMac which Liz thinks is stupid.
Austin’s obliviousness (and Liz’s? Julia’s? Julia may be the smarter twin, I’m not sure) is remarkable, and at this point in the game hilarious to watch. He’s so adamant on saving Clay when Clay, being the successful Floater he is, is already ready like Vanessa and Shelli to cut his throat and send him out the door.
And now Austin and Liz are making out?! WTF. I hope and he and his GF have a open relationship because he’s been all over the twins, Jackie, and Jason (he’s grabbed and kissed Jason before as well).
I feel like Simon & Dawg are trying to mess with us by featuring Liz&Shrek so heavily. Either that or you guys are masochists for watching that train wreck. No hate, just an observation 😉
They have no choice the feeds are focused on Ausdum and Clayfus. Who ever is in charge of picking the cameras should be executed at dawn or fired that’s probably more reasonable.
It’s just the cameras literally follow clay/Shelli and austin/Liz almost all day. It’s a rare sighting lately to see anything else.
Oh ok 🙂 I should have known that nobody would willingly watch the that trainwreck. My apologies and condolences then Simon and Dawg 😉 Thank you for enduring the houseguests’ shenanigans for us!
Vanessa “I am completely loyal until the end.” She just changes her mind about who she is loyal to every week.
And WTF was Clay doing in that gif?! Hahahaha. I can’t.
What’s gig?
It kinda sounds as if production was working some of their “magic” with that BOB comp. Shocking! Also sounds as if they are hard at work on some in the DR sessions. Really wish they would stay the hell out of it and just let the chips fall where they may. And please, please get Austin out this week. I can’t with that creeper! Having to see that kiss… Threw up in my mouth!
Austin and Liz. Shit’s gross. But still not as gross as Amanda and McCray.
thank God clay is on the block…i wish he goes home!!!Boooooorrrrrrrriiiiinnnnngggggg!then austin ou out out out
Poor Steve. Hold your head up high. You have a bright future ahead of you. Go to college earn a degree, and don’t worry about what the cast members on Big Brother think of you. Your family loves you and that’s all that matters.
Agree completely. People talk about what a bad social game he has. The only reason for that is because most of the house guests won’t allow him to have one. They simply decided on day 1 that he was inconsiquential and that he was beneath them. Very much like Ian at the beginning of his season. Boogie considered him a joke, and the women in the house were calling him a creeper. The difference was Ian had Dan befriending him, and Steve doesn’t have that. Someone in the house that’s popular enough that just by being his friend, it will change the way others view him. Not everyone of course, there will always be complete d-bags that would never give him a chance (like Boogie and Frank did with Ian). But enough of the right people to make a difference in how he is perceived.
Van sees Steve’s potential and has been trying to be his Dan.
JMac is popular and he likes Steve (?), but both of them are playing such a low profile game, they don’t want to be seen as friendly. I truly believe that Vanessa is “protecting” Steve (but maybe doesn’t like him) because he’s her pick for F2, so she doesn’t want to be seen as friendly with him either. Steve is in such an awkward position, (partially because he himself is a little awkward), and I feel for the kid. I wish he was having more fun and less stress.
Jesus Christ is this Steve’s mom?
I actually like Steve. I feel sad for him at the socially awkward moments, but I keep hoping he will be staying a good long while yet. He seems a really good guy, just a bit awkward. Many people in IT and brainiac jobs are awkward. They are still people with hearts.
Austin reeks of desperation. It seems like Liz is his first girlfriend, he stole a kiss now he must run to the play ground and tell. He is immature, and disgusting. Shave, cut your hair and go see Dr. Will, he can remove those horrible tats. Remove the finger nail polish.
I truly believe he is in the house for sex.
Clay is about to dig his own grave. He’s already talking too much like a little squeezing bitch
Austin looks like a real dolt with that fucken hat!!!Should have hooked up with Audrey because they are both wacked!!!
I am so late to the game this week and just finished watching POV and Live Eviction episodes.
Does anyone know/have an opinion on why Austin (or should I say Judas?) voted to evict JohnnyMac?
So he could blame it on Steve. To tell the others that Steve is America’s player and then the others can target Steve and vote him out.
This, pretty sure those were actual words that came out of Austin/Judas’ mouth.
Austin voted for jmac to cast doubt with the house, blaming steve as the one that voted for jmac to get the HOH to put steve up. Austin is talking shit about steve
Austin voted that way to lay the blame on Steve to get others to turn on him and get him out, for some reason he dislikes him or just trying to take the people off of Liz to help her out and Steve was his pick.
Gee Steve, you’re not doing all-stars? Think of the fans!
Hahahaha. Yeah Steve, we will be heartbroken if you don’t. Hahaha…
Simon– what exactly is the deal about problems / possible redo of the BOB? Please explain. Thanks!
The queen shelli is upseat because the king got caught in his own inability to win something…
she´s freak out hummm this for normaly mind´s make the target BIGGER in her but…..in bb17 not realy. definition of target change this year…
Christ, Clay couldn’t have won that battle if he played against Helen Keller. Idiot.
Austin has the maturity level of a 7th grader.
John and Steve all the WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Based on that conversation between Becky Liz, Austin and James, Does anyone sense a “rig” going on with this particular BOB comp to sabotage the original plan?
Is Johnny Mac figuring out that Vanessa is the mastermind? She is overcooking it with all of her wacked out scenarios every week. Then after the BOB and or POV, the strategy changes all over again. The only thing consistent with her has been using Johnny Mac. Now that she promised not to use him as a pawn this week, she is completely ignoring him and keeping him out of the loop. Let’s hope Clay gets nervous and spills the plan. Then Steve, Liz, and Johnny Mac can team up!
Jmac has no clue what is really going on. He sees Van as a threat because Van beat him at the memory veto comp so he knows Van is smarter than him. However, he also made a comment that Van is making a lot of enemies this week- he is so wrong its sad. Van managed to make allies with everyone in the house this week, even Jackie who was probably her number one opponent. He thinks Clay/Shelli/Jackie/Becky have his back and he is working with them, he has no clue all of them have stronger allies in the house. They see him as nothing but the house pawn and unless he wins an HOH next week he won’t get out of that role before he gets sent packing.
We agree to disagree. I might add that Johnny is no slouch in the brains department. He does have an advanced degree. Perhaps he is choosing to keeps his thoughts to himself for strategy instead of spilling everything. (Like every other house guest has been doing.)
I agree with Ashley. I *think* (and hope) JMac knows a fair bit about Vanessa via Steve and his own dealings with her, plus that convo with Becky gave a clue re “let the others take each other out”. Sure, it’s wishful thinking because nobody knows what he’s thinking, but he’s still my fave, if only for the fact that he’s seems the least “entitled personality” and kindest HG, along with Steve and Becky. Not that it’s a critical point, (and I don’t know what it is for the States), but in Canada, dentists are often MDs first (8 years) and then specialize in dentistry for 4 years.
the perfect set up so far to take out clay the useless . the rest of the village idiots cant come together to figure it out . these four > Jackie , James , Jason , Meg <, and or John , Steve , Austin , twin could vote out anybody they wanted if noms stay the same . it will never happen because they are all to STUPID AND ACT AS IF THEY ARE SUMMER CAMP !
Damn, Becky noticing the cameras zooming in on Steve and then the DR asking her about the conversation is interesting.
Idk if anyone will get this reference, but that’s some Danni Boatwright level perception right there.
If I wanted to watch showmances, i’d rather go watch bbcan3.I hope that becky wins pov, austin sits on the block next to clay and doesn’t even get the twin’s vote to stay.
I really hope Johnmac will get picked for POV and win the POV this week. I am afraid Vanessa will put Johnmac up because she made deal with everyone except Johnmac (Austin, Steve, Becky, Clay, Shelli, Jackie, Jason and Meg. James and Liz are safe). If Vanessa puts up Austin and Steve, they will expose her alliance. If she does not take Clay down, the couple will expose and target her next week. If she puts up Jackie, Jason and Meg, they will expose her plan this week (backdoor Austin and Steve) to Austin and Steve and the whole house will target her next week. Vanessa will upset someone this week and might ruin her game. Vanessa might choose the easy way out to put up Johnmac. Johnmac needs to win this POV. It is a must for his safety.
Just to mess with people’s heads. He hoped they would pin it on Steve, think Steve is America’s Player, and put the target on Steve’s back (and off the twins).
Johnny Mac is also my concern. I think Vanessa will justify it because Jackie just told her that Johnny Mac was concerned about Becky she said…”isnt that cute” right after the nominations were made. He didnt show up for the nominations and was left out of the group… and steve was mumbling about “the people we arent allowed to talk about” which suggests that production is rigging things for their own agenda and they are not going to allow certain people to be evicted.
If that’s true, then surely JMac would be somebody Production might want to protect, yes? He seems to be a favourite with fans. I’m basing this on his top ranking on the OBB poll, as well as others (I believe) and Brittany’s comment on Thursday’s show. Losing JMac would really deflate the game for me. I read Steve, JMac and Becky as being the least “feeling entitled” personalities, and I like that.
Yikes…you might be right about that. DAMMIT!
Liz, you hold out till final 4, didn’t you see all stars?
I mean, I get Ericka doing it for 50 grand but, Austin for nothing…EWWWW
Not an Austin fan but if a girl you like is constantly rubbing/straddling/touching/spooning you what is he supposed to do? I’m not mad at him for that
I don’t have the feeds so don’t know but I have seen her pushing him away. Or he’ll try to talk romantic and she’ll change the subject like when a while back he kissed her on the cheek from behind and I think that was a big move for him and she turned around and didn’t even acknowledge him. Even with the kiss she pushed him away and said, “I hate you.” I think to her he’s a buddie and to him she’s a conquest.
Damn that Steve is “crazier than a pet coon”
Shelli talking about clay’s air time ,Austin about the kiss being played in slow motion..why oh why do these dots think BB makes them stars to go on to fame? Get over yourselves and play for the money,that’s what it’s about!
I keep giving your comment “thumbs up” but the number never changes. Once I find out for sure it’s rigged I’m done and will have a lot more time to do better things than keep up with this. I noticed last season things seemed to be rigged for the longest to keep Frankie in the game.
Anyone notice how Austin discussed being bullied throughout his life and now has a bully’s mentallity towards Steve?
Steve don’t get upset over that little weasel Jason. He hasn’t got any game, just a big mouth. And he looks like an elf in a claymation Christmas special.
Disappointed in Jason’s weasleness. Yes. Also disappointed he smokes so much. He’ll regret it when he’s 70 and has a stroke or lung problems.
Jackie is really out for the twins. She must be still jealous that they blew her second chance at romance with that hunk (LOL) Jeff.
Austin is creepy as FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. I think I like Julia better then Liz because at least Julia is playing the game. Maybe if Austin wasn’t such a slime ball their showmance wouldn’t be as disliked as it is. Not to mention Austin is a dickhole to Steve just because he considers him a “nerd” pretty sure I heard him say he wanted to stuff Steve in a locker during the last POV. I am just wondering why Big Brother/CBS would allow him to promote bullying? towards someone who has not wronged him in any way (not that it would be an excuse). I get it that BB is “reality” TV, but at a certain point serious issues such as Bullying (especially in a society where bullying is a serious problem among youth) should be addressed by the Network/Producers
I can not wait for the PoV. I hope what happens is Becky wins and Vanessa is forced to put up Austin. I’m just curious what an Austin vs. Clay would look like. I think with this house if Clay/ Shelli/ Vanessa loose the PoV.. Clay would go home against pretty much anyone but Austin. They just need 5 votes to evict. Steve is not popular like Clay but as a player it is better to keep Steve… anything else is just personal. The people on the other side Jason, Meg, James, Johnny Mac and Jackie… really want one of the other sides numbers to go. That is your 5 votes. They just have to vote to save Becky or Steve. So say if Becky comes off and they loose James vote because he is voting to evict Steve they still have 5 votes to evict Clay. Austin is the only one up there that could save Clay… it would be bravado to think otherwise and make for a huge blindside.
The only save for Clay is Shelli/Clay/Vanessa and maybe Austin/ Liz/ Julia win Pov… even though Liz and Austin have been known to flip and it looks like they are trying to get the other side of the house and dump Vanessa/Clay/Shelli. I just know it looks extremely bleak right now for Clay and Shelli.
When Austin made the comment about Steve during the chemistry lab power of veto competition made me hate him even more. “the way he [Steve] looked he wanted to throw them into a locker. What a POS and bully.
Yes, that was bad especially for someone who apparently does anti-bullying talks.
I suspected a while back that the reason Austin dropped his loyalty to his girlfriend and looked for a showmance is he figured out showmances get more air time and attention. That’s why he was playing Jackie and the twins. Seeing which one fell for it. He didn’t even know he was messing with 2 different girls when he was with a twin. He only chose Liz because Vanessa told him she thought Liz liked him more.
Remember how Jackie disliked Van and didn’t trust her? Yeah Jackie doesn’t either. Dang Van is good, two days ago Jackie was against her- now she is spilling everything to Van.
Why is it that every HOH Vanessa wins has to be such a big production. Her HOH when they booted Jeff was awful and left a really bad taste in my mouth with all her scheming and lying. And now her HOH to get out Austin is becoming the same thing. She can lie to everyone, yet anyone lies to her no matter how big of a lie and she freaks. Actually going back and rereading what was said, Jason was the one that lied about what Austin said. She never checked her facts at all, just blew up. The reason behind wanting Austin gone is that she knows he would take Liz over her. Well, here is a fact for you Vanessa. Clay and Shelli will not split to take you, and neither will Jackie. If she gets rid of Austin she could conceivably be blowing her game. Meg, James, Jason, Becky and maybe JohnnyMac will not be her allies to take out each other. With the comps that are going to come soon, Austin even though he can be disgusting, wants to protect her, and she is going to backdoor him. She has plenty of time to get rid of the twins. She is not thinking long term, and I am afraid she will blow her game. I think if she gets rid of Austin, Liz will gun for her. Liz and Austin talked earlier in the week about having to get rid of Julia and Clay and Shelli. Liz knows what Austin is doing and by blindsiding Liz with the backdoor on Austin, they could have an enemy they know nothing about at this point. Liz now knows that James tried to throw the comp. and if everyone lies to her, they are all fair game for her if she remains in the house.
Does anyone know what Steve said in the purple room?
I’m hoping the plan goes through for Austin leaving, though I would be fine with Clay leaving too. I’d really like to see the twins together just to see what happens with a possible team-up with Julia and JMac and Steve, and with Austin out, that would mean Liz too, yes?. What I’d reallyreally like to see is JMac, Steve, Becky and Jackie teaming up. I’d include Jason in that, but I don’t want Meg along for the ride. I want this group to be SOLID and go for Vanessa or Clay. While I take my hat off to Vanessa for her (admittedly overplayed) strategizing and love of game-playing, I just can’t support her to win THIS game. She’s already wealthy, she already has “celebrity”, and she’s just too damn controlling (my most disliked quality in a person). I’m fine with Shelli going further because I think she’s playing as good a game as Vanessa, and i just plain like her more. As for James and Meg, I couldn’t care less. What I’m MOST interested in seeing is JMac and/or Steve with some power!
What did Steve say about the BOB competition?
Talk about SPOOKY …. he’s like cornering her and forcing kisses on her that she CLEARLY doesn’t want. It’s just weird to watch. Austin she is not into you, but he wouldn’t know because he has little experience in the LADIES. Then he goes and tells clay …. boy … you are gonna get blindsided AND get NO skins …. hahahaha …. Vanessa I do feel bad for you your face is tough to look at (pro-active) …. But Jackie n Jason the attention is off you guys let the fire works begin …. I sure hope Clay n Shelli are next to be broke up …. followed by the twin who “likes” Austin
clay or Austin must go this week if these people have any brains. Of course if any of these people were good they would have got the twins out. I like the twins but by leaving them in they are giving them double the chance. Also getting Steve out is a waste of an HOH!
The best scenario this week is to have anyone that won’t use the veto win it.
If that happened, I think Clay goes home, and this would benefit everyone in the house except Shelli. I really don’t get why they don’t see Shelli and Clay as a threat. They might not get another chance like this to split them up. This would also put Vanessa in a bad spot, especially if Austin learns that he was the backdoor plan.
Watching that scene with Austin and Liz was like watching a scene from the Exorcist! It made my skin crawl. I agree with another comment on here – I prefer Julia much more than Liz. She seems to have a better read on more people on the house than Liz.. Liz only listens to what Austin tells her and gets only one side of the story! I really hope Austin goes this Week but I have the feeling it all depends on the Veto if Vanessa chickens out she will be the next to go and she knows that I really think that is why she wanted to team up with the others this Week and bring them in to the fold so she had a new side to back her up when the other side starts to crumble! – Brilliant on her part. I am starting to like her game play way more than Shelli’s at this point. Shelli has stuck to one side of the house only while Vanessa has maintained relationships with everyone! Her and Jason are my Favorites at this point.
So its 3:00 eastern time why hasn’t there been any updates today
Because nothing of importance has happened (Its only noon BB time) / the feeds were blocked for the veto pick. I just published a post now that the feeds are back.
Thanks Dawg. I guess I thought with all the excitment from last night that there would be some interesting talk going on 🙂
It was the calm before the storm..
Why do people say shit like “I’m going to quit watching” here.
Like we give a fuck if you quit watching. Oh god please don’t stop watching what will we ever do if u stop watching.
I guess they think that BB productions or CBS execs read this and give a shit if they whine about the show.
Sorry…those people are almost as pathetic as the small group of haters here.
At least the haters make me laugh my mother fucking ass off:-)