Lisa “Did my name come out of your mouth? Cam “Yes, I didn’t know if I could trust you. I saw you talking & I wasn’t involved.”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Angela
Nominees: Kimo, Lisa, Kenney
POV Players: Kimo, Lisa, Kenny, Brooklyn, Angela, Joseph (Tucker is the host)
POV Winner: Lisa
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: Quinn, Tucker, Cam, Kimo

DEEP FAKE HOH Upgrade: Quinn
AMERICA’S VETO Upgrade: Makensy
MASCOT: Cedric & Chelsie

11:26am The live feeds come back. All the house guests are in the kitchen chatting.
Angela is clearing the air with Leah. They hug.

11:49am Bathroom – Chelsie and Brooklyn.
Chelsie – Angela basically is not working or wants anything to do with us and such. I’m confused because I feel like with Angela I intentionally didn’t say anything if I were even with her crazy actions yesterday because she she honored me and not putting me up in a way when she could have been mean and I felt like I just wanted to honor that and I think I just think you’re under radar in a negative way and a negative way on it. Chelsie about Matt – I don’t even think he’s a model. He’s not. Tucker is Tucker. Tucker, you can you can tell that he models. He’s somebody’s kid, he’s a famous person’s kid I freaking know it. Brooklyn – Kenny thinks that if it is him and Matt, he is going home.. but that if it is him and Kimo he is staying.

12pm – 12:40pm Unicorn Bedroom – Lisa and Cam
Lisa – if you come this way, are you okay to leave that? Cam – I am not trying to make ..I’m not trying to have people think that I’m playing both sides. Or playing but I am literally just hearing and feeling people out and then after tomorrow or after today. I’d like to see how the house is. Lisa – We need people in the circle to think about things that others don’t think about to make us all better. Like we all have our strengths. You and I are very similar in how our brains work. You’re on board to be here and be fully present here and to do your best. Lisa – is there anything that you need to tell me about your conversation with Angela. Did my name come out of your mouth. Cam – me, 100 percent and that’s exactly what I know I’m going to tell you the truth because I said like I do trust you like as a human but I was having doubts about trusting in the game and that is that is 100% that that is 100% what I said because I was having that mind f**k. I saw you talking to people and I wasn’t involved. Lisa – so my name did come out of your mouth? Cam – yeah like that and that’s exactly what I expressed to you just now what I expressed was that I didn’t know if I could trust you because I saw you talking and I was not involved.

Lisa – be careful with Joseph hard pass. I already know this .. I’m already watching it. He literally said I like to float by and then when I get bored I like to go somewhere else. He called himself a floater. He doesn’t treat me with anything until I have power and then he inserts himself and I’m gonna keep playing him and being nice not playing him but I’m going to be nice but I don’t trust him.

12:30pm – 12:45pm Bathroom – Lisa and Matt
Matt – if you want to work together, you need to let me know. Lisa – I just need a little more time. Matt – If you don’t want to work with her (Angela) then you need to let me know soon so I can try to help you because I think in the next couple days it’s going to be too far gone. Something will probably get locked and then I can’t do anything about it so that’s the truth. Lisa – I need a little bit more time. I do just because I want to see how the competitions play out if you know?

1pm Backyard – Leah and Kimo.
Leah – I’m being very calculated about who I trust I’m like I feel like I’ll be honest with you like I have I’ve heard like a few people be like and this is me being them like they’re like everyone’s coming to me an like talking like I don’t know what to do. I’ll be honest with you there’s not everybody’s not coming to me like a fucking leader and like I like that I don’t want I don’t want to like look like a tyrant and look like a target on the start like I kind of hope that I’m like sliding along the edge and like no one’s thinking of me right now like that’s kind of what I really hope.

Leah – I’m an honest friend that makes me an honest player I have no reason I’m not the kind I’m not I don’t even have to say this and I hate when people describe who they are. I’m not the kind of person that pins people against each other because I need to get my own perspective perspective and also I’ve never been the kind of person brick I forgot like kind of where I was going but like I just oh I remember I’ve never been a follower. I’m very observant. I have my own opinions I’m not closed minded I have an open mind. I’m not following anyone and I’m not going to win this game by dragging on people’s coattails and being a people pleaser. That’s one thing that I am not you know I laugh I cry I relate I love a touching moment. I love getting to know people. I love fostering and building relationships.

1:07pm HOH room – Angela talking to the camera
Angela – So either way, I put him up there. He’s not going home. And that’s why he hasn’t come to talk to me, not because I told him not to, but he that’s why he hasn’t come to talk to me. Everyone’s expecting me to do the expected. But this is Big Brother and with Big Brother, you need to expect the unexpected. I don’t know if this is stupid or if this is smart, but either way, it doesn’t matter because he’s not going home. So me making a point to put him up there doesn’t benefit me. I want to talk to Lisa. I want to see where her head is at because she’s going to know the same thing when I explain this to her. But if I don’t put him up there, when Lisa uses her power, I have to name somebody to go up there. And there isn’t one person that stands out to put up there. So guess what that means. I have to go and talk to his butt. Make some sort of amends and figure out who he wants to put up there and give him power because everybody’s working with him. Or do I take this decision to the have not room with the boys that are in there who have a very, very good group alliance. Lisa joins Angela in the HOH room. Angela – help me make this decision. Big Brother expect the unexpected Big Brother my game.

People are expecting the expected which is for me to put him up. I put him up on the block. He could win. He comes back into the game. He could not win. He is still coming back in the game. Im going to live with him again another week anyway. I am. That’s the bottom line. The whole house is with him. No one’s voting him off. The plan is Kenny. It always has been Kenny for everybody. It’ll be Kenny okay. But now I pissed him off even more. He’s coming back no matter what. I am a sure bit to vote off the following week with the entire house. Do I do the expected? Put him up there. The outcome is going to be the same. But now I’ve pissed him off and his people do. I put someone else up. But there isn’t another person that I can think of that deserves that. No one deserves it. No one deserves that. It’s a game. But now look at another target on my back from somebody else in the house. You said you want a guy up there, but those boys right there, I cannot do that. I cannot. Lisa – What boys? Angela – The havenot room. They have been dealing with the crap all week. They have been through the shit. They don’t get to eat. That’s heartless. Now Im heartless too. Please help me. Who are you thinking about? Help me. Lisa – I don’t know. I don’t know, because it’s not my HOH. Angela – I need an advice. Lisa – I wouldn’t do havenots. Angela – No, I couldn’t do that to them. Lisa – Your easiest bet is Matt. But if you’re not going Matt and you can’t decide on another guy to put up. And it’s not in your gameplay to go. Maybe you’re right. Girls, maybe you’re right. Lisa – So just like, honor your character within that within the game. So if I don’t put him up, which is very expected. But he thinks he’s going up. Talk to him and see if there’s anything that he can give me that he can give you or that you can believe or that knowing he is still going to play you at any point. Get more information out of him first apologize and then information like what I know that I would be your target coming back into the house that is very clear is there any wiggle room with that if I don’t put you on the block. Angela – God you’re so good.

1:33pm Bathroom – Angela, Matt
Angela – I just want to, like, apologize to you with my whole heart. This is not to gain your favor or anything like that. This is just that I brought people into this that didn’t with what I had to say. Like I brought people into it that I should not have. Sorry. I’m not going to get too emotional about this, but I never should have brought your mom into it. And then reflecting on what I had to say that I did. I truly did do that. And so my mom’s perspective from person to person. Like I wholeheartedly 100 percent. For me to bring in your mom and then to bring in MJ cuz I love her so much. I think she’s great. She’s playing a good game. People love her they gravitate towards both of you like both of you are just a lot of people in this house are great but you guys know you’re great and so you you see where Im going with that I should not have brought her name into it that was really really really wrong bringing your mom into it especially she’s not even in this game. I have also apologized to MJ for it again. Matt – my plan right in front of the house before I left apologize to you publicly and then I would have walked out there and with Julie and told America that I forgave you. I forgive you.
1:40pm – 2:08pm Matt – At the start of 2024 I had a really, really terrible relationship situation happen to me at the beginning of this year that destroyed me mentally and l had to realize that moving forward I cannot process my emotions the way that I have the last 24 years of my life and so it because it was so tragic and detrimental and traumatic I was forced to learn how to manage my emotions better it is a long journey and a lot of work but I have tried my best.

Matt – this is the honest truth and I and you will watch this in three months you will watch this in three months. We’ll see it all is right before you came down I was going to go up to your room to tell you I was going to work with you and you will watch it in three months. I knew that people are obviously getting paranoid about me and Leah Makensy which is obvious and so I’ve spent that morning talking with Leah and Makensy and myself to say I think we should ride with Angela and Joseph and so you’ll watch it. I go in the kitchen here I’m trying to catch Joseph’s eyes so we could come up and talk to you. Matt tells the story about his mom and how much she influenced him. He tells Angela about how he turned his life around and studied the bible. My mom paid for my education because she couldn’t have it. Angela – if I don’t put you up, I have to put someone else up. Even if I put you up it would be Kenny. If I don’t put you up its going to be Kenny. I don’t want to put you up. If I didn’t put you up there.. On my heart, on the bible we are good. Matt – I forgive you. Angela – I am going to prove to you today that by turning that narrative that I put out there. With that said, I don’t want to put you up there. If I didn’t put you up there do I win any favour with you. Matt – I forgive you and I apologize. Angela – I hope you are throwing me a bone with this. Matt asks for a hug. Matt – the best I can say right now is that I can put it back to zero. If I win next week I can put it back to zero …and you could benefit my game.

2:45pm The house guests are laying around chatting and enjoying the day.

3:30pm HOH room – Cam and Angela.
Angela – I just just trying to explain myself away kind of seems like stupid I know but I don’t want all of you guys to think like I’m this loose cannon this crazy woman and you and and a lot of the other guys
and some of the women have been really supportive and the guys know like I was all over the place and I am so sorry. Like that is not me on an everyday kind of basis that is not me so I just hope you know that you know that I adore you and and I let the paranoia get a hold of me and I shouldn’t have. Cam – and I think and I think that’s happening to all of us and with you being in power its at a heightened level. The game just got to you. Angela – he says that he forgives me so we’re moving past it.

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Word of warning to EVERYBODY…
DO NOT do a drinking game about this group of house guests with the word LIKE because the possibility of coming down with alcohol poisoning is extremally HIGH,

Last night/wee hours of this morning, I had to stop watching because the constant usage of the word LIKE was WAY WAY BEYOND ridiculous,

Paul Sucks

Holy cow, watching Matt and Angela and like, they keep saying like all the time.

PS – like Matt does have some serious crazy eye!!!

More Whine, please

Seriously though, Matt does have crazy eyes.

un autre nom

the rivalry between Matt and Angela essentially boils down to…
he didn’t hug her after the nomination ceremony?
The feeling that Joseph had turned on her was because he didn’t look at her when she thought he should have (she told Joseph that yesterday).
The feeling that Quinn and Chelsie turned on her is because they didn’t come talk to her when she wanted them to without telling them she wanted to….. (from her talk with Quinn when she asked if he’d turned on her, and her talk to Cedric about Chelsie/Collective).

Yeah… I wanna live with THAT all summer.
oy fuqety vey.
This kind of needy validation seeking paranoia spouting… it’s too much. WAY too much.

So now Kenney is the target again?
So now Lisa is the assistant HOH crazywhisperer?

un autre nom

Post Apology talk that turned into who should be pawn volunteer talk with Matt…
Angela apologizes in camtalk to Kenney’s family.
She thinks Quinn has told Matt he has the power even though Matt said maybe T’Kor had it, because Matt’s a bad liar.
She thinks Brooklin is against her (direct competition in the mom role in the game).
She thinks when Lisa shares her non-existent power with Angela they will get sweet revenge and take out Matt later.

She slept. Can’t base it on sleep deprived anymore. She’s just… making shit up in her head and saying it like it’s true.

un autre nom

Wingnut is in HOH writing fanfic about the season she’s actually playing on Big Brother… and deciding it’s the gospel.
So Cam has turned on Angela and poor T’Kor for Crazy Eyes is her newest delusion.
Nobody has approached T’Kor about the pawning errand she sent Matt to complete.
Angela believes Matt and Tucker in cahoots have sent Cam to exploit poor T’Kor into volunteering for pawn duty.
Didn’t happen, but her retells should be fabulously deranged.

Meanwhile by the pool:
Matt told Tucker that his name came up when Angela was reviewing pawns with him.
Tucker plays like he’d be fine if that’s what Angela wants (he would not be fine with it).
Matt also tells Tucker T’Kor’s name came up. Matt is making it sound like the names were Angela’s idea. Matt brought them up.

Anyone still under the spell of we need more players like Angela cast on Big Brother… why? I mean, we’re long past the days of taking the family on a trip to the local asylum like a human zoo to be entertained by the mentally ill and their cute and odd behavioral issues and quirks.

Constructive Correction

Angela is a lot of things, but not a wingnut. That word describes a person with irrational political views.

un autre nom

In my hometown childhood vernacular a wingnut was just another term for tells themselves stories in their head and tells people their real.
My bad for falling back into childhood terminology.


This season is so chaotic, I love it

Mean Jean

I will not be able to listen to Matt or Angela for the hole season. Like please vote them out.

un autre nom

As predicted…. Tucker was not okay with the pawn idea.
Tucker then pushed his version of the story to Cam.
It’s all a plot by Matt and the girls to get rid of Tucker.
They count votes to get rid of Matt.
Somewhere along the line Tucker has gotten the idea the power up is 2 votes to offset the lost 2 votes. He thinks Joseph has that power… or Matt has it (or he’s making up a scare tactic to make people fear that Matt has a power).

Tucker’s read of house dynamic is about what you would expect from the guy that told people he wanted to lone wolf and not be in any alliancees…. then got pissy nobody talked game to him.

Tucker goes to Angela with the get Matt talk.
How I’m interpretting this in crazyhead camtalk coming soon:
Tucker is against Lisa, my person, and he and all the boys have joined together in an alliance just as i suspected. Tucker pushing he HAS Joseph is part of that.
Angela is going to end up feeling like she was being threatened and coerced.

Meanwhile she’s still thinking resume move is taking out the alphamale that had one of the worst times in the night one comp. He’s a moron and talks too much with ego his game can’t cash….and he has some douche opinions and a really bad ideas about what makes a big brother winner, but has no game really. Big resume move. sideye. If I liked him or his game, I’d worry for him. Right now I just wonder how he makes it five feet down a hallway without getting lost.


FORGET about Matt’s eyes.
I got so distracted with the like business I forgot to bring up the ice cream business.
He ate DIRECTLY out of the ice-cream tub (when he was in the storage room) and then but it back. And, nobody (as far as I could tell) that was in there with him batted an eye!!!

HE HAS GOT TO GO, sooner rather than later if for no other reason than just that reason.