POV Holder: | James | Next POV | Aug 1st |
POV Used | No | POV Ceremony | Aug 3rd |
HOH | James | Next HOH | Aug 6th |
Original Nominations: | Shelli and Clay | ||
After POV Nominations: | Shelli and Clay | ||
Have Nots | Austin, Liz, Julia |
Confirmed Endurance competition tonight. Watch it on the live feeds first week free $5.99 a month
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1:15pm In the cabana room – Jackie tell Shelli that she wants her to know that she will always be there for her as a friend. I know a lot of things have happened last week, this week but I am always here for you. Shelli says thank you, I really needed that. Jackie says I know I have been distant but I wanted you two to enjoy your time together. And I don’t want you to think that I thought you had leprosy. Its been hard to watch. It makes me sick. Its not even fun any more. I know this is just a game, it doesn’t need to be all stupid. I never said anything about you. I have your back in this situation.
1:20pm Clay talks to Meg in next. He says that he is just waiting to see what happens. Meg says I know you asked for people to keep her to stay. I want you to do what you want to do but I don’t want to vote against you. Clay says I want you to vote me out. Meg says I don’t want you to go out with any votes. Clay says I’ll have votes. She really wants this and doesn’t deserve to leave yet. I know you want her gone. Meg says I don’t. Clay says I know James and Jackie want her gone. Meg says out of the two of you I connected with you more. Clay sasy htis means a lot to her to stay. I had my shot, I’ll be okay. Meg says it goes against everything I believe it. It seems like you’re giving up. Clay says this isn’t me giving up. We’re both on the block. I have respect for her and I believe in her. Clay says if you want to be loyal to me you will vote for her.
1:15pm In the bedroom – Vanessa tells Steve that Clay came in and said you need to act like you’re going along with the plan. Steve says to evict him? Vanessa says yes. Steve says so Johnny Mac is going to vote to evict Shelli? Vanessa nods. Steve says I think they’re trying to hide how close Johnny Mac and clay are. His campaigning for himself to go home just doesn’t make sense. I think they’re hiding a relationship which is why freaks and geeks need to do what we’re doing. Vanessa says you’ve voting out Clay tonight right? Steve says yes! Vanessa asks why are we not allowed to wear long sleeve shirts (for the HOH comp)? Steve says because its not athletic. Vanessa asks why shorts, why not athletic pants? Steve says he doesn’t know.
In the bathroom – Clay tells Shelli that Meg is trying to jump ship because she knows she (Shelli) is staying. Shelli says they’re all going to kiss my ass now. Steve tells Shelli that he is going to tell Johnny Mac he is getting rid of Clay because he lied to me.
1:30pm Austin and Meg talk in the cabana room. Austin says that Clay came to him last night and gave an hour long emotional speech about wanting to be voted out. Meg says I saw this coming. Austin says he asked for a favour to vote him out. As a fan of the show I don’t want someone to be here who doesn’t want to be here. Meg says I heard through the grapevine that Johnny Mac and Steve aren’t voting that way. Austin says I don’t want to do this to James but I’m caught in the middle. Next week is still the same and want to go along with the plan (to get out Shelli next week). Austin says he was begging me to not put me in that jury alone without her. I just didn’t want you to be worried about us. Meg says I’m not. Even if James freaks out I don’t want you to think that I am too.
1:40pm Vanessa tells Jackie that she thinks its really important to vote the way they want. It comes off really bad if you try to force or bully people into voting a certain way. Jackie says you’re fine to do whatever you want.
1:40pm Meg talks to Shelli in the cabana room. Meg says that she’s tried to stay out of the vote situation. I talked to him today. Its so hard to vote him out but if that’s what he wants. Shelli says I won’t have hard feelings for you how ever you want to vote. Shelli says I find it comical that everyone is scampering around. Meg says voting between you guys is so freaking hard. I just want to make sure he has votes. Shelli says then vote for him. Meg says I want to vote for you but its against Clay.. I probably will though. Shelli says now that ya’ll know I’m going to stay now you’re all scampering. Just vote however you want to vote. You can play the game but to walk around and bully people …not you but .. I’ve been really surprised. Its really eye opening. I get its an eye for an eye I get that just not to this extent.
1:45pm Liz tells Vanessa and Julia that everyone knows that Shelli is going to stay so now they’re trying to do damage control. Like Meg is talking to Shelli.
1:45pm Johnny tells Clay that he will vote him out but that it isn’t best for his game. Johnny tells Clay that if this is a double eviction I am sending Vanessa right after. Clay says Shelli would be okay with that.
1:55pm – 2pm Austin, Meg and Jackie are talking about Shelli staying now. Austin says for me to keep her here after what she said is hard for me. But Clay made me promise him I would vote him out. Everything is still the same for us. Next week for double eviction the plan is still the same to put up Shelli and Johnny Mac. Austin tells Meg and Jackie they have nothing to worry about from him. He will not put them up. Austin says this is about a guy wanting to leave the game and I have to grant it to him. Meg says the only thing I am worried about is if SHelli wins .. she is going to put us up. James joins them. He says there is a lot of weird talk going on right now. I just want to make sure I’m not getting blindsided. Austin says you’re not getting blindsided. Austin tells James about how Clay pleaded with him to vote him out. Its hard to vote to keep Shelli after what she said about me. I’m going to try really hard to win this HOH and put up Shelli and Johnny Mac to just end this. James says the house can do what it wants but my whole HOH was to protect the house. He does not have to stay here .. he can walk right out the front door. (Self-evict) No one is keeping him here.
James says I’m not going to be pissed at you guys but I am just pissed that I could have taken the 5K. Jackie says too many people are changing their minds. If any of us go home because of this I am going to be really pissed. Meg says that Clay and SHelli are saying that people are being bullied into their votes. It’s just making James look really bad. Austin says I have no problem going up to Shelli telling her I’m coming after her. Jackie says I just don’t want to be portrayed as an a$$hole or a bully.
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2:15pm Havenot room – Liz and Julia talk to Shelli about Clay pleading with them to vote him out. Shelli asks why is James so terrified. Clay has just as much a chance of winning as I do. Liz says we were on board with this before he came to us.
Bedroom – Meg tells Johnny I don’t want to look like the one a$$hole that doesn’t go along with what everyone else is doing. Johnny asks house meeting!? Meg laughs. I never thought someone would ask me to vote them out.
2:25pm James comes up to Clay in the bedroom and confronts him. Clay tells James he’ll be walking out that door too. GET THE F**K OUT OF MY FACE! James says you and Shelli thought that I told Austin some sh*t! When she’s the one that told him herself. Clay asks oh really!!? Walk the f**K away from me dude!! James asks what are you going to hit me or something!?!?! Meg says calm down. Clay rushes up and gets in James’s face. Clay says I will!! Don’t come at me like that! I’m telling you right now!! Don’t come at me like that again. Big Brother blocks the feeds.
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— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 6, 2015
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2:30pm The feeds return to James saying I’m sorry. Vanessa asks Johnny you didn’t tell me that james told you that? Johnny says no. Vanessa asks then why did you tell me it came from James? Vanessa tells Clay that she can see through this. Its not cool for him to do this. Clay says Vanessa, Vanessa I am telling you right now. Johnny says I said it. Vanessa asks so you said that I am gunning for you. Johnny says I do. Vanessa says its not possible for you to come up with that in your head. I don’t believe it for a second. Johnny says I did! Vanessa says that lie came from you Clay.. to backup the fact that the information didn’t come from you. Vanessa says I am not controlling Shelli. SHe is a grown a$$ woman. I am alone in this house. Vanessa asks where did you come up with it that it cames from James?? Clay says I’m not getting into this. Maybe I came up with it in my head. I’m not lying. Vanessa says it seems like you’re lying, you’re lying!! Clay says okay well then I’m lying! I told you the truth I’m not going to tell you over and over again. Shelli asks what just happened. Vanessa says that Clay came to her in the bathroom and said that Johnny Mac told Clay that Johnny Mac to James.. that I’m in your (Shelli) ear and we’re both gunning for Johnny and therefore he needs to vote you out. Shelli asks that you and me are gunning for John?!!? Vanessa says correct!! Shelli says then they made that up because Clay would not say that. Vanessa says that Clay must have made that up. Johnny says I just put it together in my head. I’m just freaking out. Vanessa says it sounds like JOhnny is just backing up Clay to not make him look bad! James says I didn’t say none of that bullsh*t!! Vanessa says I believe that. Vanessa asks Johnny why he would think I’m coming after you.
Johnny says I made it up in my head. Clay says I made it up. Vanessa tells Clay its so confusing to me why you would say that? Why would you lie?! If you wanted to stay why wouldn’t you just tell me? Clay asks you think I would say that to try and stay!?! Vanessa asks Johnny over and over again did you say that yes or no!?!?!!?!?! Johnny doesn’t say anything. Vanessa says it doesn’t make any sense why you would say that! I respect you for trying to cover for someone .. I just need ot know where the source of this came from! I don’t want you to get in this crossfire. For your own game tell me it didn’t come from you. Clay says it came from me! I already told you. Vanessa says but the last words out of Johnny’s mouth were that it was him. Vanessa leaves.
Clay tells Shelli that Johnny couldn’t say that James said that. I don’t know why he couldn’t say it. He doesn’t have the social game to defend himself. That’s why I said that I said it.
2:55pm Clay tells Johnny I will keep telling people that I made that up. Johnny says you have to be careful with information. Johnny tells SHelli she (Vanessa) has her claws in you. She’s protected by everyone. Johnny says she (Vanessa) comes out of things looking clean. She is going to take out us to save herself every time.
3:01pm Vanessa and Sheli hammock room
(I’m finding it difficult to understand this blow up)
Vanessa says that Clay and Jmac are related or lovers because that is the only thing that would make sense for Jmac to stand in a room poof people and lie for Clay.
Vanessa – why was clay setting it up that we were gunning for johnnymac
Shelli thinks there’s a lot of scrambling going on
Shelli – I’m being moppy because Clay is leaving
3:01pm Bedroom Jmac and Steve
Jmac – I want Vanessa out
Steve – why did she lie to you
Jmac – she’s getting all these people out and no blood on her hands
Steve – She’s won HOH twice she got Jeff out
Jmac says he’s getting a feeling that Vanessa is telling people to get him out, “She’s coming after me next.. I am coming after her I want Vanessa”
Steve – All that came from this is you and Vanessa rea mad at each other
Jmac – Clay is out they’re taking the heat because he wants to go home.. Vanessa is still gunning for me
Jmac says he was thinking of voting out Shelli at first because she was so close to Vanessa.
Steve – I feel like I have no idea what happened
Jmac – if it’s an elimination HOH throw it to me I’ll do it
Steve – and you want to get out Vanessa
Jmac – ya
Steve – OK
Jmac – she’s good
Steve – she does talk to a lot of people
Steve – you still voting out Clay
Jmac – ya
Jmac thinks Vanessa has been lying to them but he has no way to confirm it.
Steve – I told you to wait a couple weeks than we play.. this is the 6th evictions.. we’re just adding to Jury.
Steve – welcome to big brother
3:13pm bedroom Jmac and Clay
Clay – you alright
jmac – we’ll find out I might be the first in Jury
Clay tells him when he leaves push it all on him. Points out that Shelli likes Jmac she can convince Vanessa to not target him in the case Vanessa wins the HOH.
VAnessa comes in
Clay – I made it up I made the whole thing up
Vanessa – why are you doing this you are ruining my game right now.. you said I was targeting him
Clay says there was a big misunderstanding
Vanessa says her and johnny mac are on very good terms
Clay wants them to work together to get that other side of the house out.
Clay – I wanted to make sure y’all come together
Vanessa tells jmac she’s still loyal to their final 9 deal “If anything I told you he’s someone I was considering making longer term moves with”
Vanessa – what about the part of me being i2
Feeds are now on Jeff they probably won’t come back until after the live show. They will be showing the endurance contest so grad you feeds now
Confirmed Endurance competition tonight. Watch it on the live feeds first week free $5.99 a month
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Johnny tells Clay that if this is a double eviction I am sending Vanessa right after. Clay says Shelli would be okay with that.
Welcome back JohnnyMac !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy shit there is a nice fight going on with Van, James, Clay and Johnny Mac – with others listening in.
Vanessa said James was talking shit about her, she heard it from either JMac – James called Clay a coward, Clay told James to get the fuck out – and the end result was a confrontation with them all – with Vanessa asking Jmac in front of Clay and James if what he heard came from James.
And he said it wasn’t. So James went off on Shelli
It’s all insane!!
I love it.
Thanks Simon and Dawg – you guys ROCK!
It’s an endurance comp tonight. Feeds say watch endurance comp when live feeds return at approximately 10pm
Nah, i’m just kidding – fuck Vanessa – GO JACKIE!! or in this case, JMac!!
Though i’d REALLY really like to see Vanessa up against Shelli – this week, if Jackie put up Vanessa against Liz, it would be outragious!!
I know the houseguests don’t have all the info that we’re privy to. But if I was in the house, I would seriously wonder why nominating these two people created so much chaos and what that means. If you listen to your environment you can learn a lot. Seems like they’re figuring it out but boy it’s taking a long time.
Unfortunately going off the last endurance comp it will most likely be between shelli and jmac. Although we haven’t seen how Vanessa would do, but I would guess she’s probably better at mental comps.
Could be the endurance where they run from end to end filling a tub. In that case there’s a few more contenders to win it.
I don’t think it’s an endurance comp. I saw that post too and I think that was advertising like, “hey, get the live feeds now so that you can have them for the endurance comp.” But I don’t believe it will be endurance 2 wks in a row. I also don’t think DE tonight because they did too many things during the week (the current event thing) that they can use on the air. I think it’s a regular old week.
Of the 10 competing tonight, 4 are going after Vanessa and James is the 5th that would be happy to have Vanessa go. This will be a super interesting week to see how she handles it.
Whatever comp it is, they have to wear short sleeves and shorts – not yoga pants or sweats
i would love to see Johnny or Jackie win tonight. I think it would be another awesome week of mayhem and panic. If Vanessa/Shellie win its gonna be predictable and boring and if I have to listen to one more of Vanessa’s never ending speeches of why she is “justified doing whatever she’s doing” I’ll snap. Anyone else at all concerned that austwins are gonna stick around too long and then it will be damn near u possible to get them out. It’s a showmance/sister connection. That’s a group of 3 voting power. No one seems concerned that by them time they get to dealing with them they will never have the votes to get them out.
Vanessa is playing a very smart game. She has deals with almost everyone in the house. I truly believe she deserves to win. After all, she liked the way Dan played and probably read all of his books. The smarter players, who can also read people, are the ones who will have a better chance to win! She just needs to keep her emotions under control.
JMac will get out of bed long enough to put Vanessa on the block, they time for a nap till the finale
JMAC,dentist rock star, flying low under the radar-The dark horse has finally arrived! Been waiting for this & hoping he would start playing hard core- Get the meanie greenie beanie wearing, flip flopper out! It’s definitely this weeks mission. Who does Van think she is with her constant hypocritical bs,shit starting, flip flopping, bullying ways-it’s finally caught up to her & hope she is back doored & blind sided-karma!
love meg and jackie see the light now!
I am sort of confused about the vanessa/ steve discussions about jmac in the last few posts… it seems like a vanessa scheme to make jmac a target but I don’t really get what is happening… anyone able to clarify?
And if meg/ jackie/ steve put up jmac with shelli thinking it will get shelli out; they are complete morons.
I think this week if jmac doesn’t win HOH he goes home “as a pawn” 🙁
Part 1
Vanessa is advising Steve to tell Johnnie Mac that he’s voting out Shelli because Van thinks J Mac is working with Clay. Steve is voting out Clay to save Shelli.. That’s the 5th vote with Austin, Twins and Vanessa. that keeps Shelli in the game. By the way this is Van paranoia as the house now knows Shelli is staying.
Part 2
The double eviction deal. They speculate a double is coming…. no awe golly that can’t be.. hehe The deal is to put up Shelli and J Mac or Steve keeping everyone else safe. Some how Becky, James, Meg and Jackie are all in the 8.
It appears the 2 targets are J Mac and Shelli. Your correct J Mac is in real trouble. Looks like he’s the primary target. Shelli is in just as bad a shape. Both look like they are headed for a long rest in the jury house. Vanessa will find a way to protect Steve at all cost.
Vanessa seems to be overplaying her hand and incorrectly for the double. At what point does she deal with being the 4th wheel with Austwins? What’s her end or even middle end game look like? Float to James, Meg, Jackie, and Becky? I think she needs Shelli for starters to go after Austwins.
The double deal thing is pretty hard to pull off. Especially with 2 groups of 4…. Becky/Meg/James/Jackie versus Van/Austwins. The 1st one Shelli or J Mac go fine. But either group of 4 could take a shot at the other in the second eviction. By the way I’m picking an instant for the 1st 1/2 of the double this week rather than the Thursday scramble. The other option would be an instant over the labour day weekend with the feeds down. Definitely a possibility as well
Shelli looked so excited when Clay told her everyone was going to kiss her ass now. She’s sick and attention seeking. If she wins HOH tonight they are all going to worship her. Meg is so weak. She has no backbone. If Meg were to win HOH I wouldn’t be surprised if they convinced her to put up one of the people on her side. She’s getting on my nerves bigtime.
I cannot agree with you more about Meg being spineless. I would also add that she has done nothing in this game and do not see much from her besides being a floater. I started off liking her, but recent weeks have shown that she is a useless waste of space floater.
James made the comment on last nights show that he had served three years in prisonn. Doe anyone knoww what his crime was?
I’m pretty sure he was a prison guard?
Thank you.
I read that he was a corrections officer, up until last year.
he didn’t serve 3 years in prison… I believe he was a corrections officer at a prison for 3 years.
Prison guard.
He worked in corrections not an inmate lol
James was a prison guard not a prisoner.
Cannot wait until Vanessa goes by the hands of:
Shelli !
….CAN’T WAIT….will be epic….
Fucking Vanessa and her fucking lying about bullying.
And now Shelli is walking around arrogant (you’re all scampering now, cause i’m staying?!?!)
Please, please, please let Jackie win HoH tonight.
Or JMac, if he’s really going to put Vanessa on the block.
Ya for the Love of all BB.GODS….please….
LET JACKIE WIN. HOH….not Meg or Becki….
Vanessa is now backing off that James was bulying anyone – because of the argument happening in front of everyone. James keeps repeating that he told everyone to vote how they wanted – and Vanessa totally backed off that (that James was bullying everyone)
Clay is so stupid. I wonder if he would be campaigning to be voted out if there were only 5 people left. He is such a waste of space. This season’s BB players are so stupid. Have we ever had a season with so much “voting with the house”. Wake up and vote for what’s best for your games idiots! Johnny Mac needs to win tonight or he may be in trouble big time. That side of the house is so ready to sacrifice Johnny Mac and Steve. Steve calls himself a superfan but he appears to be so lost right now.
We are going into the sixth eviction with no unanimous votes. That is pretty uncommon.
this is the first year in a LONG time that HGs haven’t been forced into house votes. before even if it was your twin sister getting evicted you wouldn’t be able to give her a pity vote.
this is the first season also in a long time, for anyone watching feeds i am sure, where no one knows who is getting voted out for sure, and no one really knows how people are going to vote. today seems the first day where it seems pretty finalized tho, for shelli staying and everyone knowing it.
i do not understand what exactly johnnymac is supposed to have said to vanessa, tho. or why she is flipping out. Is it something she said that she is denying, is it something she didn’t say, is it something she got caught saying. I don’t understand why any of these people think that they are never going to get caught coming up with the names for their personal targets or who they would put up. so either they shut up and stop naming names, or when they name names, they go immediately to those people and tell them that they said their names, but didn’t mean it.
the idea that anyone thinks they can get away with saying that they have never named names to anyone ever is ridiculous, and why people will not believe a word they say. vanessa was HOH, twice, obviously she had to name some names to some people some time. stupid
vanessa is the bully, why argue and force people to start saying something in front of others, that’s bullying.
Umm… what are you talking about, there was not a single unanimous vote this season. BB16 was all about voting with the house.
Wow james and meg are americans 2nd and 3rd favorites. Meg who has done nothing, she couldnt even pick her own nose for crying out loud and james number 2, i guess americans love perverts.
Sorry S
ean we don’t love you .
We;;, if the wussy douche bag is begging to be voted out there is no use fighting this anymore. Clay thinks he will come off to America as this romantic Romeo….. not realizing that on Wednesday’s show they showed him and Meg groping each other, and on Wed and Sun show, showing him as a mumbling fool.
I think with all the effort that production puts into this show over the year, to see a wus not even try and not interact with anyone but Shelli is an insult.
Clay is probably thinking he will come off as Jeff Schroeder…..but Clay, you aint know Jeff.
And he can’t even speak English! They would have to subtitle everything he says! Clay is no Jeff and Smelli is no Jordan!
Omg I hope Jackie wins HOH tonight and puts venessa and Liz or venessa and Austin on the block. If not Jackie, I want Becky to win, looks like she is against Vanessa and so is Johnny. I don’t think it will be double eviction because if it’s then clay would be going to jury and not home right?? I think that’s how it was lol
Shelli’s arrogance is disgusting. Quit being spineless and hanging on Vanessa’s every word. it’s like sheep being led to the slaughter. Vote Shelli OUT! (Even though they both act entitled and better than everyone else) gag!
This is why Shelli needed to go. She acts extremely entitled. She smirks (more than she smiles) which always comes off as fake and condescending. Even if she stays, there’s no guarantee that she will win the next HOH yet she acts like she already has. I would love to see her right back on the block if Jackie wins.
Now it’s just a big kissing ass fest…
I am not even sure who i want to win hoh. I know i want austin gone though.
everyone is bickering with each other, it seems like austwins are going to fly thru another couple of weeks at this rate lol.
i like that a big young guy can come up and bump chests (so to speak) with James and James doesn’t bat an eye. go on with your bad self, James.
James is a redneck, ex-Marine, ex-Prison guard. Clay is a coward and he called him one. He would destroy him and he knows it. He has no reason to be scared of that pretty boy scrub.
Shelli is so smug now that she knows she’s not going home. Look at that smug expression on her face. She’s enjoying Meg and Jackie being all nice to her. I wish they would stop talking about bullying because we only need to look back at some of their behaviour the past few weeks. They act like they’re so holy. And Shelli is behaving like she’s some saint. If she actually cared about Clay she would encourage him to at least fight to stay in the house. He has no BB dignity such a weak idiot. A Johnny Mac HOH win tonight would be priceless but Vanessa is going to be focused. Shelli is going to be sharp too because she wants revenge by sending either James or Jackie out the door. Clay is going to look so stupid. He shouldn’t have bothered coming on the show if it doesn’t mean that much to him. It’s a slap in the face to the hundreds of people who try to get on. I remember Julia and Liz saying they had auditioned for some twin show and didn’t make it and got pulled into BB. CBS dropped the ball on selecting some of these people. They don’t level up to past contestants.
I would have loved to see Shelli go this week! Vanessa is a manipulator!
This is exciting! I LIKE this ship!
These people are nuts, also Clay is an asshole. I wish James knocked him out.
Why is James so liked? He degrades women, and walks around with little man syndrome. I get people don’t like clelli, but that doesn’t mean James should be the alternative. I wonder how he would feel if someone talked about/to his daughter the way he talks to women. He’s the worst person here in my eyes.
Oh and I’m also confused why Meg is so well liked too. She’s a total moron. Dumb as a box of rocks.
This comment from someone calling themself Amanda’s queef slops..
Exactly my point J. So what does that tell you about how dumb Meg is. If someone with my name thinks she’s stupid, then you know it’s bad…
Um.. That was in reference to your above comment about James
As soon as Vanessa started throwing the word bully around about James and his side…it became the word to use. It’s the classic case of I’m the bully so I’m going to deflect my actions on to you. Unfortunately James was that one and Vanessa got everyone to along with it even though none of them have been bullied. They don’t even question it! Morons!
Okay i’m jumping on the bandwagon. Vanessa has lost her mind. She is going batshit crazy over this game. She needs to go for her own mental health.
True. Van is off the rails
Please Lord save us all! I’d love a chick to win but SOMEONE’S gotta put up Vanessa against Shelli and shut one of them up for good. Watching these 2 biotches is an endurance comp itself & they make #AudreyWasRight.
For the sanity of the remaining HGs, they all need to band together and get Vanessa out. I’ve never seen someone who creates so many complications out of thin air. The game is complicated enough on its own. She just takes it to a ridiculous level. It’s like watching a bad telenovela when she starts concocting all the plot twists.
JohnnyMac totally knows Vanessa’s deal. Please let him win HOH and put her ass up. Now if only Superfan Steve can see her BS and not be swayed by her. I fear he would take out John just for her.
Did I miss something? Please tell me this wasn’t another “plan” of Vanessa to make John the new target.
Who is the bully now??? Clay is!! Getting on James face like that!
I’m so over Vanessa’s nasty way of playing BB.
Clay has been asking everybody to vote him out because he cares for Shelli, and with no need to do so, Vanessa still goes out of her way to come up with this big storyline to Shelli how Clay has been playing her and has been scheming to get her evicted. a.k.a. “he never liked you!”
Just pure nasty. I can’t stand this way of playing.
She got the votes for Shelli to stay, and yet again, she’s now got James consoling her while she fake-cries, and most of them think she’s the innocent bystander in this. I really hope J-Mac wins HOH.
Well Vanessa caught Clay lying to her. She also heard one part of a conversation in which JMac was telling Clay to “act mopey.” These were a combination of Clay trying to cover for JMac who said he thinks Van is in Shelli’s (James didn’t say that) and JMac’s ignorance of the dynamics of the vote. But to Van this was like a double whammy that made her question Clay’s true intentions. Is HE the one telling JMac that Van is in Shelli’s head so please vote Shelli out? No, it was JMac himself who said that but Van doesn’t know that and Clay protected him by not revealing it. Why would someone tell him to “act” mopey unless they thought Clay was really staying but wanted to think he was being evicted? Is it because Clay KNOWS he’s staying after telling Van to vote him out? This ought to strike Van as far fetched right off the bet but she can’t figure that out and goes off. That whole thing was just John mistakenly believing that his vote was going to help Clay stay although the rest of the house thinks he’s going. John was out of the loop is all.
So Van isn’t wrong to be suspicious about all of this even thought the explanation isn’t what she thinks it might be but she gets way too emotional about this stuff.
Oh this is sickening. A shit eating grin is bad enough on anyone but with old horse teeth its a thousand times worse. I have a sinking feeling that Shelli will stay and win HOH, that kind of crap always happens and she will be insufferable. She won’t have the boytoy around to play with and she will probably become even nastier without the mancandy stroking her.
James made a monumental mistake in not putting up Liz or Vanessa against Shellie. They did discuss it but for some reason (Vanessa made him a deal but Liz didn’t) James seems to trust Austin to the point where he put all of his trust in him and it backfired. I can’t imagine why he would do that considering they had no history to make him believe that Austin would keep his word. Many people here called it and they were right, you just don’t take those risks with people you are uncertain of.
Clay, taking one for J-Mac…now I really wish he would stay, clear his head, and team up with Mac ATTACK!
This sucks. Why can’t they get rid of Shelly? I
I would want Jackie, Becky, or Johnny to win the next HOH. They have Vanessa all figured out, and will be the ones to take a shot at her.
In the meantime, buh-bye Clay. I was wanting Shelli to leave, but you don’t deserve to be in that house in the first place and you were never going to win anyway, so it woulda happened sooner or later anyway.
I think its time. they refuse to give us a “BB Takeover”…so no Zach Rance takeover? couldn’t afford the pink hats and fruit loops. so because of this, I want an ATTACK.
there is only one person in the house who can do this, and its MAC ATTACK. time for an HOH win and the most unpredictable HOH reign in the history of the house. I can see him tossing out 3-5 names and going with who he doesn’t mention. J-Mac or Steve for HOH!
Clay is such a pu$$y. Hopefully Jackie or Becky wins HOH. If Meg won HOH she is so clueless she might put herself up. Maybe Vanessa’s game is finally being figured out by the household. Another week of chiclet teeth. Hopefully we see more tears from her.
HaHa…your comment about Meg putting herself up, just killed me…Awww…Poor Meg…HaHa…I could just see it now, “Um, Meg…you know you’re HOH, right? (puzzled look from Meg)”
I really hope that some of these people vote the way they want instead of the way they have been telling everyone to vote. It would be so much mroe interesting if nobody knew who was voting for who. Instead its all planned out and there’s no surprise, no blindsides and they are almost always unanimous or close to it.
I actually admire that James has been telling people to vote how they want. He might tell them who he wants to go but I don’t see any bullying and its rich when the others call his actions bullying considering how they have played.
I’m surprised that James didn’t at least try to convince Austin to keep Clay by playing the men vs women card. There are currently 7 women and 5 men and with Clay gone it goes to 7-4. Austin will now be in an alliance with 4 women, does he really expect them to take him to the end? Unfortunately Austin is so mesmerized by Liz that he is just a blob of hair and ink at this point.
Great description of Austin…blob of hair and ink! LOL
LMAO- Ausitn as a blob of hair and ink. Just curious, is his ink as smelly as his hair? Would ask Liz but can’t get a word in between her loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiines.
If you’re gonna tell a lie, just make sure it’s not about Batshit Vanessa.
Are the feeds down right now? Since I live in Europe I can’t buy myself the feeds but can use external websites to stream them. I found one but I’m not sure how legit it is. 😛
I can’t stand clay for quitting and I didn’t think I could NOT like Shell even more but I do. She really is not good looking I dont understand why clay is with her AND SHELFISH For letting Clay quit the game she’s gross.
OK wait i’m confused just like the other hgs did i just hear Austin telling the twins they need to evict Shelli ?? someone fills me in please i’m really confused
I will be reading this blog like crazy to find out who wins HOH tonight. The suspense is killing me! I ain’t waiting for the west coast broadcast.
Clear cut line drawn now.
There’s no turning back.
Whose gonna go first, or even make it to the finals. I’m eager to see it all, and find out.
Drama on live feeds was fabulous!!!! I love it!!!!! :):):)
James did bully everyone with the ” vote my way or I’ll put you up for replacement” and made a deal with everyone in the house for safety….
I wish that when Clay walks out tonight that the studio audience boo’s his arse for being a quitter. Or even better his mom rushes the stage and beats him with her purse….lol
Unfortunately he wont get booed. He will just mumble to Julie about how he found something bigger than a game (…barf….).
Usually the type-casted all American athletic guy has some fight. Clay has been a total bust.
also, why is this another endurance comp? they just had one, why do it again? just so we can be sure Shelli or Jmac win it, cuz they were last to drop last time, and James isn’t playing this one.
I disagree with doing another endurance one, tho i suppose this one will be regular week, and Julie will announce a double evict (for all the short and fast comps, including that one with the maze cutout thing you have to push something thru for one of the POVs?) for next week. in the meantime some useless HOH will evict an interesting or a useless non player and everything will go smoothly, then the double evict they will be waiting for, because whatever should be done on this next HOH won’t be done since everyone is still saying ‘too soon, too soon?”
Why even put in clay if he doesn’t like the game and just coming off like a dickhead. America’s sweetheart, no more like dirt bag. What a waste of space to the show.
Seems like Big Brother has fun casting stereotypes, and I kinda like it. Clay is the total frat-boy, douche bag stereotype complete with douche bag hair. For any good reality show you gotta have some people you cannot stand. Clay does a good job filling that role. Part of the reason I do really like James is because he is the perfect anti-stereotype.
Shit…is BB gonna be on time tonite or ?
Isn’t there a presidential debate???
Yes. Debate is only on Fox.
I am so sick of people calling others a bully. If you look up the definition I believe Vanessa fits the definition better than anyone in the game.
a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people.
HOWEVER, this is Big Brother and houseguests should expect that there would be pressure to keep the HOH happy each week. That’s not bullying. That’s called game play. Stop using the term bully.
After a blow up like this, great news that its an endurance comp (and not a true/false quickie). Bad blood is building up in the house and needs a comp that shows heart.
But this means that Meg and Jackie have little chance outlasting everyone in an endurance comp. There only chance was a crapshoot quick live comp.
(At least no more cuddlefest after tonight).
James should have knocked his veneers out!! I think this is Vanessa plan to get everyone mad at Clay so he can be voted out. But I think it’s gonna backfire on Vanessa cuz she thinks she is the only one that has a secret alliance. Becky and Johnny. Becky will figure it out but I don’t know if she will have enough time b4 the live show. This should scare Austin and the twins bcz Vanessa going to do them the same way when it’s time to axe them. They are so stupid. They make Vanessa Kray-Kray Azz look more strategic than not.
OMG! I LOVE this season!,! Lmao, you never know what will happen next. I know that there are times that those you don’t like are in power but you gotta admit that this is as exciting of a season as we can get with all the drama and flips…..and that’s without BB coming thru with the “weekly twists”!
If you loved it so far, it just got better with what looks like some major fighting going on. Van vs James and then Clay and then JMac. Some high lights from Jokers:
She (Van) said do you have something against me personally and he (James)said no. She said why have you been talking about me. He said he didn’t. Van said iMac told her that James said that Vanessa was coming after Mac and van was in Shellie’s head so Shellie needs to go. James denies saying this. Van fearing out unsure what to believe. James says lets go get Mac and confront him. Van says it was actually Clay that told me this. James was very mad. He stormed out and said he was going to tell Clay to keep his name out of his mouth. James storms into the purple room. Clay is laying in bed. James says Clay keep my name out of your damn mouth. Clay says shut up get out here. James says don’t be talking about me. Coward. Turns to leave. Clay goes out of bed in James face cut to fish.
Now Van asks John/Clay if they’re related because that’s the only way it makes sense. Both laugh and say no. She keeps saying it’s the only way it makes sense…they are related or “gay lovers”
Right before the feeds went to the Jeff reel, Vanessa said “You’re a terrible liar Johnny Mac!
Seems Jmav and Steve are targetting Vanessa and might actually try to win the this HOH.
You were doing ok until the last sentence. JMac is targeting Van but Steve just nodded his head basically. No kind of agreement from Steve at all just questions about JMac’s intentions and the reasons for them. Very good chance everything JMac told him goes back to Vanessa who he has the closest relationship to.
I dont get the james love…. I can’t stand him, shelli please win HOH tonight and get James out. Meg has done nothing why are people liking her?
Purely because he had the balls to put up Chelli and stuck to it. After snoringly watching Derrick roll through everyone last year, it was good to see someone stand up to the cult of Chelli.
And Shelli is disgusting so even a crude simpleton like James is briefly liked.
People like James because he’s not a coward, and because he’s honest and loyal.
He’s a really solid guy; aside from the messed up stories he tells. He may have some bad qualities but he has a ton of redeeming qualities as well.
You can’t just look at the bad with someone; you gotta look at the good too, and James has a lot of good qualities.
I’m not sure if it was discussed here and I missed it but OMGblog just posted something about Shelli and Clay having a conversation about having a token black friend. Yikes.
It would be helpful to give us more information, You gave a tease piece of info, let us all in. Thanks
Clay played free safety for Texas A&M, basically 90% all black team. He is not racist.
If anything he was the token white guy in the defensive backs rotation.
It’s nothing!!!
Just Clay talking about a friend of his named Bookie who is the token black friend.
If you really want to see it, just type in OMG Blog Clay & Shelli Token Black Friend.
The only thing bad that came out of the video was hearing Shelli’s voice for the first time
Today hoh comp will be the egg comp or slip slop comp. I do not think it would be hang twice in the row. I hoping jmac or jackie wins hoh this week. Clay should receive boos just because of the way he played and being a quitter for some girl that probably will have a relationship for one year. I hope steve realizes he won’t win bb if he is the final 2 with vanessa because he didn’t do any moves it was all her. She came up with the plans and everything and won comps steve just being her pet. IF got to final she will be good because she is a great mental competitor you seen her won two mental comps.
What the hell? Are they putting whatever Audrey was on into the cereal?
I go out for a couple of hours and it’s going to take me a couple more to figure out what’s going on.
How often do the feeds resume after they cut for eviction rehearsal? What kind of pep talk did they give them, anyway? odd. Almost like they didn’t have enough drama involved in the eviction episode. weird. really weird. something hinky is going on. there’s a lot of out of character stuff happening. Just plain odd.
I’m not complaining that it seems like a lot of games have been exposed, because now I can watch how people adapt. Usually seeing good players adapt their game plans is what makes me decide who I want to do well in the game. Conversely I enjoy watching bad players go down in flames through failure to adapt. finally.
So, is this going to be the first hoh where nobody throws the comp? Well part of me still thinks Austin will throw it. Just a feeling i’m getting.
Still don’t care which one leaves out of Shelli and Clay. Just hurry up and evict one of them.
Awww look at little Clay acting for the cameras. He really that mad the tables turned on the entitled couple? Nah he mad that he,can’t get a lil of Meg and Shelli action.From the way he gripped Meg’s shirt, you only do that to hold a girl tight cmon that wasn’t no “friendly” hug in any way. I hope someone other than Shelli or Vanessa wins HOH only then will the mom’s be somewhat unpredictible.
James is a big ole jacka$$ pervert pig. Clay is a gentleman pushed too far. Down thumb all you want but he is sticking up for his lady, not dishing disgusting bedroom details to titillate others including all feedsters. If anyone needs teeth knocked out it is James. I will laugh and laugh when he gets the boot.
A gentleman??? Must be an A&M troll. Go back to Kyle Field and j/o to Johnny Manziel and John David Crow
CALM DOWN!!!! Someone obviously needs to stop doing Big Brother all together…Do some gardening…Find a hobby…Get a life & quite making silly comments.
Clay isolated his game with Shelli which isn’t good This isn’t a natural flowing connection or relationship.But she didn’t care as long as she got her claws into him before he was able to connect with some of the other females. And he chose to play the game like that. But age sometimes is a big factor in knowing how to manipulate someone in a relationship. Manipulation doesn’t have to be sinister but selfish and controlling.I wonder how they would have come off playing separate games. Now, even if down deep down he wanted to stay, I would think he would feel like an a**hole going against her since he has respect and even admiration for her in the house.But I really think they thought they were going to go through the game and not be on the block since their alliance was so big with having two very strong players. And with them ushering in a twin(who does that) they thought they were well covered. This whole season is better than last year’s massage parlor season. I just wonder when Audrey came in and took over Vanessa’s body. But she liked to cast spells right…lol
Finally a good fight. Haven’t had one since Jace left. That gave me a big brothergasm.
Ok. I really liked Vanessa. But there was no reason for that whole scene. She had EVERYTHING going her way and now even those in her corner are going to want to get her out. Stupid play. Ah well fun for us on the feeds but still. This whole thing was not necessary.
She has Johnny Mac against her now, so this could backfire on her now.
The main bully about the votes was Jackie. Can’t stand the Jackie/meg/James group at all. I think most of the smirks from Shelli have been directed at meg bc anyone can see how bad she wants Clay but for some reason she doesn’t call her out on it. Most women would have already handled that $..t. But who knows. I have a feeling BB may announce a rewind.. They have been saying all week “this is the good ole days”. Makes a perfect set up to say lets go back to the good ole days.. Plus its an endurance comp.. Could be the same one.. Would be awesome to see all their faces especially since everyone but jmac threw Clelli UTB thinking one was going home. Lol
Vanessa you have been trying to get Johnny Mac and Becky for weeks caught in a bunch of lies…Vanessa needs to go next she has her hand in every eviction. Since it seems like Shelli is staying leave her in the house for another week the most dangerous player is vanessa she turns on everyone, they need to get her out! Endurance comp huh Big Brother so the show wants Shelli or Johnny Mac to win I guess based on last weeks results!
Endurance comp? Reason- production making sure the big guy (Austin) won’t win and that JMac wins. Because they know Jmac will do good . he did good before. So you most likely get your way with JMac coming out as winner. Very staged. UGH
I think if its endurance comp tnite it might be the skating one where u transfer water into a jar n its set up for jackie to win since shes a prof dancer who has strong legs… we shall see but I just want to see a good comp and every1 going full out for it not dropping like flies cuz there scared. If it is skating one watch the twins or austin go for the 5k… vaneesa is def #1 target and if they dnt win I see vanessa n shellie up with vanessa going… she had too many deals with too many ppl n talked too much… huge target…