Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Chelsie
Nominees: Angela and Kimo
POV Players: Chelsie, Quinn, Rubina, Makensy, Angela, Kimo
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony:?
Havenots: No havenots this week.
11:56am HOH room – Quinn, Leah and Chelsie
They’re talking about past veto competitions. Makensy – I don’t want it to be the ball one! I’m tired! Does anyone need anything? Other than the will to live? Makensy leaves. Quinn – All the comps are like all the iconic comps are kind of ruined because everyone watches the same like Youtube videos in preparation. Chelsie – But they’ve been adding spins to all the iconic comps for for that specific reason. Like the egg one that we did, they putting that maze on there. Quinn – Yeah. Chelsie – Was that new? Quinn – They had done it before, but it was just one in the centre.
Leah – This is also what she said today down there. She was pouring her heart out. And that’s why I don’t want to just make it to jury because it’s not even for me it’s because my grandkids see me on the TV and they and if I’m in the jury house they won’t see me on TV and it’ll be harder for I’m like Oh Jesus! Quinn – stuff like that I’m not gonna lie, I do understand people missing their families. Yeah at the same time we signed up we signed up I grew up a military brat we’re not at war it’s fine guys not at war and we’re on TV literally they know we’re good. So like I understand when people miss their families because that is like the most human thing ever but our families know we’re okay. Leah – its also using it as like a guilt trip to all the people that are also missing their families. Quinn – yeah! But also like her kids are our age and her grandkids have their parents. They’re good!
Chelsie – You’ll get a kick out of this. I was a little direct and spicy with her. So I was trying to explain to her the reason for my consideration of nominating her. And so then she burst out in tears and She was like Chelsie. Like I’ve had we came in here together in this house and tried to guilt trip me and you’re about women succeeding and blah blah all this like stuff about what I’m about what I stand for and I was like let’s not go there and then she was like oh wait I’m not done like I was HOH twice and you were never consideration for my nominations and I was just like I listened to her but it wasn’t so after the fact I was like okay Week one you had 15 other options really. her second one she had zero she wasn’t gonna be age away she couldn’t do anything so she tried to say basically like how dare I put up somebody like her and then she was like I was like Angela I’m sorry if there was anybody else that want Ho H this week you know you would be going up and probably as a backdoor option so I’m letting you play in the veto and I don’t think you’re seeing that there’s grace in that that you can still pull out a win in this she was like I said so anybody would do that you’re a threat to this house in multiple ways. She was like but tell me why Chelsie why am I a threat because I’m just a fifty one year old lady and I just I said hold on hold on hold on ohh no before I interrupted her she was like I just for the first half of of this game I’ve been seen as like the the mean Granny I want my grandkids to see me better in the second half and I don’t know why people are viewing me as blah blah blah and I said I’m gonna stop you here and offer you a different side of the coin. Will you allow
me to do that? She’s like yeah I said you are perceived the way you are because of your actions not because of anybody else’s so you complaining to me or whining because people perceive you as a threat has nothing to do with your age absolutely nothing no as everything to do with how you’ve treated people you’ve called out eight people in this house that is half the cast and you are asking me why you see yourself on the block then I was like and I’ll top up all of that Angela let’s just be real you have been whoever goes up against you on the block they’re in danger and you’re refusing to see that you had two vetoes used on you and we’re only eight weeks in and I said you seen Big Brother and so have I people who have been used as pawns and shields and made it all the way have won and then people have had to play survival games I brought you into the conversation since week 1 or Taylor a couple seasons ago have had to play a survival season or games since week one can’t be all poor pitiful means she said that like she was upset that I wasn’t considering people who haven’t touched the block given that she’s like Chelsea you’ve only touched the block once I was like and then certain people haven’t touched the block at all and you need to consider them and I was like Angela just because I’ve only touched the block once doesn’t mean that’s the only hard part of my game since I’ve been here. There are other factors of this game that make this game hard. Alliances blowing up, multiple lies not only about me as a game player but me as a person. So let’s not talk and compare hard because last time I checked, you had two vetos used on you and you were supposed to go home week two. Remind you still here? So I was trying to show her that her game has been she has had a protected game thus far and she is very blessed to have made it this. You won’t even recognize it or not gives me for putting her up on the block this week after she she very well should have gone home week two. And now she wants to make me feel away is like I just wasn’t happening. I shut it down so fast with her yesterday but she was trying to talk in circles.
12:38pm Big Brother blocks the feeds for the Power of Veto competition..
2:20pm still blocked
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Can we see a Top 4 made up entirely of women like in Survivor Season 16?
only if it’s NOT Angela
With $700,000 at stake, it would be a foolish decision for these participants not to bring Angela to the finals
Any idea what time will the veto competition ends? What comp do you think was played?
I’m starting to feel like I’ve spent 7 weeks on a bus trip with complete strangers… that I’ve decided I’m not fond of.
We’ve got Karengela sitting by the driver, Bus Driver Grod. Nobody likes listening to Karengela talk about her family ad nauseum, and everybody is getting sick of her tattlng and crying and picking fights with the other passengers only to cry victim.
A couple rows back we’ve got the mantrap that half the bus swears miiiiiight be doing funny stuff with the guys for cigarettes every time we make a rest stop… and the barely pubescent socially awkward moron that thinks this is his chance to touch his first boob… not gonna happen.
The always 2 days behind on where we are on the map girl has locked herself in the bathroom again… we’re voting on whether or not to leave her in there.
Then we’ve got a trio of annoying children… somebody shut them the hell up or I swear I’m gonna throw one out the window. They’ve elected the girl with the lampshade on her head to be their leader…. and she wants the bus to sit in order of race…. Rosa Parks this girl is NOT.
Sitting near the back of the bus is the old maybe dating for years but never got married couple… and damned if she isn’t the most henpecking wannabe tour guide bitch I’ve ever heard. Run buddy… that woman is…. just get off the bus at the next stop and RUN.
Next time I’m taking the train.
“ They’ve elected the girl with the lampshade on her head to be their leader…. and she wants the bus to sit in order of race…. Rosa Parks this girl is NOT.” OOOOOOO….. brutal but very funny & true.
Remember when I said this season is low hanging fruit?
And took forever to find the wrong answers.
Blindfolded Giraffe wins Veto… by answering ONE question correctly.
Tell me again that this season is filled with contenders.
OTEV has been going downhill for a few years….
BUT 5 people out on the first question is a new LOW.
You always use the word “giraffe” to describe MK. Let’s stop that shall we? Because I have a long neck, I was called that when younger. That’s just bullying. And you continue to bully “angela style”