POV Holder: | Jessie | Next POV | Aug 10th |
POV Used | YES | POV Ceremony | Aug 12th |
HOH Winner: | GM | Next HOH: | Aug 8th |
Original Nominations: | Candice, Jessie and Amanda (MVP Nom) | ||
Current Nominations: | Candice, Spencer and Amanda (MVP Nom) | Last Evicted Houseguest | David, Nick, Jeremy, Kaitlin, Howard |
Have Nots | no have nots this week |
5:33pm Cockpit Aaryn and Helen
Helen saying they have to be really cautious with JUDD. Helen thinks JUDD has the potential to mastermind a McCrae, JUDD, Spencer and Andy alliance if Amanda leaves.
Helen is afraid of JUDD she knows he’s capable of being a “mastermind”. She has talked to friends and everyone is onboard with backd**ring JUDD if they get a chance during double eviction.
Helen: ‘The good thing about keeping Amanda in the game is she keeps McCrae in check.. Amanda Is why McCrae isn’t coming after us”
Aaryn wants to make sure they are still on board with getting Candice out. Helen is explains this is Elissa and hers way of showing Gm/Aaryn they can be trusted moving forward.
Helen: “Let’s go after the guys so they don’t brigade us in this game”
Aaryn agrees says that JUDD is always keeping tabs on her. she isn’t trusting him.
5:54pm Cockpit Helen and Spencer
(For every word Helen speaks there are 5 “You knows” if you are playing the OBB drinking game this season you are now flat drunk)
Helen saying Jessie wants to flip the house so she can get a better position on the totem pole. Helen wants Spencer to know they are all voting Candice out.
Helen says her and Elissa wanted Aaryn out when JUDD won HOH. Helen mentions Jessie making up this deal to keep Aaryn in the house then leaking the deal to Candice and claiming it was a mistake. Helen adds that Jessie has made up stories about Kaitlin that it why Helen voted her out otherwise Helen would have stuck to her deal.
Helen about Jessie “She hates Amanda and wants to flip the house.. You know.. she came to me.. you know.. tells me .. you know.. I’m the bottom of the totem pole.. you know .. she wants me to help her flip the house you know.. she feels like she will be targeted every week you know“
Spencer brings up how Jessie told him if she won HOH she’s going to put him up because that is what the house wants. Spencer stresses that he’s not working with Jessie.
Helen tells him if he’s on the block next week with Jessie she’ll vote to evict Jessie and she thinks enough people will.
Spencer wonders if he has the votes to stay if nominated up against Ginamarie. Helen thinks he does. They hug it out..
6:10pm JUDD and McCrae Have Nots
wondering what to do if ti’s double eviction. JUDD says Jessie is for sure going up beside either a pawn or a big player. He’s worried if a big player goes up they will go home so he’s thinking a pawn is the way to go.
MC says he doesn’t want to use Spencer as a pawn. JUDD says out of all the pawns they can use Spencer has the better chance of going home.
MC suggest GM and Jessie, “We’re getting down to the nitty gritty” . JUDD: “I’ll have to put up someone and be like you are the pawn it’s the only way we can get out Jessie”
JUDD about Jessie: ‘She told Spencer she was going to put him up she’s the worst player of all time’
7:30pm Halfway party feeds down for this
8:08pm Cockpit Spencer, Andy, MC
Amanda is wondering if they are going to get more alcohol. Spencer says Helen already asked they told her no chance in hell.
Use the Big Brother Live Feeds to FLASHBACK to SEE what they can’t show you on TV: BB15 N!p Sl!ps / N*des
Aaryn is going to win that HOH competition, and she’ll nominate Elissa and Jessie.
I think the practice was for the veto comp tomorrow night
Actually, I’m guessing it will be the 2nd HOH comp that they film after the live show tomorrow.
If it’s a common double eviction show, I predict the 1st HOH will be fairly quick, maybe a Before and After quiz.
Then they’ll have to draw veto players, and POV will probably be finding 2 clown shoes in the ball pit (sorry Jeff).
Then live eviction will end the show.
Just my opinion because:
1) That looks like it would take too long, or have an unpredictable time limit, to be on the live show. The finding objects in the ball pit only takes like 2 minutes.
2) Waste of time to have everyone practice if it’s a POV and only 6 will play.
Why would it be for the POV comp? They have a HOH comp tomorrow.
Double eviction night. There will be a POV for sure.
Tomorrow night, there will be an eviction
Then a quick HOH competition
Nomination ceremony
POV competition
POV ceremony
2nd Eviction
HOH competition
All in one night … inhale
I have been bored out of my mind. So much so that I did not watch last Sunday or tonight. Waiting for tomorrow because double eviction is fun and fast paced. It really worked last time for Ian.
HG will find out about jury and something will be reset
No they don’t usually do an HoH after the second eviction. Where did you hear this?
If they don’t do an HOH comp, who’s in the HOH room all week?They will start the HOH comp but the results will be known on BBAD or live feeds when it is done.
any chance that reset can happen BEFORE the first eviction??? game resets and all the nominees and hg’s get to play for a new HOH with the knowledge that everyone that goes home will be going to jury? I mean… GMs HOH would have been worthless but lezbehonest, woulda been anyway.
Can everyone finally stop bitching about Amanda’s CBS edit?! They made her look like shit tonight! Classic
The only reason Amanda looked bad is because she showed her true colors at a time when production cannot completely edit her out – during a competition! The was making her peeps/production look bad there. They could not help it. So we are not easily fooled by her looking remotely like how exactly she is
I noticed that they gave Candice a very good edit – we didn’t get to see her get uppity with Amanda after the Jessie thing. However they had the POV with her & Amanda – which made them both look ridiculous. Be curious to see what happens tomorrow..
Uppity??!! No, it’s called speaking up for yourself.
So true about the edit tonight, they had no choice because it was a pov comp. and they had to show it. My wish for tomorrow: McCrae alone with Candy he grabs her hand and says trust me and wait to see. Then tells Amanda he is going to check in with everyone to make sure Candy is going. If she wants to come while he talks to them he says “no I don’t want you to come off as a bully, so I will do it by myself” He then goes to everyone who is voting and says “vote Amanda out now, it is are only chance” Everyone is shocked, but he tells them it has to be now”. He does this just an hour before the vote. Bye Amanda.
The competition is never the exact same as the practice it seems.
SHE IS TRUELY A B1TCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
america, vote amanda as 3rd nom every week until she is evicted
vote jess as americas player
Jessie starts to try to lead a charge to get Amanda out. She becomes #1 on EVERYONES hit list. I’m starting to buy more and more into this Amanda being predetermined to win this whole thing.
Jessie, can plan to take out Amanda, but she can’t. Helen and Amanda are the female versions of MC. Amanda keeps Aaryn and Gina in check and informs Helen and Helen keeps Jessie and Elissa in check. Jessie can’t make a move without those two knowing. The only way their is even a remote chance of either Amanda or Helen going home, is if Jessie puts up Amanda and Gina and Helen is the MVP candidate. Even under that scenario both Helen and Amanda are probably safe.
i would enjoy seeing amanda on the block every single week
she will eventually get voted out
It’s all in WHO YOU KNOW not WHAT YOU KNOW!!
Simon, Dawg, and others have you realized this season is super stagnant in terms of big moves because everyone is looking for Helen and Amanda to shoot at each other first because they are so “stupid” and nobody has the wits to do it themselves other than Jessie.
As long as Helen and Amanda try to keep each other in the game (for reasons I do not understand) it will become boring until final 7 i think where the lines must be drawn (most noticeably Andy and Aryan)
On Thursday they should just evict everyone and get all new houseguests!
All new house guests except Aaryn. Aaryn is the best player, plus she is the hottest babe BB has ever had. If anything they should make one of the next POV punishments….a mud bath. Aaryn taking a mud bath would be great TV.
I think Jessie will win and also cbs post a pic of the reset button on Instagram what do this mean!!!
If you speak proper English you might get an answer – Ebonics?
Let me guess…you’re an Arynn fan? Ebonics??? Seriously???
You had trouble understanding that with a couple of minor grammar errors? I’ll bet you $1000 that person speaks more languages than you do, pal. Postings that are derogatory about people’s less than perfect English rankle me no end. I’m a high school English teacher – stifle it.
Well now, if you’re an English teacher as you profess, one might think you would know that the sentence structure should read as “rankle me to no end” as opposed to “rankle me no end”. One can only assume you’re teaching an English as a 2nd language course.
It’s a typo..
The purpose of language is to transfer ideas and thoughts with other people. If you can read it and understand it, it matters not how it’s spelled.
NOTE: For all the people who are claiming Candice is really smart and has a good read on the house; she thinks McSlacker is a supergenius nerd when he actually is what he looks like – an embryo curled up next to his master (his master’s teet).
Candice had no game from the get go – she had no clue how to work a deal with people that can’t stand you – which is a major part of Big Brother IMO.
Look, making deals is one thing and dealing with racism is another. Viewers are stating that they hate Amanda, Aaryn, & GM. I think that their slurs are painful to many of us who watch this show. I want this young lady to speak her truth and step out of that BB House with class. At this point, damn the money. She has every right to stand up for herself when the insults “cross the line”. Her skin color is brown. That young lady is labeled a angry woman but the other folks can say what they please….I think not!! Time is moving too slow, I want that young lady out of that house. No one is standing up for Candice, they just whisper how wrong the slurs & insults are against Howard & Candice. The racists & bullies in this house are not sorry about what they say, they mean it!!
You really want to get that point across tonight don’t you? Lol. I guess the men who get the door and Kaitlyn weren’t good players either right? People getting evicted doesn’t have anything to whether they have a good read. This cast dynamic so is about mob voting not having a good read. Sounds like you are saying you have the skills on knowing how to deal with people who don’t like you including catty women, bigots, snakes, and liars. You should enlighten us on your skills, and maybe publish it since apparently you know how to deal with all the dynamics in the house good enough to make it work for you in there. Her game is far from perfect but she’s not the only one that’s walked out the door for being on the wrong side of the mob.
I so sick of all you Amanda haters. Get over it! She said Candice has no game play. It’s true Arron spelled wrong who cares. Worked her way back. Aka sucking up eating crow. She won’t do it BYE BYE!
Ughhh, Helen SUCKS.
If GM or Aaryn leave over Amanda or Helen during the double eviction, I’ll feel indifferent. This is mainly because of how I feel that the fighting in the jury house would be amazing if it were to be Aaryn or GM, heck, even Amanda with Amanda but I want these people to pick up the pace and kick out a good player and start playing…
That’s why they REALLY,need live feeds on the jury house, more more entertaining then this entire season.
I do not think there will be any fighting in jury with Aaryn and maybe not with GM. I think without the outside influences they, especially Candice and Aaryn could talk because Candice has already stated that Aaryn is young and wants to be liked, so she gets that. Not sure about GM but they could probably get beyond their problems might be a little tougher, but if Amanda (keeping fingers crossed) gets sent with Candice then CBS best higher a lot more security. Hope Candice would take her down!
You know, Amanda had a bad edit tonight you know,Mccrae might break up soon with Amanda you know.Simon and dawg you have such a great site you know,I come to this site a lot because I need my updates you know.
I get how most of the people that go on this show do it for the fame, but do most of these people actually truly become famous outside of the reality sector?Amanda and Helen talk about a business they want to start up using their “fame” of Big Brother. Sure if they have a good service/product they may do well, but I hope people aren’t stupid enough to buy something from these 2 just because they are on the show.
This BB game has been over for a while. So now Amanda approaches Helen with the idea of getting out Judd. Ok Judd, you didn’t want to get Amanda out; However she doesn’t seem to have the same reservations about evicting you. How ironic would that be, Amanda gets rid of you vice Judd getting rid of Amanda.
Candice was right McCrae does want to end the relationship with Amanda. But McCRae keeps with the pretense that they are in love. McCrae just proposed to Amanda two weeks ago and he already has second thoughts. I wonder what will tip Amanda off that McCrae is not longer in love with her. Could it be when Amanda tries to set a date for their BB marriage, or will it be when Amanda approaches CBS with a wedding date and CBS says no thanks.
BB keeps featuring Amanda. BB must think Amanda represents the essence of what they want in a BB player. Lets review Amanda’s advantageous qualities, she is a bully, insensitive, man-eater, vulgar, and obnoxious. And that was a list of her good qualities. We won’t discuss her negative qualities, I want to leave on a positive note regarding Amanda.
Did not know you could put the words good qualities and Amanda in the same sentence?
Amanda has a sense that the honeymoon is already done — she was jealous of Jessie for a reason. Jessie was interested in Mc and Mc did say that Jessie was the type of gal he’d like. I could see Mc working with Jessie if Amanda gets booted.
Helen & Amanda should really boot Spencer. He is truly bad for their game. Sadly, Helen is thinking she has to stay true to her promises to Aaryn & GM, but she could have swayed them (or swayed Aaryn, at least).
I am waiting for the McCrae/jJessie hook up too! Let’s all watch Amanda go thermonuclear pissed in the jury house.
There is basically one reason The Red Queen is pushing so hard now to get rid of Judd, despite the fact he purportedly is in an alliance with them. The Red Queen is convinced (in her mind) that it is Judd who has the MVP for the last couple of weeks and he is continually putting her on the block. We heard The Red Queen say in the Diary Room that America “couldn’t possibly” want her to be on the block. Sure. Anyone The Red Queen perceives as a threat to her (and she’s become very paranoid now) must go. She continually viewed Howard as an enemy and threat because he wanted to get her out of the house; Jeremy as an enemy and Kaitlin as an enemy (although Kaitlin was targeted primarily because of her “relationship” with Jeremy). She made certain these people were nominated and pushed out of the house. With the exception of Howard, all were (or had the potential to be) strong players. The Red Queen doesn’t want any strong players in the house unless she has them under her thumb and can control them, e.g., Helen. I think she was ambivalent about whether or not Candice stayed; but that exchange during the POV competition sealed Candice’s fate. She realized that Candice would never swear allegiance to her and, if Candice was ever lucky enough to win HOH, The Red Queen would become her target.
Back to Judd: He’s very crafty and it’s difficult to predict where his loyalty lies. I think Judd’s ultimate end game is to have an all male house at the finale. He wants to provoke the women so they’ll go against each other and be voted out of the house.
Darn if there is no big brother 16 I would have to apply to be on survivor 🙁
As long as Jessie and Elissa do not get evicted during double eviction I will be fine.
Exactly. At this time Jessie and Elissa are the only ones I am rooting for. I hope one of them wins HOH and sends Amanda home. They can if they put her on the block with MC. I think “the house” (yikes) would rather lose Amanda than MC. But if the house still fears Amanda and don’t want to send her home, I really hope that Amanda sends Judd packing.
Judd refused to send Amanda home. How ironical would it be for Amanda to send him home on the same date that he vehemently refused to send her home and frustrated Elissa and Jessie’s and America’s effort to boot Amanda?
Wishing them success. Brace yourself, expect anything. These folks do not have the personality to STAND UP & PLAY THE GAME, MINUS THE RACIST ELEMENT!! These folks are adults not teenagers.
Amanda is getting a “good edit”. She got the villainous edit. AG knows she is not America’s sweetheart this year like she may have wanted her to be. So now she is the person we all love to hate giving her the opportunity to bring her back in future seasons. Like look at all of us on the site. Brought together to hate one individual. Rather than rooting for a favorite this year we are drawn to despise a person hoping each week she gets booted. It has us on the edge of our seat. I consider her like Russell Hantz. Manipulating and bullying causing her to be polarizing. Some just hate her. And some love to hate her.
Helen, you are now talking out of both sides of your mouth. What sense does it make to target the guys, if you are talking about evicting two of the girls. So essentially you have Spencer on the block and you want to evict Candice. Then you tell Spencer that next you want to evict Jessie. This will just leave you, Elissa, Amanda, Aaryn and Gina Marie to take on Andy, Spencer, Judd and McCrae (which you expect Amanda to be on board to evict). Hmmmm, talk about idiotic and lacking vision.
Helen: You know, I’m working hard to get Amanda that 500k, OK, I don’t want to win the game, you know.
i wish helen had the eight oclock curfew for the whole season. gosh STFU HELEN.
elissa is playing a great game-just doesnt get sucked into the drama. crapmanda and blandice-not so much.
Actually, I think McCrae has played a brilliant game so far. Aligning with Amanda took him far into the game, and it appears he will not hesitate to cut her loose to advance his own game. I bet he makes a Final Four deal with Judd, Aaryn and Helen very soon.
Also, he seems to be liked by most of the other HGs, which works in his favor if he makes Final Two.
I really don’t think Candice knew the first thing (socially or physically) about how to play this game from the beginning. She was doomed from the start because of that reason and not her ethnicity. Period. She glommed onto someone finally after a couple of weeks who could bear to hang out with her (‘Howie) and he got some action as a bonus. After he left, she was back to not knowing the first thing about making deals. Period.
I read the below on another site and wanted to share with you guys in case you missed this. This is the night that Nick was evicted n GM was going off (imagine GM saying this with her awesome Staten Island accent).
Aaryn: “Smart.”
Aaryn: “No, smart.”
Aaryn: “Thundercats.”
Aaryn: “Just forget it.”
Aaryn: “Protected.”
Aaryn: “Protected. Not detectives.”
Aaryn: “Oh my god.”
Aaryn: “Please stop.”
Aaryn: “Drive.”
Great work sir! This was quite funny!
I’m laughing so hard right now! Thank you so much for this.
THAT was great.. If you don’t already write, you should.
I wish I wrote that. Lol. It was written by Ben Mandelker from B-side blog.
How the hell did GM get through High School, fuck how did she make it outta grade school? That is a mystery, I’d like to see solved.
Maybe her former school district socially promotes students.
I thought the same thing. Some of the basic speaking skills are pretty much set in childhood and than expanded upon. It’s like someone dropped her off in a basket in a front of a bar or club and raised her there. I just think she’s the type that thinks she’s going to get by on looks and personality. Why learn and educate yourself when you have those?
Hey you, that was too funny! Dying here….can I borrow it?
Judd says he is worried if a big player goes up they will go home…..
That is what you are supposed to do!!!! What is wrong with all of you???? You put up and vote out the strong players when you get the chance!!!! Seriously!!!!
If ANY of the HG’s played poker or had ANY skills at reading people, the would realize Helen has a major tell…her “you knows” and “ok’s” dramatically increase when she is lying, scheming, and/or trying to cover her tracks. I’ve said it before, and she proves me right every single day…Helen is a slightly smarter Shelly the Straightshooter.
…also, I wish they wouldn’t announce when they had made it to jury this year so Helen’s smug goodbye messages about ‘having a heavy hand’ in everyone’s evictions would bite her in the a$$ at least a few times. Once the get to jury she’ll pour on the fake I love you talk (which every jury member will look back at after the show and hate her for it). For someone constantly bragging about being a mom, she sure is setting a hell of an example for her kids.
That would be awesome! Or at least wait 2 or 3 weeks then let Julie tell them oh by the way jury started 3 weeks ago. If only…
I think it would be nice if there was no jury and America gets the final vote.
I was thinking this earlier today! The more she lies, the more the “you know” vomit comes out.
Helen also has a nose twitch when she is listening to something she disagrees with but refraining from saying so.
I know you have posted this before, but what is the site to watch big brother online? Football will be on instead of BB ):
someone needs to make a big move tomorrow wirh double eviction might help
when the votes have been cast julie will say the reset button is press candice u are safe … whoever is nominated will go to jury
Jesus Christ this house is not only disgusting, they are the most boring
and self indulgent dumb players ever.
Dear Helen, Amanda, Andy, GinaMarie Aaryn, Spencer, McCrae
you guys are so NOT awesome at all. America hates your effin guts, you
guys bore us with your Jr. High School shit talk & bullshit!
We declare you all to be the worst players and humans to ever
be on a reality show. Your reality show begins the minute you exit the Big
Brother house. Kthx
Wow, according to MC’s DR sessions (as edited), he IS getting tired of Demanda. That’s right, keep thinking this way, son! No way he’ll want her in the jury..if you’re gonna dump her, dump her now!
These DR sessions are taped when he is legitimately tired. They seem to call him when he is either sleeping or very sleepy. Lately they are not taping him when he is feisty. This leaves us with the read that he is contemplating stepping out of the partnership. He isn’t. Like the rest of the HG’s, he see’s it as to soon for big moves. He will stick with the plan for a couple of more weeks.
all i was saying go macre tell her off sshe thinks everybody like her all i got to say
women in order look good
1 jesse
6amanda or helen
7helen or amanda
who whould i choice over everybody is jesse who would i not choice is amanda ginamre helen elssia cause elssia marry thats why she breatiful
her husband have to be real lucky to have her i know i wish for a breatiful women like that one day
Name, these girls are not even worth ranking for beauty or character. Sounds like your kind of women.
jess is stunning
at times she reminds me of natalie portman
jess is beautiful in terms of looks, and whats on the inside, she has warmth and a good heart
‘The blacker the berry the sweeter the juice’, ‘Once you go black you never go back’.
FTR this was all out of her mouth at 8:26pm so I guess that’s OK.
Stupid bitch talking about dick sizes and how she had a white boyfriend who had a small one so she went back to black.
Girls got class yo. Miss Louisiana loves big co*ks. I think she gets a sash for that, right?
Jealous much??? Sounds like you have some experience in being rejected.
As TLC sings…
Hey, yeah – I wanna shoop, baby
[Oooo, how you doin’, baby?
No, not you
You, the bow-legged one, (ha-ha) yeah
What’s your name?
Damn, that sounds sexy]
Here I go, here I go, here I go again (again?)
Girls, what’s my weakness? (Men!)
Ok then, chillin’, chillin’, mindin’ my business (word)
Yo, Salt, I looked around, and I couldn’t believe this
I swear, I stared, my niece my witness
The brother had it goin’ on with somethin’ kinda…uh
Wicked, wicked (oooo) – had to kick it
I’m not shy so I asked for the digits
A ho? No, that don’t make me
See what I want slip slide to it swifty
Felt it in my hips so I dipped back to my bag of tricks
Then I flipped for a tip, make me wanna do tricks for him
Lick him like a lollipop should be licked
Came to my senses and I chilled for a bit
Don’t know how you do the voodoo that you do
So well it’s a spell, hell, makes me wanna shoop shoop shoop
Just FYI- That is not TLC, it is Salt~n~ Pepa
Jealous of….cankles, bug-eyes, fat ass, a diet that doesn’t include a vegetable or fruit (unless it’s fried), a voice that makes everybody clear the room, head-rolling, finger-snapping, ghettolicious jewelry? Yes, I am jealous of all that.
You must be the white ex-boyfriend, huh? Why else would you be offended by that?
Like many, it has been hard for me to find a favorite this season, but after tonight’s episode I like McCrae a whole lote more. His DR sessions were great and I like how he stands up to aMANda…
i think helen thinks she has the votes to evict poor candice!
i think helen has this “thing” about casting out all Y chromosomes…
i think helen will try to evict one of the guys in the D.O’s part 2!
Helen needs to go! As long as she is in this game NO one will play it. She really is playing a good but boring game. Helen = “The House”. “The House” convinces everyone who they want out based on Amanda’s wishes or whatever piece of crap Andy has leaked. Then they all mindlessly vote so they won’t go up the next week. Anyone that tries to have an independent thought is nuts if she can’t convince them to get back in the herd. If you are nuts, then of course you are ostracized because you must being and evil! “The House” is of course a super fan so she must really know what she is taking about. I have watched for many years and have seen HGs that definitely didn’t like each other but I don’t remember a group that hasn’t hung out, played pool, and socialized most of the time. Most of these people have the mentality of high school students. I did really dislike Aaryn’s behavior and still believe she has lived in a bubble with only those “like her” but I think that bubble has been popped for her when she returns to the real world. Ginamarie – well she needs help and needed it long before coming here. They better provide it since they bait her with Nick pictures. Amanda doesn’t see her actions as bullying. I wonder how her ex employers, co-workers, friends, and siblings would describe her. She obviously is someone that gets their way in life. Adderall is taken for ADHD. She possibly has ODD as well so of course she has gone through life getting her way because its just not worth it to go through the hassle when you live with or have been raised with someone with that. I do LOVE BB. Even though I can’t believe I watch it and read the feeds, it is my summer guilty pleasure. This year I still try to enjoy it, but it’s really hard since I have to be in high school all year – I hoped to see some grown up strategy as someone’s life was changed by winning $500,000.
Amanda’s edit may have been one of the worst I have ever seen especially in recent memory.
It was also extremely accurate and on point….
Jeez I cannot get over how bad she came off… it was borderline “put that bitch away”
I was happy dancing my way through tonight’s episode. Amanda’s edit was long overdue. Loved McCrae’s DRs and when she asked do I do anything things that people don’t like…everyone was silent listening to pins drop! Amazing. I’m rooting for Jessie at this point, her self-esteem issues are not nearly as bad as Amanda, Aaryn and GMs, she had the balls to stand up for herself without resorting to personal attacks. Slow ‘n steady wins the race.
Jessie has a good read on a lot of the HG’s, but she lays her cards out to everyone. And she trusts Andy way to much. Calling people out in front of other people is what is making her a target. What is fun about Jessie is the fight she has within her.
“Amanda is wondering if they are going to get more alcohol. Spencer says Helen already asked they told her no chance in hell.”
I think they have Spencer to blame for that response from Production. See what happens when you drink and say highly inappropriate jokes. Production is probably being manhandled by CBS upper management over these insensitive morons….
After tomorrow, I’d prefer to watch live feeds in the jury house.
I’m really hoping this double eviction Thursday shakes things up enough to…
Draw the lines and have a straight up battle of two sides with a few HG’s making game-changing deals!
I really hope they remove the MVP this week and maybe bring someone back to just to rattle the house…
Have a good twist or a power lined up for the fans… maybe a new trick up productions sleeve FOR US!
And maybe a few HG’s getting stabbed right in the back by their closest allies…
That would sure send the jury house into an uproar every week!
There was a time that they let America vote someone back in… but I think the person was isolated so they couldn’t give away game strategy of other players. I think that happened??? Might have been a dream… wish someone they screwed would come back for some good old fashioned revenge. They usually got evicted again right away anyhow.
I actually like Amanda. In general to me she is one of the better players. Ok her strategy can be a little defensive but she has one. Amanda and Helen have the same strategy but diff sides of a coin. Amanda is all bull in a china shop do it or your my next target. She frank but honest. She is going to gun for someone that crosses her and she kinda has to. It’s the name of the game. Kill or be killed. Shoot first ask questions later. It is cut throat which is why we all love it. Now Helen plays the same game but she is all nurturing to thier faces but she’s doing the same thing. Which is why the two are running the same path for the moment. That will change and the smarter one will prevail.
Do you guys think production is not giving them alcohol often because they are already a bunch of crass, bigoted, vile people and if given “truth serum” it would get uglier than it already is? I can’t recall another season that had to beg so much for booze. It’s my feeling they are afraid of an alcohol infused blow-up an that’s why they are being so stingy with the sauce.
Could also be the fact that so many of them are on benzo meds which should not be mixed with alcohol so they’re simply covering their arses. Speaking of meds, isn’t it counter-productive for JUDD to be taking Adderall (an amphetamine/upper) with Lorazepam (anti-anxiety/downer)??? I take benzos for anxiety and would never take an upper as it would make me jittery and anxious.
Sorry for the rambling, I should go take my meds… this season has me riled up 😉
Andy enters…
You know, I love Simon & Dawg, I visit the site all throughout the day and can’t fathom having to sit through the feeds the way you do, you know, ok, ok, you guys are awesome!!! Are you Canadian?
Thanks! yes we are
Whereabouts? I’m a Toronto girl!!!
Did you, or will you, try out for BB Canada?
I’m too old (38) and couldn’t handle the public scrutiny, but would love to see real fans/gamers cast.
I believe the fact of little to no booze is because of the heavy meds these folks seem to need. I also don’t recall a season like this with no real fun times between houseguests. Just hate, bigotry, bathroom humor, dozing…. not fun to watch at all! Yes, hats off to Simon and Dawg for a job well done again this year.
Simon, yes your great! or ? yes you’re Canadian? Born in West End of Vancouver B.C but raised since two in U.S….ha, ha…married a Canadian boy though.
I am wishing really hard that McCrae has had enough of Amanda and her antics and orchestrates backdooring Amanda for the second eviction. There are a lot of people who don’t like her but are afraid to make a big move but if orchestrated by McCrae, they would gladly vote to evict Amanda. Fingers are crossed!!!!
That would finally be must see t.v!!!
Attention students…. aaryn was pissed offf this episode well heck id be pissed off to if i was on the block but aaryn storming out im like laughing my butt off hahahahahaha that was the best part of the episode wasnt it your favorite part simon?? She is jusr freaking funny sometimes:)))))) now i just want aaryn to win this double eviction hoh so she can be safe. I have a question on double evictions when you your crown the hoh and nominate the same night are you the hoh for the whole wee week?? I seen bb before but cant remember for whole week as double eviction. Woooooohooooooo gooooo aaryn win this hoh:))
Please send Elissa the botox queen home. She sucks.
Please, Oh, Please Candice don’t go to the Jury House, CBS has allowed you to be ridiculed, humiliated and disrespected. And yes, she did not play the game very well, but she did have some distractions, mentally. I wish you well, Candice, that day is finally here. No more drama in your life.
but they will find away to bring up as they still do for Howard.
Poor GM, she so sweet, kind and gentle, then I woke up…This piece of $hit, has to deal with Nick’s rejection, racist wannabee, and borderline crazy. There is not a single man, with any good sense, will marry this girl. People talk about how black people behave, now look, we have Ms. Staten Island being loud, obnoxious, rude, vulgar and completely loony. Need a camera to follow Aaryn, Amanda, Helen and GM after this is all done, now i’d pay to watch live feeds on post-show contestants.
Yeah Canadians 🙂 Just me or did the BB house look more like the BB Canada house this year.. ( Which wasn’t that great 🙁 )
ya, BBUS completely ripped off the BBCAN FOTH (front of house, not fish).
You notice that all of them are drinking the kool aid. Amanda is a huge target, and people are keeping that target in the house for fear of realignment of alliances and being left out in the aftermath, because anyone could be left out. Jessie is hurting bad for her power move, which all she had to do was wait. Wait. That’s all. The show is not rigged. These people all have open minds to vote. But Amanda and Helen with Andy as a lieutenant are the definition of manipulation. Anything can happen though. Keep tabs on those you suspect and make sure you cut the throat of the one who is openly going after you. And watch for the one that secretly benefits from your demise. Like all dictatorships. Whoever wins deserves it. But the cast and season goes down as awful. Awful. Say Andy wins the whole thing….he deserves it. He benefits from being the way he was. Same as Helen. Same as Amanda, aaryn. Everyone. We need better casting next time. Make it all stars. Or all-star runner ups. Fuck man………..I’m drunk from okays and you knows. And Andy.
Omg now talking about disabilities and how unfair it is someone takes mess they need!!!!!!! This season has it all and I am thoroughly disgusted with them all!!! Elissa, Helen and Amanda need to go!
I was thinking the same thing – obviously none of them understand ADD/ADHD & which kind of meds work best. etc. A person that truly has ADHD takes it not to have the advantage but to bring them up to a level of attention that most people enjoy. You can bad mouth Adderall all you want & say there are other meds out there. Yes, there are but it all comes down to what works for you & also what you can afford. A lot of the newer meds come with a $60 copay. Unfortunately, back when I had a job with insurance I still couldn’t afford the time release or other not as addicting meds. The non-stimulant meds didn’t work for me so I was stuck with Adderall.
I didn’t appreciate Elissa trying to compare it with heroin. Anything to bitch about I guess.
And to the person who questioned Judd’s need to the Ativan – it’s a tricky game finding the right dose of a stimulant to get you thru the day. If you take it too late then you’re up all night, hence the Ativan.
Think about how hard it is to be on your normal schedule of meds & come into the house where you’re up & down all day/night. So they need to try to figure out the best time to take their meds. Adderall usually takes about 20-30 min to kick in & depending on the dosage you take it lasts 4 hours or so then you crash & get tired. The key is to take another dose before the crash if you still need to function.
Elissa was referring to them having similar chemical lineages.
Elissa is making sense, it’s total BS that they can take performance enhancer(Adderall).
They don’t need it at all, but soon as a completion is around they double up on it.
A competition that requires you to focus, and your allowed to take a drug that enhances your focus? Isn’t that an unfair advantage?
It’s like CBS is saying it’s OK.
Now every person who tries out for the show, is going to claim they need Adderall
Part of what I said above:
Think about how hard it is to be on your normal schedule of meds & come into the house where you’re up & down all day/night. So they need to try to figure out the best time to take their meds. Adderall usually takes about 20-30 min to kick in & depending on the dosage you take it lasts 4 hours or so then you crash & get tired. The key is to take another dose before the crash if you still need to function. They may be doubling up to try & extend it’s effectiveness.
People with ADHD/ADD take it not to be a performance enhancer but to bring them up to a level of attention everyone else enjoys. It’s even more of a challenge to work around when you need to take so you aren’t taking it 24 hours a day.
So it’s just an enhancer if you don’t have ADHD/ADD?
Mc did YOU KNOW The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the male’s head off.
GM did YOU KNOW A cockroach will live 9 days without its head before it starves to death.
Candace did YOU KNOW Starfish don’t have brains. (I know some people like this, too.)
Helen did YOU KNOW Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are already married.
GM did YOU KNOW The sentence “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog,” uses every letter in the alphabet.
Spencer did YOU KNOW Clans of long ago that wanted to get rid of their unwanted people without killing them used to burn their houses down-hence the expression “to get fired.”
Judd did YOU KNOW The first owner of the Marlboro Company died of lung cancer
Aaryn did YOU KNOW An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain. (I know some people like that.)
You know, I didn’t know any of that!
so sick of the Amanda and Helen show. Why are they all kissing up forever and a day? Wow.
Clearly Amanda YUCKerman and Hellen have a final four deal bringing each others side kick, Andy in the 5 spot . The plan is to get out Candy land and Jessie first, then Spencer/ Judd, followed by GM and Paula Dean’s granddaughter. If jessie or Spencer win the next HOH there will be a shake up, other than that. It’s status quo.
final 3 prediction: helen. elissa, jessie or andy
Don’t forget the many times Helen says okay will make you drunk if you are playing the drinking game
every time Blandice says ‘boo’ you take a shot. God I hate that stupid word.