“left hand is the more dominate to receiving energy – I feel it on my left hand when I get a hit”

POV: Scottie Next POV: July 21st
POV Used NO POV Ceremony July 23rd
HOH: Scottie Next HOH: July 19th
Noms: Brett & Winston Have Nots Angela, Sam, Tyler, Brett

Big Brother Spoilers Still smelling like Winston leaving.

10:22am a Bro and Tyler
Brett says Scottie came up to him and said “So I found out about week one people were voting to keep same because she had a power and threatened to flip the vote”
Tyler says he told Kaitlyn to flip I said if you don’t vote for Sam you go up, “that’s one of the ways I got her to flip”
Tyler says Sam told Kaitlyn the specifics and now Kaitlyn is telling everyone, “everyone thought you had the power week one.. ”
Tyler – Sam told me yesterday Kaitlyn told everyone
Brett – I think she’s just covering her own a$$.. moving forward she thinks she’s the target.
Brett wonders why Sam won’t use the power if it’s the last week.
Tyler says he needs to talk to Same. He suspects Sam’s scared because Kialtyn’s gone around the house and told everyone.
Brett – right now it saves numbers of the people who kept you here
Tyler – I know .. I’m going to talk to her today then I will talk to you
Tyler says Scottie is scared as F&** that the bros are going to stay and go against him
Brett – he should be .. we gotta try get Sam to use it because if she does that will be HUGE..
Tyler says Sam is still voting for him to stay.
Brett – dude we need the numbers
Tyler – I know .. right now it’s 6

11:45am CAm 3-4 meditation in the HOH

11:45am CAm 1-2 Rachel rubbing Brett’s butth***? (close enough)
12:04pm Rachel is actually using the climbing wall

12:15pm Scottie and Kaitlyn HOH
Scottie says his left hand feels funny.. “it’s beyond numb and my right hand is completely normal”
Kaitlyn – your left hand is the more dominate to receiving energy.. I’ve been told that so many times when doing guided mediation with someone or something..

Kaitlyn – is means you received it well You are intuitive you are acknowledging it.. If you were completely closed off you wouldn’t feel a thing
Scottie – when you touch my thumb it’s beyond pins and needles
K – I’m sorry .. don’t worry it’ll come back.. just put it down
Scottie – if I put it down will it close it off to energy..
Kaitlyn- it comes back.. you are coming out of the state you are OK.. I do this every day
Scottie – your hand gets like that every day
K – yeah .. especially when I get the hits.. I feel it on my left hand when I get a hit.. when I feel like I can’t share it this is how I release the energy ..
Scottie – the only thing that concerns me is that meeting between Sam and Brett.. it was after I won Veto because Sam was worried I would put her up as a replacement.. no clue why
Scottie when did you tell Tyler about it after me
KAiltyn – I told him after I told you.. he didn’t seem surprised. maybe he was just speculating
Scottie says he told Tyler and he seems super surpsied
Kaitlyn says she talked to Tyler after Scottie because he didn’t seem super surprised ..
Kailtyn – maybe that’s how he knows you told him
Scottie – OK
Kaitlyn about Sam – she’s going to float her way to the end..
S – that seems to be the plan..
Scottie says the day Sam got the power america would be aware she got a punishment but they wouldn’t have seen it so why is she trending.
Kaitlyn thinks that’s Sam does understands the game and is playing them.
Kaitlyn says she’s pissed asks casting why they would cast someone that knows the game.. Feeds cut.. (PSSSSTT energy source.. Tyler and Scottie? )

Kaitlyn – what are your thoughts on JC
Scottie thinks JC is looking after himself and now that he has the power he’ll safe it for himself. Scottie thinks JC wants to float to Jutry then team up with Fes or something.
Kaitlyn doesn’t thin Fes will do it
K – I think the best thing for Fes is Swaggy went home
Scottie says Fes lost Swaggy and he lost Steve so they came together.
Scottie says him and Fes are similar.. how they communicate and how they are playing the game.
K – I really wonder who is going to make it to Jury
Scottie says everyone here minus one person and Brett/Winston

K asks if RS wins HOH she’ll put up Angela and Winston but she won’t want Winston to do home.. She wants to f* with Winston and put him on the block week after week.
Scottie doesn’t see RS putting Rachel up.
Scottie – I think Rachel threw that Veto.. She didn’t want to be in a position where she had to make a move
Kailtyn says she thinks HOH will go to Tyler, Herself or Fes she doesn’t think Angela will try and win the HOH.. feeds cut because of rockstar.

12:39 RockStar is stuck on the climbing wall
They cut the feeds as they pull out the scissor lift to healp Rockpile out.

12:20pm Rockstar and Sam
RS – I found out who has one of the powers.. JC
Sam – for sure
RS – no i’m sure
sam – how you find out
RS – I was f*ing around and I was like JC you are going to use your power this week and he was like no I’m not using my power.. he was half a sleep
Rockstop is convinced that JC has the power.
Sam tells her that her power is over this week.

Sam says she wishes the power didn’t even exist she’s not using it.
Rockstar says she didn’t know Sam had a power..
Sam – I could have come in here and told everyone to f*** off and could have been a total jerk but I didn’t
Sam says she didn’t even want to use it, she doesn’t want and it’s just expiring naturally. (LOL she’s worried about them using the power to flip Kaitlyn will come out and she’ll be a target with ol blue eyes)

1:36pm Rockstar was able to get down on her own.. Tyler and Kaycee playing some Foozball While a common bro climbs the wall.

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49 thoughts to ““left hand is the more dominate to receiving energy – I feel it on my left hand when I get a hit””

    1. I think she was meaning like masterminds cast with people that don’t know it. The feeds cut right near the end so I missed a fraction of it.

  1. I actually enjoyed watching Rockstar on the wall. Getting stuck and seeing her fear proved she is human. I also loved how all the other HGs were cheering her on and supporting her efforts. I was proud of her for that accomplishment.

    1. I upvoted you just because people being decent to other people should always be a positive thing. I’ll laugh at Angie stuck on the wall over here though…

      1. I’ll admit that I laughed, too….at first. But seeing that fear on her face reminded me that she’s human and full of flaws, just like me. She was terrified and I felt her struggle. I’ve felt that before, too (in different situations when self-doubt was controlling me).

  2. No scottie. Afer bro eviction (if sam doesent use the power.. i belive tyler may try with her and the bros gonna start) its 2 ecictions more till jury.

    And sam power will happend next week if she doesent use it so everyone will know the details of it.. i dont get her plan.. she cant stop it from being used

    1. Yes, but it seems she’s planning on selling the whole it wasn’t me thing, telling the next HoH herself and alone, or telling the house her power is going to be used no matter what after the eviction/HoH.

    2. If she’s planning to not use it (let’s see what Tyler does…), her plan is likely to just play dumb. Sam has literally told everybody her strategy is to not have a strategy, so she figures she can just say she didn’t know or was confused.

      And that’s Tyler’s best argument since she confided in him. If Sam doesn’t save a bro, who is in the majority…the majority that saved her…then they’ll find out next week she should have since it’s now played out of her control. Tyler can say imagine if Brett is gone and she could have helped, then next week RS is evicted only to stay. Now Sam is potentially seen as a target at worst or at best a partner that can’t be trusted or relied on by the very people who voted to keep her.

    3. Net week Bayleigh uses her power to nominate 2 people and then Sam’s power will over ride Bayleighs

  3. Looks like “Box o Rocks” is gonna do great in an endurance comp! /snark

    Hope Tyler wins HOH. Steve & “Box o Rocks” gotta go. Even with the Sam app in play, I don’t think either of them could win a comp to get back in.

    It would be great if Sam used her app on Brett & he came back in! The look on Scottie’s face would be priceless!

    1. Well….she got stuck on the climbing wall. Maybe she’ll get stuck on the endurance wall! Might be her best chance of winning. LOL

    1. I was thinking the same thing, hey dumb ass healing crystals hippie girl, don’t tell the dude it his aura dominant hand, tell that hyper rooster he may be having a grabber!

  4. Bayleigh, Rockstar, and Kaitlyn are convinced that Winston is older than he says. They think he is 35 because he has a “dad bod” and takes awhile to recover from physical activity. Rockstar says he has no recollection of the 90s (music, especially), but knows the words to all the songs she knows. LOL

    His CBS bio says he is 28.

  5. I think it’s smart of Sam to keep her power in case she needs it next week. I think it sucks though that it has to be used.
    However if she doesn’t use it this Thursday I won’t feel any excited or anxiety about next week. It will be boring for BB. So I hope she does use it! Come on Brett, Winston, and Tyler. Sway that Sam!

    1. No way she is a target next week .
      If the Bros stays they go back on the block or their side gonna get rockstar/fessy/scottie out. Maby kaitlin
      Never sam. Even if they pissed she used that they target the bros before her

      1. I think she could be the biggest target next week…if she doesn’t use her power to save a Bro this week. Say Winston goes home and Brett finds out that she could have saved him. If he wins HOH he won’t hesitate to put Sam up. If she doesn’t use the power and no one figures out how it really works, it will all come out at the next eviction. Her going up is a possibility that week too. The best bet is to use it this week so she has control over it.

    2. Respectfully disagree. It’s almost certainly going to be an endurance comp this week and that gives Level 6 the advantage. She’s the bottom rung on either ladder right now. If she uses power, she boosts her status in Level 6. She’ll be picked off as a floater, time to pick the side that saved her in first place, pay it back and move up from cannon fodder status.

    3. And all i hope this week is for the power to be used im dying for sam convos with tyler or the bros and its not happening!! Come on!!!

      But .if not. Next week we can still hope to see rockstar get a chance to come back and fail! Will be the funniest thing ever since topaz vote in bbcan finaly.

        1. Even though he’s aligned with the bros he knows they need to go at some point and he doesn’t want to be the one to take them out. Tyler isn’t fully dependant on level 6. He has a power and decent relationships on the other side (atleast according to him)

          1. Thank you Anon I guess I was convinced his true allegiance was with level 6 and it was his strategy to stay close to the other side for information. I really want Bret to stay:(

          2. Well at some point he has to align himself with people and stick to it…he’s crazy to keep telling Kaitlyn anything.

  6. I love reading everyone’s opinions on whether Sam should use the power this week or not. Each opinion has merit. I’m so torn on what I feel about it. I’m just concerned if Tyler or Sam gets put on the block next week. I think both could win the comp coming back. Then I want her to save it. Then I feel their chances of winning HOH are good and no worries. So go ahead and save a bro and she’s solid with the numbers. But then. You have bayleighs power. If Bayleigh gets herself on the block and uses her power next week Sams power could be needed then. So there are just too many variables with these powers in play. I’m going to stick with her not using it this week and hope for the best. And my mom always said if you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all. So I won’t comment on the Rockwall situation. Except that I am glad no one was hurt and it was nice everyone put game down and supported her

    1. I think Bayliegh is keeping that power for herself, she hasn’t told anyone and it is good right up to jury.

  7. Hi Simon!
    I’m curious: you wrote “Still smelling like Winston leaving.”
    May I ask why you think that? Did I miss a statement from Tyler or JC that they’d vote for Brett to stay?
    My understanding was that only Angela, Rachel and Kaycee want to keep Brett. Plus probably Sam. (though not enough to use her power)
    Tyler and JC want Brett gone (“bigger threat, seize the opportunity…”) and are waiting until the last moment to tell Angela/Kaycee/Rachel because they don’t even want to have the debate about who should stay.
    I’d love to have missed something though, I’d rather Brett stayed…

    1. I think JC, Sam, Tyler are voting Brett to stay. the most recent post has Tyler talking to JC/Kaycee.

      Sam is the one I’m not sure about. She’s grumpy today so not many conversations with her.

    2. It makes sense for level 6 members to want brett to stay over winston. He can win comps and target the other side. Winston is only a number for them

      1. I absolutely agree, it makes sense for Level 6 to keep Brett. I guess we’ll find out if Tyler is a real Level 6 member, or if he’s still “riding the middle”. He’s told several people that he’d vote however Kaitlyn wants him to. (insert eyeroll) If he doesn’t, Scottie and Kaitlyn will be unhappy with him.
        And JC isn’t “in” Level 6 and also quite close to Faysal.
        I hope Brett stays, but I fear things might turn sour… From talks between Tyler and JC from a few days ago, I took it that they’d both like to get Brett out over Winston, but just don’t want to talk about it until later, and will try to wait for the right time to tell L6 that’s what they’ll do. Also possible that Tyler was just saying “yes” to whatever JC was saying without meaning it…
        I’m curious to see what happens!

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